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Transferring yandex cache storage location. Browser cache - what is it? Correctly migrating Chrome and Firefox cache to RAMDisk

Good day, friends! In today's article I would like to tell you what a browser cache is and what it is for, as well as how to increase its size in Yandex and move the folder with it to another location on the computer.

Browser cache - what is it?

The site already has an article,. It provides a definition for this term. Also, it says in which folder on the computer the folder we are interested in is located.

Information caching is provided in all modern Internet browsers. Thanks to this, the user can play Online Games, watch movies, and also save consumed Internet traffic.

When you visit the site, a copy of the page is saved in the cache on local disk computer. Suppose you left this site by clicking on a hyperlink and then returned to it again. In this case, its loading will be faster, since the browser will take required files already from the computer, and will not contact the server.

When watching a movie or video, you probably noticed that if you pause, the gray bar will continue to run in the playback line. This means that the movie is downloaded to the computer, that is, it is cached. After full load it can even be downloaded from there.

The cache file on the computer has a specific size. And when free space runs out, old records are deleted and new ones are written.

You can reduce its size if you do not have enough free space on the computer. If you want to download, for example, a movie in this folder, and then save it from it, or you need to save Internet traffic, then it is better to increase this file.

How to increase cache memory in Yandex browser

In the browser itself, this will not work, since such a function is simply absent. To increase the cache size, find the Yandex browser shortcut on the desktop and click on it right click mice. Then select Properties from the context menu.

If you do not have a shortcut, then go to the "Start" menu, or to the folder " Program Files"On the C: drive and find the file.exe in it.

A window with properties will open on the "Shortcut" tab. Here we need the "Object" field. Place the cursor at the end of the line, press the spacebar and enter: —disk-cache-size = Size. There are two small hyphens in front without a space. Replace "Size" with the required value in bytes. For example, 1 GB = 1073741824 bytes. Be careful not to delete the contents of the line itself, otherwise you will need to create a new shortcut.

Don't forget to click Apply, then OK.

How to change the storage location of the cache folder

When installing Yandex browser, the user has no way to specify in which directory on the computer to store the folder with the cache. Accordingly, everything will be stored on the system disk. If you do not have too much space on the system drive, you can move this folder to another disk partition, or even to another HDD(if there are several installed).

Open the shortcut properties again, as described above, and in the "Object" field enter: —disk-cache-dir = "D: \ Cache_Yandex".

There are two small hyphens in front. In quotes, indicate the location on your computer where you want to move the cache folder.

After this line, you can put a space and enter the command described above, which will increase the cache size. Click "Apply" and "OK".

That's all. I think you understand what a cache is, how to increase Yandex's cache memory and move this folder to another location on your computer.

Such situations arise when there is not enough space on the main system disk or partition, or you need to put the cache on more fast drive... Can. And it's easy. How to do it is described in the article.

The fact is that in the standard interface through which browsers are configured, there are no such options for changing the cache directory. And in Mozilla Firefox and Opera has preference editors where you can set the desired values.

How to change the folder for storing the cache in Firefox.

We are typing in address bar browser about: config ... We see a lot of incomprehensible lines. This is your browser configuration. By the way, if you open the configurator for the first time, warnings will be displayed that thoughtlessly changing any important settings may break your browser. But do not be alarmed, answer all questions in the affirmative. We are not going to thoughtlessly change what does not need to be touched :) At the top of the configurator there is a search bar by settings (filter). We enter the following into it:

Most likely, the configurator will not find anything, and will show a blank page. This means that you do not have such settings. Therefore, you need to create this parameter. Right-click in blank page, select "create" (new)> "string parameter" (string). A window will open in which you need to enter the name of the option. There we enter what we were trying to find - browser.cache.disk.parent_directory.

Then a new window will open in which you need to set the parameter value. This will be our path to the desired new cache location. For example. Only the path must be entered not in the traditional format, but through a double backslash (\\). That is, if we want our cache to be located from now on D: \ files \ cache_FF, then it is necessary to enter D: \\ files \\ cache_FF .

In Linux, by the way, the path is set in the usual format, for example / home / user / cache_ff... (The double slash in Windows is due to the fact that the backslash character needs to be escaped according to Unix standards, but this is not important to us as users) Restart the browser, go to the designated location, and observe that the firefox has already created a folder for its cache and put the files there. If we suddenly want to change the place of residence of the cache again, then new parameter we no longer need to create, we just find the one that we have already created, and in context menu we use the item "modify" (modify).

