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Parameters of chargers for smartphones. Choosing a mains charger

For the average person, charging is a cord, two contacts and a plug for the outlet. If everything were that simple, all charges would be the same. But have you noticed that with some devices your phone comes to life faster, with others – slower. The third charge is not suitable at all. We constantly lose them, forget them with friends or in a cafe. Once every six months the cable will definitely break down.

Chargers are one of the most necessary and popular accessories. We explain which charger to buy so you don’t go broke and it works.

A board with microcircuits is embedded inside modern cables; it determines the operation of the accessory in different modes: from charging to synchronization. Socket adapters have different characteristics and speeds.

Original charger: it will definitely work, but very expensive!

Who better than the manufacturer to know everything about his brainchild! The original charger suffers from only one drawback - its high price. 3,590 rubles for charging for a MacBook and a new generation iPhone is a robbery. And other brands set a high price bar. Both Samsung and Sony - from two thousand.

In Russian online stores, prices for analogues start at about 800 rubles. On Aliexpress - even 300-400 rubles. Add to this a branded cable for 1990 rubles - and you will get a fast charging kit for iPhone 8 for 10% of the cost of the smartphone itself.

Prices for accessories on the Apple website are steep, but the choice of alternatives is not as wide as that of Android competitors

In the kit, Apple includes its old slow charger and cable, which will charge the new iPhone by a maximum of 25-30% in 30 minutes. In the same half hour, the flagship from Samsung/Sony/Huawei will be half charged, and the battery capacity of Android devices is one and a half times higher. The desire to make money selling accessories overcame common sense.

Where can I buy: in the official online store of the smartphone manufacturer or in the nearest official reseller store (not to be confused with the kiosk in the transition).

Chargers from “foreign” trusted companies: already cheaper

If the price scares you, you can buy a device from a “normal” manufacturer of universal accessories. For example, Belkin, Nillkin, Qi Wireless, Anker, SnowKids and others. See the assortment of retailers at the re:Store level. You will receive a guarantee that the characteristics (power figures, output current) correspond to the declared ones and a company guarantee. The same Belkin is among the certified Apple manufacturers.

For Android phones, official chargers are quite stylish and/or cute. You can use such chargers without fear for the safety of your gadget.

Will you forget this kind of exercise? / Photo – Andru

Where can I buy: on the websites of device manufacturers or in hardware stores. Be sure to check that the charging company is the one you need. The price is already average: you can’t buy a charger from a famous manufacturer for less than 500 rubles.

Counterfeits and no-name chargers: better buy coffee with that money

Anything that costs roughly 100-500 rubles and is sold at a stall in the passage is a bad choice. Such chargers are divided into two types: counterfeits of expensive brands and no-name ones.

The purpose of fakes, of course, is to be similar to the original. Noname is some kind of miracle with an unpronounceable name that is clearly of Asian origin, like Olaudem crdc.

Such charges may suddenly contain other functions, such as a flashlight.

Manufacturers of well-known accessories are afraid of ruining their reputation. Counterfeits and nonames have nothing to worry about - there is no reputation.

In the case of Apple's lightning connector (and these are iPhones from 5 to 7 Plus), everything is completely bad. The iPhone will not charge and may display a message that the accessory is not supported. And after some time, about two weeks. It’s too late to return the charger to the store, and I’m too lazy to bother with hundreds of rubles.

With USB Type C and the still most common MicroUSB connector in Android, everything is simpler in terms of compatibility, but just as unreliable in terms of quality.

It is difficult for an inexperienced user to distinguish an original from a fake. Yes, the markings and the location of the contacts may differ, but few people know “how to do it correctly” in each specific accessory. Pay attention at least to spelling errors and the overall quality of workmanship - lack of polishing, crooked assembly, and of course - the suspiciously low price. The fake is here on the left (c) Photo

Disadvantages of counterfeit chargers: discrepancy with the numbers on the label, the slowest charging, incompatibility with declared devices, and, of course, a short-lived controller.

