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Web developer plugin in Russian. Web development job guide

At the moment, one of the leading areas of software development is web development. Web development refers to the development of an Internet service or web application, its maintenance, support, as well as search engine optimization (SEO).

Junior web developers are engaged in the actual creation of simple web applications, mostly client-side development and partly server-side programming, although server part in such applications is usually not very complex. More experienced web developers are working on more complex parts of the back-end logic and integration with external systems. For SEO often hired individual person or a whole team of specialists.

To confirm the qualification of Junior Web Developer, you need the following knowledge:

  • Programming (knowledge of number systems, elementary algorithms)
  • Presentation languages ​​HTML/XML/CSS (basic concepts and principles, syntax)
  • JavaScript language (syntax, event handling, working with DOM)

This list does not include knowledge server web technologies, such as PHP, Python, or Java. They will be included in the more advanced Web Developer qualification with specializations. To test the basic knowledge in the field of server logic programming, a test on the basics of programming has been added to the qualification.

Required Tests

Programming - Basics

Since Junior is required to know JavaScript, he needs to know the basics of programming. This test contains fairly elementary questions on Boolean algebra, number systems (especially binary and hexadecimal), and simple algorithms.

HTML - Basics

The HTML test tests Junior's knowledge of the main tags and elements of the language that will be needed in the work. The test also contains questions on some abbreviations, browsers, and indirectly about XML.

CSS - Basics

Junior "you need to know CSS along with HTML, otherwise the development of a more or less serious site will be fraught with difficulties. The test covers knowledge of the basic properties and attributes, box-model, selectors.

XML - Basics

Knowledge of XML is not as critical for Junior as knowledge of HTML/CSS, but it is required more as a basic knowledge that will come in handy for Junior in the future. In addition, we must not forget that most other markup formats are based on XML: the same XHTML, WSDL, or the increasingly popular HTML 5 SVG standardization. The test questions are mostly theoretical, covering knowledge of the basic XML specification.

JavaScript - Basics

If, in the early 2000s, knowledge of JavaScript Junior was optional, now, 10 years later, this is one of the primary requirements. Knowledge of JavaScript, in addition to dynamic capabilities in the client browser, opens the way to learning more complex technologies such as AJAX , which allow you to create rich Internet applications (Rich Internet Applications, RIA).Test questions check the syntax, basic functions and objects of JavaScript.

Article writing

The subject of the article is proposed to the administration and either accepted or rejected with an alternative proposal. The topic should be subject area. This requirement tests Junior's ability to quickly understand the essence of a particular technology / approach / framework. Alternatively, you can propose 3-4 topics for an article for consideration by the administration, and the administration will offer one of them for writing. The article you wrote should not have been previously published on other resources.

Drafting questions

The need to compose questions pursues the same goals as writing an article: the ability to analytically approach the development of new things, to separate important aspects from unimportant ones. The topics of the questions are also agreed with the administration (this is necessary because there are quite a lot of questions in some tests, and when adding another one, it is highly likely that a similar question already exists).

Important: Questions about the article can be asked in the comments on the page of your qualification (do not confuse with public page description), which can be accessed from the link on the profile in the Qualifications block.

We look forward to your comments and feedback.

Web Developer Mozilla Incredible useful extension. It is installed in browsers and brings the blogger comprehensive information about the state of sites. At first, this plugin could only be installed in Firefox, but later, the same author, Chris Pederik, developed it for Chrome as well. You can download and install it, in the latest version, in English.

Web Developer mozilla Russian version

For Russian blogger it is possible to install this extension in Russian, but in this case, not the latest version is installed, but the previous one - Web Developer 1.19.

First, in the Firefox browser settings, the extension is installed, in English. Let's go to the "Add-ons" tab. In the new window on the right, we will see buttons for several programs, including "Web Developer". Turn on the "settings" button, after which a window for the settings of this tool will appear.

To enable the Russian language, you need to follow the link to the versions. In the new window, select the number 1.19, click the "add to Firefox" button. After restarting the browser, the top panel of the extension will be in Russian. Then everything becomes clear. Let's load our site first, and start analyzing it, with the help of numerous options, on the top panel.

When you open the browser again, the panel is again in English, so you have to reinstall the Russian language again.

