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Paid promotion on youtube. How to promote a video on Youtube for free? Comprehensive step-by-step guide

I sincerely greet everyone! My name is Oleg Lyutov. In this article, I will open the following topic for you: “ How to promote a video on youtube for free?».

It will describe here step-by-step instruction and tricks that will help you with raising the rating of your video on youtube. Yes, there are loads of articles and videos that reveal this topic, but I will share with you exactly my tactics and tips for promoting in youtube. So let's get started.

How to promote a video on youtube - 7 chips

1. Why YouTube?

YouTube is the largest and most popular platform. We are only used to watching videos. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, any video uploaded to the network can instantly be at the top of the top.

The fact is that you can release just one video (further ones may not be as interesting as the first one, however, the audience will not decrease from this), and capture a large audience. And those who were able to do this are not only popular, but also have a chance to earn (advertising). Therefore, YouTube is your launching pad.

Let's assume you already have footage. Now your task is to make candy out of it. To do this, the video must have a semantic meaning equal to one keyword. This is the word that will define the theme of the video. It is best to shoot videos prepared in advance before shooting the scene.

There are two opinions about keyword promotion. Some people think that it is necessary to make videos only through existing popular ones (based on them). Others, on the contrary, that it is necessary to take only fresh and interesting stuff that no one else has.

But, you have to try yourself in two ways, so as not to miss... This task is fundamental to the promotion of your video on youtube.

3. Tag features

The first is the title of the video (tag). These are exactly those keywords that will help your video get through to the top. Small trick: since the videos come out very often, and the names are very often repeated, you should use of various types symbols, for example:!, “, @, #, $, &.

This is done for the following: many videos repeat the names of each other, which has detrimental effect for promotion. And in order to avoid this, we use symbols. In order to check the uniqueness of the name, we turn to Yandex “ word selection". We remember it, and move on to the next item.

4. Uploading the video to youtube

Fastest (depends on internet speed) step.

So, in order to upload a video, you must have a YouTube account. Suppose you have it. So, in the upper right corner there will be an icon “ download". Click, and go to the menu, where we select the item to select. Next, select the video, and while it is downloading, you need to fill in the columns: title, description, tag.

In the name we add a fictitious phrase (according to clause 3), in the description we describe summary, and in the tag (sections) field we enter the names of those sections that fit the video. After the download is complete, click ready. Video on the network.

One more feature: In order to have a better chance of your video, you should use all tags that are more popular in descending order.

Do not forget about the preview image that will be displayed on the video. remember, that beautiful picture always attracts the audience.

5. Promotion of videos through social networks

First, like the video (yes, it may seem strange, but still). Next, you should post this video on your wall in all social networks. the networks you are on (the more the better). Don't forget about your friends. This feature is called " word of mouth". This is when you send to your friends, they send them to all your friends, those to yours, and so on.

6. How to properly promote a video using spam

Spam can be very annoying. But what if we make it work for us? There are two options for promoting a video: paid and free. Paid way: advertising at popular groups, channels, communities, people. They can charge a huge price, so we discard this method. Free is spam.

For promotion, you can use not only the above scheme, but also fill everything possible groups, for example, VKontakte. To do this, open all the groups that fit the video, and fill it in there: either offer news in the column, or in the comments under the first posts. Use all groups, don't be lazy.

7. Site in Google and Yandex search engines

Very good step maybe website creation. So, you will increase your chances several times. Those who search for information using a search engine will stumble upon your site, and through it, your video. I have already written in one of my articles about <== обязательно прочтите , there are also a lot of chips that I burned.

You can simply add a link to your video uploaded on youtube to a search engine for faster indexing - relevant for temporary videos, for example, marked urgently. How to do this, I told in my video tutorial on the topic: “ ».

Let's sum up the promotion of the video on the Internet

If you did everything correctly, then believe me, this will give a good start. I must say right away that do not expect an instant result. Give your video time to hang. Repeat steps 5 and 6 at least once a week to increase your audience. Don't stop at one video.

That's it for today. Until next time in articles and videos!

Those who create their own YouTube channels can pursue a variety of goals, from commercial to entertainment. But few enjoy the fact that the video, which has been spent a lot of time and effort, no one is watching. If this is the case, then it's time to think about how to promote your video on YouTube.