The controller is an important part that protects the phone. This is a small set of transistors that are responsible for the fact that the smartphone will automatically turn off charging when it reaches 100%. Plus, the controller evaluates the supplied voltage and prevents overheating.

The problem is that cheap Chinese power adapters are made from dubious components. When the transistors burn out, your smartphone can receive a powerful incoming current charge and burn out. But you won’t be able to check in advance what quality the controller is in the charge.

Chargers with many connectors are less reliable than those with one. In addition, this is a clear sign of a cheap Chinese accessory. Branded chargers with multiple connectors also exist, but there are only a few of them.

Fire hazards and the risk of breaking a smartphone are not the only problems. The charging numbers may be stated alone, but in reality the current strength and voltage will not correspond to reality. About them - below.

Just something complicated: the higher the output current, the faster the charging

If you are used to charging your phone not from a laptop, but from an outlet, it is important to have a good power adapter (the same outlet to the cord). When choosing an adapter from a third-party manufacturer, focus on the original charger, or more precisely, on the current value “A”.

A few simple truths:

  • Current strength is measured in amperes. Always First of all, look for the marking of the Latin letter “A” on the charger;
  • Typically, a smartphone charger has a current of 1 ampere, less often: 1.2A, 2A, 2.4A;
  • Most smartphones require adapter sockets for charging power from 5W (W).

Many modern smartphones can charge much faster if you use a more powerful charger. In most cases it will come bundled with the exception of Apple and Sony.

The standard iPhone package (even those that support fast charging) includes a power adapter with a power of 5 W (or the Latin “W”) and an output current of 1 A. Standard charging with a current of 1 A will charge the iPhone 7/8 Plus for hours, and Samsung Galaxy S8 can do it in an hour.

At the Apple Store you can buy a charger with a capacity of 12W, 29W, 61W and even 87W. The thickest adapters. The output current will be from 2.4 A, and such adapters are intended for Mac or iPad.

Don't be afraid that your phone may burn out: a special controller will limit the current to that which is supported by the phone, so you can safely use powerful charges.

If you have other manufacturer's equipment (computers, tablets) - use their chargers to achieve high speeds. A computer connected to a power outlet is itself a complex controller.

  • Do not buy chargers from dubious places and choose only certified manufacturers. They can be found according to the assortment in official retail such as Svyaznoy or re:Store, and not in a stall in the passage.
  • Test charging on site. Users of Android devices can indirectly determine the quality of charging - when connecting a bad charger, the OS will write “charging via USB,” and iPhone users may see the message “The accessory is probably not supported.” But this is not a guarantee that compatibility will remain in a month.
  • Logos and inscriptions must be applied evenly and on plastic, instead of them there should not be a cheap sticker. There should be no errors in the writing, and the more markings on the parts, the more likely the adapter will be of high quality.
  • You can’t buy high-quality chargers for less than five hundred rubles..
  • Probably everyone has at least once encountered a problem when the charger that came with a smartphone or tablet died for a long time. And so you have to go to the store to find a replacement for it. But, having bought a new charger, it suddenly becomes noticeable that with it your multi-core pet takes much longer to charge than with the original one. Or it doesn’t charge at all, but just works from the network. In fact, this problem is quite easy to avoid. How? We'll tell you below.

    If you believe the stories of former employees of official retail, then such products can even be purchased at Euroset or other well-known chains. And if you buy a charger at Gorbushka or Savelovsky, and even more so on Aliexpress, then you should be especially vigilant. Unfortunately, Aliexpress cannot be checked here. But you can test the charger that you plan to purchase in your hometown. And it’s necessary, because it’s no secret that the lion’s share of chargers that are sold in stores are ordered from Aliexpress and sold to you at a premium.

    The most common problem with them is when the charger does not produce enough current to charge your smartphone; the device consumes more than it can receive from the network.

    How to choose a high-quality charger for your smartphone?