Web Developer mozilla disable some features

In the drop-down menu we will see that you can disable a number of functions so that you can see other properties.

    • "Cookies click" opens a large list page. Here, individual cookies can be changed or deleted, but for now I looked without touching anything. After viewing the tab, I close it and proceed to the next paragraphs.
    • "CSS errors" - also opens the drop-down menu bar. Styles can be disabled. But I want to see them, so I click on the line: CSS info. As a result, a sheet with all the styles built into the theme, plugins and widgets has opened, resulting in a long web page.

« Forms" - p When viewing the site, sitebars, subscription forms, and search were highlighted in color. This tab is needed by webmasters when creating templates, because there are a lot of lines with parameters.

Web Developer mozilla - other panels for site evaluation

    • Graphics - show attributes alt - descriptions above pictures are highlighted. You can view all pages of the site and identify where there are no descriptions to correct. The size of the images is known to us, but the weight and number of images are indicated here. Everything is fine with me - the weight is small, each image is 3 kb. Find corrupted images- on the main page - not found. opens separate sheet, where there are descriptions of all images, including counters and favicon. When we see everything, we remove the checkmarks.
    • There are a lot of lines on the information panel. I click “show id and class”, while the links are highlighted at their location, that is, on the site. This is very impressive, because the title attributes and the nesting of documents are shown by coloring.
    • Document weight - the page opened, but was initially blank. You have to wait a bit for the download. However, it soon appears valuable information about the weight of individual sections. It strikes a large number of scripts and their size. It is worth considering how they can be reduced and reduced.
    • Links from home page. Everything is taken into account: site title, categories, label cloud tags, pictures, counter, jvascript widgets, comments. I tried to follow some links, to the pages of the site. Addresses in comments are closed, thanks, However, the number of links does not decrease due to the peculiarities of the Word Press code, which is difficult to fix. In total, it turns out 74 - 86 internal links, but SEO rules, it is not allowed that their number exceeds 100.
    • There is information about the meta tags of the main page.

Information Miscellaneous

    • Miscellaneous - contain: ruler, magnifying glass, html editor, hidden elements.
    • Outlines - displays the borders of headings, links, outlines of blocks. You can view the contours of two or three elements of the site at the same time.
    • Dimensions - shows the dimensions of the window, viewport. It is possible to adjust the size of the window and font by pressing the zoom in and out button.
    • Tools - the transition to the services of validators is carried out. I got a lot of CSS and HTMI errors when checking. For example, CSS is checked first, and then the generated correct style file is offered.
    • By this council did the following: activated another, simple theme/for a short while/. I copied my style file, transferred it to notepad, saved it, and deleted it from the site editor. I downloaded the correct file from the validator and inserted it instead of my own.
    • Went to the site. And what do I see, with new, correct styles? The site is in place, but which one? The look is disgusting. The template has become single-column. The texts are stretched from edge to edge, there are no colors.
    • Therefore, I rather returned my file with CSS errors and everything was fixed. On the other hand, validation errors need to be fixed, but this is not yet available to me.

For Chrome browser

Web version. developer for the Chrom browser, by the same author, improved and supplemented. Compared to the extension for Mozilla browser, slightly different options. The text is English, but some opening pages are translated.

It is better when a person is at least familiar with the English language, because the Internet needs it. After browsing the web. developer, ideas about the structure of the blog are improved.

The analysis in this extension should be permanent, therefore it is desirable for every blogger to install it in the browser. At least in order to control the number of links on each page.

So you've decided to become web developer. Do you know the three magic HTML term/ CSS / JS and think you'll be in demand once you've mastered all three. You imagine how you will teach them sequentially, one by one. Complete your portfolio. Find a junior position. Wipe the nose of the doubters.

In fact, even Frontend developer- endangered species. But not because there is less work :) Rather, on the contrary. The daily growing amount of knowledge leaves no chance for broad categories. Abstract "programmers" only exist in hacker movies and popular imagination. So front-end developers gradually become an abstraction, dividing into increasingly narrow specialties.

Unfortunately, most recruiters have a poor understanding of the specifics of the work of the people they employ. Let's make allowance for the fact that IT recruiting is also a young discipline. Willingly or unwittingly, recruiters create a kind of “disinformation field”.

