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Paging communication in russia now. Radiotelephone paging systems

Remember the movie Bruce Almighty? Where God sent messages to the protagonist for a little electronic device? Today we decided to recall the pager - a symbol of prosperity in Russia in the nineties and the older brother of modern mobile phones.

Still from the movie "Bruce Almighty" (2003)

What is a pager

Thirty-year-olds may find it funny from this question, but today's schoolchildren no longer know that there was such a thing. Pager is a miniature radio receiver that allows you to receive short messages at a specific frequency. All messages are sent through the operator: you call the operator's room, dictate the message and the subscriber's number. And the operator sends a message to the addressee. Later, two-way pagers appeared, which allow communication without intermediaries.

The first pager introduced Motorola in 1956. He received signals within a radius of 200 meters and issued a short sound signal, for which it received its second name - beeper, from the English Beep. Then pagers were used to equip hospitals, and with the development of technology and an increase in the range, they found application in police stations and rescue services.

Still from the clip Eminem "Stan" (2000)

But miniature devices gained worldwide popularity only in the mid-80s, when in 1986 Motorola released Bravo - the most popular model pager with three buttons and a three-line display.

In 1996, almost 100 million people were using pagers around the world.

How the pager works

It is based on a radio receiver tuned to a specific frequency of reception of the paging company and the format of received messages. In addition, there was a decoder, a micro-computer - the "brains" of a pager, several buttons, and later - a display.

Structural scheme pager

Each pager has built-in cap codes - physical addresses, personal and group. Personal address is unique for each device, and group pagers are the same for all pagers with a common language coding. All cap codes are stored in the operator's database. When the client calls the operator and calls the subscriber's number, the operator finds his personal cap code and sends a message.

V different countries paging works with different formats... The most common is the POCSAG protocol, developed in the UK in 1978. It has been used successfully until now, with a transmission rate of 512, 1200 or 2400 bps.

The faster Flex protocol was created by Motorola in 1993. It used synchronous transmission data, messages were transmitted at a speed of 1600, 3200 and 6400 bps. Flex is capable of supporting more than 5 billion addresses - double that of POCSAG.

Especially for Europe, the ERMES protocol was developed, fully compatible with the standard GSM communication and adapted to other European cellular network developments. The format was created as part of the creation of a pan-European system of personal radio calling and worked in the frequency range 169.4 - 169.8 MHz.

In total, there were three main types of devices: tone - pagers of the first generation, they are also beepers, digital - transmitted information only in digital form and text - with which you could send messages.

The last word in the development of paging was tweigers: equipped with a qwerty-keyboard, with two-way communication, they allowed communication without intermediaries. The first Tango tweager was launched by Motorola together with the national American operator SkyTel in 1996. But even then it was clear that the age of small beeping devices was coming to an end - the world was actively conquered by mobile communications.

Still from the film "Zero Effect" (1998)

Pagers in Russia: Pepsi, pager, MTV

Paging communication appeared in the USSR by the end of the 60s - it was used by employees of the ambulance and some government agencies. In 1979, during preparations for the 1980 Olympics, the British company Multitone launched the Radiopoisk network in Moscow, which operated at a frequency of about 43 MHz. She was solving the problem fast transfer teams to the performers of the celebrations and coordinated their actions.

The general public did not use pagers until the collapse of the Soviet Union.

At the height of the 90s, it was a symbol of a wealthy life: bulky mobile phones with their astronomical prices (Nokia Mobira cost $ 2,000 and weighed three kilograms), could afford a few, and pagers became more widespread. But the service was still expensive: the connection was about $ 350, and subscription fee$ 50-70 per month. The first Russified pager was launched on the market by the already mentioned Multitone - the MIT-472 model cost $ 380 and could receive messages up to 7500 characters in size. Theoretically, this text can be sent to such a device - its volume is slightly more than 7 and a half thousand characters. The display showed a maximum of 94 characters at a time.

If there was no money, but wanted to stand out, then those who wanted to buy Digital Watch, similar to a pager, and proudly hung them on the belt.

There were dozens of paging companies across the country: federal operators was not, and the number of regional was very different depending on the region.

The quality of communication depended on the number of transmitters at the operator, their power and location. For example, transmitters with a power of 350 watts and a coverage radius of 70-80 km worked at the Ostankino tower. In the late 90s, Motorola transmitters or their domestic counterparts ZhM-300 were used. Sometimes they were equipped with amplifiers.

