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A platform for affiliate marketing. How to promote affiliate links

We talked about how to choose an affiliate program and get the first profit. The material will also be useful to you - after reading it, you will understand how partners choose a PP, what nuances they pay attention to, who they trust.

Method 1: Post information on the site

If you have a website, place information about the affiliate program on it. Create a separate page with its description: tell how much and for what you will pay partners, explain the payment procedure, indicate other necessary information. Create separate personal accounts for partners so that they can register, be sure to leave a link for registration.

For example, information about affiliate programs is posted on websites:

Note: in each example, the creators of the PP describe in detail the features of the program, show the amount of earnings, talk about the benefits of working with them. And links to the PPs themselves are placed on the main page of the site.

Most often, links to a page with a description of an affiliate program or registration in it are placed in the footer, on the main and secondary pages. It is important that the section with the PP is one click away from the main one, otherwise potential partners may simply not find it. And if you just launched the program, you need to attract the maximum number of participants.

Life hack: the more you attract the attention of users to the PP, the more likely you are to get active partners. For example, you can inform readers about the launch of the program in a pop-up window or site header. If you place a link to a page in the footer, few people will notice it: the experience of webmasters proves that users pay more attention to the center and top of the page, and almost no attention is paid to the bottom of the page. For example, read about this in an interview with Netology with Yevgeny Kotyak, a teacher at BSU, and Denis Narizhny, the author of the AskUsers service.

Method 2: Add an affiliate to the CPA network

CPA network is an intermediary service between advertisers and webmasters. Advertisers add their affiliate programs to the catalog, and webmasters connect with them and start promoting the products you sell. The CPA network provides a convenient cooperation model, detailed analytics, and deals with payments. Promotion of affiliate programs in such services is convenient, because you are provided with comprehensive support, and webmasters will connect to the affiliate program themselves - there will be no need to advertise anything.

Here are some examples of CPA networks:

The most popular CPA network in RuNet is Admitad. As stated on the main page, it has over 1,600 advertisers and 760,000 webmasters registered.

To add your PP to the catalog, you need to register in the service as an advertiser and conclude an agreement with it. Support will help to cope with technical nuances.

Method 3: Post information on social networks

Tell subscribers on social networks about the launch of an affiliate program. You can immediately tell in the post about the main conditions - the amount of remuneration, the frequency of payments, the promotion product. By the way, this is another idea for the content plan: later it will be possible to publish news about the PP, partner cases, recommendations for them.

To increase your reach, publish a post not only in your community, but also on other pages. For example, in communities with an open wall or in those in which news can be offered. This will help attract more partners.

Method 4: Run ads

Pay for the promotion of an affiliate program - launch contextual, teaser, banner or other types of advertising. Mention the main advantage of your affiliate in the ad to attract more partners, and set up the campaign wisely.

For example, in teaser and banner ads, select sites where the target audience lives - webmaster forums, additional sites of CPA networks. Set up targeted advertising on social networks by selecting users by interests. Or launch contextual ads that will be shown for relevant queries, for example:

  • "partnership programs";
  • "affiliate programs for earnings";
  • Internet affiliate programs.

Method 5: Start a newsletter

If you have an email customer base, start a mailing list with information about a new affiliate program. In the letter, briefly explain what it is and show how your customers can make money selling products. This is necessary because clients are not your target audience: most of them are not familiar with traffic arbitration. Therefore, they need to clearly explain that you offer an additional way to earn money. You can give a link in a letter to a page with a description of the PP, and then send materials in the mailing list with recommendations for promoting referral links.

To prevent the letter from going to spam:

  • Do not use spammy words in the title - "guarantee", "super profit", "only today".
  • Write clearly and to the point: tell that you have launched a PP and invite the recipient to become a partner.
  • If you can, type up a letter with a beautiful design - mail services "trust" such letters more.

Method 6: Write a guest post

A guest post is material that is published on other sites. You write an article and post it on a site where your target audience is. Users read the article, follow the link to the affiliate program and register in it.

You can write a guest post with news about the launch of the PP, with an overview of the affiliate program, or create content in a different format. You can post guest posts:

  • On sites in your niche - for example, on blogs of marketing agencies, if you launched a software for an SEO studio.
  • On sites that publish reviews of affiliate programs, their owners will be happy to post material for free.
  • In the blogs of CPA networks that are just starting to develop, they are usually happy with free content.

