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The Yandex browser began to work poorly. What to do if Yandex.Browser is slow

If you appreciate the Internet browser from Yandex, it will be quite difficult to refuse to use it. However, there are situations when the Yandex browser does not work. What could this be connected with and how to correct the situation?

Common problems encountered when using a web browser

Some users complain that the Yandex browser is slow. This happens due to various reasons, including low Internet speed. If you are confident in your provider, then try disabling extensions in the program. In case the Yandex browser still slows down, it is recommended.

If the Yandex browser is slow and web pages hardly load, you can deactivate the turbo mode. To do this, go to Settings - Show additional settings. Here we check the box next to Disabled in the Turbo section. Often this mode is the reason why the Yandex browser slows down.

Among other problems that arise in the work of an Internet browser is the lack of access to social networks. Some believe that this is due to the fact that the Yandex browser does not work well. But the browser is not always the reason. For example, if a message appears on the screen that your page is blocked, you need to contact the resource administration. If the Yandex browser is buggy, we’ll consider what to do next. A common reason why access is denied is a virus.

So, if the video in the Yandex browser slows down, try opening it from another browser. In the case where you calmly view files there, we continue to look for the problem in the program itself. If the Yandex browser is slow, you already know what to do. But when the error is related to a virus, there are several options. To start . Some programs can make the Yandex browser very slow. They restrict your web browser's access to the Internet, so it is advisable to deactivate them at least temporarily.

Other reasons

Let's look at the situation, if the Yandex browser lags, what to do first. Check your connection speed, try opening your browser after disabling the antivirus. If you still haven’t found the reason why the Yandex browser is slow, then pay attention to the availability of updates for the program. After the release of new ones, they may not work correctly. If the Yandex browser slows down after an update, then it is better to “roll back” the system back to the moment when everything was in order. In other words, return the previous version of the browser.

If you are interested in what to do if the Yandex browser freezes, then first restart the program. If you have problems with automatic updates, try downloading and installing them manually. When the Yandex browser slows down at startup, the reason for this may be that many add-ons are included. Try to disable them, and perhaps the question “Yandex browser hangs, what should I do?” won't bother you anymore.

In fact, users of the Yandex browser rarely encounter problems with its operation. But if suddenly the Yandex browser gets stuck, you now know what to do. If none of the above tips help, try reinstalling the program by downloading the new version right away. It’s impossible to say that the Yandex browser slows down your computer, so calmly use a convenient and fast browser when surfing the Internet. Just don’t forget about updates and periodically clearing the cache.

Yandex browser is a free application for visiting Internet resources. Like any other browser, if you use it for a long time, it accumulates various types of information, and this can subsequently negatively affect the operation of the application itself and slow down its operation.

Also, the browser's automatic update service often fails - the version becomes outdated, crashes accumulate, etc. To immediately exclude this option, download the latest version of Yandex Browser from our website or the main page of the search engine. During its installation, the files will be updated and old errors will be eliminated. If the problem is not resolved, read further.

Let's look at several cases and options for solving them.

The first and probably most common option is clearing the history of visited sites, saved forms, and so on. In the upper right corner of the browser, click on the Settings icon, then select History, and in it click the Clear history... button. In the window that appears with cleaning options, put the necessary checkboxes: “Clear history” and “Clear download history.”

Click the Clear history button and see how much the browser has sped up, but if this does not help, then move on to the next point

It may work slowly due to the accumulated information received from different servers in the browser. This is text data called cookies. They can be cleared by going to the history settings menu item and clicking the Clear history button... A window will appear with the choice of deletion time and deletion parameters (i.e. what to delete), we put a tick on the cookie. Click clear.

But you can apply the CCleaner program to the above methods; it also clears cookies and browser history. This program can be very useful if you have multiple browsers.

Yes, and let’s not forget about the most important option, which is a large number of unnecessary advertisements on websites. We can easily disable it using the ADBLOCK PLUS plugin. After installation, open the Browser Settings, go to Add-ons, look for the Adblock plugin and enable it.

Another option, but this is rare, is a large number of toolbars in the browser. They appear, often due to carelessness when installing different programs. Extra toolbars will need to be removed by right-clicking on the desired toolbar and unchecking it.

The option “the computer is very outdated” has also not been canceled. Therefore, it is worth updating it or lowering the requests to the browser.

Let's talk to you about why the browser is slow, what could be the reasons? How to solve the looming problem? All this will be discussed now. Let's look at some of the most popular problems that users encounter.

No place

So, the first reason why Yandex.Browser (or any other) is slowing down for you may be a simple lack of free space on the system disk. We are talking about the one on which your operating system is installed.

