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Passive income without investments with daily payments. Tips and tricks for gaining financial independence

Passive income Is a method of making money that does not require constant efforts and work from you, you get your money even when you just sit in front of the TV and drink tea with sweets.

You've probably noticed that most of the rich and successful people make monthly profits almost out of thin air. In fact, money doesn’t just “drip” into a bank account. This is all the result of hard work. Let's try to figure this out together and learn with a minimum of effort using passive income.

What is passive income

Most of all people are used to living by standards. The monotonous lifestyle “home-work-home” suits many. Some men, women wanting to receive additional income, get a second, third job. But with this approach, you can hardly become a successful person. In order to live for your own pleasure and not think about whether you will "make it up" to the salary, you need to find a source of passive income.

Passive or residual income- This is a type of income, for which you do not need active human actions. Simply put, a certain amount of money is credited to the bank account every month for the work done earlier. That is, you have invested money in a business, or have successfully sold your creation and now you receive a reward throughout your life (or several years).

But in fact, it is not easy to organize and receive such income. It will take a lot of effort. This can take years. But it's worth it. And yet what is the point of getting money in this way?

In order to receive dividends or interest, you must have an asset. And we will now talk about these types of assets.

There are several types of passive income.

  • Intellectual. Occurs when creating a certain intellectual product. It can be a book, song, invention, video. Subsequently, the author (rentier) receives a fee and a percentage of each sold copy, a patent.
  • Investment (financial)... To obtain this type of passive income, you need some capital, which is invested in real estate, securities, stocks, etc. Such contributions are the source of interest and dividends.
  • Marketing. By creating a marketing network, personal website or your brand, you can get a certain amount of money every month.
  • Legal. This is the type of income that many citizens are entitled to by law. Namely, pensions, social benefits, material assistance. So, if you are part of a group of people who rely on social. payments, then by filling out the relevant documents in a state institution, you can regularly receive money without making any effort. We will not talk about this species, because everyone understands this.

A person who lives on money from passive income is called a rentier. He most often owns real estate, which he rents out, financial assets, or intellectual property.

What are the differences between passive and active income

Modern man is used to surviving on an active income. But this is due to the fact that not everyone knows and understands the difference between active and passive profit. In order to start a new life, or leave everything as it is, let's find out what is the difference between passive and active income.

  1. An active income is received by an employee, a specialist, an employee for some work done. This can be salary, advance payment, bonus, etc. But if a person stops his labor activity, then he is not paid money either. Passive income does not depend on whether you worked this month or not, but you receive payments in any case.
  2. In order to receive dividends, interest, you must have initial capital and assets. To obtain an active income, you do not need to have any values.
  3. Active income limits a person's actions. For this type of earnings, you can work in one or two jobs. While passive income does not limit the owner's actions. Those. financial capital can be divided into several parts and invested in different projects.
  4. The risk of being left without a livelihood is higher when you receive an active income. So when you quit your job, you will no longer receive any payments, i.e. the loss will be 100%. Having passive income and investing assets in several projects at once, you will never be left without money. In case of failure of one project, you receive income from the rest.
  5. Active income is preferred by people who are not financially savvy. Therefore, they often never achieve financial stability. Holders of passive income live for their own pleasure and do not need anything due to financial independence and prosperity.

Sources of passive income

So, we have already found out what passive income is, what types it is divided into and how it differs from active income. It's time to find out how and thanks to what you can create a source of passive income.

Let's take a look at the most popular and affordable ways to get "easy" money together.

Renting out real estate

One of the most popular and widespread ways to generate passive income. To receive rental income, you must at least have real estate, or rather big capital, for which you can buy residential or non-residential space.

After acquiring square meters, you will need to work hard to make repairs, purchase the necessary furniture. Real estate can be both residential and commercial. In the first, people live and relax (at home, apartments), and in the second they work (offices, industrial premises).

With this type of income, you receive a certain amount every month, but periodically you will have to make repairs and monitor the condition of the premises. This can be avoided by using the services of specialized firms. They will take over most of your responsibilities, and in return they will require about 10% of the rent for the premises.

Delivery of special machinery, equipment for rent

Renting out special equipment, as well as renting real estate, is a profitable business. Very often this type of earnings brings more profit than renting out real estate. All due to the fact that special equipment and equipment can quickly pay off. So, for example, if you have any expensive construction tool, then regularly renting it out, it will cover the cost in a few months.

You can lease any movable property, the value of which is higher than the average salary in your city. It can be a wide variety of equipment (commercial, manufacturing, industrial), machinery, inventory.

For example, one acquaintance for his factory periodically leases a car with a tower (boom) to repair power supply systems, raising electricians to the required height to the cables. They give more than 5000 rubles per day. Calculate the profits yourself.

Owning this technique, you can live comfortably for more than one year.

Leasing advertising spaces

Everyone knows that advertising is the engine of commerce. It is thanks to the striking promotions that the trading companies have become successful. Our people are designed in such a way that they buy and use exactly those products and services that are on everyone's lips. This is what numerous advertising companies use. They try to place ads in all sorts of places. It can be cars, public transport, billboards and even residential buildings. So why not make money on it?

Renting out advertising space is a great passive income option for lazy people. This is because a minimum of effort is required from you. This is to find an organization and offer their services for placing advertisements on your car, house facade, balcony, etc. After that, a contract is concluded, place the specified type of advertising (posters, stickers, etc.) and receive the agreed amount. The only drawback may be the limited time frame for your agreement. But you can always find an advertising company that wants to cooperate with you.

Bank deposits (deposits)

One of the least labor-intensive ways to generate passive income is through bank deposits or deposits. They require a minimum of effort. All you have to do is find a reliable bank with the highest interest rate possible. The rest is done by the employees of the financial institution. The only condition is the availability of a certain capital that should be invested. The larger the amount, the more the amount of interest.

If you have several million at your disposal, then having made a profitable investment you may not work at all. But if the amount is not large, then, accordingly, the income will be minimal. Very often people with low incomes save a certain amount every month for several years. As a result, their children have good passive income.

But this type of earnings has a significant disadvantage. This is inflation. It is because of her that depositors lose up to 10% of their income, because money depreciates annually. This must be remembered before concluding a long-term contract.

Intellectual or creative product

This type of earnings will appeal to talented and gifted people. They are the ones who can create some kind of intellectual or creative product. It can be a book, song, poem, or any invention.

After writing the book, you will need to contact the publisher, which will accept the manuscript (if it is really worthwhile). After the publication of your masterpiece, royalties will be paid and a percentage of each sold copy of the book will be deducted monthly. This is all very nice and sounds simple, but in fact, this type of earnings has very tough competition. Therefore, only brilliant authors who are loved by millions of readers receive the maximum cash payments.

