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The first settings of the MacBook Air. Installing and uninstalling applications

About a year ago I bought my first MacBook - a 13 inch Air. Before that, my acquaintance with the desktop Apple systems remained at the level of “clicking on a sample in the store” and “drooling over MacBook reviews”.

And now, in a solemn atmosphere, for the first time I turn on a brand new laptop and ... I feel like a schoolboy who didn't learn his lessons. What to do? How to work here? Oh, safari found.

The guys who soaked up the Apple ecosystem with their mother's milk anyway chuckle. But this is not about me.

No in in general terms everything was clear, I used iOS for a long time, and standard applications poppy did not cause rejection. But the unusual interface seriously me slowed down. Therefore, “how to jump from Windows to macOS and not sag at the pace of work” is the most relevant question at that time.

And I found the answer. It is necessary to finish the MacBook a little to fit your needs. Here is a set of programs that helped me:

  • Tuxera

Teaching a Macbook to work with NTFS partitions is the first task on my list. It turned out to be enough to install one program and ... forget about it. Seriously, you don’t need to click anywhere or launch something beforehand, flash drives are picked up by themselves, and the recording speed is quite decent. Tuxera was enough for me, but they say Paragon is faster.

  • HyperDock

I installed this program for two reasons - folder preview and screen split.

Yes, SplitView appeared already in El Capitan. But after Windows, in which I organized my desktop space almost without looking, just by “throwing” the window to the edge of the screen, getting used to the new way is simply unrealistic. It is much easier to install HyperDock and not even think about how to arrange two folders side by side.

By the way, the native Dock is three heads ahead of the notorious Start menu. Only folder previews and running applications was frankly not enough. Instead of iterating chrome windows, just hover over the icon and select the one you want. In the same way, you can close applications, plus functional icons work, for example, switching tracks in iTunes.

  • YouType

With my thirteen-inch screen, I often have to work in full screen mode. And then, filling out the login / password forms becomes a lottery "and which language is included." The problem is solved by a small tweak that adds a checkbox with the selected keyboard layout right next to the cursor. Turns on at the time of text entry, works throughout the system.

  • amphetamine

The era of ADSL is over, no need to leave Download Master overnight to download the track. Now at night we pull series for whole seasons. To be sure that the file will definitely download by morning, I installed a program that keeps the MacBook awake. There are quite flexible settings, you can even link the schedule to a specific application.

  • f.lux

One of the first tweaks for iOS has grown into one of the most useful applications under macOS. It simply corrects the color rendering of the screen, in right moment raising the "temperature" of the picture. Very important, especially when you work late. Frankly, I did not bother much with this issue on Windows. But now my eyes are grateful to me.

  • clean my mac

If in a couple of words - this is pumped Ccleaner version from the Windows past. Clean my mac I was strongly advised to buy. As it turned out, she really is irreplaceable. Cleans the system, removes duplicates - for my 128 GB MacBook it was like a doctor prescribed it.

  • Serviio

A program that does little to help me in my work, rather the opposite. With Serviio, you can deploy your personal DLNA server and watch movies from any TV that has access to local network. It is to the LAN, no hanging SmartTV, built-in browser and other things. You just turn on your MacBook, start Serviio and select another input on the TV.

But what about Unarchiver?

I don't specifically mention programs like Transmitter, VLC Player, Chrome, Photoshop or Office - they are already well-known and are contained in any must-have collection. Of course I installed them. first thing.

Do not think, I had no desire to make a Windows-like interface. It's just that, in my opinion, even in Windows there are some really comfortable chips. So why not combine all the best?

Now I spend 80 percent of my working time not at the computer, but at the MacBook. Without a mouse, but even on the couch. Very comfortable and no brakes. The touchpad is generally a tower. Keyboard shortcuts are literally ingrained in the subcortex. Plus, I stopped looking for tables closer to outlets.

Happy as an elephant! In general, there are those who bought a Macbook and regret it?

