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Poorly catches satellites. GPS problems

If the navigator on the Android operating system does not work, you should not despair, many car owners have encountered this problem. This does not happen because the system is not reliable; often this can be due to a number of internal reasons for the device. The main task is to find out why the device does not work, identify the main cause and find a method to eliminate it.

Navigator for Android does not work, what is the reason?

The presence of GPS navigation modules in modern smartphones is no surprise. A similar add-on is often exploited by users for walking and cycling. This is extremely convenient especially when traveling, when tourists wander through unfamiliar city streets and simply cannot find their way to the hotel. That is why users, when choosing a smartphone for Android, prefer gadgets with a built-in GPS function.

If the navigation system does not work on a mobile device, the problem may be simple to the point of banality - the navigation module is disabled directly. Nevertheless, this problem makes users nervous, who have not completely figured out the capabilities of the device.

Important! In order to customize the operation of the device in this case, it is enough to lower the shutter, which hides the necessary icons for the display settings, the clock and the notification panel.

In the menu, you need to find the item "Geodata" and activate it with a simple click. The icon should change its color to blue, green, or orange, depending on the color scheme settings.

After performing this simple manipulation, you can try to launch the navigation program and start using it.

Fact! Some applications specially developed for Android can notify the user about the disabling of the ability to receive geodata. This function is necessary because it will help the user to timely identify the reason for the shutdown and change the parameters in the settings.

This is exactly the way the handy Navitel application acts, which, after turning off geodata, prompts the user to correct this parameter in the navigation menu.

Navigator Not Working: Common Causes

If the reception of geodata is turned on, and all the applications necessary for the full operation of the application are loaded, but the navigator on the Android smartphone does not work, you need to look for the reason further. The absence of any changes may be due to the user's impatience; usually, to ensure a full connection, the device takes a certain time, about 5-15 minutes. During this time, the gadget downloads and processes information about the satellites available within the area, sets its own location.

Attention! The user does not need to worry, all subsequent launches will not take so long. This happens only for the first time by analogy with the cold start of navigators.

By the same principle, you will have to boot the device if you move to another region of the country. This is due to the fact that the device takes a certain time to establish its own geographic location and identify available satellites.

Among the common reasons why the navigator may not work well are the following:

  1. Attempts to start on the move in a car. Some devices have a tendency to "slow down", so they need some time and immediate peace of mind to start.
  2. The navigator may not function while indoors.
  3. The navigator may not work well in closed areas: under tree crowns. To establish a connection, you need to find a suitable site.

If the listed manipulations did not help to restore the device's operability, although the function worked normally until a certain point, most likely the reason should be sought in the internal breakdown of the device. Do not try to disassemble the device yourself. It is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the fact of a failure, but such actions can significantly aggravate the situation, it is better to go with the device to a service center. In some cases, to restore functionality, it is enough to reset the settings to the factory settings - if the reason lies in the conflict of any programs or software failures.

Firmware as the reason for navigator failure

If it is impossible to identify the problem with the naked eye, the best option is to change the firmware. This procedure is quite simple, and an ordinary smartphone user can handle it. The information for the firmware is entered on a memory card, which can be placed in the navigator. After that, the device is turned on, and by holding the key, you need to wait for the moment when the information about the software loading is displayed on the screen. If the device operates on Android, its logo should appear.

It is important to pay attention to the main points:

  1. Some manufacturers do not put the firmware in the public domain, then you will not be able to reload the software yourself. To perform the manipulation, you will have to contact the service center.
  2. If the device is under warranty, software replacement, as well as other interference with its operation, will void the possibility of free repair.

Very often, the failure of the functioning of the navigator on Android happens when it is necessary to replace the firmware. Users should remember that, despite the apparent simplicity of actions, they should be careful about downloading. Before updating, you need to charge the phone and scan the memory card with an anti-virus program.

Pocket geolocation is a fairly common business and has recently become commonplace. Now all models of modern phones have a GPS system. But often users have questions about it. For example, they are interested in how to improve GPS reception on Android or IOS in order to receive more accurate information about the location or more convenient to play games that require detailed geolocation. Let's analyze this problem and find out what can be done.

GPS is a system that allows your smartphone to use navigation apps and locate your location in order to get the best route to your destination. Based on receiving data from satellites in outer space.

Why do I need it?

GPS navigation is used by navigation apps. Together they help to get to the desired place without detailed study of paper maps of the area and interviewing others on the topic "Where to go next and where to turn?"

