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Two-handed typing on the keyboard simulator. How to master the auxiliary keys? Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

  1. Glue or erase the lettering on the keys.
  2. Waste your nerves and time on keyboard simulators like Solo on the keyboard. "

But UchiEto thinks it is a mockery to learn to type with both hands in these ways. Many who have tried the Solo simulator have hit the keyboard with their fists at least once, and few have reached the end. And whoever pasted the inscriptions on the keys tore off the stickers very quickly, because without signatures and skill it is impossible to print, but somehow you need to live.

What if UchiIto gives a fairly simple but worthwhile method that consists of a paragraph?

Print and place a diagram near the keyboard that shows which finger to press which key.

You just need to forbid yourself to press the keys with the wrong fingers from the picture.

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  • AND not worth it drive your body to a nervous breakdown, trying to type phrases like “Vladimir Dmitrievich Shakhidzhanyan is my teacher and mentor” or the letter combinations “lloloo ololo” without mistakes at the speed.
  • To you no need especially to memorize anything.
  • You can you look at the keyboard as long as you like.
  • You won't spend time exercising.

Just start typing in this way all the texts or comments that you need to type at work or in everyday life, and very soon you will be able to type with both hands, and even blindly.

Why and how it works

All you need to learn to print with two hands is train yourself to press keys with certain fingers... But when you have not yet mastered this skill, you will have the desire to press with your index or other fingers - after all, this is more familiar to you and faster. As long as you allow yourself to do this, the skill of pressing with the right fingers will not be fixed.

And if you do not make exceptions for yourself and strictly press each key with the corresponding finger, then this Samba itself will be fixed in your subconscious for a fairly short period of time. This happens at the level of motor skills, so memorizing the patterns is not necessary and, most likely, will not bring much benefit.

At first, you will notice that you have become slower to type. There will be a great desire to poke with your index or other fingers, and maybe it will start to annoy you. Fight this and don't allow exceptions.

It will take you a week to several weeks to reach your typing speed, and then you will notice a gradual increase. It directly depends on whether you print every day and how much you print.

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You won't be able to stop looking at the keyboard right away, but that's not the point. The main thing is that you will do it with both hands, and the skill will be fixed and the speed will increase. And over time, you will see that the need to look at the keyboard will decrease until it disappears altogether.

Choosing a scheme

Most of the schemes on the world wide web offer this kind of correspondence.

At the same time, oddly enough, the hands are offered to be placed normally:

Obviously, this scheme was invented by a man with a fractured left wrist.

If you start typing, you will immediately understand that putting your left little finger under your ring finger is humiliating and unnatural, so you should give preference to this scheme:


Whenever you start typing, your index fingers should feel for the lines on the J / O and F / A keys. They were created so that you can place your fingers correctly without looking at the keyboard.

Position the keyboard correctly so that your hands are symmetrical about your body, and not shifted to the right or left. The center of the keyboard is located between the H / P and G / P keys.

Video lessons

Most of the open vacancies today are related to computer work. We need typesetters of a huge amount of texts or people who know how to keep business documents in electronic format. All this suggests that a modern person simply must be able to work with various programs for typing and, most importantly, quickly type on the keyboard. Mastering such skills is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will explain in detail how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard at home.

When an American named Christopher Sholes invented the first typewriter 150 years ago, no one even imagined how important his invention would be in the 21st century.

This person also owns the authorship of the modern letter layout on the keyboard called "QWERTY" (if you noticed, this name consists of the first 6 letters of the first row of the English layout). In the course of working on his invention, he found out that the letters should not be in alphabetical order, because the hammers that beat the letters on the paper constantly cling to each other, and this led to the breakdown of the typewriter.

The Russian keyboard layout is made up of more reasonable considerations: in it the most frequently used letters are located in the middle of the keyboard so that we can press on them with strong fingers (middle, index and ring), and those that are rarely used - under the little fingers.