If you create any technology, you will have to patent it. If the invention is useful and its serial production begins, then your children can also receive passive income.

Own business

If you feel that you have a huge potential as a leader, then you can try. In order for it to bring passive income, it is necessary to work actively for several years.

First you need to understand what exactly you want to do. This should be an area of ​​activity that you know well. Let's give a simple example, if a man is well versed in cars and loves transport, then it would be a great idea to open his own service station.

When the idea is "ripe", get and. Then start the business.

When you understand that your business has become successful and brings you a stable income, then you can think about how to delegate it (transfer certain powers to another person) and receive passive income.

In order to retire and "skim the cream" in the form of money, you need to remember that the company you have built should work like a well-oiled mechanism, and the person you entrust the company's management will not let you down and justify the trust.

Based on the experience of many companies, we would not advise you to completely retire from business. This leads to bankruptcy 90% of the time.

Selling a franchise and receiving royalties

The owners of large well-known companies can count on such a source of passive income. It does not require any capital, but to obtain it you will have to work fruitfully for more than one year. Let's take a closer look at franchises and royalties.

In simple terms, a franchise is the lease of a brand, trademark, company management method, slogan, etc. some little-known organization. Thanks to this, the production and sale of its products is carried out under the logo of a well-known trade mark. As a result, the turnover and income of the start-up company are rapidly increasing.

After the sale of the franchise, royalties (agreed amount of money) are paid regularly. It can also be a certain percentage of the income of the company that bought the franchise.

At first glance, everything seems easy and simple, but to generate passive income, thus, you need to build a large business or brand that will be heard.

Investing in a third party business

People with solid capital and assets can count on passive income by investing in a third-party business. Moreover, the larger the amount you invest, the higher the percentage you will receive.

In order to invest money in a third-party business, you need to study the business plan well, calculate all possible risks, and regularly monitor the company's activities. This is the only way to save your investments and not be deceived.

Investing in any business is a very risky undertaking. In order not to lose all your money in the event of bankruptcy, do not rush to invest all your savings in one project. Better to invest in several organizations at the same time. Thanks to this, if one project fails, others will bring passive income.

Creation of a mobile application

In the modern age of progressive technologies, most people have a mobile device that supports various applications. Mobile apps make life easier for millions. Everyone downloads an unlimited number of them and recommends to others. Therefore, everyone can create their own application that will bring decent passive income.

  • First, you need to come up with an interesting idea. It is she who can help you get rich. Because of the great competition, it is sometimes difficult to surprise users, but if it does work out, you are guaranteed success.
  • Second, create an application. To do this, you need to contact specialists who will gladly help you for a certain reward.
  • Third, place the finished product on the platforms. For starters, don't overcharge your app. Set the minimum amount. And when thousands of people love it, gradually raise the price. Or make it free, but with paid add-ons or ads.

Building a mobile app is a fairly simple source of passive income. In most cases, it does not require large investments, and the income received can pleasantly surprise you for several years.

Creating a YouTube channel

Probably every PC user has watched videos on YouTube at least once. This is a really very convenient site where you can find any information of interest (master classes, training videos, funny videos, etc.). Millions of people use this service every day. So why not make money on it?

To get passive income using YouTube, you just need to create your own channel and upload an interesting, and most importantly useful video. It can be varied, ranging from videos of funny animal behavior to a workshop on repairing a washing machine. It all depends on what you know how to do.

Very often, a start-up company lacks guidance that will ensure regular sales. If you have a wide circle of acquaintances and close cooperation with a large number of companies, then passive income from recommendations is created just for you.

So, communicating, you will learn that someone needs the services of an electrician or designer. You can recommend this or that company and get a monetary reward or a certain percentage for it. The main thing is that this organization has payments for recommendations.

Maybe the amounts will not be exorbitant, but this is better than nothing. The lack of start-up capital is the main advantage of this method of generating passive income.

Passive income on the Internet - your website or blog

I started doing blogging sites (article sites) a long time ago, but I didn’t turn them into passive income. I developed them for sale or temporary earnings from advertising and, as a rule, they did not stay with me for more than 1 year. But now, when I already have several types of main activities, why not slowly start acquiring assets with passive income. So I created a site a few years ago, which now brings over 100,000 rubles. only on contextual advertising without my participation. Moreover, I did not stop there and made several more sites that are now generating income.

Why is passive income from sites good?

The fact that the articles will be read constantly and search for information constantly. Having written an interesting article once, it will bring you a lot of traffic from search engines and will bring readers constantly. And hence the income. Blog development is about creating interesting content (articles for example) and attracting readers. When there are readers, you place contextual ads and earn money from clicks on them. It is very profitable. By swinging the blog a little, you will already be making a profit, and with each increase in readers, the profit will grow. And then you can do nothing and publish articles only occasionally, and money will still drip in this and a plus. Or you can put the editor in charge of your site or several, as we do.

If you plan to develop this direction, then read the section about. There you will find useful information, and if it is not enough, then ask questions, we will finish writing.

Investments in the purchase of information sites

If you do not want to create a source of passive income in the form of a site, as I described above, then you can buy sites with income. But for this, you must at least understand the topic and go all the way from creating your own sites.

Affiliate programs as passive income

I already wrote an article about. And this source of income can be made passive. If you do a good job in this direction and many people are registered in those services or stores on whose affiliate network you earned through your affiliate links, then all further actions of these people will also be paid to you.

I still receive money from many services where I sent people several years ago. This income is small, but comparable to renting an apartment in Omsk.

We hope everyone who reads this article has already understood the importance of passive income and the main differences from active income. Now let's try to figure out together how to achieve this longed-for financial independence.

  1. Start with yourself and educate yourself. In order to make assets, capital, business work productively, you first need to study the theoretical part. Start reading books by renowned financial experts (e.g. Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaeffer, Robert Allen, etc.). Thanks to this, you will better understand all the nuances and details of financial activities.
  2. In your free time from your main job, start looking for a source of passive income. Maybe you will invent something new, patent your creation and receive monetary rewards all your life, or maybe you have another hidden talent that will help you gain financial freedom. To make your work enjoyable, try to turn your hobby into a source of income. For example, an amateur photographer can sell his work on specialized platforms on the Internet, and a programmer will create an Internet application that will be downloaded by millions of people.
  3. If you have found a passive income method that suits you, do not stop there. Try to develop and discover new methods of earning money. For example, having made a profitable investment in a bank, you can still upload videos on YouTube, review the existing construction equipment and rent it out.