How to prepare a video for promotion

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you should prepare a video for promotion even before shooting. It is much more difficult to work with the footage that has already been shot, especially if it does not meet some of the requirements for the video content.

The main parameters of a correct video in terms of promotion include:

  • Content. It should be completely targeted at the target audience, and also correspond to the topic of the channel. Informational, scientific, educational videos should fully reveal the essence of the problem and provide maximum useful information and give a complete answer to the user's request. Entertainment and humorous videos should be funny, positive and have their own flavor.
  • Optimization. Before you start shooting, you need to choose a key phrase to raise the video in the search. Moreover, the key phrase should be contained not only in the title, description and for the video, but also in the video itself. YouTube is able to recognize speech in published recordings, so the key phrase must be uttered during filming, and preferably several times.
  • Image quality. With the development of the capabilities of digital video technology, the requirements for the quality of video clips are growing. The user will never subscribe to a channel that publishes exclusively low-grade material. Optimal video quality - HD (1280x720).
  • File name. Before uploading a video to a video hosting site, you do not need to be lazy to rename the standard titles. It should be the same as it is planned to be titled on the channel in transliteration.
  • Duration. An important YouTube ranking factor is video length. Therefore, it is recommended to publish posts at least 10 minutes long.
  • When posting, it is important to choose the most appropriate category for your video. You yourself must determine in which niche you want to promote.

Preparing the material at the initial stage will seem difficult, because you need to take into account a large list of nuances. But over time, the shooting will come to automatism and will not take a lot of effort. It is much easier to promote a channel with the right material, so temporary difficulties are worth enduring.

SEO-optimization of a video on YouTube

YouTube video promotion is impossible without optimization. Video search engine optimization is a set of measures aimed at raising the position of a video in search results. It is divided into internal and external.

The principle of video optimization is similar to the SEO technology of website promotion. This means that first, the internal optimization of the page on which the video is posted is carried out, and then, with the help of the external one, it rises to the TOP of the search results.

Internal video optimization should start with keyword research. To do this, you need to use the services Yandex Wordstat, Google AdWords or YouTube keywords. The mechanism of their work is so simple that it will not be difficult for even a beginner to start working with them. To promote a video, you need to optimize the following video description elements.


To find the right title, you can look at the titles of TOP videos by keyword. The headline should contain the main key, as well as a couple of words that attract attention. Don't completely copy the title of a competitor's video. Better to analyze the most popular headlines and come up with something more worthwhile.
The title should contain the search term and additional words that the user might be interested in.


Next, you need to move on to compiling a description. Using Google Adwords or YouTube keywords, you need to select several additional key phrases, preferably medium- or low-frequency. The competition among popular search queries is quite high, so it is much easier to get into the TOP for less popular queries. In the description of the video, you must use the main key at least twice, and one of them must be entered in the exact occurrence, and the second in the dilution key (with changing endings or using prepositions).


Based on the tags, YouTube analyzes related videos and decides which one should be recommended to the user for the next viewing. Your tags also need to use a master key and a few low or high frequency key phrases. The optimal number of tags is 5-10 phrases. When writing tags, make sure they are grammatically correct. Otherwise, the video will not rise to the first lines of the search.

If, after a few days since the optimization of the video, it still has not moved off dead center, you should analyze the tags of competitors. To do this, right-click on the page with the video of interest. Then, in the context menu, select the item "View source text" and enter the word "keywords" through the search line (Ctrl + F). The keywords will be listed after the "content" attribute.

More video customization options

In addition to the basic elements of the video, there are also additional ones. They should also not be ignored. Additional elements of the video include:

  • Video icon. After the file has been uploaded to the video hosting, it becomes possible to select one of three frames for displaying it in the search. It is also possible to place your own logo as an icon, but for this you need to conclude a partnership agreement with YouTube. The brighter and more attractive the icon is, the more likely it will interest the viewer. A bright and memorable intro for the entire video series of your channel will benefit in the future - I will recognize your videos by it and choose them, even if they are not in the first places of issue, but at 5-10.

The custom cover design will attract regular viewers and make your channel recognizable.
  • Links in the description. You can and even need to add all kinds of links to the description of the video, for example, an address to the video itself or a subscription to a channel. Since advertising for a video includes active work with the audience of social networks, links to a personal profile will also not be superfluous. In the future, when a large number of views are gained, these links will help to attract additional traffic to social media accounts or to external web resources.
  • Annotations are a tool to grab the attention of users. They are most often used for a call to action, such as like, subscribing to a channel, or watching the next video.