The thing is that while working at the computer, they are created on the hard drive. Not all of them are erased after a reboot. So, the space is gradually filled with such files. At one point, your browser will start to slow down - it will simply have nowhere to load its temporary data.

This problem is especially often encountered by users who have a small hard drive, but they really like to watch movies on the Internet. Each download is a certain number of occupied gigabytes. Is your browser slow? What to do? It is enough to clean the computer registry of “junk”. Cleaner will help you with this. Literally one click on the button - and the job is done. Now check: is Yandex.Browser (or any other) still slow? Yes? Then let's look for the reason elsewhere.

Many programs

So, there is another option for the development of events. Is the Opera browser or some other browser slow? Then think about how long it has been since you cleaned up your operating system. The thing is that many unnecessary programs also leave their mark on the operation of the “door” to the World Wide Web.

This is especially true for those users who are accustomed to using many utilities to interact with the Internet. To return the browser to stable operation, you will need to put your computer in order - remove all unnecessary and old programs, and also limit their simultaneous use. Afterwards you will notice how the problem disappears by itself. It doesn't hurt to do this process. This process should be repeated once every month or two. True, not everything is always so simple. There are also a number of other problems that may cause the browser to malfunction. Let's get to know them.

Lots of extras

Well, another fairly common problem for most modern users is the enormous capabilities of browsers. This is why some of them start to work slowly. Is your "Mazila" browser ("Chrome" and so on) slow? Then look at how many different plugins, extensions and add-ons you have installed. Sometimes this is precisely the reason for such behavior.

In this situation, you have two options. Which one is better - choose for yourself. The first option is to remove all plugins that can interfere with the stable operation of the program. Leave only the most important, for example, Flash Player. Erase the rest.

The second option is to temporarily disable extensions, plugins and add-ons in browsers. This way, when you need them, you can always turn them back on. But until this moment, do not resort to using such plugins and extensions. Quite often, users are inclined to take this step, especially if they have installed something very “interesting” for themselves. After disabling some add-ons, the work stabilizes.


Have you completed all the previous steps, but your browser is slow? What to do - you don’t know? Then try to see if you have a so-called browser hijacker installed. This is a spy program that can steal entered logins and passwords, and it also contributes to the appearance of “brakes” when working on the Internet.

There are different hijackers. As a rule, they are detected by the presence of a new plugin in add-ons that you did not install. Plus, when working on the World Wide Web, in most cases you will start to see advertising banners. If the browser "Mazila", "Chrome", "Yandex" and other programs for Internet surfing are slow, then the first thing you should do is remove the unfamiliar plugin. This should help you for a while.

Additionally, if you don't have any important data in your browser, you can simply reinstall it. A newly downloaded version, updated, “clean” - this is the real key to success. Not the best option, but still better than reinstalling the operating system.

Glitches in the OS

Why does the browser slow down when you don’t have any extra plugins or hijackers, and everything is fine with your hard drive space? The thing is that sometimes such behavior can be caused by various failures in the operating system.

There can be a lot of reasons for this - either a critical error or a minor problem. A virus or a simple accident - it doesn’t matter. However, if this behavior repeats itself systematically, try to do the so-called at that moment when everything worked well.

Browser Others too? Then go to "Start", to "Accessories" and find the recovery tool there. It will help you roll back the system for the desired period of time. True, you must have the function of automatically creating rollback points enabled. Otherwise, you can return the system to the moment when it was just installed. Not the best option, but sometimes it works.

As a rule, such an action does not affect personal data and programs. System settings only. However, sometimes there are malfunctions in the operation of those applications that were not installed during the period of time when the rollback was made.


If your browsers are very slow, and all of them, then this may mean that you have serious viruses in your operating system. They are called Trojans. This is a type of computer infection that can be very difficult to get rid of. Let's see what needs to be done to stabilize the operation of the computer and browser.

So, if you have suspicions that the operating system has picked up various Trojans and viruses, then the first thing you will have to do is scan it for the presence of these using a good anti-virus program. Dr. is suitable here. Web. True, some prefer Nod32. In any case, update the virus database, and then start scanning. Here you will have to run a deep scan. It may take a long time (several hours). After the results are released, cure whatever was found. Anything that cannot be treated should be removed. Now you know why the browser is slow and how to deal with it. True, it is not very often that a regular antivirus scan gives a good result. Thus, each time you have to supplement this step with something in order to stabilize the computer’s operation and return it to its previous course. Let's see what can help you.

Special software

If the answer to the question of why the browser is slow is the presence of viruses, then you can supplement the work of the anti-virus program with special anti-spyware utilities. They help to detect all hidden infections in the operating system, and also get rid of them once and for all.