Why the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich

In the subconsciousness of most people of our time, there is information that in order to feed a family and provide for oneself, it is necessary to learn a profession, and then plow all his life at a factory, mine, office, etc. At the same time, to fully rest only once a year on vacation. That is why the average person in our country is moving towards the plan.

At the same time, more successful and financially literate people have long understood that a decent income can bring not active, but passive income. Naturally, they understand that in order to regularly receive money, with a minimum of effort, you need to work actively for a certain amount of time. This period may be several years, but such a person is aware of the fact that he is working to create passive income that will ensure a comfortable old age.

Poor people only work to satisfy their needs. At the same time, they do not even think about creating some kind of capital that can bring money. In the best case, a person gets a job on another, or additional job.

The difference between rich and poor is how they spend their free time. A wealthy person gets richer every minute due to passive income, which brings profitable investments. Low-income people drink beer, watch TV and complain about the lives of those around them.

One well-known businessman and financial analyst said that a person’s success is not measured by the amount of his bank account, but by the amount of time he may not work. This is indeed the case. After all, you can deny yourself everything all your life, limit your desires and needs while collecting savings in a three-liter jar. But such a person can hardly be called happy, successful and enterprising.

How to find financial freedom and independence

In order to live for your own pleasure, you need to make money work for you. This is possible if you work hard for a while. During the active period, we do not encourage you to work 24 hours a day. It is enough in your free time to look for methods of alternative earnings, which in the future will bring passive income. The more such sources there are, the less you will have to work.

It may be hard enough in the beginning, but remember that thousands of people like you do not live on a beggarly salary, interrupting from bread to water. They do not know the feeling of hunger and need. And all because they understood in time exactly how to make money.


Now you know everything about passive income! You may also find the article useful about. Do not be afraid to experiment, because everyone has one life. And it depends only on you and me how we will live it. It's never too late to start changing your life. This is within the power of both a teenager and a pensioner. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up, and then you will definitely succeed!

The choice is yours! And I'm waiting for comments under the article.

Striving to improve your financial situation means getting additional freedom in your actions. If earlier it was believed that passive earnings on the Internet are not real, now there are many opportunities to earn even when the user is resting.

Only free money allows any user to realize their own dreams and ideas. In addition, passive earnings are additional income to pension, which sooner or later awaits each person, and the higher it is, the better. Additional income helps to solve many family issues, makes life interesting for loved ones when their dreams come true.

Attention! Each new business requires certain knowledge - a guarantee to find or create a good passive income is constant learning, searching for new opportunities on the Internet.

Making money on the Internet on the machine - ways of implementation

Without investment, with withdrawal every week, on the machine - this kind of income will suit every network user. The possibilities of the Internet give such an opportunity to users, when performing minor actions you can get a good profit.

By definition, passive income (automatic earnings) is a profit earned by a person, which does not depend on his daily activities. In addition to the traditional types of obtaining such income: dividends from shares, interest on investments, other money, there is a real opportunity for any Internet user to make passive income for themselves using special programs.

Important! Competently build additional passive income, which does not depend on the user's daily actions, this, according to experts, is not only the use of programs working on the machine 24 hours a day, but also the application of the knowledge gained in building a referral network, attracting acquaintances and friends to work.

There are several ways to make money online using the machine:

  1. Use the resources of the Internet and its programs, which make it possible to make a profit on the machine up to 500 rubles per month. The implementation is very simple: we install the program on our own PC, and launch it, it performs actions (automatically scans the pages of sites, enters social networks, views ads, makes transitions on it). The user receives money for the work and actions of the program.
  2. A person can receive passive income on the video card of his own PC. This makes it possible to make more money, but this type of income generation requires the power of the user's system to be high. This type of earnings allows you to receive up to 10 thousand rubles per month, it is used to extract digital coins (cryptocurrencies). Constant mining (mining) can ruin the PC, for this reason, special farms are created, and special equipment is bought. Waste for electricity required.

Programs for making money online without investment

In order to do nothing at the computer and get money, you need to install a program (client) that does not prevent the user from working at the PC, performs actions in the background (surfing sites, watching ads).

You won't be able to make a lot of money with the help of programs, but using several resources you can get a good profit to pay for small expenses. There are programs that work, increase the user's rating, thereby increasing his profit. Working on a liability - constantly exploring new possibilities of different resources, it is necessary to find the best option for the user to make a profit.

AutoDengi- a resource with which a user can automatically view advertisements on the Internet, makes it possible to create a referral network,. Daily payments to the WebMoney electronic wallet. The minimum threshold for withdrawing money is 15 rubles.

To work with this program, you need to register on the AutoDengi service, after which you can download the program in your personal account. Install it on your computer and run it, that's it. To increase profits, you need to use the opportunity of the referral program, it makes it possible to receive money up to 20% of each profit of referrals. There is a promotional material for the owners of their own resources or social media pages.

Shorte- a project that makes it possible to work on a liability on short links. You need to go through a quick registration on the resource with an email confirmation. The service gives:

  • the ability to make money using short links;
  • good partnership program;
  • there is a monetization option with the participation of a project of your own site.

Earning is as follows:

  • the user follows the shortened link;
  • goes to the advertising page, and then the page of the desired topic opens;
  • the person who posted the shortened link receives a monetary reward.
  • transition of users from Russia (1 thousand transitions) - $ 1.96 conventional units;
  • completed transition from Ukraine (1 thousand transitions) - $ 1.09 conventional units;
  • following a link from Belarus (1,000 clicks) - $ 1.16 conventional units;
  • users from Kazakhstan (1,000 clicks) - $ 0.88 conventional units;
  • transition Moldova (1 thousand transitions) - $ 1.42 conventional units.

A similar project on the network with a slight difference in terms of profit (tariffs) is the project for creating short links The tariff at which the payment is made is important here, experts recommend choosing the "main" one.

Project Q32, offers users options for promotional material for building a referral program:

  • links to the resource;
  • banners.

Resource program–Extension that can be installed in the browser to view advertisements on the machine. The user receives money for each impression. You need to register on the project, go to your personal account and install the extension on your browser.

The project offers several ways to make a profit:

  • viewing ads using an extension in the browser - automatic income;
  • transition to the advertiser's website for an additional fee - minimal user actions;
  • perform tasks on the resource;
  • use the resource's referral program.

You won't make money with this extension, but you can consistently receive up to 10 rubles per 24 hours on a liability. Money is withdrawn to electronic wallets: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi with different minimum withdrawal thresholds. The most profitable WebMoney wallet, the minimum threshold is 10 rubles, there is no commission.

SurfEarner- a resource that, on autopilot, pays the user for viewing ads. The active user in the browser must install the extension of this project. In most cases, banner ads are displayed through the extension.