Method 7: Enter a multi-level referral system

A multi-level referral system is one of the easiest ways to promote affiliate programs. It works if you already have partners. Just offer them to get rewarded not only for selling products, but also for attracting new members. Usually, partners who have attracted referrals are paid a commission on the income of those who are lower in the structure.

Greetings, readers of my blog! Today, there are many ways to make money on the Internet. Now I will not list all kinds of ways to earn money through the Internet. Today I want to stop on affiliate programs. First, let's look at what affiliate programs are.

Partnership programs- this is a form of business cooperation between the seller and partners, when selling any product or providing services.

My first money earned on the Internet was through partnership programs. Below you can see screenshots of payments of my affiliate programs. It was a long time ago, back in 2010))).

I don’t remember exactly, but I think I invested more than I earned)). But the experience has come. I promoted affiliate programs exclusively through contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. I remember I bought a course on contextual advertising (the course was not very good, at least not for beginners, that's for sure, although it said the opposite), but oh well.

I was a total newbie at the time and didn't know what else there was. ways to promote affiliate programs, gradually I began to go to other ways, such as teaser advertising, banners ... But, they were all paid.

And in the end from lack of knowledge I abandoned this type of income, deciding that it was very expensive for me. I thought that in order to make money on affiliate programs, (make good money) you first need to invest a lot of money, but at that time I simply didn’t have them.

But time passes and everything changes. Now my business is online let me also earn extra money on affiliate programs, and absolutely free of charge and practically without my participation. Agree, nice go to your email inbox and see a letter stating that you made a sale.

I will be happy to share with you the methods that I use, and which allow you to make affiliate sales on autopilot.

1. Blog. Do not be lazy, and create a tab on your blog: “I recommend”. If your blog visitors trust you, you write interesting things, share useful content, people will buy products based on your recommendation.

Only share those affiliate programs in which you are completely confident, and even better, that you study them yourself. And of course affiliate programs should be close to your blog topic.

2. Banners for the blog. Also a good option, just don't overdo it. It is not necessary to make a selling store of various courses out of your blog.

3. Blog article. You write an article and so, by the way, unobtrusively offer to purchase an affiliate product.

4. Comments on other people's blogs. Find a blog on the topic of your affiliate program, write an interesting detailed comment. Naturally, the comment should be correctly written and divided into paragraphs. Site field. You put your affiliate link.

6. Confirmation page. After a person has subscribed to your mailing list, it is immediately recommended to direct him to a page where he is shown how to confirm the subscription. So on such a page you can also place an affiliate program.

Many beginners in the field of online advertising believe that it is quite easy to make good money from an affiliate program. Indeed, at first glance, such work does not imply anything complicated, however, in order to earn real money, you need to work very efficiently. For example, you need to constantly advertise affiliate links.

How to advertise affiliate links effectively?

You can effectively advertise affiliate links by attracting quality, targeted traffic. In turn, it is quite simple to determine quality traffic or not, because this indicator directly depends on the source from which it comes.

Quality traffic sources include:

  • Search engines;
  • Advertising networks;
  • Websites;
  • Newsletters.

At the same time, the main condition that determines whether the traffic will be targeted is whether the traffic matches the theme of the affiliate program.

As for the sources of low-quality traffic, they include:

  • teaser systems;
  • advertising brokers;
  • entertainment sites;
  • News sites.

Simply put, high-quality traffic implies the ghost of a target, interested audience, and not high-quality - third-party users. Effective affiliate link advertising just means attracting high-quality, targeted traffic.

Sources of free targeted traffic for effective advertising

7 secrets of teaser advertising

The most important free source of targeted traffic for owners of Internet resources is search engine optimization of the site.

Alternative sources of targeted traffic include:

  • Free classified ads.
  • Forums.
  • Publication of articles with affiliate links on third-party resources.

But when publishing articles on other sites, you should definitely take into account that the subject of a third-party resource must correspond to the direction of the affiliate program.

Where does paid targeted traffic come from?

The main source of paid targeted traffic is a system of contextual advertising. In addition, the role of sources of such traffic are:

  • Thematic mailings;
  • Websites;
  • Forums;
  • Blogs.

What do you need to know to effectively advertise an affiliate link?

In order to earn on affiliate programs good money, you need to correctly use contextual advertising systems and establish contacts with the owners of various thematic sites, mailing lists, forums in order to be able to negotiate the placement of your articles with links.