    1. Buy original products. For example, if you have a Xiaomi or Samsung smartphone, then it is better to go to the company’s showroom and purchase a charger there. Thus, you will receive an original charger, which, by the way, will correctly and safely support various Quick Charge-type features.
    2. Test the product before purchasing. Ask to insert the charger into the socket and check it with special software. For example, using the Ampere app
    3. .
    4. In some cases, you can even determine by weight which of the two charger power supplies is better. If it weighs too little, it will most likely produce minimal current and charge your gadgets extremely slowly.
    5. Pay attention to logos and inscriptions. They must be applied evenly and accurately, all inscriptions must be easy to read, and the fonts must not be smeared. These are clear signs of counterfeit goods.
    6. A high-quality charger today cannot be cheap. We were unable to find a high-quality copy with a price of up to 500 rubles. From 500 and above, and even if you bargain, there are chances.

    By the way, do not forget that the charging speed will also depend on the wire. It should at least be free of defects to get normal results.

    Comparison of Noname and original chargers

    We purchased and tested some not the most expensive (up to 500 rubles) and often found at retail outlets mobile chargers. Nothing exploded or burned, which is not bad. But the results of the battery charging process were disappointing.

    The chargers in the title photo of the article turned out to be one of the slowest. When connected to the network, the smartphone simply did not discharge, but charging it in this way is almost impossible if at least the screen is turned on. With such a charger, the device should be left alone to reduce energy consumption. Ideally, charge it off or in airplane mode.

    The second type of charger is similar to the one in the picture above. By the way, they often say “Samsung” on them, but in reality this is not the case. If you put such a charge next to the original one, you can easily notice the difference in the fonts, as we wrote above.

    Testing was carried out on a tablet.

    So, several Noname chargers and fake Samsung ones gave the following results:

    The last result was all right.

    And now the result of regular proprietary charging from HTC, without Quick Charge support.

    As well as the numbers produced by the Xiaomi branded charger with Quick Charge support.

    You should not be 100% attached to these results, since there are many factors that can cause measurement errors. Including the device model, installed OS, number of running processes, etc. However, now, when choosing a charger in a store, you can focus on these numbers at least approximately.

    Judging by the full and detailed name, you and I cannot confuse a charger for a car battery with a charger for a mobile phone. Now all that’s left to do is figure out whether it’s needed at all, and how to choose the right charger for a car battery.

    Types of car batteries

    Let us anticipate a reasonable question from the car owner: why charge the battery if there is a generator. Right. There is a generator. But, by connecting an additional load to the on-board network, we forget that the generator cannot cope with recharging and then additional energy is taken from the battery. This leads to its gradual discharge.

    And further. It happens that we forget to turn off the dimensions or car speakers at night or on the weekend. And on Monday the car won't start anymore. This has happened to many people. In this case, you will need a battery charger.

    Knowing information about existing types of batteries will allow you to navigate the question of which car battery charger to choose.

    • Lead battery- It's acidic. These batteries respond very well to systematic recharging. It is recommended to charge them more often.
    • Alkaline batteries– nickel – cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel – metal hydride (Ni-Mh) and lithium ion (Li-On). The most unsuccessful of them is the first battery, since it requires a complete discharge before charging. T.N. the “memory” effect makes it very uncomfortable. A new alkaline battery requires a three-time discharge-charge cycle.

    The general rule for all types of batteries is that the battery must be fully charged, i.e. all the way.

    Required qualities of a car battery charger

    Chargers for batteries have the same principle of operation, namely: they must reduce the mains voltage to the battery rating, then rectify the voltage and ensure automation of the battery charging process. Those. ideally: the user should attach the terminals of the car battery charger, plug in the plug and go conscientiously to rest until the morning.