The network user must initially register on the project; to activate the personal account, it is necessary to confirm the registration via e-mail. The extension for passive earnings is installed in browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Opera, Mozilla.

Globus-Inter- an Internet resource, a platform for automatic earnings on the network. Necessary:

  • register;
  • get promo material;
  • form a team, recruit referrals.

You can form a team of referrals using forums, social networks, leaving comments on different projects. Withdrawal of money is carried out on WebMoney and PayPal, properly organized passive income brings up to $ 150 conventional units in 30 days.

VipIP- an Internet resource that allows a network user to earn money without investment and automatically. The user needs:

  • register;
  • download a program for automatic earnings.

Any user can create a small but stable passive income on the resource.

Passive earnings of cryptocurrency on the Internet without investments

Many users use the program MinerGate to create passive income. The program is based on the mining of digital currency using the power of a PC. How cryptocurrency mining works:

  • the program is used to connect to the common "pool" (community of cryptocurrency miners);
  • The “pool” connects your PC power to the total power through the program, the hash rate increases, the reward becomes higher;
  • the user receives a reward in cryptocurrency in proportion to the connected power.

You can organize passive income with a project EoBot without investment, without using your PC. The project administration offers its own facilities for rent. All farms can be seen on the resource page, new cryptocurrencies are added. After renting, the user independently chooses which cryptocurrency to mine.

The service makes it possible to start without investment, the referral system works, the system of bonuses, once every 24 hours. The user independently chooses the currency of the reward. Section "Withdraw" is a page where you can withdraw money. Experts suggest the following algorithm for working with the Eobot resource:

  • register;
  • determine the capacity of mining "crypt", choose a digital coin;
  • replenish your wallet using many free cryptocurrency faucets, collect them, increase mining power.

Investment projects for making money on the Web

Each user wants to organize passive earnings on the Internet, there are different ways, experts consider making money on games one of the most attractive methods - making a stable profit, interest in the game.

Attention! Experts remind that passive income on the Internet is a form of earnings organized by the user on various resources without his participation, without the daily inclusion of a PC in the network.

TaxiMoney- a game resource based on receiving passive income from the taxi cars bought by the user. It is best to use a WebMoney wallet to withdraw money. The amount of profit depends on the level of the purchased car and the number of cars in the user's taxi fleet.

The project applies daily remuneration for visiting the resource up to 5 rubles. Promotions and contests for active participants are constantly held. Good technical support. Instant withdrawal of money.

MoneyBirds- a project that allows you to check the availability of earned money at the request of the user. The meaning of the game project is to buy chickens and receive eggs from them. It is enough to invest 400 rubles for passive earnings and buy expensive chickens with great fertility.

The resource gives a bonus upon registration, which allows the user to start earning without investment. Instant payments. There is a game unit of money. Stable technical support.

Principle: “money should work for a person, and not a person for money is always correct”. The Lucky Florist resource, a game project, will help to organize passive income.

Attention! Experts say that almost all gaming projects are online, the most proven ones live 6-8 years, for this reason you can invest money in promising young projects that have lived for 12 months on the network.

« Flower business(Lucky Florist), does not have game currency. The user can withdraw the profit whenever he wants. The point of the game is selling flowers on the market, purchasing seedlings. Daily passive income of 1% from investments in the project. There are many options for funding your wallet.

GoldenTea(golden tea) is a game in which the user makes money. The meaning of the investment project is the purchase of tea bushes by the user, planting it while waiting for the harvest and selling tea leaves on the gaming market. Direct dependence on the planted bushes and making a profit.

For a change, the user is offered several types of tea, with different amounts of leaf yield. The resource has a referral system. Withdrawal of money is limited to 3 thousand rubles per day.

Monopoliya- an investment project for the organization of passive income. The meaning of the project is in the construction by the user of his own "online" business (acquisition of enterprises, firms, shops). To withdraw the earned money, it is imperative to attract referrals to the game. Withdrawals are made to QIWI and Payeer.

Advantages and disadvantages of passive earnings on the Internet

Working on the Internet is a reality, the same as organizing passive earnings (dividends from stocks, renting real estate) in real life. Experts consider several aspects of earning passive income online, its advantages and disadvantages:



Passive income is easy to organize, a referral system.There are times when you need to watch ads.
There are many programs for making money on the machine.The need for programs to keep track of the timer.
Choice of expensive advertisers by rating.It is advisable to make investments in gaming projects on a powerful computer.
You can install programs on any device

PC, smartphone, tablet, laptop.

In quantitative terms, the profit of passive income cannot be compared with passive income in real life from renting out real estate.
Extensions for passive earnings only work when there is advertising.All programs are viewing ads. It is imperative to install a powerful antivirus on your PC.
Third-party earning programs do not interfere with working at the computer.
The option of cloud-based use of programs does not load the PC.

To receive passive income from the network in sufficient quantities, about 30 thousand rubles per month, experts recommend creating several sources of passive income. It is necessary to understand that having your own website at the first stages of its promotion in search engines and thematic content of large passive income will not work.

Own resource will become profitable after a while, depending on its administration. Experts recommend using not only the possibilities of your own resource, but also online services to organize passive income.

It seems to me that each of us from time to time asks the question of how to get a lot of money and still do nothing.

True, for most honest workers, this remains a pipe dream, and they continue to go to work every day, receiving small but stable wages for this, and cherish the hope of someday breaking out of this vicious circle.

What is passive income?

In fact, passive income - that is, income that is formed without the efforts and participation of the person receiving it - is not a fairy tale at all. There are absolutely legal ways that allow you to generate this type of income.

Passive income on the Internet

Since the site, I'll start right away from this point.
It is on the Internet that you can set up a high-quality source of passive income. Of course, the website will be the main tool. It is the earnings on the site that can lead to an inexhaustible stream of money. But how?

The main sources of passive income on the Internet are:

  • Automated Sape or Trustlink
  • , teaser and
  • Selling your product or (however conditionally passive most likely)
  • to attracted projects
  • Investing in Internet projects - PAMM accounts (but just as an independent trade, it does not belong to the liability)

About automated link selling

Automated link selling looks like this. You add your site to the link exchange. Take a special code, place it on all pages of the site.

After the site is approved, applications for placement will begin to arrive. Accept applications, and links automatically appear on the site.
Earning here depends solely on the parameters of the site.

In 2017, passive link selling almost completely died due to search engine sanctions on sites hosting such codes. Additionally, I must say that the cost of quality links has grown 4-6 times compared to 2010.

How Much Can You Make Selling Links in 2017?

The dynamics are negative, it is simply too late to learn how to make such sites.

