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Raspberry pi 2 initial setup 2. Comparison of operating systems for Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a cheap credit card sized computer that connects to a computer monitor or TV and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. This smart little device allows people of all ages to explore the computer and learn to program in languages ​​such as Scratch and Python... It is capable of doing everything you would expect from a desktop computer - from browsing the Internet and playing HD video to spreadsheets, word processing, and running games.

Moreover, Raspberry Pi can interact with the outside world, and is used in a wide variety of digital projects, from musical equipment to weather stations and chirping birdhouses with an infrared camera.

Quick Start Guide


  • SD card
    • Recommended SD card on the 8GB class 4(if you are a beginner it is also recommended to buy SD card with NOOBS preinstalled). You can buy the card with NOOBS pre-installed or download it for free from the download page.
  • Display and connection cables
    • Any HDMI / DVI monitor or TV should work as a display for the Raspberry Pi. For best results, use HDMI, but other connections are available for older devices. Use a standard Ethernet cable to access the Internet.
  • Keyboard and Mouse
    • Any standard USB keyboard and mouse will work with Raspberry Pi.
  • Source of power
    • Use 5B power supply with connector micro USB for food Raspberry Pi... It is advisable to make sure that the selected power supply provides 5B, due to insufficient power Raspberry Pi may behave strangely ಠ_ಠ .

Not so important, but good to have

  • Internet access
    • To update or download software, we recommend that you connect Raspberry Pi To The Internet either via a network cable or adapter Wi-Fi.
  • Headphones
    • Headphones with 3.5mm connector will work with Raspberry Pi.

Connecting your Raspberry Pi

Before connecting anything to Raspberry Pi, make sure you have all the equipment listed above. Then follow these steps:

  • Insert the SD card into the SD card slot;
  • Next, plug your keyboard and mouse into the USB port Raspberry Pi;
  • Make sure your monitor or TV is turned on and that you have selected the correct input (eg HDMI 1, DVI, etc.);
  • Next, connect an HDMI cable from your Raspberry Pi to your monitor or TV.
  • If you are going to connect Raspberry Pi to the Internet, plug the network cable into the network port next to the USB ports, otherwise skip this step;
  • Connect the power supply to Raspberry Pi using a micro-USB connector;
  • If you picked up for the first time Raspberry Pi and you are using an SD card with a NOOBS distribution, then you will need to select an operating system and configure it. Follow the NOOBS tutorial to do this.

Login to the Raspberry Pi

  1. Once Raspberry Pi completes the boot process, a login prompt appears. The default login for Raspbian is pi and password raspberry... Please note that you will not see the typed characters when entering the password. This is a safety feature Linux.
  2. After you have successfully logged in, you will see a command prompt window

    [email protected] raspberrypi ~ $

  3. To load the graphical user interface, type the following command

    And press the ↵ Enter key on your keyboard.

Introduction to the Raspberry Pi

Checking / Designing / Editing: Myakishev E.A.

/// not yet clear where to insert: D

/// and article in progress: P

This is a guide that will describe the basics of working with Raspberry Pi.

Introduction and main questions

If you are looking to buy a Pi and / or accessories and are looking for advice, you can look for it in this illustrated buying guide.

In addition, a quick how-to guide to the Raspberry Pi can be found on the manufacturer's website. It uses the NOOBS installation system, the latest version of which comes with Raspbian OS. However, other operating systems can be installed on the Pi - for this, the board must be connected to the Internet via the Ethernet port.

The official documentation for the Raspberry Pi can also be found on the manufacturer's website ¬– respectively, on the documentation page.

If you are having problems booting your Pi or having difficulty recording videos, you may find it helpful to read a page on the Raspberry Pi Forum that describes boot problems.

And after your Raspberry Pi is fully configured, and you're wondering what to do with it, you can refer to the manufacturer's website.

Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi

Turn Raspberry Pi as shown in the photo, after which you can start connecting.

If you have Model B +, turn it like this:

If you are working with the original Model B then rotate it like this:

If you are using Model A + then rotate it like this:

The HDMI port is located in the center of the bottom of the board. Connect one end of the HDMI cable to this port and the other end to your TV or HDMI monitor (for audio and video) or DVI-D monitor (for video only).

If you don't have a TV or monitor with HDMI or DVI-D ports, there are other ways to output audio-visual signals. Models A and B have a yellow RCA connector located in the center of the top of the board - it can be used to output video signals. To the right of it is a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack - you can use it to output audio. Models A + and B + use a single connector to output audio-visual signals. It is labeled "A / V" and is located at the bottom of the board, to the right of the HDMI port. You will need an A / V patch cable for this (see the illustrated buyer's guide for more information).

A USB keyboard and mouse can be connected to the USB slots located on the right edge of the board. There you can also plug in a WiFi adapter with a USB interface - for wireless Internet access. If you are using earlier models (A or B), then it makes sense to use a USB hub with an external power supply to expand the number of available USB ports. There is also an Ethernet connector on the right side and below the USB ports, which allows you to connect the Pi to a wired network.