    Battery charging methods provided by the charger

    • . The charge takes place relatively quickly, which is a plus. The downside is that this method, due to the specific nature of the charging process, leads to rapid “aging” of the battery.
    • . The disadvantage of this method is that the charging process is too rapid at the beginning and sluggish at the end.
    • Combined. Those. 2 in 1. It is the most optimal, and in principle, all modern car battery chargers work using the third method.

    How to choose a charger for a car battery

    The first thing you need to do before you go to buy a charger for a battery is to thoroughly study the Owner's Manual for your car as it relates to the battery and on-board network.

    Then, already in the store, begin to study the instructions on the tactical and technical characteristics of the selected charger.

    Important! With the development of the counterfeit market, especially from fraternal China, still give preference to domestic producers. The gain will be obvious.

    Select a charger with a small current reserve so that the charger does not operate at its limit. Or the situation may change, and you will need to charge a battery with a larger capacity.

    When choosing a charger for a car battery, choose an automatic one that provides a combined charge. The choice of indication method is up to your taste and… wallet. Discrete (LEDs) are less expensive, but also less accurate, although sufficient for the consumer. Instrument display is more expensive and more accurate.

    Types of car battery chargers

    • Charging - pre-launch. Charge and recharge the battery. As a plus, it is possible to connect the charger to the battery terminals, without disconnecting from the on-board network. This is important for.
    • Charging - starting. They operate in two modes: automated charging and max. recoil. current in starting mode. An unpleasant feature for a car owner who is far from electricians - it is recommended to be wary of connecting without removing the terminals from the battery. You can burn all the electronics in your car. Those. It is necessary to turn off the on-board network when recharging.

    Read the review on how to choose the right portable charger for your phone. Plus five best models of portable chargers for smartphones. There are often cases when a smartphone or tablet is discharged and there is no outlet nearby. I think every user has encountered a similar problem. Relatively recently, the market has been flooded with portable chargers (Power Bank). These small gadgets are batteries of different capacities that transfer energy to the user's devices.

    Naturally, they also have to be charged, but in some cases an external battery can become a truly irreplaceable thing. In today’s article, we invite you to understand what Power Banks are, what types there are, and also consider a couple of popular models.

    What is a portable charger (Power Bank)?

    A power bank is a battery that, in all its characteristics, replicates the usual batteries in our smartphones or tablets. Meanwhile, it is usually much larger, and is connected through the mobile phone port, which is used for recharging. They are usually made in the form of a small box, but many manufacturers show resourcefulness by making their portable chargers in an unusual design. The case can be either plastic or metal - choose what you like best. The dimensions of the Power Bank depend on a number of characteristics, which we will now talk about

    What should be the capacity of portable chargers?

    The main characteristic that you definitely need to pay attention to is the capacity of the portable battery. It reflects how much energy the battery can deliver before it is completely discharged. The capacity is indicated in milliamperes per hour (mAh).

    The larger the capacity of a portable charger, the more devices you can charge. However, capacity directly affects the weight of the device and its cost.

    The capacity should be selected based on the characteristics of your phone's battery.

    For example, the iPhone 5 battery is stated to be 1400 mAh, which means we need a portable battery with at least 2600 mAh, or better yet 4500 mAh. This way, you can charge your phone several times without worrying about the Power Bank running out.

    Don't forget that no portable phone battery is 100% efficient. Whatever one may say, losses occur during energy transfer, and their amount depends directly on how responsible the manufacturer is. Therefore, it is impossible to fully charge a phone with a battery capacity of 2500 mAh from a 5000 mAh Power Bank 2 times.

    In addition, not every seller honestly indicates the capacity of an external battery, exaggerating it in order to get more money. And it’s impossible to find out the exact numbers when buying a Power Bank. This can only be done with the help of special testers that show the actual capacity of the batteries.

    What amperage should portable chargers have?

    To put it simply, the current determines how quickly the Power Bank will release energy to the device being charged. Today, the standard for smartphones is 1 A, for tablets – 1.5-2 A. This does not mean that you will not be able to charge your device if the current strength is different. Charging will occur, but too high a current may damage the smartphone, and too low a current will simply not be able to charge a tablet with a high capacity.