The most famous free "Yandex.Maps" or "Yandex.Navigator", GoogleMaps and MapsMe. You can also find a pirated version of Navitel on the Internet. But the program may be of the old release year. In this case, she is able to lead you to non-existent roads and under the "brick". In addition, the program can be infected with a virus. Then there is a possibility that it will "break" the system of your smartphone, and you will have to change not only the navigator, but also the phone or at least its firmware.

Now the most widespread and modern phone models are the IOS-based IPhone and phones that support a different system ("Android"). They use GPS in a more advanced form - A-GPS. This is a function that increases the speed of the application during cold and hot starts, due to other communication channels (WI-FI, cellular), and also increases positioning accuracy.

A situation where the phone cannot connect to new satellites when the application is turned on. In this case, it works autonomously according to the data transmitted during the previous switch-on by those satellites to which it was connected. Hot start - when the satellites are immediately included in the work. They appear on the application screen or in a special tab for tracking their work and receiving data.

The first option for improving the signal

There are a lot of ways how to improve GPS reception on Android or IOS. Let's analyze the 3 most famous ones. The first and easiest way to strengthen the GPS signal is to enable the appropriate mode in the phone settings. To do this, we do the following steps:

  • Turn on GPS (geolocation) and go to the phone settings.
  • Find the "Geodata" section.
  • Select the top button "Mode".
  • A window with the name "Detection Method" opens.
  • We select the item "High accuracy".

The performance of your phone will increase by enabling precision. At the same time, the operating time without recharging can be reduced by several times. The thing is that the included navigator will simply "eat up" the battery.

The second way to improve GPS reception on Android

The second option is more complex. But he helps as often as the first. Need to download GPS data cleansing app. After updating the satellite information, the navigation system will work better than before. But this option may not work for some phones due to incompatibility between the application and the model, lack of space, etc.

The most difficult but reliable method

There is also a third, most difficult solution to the problem, how to improve GPS reception on Android. It is more suited to computer geniuses. Its essence lies in the alteration of the system file that controls the operation of the phone's GPS system. Let's figure it out in order:

  1. It is necessary to extract the GPS.CONF file located in the system / etc / gps / conf folder through special programs that give access to system files. Then we move it to the internal memory of the phone or to the SD card so that it can be opened on the computer in the future.
  2. Changing the GPS.CONF settings is carried out through the Notepad ++ program on a regular PC. And the phone is connected to the computer via a standard USB cable.
  3. Next, you need to change the settings of the NTP server, with which the time is synchronized. Usually they say something like this - The entry must be rewritten - or As a result, it should look like this: NTP_SERVER =
  4. Also, it will not be superfluous to enter additional servers without making any changes to them: XTRA_SERVER_1 = http: //, XTRA_SERVER_2 = http: //, XTRA_SERVER_3 = http : //
  5. Next, you need to decide whether the GPS receiver will use WI-FI to amplify the signal. When entering the ENABLE_WIPER = parameter, you need to put a number that will allow (1) or prohibit (0) the use of a wireless connection. For example, ENABLE_WIPER = 1.
  6. The next parameter is connection speed and data accuracy. There your choice is as follows: INTERMEDIATE_POS = 0<—— (точно, но медленно) или INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 <—— (не точно, но быстро).
  7. In the type of data transfer use, knowledgeable people advise to put the User Plane, which is responsible for the wide transfer of subscriber data. Then DEFAULT_USER_PLANE = TRUE is written in the program line.
  8. The accuracy of GPS data is monitored through the INTERMEDIATE_POS = parameter, in the line of which you can set both taking into account all data without exception, and removing errors. If you put 0 (zero) after the "=" sign, then geolocation will take into account everything it finds, and if 100, 300, 1000, 5000 - it will remove errors. Programmers recommend setting 0. But if you want to try it, you can use error removal.
  9. The use of the A-GPS function, as mentioned above, is supported or automatically enabled on all modern devices. But if you still want the function to work exactly, then in the A-GPS enable line you need to put DEFAULT_AGPS_ENABLE = TRUE.
  10. The final version of the file must be saved and dropped onto the phone, and then reloaded.

An important point: if you do not want to do this all yourself for various reasons, for example, because of laziness, fear of breaking something in the system, etc., then you can find the GPS.CONF file with the parameters you need and just copy it to your smartphone. All that remains is to reboot your phone and use the improved GPS.

Why doesn't GPS work on Android yet?