Each operator worked at its own frequency. The company bought pagers programmed for this frequency and tuned transmitters to it. Or you could order free pagers and then tune them to your own frequency. But this option is longer, because mainly the devices were brought from Southeast Asia.

Almost the entire market was divided among 11 large companies: Mobil-Telecom, Vesso-Link, Inform-Excom and others. The share of small operators remained 3% of the total volume of clients.

According to the State Communications Committee (now the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation), the number of subscribers increased 20 times from 1994 to 1996, and by the beginning of 1998 about 300 thousand people in Russia used paging communications. More than 70% of the market was concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg: in the capital, pagers were used by 1.1% of the population, in St. Petersburg - 0.6%. By 2000, it was planned to triple the number of clients. But these plans were not destined to come true.

At the beginning of the 2000s, mobile phones began to actively replace pagers with Russian market communication. Back in 2000, Decl was broadcasting to the younger generation: “Pepsi, pager, MTV, connect!”, And in 2005 80% of the population already had mobile phones. In 2007, the first iPhone was released.
They forgot about pagers.

Pagers today

In the mass consciousness, small black boxes have long supplanted modern smartphones but the pagers are still alive. They are used by hospital staff for emergency communication, Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Internal Affairs, major centers maintenance of cars, some nuclear power plants.

In the States, pagers are used in hospitals, rescue services, and the police - we can say that they returned home after their march around the world. Having received the message, the doctor rushes to the operating room, the rescuers to the call, the police officers to the scene.

Today there are two paging companies operating in Moscow - Telecomt and Inform-Ekskom. We talked with a person who has been involved in this type of communication since 1993, and this is what he told us.

The coverage of the paging tower is more dense: it works where it does not catch cellular communication, and the gateways are not so loaded, so it will be faster to send an emergency message to the pager. The device does not need to be charged, just change the AAA battery about once a month.

Private systems paging completely controlled by the customer: they are created according to his requirements, do not depend on cellular operators, nor from overloading energy networks and can work for a long time in the absence of centralized power supply.

Today paging communication is cheap - the monthly subscription fee starts from 170 rubles a month, while it is impossible to steal money from the account. The price of the pager itself ranges from 700 to 2000 rubles. All these advantages, according to the remaining paging operators, will not allow pagers to be completely displaced from the market.

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Paging communication, as well as a personal radio calling system, does not provide the possibility of two-way exchange of information, but retains all the advantages of this system. The difference from a personal radio call system is the use of the telephone network infrastructure, that is, a qualitatively different communication level.

Let's consider some types of pagers.

Text pager is a receiver for alphanumeric text messages. Allows storing messages depending on the model certain time and when changing the power supply, connect to a personal computer, become part of security systems, etc.

Tweiger- transceiver pager. He can both receive the message and confirm its receipt by the addressee. Standard messages are programmed in it - to answer the user presses desired button... In addition, it makes it possible to type text in the form of numbers and signs and send it to pagers, tweigers, e-mail, or send it as a voice message to a regular or cellular telephone.

If the addressee receives a message on a regular or cell phone, then it is a synthesized a voice message reproduced by the system computer telephony using a fax-modem dedicated card with a text-to-voice function.

Graphic paging enables paging network operators to transmit high-quality graphic images to subscribers: subjective portraits of criminals for identification, scanned faxes, maps with driving routes, etc. Images are displayed on the pager screen using 8 lines of 26 characters each. It is possible to store messages that were not received due to overload or destroyed after reading (messages after viewing can be stored in the form individual files and use in the future). Most models include “ phonebook"With the indication of phone numbers and names," list of urgent matters "and" reminiscent of events "that give a signal to set time... You can change the scale text message and view it in enlarged form.

1. Callers to a subscriber use the services of an operator service. The operator enters the subscriber's number, after which the system records the voice of the remote subscriber and sends it over the air to the voice pager.

2. There is no operator service, and the subscriber number is entered by tone - using telephone set with support for tone dialing or a conventional device with a beeper (key fob with a numeric keypad) and a shutter attached to the handset.

3. The operator company sends a special modernized digital answering machine to the voice pager subscriber, which can be installed on any phone number available to the subscriber, which "answers" incoming phone calls and forwards all messages dictated to it directly to the user's terminal.

Crypto pager- a subscriber device in a crypto-protected paging communication system. The encryption server must undergo compulsory licensing with the FSB of Russia. Subscribers of such a paging system have the ability to access the call center via special communication channels, as well as telephone network lines using scramblers. If necessary, the subscriber's individual key can be promptly and automatically changed upon receipt new information, which eliminates the likelihood of reading messages when intercepted.