Earnings from advertising

There is also a roughly similar scheme as with links. Add your site to the desired service - context, banners or teasers, it doesn't matter at this stage.
Place the ad code on the site. People come to your site, see ads and click, you get money per click. Less often - for impressions

How much can you earn from context?

An example of passive earnings on contextual advertising

About selling a product or information product

Infoproduct is sold on the Internet much more often. But why is this type of earnings conditionally passive?
First of all, the sales themselves can go without your participation.

But order processing, user support, product updates - this is where you just need to devote time to all this.

About earnings on referrals

There are also small nuances here. If you attract people through your site, then this will be passive income.
But if you work through any advertising networks, then you need analysis, compilation of ads, analytics, try other advertising networks. This again takes time.

An example of such earnings

An example of daily non-linear income in a content exchange

More significant income on refs

You can learn more from

About investing on the Internet

I love this item because it is 100% passive income. Choose a company, replenish the balance, and withdraw interest. But this is the ideal scheme, but this is not always the case. Why?

A lot of companies are not reliable, which are closed without any payments at all. This is the scourge of the internet. Therefore, you need to carefully approach this issue.

Example of passive income on stocks

I analyzed the stocks of interest to me before buying, bought them, and this is what I have today. 🙂
In details
Also, I will note a few more popular types of passive income.

Copyright is passive income

Firstly, you can write a book or compose a song, in general, become the author of a masterpiece, for which you will then be paid by those who want to publish or use your creation.

Without him, whatever one may say, in any way. If there is none, go to the next option.
This option is also applicable to online, read above about goods or information products

Renting out real estate

The option is more mundane - real estate, better - trade. We own several retail real estate objects, rent them out for a long time and at a pleasant price, and we do not know any problems.

In fact, this way of earning is very attractive, except that significant initial capital is required to purchase real estate. And it, one way or another, will have to be earned somewhere.

The schedule of the cost of renting apartments in Moscow

As you can see from the graph, for 2017, the most realistic amount of renting an apartment in Moscow is 30,000 - 40,000 rubles per month.
In the regions, of course, less.

Investing money at interest

If you have sufficient knowledge, or want to get it, then the option of investing money in these financial instruments is also suitable for you.

And if you manage to create such a portfolio of stocks and bonds that will bring stable passive income, then consider that the goal has been achieved. However, I repeat, knowledge and experience are very important here, as well as natural flair.

Hello friends. Many people are interested in how to make money on the Internet and where to get sites that will not be thrown. Today I decided to make a selection of proven sites for making money on the Internet with the withdrawal of money in real life.

There are a lot of services that provide different simple work on the network, but I made a selection only for proven services that pay regularly and have proven themselves well in my eyes. Cheating and non-payment are very common in this niche, as it is easiest to cash in on inexperienced newbies, so many fall for scammers. I remember that in 2007 or 2008 I myself earned my first $ 10 on clicks in one service, but I could not withdraw it, and a lot of time was spent.

Another trick of crooks is to ask you to first pay for various nonsense or as a sign of seriousness of intentions, and then get rid of your donations. So it is worth looking for services at once for earning money without investments, everything with investments is a scam, with rare exceptions. I imagine you came to get a job at the plant as an engineer, and they tell you - put in the cash register first 30 thousand - well, nonsense?

And one more point that I would like to dwell on - there are sites on which you can earn money, but you cannot withdraw funds. That is, there is a certain internal currency, having received which you can spend it on all sorts of coupons, service services or various specific goods. Earning it can be called a stretch, since real money cannot be obtained from them. So when searching, immediately select sites for making money where there is a withdrawal of money to Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal or another common currency and do not be fooled by anything else.

Websites for making money on social networks

This type of income is based on the purchase of various social signals by advertisers - likes, reposts, subscriptions, joining a group, video views. If you have accounts in VK, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Odnoklassniki, Google+, etc., then you can get to work.


Comfortable service for work. Automatic check of simple tasks without the need to send reports for likes or subscriptions. In addition to tasks on social networks, there are more complex and more highly paid ones in various areas - registering on sites, installing applications, etc.

Referral program: yes


The site contains tasks in several categories. Most associated with social media, but there are others. For example, there are many orders for posting on various forums or blogs with a link to the desired site.

Since tasks are not always easy, there is no automatic acceptance. But the prices for execution compare favorably with competitors. For example, you can earn a few rubles for a couple of likes on Facebook.

Referral program: yes


Referral program: yes


This service for making money is distinguished by a large number of tasks and their constant replenishment, but there are two drawbacks: prices are slightly lower than those of competitors and only the social network Vkontakte is supported (at least for now).

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money on texts

The need for texts for websites is constantly growing, as new projects appear on the Internet every day. In addition, competition is growing and good copywriters earn much more than the national average wage. At the same time, copywriting and rewriting does not force you to work full-time - if you have free time - you take orders, if you don't have time - you don't.


One of the oldest copywriting exchanges with a huge audience of employers. There are always orders of different levels - from simple comments for the site to full-fledged articles with tens of thousands of characters. There is a rating system for performers, thanks to which, with good work, the average pay per 1000 characters will increase. You can not only take orders, but also upload ready-made works to the store. Payments in the system are made in dollars, payments are made to WMZ.

Referral program: yes


To earn money on this exchange, it is enough to register and start submitting orders for orders. The higher the rating, the higher the chances of getting good expensive assignments. You can improve the level of qualifications in the system by completing test tasks from the service. This site uses rubles for making money with the withdrawal of money to Webmoney.

Referral program: yes


Little different from previous sites. It is also possible to sell ready-made articles and take orders for writing texts on assignment. The rating is formed on the basis of completed orders and the quality of their execution. Positive reviews help you climb the rankings faster, so ask customers to leave them. Payments are made to a WMR wallet.

Referral program: yes

Websites for automatic earnings

This part contains sites where the work is mostly done not by you, but by your computer. Something like this: you start the program, it performs certain actions on the Internet, and you get money for this.


Vipip is an active advertising service through which you can promote sites, accounts on social networks (likes, subscriptions, etc.), there are tasks of an arbitrary form - this is similar to many other boxes, but there is a chip that distinguishes it favorably from competitors is a browser extension that makes money automatically by performing the most simple and common tasks without human intervention.

For the extension to work, you need to download it to your computer, connect your accounts on social networks and periodically withdraw money, albeit small, but truly passive.

Referral program: yes


To earn money, an add-on is installed to the browser, which periodically shows small advertising banners. Banners do not require any reaction (closing, transitions, viewing, etc.), they do not interfere with the network (visit sites, communicate in social networks, etc.). You use the Internet as usual, you are not distracted by banners, but you get money for them, albeit small.