There are other reasons for the problem as well. It happens that GPS does not work on "Android" at all (does not turn on, does not search for satellites, etc.). The demolition of the system to the factory settings can help to sort out this problem. This is done through the phone settings. In addition, the gadget can be reflashed or given to the service center employees who will "dig" into electronics and correct the defect.

Good question. Today, many owners of Android smartphones are interested in this question. Once when I bought myself my first Android device, I also faced this problem. I am a driver and the first thing I wanted from a smart is, of course, navigation. I bought a phone, turned it on and immediately started looking for satellites. And what do you think? I waited about thirty minutes, and did not wait. I already had the idea that the phone is defective, without a GPS module. In fact, everything is simple, I dig deeper into the settings and this is what I found:

  • the first thing to do is to enter the smartphone settings and find the item "my location" there;
  • then activate the GPS-module and press the item "by GPS satellites". Jackdaws in front of the items "access to my geodata" and "by network coordinates" can be omitted;

  • as soon as you have entered the settings of your GPS, you need to check the box next to "GPS EPO auxiliary data", then click on the "EPO parameters" item;

  • now we put a tick in front of "autoload". If you have access to the Internet, you can immediately download data on the position of the satellites.

That's all, now, when the data on the location of the satellites is loaded, your smartphone will find them almost immediately.

What is EPO?

EPO (Extended Prediction Orbit) in Russian means - a system for predicting the position of the orbit of satellites. EPO is proprietary to MediaTek, one of the innovations in the use of the server offline, based on A-GPS technology. The system provides a forecast of the position of the satellite orbit for up to 30 days, which significantly increases the user's experience during the first determination of the location of the GPS satellites.

The settings that I told you about apply only to devices running MTK processors from MediaTek.

I hope the article was useful to you and you were able to customize your smartphone.

Navigation applications installed on smartphones with the Android operating system allow users to create car, bicycle or walking routes, as well as track their own location on the map.

Mobile devices with installed GPS / GLONASS chips are in great demand among potential buyers. But, sometimes it happens that GPS does not work on Android. In this case, you should figure out what is the main reason for the breakdown and how to configure the modules so that they correctly fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

The main reasons for the failure of the GPS module

If GPS does not work on Android, you should check if the navigation module in your phone is disabled. This mistake is most often made by novice users who did not have time to fully understand the principles of operation of Android smartphones.

In order to cope with this problem, you should slide down the upper curtain with your finger, which hides various shortcuts and notifications. Find the item "Location" in the proposed menu and activate it... When it becomes active, its color will change to green, bluish, and so on.

Activate GPS on Android to find your location

After the "Location" item becomes active, you can start launching the navigation program itself.

It is worth noting the fact that developers take into account the interests of users, which is why many popular applications report turning off geodata.

An example is the "Navitel" application, which informs users that they do not have a GPS module connection.

It may be that the user activated geolocation in the smartphone settings, installed all the necessary navigation applications, but there were no positive results.

In this case, the reason may lie in banal impatience. When starting GPS / GLONASS modules for the first time, wait at least 15 minutes. During this time, the smartphone will be able to process information about which satellites are active in a given area. The rest of the launches of the navigation program will be much faster.

A similar problem can arise if you come to another city or another country with your phone turned off and decide to use geolocation. You should wait 10-15 minutes so that the smartphone running on Android can calculate its location. This behavior is called "cold start".

So, the above are the main reasons why GPS does not work on Android. But they do not limit the list of all possible malfunctions. Several more factors should be noted, due to which the GPS modules may not work properly:

  1. The user tries to perform a “cold start” while the vehicle is moving. You shouldn't do that. You need to stop, get out of the car, preferably to the most open area, and try again to activate the GPS modules.
  2. GPS does not work on Android, not only during a trip in the car, but also inside buildings.
  3. There are certain areas where reception of signals is difficult. This may be due to the presence in the immediate vicinity of rocks, tall buildings, and so on. In this case, you should find the highest possible area and try to find satellites by climbing on it.

If the navigation did not work after active attempts to configure it, then you need to contact the professionals working in the service center for help. This state of affairs clearly indicates the presence of internal breakdowns. And yet, if there is no time to go to the specialists at the service center, then try resetting the phone settings to the factory settings.

You can check the quality of satellite signal reception using the GPS Test app from Chartcross Limited. If the GPS chip is working properly and geolocation is turned on, then a sky map will appear on the screen indicating the locations of active satellites.