At the bottom left of the board is the SD card slot. An SD card with NOOBS already preinstalled can be purchased from the manufacturer's online store, i.e. in the Swag Store, but you can install it yourself. Read more about NOOBS and operating system installation below.

Finally, on the left at the very bottom of the board is the micro USB power connector. Connect it to a regulated power supply of 5 volts (+/- 5%) and at least 700 milliamps (0.7 A).

A network with an electric current higher than 700 milliamperes (for example, 1000 milliamperes) will also work. It is better not to use small chargers (with which small GSM phones are charged) for these purposes, because they are often unstable and therefore unreliable. Adapters up to 2.5A can be used for models B + and Pi 2, but they are, in fact, more energy efficient than earlier models, so 700mA adapters can also be used for them (or even less depending on on how much power the USB and HDMI ports require). Also, please keep in mind that using multiple USB devices or working on intensive tasks will consume a lot of power. Here you can focus on the power LED (PWR LED) - if it goes out, then the board, most likely, does not have enough power.

If you are having problems with powering your Raspberry Pi, then you should probably check not only the power supply itself, but also the cable that runs from that source to the Pi. It happens that such cables will underestimate the current / voltage going from the power supply to the Pi to the required level to maintain stable system operation.

Not sure if your power cable is micro USB? The difference can be seen in the picture below:

The mini USB cable (left) is not what you want. It is thicker and looks like a trapezoid with depressed cheeks. And here is the one on the right, i.e. micro USB is the way to go. It is thinner and also made in the shape of a trapezoid, but its "cheeks" bulge outward and are rounded. Getting a really good quality cable is essential if you want your Pi to have a reliable and stable power supply. You need a short to moderately thick cable, and be prepared to spend at least a few hundred rubles on it. However, you can also buy an official universal power supply for the Raspberry Pi ¬– you can do this in the online store Swag Store.

Installing NOOBS

The operating system (along with instructions on how to load it onto an SD card) for the Raspberry Pi can be found on the manufacturer's download page. The preferred option is Raspbian, but feel free to try other OSes as well.

Before installing NOOBS, you need to completely erase the contents of the SD card and use the SD Card Association formatting tool to delete all the partitions on it. DO NOT use the quick format option, especially if the card has been previously used before, or the installation may fail. NOOBS, if necessary, will format and partition the card into the necessary partitions, but you need to start with a completely blank card. Also, please make sure that you have activated the option to resize partitions.

Information on how to use the NOOBS installer can be found. When you download NOOBS to your card, it should contain the following files:

If you only need to install the OS and want to save boot time and SD card space, then NOOBS LITE can be used instead of NOOBS. This is a lite version of NOOBS and does not include any OS, however the required OS is loaded during the installation process. Thus, for everything to boot properly, the Pi must be connected to the internet. NOOBS and NOOBS LITE can be downloaded for free from the downloads page of the manufacturer's website.

Using the Raspberry Pi

Having finished with the settings, we proceed to connect the power supply - use the micro USB cable to connect the Pi to the mains. When the Pi starts receiving power, a red LED labeled PWR will turn on. The Pi also has a green LED labeled OK (later, ACK) - it blinks randomly when the Pi is reading data from the SD card.

Keep in mind that the BIOS of the board is stored on the SD card, so if the boot fails, the Pi will show absolutely nothing on the screen. If you have problems downloading, refer to the corresponding manual, which contains information on all the problems known to date.

If the boot is successful and everything works as expected, the Pi will display a "rainbow screen" - in fact, it's just four pixels that are blended together by the GPU and stretched to fill the entire screen. Soon after, the ARM processor will start up and the installed OS will start loading. The launch of Raspbian will begin with a long scrolling text showing what the Pi is currently doing to get itself ready to go. If your board is a Pi 2 and it freezes at this point, then you are probably using outdated firmware. Read how to update the current OS version below.

When the Pi finishes booting into the OS, you will need to enter a username and password - by default, the username will be “pi” and the password will be “raspberry”. Keep in mind that nothing will be displayed on the screen when you enter your password - this is a security measure. If this is the very first time the Pi is booted, then this step may be skipped.

After that (and, again, if this is the very first boot), the system will show you the "raspi-config" configuration menu.

With its help, you need to make sure that the entire volume of the SD-card becomes available to the system, enable "overscan" (cutting off the edges) on the monitor and adjust the keyboard configuration. In addition, this menu can be used for basic settings such as changing the password.

sudo raspi-config

Log in to open a more familiar graphical user interface (GUI) by typing the following:

At the end of the session, when you decide to shut down and shut down the Pi, exit the GUI first. To do this, enter the following text in the text box:

sudo halt

sudo shutdown –h now

Only then can the Pi be unplugged from power, because unplugging it before "virtual" unplugging can damage the SD card's file system.

Well, now my congratulations! The first session with the Raspberry Pi was successful!