Screenless paging the ability to receive large amounts of information and enter them into a personal computer. The pager is connected to the computer when the entire amount of its RAM is full.

Experts' estimates show that even with a significant reduction in the cost of services cellular the mobile phone will not replace the pager, since paging communication costs the user 8-10 times cheaper than the cellular one. Thus, paging communication is an integral part of the infrastructure of modern society.

Paging communication is a radiotelephone communication, sending by telephone messages dictated by the sending subscriber and receiving them over the radio channel by the receiving subscriber using a pager - a radio receiver with a liquid crystal display, on which received alphanumeric texts are displayed. A pager is a one-way communication device: you can only receive messages to it, but you cannot send messages from it.

The history of paging as a means of personal radio calling dates back to the mid-1950s in England. The first such device was developed in 1956. The number of subscribers could be no more than 57. When a subscriber received a tone signal, he had to bring the device to his ear and listen in a speech form to the message transmitted by the dispatcher. Doctors became the users of the first network in England. The networks that existed at that time were local in nature and served the needs of specific services. The largest of these were airport services. Some similar networks exist today. The widespread adoption of paging began in the late 1970s in the United States.

Since then, paging systems have become quite widespread in cities in Europe and the United States. At the same time, paging came to Russia.

The first pagers were simple FM receivers. They contained several tuned loops that track a characteristic sequence of low frequency signals (tones). Upon receiving these tones, the device beeps. Therefore, such pagers are called tone pagers.

The transition to digital systems was inevitable. Tone coding was not suitable for transmitting alphanumeric messages.

Mobile cellular communication

Communication is called mobile if the source of information or its recipient (or both) move in space. Since its inception, radio communication has been mobile. The first radio stations were intended for communication with mobile objects - ships. After all, one of the first radio communication devices A.S. Popov was installed on the battleship "Admiral Apraksin". And it was thanks to radio communication with him that in the winter of 1899/1900 it was possible to save this ship, jammed in the ice in the Baltic Sea.

For many years, individual radio communication between two subscribers required a separate radio communication channel operating at the same frequency. Simultaneous radio communication on many channels could be provided by allocating a certain frequency band to each channel. But frequencies are also needed for radio broadcasting, television, radar, radio navigation, and military needs. Therefore, the number of radio communication channels was very limited. It was used for military purposes, government communications. So, in the cars used by members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, mobile phones were installed. They were installed in police cars and radio taxis. In order for mobile communications to become widespread, it took new idea her organization. This idea was expressed in 1947 by D. Ring, an employee of the American company Bell Laboratories. It consisted in dividing space into small sections - cells (or cells) with a radius of 1-5 kilometers and in separating radio communication within one cell from communication between cells. This allowed the same frequencies to be used in different cells. In the center of each cell, it was proposed to locate a base - receiving and transmitting - radio station to ensure radio communication within the cell with all subscribers. Each subscriber has his own micro-radio station - "mobile phone" - a combination of a telephone, a transceiver and a mini-computer. Subscribers communicate with each other through base stations connected to each other and to the city telephone network.

Each cell must be serviced by a base radio transmitter with a limited range and a fixed frequency. This makes it possible to reuse the same frequency in other cells. During a call, the cellular radiotelephone is connected to base station the radio channel through which the telephone conversation is transmitted. The cell size is determined by the maximum communication range of the radiotelephone apparatus with the base station. This maximum range is the radius of the cell.

The idea of ​​mobile cellular communication is that, without leaving the coverage area of ​​one base station, the mobile phone enters the coverage area of ​​any neighboring one up to the outer border of the entire network area.

For this purpose, systems of repeater antennas have been created that cover their "cell" - the area of ​​the Earth's surface. For communication to be reliable, the distance between two adjacent antennas must be less than their range. In cities it is about 500 meters, and in rural areas - 2-3 km. A mobile phone can receive signals from several repeater antennas at once, but it is always tuned to the strongest signal.

The idea of ​​mobile cellular communications was also in the application of computer control over the telephone signal from the subscriber when he moves from one cell to another. It was computer control that made it possible to switch a mobile phone from one intermediate transmitter to another within just a thousandth of a second. Everything happens so quickly that the subscriber simply does not notice it.