    Before purchasing an external charger, check which amperage is preferable for your devices. On sale you can find Power Banks with two or more connectors, the current strength of which is different, which is very convenient.

    Connectors and indicators in Power Bank

    Most compact Power Bank models have one USB connector, which is enough for many undemanding users. But if you have in your arsenal not only a smartphone with a capacious battery, but also a camera, tablet and smart watch, then you can’t do without a couple of ports. In this case, it is better to choose an external battery model that has connectors with different current strengths.

    Remember! Many power banks find it difficult to charge a smartphone and a tablet at the same time, so charging in this scenario takes much longer.

    As for indicators, they definitely won’t be superfluous. But they are found in more expensive solutions. They can be represented either by ordinary LEDs, which will notify of discharge in different colors, or by small screens with percentage displays. Quite a few Chinese manufacturers also add a flashlight to the Power Bank, so that there is one.

    Portable solar chargers

    In the wake of the growing popularity of portable phone chargers, manufacturers realized that they could be made even more functional. Today, many power bank models come with solar charging plates. Agree, this is very convenient, especially in the summer at the dacha or on a hike. You hang a similar battery on your backpack, and it charges itself, not allowing you to be left without social networks even in the wilderness.

    However, there is no need to have any illusions. Not only does a Power Bank with a solar battery cost a little more, but due to the small plate area, it will not be able to charge quickly. You will have to leave it in the sun in advance. And yet, if you like to travel, we recommend that you take a look at such a thing, because far from home, despite its shortcomings, it definitely won’t be superfluous.

    Which portable charger should you buy?

    Everything is banal: the choice depends on your requirements for capacity, set of connectors and dimensions. It’s clear that if you like fishing and long hikes with gatherings around the fire, then most likely you will have to give up portability for the sake of capacity in order to be able to stay in touch. In such cases, it is better to choose huge Power Banks with 15,000-20,000 mAh or more, which can also be charged from the sun. Don’t skimp – a high-quality, capacious external battery cannot be too cheap.

    If you are one of those who occasionally need a little energy to get the phone to work until the end of the day, then you don’t have to chase all these characteristics and capacities. Take a closer look at 5000-10000 mAh solutions. For girls who are completely undemanding about their smartphones, we can even recommend small 2000-3000 mAh Power Banks, which look more like lipstick rather than an external battery.

    Well, a couple more rules:

    • a truly capacious Power Bank cannot be small and light;
    • the more connectors and bells and whistles, the more expensive the battery;
    • It is advisable that the Power Bank have an auto-shut-off function.
    Popular portable chargers

    So, we figured out the characteristics. Let's move on to the most popular and high-quality Power Banks, which have received approval and positive feedback from users. We have selected 5 different external batteries so that each of you can choose something for yourself.

    Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 10000 – inexpensive portable charger

    It is already difficult to find a user who has not heard of the Chinese company Xiaomi. She introduced a lot of different devices to the market, and they became real hits in their categories. For example, Xiaomi's Power Bank Pocket has become one of the best-selling products in many Chinese stores. Such popularity and positive customer reviews were ensured by its compact size, high build quality and an honest 10,000 mAh battery.

    Xiaomi Pocket is positioned, based on its name, as a pocket portable charger that will always be at hand. This is what it is: small, neat and capacious. The case is made of metal in a minimalist design, the company logo on the front side stands out. The model has two connectors, one of which is microUSB for charging. Therefore, in fact, we have only one 1 A port to power the devices. There are 4 LED indicators that indicate the charge level of Xiaomi Pocket.

    A portable battery from Xiaomi will cost about 1000 rubles, and it works out the money 100%. Additionally, you can buy one of the multi-colored cases for it, which will protect the device and give it a more stylish appearance.