Free ways to promote

You don't need to have startup capital to promote your video on YouTube. Although its presence, of course, is a plus. But if the budget does not allow you to invest in paid advertising, you can try to promote the video on your own. To do this, you need to use a number of free promotion methods:

Promotion through social networks

Social networks provide an opportunity to notify friends and acquaintances about uploading a new video to YouTube. It is enough to place a link to it on your page, and then, if, of course, the video is interesting, a chain reaction will work. It is necessary to disseminate information about the video in all social networks where there is an account with a sufficient number of subscribers. If, for example, the channel owner does not have a Facebook profile, then you need to create one, then recruit the maximum possible number of friends through this social network and only then spread information about the new video.

Placing links on third-party web resources and thematic forums

Although this method does not belong to the "white" ways of promotion, its existence cannot be ignored. It's about spam. Social networks gather a huge number of audience in one point of the Internet space, so they will never be able to get rid of it. To distribute free advertising on social networks, you need to use thematic groups. The link to the video can be posted either in the comments under the posts on the community wall, or through the administration of the group by clicking the "Suggest news" button. The administrator may find the video interesting and post it to their community.

Links to videos can be posted not only on social networks, but also on thematic sites and forums. The ideal option would be if the channel owner or his acquaintances had their own web resource where they could post a video without fear of being deleted in a few minutes.

Collaboration with other channels

Collaboration with other channels free of charge should be mutually beneficial. No one will start promoting someone else's video without having anything in return. This means that for mutual promotion, it is necessary to find a non-competitive channel with a similar number of subscribers and offer its owner cooperation, which will be based on the dissemination of information about the video among its viewers in exchange for a similar service.
You can contact the owners of the channels by using the contacts in the section "about the channel".

Paid promotion methods

If you have at least some funds for promotion, you can really promote the video and, accordingly, the YouTube channel. Based on the amount that is available, you can choose a suitable method of paid advertising. These include:

  • Cheat views, and comments. The method is not the most effective, but it can also be used. It is important to keep it to a minimum so as not to get banned. The strategy of "natural promotion" will be safe - think how many views of your video per day really could be. There are many programs and services for implementation.
  • Conducting a competition. Contests attract people like a magnet. Especially if a good gift is presented as the main prize. To get the required number of views in this way, you need to announce the terms of the competition (like, subscribe, etc.) on the YouTube channel, and then try to spread information about it as much as possible. For these purposes, they will fit again social networks.
  • Contextual, targeted or teaser advertising. You can advertise videos both through social networks and through contextual advertising services on the pages of search engines. But in order to publish a paid advertisement, you need to have at least basic knowledge of how to set it up. Otherwise, the entire available budget can simply be lowered into the pipe.
  • Advertising on YouTube. YouTube offers paid ad placement services to channel owners. An ad can be published in several ways, for example, in a list of related videos. These advertisements are placed through Google AdWords. Moreover, its cost is regulated by the advertiser himself. He can independently determine the maximum price per view.
  • Video seeding on external resources through special services. There are special paid services that are ready to take all the hassle of video promotion on themselves. Their services include posting videos on all kinds of sites, including social networks, thematic forums and blogs. The peculiarity of this method of promotion is that it is aimed only at the target audience. That is, the channel owner will receive not only a large number of views, but also potential subscribers.
  • Buying advertisements from well-known video bloggers. The last, but no less effective way to promote a video on YouTube is to order ads from popular bloggers. In 2017, there are not so few people who have successfully turned video blogging into a source of permanent income. Therefore, finding someone who wants to promote the next video will not be difficult. But when choosing the right blogger, you should keep in mind that the prices for such advertising are quite high. Moreover, among those who offer their services, there may be scammers. Therefore, you need to carefully study the audience structure and activity on the channel.

The desire of any new YouTube channel owner is to get a large number of views for your video cheap and quickly. And you can understand it, because it takes a lot of effort and enthusiasm to work on one video. Therefore, it certainly deserves public recognition. But as practice shows, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result without competent promotion.

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YouTube is a popular platform that acts as an effective means of promotion and promotion, a tool for making money. Competently combining the principles of standard television and social networks, it grows an entire large audience and attracts new users.