In addition, if you work with affiliate programs that involve pay-per-clicks, you need to be ready to stand up for the quality of traffic. After all, very often in such programs, advertisers resort to the procedure of contesting the quality of traffic, as a result of which the webmaster may lose real earnings.

In order to avoid such situations, you need to carefully study the terms of the partnership agreement and use only allowed traffic sources.

Effectively advertising your affiliate link is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Really earn on affiliate program allows exclusively directed, targeted traffic. One of the best sources of such traffic is contextual advertising systems.

These systems, when used correctly, allow you to quickly attract the target audience to click on an affiliate link.

There is hardly an Internet entrepreneur who would not know about, and the benefits associated with them. Having your own affiliate program, you can easily and successfully promote your product, make it popular. Thus, the “partner program” is able to significantly raise the reputation of an entrepreneur. But in addition to fame, the affiliate program allows you to earn significantly more money.

If you already have partners, do not stop - the more their number, the more profit you will receive.

It is the number of partners that determines the image of an Internet entrepreneur, as well as his profit. To participate in the affiliate program, there are simple requirements: the promoted product must be recognizable, and all information about it must be available to the end consumer. If the project works effectively, it is guaranteed to lead to an increase in brand awareness, as well as an increase in the number of sales.

At one stage or another in the development of their business, every Internet entrepreneur asks questions: “How can you quickly increase the number of affiliate program partners? How to attract participants for even more effective promotion of your product?.

The answer is simple: expand your affiliate program. To begin with, you should remember that there are a fairly large number of technologies for promoting affiliate programs, and if any method seemed ineffective to you, you should move on to the next one. There are both paid and free ways to increase the number of partners in your project.

Method number 1. Newsletters

The easiest way to promote your affiliate program. The essence of the method in the organization of newsletters. The message should contain information about the product, as well as about the program itself. It can be confidently stated that every Internet entrepreneur should have their own mailing list - this is the most affordable way to promote. You can convey the necessary information to your partner in a simple and understandable way. If a client receives a message with information about an affiliate program and the possibility of participating in it, it is likely that such an offer will interest him, and he will seriously think about participating in the project.

The fact that users have their own blogs or even websites can be a pleasant surprise for you. In this case, the client is more willing to agree to participate in the program, since the benefit for him becomes obvious. Moreover, such cooperation will be beneficial to both parties.

Method number 2. Advertising on the project itself

The presence on the site of not only data about the product itself, but also an offer to participate in an affiliate program, of course, will look very attractive to visitors. The place for placing links is not so important, and depends on the platform on which the resource was created.

Method number 3. Blogging

Information about participation in the affiliate program can be posted on your own blog or website. Place a bright banner with an offer to earn money on your site - not a single user will pass by such an advertisement. This method will easily attract new partners. Don't forget to include a link and a description of the affiliate program.

Method #4: Ad Networks

You can promote an affiliate program using.

This method has proven to be extremely effective. For example, when describing the advantages and features of affiliate programs in general, you can insert a link to your program. The article will be distributed on the Web, and your proposal must be responded to. Do not be too lazy to develop the text for the article, and you will see what the effect will be!

Method #5: Third-Party E-Mail and Push Mailings

Increasing the number of partners by mailing other users.

The Internet is full of people who can help you expand your affiliate network. You can agree with the authors on mail or push mailing on mutually beneficial terms. This method is much more effective than regular mailing, however, it will require some financial investments from you (depending on the conditions offered by the authors). Today, many owners of websites and blogs willingly agree to the development of affiliate programs. So, for a fee, the authors will post information about your "affiliate", as well as links to the program. Moreover, the terms of cooperation in each case may be different: it can be a short advertising note, and an impressive information article.

Method number 6. contextual advertising

Placing an ad about your affiliate program in the contextual advertising system can also be an effective promotion method.

This market is very developed today - there are a huge number of companies that are engaged in contextual advertising. Preference should be given to those sites that the profile is somehow connected with the promoted products - this way you are guaranteed to be able to attract more users. The downside is the high cost per click.

Method number 7. Paid reviews and other types of advertising from bloggers

Owners of commercial resources will always be happy to help you for a fee. Thus, your affiliate program will receive a large number of users from the target audience. The resource contains an informational article or any other materials that advertise your affiliate program and invite you to participate in it. By the way, we are also promoting affiliate programs on our sites, including this one, and on YouTube channels for earnings.