How to get composite video with NOOBS

It is important to note that if you are using NOOBS and the “A / V” connector (ie composite RCA) while outputting video to a regular TV (or mini-display with composite output), then the picture will not appear immediately - you, to switch from the composite connector to HDMI, you will have to constantly press "3" (for PAL) or "4" (for NTSC). In this case, before pressing "3" or "4" you will need to wait a few seconds, because NOOBS takes a little time before it starts to "listen" to actions coming from the keyboard. If you're wondering if NOOBS has started receiving data from the keyboard, press Caps Lock - if the key light turns on and off, then NOOBS has booted up and started reading the keyboard.

Keep pressing "3" or "4" until the video appears. Where you press them (on the number pad or on the top row) is not important, but keep in mind that in the French layout you do not need to hold down Shift to be able to type keys, since the system interprets the keyboard as English. After you choose between PAL and NTSC, the system will ask if you should make it the default. Do this and then proceed with the installation. Keep in mind that this choice will be carried over to the installed OS as well. will be written to config.txt instead of HDMI Auto Select.

If the picture is monochrome, you are using the wrong TV standard - try switching from PAL to NTSC and vice versa. If you are working with B + and your “A / V” cable is of unknown origin or type, keep in mind that not all seemingly similar cables work the same. With some camcorder cables, the video may run on a wire with a red plug instead of a yellow one.

If you are using an HDMI connection, NOOBS should display the picture automatically, but if this does not happen or the picture is somehow distorted, try switching the HDMI settings from "safe" to "optimal" and vice versa by clicking on "1" and "2 ".

After you install (for example) Raspbian, this OS will boot instead of NOOBS, but in Raspbian the way of working with composite video is slightly different. It looks to see if there are HDMI devices connected, and if not, it automatically switches to NTSC (unless you overwrite the settings in config.txt as described above).

If you are using an old PAL TV, then the picture can only be monochrome. However, here you can go to config.txt and instead of "sdtv_mode = 0" enter "sdtv_mode = 2" (for PAL). You can also do this through NOOBS - restart the board while holding down Shift and the Pi will load NOOBS. Now press "3" again (for a composite image), choose the option to edit config.txt, edit, save and reboot.

Raspbian update

If you are using an old Raspbian distribution (especially on a card with a pre-installed OS), then you probably would not mind updating it to the latest version. Make sure you are connected to the internet, restart Raspbian and enter the following code:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

Wait a few minutes (while the update is in progress) and then restart the Pi.

Special instructions for updating Raspbian for Pi 2 users

If your board is a Pi 2, then you need to make sure that the versions of NOOBS and Raspbian you are using were released after the Pi 2 was released.

If you have a Raspbian card that boots fine on an old Pi but doesn't boot on a Pi 2, or freezes on a rainbow screen, the following code should help get the card to work on the Pi 2 as well:

apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get install raspberrypi-ui-mods

other information

You may find helpful the unofficial Raspberry Pi User Guide by Eben Upton and Gareth Halfacree.

You may also find the Raspberry Pi Tutorial useful (it focuses mainly on teaching programming and is written by UK teachers at Computing at School).

Finally, there is the free monthly magazine MagPi to be found.

An illustrated guide to buying a Raspberry Pi

// in process of treatment

Started by Abishur, rewritten by Mahjongg, edited by Lorna.

The idea of ​​creating a complete and comprehensive (albeit unofficial) Pi buying guide has been ripe for a long time - so welcome! We hope you find it useful. If you have any useful tips and suggestions, please share them in the comments - to make this guide even more complete and informative.

You may have stumbled upon this guide because just thinking about buying a Raspberry Pi, but don't know what exactly you need. This page will help you select all the necessary components - whether it is buying a starter kit or some additional parts and equipment. If you are new to computers, some portions of this guide may seem daunting. But don't worry - take your time moving from one point to another, and in the end you will have everything you need!

Keep in mind - at the end of each stage, you only need to select one item.

First you need to select the Raspberry Pi itself.

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (2nd Generation) ...

Or Raspberry Pi B + ...

Or Raspberry Pi A + ...

All of these models can be purchased from Element 14 or RS Components, or through third party resellers.

However, if you want, you can buy some of the old models - A or B.

Now it's up to the micro USB wall adapter.

You will need a regulated power supply unit (PSU) capable of 5v ± 5% and at least 700 milliamps (or 0.7 A). An adapter that gives more than 0.7 A (for example, 1 A) will also work. Avoid small chargers for small GSM phones. they are often unstable and therefore unreliable. The B + and Pi 2 can be powered via a 2.5A PSU, but these models are particularly "energy efficient", so they can work with a 0.7A PSU, or even less (depending on how many USB and HDMI ports are used) ... However, additional power may be required not only because of the multiple USB devices "hanging" on the Pi, but also when performing any particularly time-consuming tasks. You can also use a charger from a Kindle, iPhone, etc. as a power supply for the Pi, but make sure it provides enough power. As a rule, this parameter is indicated on the label pasted on the device - see the number next to the word Output.