Actively watched videos with thousands of coverage can create a powerful stream of subscribers and significantly increase channel traffic. Below are some effective ways to promote YouTube videos and increase the number of views.

The Basics of YouTube Video Promotion

Most of the users firmly believe that by filming an interesting video, they will instantly find their viewer, take possession of an audience of many thousands. High-quality copyright content is certainly important, but it is not the only criterion for success. Below is a list of requirements that will help promote your video on YouTube:

  • correct name
  • catchy headline
  • detailed description
  • correct choice of category
  • registration of tags
  • attractive picture
  • mailing.

Correct name

Before uploading a video, you need to compose a semantic core, think over what queries may be of interest to your potential audience. Google.Adwords or Wordstat services will help you to isolate suitable phrases. Be sure to include keywords when coming up with a title. This will help you get additional and, what is important, free traffic, will allow you to get into the TOP of search engines.

Catchy headline

When viewing search results for a query, a person should want to open your video. A bright and catchy headline can attract his attention. When developing it, it is necessary to take into account current trends, needs and interests of users. So, for example, today one of the most popular topics is making money on the Internet. Shooting in this genre, you can use the following names: “Business on the net. How to make 100,000 in a month? "," Remote work. How to build a business on the Internet? " etc.

Detailed description

Make a quality description starting with your keyword. Structure information, present it succinctly and succinctly. The important points can be highlighted as shown in the screenshot.

In some cases, full transcription is appropriate, when what is said in the video is duplicated by the text.

Video category

Try to shoot content in a specific vein by placing it in one category. So, for example, if all the recordings are educational in nature, displayed in the "Education" section, they will automatically be included in the "Related Videos" list. This will allow you to collect additional views, attract new users to the content.


In fact, tags are key phrases and queries by which users find the videos they need. They are essential tools in YouTube video promotion. List them separately for each video, trying to take into account the interests of the potential audience.

Step-by-step instructions on how to fill in tags:

  1. Find videos of similar topics using the search tools
  2. Open the page to view
  3. Right-click, in the pop-up context menu, select the line "View page code"
  4. Hold down two keys at the same time - "Ctrl" and "G"
  5. Enter "keywords".

Attractive picture

Choose a bright and catchy image to use as the cover of your video. Images reflecting a key query work especially well. Looking at them, the user immediately understands that he can find a solution to his problem while watching the video.


To bring a video to the TOP, you need to collect a certain number of views, likes and comments in the first hours after its publication. According to official figures, YouTube gives account owners two days to promote content. After the specified time has elapsed, it is useless to act - the video will be lost in the flow of the same type of materials.

That is why you need to prepare a letter for subscribers in advance, which will contain information about the new video. It should be sent out immediately after uploading to the channel.

However, this option is only relevant for those who have already developed an initial subscriber base. What if you have not yet acquired a permanent target audience, do not have your own mailing channels? Content needs to be promoted.

Primary YouTube video promotion

The most important in the promotion of a video are the first 48 hours after it is posted on the channel. To collect a large number of views, likes and comments, you need:

  • add the video to all social networks and accounts - the more people see it, the better
  • publish it on social bookmarking services (the most popular examples: "My place", "Beaver Dobr", etc.), which will collect free backlinks
  • find relevant topics and discussions on popular forums.

Performing these actions will increase the number of views at the start.

  1. Go to the "Creative Studio" section
  2. Click on the line "Channel"
  3. Open the "Recommended Content" window
  4. Click on the "Promotion" button.

It is noteworthy that in this way you can promote not only the latest published posts, but also any others.

Backlinks to promote YouTube videos

Backlinks are active hyperlinks that, when placed on various sites and resources, refer to the original page. They act as effective tools for the promotion of YouTube videos, help to quickly collect views.

The process of promoting through backlinks is structured as follows:

  1. The person who has viewed your video, finds it valuable and useful, begins to share it with friends, posting it on his page or blog.
  2. Your materials continue to be shared on various platforms and portals, they receive backlinks, gradually filling the Internet space.
  3. Search engines index their popularity, start bringing them to the TOP, and ranking them in the first places.

In the initial stages, obtaining backlinks can be artificially created using social networks.