Method number 8. Multilevel referral system

Increase the effectiveness of promotion through the work of partners of the first level.

This method is also very effective, but it can only be used for an already “strengthened” affiliate program, which has at least two levels. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a member of the affiliate network who registers in the program receives a certain income for attracting new partners. The advantages of this technology are obvious: each participant becomes financially interested in attracting as many users as possible. The partner receives passive income, and the desire to increase it constantly forces him to advertise your project in every possible way - which, in turn, attracts new customers for you. The work of existing partners will be to post links to your "affiliate program", as well as informational materials.

So, the really working ones were listed above, whose effectiveness has already been proven by many entrepreneurs. Today on the Web there are a large number of ways to promote affiliate programs that help attract new partners. This article contains only the main ones. Of course, business is an environment of trial and error, and you can use any other methods that seem effective to you. Here are only really proven methods that you can apply right now. Try, work tirelessly, and the result will exceed your expectations!

The promotion of affiliate programs in our time is called "affiliate marketing". According to Wikipedia, "affiliate marketing is one of the Internet marketing tools." It can be defined as a method of promoting and promoting a business on the Web, in which the partner receives a reward for each visitor, subscriber or sale made thanks to his efforts.

Successful participation in an affiliate program is a very laborious process that requires certain knowledge and strength. For many people who are interested in the possibility of creating a source of permanent income on the Internet, earning money from the promotion of affiliate products and services is often a trial step towards creating a profitable online business and opens the way to other opportunities.

If you are planning to start making money (and possibly achieve long-term success) from promoting affiliate programs, then creating your own website is the best way to lay a solid foundation for an affiliate marketing business.

However, if you are still new to the world of web design, or just not yet interested in creating your own website, then there are other ways to generate good income from affiliate marketing without having your own web resource.

When you decide to start making money with affiliate marketing, remember that your affiliate link plays a key role in the success of promoting any affiliate offers. Your primary task is to convey your affiliate link to the target audience.

Moreover, in what way you will achieve your goal - it does not matter (subject to the use of permitted methods!) - it completely depends on your choice. With the above in mind, here are some proven methods that you can try in your marketing strategy.

The following are examples of the most effective ways to promote and promote affiliate products or services:

1. Publish blog posts and post comments on forums

This is most likely the easiest way to get a feel for and get hands-on experience with affiliate marketing - all you have to do is find a product you would like to promote and then start blogging and feature posts and comments with your affiliate. link in the signature, for example.

Below is a screenshot from a forum discussing affiliate marketing: you can see that there is an affiliate link in the signature. In addition, this partner, actively participating in various discussions, has earned the respect of other members of the forum, which attracts the attention of a large number of people to him and his posts, who may well become clients of the affiliate program he promotes.

Of course, you should only post and comment on blogs and forums where people who are interested in the product you are promoting interact - you can't expect to get many clicks on an affiliate link leading to knitting courses if you post it in a forum post. Let's say motorists.

You will soon notice that your results improve as you regularly post useful and interesting posts and comments. By gaining a reputation for being competent, people will respect your opinion and be more likely to follow your advice and click on your affiliate link.

If you just want to spam a blog or forum with posts and comments that are not related to the topic under discussion or do not carry any value for the audience, then you can most likely be banned and your posts will be deleted.

2. Take advantage of social media

It is no secret that social networks such as, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc. are widely used by webmasters to promote and promote their web resources. With no less success, you can do the same by promoting affiliate products or services.

If you are writing a review or a message about a promoted product, then let all your friends and subscribers know about it. If your article is really interesting, then there is a good chance that those who read it will already tell their friends about it, who may be interested in your product.

Another option is to create a page of your site in various social networks, where you could talk about the promoted goods and services. To create such pages, you do not need special knowledge, it is enough to register on the network.

3. Create your own website

And, of course, one of the best ways to promote affiliate offers that opens up great opportunities is through your own website. Using the opportunities provided by the presence of your site, you can advertise products or services by placing affiliate banners and links on it, for example.

One of the most powerful affiliate marketing methods is posting testimonials and reviews of the products and services you are promoting. By focusing on the quality of the information about the products being promoted, the site will begin to rise in the SERP rankings, increasing both traffic and your commissions.

It is clear that not everyone has the knowledge necessary to build a functional site or do not have enough funds to order someone to make the latter.