A person who has learned to type quickly on a keyboard has many advantages over someone who has not yet mastered this skill:

  • firstly, he has much higher labor productivity, which helps him save time and do more work;
  • secondly, a person, being able to quickly type a text, gets tired much less from work - he does not have emotional and physical stress;
  • thirdly, being able to quickly type text on a computer, you will find yourself a job faster, because people with this skill are in great demand;
  • fourthly, when you formulate a thought, you do not need to be constantly distracted by finding the desired key on the keyboard, you immediately freely type a sentence and do not lose the logic of presentation.

If you are already working at a computer, then before you learn to type quickly, you need to learn some rules for organizing work at it.

How to work on the keyboard: basic rules

Many people disregard the rules of working at a computer, believing that it does not really matter. It's actually not that simple. If you place your hands incorrectly, bend strongly or lean very low in front of the monitor screen, then all this will not only negatively affect your health, but also the ability to master the basics of fast typing on the keyboard.

We will list these rules for you:

  1. Hands should be placed near the keyboard in such a way that they are at an angle of 60 ° in relation to it, hands - at an angle of 90 °, but in relation to not the keyboard, but to your torso, wrists - at an angle of 150 ° (it is very important that the wrists did not move at the same time - only the hands and fingers should work).
  2. You cannot type on the left side of the keyboard with your right hand and vice versa. Hands should only work on their part of the keyboard workspace.
  3. If you don't know how to type with 10 fingers, that's okay, because you can learn how to type quickly with two fingers. The main thing is to look not at the screen, but at the keyboard, so that you can see which keys you press.
  4. Do not press the keys too hard. Pressing should be light and clear. If some key falls into your mouth, then you will not avoid typos, which then have to be corrected, and this is additional work.

Ways: how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

Those who are wondering how you can type quickly on the keyboard are probably looking for a way that will help them master an important skill in the shortest possible time. However, we want to note right away that in 1 day, and even in 1 week, you will not be able to do this. It takes experience to type correctly and quickly on the keyboard. Therefore, we do not recommend that you attend training courses, which are quite expensive, and today a lot of such training programs have been developed. Try learning speed typing yourself. We will tell you several ways how to quickly type on the keyboard with both hands, and you can already choose the most optimal method for yourself:

  1. Try to type blindly - not looking at the keyboard, looking only at the monitor, watching the text that you get to type. This method is suitable for people who can afford to exercise often enough, who have not very short fingers and a stable psyche. If you master it, you can type 400 characters per minute, while others can only type 100 characters (a very important skill for rewriters, copywriters and journalists). There are a few basics to help you master the blind typing technique:
  • Immediately take the correct position at the desk - to have an even posture, place your hands on the keyboard as we described it in the paragraph above.
  • Try to use all 10 fingers while typing. Below we have attached a diagram of how to press the keys - with which fingers (the diagram does not indicate where the thumbs should be, but you should know that they should always be located on the space):

  1. You can use a special online trainer to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. There are some good services you can use:
  • "Stamina" - this program for teaching fast typing on the keyboard must be downloaded on the Internet for free. After installing it on your computer, a window will open in front of you with instructions on what to do, what exercises to perform in order to soon achieve the desired result.
  • "Solo on the Keyboard" is a domestic development for teaching fast typing on the keyboard. It will help you in a month, or even faster (it all depends on your individual characteristics), to master the necessary skill. Despite the fact that the program was developed by a Russian journalist, with its help you can learn how to quickly type on the English keyboard, and not only on the Russian one.
  • VerseQ is a popular program among Internet users. It can only help those people who already have experience in typing. If you belong to this number, then in 1 day of hard training on this simulator you will be able to thoroughly master the technique of fast blind typing on the keyboard. However, there is one very important nuance - you need to pay money for using this program. The amount of the contribution there is a penny, you can simply pay by sending an SMS by phone, which will be displayed on your screen. The effectiveness of this program is so great that you can very quickly get your money back.