Central part of the system mobile communications are computers. They search for a subscriber in any of the cells and connect him to the telephone network. When a subscriber moves from one cell to another, they transfer the subscriber from one base station to another, and also connect the subscriber from a "foreign" cellular network to "his", when he is in the zone of its action, - they carry out roaming (which in English means "wandering" or "vagrancy").

The principles of modern mobile communications were an achievement already at the end of the 40s. However, in those days, computer technology was still at such a level that its commercial use in systems telephone connection it was difficult. Therefore, the practical application of cellular communication became possible only after the invention of microprocessors and integrated semiconductor microcircuits.

An important advantage of mobile cellular communications is the ability to use it outside the general area of ​​your operator - roaming. For this various operators agree among themselves on the mutual possibility of using their zones for users. A subscriber, leaving the common area of ​​his operator, automatically switches to the zones of other operators, even when moving from one country to another, for example, from Russia to Germany or France. Or, while in Russia, the user can make cellular calls to any country. Thus, cellular communication provides the user with the ability to communicate by phone with any country, wherever he is.

Leading manufacturers of cell phones are guided by a single European standard - GSM. That is why their equipment is technically perfect, but relatively inexpensive. After all, they can afford to produce huge batches of phones that are on sale.

The short message system SMS (Short Message Service) has become a convenient addition to the cell phone. It is used to send short messages directly to the telephone of a modern digital GSM system without the use of additional equipment, only using numeric keypad and a cell phone display screen. Reception of SMS-messages is also carried out on the digital display, which is equipped with any cell phone. SMS can be used in cases where a regular telephone conversation is not the most convenient form of communication (for example, in a noisy, crowded train). You can send your phone number to a friend via SMS. Due to its low cost, SMS is an alternative to telephone calls. The maximum size of an SMS message is 160 characters. You can send it in several ways: by calling special service as well as using your GSM phone with a send function, using the Internet. The SMS system can provide Additional services: send currency rate, weather forecast, etc. to your GSM phone. Essentially, a GSM phone with an SMS system is an alternative to a pager.

But the SMS system is not the last word in cellular communications. The most modern cell phones (for example, Nokia) now have the Chat function (in the Russian version - "dialogue"). It can be used to communicate in real time with other cell phone owners, as is done on the Internet. Essentially it is the new kind exchange of SMS messages. To do this, you compose a message to your interlocutor and send it. The text of your message appears on the displays of both cell phones - yours and your interlocutor. Then he answers you and his message is displayed on the displays. Thus, you are conducting an electronic dialogue. But if the cell phone of your interlocutor does not support this function, then he will receive regular SMS messages.

Cell phones have also appeared with support for high-speed Internet access via GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) - a standard for packet data transmission over radio channels, in which the phone does not need to "dial": the device constantly maintains a connection, sends and receives data packets. Cell phones with built-in digital cameras are also produced.

According to the research company Informal Telecoms & Media (ITM), the number of mobile users in the world in 2007 is 3.3 billion people.

Finally, the most complex and expensive devices are smartphones and communicators that combine the capabilities of a cell phone and a pocket computer.

Paging or paging systems are a fast-growing modern telecommunications sector. By the end of 1998, one hundred and a half million people are expected to acquire pagers. Statistical data show that more than 60% of the world number of subscribers of RFWS falls on two countries - the USA and China. Today, the United States has about 37% of all pagers in the world. And in China 20 million people are the owners of pagers.

In terms of the number of paging service subscribers per 100 inhabitants, the five leading countries are as follows: Singapore (33.4%), Hong Kong (25.4%), South Korea(20%), UAE (13.4%), USA (13.1%) ( Appendix 9).

V recent times Russia has become one of the most promising paging markets. According to JSC "Moskovskaya information network”(MIS), the number of subscribers of the SPRV over the past five years has increased in our country by more than 100 times. Thus, paging is becoming one of the most widespread forms of telecommunications. Now the country has about 250 operators in 52 regions, including 35 companies in Moscow, 25 in St. Petersburg. In addition, 5 interregional networks are under construction.

The number of subscribers in SPRV reached 250 thousand in 1997 against 143 thousand in 1996. Out of 250 thousand subscribers, about 100 thousand are Muscovites, 30 are Petersburgers. For comparison, in Perm - 2.5 thousand, in Murmansk - 600, in Lipetsk - about 500 ( Appendix 10).

In the opinion Director General JSC "MIS" Sergei Stolyarchuk, the SPRV sector of the Russian market will annually increase by 50-100%. By 2000, 1.52 million subscribers can be expected.