Judging by the sticker on this PSU, it outputs 5v and 700 milliamps (700 mA) - this should be enough to power the Raspberry Pi. Keep in mind that 5v 0.7A is the same as 5v 700mA. In this case, a deviation from the 5v parameter is allowed within ± 5%, while in milliamperes any number can be equal to or greater than 700 mA (0.7 A).

Alternatively, you can use a USB AC adapter like the one below:

But it will also require a USB cable terminated with a micro USB connector - like this:

It is important that the cable is of good quality - many power problems arise precisely because cables are made of poor quality wires. In addition, the cable should be short and thick. It is preferable that this cable is sold as a power supply and not as a charging cable.

If you don't know what kind of connector is on your cable (micro USB or mini USB), then it's very easy to find out. The difference is shown in the picture below.

Mini USB is on the left. This is not our version, it is larger and looks like a trapezoid with concave cheeks. Micro USB is on the right. This is what we need. It is smaller and also looks like a trapezoid, except that its "cheeks" are more prominent.

On B + and Pi 2 models, the PWR LED indicates both whether the board is receiving power and whether the PSU is supplying enough power, and the latter also indicates how well the micro USB cable is functioning. When an overload is detected (ie, if the voltage drops to 4.65v), the LED will simply turn off, and if you use the Raspbian GUI (Raspbian Graphical User Interface), a rainbow square may appear on the display as a warning.

We also need a keyboard input device - at least a keyboard.

If you are using the Pi through a Linux terminal (as shown in the picture below), then you do not need a mouse. However, if you want, of course, you can connect it too.

A USB mouse (like the one shown below) is needed anyway if you intend to use the GUI.

We also need an SD card.

Optional equipment:

Analog audio cable.

If you are using a composite (RCA) or HDMI to DVI-D cable for video output and want to customize your audio, then you need a 3.5mm male to male audio cable.

But there is another solution - you can connect external speakers. If they already have a cable that ends with a 3.5mm plug, then you won't need the cable shown above. If you want to connect the Pi to your stereo through the white and red RCA (Phono) connectors, then you need a cable that has a 3.5mm plug on one side and two Phono connectors on the other. More details in the picture below:

It is commonly referred to as a network cable.

USB hub.

If you want to connect more USB devices to your Pi than the number of USB ports allows, then you'll need a USB hub. However, when using newer models, the need for it decreases, because they have more USB ports than older models.

USB hubs can be passive (i.e. just plugged into a USB port and that's it) or active (i.e. plugged into a USB port and then plugged into power). The passive hub is shown in the first picture, and the active one - in the second:

If you are using an old Pi model and want to connect some very power-hungry device (like a hard drive) to it, then you will need an active USB hub. However, newer models have more power for their USB ports, so if you want to connect a card reader, flash drive or WiFi adapter, a passive USB hub will suffice. However, some WiFI adapters are so "power hungry" that they need an active hub, even when connected to the new model.

The rest is whatever you want.

There are tons of other things you can connect to Raspberry Pi boards. For WiFi connection - WiFi adapter with USB interface. To control relays and motors - Gertboard. Do you need a body? Pi can be hidden in a “case” for any taste and color - from a Lego case to an old game console or even a laser-cut acrylic “box”. You can also connect sensors or even small LCD touchscreens like this].

In addition, for the B + and Pi 2, you can use a new type of expansion board called HAT (Hardware Attached on Top). There are also all sorts of universal expansion cards that can independently report themselves to Linux, i.e. Linux knows from the start which drivers to use for them. And this is not to mention the almost endless choice of additional components and accessories: the only limit is your imagination!

Finally, I got another package from a single-board computer Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, basic accessories for it and some other small things.

And this article will describe the process of getting to know the microcomputer - from unpacking to the first launch of the operating system and performing the initial settings.

To get started, you will definitely need:

  • MicroSD memory card from 8GB

This is what the assembled microcomputer will be made of.

In addition, you need to have the following peripherals:

  • Monitor or TV with HDMI input
  • Wired keyboard
  • Wired mouse
  • MicroSD card reader or device capable of performing its function

Screen for displaying information, input devices, card reader for recording an image of the operating system.

And for greater convenience, it will not be superfluous to have:

  • Bluetooth keyboard
  • Bluetooth mouse

Controlling "Malinka" wireless mouse and keyboard is more convenient than their wired counterparts.

A small overview of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B microcomputer comes in a red and white cardboard box with the corporate raspberry logo.

Package contents - the Raspberry Pi 3 board itself in an antistatic bag and a small safety leaflet (do not cover the "raspberry" when it is turned on, do not overclock, avoid overheating, do not use in damp and humid places, avoid mechanical damage to the printed circuit board, etc.) etc.).

For some reason, the standard Windows formatting tool does not work: when you try to start Raspbian from a memory card formatted through it, you will receive an error “error resizing existing FAT partition”.