Have you just bought a Mac and think you can relax and go with the flow? You can. But you can also customize the computer "for yourself", making it even more convenient. ABOUT useful settings- in this council.

Open the box and turn on Mas.

Graceful interface. Clear fonts. Convenient control panels. Beautiful picture with light shadows. Everything pleases the eye. In "dowry" from Apple- great package licensed programs. You can literally create websites, photo albums, business cards, calendars, videos on the go. Do not waste time looking for drivers by connecting a printer, camcorder, player or mobile.

Apple computers are perfect, but even they can be made better. Fact

Apple means simple, fast, reliable and beautiful. Apple is a whole philosophy. That is why the coveted "apple" flaunts on the desktops of the world's leading designers, directors and musicians, professors and students. Mac is designed for everyone: from housewives to advanced users. He is comfortable and friendly.

But ... you can buy new car, get behind the wheel and immediately push the pedals to the floor, or you can adjust the mirrors and seats “for yourself” before the trip.

There are many settings and most of them are a matter of taste. We offer some of those that have become a rule of good taste among professionals.

What's up there?

Do you want to work quickly, without wasting too much time, to be a more advanced user? Then let's change some of the "default" settings.

At the top, in the Menubar (main menu) we find Finder to the right of apple icon. Go to Finder/Advanced (Finder/advanced).

Look at the top checkbox. When activated, it allows you to immediately see the file extensions after the dot, for example, "at the dacha.jpg", and therefore distinguish this file from another - "at the". The first file is a photo and the second is a video. We leave it enabled.

The second checkmark from the top is responsible for changing the extension manually without an annoying warning. It should be disabled if you have to change the file format quite often: for example, from .txt to .html - save both time and nerves.

The third button - allows you to empty the basket without warning about the "pricelessness" of the garbage stored in it. For the same reasons, we turn it off.

And the latter is responsible for the "secret" deletion of the file forever, without the ability to restore it using special programs, so it is better to deactivate it too.

Playing Preference

Appearance( Appearance)

In order not to strain your eyes when reading on your screen, you need to choose the right number in the Appearance settings. We find in the menu Apple / System Preferences ( System settings), open Apperance (Appearance) and look for the line turn off text smoothing for font sizes and smaller on your Mac monitor. In the drop-down menu, put the number "8", it is optimal for all monitors.

Desktop & Screen Saver (Desktop & Screensaver)

There should be order on the desktop, and all information should be perceived easily and quickly. You can, of course, put as screen saver a photo of a beloved cat or a coveted Ferrari, but it will be very difficult to see and find anything right away. First of all, because of the color chaos before my eyes. Therefore, in the Desktop panel (desktop) we find the menu Solid colors (solid colors) and set neutral gray or blue. In extreme cases, a calm, monochromatic picture is suitable.

However, those who are pleased with the abundance of bright spots can skip this advice.

The programs you use every day should be close at hand, and their icons are usually in the Dock. At the same time, this should not interfere with work.

Position the Dock wherever you like on the screen. Most convenient from below. Turn on Position on Bottom (Location on the screen below). If you put the cursor on the separator (a strip similar to a pedestrian "zebra") and drag it down, the Dock will noticeably decrease in size, freeing up scarce space.

Expose & Spaces

When you start using function keys F1, F2 and other keyboard shortcuts in additionally installed serious programs, for example, in Adobe Indesign, conflicts will inevitably arise. Therefore, it is better to disable Exposé & Spaces altogether.

International (Regional settings)

Are you a polyglot? Then why do you need so many extra activated languages?

We find International / Language (Regional settings / language). Click Edit List (edit the list) and turn off everything except Russian and English, and possibly another language, if you use it. As a rule, by default, at the top of the Languages ​​menu is Russian, and the entire user interface speaks it. But then you buy a CD with a new English-language program, and confusion begins. Half "on ours", half - no. Therefore, it is much more professional to use the native language of the Macintosh.

We offer to cast aside doubts and drag English to the top with the mouse. After the reboot, everything will fall into place, and you will still be able to write in Russian.