Wessotel completes the creation of a unified federal system paging communication. In 1996, this company introduced automatic roaming with St. Petersburg. The license of the Ministry of Communications provides for the maintenance of the Wessotel network in 35 cities of Russia and the CIS.

Paging communication costs the owner 8-10 times cheaper than a mobile phone, for example, now a multifunctional text device can be purchased with a connection for $ 150. There are also cheaper options - simple text pagers ($ 100-130) and digital machines ($ 50-90).

With a short contract, a month of service for a good pager costs $ 37-45. Experts expect that the cost of pagers and their service in Russia will continue to decline.

Expansion of the package and reduction of prices for services - necessary condition the survival of the paging company in a competitive environment. For example, the paging market in St. Petersburg has already crossed the line beyond which an uncompromising price war is already beginning. 13 paging operators serve less than 30 thousand customers. Naturally, in such a situation, the prices for pagers and services fall. Record today One hundred rubles. Competition is intensified by Moscow paging operators.

St. Petersburg paging prices are falling due to the exacerbation of not only direct competition. The positions of the mobile communication companies in St. Petersburg are as strong as anywhere else in the country. And the prices for subscriber equipment and network connection too. The average price for paging services in St. Petersburg is $ 35-40, i.e. about the same as in Moscow. But the rates for cellular communication are 2 times lower than in the capital.

There is no definite opinion regarding the prospects for the development of the paging market. Some experts believe that paging is a dead-end branch in the development of telecommunications, while others, on the contrary, discredit a great future for this direction.

Expanding the range of services, lowering prices, improving the quality of communication are certainly important for attracting customers. However, the most common digital pagers are most widely used abroad. most of the messages consist of the following phrases: "call home", "call back the office", which can be replaced with a phone number.

Therefore, many of the opportunities provided by operators are often not needed by an ordinary subscriber.

Pager(from the English. to page- call, call out) - a receiving and transmitting device for a personal radio call.

Paging communication appeared in the mid-1950s. and was perceived ambiguously, since, along with high efficiency and low cost, it is still mainly a one-way type of communication. In the 1990s. on the background rapid development In cellular communications, the popularity of paging was expected to decline. However, this did not happen, since high-speed exchange protocols were developed and two-way communication systems appeared. As of 2001, up to 20% of the population in developed countries used paging communications; there were 110 million subscribers worldwide, with this number expected to rise to 200 million over the next three years.

Paging networks communications are organized along the radial and cellular principles, can be one-sided and two-sided.

One-way paging networks are widely used, since they assume a continuous overlap of the entire service area. In fig. 8.5 is a block diagram of one-sided paging network.

Rice. 8.5. Block diagram of a one-way paging network.

The paging network is based on paging terminal: receiving and transmitting device with controller, repeater, remote control and antenna. The paging network controller receives information through the access interface, which is a system for collecting and processing incoming information and general case includes local operator workstations connected to the network switching server. Telephone, radiotelephone, telefax, modem can be used to transfer information. Some paging companies provide the ability to send messages to the pager directly from personal computer on e-mail(e-mail) or via the Internet. To receive information, a miniature VHF receiver is used - a pager operating in the frequency range 146-174 MHz.

Modern level telecommunication technology allows you to build a paging network of any size: from office to national. Three types of these systems are most characteristic: corporate, local and regional.

Departmental, or local, paging networks are used within the framework of any enterprise (train stations, airports), have a range of up to five kilometers, limited quantity subscribers and are built on a radial principle.

Urban paging networks differ in range of tens of kilometers and cover several thousand subscribers.

Regional paging networks cover an even larger area, and therefore, when creating them, the same principle is used as in a radiotelephone cellular network. Such systems have the most advanced functional and service capabilities.

Two-way paging networks allow not only sending messages, but also receiving a response to them. They are also used to exchange information between a subscriber and a network operator, between two subscribers. A two-way pager differs from a conventional pager in the presence of a low-power transmitter. The owner of a two-way pager has the ability to receive messages up to 500 characters long and send reply messages up to 150 characters long. New generation pagers have the ability to Internet help receive and send messages sent by e-mail.

Satellite systems personal radio call - global systems notifications with the delivery of encoded messages to subscribers anywhere the globe(fig. 8.6). The first satellite system of one-way personal radio calling SkyTel, developed in 1995, is designed to transmit messages mobile users from subscribers of land telephone networks common use... The satellite radio personal call system is focused on the following user groups: ships and commercial aircraft outside the coverage area of ​​terrestrial data services; organizations that provide for the extraction of energy and various natural resources in remote regions; geologists and travelers.