  1. You can simply glue the location of the buttons on the keyboard with special stickers to wean yourself from the habit of looking at the keyboard while typing, because it takes time and overwhelms the eyes. You won't be able to learn right away, but you will develop a reflex, thanks to which you can learn to type blindly very quickly and efficiently.
  2. There is a great way, familiar to each of us from childhood. Try dictation at different speeds. Include yourself some kind of audiobook and try to type everything that you hear. With experience, you can learn synchronous typing.
  3. If it is more convenient for you to look not at the screen while typing, but at the keyboard, then take a regular book and retype the text from it.

Typing quickly is a fairly complex skill that needs to be learned for at least six months. Do not look for easy ways and take your time. The time spent learning will be of exceptional value to you. We wish you all your efforts in this direction to be crowned with success. Try all the methods proposed by us, and then the result will not be long in coming!

Video: "How fast do you type on the keyboard?"

So, if hook hands (when it comes to typing and typing) are about you, then don't be upset. You can easily improve your typing skills. The average person can type 38 to 40 words per minute, while professionals with larger keyboards can type up to 65 words per minute.

If you don't have much computer experience, or if you've never worked with a typewriter, then it's okay that your typing speed is slower than others. However, it is never too late to improve your skills.

You certainly won't become a master of printing overnight, which is why you need to be patient, not give up and follow the useful life hacks below. Simple and effective tips will definitely help you improve your typing skills and typing speed.

The best way to learn how to type quickly on the keyboard is to use your ten fingers to the fullest. You won't get very far if you only use your index or middle fingers while typing.

Changing the way you print is not easy at all, especially if you've been typing in the same way for years, but for the correct position you need to place your index finger on the left of the key. F, and place the next three fingers on D, S and A respectively. On the right side, do the same with J by placing your right index finger on this key, and the next three fingers need to be placed on the keys K, L and; respectively. Your thumbs should be resting on the keyboard. Everything is as in the gif image below.

It is also worth paying attention to the useful and interactive educational game. Dance mat typing which you can use to improve your typing technique. The game is aimed at children, but it is also useful for adults.

Tip 2. Try not to look at the keyboard

Looking down and following the keyboard is slowing down. We do this in order to find the key we need, but if you want to speed up your typing skills, then you need to learn how to print blindly.

Memory is really important for typing correctly and quickly, so try to put your skills to the test. Do not expect that you will succeed the first time. Blind printing should be practiced gradually. For starters, shorten the time you're looking at the keyboard a bit and blindly find the key you want before admitting defeat. It will help in developing memory and confidence while typing.

Tip 3. Correct position and stretch of the fingers

Most people don't realize that their position (or the position in which they type) can affect the quality and speed of typing. The correct posture when typing is to keep your feet straight on the floor while your wrists should remain at the level of the keyboard. In this position, our fingers rest in the correct position and - believe it or not - it prevents any injury.

On a note! If you've been typing for a long time, stretch your fingers to loosen your joints.

Tip 4. Online games - keyboard simulators

Learning to type quickly can be a tough process, so you can make the process more fun to keep yourself fun and passionate.

Today, the Internet is flooded with online keyboard simulators. All you need is to choose the most interesting and suitable online game.

Keybr Is a great website to help you practice typing.

Typeracer(, which provides the ability to race other online typists from the keyboard in real time.

Free Typing Games to improve typing speed, they offer a set of games based on typing. To do this, you need to follow the link and pump your typing skills while playing for fun.

You can get additional help locally or at home. You can consult and find out if there are any paid typing courses in your city. If there are no such courses, then there is no need to be upset. You can complete the training yourself or take online courses on fast typing from the comfort of your home.

For all those who want to learn how to print quickly, sites such as:


Touch Typing Study will help speed up typing skills and teach touch typing.

If you are fluent in English, you can also enroll in a foreign online course on typing by selecting it by going to

It is also worth paying attention to Alison offers a free online course that you can take from the comfort of your home, or you can try the deeper study CDs that can be purchased on Amazon, for example, Mavis Beacon teaches Typing.