If you have experience renting a home, you have probably come across the phrase " Internet WiFi". Realtors love this phrase. Do not try to explain to them that Wi-Fi is a distribution method from a failed source, and it is the latter that interests you. "Internet Wi-Fi" can be anything: ADSL, 3G, fiber...

A fundamental misunderstanding does not prevent realtors from replicating a meaningless phrase. Same story with recruiters.

Let's see what job titles that fit the definition of "web development" are popular today. I note right away that this guide does not claim to be complete and reflects the point of view of a person using JS as the main language.

Job titles

web developer

Synonyms: Web developer, web engineer

Usually, it implies the use of any CMS. Some people seriously believe that beginners use "simple CMS" and experts use "advanced CMS". Hint: if a person asks - What CMS do you use? with a group of programmers in a conference room - he is probably a complete noob. And this is not an accusation, but a statement of fact. serious modern projects do not use CMS, well, perhaps as an auxiliary tool. Wordpress for company blogging - yes, it's possible. Wordpress as a store is already doubtful. " Social network on Joomla" - fantasies of a teenager. CMS have their place in the market, but they have long ceased to be a "state-forming" element.

“Making a website on CMS” is about the same as “riveting designs under ThemeForest”. "A penny saves a ruble!" – Nuff Said.

A web engineer deals with content, “rules” the layout, does various things and (occasionally) programs. web developer- it lowest level of all possible "web developers". In the case of freelancing, web developer, usually, it means “man-orchestra”, or rather, “man-laborer”.

Hurry!!! We are looking for a patient web developer!

CSS / HTML Developer / Markup Developer

Synonyms: typesetter

The position in which you want to make up the design. Requirements for knowledge of JS and programming are minimal or absent. It is desirable to know the basics of design, because. design is almost never translated from PSD to HTML one-to-one. "Pixel-Perfect" - a phrase-"bell". Marker of a tyrant manager who has no idea how the browser works and measures the quality of work by pixel-by-pixel (with zoom!) comparison of the PSD layout and the HTML page. Attempts to explain the difference between font rendering in Photoshop and in the browser are usually perceived as "arguing instead of working." Avoid "per pixel" jobs at all costs.

The layout designer always finishes after the designer. A web programmer always finishes after a layout designer. Neighboring couples in this chain almost always dislike each other for this reason.

Ivan not only knows everything about the professions from this article, but will also help you master them, write the right resume and prepare for an interview.

Front End Designer / Web Designer

Synonyms: Web Designer

Samiznaetekto™. The specialist is required to have knowledge of visual design (possibly interface design), knowledge of typography, knowledge of Photoshop. Knowledge of JS is usually not required.

In the Western market, designers usually do layout as well. First of all modern layout, taking into account responsive- and adaptive prefixes and animations is mediocrely described by a static picture. Have you often seen a designer showing animation and mobile version? So do I. Usually, their capabilities are limited to choosing from library animations (selected by the programmer!). Secondly (but for the same reason), it is often easier for a real specialist to make a design immediately in the form of layout. Why do work X + Y when you can get by with Y?

In our market, due to the technological backlog, designers and layout designers are different people.

Interface Developer / UI Designer

Similar to previous version, but with a focus on interaction design. Specialists in this position usually communicate a lot with programmers, with clients, with managers, then again with programmers... For this reason, knowledge of the basics of software development and communication skills is desirable. Very often, the vacancy also requires specific knowledge mobile development, because two UI/UX experts are rarely hired. Keep in mind that in this area it is difficult to find material for self-study, which can be either a plus (less competition) or a minus (harder to master). If you are able to learn from examples, then there should be no problems.

Mobile/Tablet Front End Developer

A position for a developer specializing in mobile devices. Requires specific knowledge IOS platforms and Android. React Native is a modern version of this specialization that allows you to use web technologies to create native applications. Hint: web apps, hybrid apps, native apps and native applications on web technologies are all different things.

Front End Developer / Engineer

Synonyms: front-end developer, front-end developer

Generalized job title for a developer who owns HTML / JS / CSS. Usually found in small companies where a wide range of tasks is assigned to one person. Design knowledge is probably not required, but would be a bonus. AT modern conditions, is increasingly being replaced by the title of a specific technology: jQuery Developer, Backbone Developer, React Developer, Angular Developer... Programming and typesetting skills are included in the package of requirements.