An example of how to promote a YouTube video using a backlink:

How to get more backlinks

There are a number of services that allow you to increase the number of backlinks. They provide their services both on a paid and free basis. The most popular among them are:

  • Piston Poster. Paid smart cross-posting service. Here, the announcements of your videos are automatically sent to various social networks (which one you choose yourself), where you get backlinks.
  • OnlyWire. An analogue of the aforementioned service, which allows you to get backlinks from Western social networks. With it, you can easily collect up to 50 backlinks.
  • Fiverr. English-language freelance portal. The starting price of services is $ 5. To get backlinks, you just need to type in the query “youtube seo” into the search box and find an artist who will do the necessary work. With the help of this site, you can also increase the number of views, likes and comments under videos, expand your audience.

Using the services of any of the services presented, you will receive additional backlinks, increase the activity on the channel. This will promote the uploaded video, bring it to the first positions in the search.

Three main mistakes of promotion

Do you strictly follow all the rules and recommendations for channel promotion, but do not get the desired results? Most likely, the problem lies in some trivial error. Most specialists have difficulty in promoting for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of a specific plan and calculation. To promote video content requires a lot of material costs (advertising, getting backlinks, etc.). The main rule is that investments must be profitable.
  2. A bet on what seems popular to you. Starting to shoot videos, analyze the market, study the work of potential competitors. Do your content plan only on the basis of the work done and the statistics collected, not personal feelings.
  3. The pursuit of likes, comments and other "criteria for success." There are many factors influencing the ranking of YouTube videos, and "Like" marks are not the top one. The service starts recommending your content to other users based on metrics such as viewing depth and video growth. Below we will tell you what it is.

Browsing depth is a metric that reflects the usefulness of content. So, your video may have more than a million views, but YouTube will not recommend it to other people. Why is this happening? Suppose the total duration is 10 minutes and the average scan time is 30 seconds. Based on this, the system concludes that the video is not interesting to users, is not able to satisfy their request, and, therefore, cannot fall into the "Recommended" category.

The dynamics of popularity growth is an important indicator. It is due to him that some videos manage to become viral and fly around the entire Internet in just a few days.

YouTube algorithms track video statistics. So, if any of the posts in the first day gains a record number of views, the social network automatically starts recommending it to a suitable audience. This contributes to an increase in coverage, makes the video even more popular.

In order to promote a video on YouTube, you need to study in detail the materials about the coefficients, ratings and filters of the video hosting itself.

    • Friends and thematic communities
    • Placement of links of your video on external resources
    • Increasing the number of subscribers
    • Keywords (phrases) and description for the video
    • Freeze frames
    • Social networks, thematic forums and resources
    • Instead of a resume

Very often you can meet users who believe that having filmed a high-quality and interesting video, you can relax and expect that the uploaded file will gain hundreds of thousands of views with confident steps. This is absolutely not the case. Having lost a certain moment, you can count on only a couple of hundred views, and there will be no financial reward from it. The same applies to a commercial video: you cannot popularize a product or service just by creating a good demo video.

In order for your video to gain the greatest popularity, you need to know how it can be promoted in search engines for top results. Let's define the main points that will help promote your video on YouTube.

Friends and thematic communities

Grow your YouTube account wisely: Explore the complete guide to making money on YouTube

For many users, YouTube is considered just a file hosting service where videos can be viewed. In fact, this service is practically no different from various social networks, in which there are a huge number of ways to attract people.

To popularize a video on YouTube, you need to collect a circle of users who are interested in the thematic focus of this video. You should find various ways to notify them that this video will be interesting to them, leave likes on the video of your subscribers (if any) and comment on them (preferably with a link to your video, if it is very close in meaning). This method is quite laborious and is similar to blog promotion.

Placement of links of your video on external resources

The annotations provide for a ban on the publication of links to videos, but this method can significantly increase traffic and popularize your video on YouTube. With the help of annotations, you can insert links to a specific video in other videos you uploaded, and on different channels (if you have more than one channel).

Increasing the number of subscribers

7 secrets of teaser ads

If you do not have enough time to use different methods for promoting videos on YouTube, be sure to take the opportunity to grow subscribers on your YouTube channel. By uploading a brand new video, your subscribers will be able to see it on the YouTube home page.

Having an impressive number of subscribers and posting a high-quality video, we can say with almost one hundred percent probability that your video will acquire thousands of views through a "chain reaction". Thus, you will also get new subscribers on YouTube.