Step 2. Burn the Raspbian distribution

After preparing the microSD card, you need to download the Raspbian distribution from the official website.

The downloaded distribution image is archived, so after downloading the archive you need to unpack it to any folder.

The unpacked Raspbian image needs to be written to a prepared microSD card, for which you can use the free Rufus utility.

Step 3. Launching Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi for the first time

This completes the installation procedure.

A memory card with a Raspbian written on it needs to be installed in the Raspberry Pi and connected to a monitor and power supply to the microcomputer, after which the first start of the operating system will occur.

Now you can connect the Raspberry Pi to a wireless Wi-Fi network, and if there is a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, then pair them with a microcomputer for greater ease of use.

Installing updates

After installing Raspbian and connecting to the Internet via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, you need to update all packages to the latest version, just in case.

This is done through the terminal by entering two commands:

Sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get upgrade

The first command downloads information about available package updates, the second downloads the updates themselves.

Just in case, let's update the Raspberry Pi firmware:

Sudo rpi-update

After completing the installation of the Rapsberry Pi updates, you need to reboot:

And if everything is done correctly, then after the reboot, the system will notify us that it has been updated to the current version.

Many commands on * nix systems begin with sudo, which means that the command execution is started with superuser privileges, which is analogous to “Run as administrator” in Windows.

Removing black boxes around the edges of the screen

In some cases, after booting Raspbian, the user will find black boxes around the edges of the screen.

This means that the sweep is incorrectly set.

It can be corrected literally in two mouse clicks by editing the configuration file through a text editor:

Sudo leafpad

Opening the file /boot/config.txt and look for the line in it:

# disable_overscan = 1

And we remove the # symbol, turning it from a comment into an executable command:

Disable_overscan = 1

That's all. After reboot, the Raspbian interface will be displayed in full screen without any black borders.

Localization settings

By default, Raspbian is configured for a UK user.

You can change the localization settings in the settings, as through the graphical interface ( Menu -> Parameters -> Raspberry Pi Configuration) or via the console:

Sudo raspi-config

It seemed to me that it is more convenient to change the settings through the graphical interface, so I will consider it in this text.

So, we run "Raspberry Pi Configuration".

In the tab System push "Change Password ..." and set the root password. By default, it is absent, which in the future may interfere with the execution of some commands.

Switch to the tab Localization.

"Set Locale ..."- select Country: RU (Russia), Character Set: UTF-8. The system language (item Language) can be changed to “ru (Russian)”, or you can leave it as it is. The localization of Raspbian is not 100% complete, and when choosing the Russian language, you will have to be content with a mixture of Russian and English texts in the interface.

"Set Timezone ..."- here you need to select the appropriate time zone. Since the territory of Russia covers both Europe and Asia, then depending on the geographical position, either “Asia” or “Europe” is selected in “Area”, and in “Location” - one of the cities, the time zone in which corresponds to the time zone of your area.

For example, in the Urals the time zone is UTC / GMT + 5, which is commonly called the “Yekaterinburg time zone”. There is no Ekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg) locality in the “Location” column in Raspbian, but there is an Ashkhabat locality that lives in the same time zone. Therefore, I set it, and my local time starts to display on the system clock.

"Set Keyboard ..."- do not touch, we will talk about keyboard layouts further.

"Set WiFi Country"- here we expose “RU Russia”, although there is no great need for this, the built-in adapter also works on the local default settings. Most likely, this setting is important for some third world countries where Wi-Fi standards are severely limited for militaristic purposes.

Keyboard layout

The required keyboard layouts and the ability to switch between them are added by entering the console command:

Setxkbmap us, ru -option grp: alt_shift_toggle

In this case, Russian and English layouts are added. English stands as the main one, and switching between them occurs by the Alt + Shift key combination.

You can change the combination to Ctrl + Shift, if that's more familiar, by making the appropriate edit to this command.

The problem is that Raspbian does not remember this command, and after every reboot of the Raspberry Pi it will have to be re-entered. And this is inconvenient.

Therefore, we open a text editor:

Sudo leafpad

And we edit through it the system keyboard settings stored in the file / etc / default / keyboard.

You need to replace the lines:


XKBLAYOUT = "us, ru" XKBOPTIONS = "grp: alt_shift_toggle, grp_led: scroll"

Now let's add a graphic indicator of the keyboard layout to the system:

Sudo apt-get install gxkb

And put it on startup. This is also done through editing text files:

Sudo leafpad

Opening the file /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and add a line to the end of it:

Now all that remains is to reboot the Raspberry Pi to apply the changes:

Impressions of using the Raspberry Pi 3

The first thing you pay attention to when using the Raspberry Pi is the complete noiselessness of its operation.

No, it is clear that if completely passive cooling is used and there are no air coolers or even a conventional HDD based on moving parts, then there is simply nothing to make noise.