This is an anti-spyware program that is perfect for this purpose; it scans your computer very quickly and thoroughly cleans it without causing damage to files and applications. Very convenient and easy to use. Scanning usually takes just a few minutes. After this, all you have to do is click on the button responsible for deleting malicious files - the system will be cleaned. Restart your computer and try launching your browser. Did everything work well? Then you can rejoice. No? Well, there is a way out in this situation. Especially if, after manipulating your antivirus, windows with errors and warnings begin to pop up.


But there are also exceptional cases. If the question of why the browser is slow has not yet been resolved, then you have a rather interesting choice. True, it is better to use it when it is simply impossible to work on the Internet. Until then, it’s worth “pulling the strap.”

We are talking about a complete reinstallation of the operating system. This is the most effective and reliable option, but only when there are no longer any important files on the computer, and there are quite a lot of viruses and Trojans in the operating system. Then, indeed, it’s easier to install everything again, configure it and be more careful in the future.

As a rule, system administrators are responsible for reinstalling the operating system. True, now any user who has an installation disk is able to cope with this task. It's not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to follow the instructions on the screen and format the hard drive before starting the installation process.

Lots of downloads

Well, now let's take a look at a more pleasant moment with you, which may raise the question: "Why does the browser slow down?" The thing is that sometimes downloading files to your system via the Internet can slow down the work of your computer and its individual programs. So check if anything is downloading for you.

Pay special attention to torrents. They tend to take all the speed for themselves. This prevents browsers from functioning properly. Complete all downloads or pause them - the Internet speed will be redistributed again and all Internet applications will work at full capacity.

Do pages take a long time to load in the browser? Don’t rush to blame slow Internet, because in 90% of cases the problem is on the user’s side. If you also encounter this, it is worth spending 1 hour of your time to find out what the reason is and improve the loading speed of sites. Let's get started.

Reason #1: cache full

Surely everyone has encountered the situation when a newly installed browser “flies”, but after a few weeks it starts to glitch and freeze, everything loads slowly and is almost impossible to work. Why is this happening?

When you use the Internet, all information about the sites you visited and your actions is stored. Over time, data takes up more and more space and slows down the browser.


Clearing all temporary files - cache, archive of visited sites and downloads, as well as cookies. History can be opened through the control panel or using the key combination Ctrl+H (History). Click "Clear history", select the desired options and confirm the action.

Reason #2: extensions and toolbars

Another option why pages take a long time to load is a large number of additional applications and toolbars built into the browser. In practice, almost no one uses them, that is, these add-ons simply take up space and consume traffic.


Go to the extensions menu and remove everything except the most necessary one. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that ends in -toolbar, -bar, etc. We recommend leaving AdBlock - an intrusive ad blocker.

The same situation applies to plugins. To see them, enter about:plugins or "browser name:plugins" in the address bar (for example, opera:plugins). What should be left behind?

  • Native Client;
  • Adobe Flash Player;
  • Google Update;
  • Java;
  • Shockwave Flash;
  • QuickTime and VLC Web Plugin, if you watch videos on different sites;
  • Adobe Acrobat and Chrome PDF Viewer if you often view PDF documents in the browser.

We delete or disable everything else, after which you need to restart the program.

Please note: in some browsers (in particular, Opera is guilty of this), the same plugin may appear several times in the list. In this case, you need to keep only the latest version.

Reason #3: lack of space on the system disk

It is extremely important that the C drive always has at least 10% free space, and ideally several gigabytes. If it is full, the computer inevitably begins to freeze. Often the browser loads slowly for this very reason; the system simply does not have enough space to process all temporary files and operations.


If your hard drive is divided into sectors, transfer some of the information from drive C to another, for example D. Photos, music, videos and various documents can take up a lot of space, so it’s worth starting with them.

If there are no free disks, remove programs and files that you do not use. As an alternative, some documents can be transferred to cloud storage (for example, Google Drive or Yandex.Disk) or sent to a flash drive.

Reason #4: Antivirus scans pages for a long time

Modern programs scan the sites you visit in “live” mode. That is, first the antivirus analyzes the page you want to open, and only if everything is in order, gives permission to continue downloading and displaying information.


If pages in the browser take a long time to load, you should try temporarily disabling protection. Sometimes it helps. In this case, you will most likely have to set a lower level of protection in the settings or select a different antivirus.

Reason #5: background applications

Most users do not even pay attention to what programs and services are running in. However, it is they who can sort out a significant part of the traffic. One of the most powerful "vampires" is everyone's favorite torrent clients (as soon as you download the file, it starts to be distributed from your computer, which can seriously reduce the speed of the Internet).


Go to "Task Manager" > "Startup" and look at the list of applications that automatically start when you turn on your PC. It is advisable to disable everything except the system programs responsible for the operation of the speakers, touchpad, etc.

