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PharmCash - Pharma affiliate from Al and Yak. From European countries

Today, pharma affiliate programs are a really profitable way to make money on the Internet. The bottom line is that the webmaster needs to redirect traffic to one or several pharma affiliates. And the income will come from the interest that the publisher will receive from each sale. In general, in Runet, only a couple of affiliate programs are heard everywhere, but in general there are much more of them. In this article I will try to tell you about the most popular of them, and along the way I will tell you how you can make money on them.

Glavmed - in my opinion, one of the coolest pharma affiliates. If you work with them, then from each sale you will have about 30-40%. And if you attract referrals, it will cost you 16%. The range of drugs they deal with is constantly growing. Traff can be drained according to your affiliate link but it is not very efficient. It is better to create your own pharmacy, register a domain for this business. By the way, you can host at Glavmed. Just for the sake of information - the pharmacy is called a "shop" here. Payments are made twice a month. Withdrawal is carried out on all popular systems electronic payment systems - PayPal, WebMoney, etc.

Stimul-Cash Is no less popular affiliate program than Glavmed. But I personally believe that its popularity is due to the fact that they pay very high commissions - up to 75% of the sale. True, referrals are slightly less - only 5%. The scheme of work is about the same - we merge traffic through our affiliate link, or create our own shop and attract traffic to it. As you can see, there are similarities with Glavmed. But I want to note that in Stimula there is a constant replenishment of the number of pharmacy templates. Sell ​​Generic and Brand pils. By the way, payments in this affiliate program are made more often than in Glavmed. And so, everything is the same. Payments to PayPal, Wire, Epassporte or WebMoney

RX-Partners is also a very reliable pharma affiliate program, which has proven its effectiveness by operating on the market. Also very popular with webmasters. However, if we compare it with Stimulus cash, then the commission here will be slightly lower - 30-50% from each sale. However, unlike Stimul-Cash, referrals are slightly higher here - 10%. There is also nothing special about the methods of traffic flow: either with our ID, or we create a shop and catch up with traffic. What I like about this affiliate program is that there are plenty of multilingual pharmacy templates. Pharma affiliate network sells Generic pils. Payments once a week with a hold of 1 week. Payouts are standard, as in previous affiliate programs.

RX-Promotion is also a serious affiliate program that is gradually gaining momentum. Commissions are quite high - 40-50%. Referral rates are slightly lower - 5%. On the this moment the list of drugs is not very long, but it is constantly updated. There are also no changes in the range of products offered. Everything is standard - these are generics and brand pils. The traffic is the same - ID or shop. Withdrawal of earned funds with a hold in two weeks. Withdrawal to Epassporte, WebMoney or Wire Transfer

DrugRevenue - I remember this affiliate program for its contests, which she held back in 2008. What distinguishes it is the relatively low prices for its products. Moreover, the list of these products is quite large. The commission is also at the level - 50-60%. True, referrals are not very large - only 5%. The affiliate program sells generic pilsa. Traffic drain, as far as I know, through ID is not practiced. Immediately offer to put a shop. An advantageous difference from other pharma affiliates is that they accept Mastercard and Visa. Payments with a hold in two weeks. By the type of payment systems to which payments are made - all the most popular

EvaPharmacy is considered one of the oldest pharma affiliates. Moreover, reliable! Commissions are small - 45%, however, referral fees are slightly higher than in the previous PP - 10%. Traffic drain methods are no different from the methods that I described above. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that they give a free domain for registering a shop. Sale of Generic pils in progress. By the way, this affiliate program has given the go-ahead to e-mail spam. Payments with hold in 1 week. Produced by Epese, WebMoney, Wire Transfer and Epassporte

I think that many people surfing the Internet, and especially users who are looking for money on the Internet, have repeatedly come across such a concept as "pharma" or "".

First, let's figure out what farming is. The abbreviation "pharma" comes from the term "pharmaceuticals". According to Ushakov's dictionary, pharmaceuticals (Greek Pharmakeutike - medicinal) is a set of applied disciplines about the extraction, processing, storage and dispensing of drugs.