But the very fact of the existence of such a computer - a real, full-fledged computer, and at the same time completely silent - at first boggles the imagination.

Now for performance.

The power of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is enough to perform simple office and multimedia tasks: comfortable work in an office suite, watching videos and surfing not very heavy sites on the Internet.

But watching an online video is already a bit difficult for a "Malinka", and when you open 4-5 tabs of YouTube at the same time, Raspbian starts to freeze a little.

According to rumors, with the playback of online video, everything is more than good in operating systems specially tuned for the multimedia component - for example, OpenELEC. I plan to definitely consider using the Raspberry Pi as a home media center in the future.

Well, the Raspbian distribution kit is intended for teaching programming (it's not for nothing that IDEs for programming in Java and Python are already preinstalled out of the box, and such a funny thing as Scratch is a programming environment that allows you to compose algorithms in a visual-graphic form) and to manage the connected software GPIO peripherals. This is also an interesting topic, and I will return to using the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface in the future.


This is how my acquaintance with the Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer went.

The following articles in the cycle will cover topics such as:

  • sharing Raspberry Pi and Arduino
  • comparing the Raspberry Pi to other single board computers on the market

And for those who are interested in the prospect of buying a Raspberry Pi 3, I want to remind you that the adequate price for this microcomputer ranges from $ 35- $ 40.

It is at this price that the Raspberry Pi can be purchased in China, while our "gray" dealers have a retail price of this microcomputer starting at 3000 rubles and can reach 4500 rubles.

Don't feed a bunch of middlemen - order your Raspberry Pi for a fair price in China!

A step-by-step guide to starting up your Raspberry Pi minicomputer.

To run we need:

  1. Raspberry Pi
  2. USB keyboard
  3. USB mouse (if you are going to work in a visual shell)
  4. SD / MMC / SDIO memory card from 2 to 32 GB (if possible, buy cards of 6 or 10 class)

  5. Micro USB adapter for powering Raspberry Pi
  6. Monitor with HDMI input, or TV, or TV tuner with RCA connectors
  7. HDMI cable for connecting to a monitor or RCA cable for connecting to a TV or TV tuner

  8. Win32DiskImager program for writing a system image to a USB flash drive
  9. Raspbian "wheezy" operating system image
  10. Card reader for reading SD / MMC / SDIO memory cards

If you have everything you need at hand, then let's continue.

Writing a Raspbian Image to a Memory Card for Raspberry Pi

To write a Raspbian system image to a memory stick, you need the Win32DiskImager program and the Raspbian “wheezy” image itself. Download them to your computer.

You now have a ready-to-use USB stick with the recorded Raspbian image.

Raspberry Pi connection

  • Connect the memory stick to the Raspberry Pi
  • Connect a USB keyboard (and a USB mouse if needed)
  • Connect the HDMI cable with one end to the monitor, and the other end to the Raspberry Pi or RCA cable to the TV (TV tuner) and Raspberry Pi (only the yellow connector will be used in RCA)

  • Turn on your monitor or TV (TV tuner)
  • Connect Mini USB Power Adapter to Raspberry Pi
  • Plug the Mini USB power adapter into a wall outlet

When using the TV tuner as a monitor, you must select the composite input as the source.

Raspberry Pi setup

When you boot your Raspberry Pi for the first time, you will see the Raspi-config menu

If this did not happen, then type in the console the command sudo raspi-config

Through this menu, we will be able to make the basic settings of our future system.

Consider the menu items that we will use:

You need to decide how much RAM you are willing to allocate for the GPU. When working in the console, 16 MB will be enough, but to watch video in a graphical shell, you will have to donate 64-128 MB. The selected values ​​can only be: 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.

For now, you can leave the default value, and then, if necessary, select the option that suits you. Here you should take into account the fact that with increasing frequency, energy consumption also increases. That is, your power supply must supply sufficient current for normal operation.

Setting a password for the "root" user on the Raspberry Pi

Type the command in the console sudo passwd root and enter the password twice.

Useful console programs for the Raspberry Pi

Top - task manager

Built into the system

Launch: top

Htop - task manager

Installation: sudo apt-get install htop

Launch: htop

My favorite task manager :)

Mc - file manager

Installation: sudo apt-get install mc

Launch: mc

Weechat - IRC client

Installation: sudo apt-get install weechat

Launch: weechat-curses

Links - text browser

Installation: sudo apt-get install links

Launch: links

The Esc key will open the browser menu

Linux commands

  • sudo- is placed before the command and executes it as root
  • sudo halt- shutdown
  • Ctrl + C- exit from an open console program (if no other keys are provided)
  • Shift + Ins- paste text into console
  • Ctrl + Ins- copy the selected text from the console
  • cd- go to the desired folder. for instance cd / home / pi
  • dir- will show the contents of the current folder
  • pwd- will show your current location
  • date- will show the time and date
  • cal- will show the calendar for the current month
  • cal -y- will show the calendar for the current year
  • wget- download the file to the current directory. for instance wget

  • sudo apt-get update- will update the list of packages from the repository
  • sudo apt-get upgrade- will update installed packages
  • sudo apt-get install [package name]- will install the required package. for instance sudo apt-get install mc
  • up and down arrows- scroll through the previously typed commands

Raspberry Pi backup

We now have a minimally configured working system with a small set of programs. So that in case of any unforeseen circumstances we do not have to repeat all of the above, we will make a backup of our data.