They perform specific functions and can be found in any operating system. If you memorize their basic combinations, which you use most often, then you will not have to waste time on the mouse.

Since in most cases these keys can be found next to the little finger, it will play the main role in pressing them.

This may be the most obvious tip, but as with anything, practice is probably the most important way to improve your typing speed.

Don't go back to your old habits - place your fingers on the keyboard correctly and try not to look down while typing. Your speed will certainly decrease, but this is only at the very beginning of the journey. As you adjust, the new position becomes your second self, and you will eventually notice the difference in typing speed before and after. So a little patience won't be wasted either.

Video - How to type quickly on the keyboard

Greetings friends and colleagues! In today's article, I want to start a new series of materials dedicated to the most important skills and abilities that every modern person needs to learn. Especially for those who work remotely via the Internet or build their own business in it.

I'll start with a simple skill like two-handed touch typing. I'll tell you what it is, how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard and what auxiliary tools exist for this.

The meaning and importance of the skill I once understood from a conversation with one successful Internet entrepreneur, sitting in a small Indonesian warung on the island of Bali.

Let me share with you my thoughts on its benefits that you might not even know about.

Why learn to type with 10 fingers

Surprisingly, I learned to type blindly with both hands in college, trying to keep myself busy with something useful during my lessons. The fact is that I studied at an ordinary Russian college, where you could enroll for free, since my parents were not able to pay for my education, and I myself was not eager then to strive for something, limiting myself to herd thinking.

Well, most of our teachers, I don’t know how in other educational institutions, put a big bolt on our knowledge and training, because the main thing for them is to work out academic hours in order to earn money.

So in pairs in one core subject, while the teacher was playing a browser game, we learned to type on keyboard simulators. There were no modern smartphones and unlimited Internet at that time, and college computers only had educational software and standard Windows games.

In general, I believe that this is one of the few important skills acquired in 4 years of study, which is now helping me to earn big, by the standards of Russia, money.

Save time

The first plus of the two-handed blind typing method for me, of course, was the typing speed, which is increasing to this day. Typing anyhow, you can hardly develop this skill so systematically, since you have to constantly look at the monitor and at the keyboard.

In our time, we began to communicate more precisely in writing and to be able to type quickly is already a necessity. It happens that I communicate on a social network with 10 - 20 people at once, which is unrealistic to do with live communication, since these are completely different people, including my employers, clients, friends and readers. This conversation in writing is a huge time saver.

Increased productivity

The second plus for me is that I began to keep up with my own thoughts when writing an article and communicating. When you have to write and communicate a lot, with a low typing speed you do not always have time to type what you have just formulated in your head, and the thought is lost. Even during a conversation, it happens, but we speak much faster than we type on a computer.

For this reason, in our course, where we teach people to write texts, formulate their thoughts correctly and earn 20-30 thousand rubles a month without leaving home, we pay special attention to training correct typing on the keyboard.

Preservation of health and energy

The third and fourth pluses are the preservation of energy and health while working at the computer. There was no need to constantly switch attention from the monitor to the keyboard. Eyes and neck became less tired, working capacity increased, and the chance to plant eyesight and ruin your health decreased.

Brain development

I will end with the fifth plus, the essence of which is that by training all the fingers of both hands, new neural connections are formed in the brain, which also affect our ability to think, learn and remember information.

From childhood, parents teach us new skills that affect our mental and physical development. But then, when we grow up, for some reason we stop developing these skills consciously, deciding that we already know how to do everything. About such "invisible" skills that need to be constantly developed, for example:, be able to ask questions, be able to build relationships, etc., I will talk in this permanent section.

If you want to be always up to date,. We will study them together.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

The main secret here lies in the fact that you need to learn a simple technique developed by an American stenographer more than a hundred years ago, and continue to train it continuously in the future. The technique is to use all 10 fingers correctly.