Fig 8.6. Satellite systems of a personal radio call.

Already commissioned Unified paging system of Russia, which will allow in the near future to create a single information space. Distinctive feature system is the ability to create in all regional and large industrial centers of Russia local area networks paging communications using uniform standard compatible with cellular radiotelephone network standards.

Paging information encoding standards is a set technical characteristics pager functions, baud rate values, protocols, communication parameters. Under protocol is understood as a set of rules governing the formats and procedures for the exchange of information.

The first paging standard, on which the one-way exchange protocol is based, was TWO TONES(two tones) based on sending a signal as a combination of two frequencies. This standard provided short audible signaling of a call and only allowed a small number of subscribers to be served.

Most Russian paging systems use international standard POCSAG (Post Office Code Standartisation Advisory Group). This standard provides services for up to 2 million subscribers and allows the transmission of both tone and text coded messages and is used in more than 80% of networks around the world. Data transfer rates 512, 1200 and 2400 bps. Due to the wide application of the standard, roaming issues are easily resolved.

Roaming- a mode of operation in which information addressed to subscribers of a certain paging network can be received by them in different cities, since different operating companies without special problems can transfer and forward clients to each other.

At present, Russia is considering the possibility of building paging systems based on the pan-European paging standard ERMES. The main advantage of the ERMES standard is that it is fully compatible with the European GSM standard cellular radio communication.

Some paging companies are introducing the high-speed FLEX (Flexibility) standard, which allows them to simultaneously serve up to 3.5 billion subscribers in one system. The maximum message transfer rate in one system is 6400 bps, which is significantly higher than in the POCSAG protocol. Recently, based on the FLEX standard, a family of high-speed protocols ReFLEX and InFLEX has been created. The ReFLEX protocol enables two-way transmission, that is, the owner of the pager can not only receive the message, but also send a confirmation of its receipt or respond briefly using a pre-provided code; maximum speed transmission in this protocol is 25.6 kbps. The InFLEX protocol features an even higher transfer rate - up to 112 Kbps.

The Nexus standard is designed for two-way paging communication and differs in that when organizing feedback from the pager, you can dial the response message letter by letter.

Pagers are generally miniature VHF receivers equipped with a decoder, information processing and storage device, information display and signaling device. The block diagram of the pager is shown in Fig. 8.7. Pagers are subdivided into tone, digital, and text.

Figure 8.7. Pager block diagram.

Tone and "voice" pagers- the simplest, cheapest and smallest (the size of Matchbox), notify the subscriber of the call with a vibration, sound or light signal. In this case, the type of the warning signal can conditionally encode one of five to six messages preselected by the subscriber: call in the voice mailbox, call the office, call home, etc. Tone pagers are rarely used.

Digital pagers work exclusively with digital signals usually have a display and RAM... A digital message is transmitted to the LCD (the phone number to call; the time of some predetermined event; the stock price, etc.). Such a pager is usually used in conjunction with a voice mailbox (VSP), organized in almost every paging system. In this case, only a message is sent to the pager about the presence of information in the NTP to the address of the subscriber. But the subscriber can disclose the content of this information for himself by calling the mailbox from any nearby telephone (access to the GPN is confidential), using the identifier and / or password. Digital pagers work in the POCSAG standard.

Text, or alphanumeric, pagers are the most popular. Their models are very diverse. Information is displayed on a multi-line liquid crystal display (LCD). The memory contains over 18,000 characters. Messages are displayed both in Russian and in English... As additional functions text pagers have a clock, an alarm clock, a system for registering the date and time of message arrival, provide viewing and selective selection of messages. A text pager can serve notebook, a diary with a system of timers, notifying about the time of an appointment or a phone call.

Service paging communication, received by a pager depend on the operator who serves it. Many modern operating companies provide the following additional services:

Roaming with other paging operators, including abroad;

Work in information computer networks;

Organization of a personal answering machine;

Receive messages by fax and e-mail;

Transmission of messages with translation into a predetermined language;

Reminder in the right time on urgent matters (functions of the secretary);

Getting information about triggering burglar alarm apartments, offices, cars, provided that this alarm is connected to any telephone or radiotelephone;

In case of two-way communication, switching on and off alarms and other elementary control operations;

Transfer operational news: the results of foreign exchange trading and other financial news, weather forecasts in different regions, transport news, legal information, announcements of concerts and discos, etc. through several information channels.

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