JS Developer / Front End Programmer

Synonyms: JS developer* / JS programmer

Same as the previous one, with more emphasis on programming and less on layout and design. In general, the term developer (Engineer to a lesser extent) instead of programmer, may mean that there will be less programming, and "stuff" - more. Except when the programming language is explicitly specified (JS developer ~= JS programmer).

JS Developer can also mean full stack(see below). In this case, the company probably plans to decide on your specialization later - when your strengths and weaknesses are clear. Or when other jobs are distributed. That's why, JS Developer almost always goes with Junior or Senior / Middle.

Frontend SEO expert

A rare position where you need to optimize the HTML code according to the requirements and wishes search engines(Google / Yandex). Specific knowledge: micro-formats, micro-markup. Given that SEO is dying out and being replaced by classic marketing, I recommend avoiding everything that contains this acronym. If job hunting is not your hobby, of course.

Front End Accessibility expert

Emphasis on optimizing the site for special readers (for example, for people with limited vision). An extremely rare position. Listed in the Red Book. Occurs only on large projects.

front end dev. Ops

Position for a specialist in assembly, automation, integration of front-end applications. It occurs mainly in large companies, because implies a rather narrow range of tasks. Current knowledge: Webpack / Gulp / Grunt. Over time, you will begin to be asked what you actually do...

Front End Testing / QA

Position for QA / QA specialist for front-end applications. Found in large and medium-sized companies. Current knowledge: unit tests, functional tests, A/B tests, manual testing and automation. Communication skills are on the list of requirements.

Many people mistakenly believe that a "tester" is more simple work than "programmer". Yes, sometimes there are vacancies where you can “click on links” and “compile reports”. But these are exceptions.

Getting Selenium NightmareJS to walk around the application taking screenshots and running regression tests is not that easy. After all, this is, in fact, a full-stack development. The work is carried out in several environments at once (Electron + Chromium) and requires good fundamental knowledge.

Full Stack Developer / Engineer / Programmer

A position for an expert in the full stack of web technologies. It implies an understanding of client-server interaction, experience with databases, knowledge of asynchronous programming, etc. The choice of serious-minded people.

full stack is divided into two categories: FullStack-JS and all the rest. In the first case, as you might guess, JS is used on the server and on the client. In the second case, Ruby / Python / PHP is used on the server.

For beginners, so as not to be sprayed between different languages and platforms, I strongly recommend giving preference to the first option (if possible). Learning multiple languages ​​at once is hard work.

FullStack JS involves the use of web frameworks based on NodeJS. It can be a monolithic full-stack framework (like MeteorJS), a reactive backend with a minimalistic client (like HorizonIO), or an assembly from independent libraries (like KoaJS + ReactJS). All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

FullStack JS is often used in real-time applications: chat rooms (a la Slack / Gitter), financial applications (scalability, PayPal...), game servers. The ability to push information to the client (creating real-time) almost out of the box is the main engine for the growth of this technology.


The highest degree of classical programming. Any vacancy with the word Architect assumes a Senior specialist and is probably not of interest in the short term to you, dear reader.


Lead vacancies are very different. How many companies - so many different leads. On the other hand, this is the case when a person defines a place, and not a place - a person. For beginners, it is of no interest, because. Junior Lead is the same nonsense as Junior Architect.

NodeJS Developer / BackendJS Developer

JS backend. The "great and terrible" NodeJS - what they just didn't say about it. Praises, accusations of "hipsterism" - it was all ...

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I bring to your attention another article that will be devoted to reviewing the capabilities of the plugin for Firefox () under web name developer.

This plugin for the Firefox browser () is a kind of Swiss knife for webmasters, which has a lot of features and tools in its composition.

Web Developer in no way begs the dignity of what was discussed earlier, but rather complements it very much. If you are not yet very familiar with the capabilities of Firebug, you can read about it at the link provided.

Installation and features of WebDeveloper

You can see how the one you are interested in is arranged html form, change some of its parameters, for example, enable the display of entered characters in the password fields or convert GET requests to POST and vice versa.