Displays (Monitors)

From the Refresh Rate (frame refresh rate) depends on the load on the eyes, and, accordingly, on the brain.

Therefore, in the Displays section (monitors), you can select optimal resolution your monitor (primarily if an external display is connected). Here it is important to choose the parameters so that you are satisfied with the picture itself at the resolution you have chosen, and the Refresh Rate is as high as possible (for CRT screens). The higher it is, the less headache.

Energy Saver

During power outages, the computer may turn off unexpectedly. And you, for example, access it remotely via the Internet. We find Options (options) and put a tick in front of Restart automaticaly after a power failure. Your Mac will now automatically restart in the event of a power failure.

Keyboard & Mouse (Keyboard and mouse)

Separate headache. As with Exposé & Spaces, Keyboard Shortcuts conflict with other keyboard shortcuts in a number of programs.

The setting is highly individual and linked to your handwriting: amateur/professional. In order not to get confused, it is better to disable all the checkboxes, and then leave (enable again) Screen Shots (screen shots); choose Select the next source in the input menu as the Input Menu, that is, switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa Command + Option + Space, and not Command + Space (for example, in most Adobe products, this is associated with an increase in the image) .

You can always restore all default settings by clicking Restore Defaults.

For keyboards latest generation for the reasons listed above, we additionally check the box Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys.

Internet & Network (Network)

If you use the services of several providers, the Location menu is very useful. By going to Apple / Location / Network Preferences / at the top of Location / Edit Locations, you can add a name for the new connection, naming it, for example, “Internet Cafe on Polyanka”, and enter the appropriate settings there.


By default, the computer is sold with preinstalled system without a password. Since the “door is not closed”, hackers can easily get to your favorite files. Therefore, the password must be required. Click the lock to make changes. In the Password menu, click Change Password, type and remember (write down on paper) New Password ( New Password). It must be original, in no case "12345", not a name and not a date of birth. We repeat it in the Verify window, we say: Change Password, apply Changes.

Well, they advised, and now at startup you have to drive in a password every time, and you have a home mac and you will never part with your second laptop. What to do?

In the left corner, click Login Options / Automatic login and switch to your username in the drop-down menu, now your Mac will start without unnecessary questions (system password while on the Web, it continues to work, protecting your Mac from outside interference).

And if the computer actually ends up in the wrong hands, it will not be difficult to “hack” a username and password of any complexity using the official boot disk.

Date & Time (date and time)

Do you want your Mac to automatically adjust for daylight saving time, display it correctly in emails and documents, and be tied to the exact geographic location where you are? Then let's change some settings.

Opposite the Set date & time checkbox, put Apple Asia.

In the Time Zone, we are trying to get the cursor on the map to your region, for example, Moscow - Russia.

In the clock (Clock) it is useful to enable Show the day of the week, and top menu the day of the week will be displayed.

Software Update

Cupertino is constantly working on updating system components and basic programs, including the observed “holes” in security. These updates may be downloaded automatically over the Internet. Be sure to check the box Check for updates (check for updates). How often? You decide. Get ready to spend some time and gigabytes of internet traffic. If you're ready, click Check Now and follow the instructions.

The computer may "think" or start to reboot itself. Wait until the phrase appears: Your softweare is up to date (everything is up to date). Click Quit.

time machine

Do backups documents that are important to you are a must. Manuscripts are on fire, and how! In order not to lose them forever, Time Machine was invented. Theoretically, without your participation, it should store all images of the state without exception. file system. Unfortunately, there is no real time machine and this one is far from ideal, but the place on backup disk, accessed by Time Machine, will run out very quickly. And if you have a laptop and every megabyte is worth its weight in gold? Therefore, switch to "OFF" and do not forget to manually copy the most important files to a flash drive or external drive.

Universal Access (Universal Access)

We have already talked about the war between Keyboard Shortcuts and other programs. Universal Access is no exception. It is quite possible to do without its functions. And if you prefer to live without conflicts and additional load on memory and processor, click "off".