Additionally, in beta testing mode, a cryptocurrency mining script operates in Surfearner. You start mining in your personal account and part of your computer's processor power will be used by the mining service. Set the percentage of power yourself from 0 to 100 - experimentally determine it so that other programs do not slow down.

Withdraw money to Yandex, WebMoney, Qiwi, etc.

Referral program: yes


This is a service for promoting video clips on Youtube. He winds up views, likes, subscribers. Works in automatic mode. To earn money, you need to install a program or a browser plug-in from your personal account.

After starting the program itself will open pages with video clips and spin them for a specified duration. Moreover, when you open a tab with a video in the browser, it does not become active and does not interfere with your normal work in any way. Going about your business, and the program in the background earns a little money, albeit a very small one.

The service is in English and pays only on PayPal.

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money on surveys

Many people do not trust such earnings, since it is not clear who is willing to pay for all this. In fact, various companies are constantly conducting marketing research and budgets are allocated for this. Part of these budgets are spent on paying volunteers who are ready to take part.


The official questionnaire from the Yandex search engine. A variety of tasks appear in the system: identifying sites containing porn pictures, assessing the relevance (correspondence) of a page to a search query - these are small tasks. There are also those where it is necessary to check the operation of the online store from Yandex Market (place an order and return the product) - serious money is paid for such tasks. I did the description of the service when it first appeared in the article. Since then, there have been more different tasks.

Referral program: no


Earnings work according to the standard scheme - register, fill in your personal data, answer questions from tasks. The number of surveys available depends on your personal profile. Customers indicate the category of people whose opinion they are interested in, so topics about cars will more often come to men, and about raising children for women.

The service charges money for the initial data about itself - you will receive a total of 80 rubles by simply indicating your marital status, the presence of bad habits, education, etc.

Withdrawal of funds is available when reaching 500 rubles on Webmoney or phone.

Referral program: 15 rubles for a friend


The service is similar to the previous one, but there are financial nuances. For filling out the questionnaire, you will be able to earn only 10 rubles, but the withdrawal is available from a smaller amount - only 300 rubles, which are transferred to webmoney.

Referral program: yes


The minimum withdrawal of money on this site is from 500 rubles, transferred to a mobile phone account. Tasks do not appear too often, you can count on several questionnaires per month.

Referral program: no


Initially, the service is foreign, as evidenced by the clumsy translation, but polls appear regularly in Russian. The withdrawal of the earned money is possible both in the form of various bonuses, and in real rubles to PayPal (from there, you can withdraw it to your card).

Referral program: no

Websites for making money on captcha input

Many services, applications and games are protected from bots using captcha (pictures with different symbols). Robots do not know how to solve such images so far, respectively, there is a considerable need on the market for human recognition of captchas - low-skilled labor, but in demand.


Before starting work in RuCaptcha, there is a training course where you will be taught to recognize all possible variants of pictures. The payment for captcha recognition is not very high, but there is always work at any time of the day or night. The secret to increasing earnings is to work at night, when the activity of performers is minimal - during this period, the average price of one entry is 3 times higher.

By the way, this type of earnings is an excellent tool for training touch typing. A couple of hours of work and you will know the computer keyboard like the back of your 5 fingers, and even earn money.

Withdrawal of earned money is possible to Webmoney, Yandex, Qiwi, Bitcoin, etc.

Referral program: yes


An English-language service for captcha input. Registration is possible only by invitation code, here it is - DEQ1. In my opinion, the service is significantly inferior to the rukupche, there are often no tasks, so I am citing only as an alternative.

You can withdraw money only to Webmoney.

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money on clicks and other little things


A service with a large number of very different tasks, ranging from simple (such as subscribing to a social account) to complex multi-step (like opening a search, entering a phrase, finding a site, going to it). They pay more for difficult tasks. There are always a lot of tasks - this is a plus.

Each newcomer gets 50 rubles as a gift if you enter a promo code during registration - 9948465ab38a7105853

Referral system: yes


This service provides access to tasks of several types - reading letters, surfing websites, arbitrary tasks, tests and social networks. Letters are kind of advertisements that contain a link to the site. Surfing is directly going to a website and browsing it for a certain amount of time. Anything can be found in arbitrary tasks - likes, registrations in services, etc. In the social networks section, subscriptions, reposts and likes are waiting. Study the rules of the service carefully.

Withdrawal of funds from 20 kopecks to a Webmoney wallet.

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money on reviews

This category contains services that pay for the publication of interesting and useful reviews about something. These can be all sorts of texts, from your experience of using the iron to your impressions of a hiking trip to the top of a mountain.


The principle of operation is described above. No pre-agreed topic is imposed on you - you choose everything yourself. Complete freedom of imagination of creativity. You just write the text, publish it on the site. Payment for a review will depend on how interesting it is (number of views) and how useful it is (rating). Moreover, the accrual is ongoing as you view your publications. With high activity, you can create a source of passive income.

Withdrawals go to Webmoney, the first time at least 200 rubles, subsequent payments from 100.

Referral program: yes


The site is completely similar to the Otzovik service. You write reviews, you get bonuses for it. Bonuses can be exchanged for prizes, or withdrawn via Webmoney or to a mobile account. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles.

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money on comments

Writing comments is ordered for different purposes - somewhere you need to dilute the SEO text in the article, somewhere add volume, but more often comments are bought in order to create the appearance of higher activity. Often, such tasks can be found on text exchanges and on other services described in this article, but there are also highly specialized sites aimed only at this type of income.


The name Qcomment itself shows that with the help of this resource you can make money on the Internet by commenting on advertisers' assignments. The site specializes in commenting, but recently other areas have appeared, in particular, working with social signals and surfing.

You can withdraw payments through Yandex and Webmoney.

Referral program: yes

Freelance service sites


At the beginning of this project, it was focused on text orders and was more like one of the copywriting exchanges, but over time it has grown into a full-fledged service, where the share of text orders is only a small percentage. There is work here for those who know how to draw banners and for those who make video clips and many others. True, to participate as a performer, a security deposit is required (to rid the system of low-skilled personnel who want to try).

Referral program: yes


On this exchange, you can buy or sell any service at a fixed price of 500 rubles. True, the service takes 20% from the performer for its mediation, which ultimately leaves you only 400 rubles. There are a lot of directions of work, and for what is not included in the standardized headings there is a section "Original".

Referral program: yes

When writing this article, I did not have a goal to tell about all the projects for making money existing on the network, I wanted to give readers only those sites that are trustworthy and relevant today. Hopefully, now you know everything you need to create income on the Internet without a website and initial investment.

Useful articles:

  • How To Make Money Online For A Newbie - 23 ...

By popular demand from readers ... So get ready, pour yourself some tea or coffee, make yourself comfortable - this will be a voluminous, but very useful, article! 🙂

How would your life change if you received several hundred or thousand dollars a month without actively working?