Other tools of this wonderful plugin

In the "Graphics" area there are items that will allow you to disable the display of images (either all images or only those downloaded from external resources, or only animated ones). You can also simply check the boxes next to the right points in the "Graphics" menu, configure the display of information about the content of the ALT attribute ( alternative text), as well as information about the weight of the given photo, its size in pixels, and the path to the image file.

It will also be possible to configure the Web Developer plugin to show image outlines, find damaged pictures, display summary information about all photos on an open web page, and, for example, set up displaying the contents of the ALT attribute instead.

In the "Info" area, this plugin can provide great amount information about the web page opened in the browser as a whole. There are a lot of items on this menu. For example, activating the item "Show block sizes" will select all blocks (DIV containers) on the web page and show their exact sizes in pixels next to them.

It will also be possible with the help of the Web Developer plugin to see the structure of the titles of this page, information about the links on it, and much more.

In the "Miscellaneous" area, those features are concentrated that have not found a place in other groups of tools. An interesting one from this group is the "Ruler", upon activation of which you get the opportunity to measure the distance between web page elements or to define the size in pixels of this or that block.

After activating the ruler from the plugin, the mouse cursor turns into a cross and you can press and hold left button mouse, highlight desired element pages. Below the Web Developer toolbar at the top of the Firefox browser window is the Ruler toolbar, which will display information about the size of the selection.

In the "Miscellaneous" area, quite a lot of interesting and useful features. For example, the item " HTML editor» opens additional window with the HTML code of this page. All changes made in it will be immediately displayed in the browser. Very handy for quick experiments with website design. In this case, of course, no changes will be made to the actual files of the web project engine.

But you can with using the Web Developer in real time to simulate various options for building a given page through Firefox. If the new version of the code modeled with it suits you, then you will have to make changes to the actual files of the website engine, which you can find using the method described.

The "Outlines" area will be of great help to you when studying the design elements of a web page. By activating one or another item in the "Contours" menu, you can select on the page individual types its elements, for example, block-level elements (DIV containers), elements Html tables(), frames (the article lives) or links on the page that do not have the Title attribute. It greatly enhances the visibility of layout.

The Sizes menu contains several options for controlling the size of the browser window. You can also set the window to an arbitrary size in order to look at the behavior of this page when changes are made.

The "Tools" group contains features for checking validation (compliance with modern requirements for web development). You can validate HTML, CSS, WAI and Section 508. Validation is done through an online validator from .

The plug-in can be configured by selecting the item with the same name in the "Settings" tool group. In conclusion, I want to say that using the capabilities of Web Developer, you can easily figure out how this or that web page you like is arranged, and it will also be very useful when creating and debugging sites.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

You can watch more videos by going to

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SEObar - convenient and informative SEO plugin for Opera
Firebug - how to use the best plugin for webmasters
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Extensions and themes for Google Chrome
Plugins and themes for Mozilla Firefox- what add-ons and extensions should be downloaded and installed

Vlad Merzhevich

Although there is an extension for two different browsers, the version for Firefox is up to date and regularly updated, which cannot be said about the version for Chrome. In addition, it supports the Russian language. Therefore, in the future, the description will only go for Firefox.

Installation is quite simple, just go to the author's website with Firefox and click "Download", after which you will be redirected to the site where you need to click on "Add to Firefox" (Fig. 7.1).

Rice. 7.1. Adding to Firefox

You can also go directly to the page with the extension.

After adding, a warning window will appear (Fig. 7.2), click the "Install now" button and the installation procedure is completed.

Rice. 7.2. Web installation developer

Another way to install different extensions is to use the menu Tools > Addons. In the search box, type " web developer”, Press Enter, the add-on we need will appear in the list below (Fig. 7.3).

Rice. 7.3. Firefox add-ons window

The extension itself looks like a menu bar above the tabs (Fig. 7.4), and it is also available through the menu Tools > Web Developer. The panel can be turned on/off via the menu. View > Toolbars or by right-clicking on the extension bar.

Rice. 7.4. web developer in browser

Let's go through the Web Developer menu items.

Disable cache

Disables the browser's built-in cache. Typically, images and copies of viewed pages are stored by the browser on local disk to save download time. When the page is reopened, the browser compares the local copy with the original, and if they match, the local copy is loaded. In some cases, loading local version page, even if the original is modified. For example, in the browser settings, a check can be set every two hours to see if the cached page has been updated on the server. However, Firefox doesn't allow you to fine-tune the cache like Opera does.