However, having learned the basics of working with one of the engines with the help of a quality one, you can easily start creating, if not full-fledged, then at least mini-sites and landing pages that will cope with the tasks you are facing.

4. Useviral marketing

According to Wikipedia, “viral marketing is the general name for various methods of advertising distribution, characterized by distribution in a progression close to geometric, where the recipients themselves are the main distributor of information, by creating content that can attract new recipients of information due to a bright, creative, unusual idea or with using a natural or trusted message."

Due to the fact that the majority of the population has a low level of trust in advertising in general, and even more so coming from a manufacturing company, the main principle of viral marketing is that a person receiving an informational message must be sure that it comes from a person who is not interested, and, at the same time, has nothing to do with the advertising campaign.

Viral marketing is a strategy in which a product, service or their advertising influences a person in such a way that he is “infected” with the idea of ​​​​distributing this product and becomes an active distributor of it himself. Very often, e-books are used in viral marketing. Suppose that you are well versed in, say, the Nero program, moreover, you know some secrets of working with this program.

Sitting down at your computer, you create a small e-book, describe your methods of working with Nero in it, place links in the book to your site, and then offer it for free download on the Internet.

You can create a short 30-page book or special instruction on a specific topic, including links to a partner product or service in the content, and then distribute, for example, your e-book over the Internet. Emphasizing, at the same time, that the book is free and anyone can post it on their website.

If your book contains useful information, and does not just look like advertising text overloaded with affiliate links, then it is quite possible that it will be distributed quite well.

Another good news for you will be that your site traffic should also increase, because webmasters who receive income from file hosting services will offer your book for download to their visitors, while the links placed in the book will direct some of these visitors to your site. site, increasing its rating.

5. Post your videos on YouTube

YouTube has taken the world by storm, attracting many billions of unique visitors. You can use this to your advantage. To upload videos to YouTube, you will need to register with the service, which is quite easy and simple: you can do it directly on their website or log in with your Google account, if you have one, of course.

After that, you can start uploading your videos to your personal channel. In the videos you create, you will be able to add affiliate links, insert an advertisement, and in this way convert part of the fans of your YouTube video into the corresponding affiliate commission.

Don't know how to make videos? This art, as well as promotion, is easy to learn. Take advantage, for example, of an excellent training book with which you will master this science in the shortest possible time. I have no doubt that you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of useful information that you can get.

When working in this promotion segment, you should clearly understand that there are two basic rules that you must always follow:

  1. The content should carry valuable information for viewers. At the same time, the financial benefit should be in second place, and not in the first place. If your video is posted on YouTube just to make money with an affiliate link, you'll quickly fall into the ranks of spammers and your video creation efforts will be useless. By creating something worthwhile, you will achieve much more success through the attention and respect of potential customers.
  2. Do not mislead people! If the link you posted has nothing to do with what the video is about, or if your title (or description) doesn't match the content of the video, then you're in breach of your obligations to YouTube. This should be avoided by all means. Just put one link in the description, and maybe one in the video itself if it's really relevant (like a product review video). If your video really carries valuable information, then users will definitely “like” it and make reposts.

6. Promoteaffiliate product or service directly throughPay- Per- Click (PPC) advertising

I left this method for last because, frankly, it's not something I would recommend doing. I'll explain why. This method involves placing advertisements (with an affiliate link included) with pay-per-click (PPC) leading to the landing (landing) pages of the Advertiser.

These ads are distributed on the Internet using search engines such as, say, Google and Yandex. The use of this method is advisable if the income from the affiliate program exceeds the cost of advertising.

I am skeptical of this affiliate marketing method because by doing so, instead of using PPC advertising to promote your own site, you are directing traffic directly to the advertiser. In addition, this method has a number of significant drawbacks.

Let's take Google AdWords as an example. In particular, it is allowed to place no more than one paid advertisement related to a particular site at any given time. This means that instead of competing with other advertisers for any of the eight available spots on a page, you're only competing for one spot.

Moreover, you have a chance to get one place only if you offer a high CPC and create an attractive ad, otherwise your ad has no chance of being selected for display.

Further, you do not have the ability to control the quality of your advertising partner's landing page. Search engines carefully analyze all pages for compliance with certain standards so that the user receives only really valuable information. If the advertiser's site is filled with low quality content and not enough volume, then you will end up paying a higher CPC.