  • Turn off your Raspberry Pi - in the console, type: sudo halt
  • After turning off the Raspberry Pi, unplug it and remove the memory card
  • Insert the flash card into your computer's card reader
  • Run the Win32DiskImager program
  • Specify in the Image File field the path where our customized Raspbian image will be saved
  • Select the drive letter with your flash drive from the Device menu
  • Click the Read button and wait until the creation of the memory card image is completed
  • Close the Win32DiskImager program
  • Disconnect your USB stick correctly
  • Remove the memory card from the card reader

    Leave all questions and additions in the comments. I would be grateful if you could share the link to this article with your friends on social networks.

    P.S. In the next article, I will describe the process of organizing remote access to the Raspberry Pi. SSH connection for console access and organization of remote file access via SSH will be considered. We will also set up a local network.

  • An easy way to use your laptop as a display for the Raspberry Pi if you don't have an HD monitor handy.

    This tutorial came about while we were working on our "raspberry", but there was not a single HD display at hand. So there was an idea that would help others in the same situation - when they could use their laptop as a monitor for their Raspberry Pi.

    As we know, the Raspberry Pi is known as a "Pocket-Size PC", but for debugging and design purposes it is too cumbersome to have an additional display for a "raspberry". Plus, many don't have access to an HDMI display, so we figured out how you can easily connect your Pi to a laptop display.

    To connect your Raspberry Pi to your laptop display, you can use a network cable. The Raspberry Pi's graphical user interface (GUI) can be viewed through a laptop display using a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection. There are many programs available that can establish a connection between Raspberry and your laptop. We used VNC server software to connect the Pi to our laptop.

    Installing a VNC server on your Pi allows you to remotely see your Raspberry Pi desktop using your mouse and keyboard, as if you were sitting right in front of your Pi. This also means that you can move the board somewhere else in your home and still be able to control it. In addition, the Internet can be shared from your laptop's WiFi via Ethernet. This will also allow you to access the Internet on the Pi.

    Raspberry Pi setup

    Before moving on to connecting your Raspberry Pi to your laptop display, you'll need a pre-installed OS SD card, or you'll need to install Raspbian onto a blank SD card. If you are not familiar with the Raspberry Pi commands, check out the Basic Linux Commands guide, and in the coming articles we will try to create a small guide on preparing an SD card for a "raspberry". In general, you can even find SD cards for sale with the Raspbian and NOOB operating systems preinstalled.

    1. After setting up your SD card, insert it into your Raspberry Pi.
    2. Then plug the micro-USB cable into the raspberry to turn it on.
    3. Connect your Raspberry to your laptop via an Ethernet cable.
    4. Connect your keyboard and mouse to it.
    5. Connect an HDMI display (HDMI is only required to start up the Pi for the first time).
    6. Power on the Pi.

    Sharing the Internet over Ethernet

    On Windows: To share the Internet with multiple users over Ethernet, go to "Network and Sharing Center". Then click on WiFi network:

    Click "Properties" (see below), then go to the "Sharing" section and click "Allow other network users to connect". Make sure the network connection is changed to Local Area Connection:

    Note: performing these steps will provide a dynamic IP address for the Ethernet port on your laptop and other devices connected to your laptop.

    Now, to check the IP address assigned to your laptop, click on the newly created link to connect to your local network:

    As shown above, the IP address assigned to the laptop is To check the IP address assigned to the connected Ethernet device, follow the steps below. Considering the IP address assigned to your laptop is and the subnet mask is

    • Open command prompt
    • Ping your IP address. For example: ping
    • Stop ping after 5 seconds
    • Check the response from the device: arp -a

    Setting up a VNC server to connect the Raspberry Pi to a laptop

    If you have an HDMI display

    Using a connected HDMI display to your Pi, you have to install a VNC server on your board. Open LX-Terminal and enter the following commands to install VNC:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

    If you don't have an HDMI display

    If you don't have a display even for a one-off setup, you don't need to worry. Install Putty according to your Windows configuration and via SSH you can connect to your Raspberry Pi. When you access your Pi terminal, run the same commands above to install VNC.

    Running a VNC Server on the Pi

    To start VNC, enter the following command in the SSH terminal:

    $ vncserver: 1

    You will be prompted to enter and confirm your password. This will only be done once, the first time you set it up. Enter your 8-digit password. Note that this is the password you will need to use to connect to your Pi remotely. You will also be asked if you want to create a separate read-only password - say no.