Correct hand placement on the keyboard

The letters and symbols on the keyboard are arranged in a special layout and divide it into 2 parts - for both hands. It is enough to understand and learn the correct position of the fingers. Here's how they should be positioned.

In the following image, zones are highlighted in different colors, indicating which finger should press which button. We always had this colorful reminder picture next to our computers in college.

Learning to type correctly is a rather complex process, like learning to write again or learning to write with your other hand. I remember how the hands did not obey, the fingers did not unbend and did not reach the keys.

Marks for the blind

Ever wondered why there are small protrusions on the letters “A” and “O” on the keyboard? They are specially made so that you can put your fingers correctly without looking. Start typing when you feel them.

Pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys

I want to pay special attention to pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys (shift, ctrl, alt) when you type a capital letter or a symbol. According to the rules, you cannot press 2 keys with one hand at once. That is, when, for example, you type the exclamation mark “!” - these are the shift + 1 keys, you need to press “1” with your left little finger, and “shift” with your right finger.

Do the same with a space, when you type a character with your left hand, put a subsequent space with your right and vice versa.

I understand that at first it will seem wildly uncomfortable, but then the result will surprise you.

No need to rush

Don't try to type quickly right away, work on the technique. Try not to pry, you can even cover the keyboard with something. The speed will be very slow at first, but when the fingers “stretch” and muscle memory appears, it will begin to grow.

Organization of the workplace

I also recommend that you find a comfortable workplace. This is important not only for mastering touch typing, but also for maintaining health and effectiveness. Here's an article on how to organize a place to work and what it can lead to if you sit incorrectly (link will be later).

Constant practice

And one last tip - never type wrong again! Having spent, starting from this moment, a month or two (maybe more) to learn, you will save tens and hundreds of hours in your entire life.

Training simulators

There are already dozens of different simulators on the Internet, some of them are free, some are paid.

Solo on the keyboard

SOLO on the keyboard(the best) is a very old machine that I used in college. The author is a well-known psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

You can install the program for a computer or study online. It is constantly being updated and recently the developers have made a new version of the tutorial.

It's very cool that there are sequential lessons here that train all fingers separately. In total, you need to complete 100 lessons.

In addition to the course for the Russian layout, there are also other languages. I am now going through English, as I also have to type a lot in Latin.

Has a good function - print speed test.


Stamina Is also a very good training program that allows you to learn the ten-finger printing method. The course is also based on the passage of step-by-step lessons.


VerseQ- a very simple simulator that adapts to the mistakes you make. There are no coherent lessons and a sense of achieving a goal, but on its own it is not bad.

VerseQ online- online version of VerseQ.

Worse analogs

  • Bomb
  • RapidTyping
  • iQwer
  • Funny fingers
  • BabyType
  • Clav Race- the most popular in the game format.
  • All 10


It takes time to master this skill, and it can take months to practice, until your fingers begin to obey and press the right keys automatically, without even thinking about where the desired symbol is.

Learning is, of course, based on correct keystrokes, not speed. Try not to make mistakes, type slowly but correctly.

I can only wish you success and hope that you will not miss the next skill that I will analyze on the blog.

Leave your feedback on how you learned to type quickly and what programs you used. Till!

How to quickly learn to type blindly with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and on-line keyboard simulators for teaching the blind and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West this is one of the subjects in general education schools.

Key benefits of blind typing:

1. All-finger typing reduces errors.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is hit unmistakably with the finger with which you have learned to hit it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and applying it in practice, people will save their health. They will not have to shift their gaze from the keyboard to the monitor and back dozens of times, their eyes will not get tired, their vision will not deteriorate. Trainees will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will begin to do more work.

5. Using the blind ten-finger method, anyone can reach a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account the work collective, where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balances, reports, notes, documents are processed faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is focused not on the fact of typing, but only on how to state your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best way.

How do you learn?