    Xiaomi Mi Power Bank V 2 – 20,000 mAh charging ideal

    Xiaomi, realizing that today not every user has enough, relatively recently released a more capacious solution with 20,000 mAh - Mi Power Bank V2. It is much larger than its predecessor, has acquired another connector, and the power button has moved from the top to the side.

    Let us immediately note that the V2 is not suitable for every user - not everyone will want to carry such a huge thing with them all the time. Its weight is 340 grams, the body is plastic, has a rough surface that provides better grip on the fingers. The external battery has two USB connectors (2 A and 1.5 A) for charging user devices, as well as one 2 A input port. There is a light indicator showing the charge level.

    Mi Power Bank V 2 is a really high-quality and capacious portable charger, but too large for daily lugging to work. It is ideal if you love to travel. The cost is about 2000 rubles.

    Waterproof Solar – portable charger for travelers

    When going camping or overnight fishing, many people don’t want to part with social networks and mobile games. External batteries come to the rescue, they can do without sockets, receiving energy from the sun. One of the most prominent representatives of such devices was the Waterproof Solar model.

    This is a fairly compact portable phone charger with a capacity of only 5000 mAh. The Power Bank has a protected case that is resistant to water and falls. The connectors, of which there are 2, are protected by plugs to prevent water from getting inside. The kit includes a hook that allows you to attach the Power Bank to clothing or a backpack. The portable charger is compatible with both iPhone and Android smartphones. Additionally, there is a flashlight, which will not be superfluous for a traveler.

    According to user reviews, Waterproof Solar does indeed charge from the sun, but this does not happen overnight - it takes time. Power Bank is not bad, and even more so with a price tag of 500 rubles.

    Remax RPL -12 – compact Power Bank for girls

    Most modern external batteries are presented in the form of fairly large boxes with a set of connectors, but some manufacturers produce very unusual solutions. For example, Remax RPL-12 has a lipstick design. This miniature portable charger fits into any handbag, allowing you to charge your smartphone at any time.

    The model is made entirely of plastic and comes in a variety of colors. There is only one connector for charging smartphones at 1 A. Another microUSB connector is used to recharge the Power Bank itself. The battery was not even left without an indicator that shows when the external charger is low.

    The capacity of the Remax RPL-12 is very small by today's standards - only 2400 mAh, which at best is enough to charge a smartphone once. But the cost of the model does not exceed 500 rubles.

    Battery Remax Proda Note book 30000

    The most capacious external battery that we included in the list. The manufacturer claims a capacity of 30,000 mAh, which is really quite a lot. Such a battery will be enough to charge the smartphone multiple times, and the tablet will not be left without energy. Remax is well assembled and has a body made of high-quality plastic.

    Two of the four connectors have a current of 2.1 A, two more USB ports are 1 A. There is a small display on which the charge percentage is displayed. The Power Bank turned out to be quite heavy (400 grams), but at the same time compact. In addition to the fact that Remax is one of the most capacious external batteries, it is also inexpensive. Today its price is within 2000 rubles.

    Every car owner must take care of the uninterrupted operation of the battery, the most important component of electrical equipment, without which starting the engine is not possible. Battery failure as a result of discharge is a fairly common occurrence, especially in winter, so the issue of purchasing products that restore functionality is especially relevant for cold regions.

    TOP 10 chargers for car batteries.

    The battery does not produce electricity, it only stores it and then releases it. The battery is charged from the car's electric generator, but full charging is not achieved, so after some time the battery loses its charge, requiring the connection of external devices. At above-zero temperatures, the engine can start even on a half-charged battery, but starts are significantly reduced if the battery charge is incomplete. Experienced motorists know how important it is to always have a life-saving remedy on hand to prevent sudden battery discharge.

    The car market offers countless different chargers of varying quality and cost, but the choice of device must be approached with all responsibility. You should take into account the fact that not every charger can fit your car’s battery, so it is important to know what type of battery the car is equipped with. The 2018 rating of car battery chargers will help you navigate among the variety of types and manufacturers. Here you can find devices with different characteristics in a wide price range of domestic and foreign production.