Keywords (phrases) and description for the video

Lately, many popular search engines have significantly improved the quality of searches for various criteria. However, description and keywords (tags) are still the main source for search. Therefore, when publishing a description for a video on YouTube, you need to include as many key phrases and tags as possible. In the column listing the tags, when uploading a video, you need to indicate the most significant tags that are most suitable for the content of the video.

The original title with the inclusion of the main key will also help promote the video on YouTube. It should be borne in mind that the search engine on YouTube works on principles similar to Google, therefore, first of all, you need to focus on the inclusion of basic search parameters specifically for these search engines.

Freeze frames

SEO-optimization of videos posted on YouTube

When the search engine gives out YouTube, along with the name of the video, the image for the video is also given. Initially, if you did not take any action on this issue, the YouTube service independently takes a screenshot in your video and sets it as the default image.

It is best to perform this operation yourself and post a picture on YouTube that the user will want to click on. It should stand out from others that will be next in the search results.

Social networks, thematic forums and resources

All users, in addition to YouTube video hosting, use social networks, some browse forums with information of interest to them.

In order to promote a video on YouTube, it can be posted through social networks, thereby significantly increasing the number of views.

Some of the users who find your video interesting can also repost it on their wall, and this will already entail attracting a new audience to your channel, and such a "chain reaction" can significantly increase the number of views and raise the rating for issuing it to the top search engines.

Instead of a resume

All of the above methods, answering the question: how to promote a video on a YouTube channel, will help to significantly increase the number of views and attract new subscribers. They can be used independently without investing a penny, and the time spent will pay off in full.

If you do not have a lot of free time, you can use the services of companies that will carry out these manipulations for you, and the money that will need to be paid will be much less from the funds that you can get on YouTube from making money on this video.

The topic of YouTube video promotion is now more relevant than ever.

With this experiment, I wanted to show that now almost everyone can promote their video on YouTube, especially since for complexity I took one of the most popular queries “How to make money on YouTube” Competition on demand is very difficult, but nevertheless “If it is strong you can want to fly into space! "

The result, I got, my video lasted in the TOP for almost two months, now it has moved down a little, but it still remains on the first page of the search.

I see reasons, one of which is the length of the video.

I wrote about which videos are easier to promote

The next videos I just ran through the system and got the desired result, they further support themselves.

for example this one.

He confidently holds the top positions. sometimes slides lower sometimes rises higher. but generally stable.

Now let's talk about the YouTube video promotion system.

The fact that you need to work with video clips is already clear to everyone. I once just uploaded videos to YouTube and streamed them on my websites just as easily.

Then I realized that you can get good traffic from YouTube and the more promoted the video, the more people go from it to my blog.

Let's take a look at what is needed in order for your video to be popular and have a lot of views.

Steps to Promote YouTube Videos

2. Placing a video clip on their sites

3. Attracting social traffic

4. We use social bookmarking services

6. Using YouTube social tools

7. Paid promotion methods

8. We increase the activity of visitors to your blog

These are the eight steps you need to take to get your video on the first page for the selected request.

Well, let's start promoting your video!

Loading and full optimization of the video for the search query.

At the very beginning, you must understand for yourself that your video clip is needed by someone and they will be looking for it. You need to select a search query and optimize the video for it to the fullest. I wrote in detail in this article. It makes no sense to repeat yourself, read the post and watch the video.

After you have uploaded a video to YouTube, it is recommended to attract as much traffic as possible to it in the first 12 hours. It is considered that this time is very important for how the search robot will assess how useful your video is and whether it is worth raising it in the search.

Although, for example, I also untwisted the videos after they had "hung" for a couple of weeks, and everything worked out fine.

But now let's talk about how to get this traffic to your video.

Placing a video clip on your sites

A good impetus in video promotion is given by placing the video on third-party resources. That is why I recommend all video bloggers to have their own blog as well. It's not that hard. For those who are on the blog for the first time, here is a link to my free video course Take it and make it a stand-alone site. YouTube appreciates videos that are also posted on other sites.

If you have several sites, then place them on all where possible.

I'm currently working on a project on my old domain, where everyone can post videos from YouTube. who wants to post videos on this site.

Read the terms and conditions and post. Will not be superfluous!