Maybe you would get busy that we have always dreamed of. Maybe you would travel more around the world. Perhaps they would have moved to live in another country with a better climate and quality of life. Someone would spend more time with their family and take more care of their health. And someone would combine all the above! And passive income just allows you to realize these ideas.

The Passive Income Idea Is So Attractive for people all over the world precisely because it allows a person do more what he likes and minimize what he dislikes.


I want to clarify one point right away - I have not come across a completely “passive” income. Almost every passive income requires some work, at least at the beginning, after which it can generate income for a very long time without requiring your active involvement.

So let's take a look at the main types of passive income.

Rent out real estate

You can buy residential or commercial real estate for rent, or you can rent out the real estate you already have (for example: an apartment, house, cottage, garage, basement, attic, etc.). You can even rent out part of your home (for example, one of the rooms using the service ... You can get confused and take it through).

Rent out your home, and move to a rented one yourself

Don't want to share your home with anyone? You can rent your own, more expensive housing, as well as rent another one yourself, but cheaper. The difference in these rents will be your additional passive income.

Sell ​​your accumulated junk and junk

If you think that these are pennies that are not worth wasting time - look at how my wife and I for thousands of dollars! Many of these things have been kept since student days and have littered our house for years.

Turn your car into a moneymaker

You can rent your car to taxi services, or you can use it as an advertising medium. Such services have been present in big cities for a long time.


Deposits are one of the easiest and an understandable way for the population to save money and earn passive income. It's simple - you give the bank your money for a certain period, for which the bank charges you interest. Profitability on deposits, as a rule, is low and does not cover inflation, therefore, this way of earning is only suitable for short-term strategies.

If you know a subject (no matter what topic!), Write an e-book and sell it on your website or on special platforms for selling e-books. It takes anywhere from a few days to 2-4 months to write a book, but when you write it and publish it on bookstores, it can provide you with passive income for years.

Create a video tutorial

The idea is the same as with the e-book. If you are an expert in some field, record an educational video course and sell it on special educational sites (see the complete list of platforms for creating video courses ) or on your website.

Create or buy a ready-made online store

If you already have products for sale, or if you know how to organize the supply, distribution and delivery - it's time to think about your own online store. There are services that allow you to put on the machine delivery, storage, accounting, sales, payment acceptance, discounts and promotions, and even marketing.

Start your YouTube channel and earn from advertising

You can shoot simple videos (including on a mobile phone) - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews, equipment - whatever!YouTube will show people ads before or while playing your videos, and you will receive money (with monetization enabled and Adsense enabled).

Make money from advertising on your website

If you have your own website you can (should) connect to display ads (Adsense or any other). This is done in different ways (read on the Internet) and in general it is very simple. People visit your site, read or watch something, and they are automatically shown ads. You get paid for the views and / or clicks of your readers. See examples of ads on ... Subscribe to my articles to see how it works in articles :).

Credit Card Bonuses - No No No!

My readers are well aware of my opinion on plastic cards - do not be fooled by the attitudes “I pay off my card debt every month” or “I earn miles or cashback” and other nonsense. Just ask yourself the question, from what…. Does the bank give you free money, miles, cashbacks and other goodies? 🙂 I explain in detail here: In a nutshell, try to get rid of this source of "income", because in the end, you will lose much more than you earn. Trust the person who had more than 20 mega-cool cards))) Also read and watch:

Do you like taking pictures and are you good at it? Then you can sell your pictures or videos through photo banks such as Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStockphoto You will receive a percentage or flat rate for every photo or video sold through these photo banks. You upload your photos and videos to one or more platforms, and this is where your active actions end.

Microloans - NO NO NO!

Microloans are a disgusting robbery tool for financially illiterate and desperate people. People take a small amount "before salary" at 100-200 percent or more per annum, thinking, "Just think, the interest will be only 500-1000 rubles. It's a penny. ” There are platforms that offer you to become a lender and get a certain percentage of it. I will not give links. strongly against earning, which drives other people into the financial abyss.

Accelerated repayment of loans and debts

Every penny you pay to the bank is a penny that could (passively) make money for you! Debt, like termites, devours and destroys a family's financial well-being. It is important to understand that for each dollar (ruble, etc.) returned before the schedule, interest will not be charged (for months or years in the future) and all these months or years you canearn interest yourself, rather than pay it to the bank.

Example: If you instead of a 20-year mortgage, in the amount of 3 million rubles. (~ 50 thousand dollars. This is a studio or one-room apartment in St. Petersburg), taken for 20 years, at 12%, they saved the same money that you will pay the bank monthly (the monthly payment will be 33 thousand rubles), at, say, 8% - in 20 years, you would have accumulated an amount approximately equal to 20 million rubles (~ 300-350 thousand dollars) due to ! This amount would be enough to provide you with an income of 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars for the rest of your life. per month! With such an income, you could live well in any country from east to west! By the way, such an amount would put you in the 5-10% of the richest people. on the planet! Make sure of this .

Change jobs

If you are confident that you are being paid below the market, go to interviews and change jobs! Thus, you will provide yourself with additional income for many years in the form of the difference between the old and new salaries. This can be very scary to do, because we, people, stick to the team, to the work performed, to the status, to various bonuses, to stability, etc. We are afraid to take risks and change something. However, every fear has a price! If you are losing hundreds or thousands of dollars a year - it's time to stop being afraid and start taking action!

Ask for a raise

You can change your job for a new one, or you can ask for a promotion. If you find out (and not just think) that you are objectively worth more, if you bring value to a company that you can value and show to management, if you are not easy to replace, ask for a raise. Read: .

Get everything from the state!

Take everything from the state what it provides by law. You may not pay (that is, you will return this tax to your family) the tax on the acquired real estate (up to 260 thousand rubles or $ 4,300), for interest on the mortgage (390 thousand rubles or 6.5 thousand dollars), for training and treatment, etc.

My wife and I, for example, used the tax deduction when buying real estate. This returned 130,000 rubles to the family (more than 5 thousand dollars in old money). We received all possible benefits for children, including maternity capital (450 thousand rubles or 7.5 thousand dollars).

In addition, you can getsubsidies(compensation) from the state for payment of public services, for the creation / development of a business, payments to mothers according to certificates "Maternity capital", try to get affordable housing (for some categories of citizens),social benefits for the birth of a child, etc.

You can buy a blog or a ready-made online business

Thousands of blogs and online businesses are created every year, and many of them are abandoned over time. If you can find and purchase a blog / online business with a sufficient flow of visitors, then you can make good money on it. Blogs usually sell for 24 times monthly income, which gives 4.2% (100/24) yield (typically in dollars) - which is not very much, but not very small, given the dollar deposit rates in banks. Plus, a blog or internet business can develop and increase earnings.