    The VNC server is now running on your Pi and we can now try to connect to it. First, we need to switch to the laptop from which we want to control the Pi. Then set up a VNC client to connect to the Pi.

    Client side setup (laptop)

    Download the VNC VNC client and install it. When you first launch the VNC viewer, you will see the following:

    Enter the IP address of your "raspberry" dynamically transmitted by your laptop (you got the address earlier) and add: 1 (port number) and click "connect". A warning message will appear, click "Continue":

    Enter the 8-digit password that was entered when installing the VNC server:

    Finally, the Raspberry Pi desktop should appear as a VNC window. You will be able to access the GUI and do everything as if you were using the keyboard, mouse and monitor directly from the Pi. As with SSH, since everything is on your network, your Pi can be located anywhere as long as it is connected to the network.

    Launching VNC server during Raspberry Pi GUI startup

    Connecting your Pi remotely to VNC works great as long as you don't need to reboot. If, nevertheless, the need arose, you need to either connect to SSH, or restart the VNC server, or arrange for the VNC server to start after rebooting the Raspberry Pi. To ensure that VNC starts automatically every time you boot, run the following commands in a terminal - see below.

    Open the ".config" folder on the Pi: user folder (hidden folder).

    $ cd / home / pi
    $ cd .config

    Create a folder "autostart" in it. Also, create a file called "tightvnc.desktop" in this folder. You can use any known text editor to create the files. We used gnome-text-editor for this:

    $ mkdir autostart
    $ cd autostart
    $ gnome tightvnc.desktop

    Change the content of the file as follows and save the file:

    Type = Application
    Name = TightVNC
    Exec = vncserver: 1
    StartupNotify = false

    The next time you reboot your Pi, the vncserver will start automatically and connect your Raspberry Pi to your laptop display without any problems.

    Whenever you want to do something with your Pi, just connect it to your laptop with an Ethernet cable and turn it on. Then open VNCViewer, provide your Pi's IP address, and you can use your laptop's display as a Raspberry Pi monitor.

    When you buy a Raspberry Pi, you only buy a PCB that comes without a power supply or operating system. This article is intended to give you an idea of ​​how to set up your Raspberry Pi so you can start using it.

    The Raspberry Pi is a minicomputer that has many ports that can be used to connect various peripherals. You can connect a separate monitor via the HDMI port and a keyboard and mouse via USB connectors, the Raspberry Pi also has an Ethernet port, so you can use the Internet in your Raspberry Pi projects.

    This guide will walk you through a series of steps that will allow you to connect your Raspberry Pi to your laptop or desktop PC, eliminating the need for separate devices for the Raspberry Pi.

    Hardware and software

    • 1 x;
    • 1 x Ethernet cable;
    • 1 x laptop or stationary PC;
    • 1 x SD card (minimum size 4GB);
    • 1 x Micro USB cable (to power your Raspberry Pi).

    Before we proceed, we need the software that needs to be downloaded. Below is a list of the software and links from where you can download it for free:

    • Raspbian OS: when you buy a Raspberry Pi, you have the option (in some stores) to buy the operating system pre-installed on the SD card, or simply download the zip file from, which contains the Raspbian OS image, to write it to your SD card;
    • SDFormatter: The SD Card Association has very good software that can be used to format your SD card. Visit and download SDFormatter for your operating system;
    • Win32DiskImager: To write Raspbian OS to your SD card, you need the useful Win32DiskImager utility. You can download it here;
    • : You will need to determine the IP address of your Raspberry Pi when you connect it to your computer. Just download this program;
    • PuTTy: PuTTy is the SSH client that will be used to connect to the Raspberry Pi. You can download it here;
    • VNC: and the last one is the VNC server. You can download it here

    Once you've downloaded all of this software, unzip and install it.

    Installing the operating system

    1. Insert the SD card into the card reader and check which drive letter was assigned.
    2. Open Win32DiskImager, you may need to run it as administrator.
    3. Select the unpacked Raspbian OS image.
    4. Select the letter assigned to your SD card from the device drop-down list. Make sure to select the correct drive letter to avoid damaging data on any other drive.
    5. Click on Write down(Write) and wait for completion.
    6. Close Win32DiskImager, remove the SD card and insert it into the Raspberry Pi.

    Note: After recording the operating system, you will notice that only a few megabytes are left on the SD card. This is because of the partition created, the rest of the free space is hidden. You should be able to fix this as soon as we connect to the Raspberry Pi.

    Shared internet via Ethernet port

    Once the SD card is ready, insert it into your Raspberry Pi. Connect the USB power cable. And also connect the Raspberry Pi and laptop with an Ethernet cable.

    If you are connecting your Raspberry Pi to a router with internet access, you can skip this step.

    Checking the IP address assigned to your Raspberry Pi

    It's simple, make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to your computer's Ethernet network (either directly or via a router). If everything is working fine, you will see the LEDs on the board blinking.

    Connecting to Raspberry Pi via PuTTy

    Fine! Before continuing, let's see what we have already done so far.

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