That is, in other words, it's all about pills. And the term "pharma business" about which you have heard on the Internet means the sale of pharmacological drugs (or pharmaceutical drugs, they are just "pills").

It turns out that those who are engaged in the Internet pharma business simply sell all kinds of pills.

How is a pharma business on the Internet organized?

Let's start with the fact that there are pharmaceutical manufacturers located in countries with low level life, and, accordingly, a small salary (for example, in India).

This allows the production of tablets for a fairly low prices... Nevertheless, these are quality pharmaceutical products that are well bought in the USA and Europe due to their low prices.

It is because of the low price of tablets that these companies can afford to pay good commissions to their distributors. It is very easy to do this over the Internet.

An affiliate program is being created, in which anyone can take part, it is enough just to register. Such pharma affiliates offer already ready internet shops for the sale of pills.

You only need to bring customers to your store and get very good interest from sales. But to bring a potential buyer is the most difficult thing. But we'll talk about this in another article in this section.

Who buys pills online

The bulk of online tablet buyers live in America and Europe. This is not surprising, they have long understood that it is convenient to buy via the Internet. And not only pills.

In addition, buying pills on the Internet makes life easier for shy people, they do not need to “blush” at the pharmacy buying Viagra or diet pills. They will be brought home. Just as I said above, in an online store the price will be significantly lower than in a regular pharmacy, and this is also not an unimportant plus.

Earning money on farming - why you should try

It's worth trying to make money on farming because it is a big business with a multi-billion dollar turnover. Why not try to grab a piece of this pie for yourself?

This is certainly not easy - the competition in the topic is decent, nevertheless, if you dream of "manna from heaven" lying on the couch and do not take any gestures, you will have nothing.

Material benefits must be earned)) I can say that the most successful advertisers (as they call the participants of affiliate programs) earn several thousand dollars a day!

I think this is enough for motivation)))

3. Review of affiliate programs for foreign traffic

4. Review of affiliate programs for Russian traffic
4.1. Rufarma affiliate program
4.2. DoktorDick Affiliate Program

5. We get Russian pharma traffic

Pharma business, from the point of view of competent people, is a highly profitable way of earning money, and this has been proven in practice. This kind of activity involves redirecting traffic to one or several pharmaceutical affiliate programs at once, with the subsequent receipt of "tasty" percent of sales

Medicines to the end customer.

Cheap unlicensed drugs are, in fact, analogs famous brands... If the only difference is this, then why overpay ... A profitable business on a global scale, to be sure! Finding a lot of buyers is the main task of pharma affiliates, so they actively strive to attract webmasters to their activities, paying them a certain% of sales. Quite a good income - from 30 to 70% of each drug sold!

So, to start making money on farming, you will need:

  • 1. Domain name registration.

By the way, the future success of the pharmacy depends on the domain name, and this must be taken for granted! There is no need to question the axiom that has been tested by someone else's experience. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the name of the pharmacy there is no place for words like pharma, med, drug or for the names of drugs viagra, levitra, cialis. The fact is that this is the most common mistake among beginners, because the probability of a ban in this case increases many times. It is more correct to use other relevant words, for example, survive. Most of all, I was lucky with the mention of a combination of such words in the name of the pharmacy - saveyourhurt. Its lifespan lasted more than a year, given that the design was the most common and I practically did not spend on promoting it. At the same time, this pharmacy brought a tidy sum of money into my pocket.
After compiling a list of domain names (and there should be at least 5 to begin with) that you want to register, you need to determine the registrar who is authorized to engage in this kind of activity, i.e. accredited.

  • 2. Hosting.

As a rule, newbies are not eager to invest cash in pharmacies, because afraid of losing the last penny. It is for this purpose that they offer to host completely free of charge (usually, this will require a connection with the support). Later, when a stable income appears, it is recommended to switch to a rented separate server with the transfer of all domains there. When choosing a tenant, you will also need to be careful so that the server owners are more or less loyal.

  • 3. Registration in the affiliate program.