Free cheese happens

Reboot your Mac. And we move on to more subtle settings.

Let's use free tools. (They can be found on the very helpful site by typing the name desired program in the search bar).

Only a few changes are suggested. Having entered the taste, you can “play” with the settings yourself and “sharpen” the computer for yourself as much as possible.

The TinkerTool program provides access to hidden settings systems. All of them are divided into categories: Finder, Dock, Safari, and so on.

Finder, for example, can be taught to show the path to the directory in the title bar, turn off "extra" sounds or animations.

In General/Sreenshot file format set, for example, JPEG. Now, get finished shots from the screen, you can immediately put them on your website or blog.

In Safari, by enabling the Don't show warning when closing unsubmitted form feature, you can close the search engine. Google window without further questions.

In the Dock icon, check the box next to Disable tree-dimension glass effect, and it will turn from three-dimensional to two-dimensional on an elegant black plate.

Another, similar to TinkerTool, free and very serious program is called Onyx.

It allows you to effectively treat problems that have accumulated over time in the system. But while speech not about it. Download it from the same, run it. On a Mac, you are the administrator by default, so enter your password and read the instructions carefully so you don't crash the system. We look, for example, in the menu Parameters on Network volumes ( network drives) and turn on the checkbox next to Disable the .DS_Store files creations. Outwardly, nothing happens, but your site is freed from hundreds of auxiliary files that are not needed for a non-Apple environment. And so on.

It is clear that in one article it is impossible to explain in detail each of the functions of these programs. We will try to make it on our website as soon as possible.

Do not forget that the Mac is a computer for the sophisticated.

Sometimes in operating Macbook Pro or Macbook Air failures occur. The same thing often happens with software. In both situations, there is a need to return initial settings. In general, Mac OS is stable, but even it is not immune from troubles. Anything can happen.

In the situation with macbooks, resetting to factory settings implies complete reinstallation systems. In this case, all data will be erased. The device will become empty, as if you just purchased it. Therefore, before making full reset, backup required. It is advisable to save a copy on a separate medium. The operation itself is simple, but a stable network connection is required. How to reset macbook to factory settings - see this guide.

Most experienced iOS owners– devices are likely to form copies regularly. But if you forgot about this important procedure- get started immediately. Only after completion can you click on the reset element.

Why is backup so important? Yes, simply because if you do not save a copy of all the data that is important to you, then in the future you will not be able to return them. This means you will lose your data forever.

The Apple company recommends first checking for updates, and then updating and connecting the device to a PC / laptop to create a copy manually. Or you can do it even easier - enter the "cloud", and the service will do its job.

How to reinstall Mac OS

Before the reset operation, you need to make sure that the network is connected. Macbook also needs to be connected to the network. Then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • We send the device to reboot.
  • In the process, we clamp the set of elements Cmnd + R.
  • We are waiting for the download of the recovery mode operating system.
  • Select the disk utility partition in the utilities window.
  • Choose boot disk and move on to the additional erasing section.
  • From the selected disk, select the operating system and confirm its erasure.
  • Upon completion of formatting, we return to the utilities section.
  • Select the option to reinstall the operating system.

Further, the OS will be downloaded fully automatically through the network. After that, following the instructions on the display, you can re-install the operating system. This operation does not take much time. The main thing is to maintain stability network connection. A sudden break can occur due to the end of the battery charge, which will lead to trouble.

It would be nice to take care of creating a bootable flash drive ahead of time. Or a disk - if it came in the original configuration. And to create a backup from the hard drive, you can use external software.

Factory reset: steps

Sometimes problems with the “braking” of the device are easily solved by resetting the system settings and fixing errors. Usually this method is suitable if there are problems with the download speed of the system. If this method proves useful, then a factory reset will not be required. Of course, it is necessary to know how to perform it - just in case.

So, to reset, follow these steps:

  • Turn off macbook.
  • We clamp the set of elements Cmnd + Opt + P + R (including the battery).
  • We hold all this for the moment when the sounds of turning on will play twice.
  • Check the download speed and system settings.