How to set up a GPS module on a smartphone?

Many users are interested in how to configure Andrid GPS modules. There are no specific settings in this case. But, if you wish, you can experiment a little using standard detection methods. There are the following factors for how location detection works:

  • High accuracy. With this parameter, location detection occurs using all possible wireless modules. Not only GPS / Glonass are used here, but also Wi-Fi and a telephone network.
  • Economy mode. The location is searched for via mobile networks and the Wi-Fi module.
  • GPS modules only. As the name implies, the search for a place occurs only with the help of satellites.

In order to specify the used method for detecting the position of a person in space, go to the "Settings-Geodata" menu. Do not forget to install functional and easy-to-use software to work with GPS navigation. To do this, you can download free applications from the network or use paid products from the world's leading companies.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if GPS does not work on Android, you should not despair. You may be in a rush to prevent the application from communicating with the satellites.

If the problem is not solved after fulfilling the basic conditions, you need to contact the service center for help.

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) have recently become necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, thanks to their good ability to build walking routes.

But quite a few users have to deal with the fact that the GPS system on Android does not work or does not work well.

This can be expressed in different types of malfunctions, depending on what exactly caused the breakdown.


What is GPS? This is a navigation system - strictly speaking, GPS / GLONASS is a navigation module that allows you to use a variety of applications that use navigation.


But in some cases, certain problems may be detected in the operation of such a module. Their nature is different, but they equally interfere with working with the system:

  • Complete impossibility to determine the location;
  • Inaccurate location determination;
  • Slow data update or no update at all (for example, you move in space or turn around, and the pointer on the map does not change its position for a long time).

Most problems can disappear on their own when you restart or move to another area of ​​the map.

But if this does not happen, then you need to know what caused them and how to eliminate them.

Possible reasons

There are many reasons for this type of problem. But all of them can be divided into two large groups - these are hardware problems and software problems.

Talking about hardware problems when a defect is actually present in the physical navigation module, and about software problems - when something is incorrectly configured in the software of a smartphone or tablet.

Important! Software-type problems are enough easy to set up and fix yourself. When it comes to hardware breakdowns, it is better to entrust the matter to a service center, since the repair process can be quite complicated for a non-specialist. And there is a risk of worsening the situation.


One of the most common problems occurs when you first start a module. that is, when you first launch an app using GPS on a new smartphone.

Within 15-20 minutes, geolocation may not work, nothing will happen, the location will not be determined.

This is normal on first start-up, but should not be repeated in the future.

A similar situation can arise if you have traveled a considerable distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the navigation module turned off.

In this case, the first time it is launched in a new location, it will also take time to "think".

The malfunction may also occur when starting at high speed, for example, while driving on cars - in this case, the module will "slow down" the first time after switching on.

Keep in mind that in buildings exactly - there will be no navigation inside the premises.

Your approximate location in the building is determined by the location of the wireless internet zones and cell phone towers, but not by GLONASS.


The GLONASS module can be disabled through the phone settings, often on new models it is not enabled by default.

Therefore, many beginners who are not accustomed to using Android do not turn it on before using applications with navigation.

By the way, this type notifies the user that he needs to enable navigation.

Inaccurate determination of the location is sometimes associated with the characteristics of the zone. The system does not work equally well in all areas due to the way satellites work.

There are "blind" zones that the navigator skips or does not accurately determine. It is impossible to fight this.


Troubleshooting is usually pretty straightforward.

But if, after taking all the above measures, the problem has not been eliminated, it is possible that the matter is in a module malfunction and it requires replacement in the conditions of a service center.


There are no ways to "cure" the program hang after the first launch of the navigation module.

The user just needs to wait about 15-20 minutes after the first launch of the application - during this time, the electronic components of the navigation device will adjust to the current working conditions and the location will be determined.

That is why it is recommended to launch this module for setting immediately after purchasing the phone, so as not to wait in a situation when it is needed urgently.


Switching on navigation on your smartphone is quite simple. Most often, the application "asks" itself whether to enable navigation when it is disabled.

Then you need to click on "YES" or "OK" in the pop-up window, and the application itself will turn on geolocation.

If such a notification does not appear, enable it manually, following the algorithm:

1 On the unlocked screen, on the desktop, slide out the menu by making a sliding movement down from the top border of the screen;

2 A menu with basic device settings appears.- find the icon in it Geodata / Geodata transfer / Geolocation / Positioning or the like;

3 Click on it to make the icon active.

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