You can also refresh the page bypassing the cache using the key combination Ctrl + F5 , it is supported by all browsers.

Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Small Programs in this language (so-called applets) are used to extend the functionality of web pages. Firefox has built-in support for this language, which can be disabled via this menu item. AT versions of Firefox 3.6 doesn't work.

Disable JavaScript

A programming language designed to run scripts - programs integrated with a web page. JavaScript is widely used when creating web pages to enhance their functionality, for example, create various menus, forms, effects, etc. If you select the Disable JavaScript > Completely, then all functionality on the site will stop working. This menu item can be used to test the site without scripts, as well as to bypass various restrictions that site authors set, such as disabling the right mouse button. Web Developer says that there are no restrictions that cannot be bypassed.

Disable META redirect

With a tag can be automatically redirected to specified document after a certain period of time. The tag is used for this. and the Refresh value of the http-equiv attribute (Example 7-1).

Example 7.1. Automatic forwarding


Forwarding can be applied in chats to update current document or redirect to new address. But it is also used with malicious intent, for example, to frequently display contextual advertising or banners. This item the menu allows you to block a similar tag .

Disable minimum font size

AT Firefox settings you can set a minimum font size, it will be used for text that is smaller than the specified size. This makes browsing easier to read, especially on sites that display text in a font that is too small to read comfortably.

To set a minimum font size, select from the menu Tools > Options..., open the Content panel and click the Advanced button in the Fonts and Colors group. You can select the minimum font size from the drop down menu Smallest font size.

Web Developer allows you to quickly enable or disable this feature. However, if the minimum font size is not set in the settings, this item does not affect the result in any way.

Disable Page Colors

Turns off any colors set with the background or background-color property. Also affected background pictures, which are set with background .

Disable Popup Blocker

Pop-ups are usually used for advertisements, so they are usually blocked and not allowed in browsers. This item allows you to quickly turn this option on and off.

Disable proxy

A proxy is usually understood as a server or program that allows you to connect to the Internet, as well as for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. If in the Firefox settings ( Tools > Options.., the Advanced panel, the Network tab, the Configure button) is set to "Use system proxy settings", then this item is inactive.

Disable Referrers

Referrer is one of the headers of the HTTP protocol and allows you to get the address of the page from which the user came to the site. If you care about the security of your data, enable this item.

Cookies, or cookies as they are called in jargon, are small text files on the local computer that store information useful to the site. With the help of cookies, you can remember the user's name, his status and other information that is used on the site. Firefox sets cookie preferences via menu Tools > Options..., the Privacy panel. For security reasons, you can generally disable the acceptance of cookies from sites.

Cookies themselves are a set of some parameters:

  • unique name;
  • meaning;
  • path - send cookies only if the path and the page address match, the path "/" means any page;
  • domain - for which site address the record is relevant;
  • expiration date - tells the browser when the cookie can be deleted.

Disable Cookies

Disables accepting cookies from sites.

Delete Session Cookies

Cookies are often used to verify user authentication. After entering the name and password, a unique code is generated and stored in cookies. When you visit the site again, this code is checked, and if it matches the server code, then the site “recognizes” the user. Selecting this item deletes all saved sessions.

Delete Cookies for a Domain

Deletes all cookies for the site that is currently open in the browser.

Delete cookies for the path

Deletes all cookies for the site, the path of which matches the path of the site opened in the browser.

Information about Cookies

An additional page opens, where all cookies from this site are presented in tabular form. Their parameters can be edited or cookies can be deleted altogether (Fig. 7.5).

Rice. 7.5. Information about cookies from

Add Cookies

Allows you to artificially set cookies for the current site or any other, as well as set the necessary parameters (Fig. 7.6).

Rice. 7.6. Window to add

Adding is usually required to debug the operation of cookies and the behavior of the site when they are present.


This menu is responsible for the styles of the current page.

Disable styles

Designed to disable styles on some basis.

All styles

Disables all styles used on the page.

Default Browser Style

Disables the style for all elements to which it is added by default by the browser. For example, the text inside


Has a different size.


After disabling the style, the text size of these elements will be the same.

Inline Styles

Disables styling within a tag