Many beginners consider this type of promotion as a quick and easy way to get started in affiliate marketing, but I would still recommend trying the methods listed above first.

10 rules to follow when doing affiliate marketing

As you already know, affiliate marketing is possibly one of the most popular and affordable ways to make money online. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

One of the hallmarks of a good partner (affiliate marketer) is that he understands why he should promote quality products and services to the exact people who are interested in them.

If you want to really start making good money promoting affiliate products and services, then you should always follow the rules below:

  1. Carefully review the products and services you recommend.
  2. Write and post reviews and reviews of your partners' products or services, including both pros and cons of the product - this will help you earn a good reputation as an affiliate marketer.
  3. Do not send your readers directly to the advertiser's site (unless their addresses are already on your mailing list).
  4. Recommend only quality products and services, preferably those you have used yourself. Plus, try to offer products in different price ranges and keep an eye out for special offers (promotions, discounts, bonuses, etc.) that will benefit your readers.
  5. Research and analyze good affiliate programs that offer different products. Pay attention to the commission rate, payment methods and terms, return policy and customer reviews.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask for higher commissions (if you have good results, of course!). The more customers you send to the advertiser, the easier it will be for you to get a higher commission percentage.
  7. Take the time to create your own website or blog. This will help you establish yourself as a marketer and give you a platform to post your reviews, post information and other content about the products or services you are promoting.
  8. Don't try to create multiple sites in different niches. You will soon realize that you do not have time to manage all of them. It's better to start with one site and start making steady affiliate income from it before building the next one.
  9. Once you've created your own site and built a subscriber base, offer your subscribers, along with the site's news, free reports and reviews containing valuable information on your subject. Inside the report or review, it will not be superfluous to add your affiliate links.
  10. Research and analyze the products you promote to clearly represent the demographics of your potential buyers. That is, you should know, for example, what they are looking for, where they live, what their income is, their level of education, etc. This will allow you to “directly” bring the necessary information to them through your web resource and other tools used.

Apply the methods above to form the backbone of your affiliate marketing business, while remembering that everyone was a beginner at some point.


Let's try to sum up. So, is it true or not that:

  • you can earn a lot of money with affiliate programs.

Truth. All over the world, affiliates of promoted product owners earn billions of dollars every year. Moreover, some partners manage to earn millions of dollars a year (millions of rubles in Runet), while others are happy to earn $50 a month.

  • promotion and promotion of affiliate programs is not associated with the need for sales in the real world (offline).
  • I will need to create my own product.

Lie. Although, at some point in your webmaster career, you may decide to create your own product. However, it should be borne in mind that the development​​ own product comes with a lot of risks and responsibilities, including those associated with customer service, organizing the storage, packaging and transportation of products and processing payments. Your job, as a partner, is simply to find and send potential customers to the promoted business - a less risky and responsible task.

  • I can create my own site, fill it with advertising and the money will flow like a river to me.

Lie. A site overflowing with a mountain of banners will not work. You will lose visitors forever. Instead, you should have no more than three banners per page that have a good conversion rate - a much more efficient use of space than placing 20 ads scattered around the site. You can also use the banner rotation system to increase the number of ads shown on your site.

  • control and analysis of statistics data can triple my ​​ income.

Truth. You should monitor referral and affiliate links to make sure they are relevant to the current day, but you can also improve your conversion rate (the ratio of visitors to sales) by experimenting with elements of your site and analyzing the results. For example, you can change the color of the button or text in the header, place your referral and affiliate links in other places, and so on.

After at least 1,000 different visitors have seen the change, check to see if your commissions have gone up or down. If before, say, 1% of visitors bought the product you promoted, and now 3% of visitors become buyers, then you have tripled your profit.

  • I will have to spam people.

Lie. There is a category of people who develop and launch tons of spam on the Internet. And, unfortunately, they manage to deceive people from time to time. However, this is not the tactic to be used. Affiliate marketing is a legal business and you can make money online without resorting to cheating.

To make you more credible, you can create an option to opt out of receiving RSS or e-mail newsletters from you. Don't forget that people who are actually interested in your posts have a high conversion rate.

  • there is no magic formula for success.

Truth. There are successful people in every industry - in the real world and online - but 99% of their success comes from long hours of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to learning. You will first need time to understand the basics, then to expand your knowledge and implement one of the tactics that we have discussed here. You need to learn from your failures and successes and understand that there is no magic "system" that will do the work for you.

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