That's all. But if the problem persists, try resetting to the original settings.

Password characters are required to log into the PC. It may also be requested when installing some software. And these characters are generated when initial setup PC. Also, a password can be generated when adding a new account. However, the situation when the owner of an iOS device does not remember the password characters and logs in is quite common.

If this happened to you, try recovering your password using:

  • Recovery procedure via ID.
  • Using a boot disk.
  • Reset via recovery mode.

And the very first thing to do in such an unpleasant situation is to turn to the hint about established symbols password. Maybe you can bring it back yourself? For this purpose, deliberately incorrect characters are driven in three times, and then the hint written by the owner of the MacBook (or other "apple" device) will pop up on the display.

Working with Apple ID

How the operation of resetting password characters via ID is performed is described in detail on the company's technical support resource. On operating systems from version 10 and older, the system is tied to an ID, so at the step of setting up a PC, it is better to check the box next to the password reset section using your ID.

You need to enter the wrong password characters three times. After the system will be prompted to perform a recovery (a hint will also pop up). You will need to give consent, drive in an identifier and click on the password reset section. Will be generated new set keys, but the old one will not disappear anywhere. But if you ever remember the old password, you can use it without any problems.

Using the boot element

To change the password characters through the boot disk, you will need access to it. Modern lines of MacBooks are not equipped with such in principle. So this method is only for those owners of "apple" laptops who had a disk and have not gone away. You can also prepare ahead of time bootable flash drive in case of any trouble during cleaning.

You can reset your password using the following steps:

  • We insert a disk.
  • When loading the PC, we hold the element "C".
  • We are waiting for the installer to appear.
  • Open the utilities section.
  • Select "Password Reset".
  • We stop on the disk with the system and user profile on which you want to reset.
  • We drive "resetpassword".
  • We press on "Enter".
  • We drive in new characters of the password.

Now you can safely reboot the device and generate new password characters.

Turning to macbook recovery mode

The procedure for resetting macbook password characters through recovery mode will not require binding to an ID or an installation disk. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Press Command + R while rebooting.
  • Wait for transition to recovery mode.
  • Select bootloader language.
  • Go to the terminal section through the panel with utilities.
  • Driving in (double) new characters in the pop-up window.
  • Confirm character change.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. See honest and real terms(not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

half success in Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts current models so you don't have to waste your time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good taste for service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service know for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. you give your Macbook repair to an expert in the field Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Apple is accustomed to surprising its consumers with amazing modern devices which are sometimes hard to keep track of. It is even more difficult to figure out how to use such gadgets, how to extract mass from them. positive opportunities. If you become the owner new MacBook, but you don’t understand anything about it, you don’t know even the most elementary actions that should be taken to start working, it will be useful for you to read the instructions that can guide even a beginner regarding many useful features.

MacBook basics.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the manufacturer does not leave MacBook owners alone with the device, the company's developers systematically update the software, adding new features, as well as correcting the identified shortcomings. Given this circumstance, wanting to help your device work as efficiently as possible, you can update the software yourself. To do this, it is enough to select the "Software Update" option. With the updated version of the software, using the Macbook will be much more comfortable.

Initial information

Problems when using a MacBook appear for many users, since many have already had many years of practical experience work in the most common operating environment Windows. Unfortunately, on a MacBook, not only completely different rules can be dumbfounded, but even the interface. system windows, desktop.

If you need to install some kind of program, you can afford it, but it is only important to consider that you need to download software targeted specifically for the MacBook from the Internet. Such programs are most often accompanied by dmg-archives. Drag the downloaded program to the "Programs" folder, then extract it from the archive, and delete the downloaded file itself.

ADVICE. You will have to learn how to work with windows, because at first you will be confused due to a slightly different location of some buttons. In particular, the control buttons are located in the left corner, while in Windows we are used to finding them in the upper right corner.