Participation in reviews, clicks and other online manipulations

Many advertisers pay money for certain actions on the Internet, such as: clicking on a link, leaving a review, putting a like, making a repost, filling out a form, etc. Accordingly, there are services (e.g. seosprint,,,,,, etc.), which can automate the process and connect advertisers with people who want to make money in this way. However, such earnings can be called passive only conditionally.


Promotion is c security, which gives its owner the right to a share in the company and to receive part of the profit in the form of dividends.

Company shares can be bought through a broker. The entry threshold is usually very low. Earnings will consist of two components - the growth in the value of a share (bought cheap and sold at a higher price) and also from dividends that companies (though not all of them) can pay to the owners of their shares. However, I do not recommend non-professional investors to buy shares of individual companies, because without significant experience and knowledge, such purchases will be similar to betting in a casino. The best solution for an inexperienced investor would be mutual funds or structured products offered by brokers. These funds / products include many shares, so a sharp drop in the value of one share will not significantly affect the fall of the entire fund / product.

Bonds / bonds

A bond is a fixed income bond.Basically, it is a loan agreement between the lender (usually national governments, municipal governments and private companies), according to which you lend a certain amount, for a certain period and at a certain percentage.

The riskiness of this tool, usually very low, but profitability is also low. However, you can (often) make more money on bonds than on bank deposits. You can also buy bonds through a broker, but the entry threshold can be high, from a couple of thousand dollars.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds or Mutual Investment Funds are a pool of money from a large number of investors (like you, for example), which is managed by a management company in order to increase the value of this fund.

UIFs can be selected for every taste- industry, “blue chips”, etc. The value of your share (the part you bought in the fund) can go into a deep minus and grow rapidly upward. Therefore, it is a long-term instrument for investing for 5-10 years or more. The entry threshold can start from several tens of dollars or thousands of rubles.

ETFs and Index Funds

In developed western markets(for example, American or European stock markets) you can invest in ETF ( Exchange Traded Funds ) or index funds (the same ETFs linked to a specific index). These instruments, as a rule, are tied to a certain type of assets (for example, blue chips, shares of high-growth companies, oil companies, the stock exchange index of the largest American companies (for example, S & P500), etc. There are a great variety of them and you can choose for every taste and attitude to risk!

The Russian stock market also has ETFs, incl. denominated in dollars, but the choice is monstrously small (there are about 15 of them at the time of this writing).

You can buy these instruments (in Russia) through brokers, which provide access to foreign markets and instruments.These are very cool tools.allowing you to earn 5-10 percent and more in dollars and get rid of country risk, which is very important for you and me 🙂 Like mutual funds, ETFsThese are long-term instruments designed for investment for 5-10 years or more. The entry threshold is from a couple of hundred to several thousand dollars. These are my favorite passive income tools!

"A dollar saved is a dollar earned!" B. Franklin.

Perhaps none of the methods described above worked for you, but there is one way to make money that is available to everyone! This ... It is unpleasant to save on yourself. However, saving is “smart”, when you save money, but do not noticeably change the lifestyle you are used to - even exciting and recklessly. Hundreds of Smart Savings Ideas .

Investing in yourself a loved one!

In all my materials, I write and say that money is always a tool (like an ax, hammer or brick), but not an end in itself. Therefore, the cheapest investment with the largest short and long term profitability are investments in oneself, such as:

- investment in relationships with a spouse, children, relatives, friends. For example, a failed marriage can put an end to all your investment desires for years and decades and ultimately ruin you. What are you doing to keep your relationship alive?

- investment in health- these investments generate income, ranging from saving on expenses on doctors and medicines, and ending with the fact that a healthy body greatly affects the health of "brains", your thoughts, mood, motivation, which, in turn, affects everything in including the ability to earn more and invest better. Watch me go in for sports for free.

- spiritual development- this aspect, we, as a rule, leave to the very end, although in life it is almost the most important. Your spirit, your mood, your attitude towards life and other people, your life goals affect everything!

What type of passive income should you choose?

Not a single one!None of the tools described above, taken separately, will be a correct and good solution for generating confident and reliable passive income. Remember - “Don't keep all your eggs in one basket”! As a rule, it is necessary to combine several the tools described above. Something like - part of the assets in the cache, part in bonds, part in the real estate, part in mutual funds / funds or structured products. At the same time, part of all assets must be in national currency, and part must be tied to a hard currency (for example, to the dollar).

Test before invest!And one more thing - whatever you choose - “test before invest” & “try small” - which means “test, then invest” and “try on a small scale”. You do not need to buy one instrument with all your money (for example, shares of a company or mutual fund) that you have not tried before. Buy it for a small amount, give it a try, make sure everything works well and further increase your investment in this or that instrument.

Break the risks in time!An additional strategy may be to enter a particular instrument gradually - for example, buy such and such ETF for a certain amount every month. This will help you to reduce (but not eliminate) the risks that you will fit into a bad instrument and lose money.

When should you start creating passive income tools?

The sooner the better! Preferably from school, students, or at least the first job. But, if you didn't then, it's never too late to start doing it... Simply, the earlier you start, the more powerful (instead of you) compound interest will work, whose strength grows like a snowball, only after a while. Read the amazing story of Susan, Bill, and Chris and you will understand what I mean.

BUT! There is one limitation.I recommend that you start investing only AFTER of how you pay off all debts (except for the mortgage) and form in the amount of 6 monthly income (or expenses, if it's easier for you :). And only after that it is possible and necessary to engage in investments, making money, etc.

One of the most effective tools for solving these two tasks (getting rid of loans and forming a Fire Reserve) is.


As you can see, there are many types of passive income. Some are very easy to understand and cheap to enter, some are a little more complex and more expensive. You don't have to limit yourself to one tool and you don't have to try to fit into too many of them.

The main thing is not to "sit" forever in the asset, who earns less inflation (like cash under the pillow or money on a deposit), and learn to invest their money in profitable (and passive) instruments. And then, one day, your passive income will start earning more than active income, and you will be able to do what brings you joy for the rest of your life!

It will be useful!

Call to action

What can you do right now? Two things:

First.On your own or with help, make your family's annual budget, set yourself a goal to “fast track all debts except mortgages” and “build a Fire Reserve” of 6 months, and make these two goals part of your budget.

And the second!Meet with 2-3 large brokers in your country and city and ask them to tell you about the tools described above, taking into account your financial capabilities and attitude to risk. This conversation will be very useful and will charge you with the necessary motivation to pursue passive income!

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