There are many funds, and the already mentioned touch typing courses, and on-line classes, and special programs. We will not dwell on the courses, but we will consider the programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the "student" studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to get used to typing certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to "wiggle" the ring finger and, especially, the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the upper and lower rows are added. Learning can be accompanied by irritation because your fingers are pressing the wrong keys, that there are many mistakes, etc. - it cannot be avoided. But you don't need to get very upset either - this is a fairly serious skill, and in order to acquire it, you need to work hard, don't expect an easy "victory".

SOLO on the keyboard

The most famous program in Runet for mastering the blind ten-finger typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard simulator in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an extended training course. In addition to simply typing certain letters in SOLO, the keyboard contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials to help cope with the annoyance of mistakes and help you not to stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. After completing all 100, you are guaranteed to type text with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - checked. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises, you will need to re-do one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise, there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you to relax a little. There are also numerous letters from people who have already gone through SOLO, in which they describe the problems they faced, and what was the most difficult for them. In them you will find something of your own, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the assignment, you are given a score on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free keyboard simulator with a simple yet fun interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program interface. The training is based on the step-by-step execution of tasks with increasing complexity. For example, in the first task, you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L are added, etc. Tasks are performed with pleasant music. Also, various events in the program are accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when the program is closed, Arnold Schwarzenegger's phrase “I`ll be back” sounds. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, does not apply to learning, but you can play.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English. It has an attractive, user-friendly interface. Lesson statistics are kept, which helps to navigate in the learning process. Below, as usual, shows the layout of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard simulator. The authors of the program talk about the extreme effectiveness of their method of mastering the blind typing method. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of class, you will be able to type blindly at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique really differs from the standard one. Here you are immediately prompted to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the proposed strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic related sequences of characters.

However, this approach is thought to be very difficult for beginners. Explanations on how to hold hands, which fingers to press, etc. are in the program's help, and are described quite easily, but it's not easy to switch from two-finger "poking" to the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this business until better times.

School of fast typing

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn ten-finger touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step-by-step study of the "muscle memory" keyboard;
2. the game "falling letters" helps to distract from studying the keyboard and develop a reaction;
3. typing - practicing skills;
4. touch typing - imitation of work on a typewriter, strengthens and consolidates the skill of touch typing;
5. sound dictation - just like in school, a voice dictates a story and you need to type without errors at speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I do not think that they are fundamentally different or better than those that we have considered. This is quite enough.

Online keyboard simulators

Here we will look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering the blind typing method.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to the company LLC "ErgoSOLO" in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same as their program "SOLO on the keyboard"). The process and teaching methodology does not differ from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the ranking with other "online soloists", which, by the way, are already quite numerous. Users who have paid for the course have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO keyboard program and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project that promises to rid us of the habit of poking with two fingers on the keyboard. First, you will need to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. There are two courses available - Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing the assignments.

The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type accurately. As soon as possible. When you successfully type, your typewriter (always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it, otherwise there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which mistakes were made. The results of each race are saved in your personal statistics. For each passed text, you are awarded a number of points, depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the "Time Speed ​​Keyboard Simulator" project is to enable the widest circle of computer users to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger printing method). We offer a series of blind typing and typing speed training courses.

VerseQ online

This is a network version of the well-known keyboard simulator VerseQ, but, unlike its offline counterpart, it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, take part in competitions, and share your successes with friends and acquaintances. You need a service if you want to learn touch typing quickly, easily and naturally. And if you are already a typing pro, then showcase your skills to others!

More online keyboard simulators - the first championship of Cyrillic typing


To all of the above, you can also add the following. Everyone who works at a computer, and especially if you have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate, because the keys for each hand are separated in it. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows you not to bend the hand at the wrist when placing the hands in the starting position FYVA-OLDZH. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely be less tired, and this will increase the average typing speed and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that one should not hope for an easy "conquest" of the blind printing method. This is difficult enough, especially in the beginning. To pass, for example, SOLO on the keyboard completely, you will need to make a lot of effort and patience. In addition, special time will have to be set aside for this. However, you should not be afraid of this, everyone who wants to undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

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