Attracting social traffic

Perhaps this is the most affordable way to promote and promote a video clip. Almost all Internet users have social media accounts.

Once you've posted a video, immediately recommend it using the social media buttons below each video.

Unfortunately, there are no Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex blogs and Mail blogs popular in Runet.

These resources have a good effect on the link weight and indexing of the video by search engines. If a video appears in a search on Yandex or Google, then this is generally a bomb.

People are moving well from search to YouTube videos.

So we use all possible social levers and get a mention of the video on all available social media accounts.

We use social bookmarking services to promote video clips.

Social bookmarks are not highly quoted now, but it is stupid not to use them for unnecessary mentioning. There are tons of social bookmarking services on the Internet, and all of them allow you to post a link with a short description for free. This is exactly what we need!

I use the service for this Bposter, it's certainly not perfect, but it allows for a decent posting to social bookmarks. I wrote about him in, by the way, almost all the techniques that I described in it are applicable to the promotion of video clips.

You can get a list of social bookmarking services with other usefulness for promoting videos at the bottom of this post.

We collect backlinks to your video from third-party resources.

It's still possible for now, but YouTube pays a lot of attention to video link authority. The more external links go to the video, the more YouTube raises it in the search.

Link build-up is of course a laborious and time-consuming process. But if you see that your video is worthy of the first place in the search, then after spending a couple of hours on posting it on third-party sites, you will get not bad traffic and growing positions.

Many thematic forums allow you to post videos, you need to find topics that are familiar to you and start taking part in the life of these forums. After a dozen posts, you will be allowed to insert the code of your videos into them.

A good way is to post videos on press release sites. ... At the end of this post, you will be able to get a list of 113 sites to host.

Videos can also be inserted into all kinds of news on warez sites and article directories.

And as I suggested above, you can insert into my super-traffic

Using YouTube social tools

In the summer of 2012, YouTube revised its development policy and began to turn from a video hosting into a full-fledged social network. And now the same rules apply here as in all social networks.

Therefore, start actively commenting on other people's similar videos and recommend your own.

Just do not spam in any way, it is calculated immediately and will not lead to anything good. Comment on the case, and on the topic of the commented video, do not beg for a subscription, behave yourself with dignity, show yourself as a professional and people will start switching to your channel.

It is very important, try to answer all the questions that you are asked in the comments under your videos, then real life will begin on your pages, YouTube loves this very much.

Define for yourself several similar channels, subscribe to them. By the way, when people go to these channels, yours will be shown among similar ones.

YouTube has one In-Video tool that allows you to automatically insert a visual recommendation on a promoted video into each of your videos.

Here is a short video clip of how to set it up

Paid methods of promoting video clips.

Now, just don't be alarmed, paid video promotion is not worth a lot if you approach it wisely.

Let's immediately understand that promotion in the form of a cheat is bad, and bad, first of all, for your video. Because cheated views, these are video views for a couple of seconds. And YouTube watches and evaluates how viewers watch videos, and if a visitor watches a video for only a couple of seconds and leaves, then this is an uninteresting and bad video and it needs to be lowered in the SERP so as not to clog up the search.

I refer to paid methods:

2. Buying links from third-party resources, you can order on freelance exchanges. For example, a run on 130-150 social bookmarks will cost in the range of $ 2

3. Buying tweets. It is well indexed by Google and Yandex. You can buy on tweet exchanges. About 5-25 rubles per tweet. For me, this service costs 200 rubles for 200 tweets to the pumped Twitter accounts.

You can order on the page in the tab "Promotion / Optimization" But you can get this service for free.

4. Ordering tasks on the Seo-Sprint exchange. Here the main thing is to correctly compose the task and in no case ask advertisers to click on the advertisement. This is stealing!

5. If you really need to go to the TOP and make less effort, you can use the SotsLike service

Of course, there are many more paid methods, it is not realistic to list them in one article!

We increase the activity of visitors to your blog.

A good way to drive viral traffic is to ask your blog visitors or viewers for help.

The main thing is to offer an equivalent exchange for help.

An example of such an exchange can be found on this page with a mutual PR offer.

Check it out and analyze how to mix it up with your videos.

You can offer anything, a service, a small reward, an e-book, or access to some useful video. Here you need to think.

For a useful super-file, I will ask for a small symbolic fee in the form of a like!

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