Reason #6: high load on the hard drive

A fairly common reason for a slow browser. The fact is that information is written to the hard drive unevenly, that is, the beginning of a file may be at the edge of the disk, the other part is somewhere in the middle, and the end is not far from the beginning. This is called fragmentation. How is it dangerous? Instead of quietly sliding, the head constantly "jumps" from side to side. In addition, your disk makes several times more revolutions, slowing down the entire system.


Perform defragmentation (forced ordering of the physical location of information on the hard drive). To do this, go to Start > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Run the program and wait until the information is overwritten. As a result, not only the browser, but also the computer as a whole will start working faster.

Reason #7: Browser Settings

Some modern browsers have built-in options that, on the one hand, make browsing the Internet more comfortable, but on the other hand, lead to the fact that your browser pages take a long time to load. A striking example is predicting network activity in Google Chrome.


Open your browser settings and disable such features. For example, action prediction is located in the "Advanced settings" on the "Privacy" tab. If the problem persists, it is recommended to reactivate all functions.

Reason #8: viruses

If the Internet takes a long time to load, the cause may also be banal viruses - malicious programs that somehow got onto your computer.


Scan your system for viruses and spyware. It is best to use several programs - the usual Kaspersky", AVAST, AVG, McAffee, etc.), as well as special scanner applications. The most popular are Dr.Web, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro and SpyHunter.

Tip: It is best to scan in Windows Safe Mode (with support for network drivers). To do this, when you boot your computer, immediately press the F8 key and select the appropriate item. After the scanning is completed and the infected files are deleted, you need to restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

Reason #8: outdated equipment

What to do if the browser is still loading slowly? If no attempts to “stir up” it are successful, most likely you just have a weak computer. Every year, websites use increasingly complex technologies that are difficult for outdated technology to cope with.


Of course, ideally, it is worth at least partially upgrading the equipment, for example, buying more powerful RAM. However, this possibility is not always available. In this case, you can try installing an older version of the browser; as a rule, they consume less resources (for example, Opera 10 “eats” 1.5 times more RAM than Opera 9). However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some sites are displayed incorrectly.

Useful programs

Finally, we’ll tell you about several applications that will help you understand why pages take a long time to load in the browser and solve the problem.

  1. An online service for analyzing the speed of your Internet connection - you just need to click the "Start test" button. If the connection speed is low and does not comply with your agreement with the provider, you need to deal with the company providing access.
  2. CCleaner. The most popular program for cleaning junk on PC. The application automatically runs the system, deletes temporary files and memory dumps and corrects errors in the registry. Here you can select programs for startup.
  3. Active Speed. A special program designed for Allows you to quickly clear history and cache, find out Internet speed and optimize your Internet connection. The settings have many useful functions and tricks. For example, there are additional options for improving the performance of online applications (useful if the game takes a long time to load).

For stable and fast operation of the browser, it is extremely important to regularly clean the program itself and the PC. It is recommended to set history and cache clearing, as well as defragmentation to automatic mode (the optimal frequency is once a week).

The application for viewing web pages, developed by Yandex, quickly found its audience, which allowed it to become one of the leaders in popularity among Russian-speaking users.

However, in the operation of this program, like any other, there are problems that can make its use extremely difficult. Such problems include serious losses in browser performance both during startup and during page loading.

Causes of the phenomenon

When planning to find out why the Yandex browser takes so long to load and what to do about it, it is necessary to determine the reasons for the program’s incorrect operation. A special feature of this browser is the ability to install custom extensions that add new functions to the application.

However, a large number of such add-ons have an extremely negative impact not only on the speed of the program itself, but also on the time it takes to load after clicking the start icon. In this light, the most obvious thing to do is to disable unnecessary components until the optimal performance level is achieved.

But speeding up browser loading is possible not only by disabling add-ons. Among the existing ways to increase the speed and loading of this program are:

  • Installing the correct add-ons. These include, first of all, ad blockers, bugs and other unwanted objects, which has an extremely positive effect on loading speed;
  • . This can be done either using a browser by pressing Ctrl+F5, or using specialized programs;
  • . This includes cleaning the disk from unnecessary files, as well as checking it for errors and defragmentation operations.

Since these measures are much more effective together, it makes sense to try each of these methods.

Speeding up the program

As suitable add-ons, we can offer Adblock, Adguard, as well as their numerous analogues, which can effectively block ads and optimize the browser.

The easiest way to clear the cache is to use CCleaner, since this utility will not only clear it, but will also remove at the same time a huge number of unnecessary files that slow down the system and are unnecessary for the user.

System optimization can be approached either using third-party utilities or using standard OS tools.

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