Connect to one of the affiliate programs of your choice and you will immediately receive various promotional tools with which you can work wonders. Using promotional tools, you can successfully attract buyers who, sooner or later, will make their choice in favor of one of the medicines. Everything, there is an order - there is a profit! The most popular and highly profitable in the pharmaceutical industry are considered to be the ED group pills (or, as they are also called, "generics" - Viagra, Levitra, Cialis and the like). High revenues inevitably lead to fierce competition, and it is from these considerations that it is best to check in in the pharma business by working with less competitive drug product groups.

  • Commission: up to 50% for a confirmed order
  • Free and 24/7 support: 24/7/365
  • Various payment methods for Visa, Mastercard, Amex, ACH clients.

I note that there are many high-quality promotional materials and landing pages, there are multilingual shops. By the way, the referral reward is as much as 10%.

  • 4. The strategy of attracting buyers - “layers with golden eggs.

Attraction of buyers comes down to practical application of several effective ways(we choose ourselves, depending on our own preferences and skills). They are:

- you need to start promoting a white pharma shop (in other words, online pharmacies);

Due to the thoughtful and effective promotional tools of the pharma affiliate programs, it is not difficult to create your own pharma shop. Another point to "promote" in search engines this pharmacy store will get more complicated in the future. To do this, you need to have some information about SEO and the corresponding skills, because the pharma must receive inexhaustible traffic - those visitors who will become later potential buyers.

- formation of doorways(specially optimized pages or an entire site for specific requests);
It is permissible to create doorways and "drain" traffic from them to pharma shops. Of course, these are not entirely "clean" methods of doing business. It is not difficult to create doorways if you have special software as well as knowledge.

purchase of pharma traffic, which, by the way, can be bought on the relevant traffic exchanges (for example, and then “merge” traffic directly to the shop;

For such actions to be successful, it is necessary to gain experience, so at first it will be difficult to go to the "plus";
"Drain" traffic from thematic sites and forums... If you have certain skills in communicating in foreign (English) languages, then you can try your luck by communicating on forums and sites of a certain thematic focus. Pharmaceutical recommendations for all participants - the right decision, which will bring you closer to the coveted earnings.

Pharma business- this is a really promising and profitable direction of making money on the Internet, since people have not yet learned to live without diseases ... The question of why so few bloggers are inclined towards this type of earnings can be answered almost immediately - lack of knowledge of English. They do not know what for successful earnings in the pharmaceutical industry, knowledge of the language is not as important as the availability of skills in working with SEO technologies.

If we assume for a moment that the familiarity with SEO is deep enough, but, at the same time, English language at the beginner's level, then you can always get a translator "at hand". , create content in Russian, and English version your content falls on the shoulders of the translator. It remains to order the design and layout - a beautiful and unique pharma shop is ready! Next, you step by step promote it in the PS to traffic positions. Consider your commissions already in your pocket.

Blogs and forums are devoted to making money on farming, but about that there will be a speech in my next article ...

Pharm CashStatistics about the envelope on the affiliate program.

For the past periods (if there is a master card):

On dorahs: 1 to 70 unique.

On dropped traffic: 1 in 11 unique.

On purchased traffic: 1 to 68 unique.

Please note: to UNIQs, not to checkouts.

Fresh data with disabled Master Card (period 30.09.11 - 06.10.11):

Purchased traffic: 1 in 47 unique.

Weed out traffic: 1 in 17 unique.

On dorahs: 1 to 88 unique.

There is Herbal shop:


A guide to getting the most recent reviews:

Register in the affiliate program, in the lower left corner there is a forum graber, from it you make an account for the internal forum “”.

Whose shop, template? Which affiliate network has such a store?

Check by phone:

US: +188 5247141

UK: +448081891420

What an affiliate program with this template. Whose store?

The templates for the most sales (in descending order):

Best Shabb Cover (Descending):



Below is just text for search engines. I didn’t write, so there may be bloopers. However, if you have nothing to do, you can read it.

PharmCash has developed a very convenient modern engine for creating and managing your pharmacy in one click. You do not need knowledge of any programming languages, you can manage everything directly from the interface of the partner program. You can change the design to your liking, or use PharmCash templates. The prices are also yours - PharmCash does not force you to set their prices, everything depends on you.