How to change the cache storage location in Opera

The principle is the same, the difference is in the details. In addition, there is a difference that the opera has the ability to set separate place for storing dialed addresses - opcache.

To manage the cache in chrome, only a few options are officially available, and they are arguments to run from command line(the easiest to implement, but not the most convenient way to use):

  • --disk-cache-dir =<путь к папке>: cache location
  • --disk-cache-size =<размер в байтах>: cache size
  • --user-data-dir =<путь к папке>: folder of all user data (profiles, cache, ...)

Actually, all you need is to run Google chrome with the correct parameters. All of the following applies equally to Chromium.


In Windiws 7, chrome stores the cache by default somewhere in the C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ Cache area. (For other OS see)

To change the cache location permanently, the following steps are required:

Step 1. Change the shortcut

RMB on a shortcut ⇒ "Properties"⇒ tab "Label"

  1. Create a folder for the future cache somewhere.
    For example, at "D: \ temp \ Google_Chrome"
  2. In field "An object", separated by a space, add the full path to this folder as a parameter:
    --disk-cache-dir = "D: \ temp \ Google_Chrome"

Now at the address "D: \ temp \ Google_Chrome" will be stored cache google browser Chrome... After restarting Chrome, daddies will appear in it Cache, Media Cache etc.

To limit the cache size, for example, to 300MB, add another parameter separated by a space:

Disk-cache-size = 314572800
(300 * 1024 * 1024 = 314572800 bytes)

If you want to get rid of the cache completely, set its size to 1 :)

But: If chrome is the default browser, then when launched from third-party applications, it will still launch with the default parameters. Therefore, go to step two.

Step 2. Edit the registry

The final command to run in the registry will look something like "C: \ Users \ Martin \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir = "D: \ temp \ Google_Chrome" --disk-cache-size = 314572800 - "% 1" (for Win7).

Step 3. Alternative 1

Alternatively, you can not edit the shortcuts / registries, but simply place a symbolic link to Right place instead of old folder cache.

Step 3. Alternative 2

Also, instead of editing the launch parameters, you can use Politicians:

  1. Open the registry editor.
  2. Go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Chromium and add Dword DiskCacheSize (RMB on Chromium ⇒ newDword (32-bit value)).
    Set a value for the cache size in bytes.
  3. To set the cache folder, create String named DiskCacheDir and set the value as the full path to the required folder.


Everything is similar to the situation with Windows shortcuts... It is worth correcting the alias for starting chrome so that it is called with the necessary parameters.

An interesting usecase is keeping the cache in random access memory(tmpfs):
$ google-chrome --disk-cache-dir = / tmp / cache

Check out the arch linux Chromium page for more interesting stuff :)

When you enter the game, the browser constantly loads textures and other game information. After saving textures to the browser cache over time persistent downloads will stop, and then the browser will use the loaded textures, referring to the computer's memory, and not sending requests to download textures to the game server. In order for the browser cache not to automatically erase the information from its memory, but to save it to the hard disk of your PC, you must specify the cache size in the browser settings at least 512MB, as well as disable all sorts of items with the property - "clear cache when closing the browser window".

How to increase browser cache

I. Changing the size of the cache in FireFox

1. Menu "Tools" → "Settings":
2. Menu "Advanced" → "Network" → "Offline storage"

II. Changing the cache size in Internet Explorer

1. Menu "Tools" → "Internet Options"
2. In the "Browsing history" section, the "Options" button
3. The value "Used disk space"

III. Change cache size in Opera

1. Menu "Tools" → "Settings"
2. “Additional” tab → “History” section → “Cache in memory” and “Disk cache” values
IV. Change cache size in Google Chrome

There is no option in the Google Chrome browser to change the cache size. To do this, you need to use special team--disk-cache-dir.

1. Create a folder that will contain the increased cache of the Google Chrome browser. For example, C: \\ Google Chrome \\ Cache.
2. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut and select Properties.
3. In the "Object" field, add the above command with the new value of the cache size in bytes. You should end up with a string like
"C: \\ Documents and Settings \\<Ваше имя пользователя>\\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ Application \\ chrome.exe "--disk-cache-dir =" D: \\ Google Chrome \\ Cache "--disk-cache-size = 1,000,000,000.
4. Click OK.