However, it may also strike you that, trying to close the program window, wanting to stop its work, you will press the “x” button, but at the same time you will not be able to completely close the program in this way. To do this, we recommend that you hold down the two keys Cmd and Q at the same time. You can do otherwise by clicking on the icon right key, then select the Finish option.

You can perform actions on your MacBook using the mouse or the unique trackpad that the device is equipped with. The trackpad is unique in that its operation is accompanied by support for gestures, while they can be configured directly by the user himself. To do this, it is enough to go to "Settings" and go to the "Trackpad" section. In this section, it will be enough for you to check the checkboxes next to those gestures that you would like to activate.

To have an idea which programs are currently in active state, we recommend that you activate two useful functions. A function such as Expose just allows you to successfully demonstrate windows. active programs, but it can also show the desktop without any open tabs if necessary.

The second Spaces function allows the Macbook desktop to be conditionally divided into several parts. To speed up and facilitate the launch of these two functions, in the settings we suggest selecting and specifying keys for them, by pressing which the process of launching them will be carried out automatically.

Additional features

Using a MacBook, you can visit Internet sites in the same way, download any content. Of course, for this you will need to install and then use some Internet browsers. We recommend that you do not overload operating system, stop your choice on one of the browsers . Remember to be safe when browsing the Internet, always remember that global network full of threats. Install a firewall to keep your device safe. He's the one who can keep track of everything. network protocols, protecting your device from unwanted attacks.

With a Macbook, you can successfully view video materials, all kinds of images, listen to your favorite audio files on it. And also there are no restrictions when working with archives, since the device successfully archives and unzips any archives.

Create folders

To keep content organized on your Macbook, you need to learn how to create folders. After creating them, it is useful to assign an appropriate name to each so that you can later find desired folder it wouldn't be boring for you. The creation of folders is provided by several methods, the easiest way to quickly create a folder is considered to be Finder.

Go to the "File" menu, there you will find the option " new folder”, as soon as you click on it, you will immediately be able to create the desired object.

By the way, there is a Macbook amazing opportunity, which will definitely cause admiration among users of the device. Literally in a few seconds, it is possible not only to create simple folder, but targeted to specific files. To do this, first select the files that you would like to define in one folder, then hold down the keys: Control, Command and N.

All the files you have designated will automatically be collected in one folder called "New Folder with Elements". Of course, it is better not to leave it in this form, because after time it will be difficult for you to figure out where and what is stored. Accordingly, you will have to rename the folder, giving it any name that suits you. It is not difficult to rename any object in a MacBook, but it is only important to consider that there is no “Rename” item in context menu, as in Windows, is not here.

ADVICE. To assign a new name to a folder, just click on the old name once, click immediately after that on Enter key, then enter any name and click on the Enter key again. No further action is expected.

As you can see, even a beginner will be able to rename objects on a MacBook, since it is not expected to encounter difficulties when performing such actions.

Working with removable drives

A modern user is accustomed to saving many documents on a USB flash drive, providing himself with the opportunity to have them always at hand, always quickly use them. However, many users are at a loss how to use a flash drive, if there is a device equipped with Windows that is not familiar to all.

  • X-plore File Manager;
  • ES File Explorer.

Connect your flash drive to the USB connector, wait a few seconds, after which your removable drive will be displayed. Click double click by its icon, you can immediately see all the content located on the drive.

If you are facing a more complicated task, you need to connect and then immediately open the USB flash drive on which the hidden files, we recommend that you take other steps. Initially, open the USB flash drive in the usual way for you, then find the "Service" section in the menu, enter it and find the "Folder Options" parameter. Next, you will need to make two more transitions, sequentially going to the "View" and "Advanced Options" folders.

Now you will find several "tempting" offers, opposite which there will be empty and filled checkboxes. Clear the checkbox located next to the line "Hide protected system files", but next to the other option "Show hidden files and folders", we recommend that you, on the contrary, check the box.

So, it will not be difficult for you to work on a MacBook if you carefully read the instructions, find out for yourself all the necessary nuances that are often encountered when working with such a device.

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