PharmCash accepts all kinds of payment cards, or alternative types payments. PharmCash performs the functions of monitoring and supporting buyers, which will help you in their further attraction.

PharmCash provides the most comprehensive, easy-to-navigate and search statistics that will allow you to track any user action on the site, as well as the referral you have attracted. The TOP of webmasters is also presented, which serves as an incentive for further development.

Your commission will range from 40% to 50%, depending on the quantity sold in the last week. PharmCash pays 10% for each referral you refer.

A wide range of products, accepting payments by any popular. Buttons, texts, drug descriptions and the payment page are translated into five languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish. Various designs under different groups goods.

Today I will continue to review the various affiliate programs. Pharmacological direction is next in line today. Now they earn a lot on the monetization of the pharma traffic itself. good sums and even more, we can say that the direction itself online earnings on the sale of medicines is one of the most profitable. In this type of business, as in any other that brings fairly good profits, you will have to understand well enough and get a lot of experience before you start making decent amounts. And I am sure that those webmasters who took the time to study and gain experience in working with pharma affiliate programs now do not regret it a bit.

First of all, to start work, you need to choose a pharma affiliate program so that it is reliable, with responsive support and favorable payment terms, this is exactly what a pharmacological affiliate program is. Drugrevenue .

I would like to start a review of this partner with the fact that right now Drugrevenue conduct a promotion for bloggers in which every blogger whose blog meets certain conditions can earn up to $ 150. I must say the conditions are very flexible, therefore, I am sure that they will suit many. In order to get all the information about this promotion, go to the page of the Russian-language blog Drugrevenue, where everything is described in detail.

Now let's proceed directly to the review of the affiliate program itself Drugrevenue... To start working with the affiliate program, you need to register. Anyone can register, that is, there is no need to look for an invite.

After you have registered and looked around, you can start to eliminate partner store... The installation of the store script is carried out in several steps and after that you can start working.

I think that in the process of installing the shop there should be no problems, but even if they do arise, on the blog Drugrevenue there is a special article - Installing a pharmacy, by the way, you cannot pass by the blog itself Drugrevenue... The blog contains many educational articles in Russian that will help you figure it out. For example, for beginners, there is a special section on the forum - Getting Started in which there are articles such as:

as well as other articles to help you figure it out.

I want to note that the shops in the affiliate program Drugrevenue already "sharpened" for SEO - you can set titles, descriptions and keywords of the pages, as well as the texts of the descriptions of the tablets themselves and other factors that affect the visibility of the site in search engines.

In the affiliate program Drugrevenue 8 original designs of shops (online store sites) are provided, and new ones are constantly being developed. The shop itself can be hosted by a partner - it's very convenient, and it's also free. That is, their initial costs you only need to pay for the registration of the domain name.

This is how some shops look like - everything is done very nicely and usable.

As for the prices in the affiliate program, the prices are very favorable in comparison with other affiliate programs, and this, in the end, is a very good plus for webmasters who will cooperate with an affiliate program. Drugrevenue... And also to the pluses should be added the ability to pay for the goods with ten different ways... That is potential client Anyone who buys pills from you will in any case find the best way to pay for them. This includes such systems as MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, Western Union, MoneyGram and others. In addition to the fact that the system provides for many payment systems for the buyer, there is also a high-quality customer support service such as a call center and chat. All this allows you to achieve maximum conversion traffic.

Working conditions for webmasters are also very good and profitable. These include the main advantages:

  • 3-level referral program;
  • affiliate commission up to 60%;
  • payments at a convenient electronic currency(including cleaning web money);
  • responsive ICQ support that will answer ALL questions;
  • a Russian-language blog, which has a lot of very useful and necessary materials that will come in handy when working;

In addition, the affiliate program Drugrevenue there is a forum where you can find many useful information shared by the webmasters themselves. There you can talk to the same moneymaker webmasters who make money on farming.

So, summing up all of the above, I want to note that the affiliate program Drugrevenue, is very convenient and beneficial both for the buyers of tablets themselves and for webmasters, so if you are now thinking with which affiliate program start your way in farming, I advise you Drugrevenue .

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