After updating the game, you may need to clear the cache.

Due to numerous requests to tell how to clean the cache, I decided to create a theme so that there was where to look.

Actually, let's start with the cache itself. CASH is computer memory, in which stores information that the system has access to faster than the computer's RAM. In our case, the cache stores various small swap files for Fragoria, which are sometimes uploaded in a "faulty" state and must be deleted so that they do not interfere with the work of the client / browser.

Now we go to how to clear this same CACHE.

The easiest and fastest affordable way Cache clearing is a clearing function in the browser you are using, I will give examples:

1) Mozilla Firefox

in the menu bar, select "tools" -> settings, go to the next tab (see the screen) and perform three clicks, marked on the screen

2) Opera

in the menu bar, we also select tools - settings - additional - history - (Disk cache) - clear

you can also check the "clear on entry" checkbox and your cache will be cleared every time you start the opera.

3) Internet Explorer

To clear the Internet Explorer memory cache in the "Tools" menu, select the "Internet Options" line
in the window that opens, click "delete"

4) Google chrome

1 click on the "Settings and management" icon, select "Clear browsing data"
2 In the "Clear browsing data" dialog box that opens, select the "Clear cache" checkbox. Click the "Clear browsing data" button

1 2

Here are 4 main browsers, if you have any other, write the name, I will supplement the instructions.

How do I move my browser data to another location on my computer? Even if the browser is initially installed on a different drive, for example, D or E, it is still in hidden folder user profile on disk C "AppData" (in modern versions Windows) will host the web browser profile data - cache, history, cookies, settings, extensions, etc. Many browsers provide the ability to migrate their cache from system disk From to another disk - another partition or other device. True, this feature is not a convenient, conspicuous option in the browser menu. The function of changing the cache storage path is usually located in hidden settings web browsers. In this article, we will not delve into the specifics of changing the cache path for each of the browsers. Let's do it easier - consider universal way Moving the cache of web browsers to a different location. But we will transfer not only the cache, but the entire browser profiles. And a small program Junction will help us with this. Link magic.

1. Why move your browser profile to another location on your computer?

The need to migrate the cache and other frequently overwritten data of browsers in rare cases can be caused by the approach of the MTBF of the SSD. More often transfer certain files systems and third-party software is carried out either on the HDD due to the fact that the space on a 64-gigabyte SSD is running out, or on a RAM disk - a productive disk created due to excess RAM and implemented in Windows system a special type of program. Transferring the cache and other browser data to a RAM disk can significantly speed up the work with the Internet, since the speed of reading and writing small files in RAM is several thousand times faster than that of HDD.

But RAM disk can only solve the problem of slow speed HDD operation... A RAM disk does not solve either the problem with a weak processor or the problem with slow speed internet connections. To understand whether there is any effect from the operation of the browser in conjunction with a RAM disk, it is not necessary to immediately start transferring the profile. Their interaction can be tested by placing on a RAM disk portable version any of the browsers. If the effect is obvious, then you can already start transferring the browser profiles installed in the Windows system to the RAM disk.

2. About Junction Link Magic

Next, we create junction points one by one and transfer the contents of each of the Mozilla folders within the AppData to the destination disk, as described in previous paragraph articles for Google profile Chrome.

We do the same with Opera browser... The latter, inside the "AppData" folder, creates two of its own folders "Opera Software" - inside "Local" and inside "Roaming".

6. Removing connection points

If the expected result is from Windows optimization due to the work of the RAM disk was not justified in practice, you can return back all the settings made in the system, in particular, the transferred browser profiles can be rolled back to the restore point or backup... This method will solve several previously performed settings transfer operations in one step. If the system is stable and only the transferred browser profile needs to be returned back, Junction Link Magic provides the ability to delete the junction points. The required connection point may not be displayed in the program window, in which case you need to scan the system. Click "Scan now!"

Once desired point connection will be displayed in the Junction Link Magic window, we can cancel further scanning and delete this point.

We confirm the deletion of the connection point.

After deleting the point, the browser folder as part of "AppData" will turn into regular folder where you want to place its contents by cutting it from the corresponding folder on the destination drive.

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