    Types of battery chargers

    Among the range of car battery chargers you can find examples with additional options. In addition to the main function, they can perform many others, but the cost in this case will be much higher, so before purchasing you need to decide which of the add-ons will actually be used and whether the overpayment is worth it.

    Battery charging devices are divided into three main types:

    • chargers are used exclusively for charging the battery;
    • starters are used to start the engine;
    • charging and starting devices combine these two functions.

    To start the engine using the device, you must connect to the power supply, so if the device will only be used to restore the battery capacity, it is not rational to overpay for the function that ensures starting the engine. There are also portable chargers and jump starters equipped with their own battery. Using a modern device of this type, you can start a car that has stalled far from power sources.

    Charging and starting devices for batteries are:

    1. Pulse. The advantages of devices of this type are compactness and low weight, as well as the presence of protective mechanisms. They are more convenient to use, higher in cost than transformer chargers, but subsequently the purchase is justified. The operating principle of pulsed devices is based on the creation of high-frequency currents, for which large dimensions are unnecessary.
    2. Transformer devices are much larger and it is inconvenient to have such a device with you all the time; they are usually used for stationary battery maintenance. The device operates by reducing the voltage through standard conversion. Transformer chargers are considered reliable, easy to repair, but are heavy.

    When choosing the best charger for a car battery, you should carefully study the characteristics of the devices, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, you need to pay attention to the type and parameters of the battery; this information is contained in the vehicle passport.

    Main characteristics of chargers

    The main task of each external charger is to restore the capacity of the car’s battery, during which alternating current from a 220 Volt network is converted into direct current - 12 Volts. To find out which charger is best suited for a particular battery, consider the most common ones:

    1. WET are lead-acid batteries using liquid electrolyte, they are installed on most cars, and are suitable for any charger.
    2. AGM – batteries with glass fiber material.
    3. GEL – battery with gel electrolyte.

    To charge an AGM or GEL battery, specially designed or universal devices are used that have a mode switching function to ensure interaction with these types of batteries. Depending on the setting method, chargers can be manual, semi-automatic or automatic. When purchasing, it is better to give preference to the latter, then the charging process is fully controlled by the software part of the device, and, if necessary, it is switched off independently.

    Operating modes

    Modern charger models allow you to choose the function of charging batteries with gel-like or absorbed electrolyte. It is very important to ensure that the appropriate operating mode is set, because unlike WET batteries, even a slight increase in voltage can lead to battery failure.

    When choosing a device, ask about the “Boost” option, which provides fast charging with increased current. Thanks to it, the ability to start the engine will appear just a few minutes after the start of the process of restoring the battery capacity. In emergency circumstances, this function can be very helpful to the driver. Desulfation using a charger reanimates the battery using the principle of multiple charging, so the presence of this function can significantly extend the battery life.

    The best automatic chargers not only handle the process without your participation, following a given algorithm when charging the battery and eliminating the possibility of overvoltage, but also recognize the capacity and level of battery discharge, independently adjusting to the desired operating mode. Some devices can simultaneously charge several batteries using a serial or parallel connection, but this function is unlikely to be useful to the average motorist.

    Voltage supplied by the charger

    The output voltage is one of the key parameters of the device; it must match the voltage of the on-board network. The most commonly used batteries are 12 Volt batteries, so most devices are designed for them, but there are also chargers that produce 24 Volts, adapted to work with two 12 Volt batteries (as a rule, trucks or minibuses are equipped with them). The minimum voltage corresponding to 6 Volts is inherent in motorcycle batteries.

    Charging current

    The rated current is 10% of the battery capacity, so you can determine which charger will be best for your battery by looking at the car's documentation. Thus, for a battery with a capacity of 60 A/h, the charge current should be 6 A. An exception is the option for accelerated battery recovery, but it should not be abused, since such measures can lead to rapid wear of the battery. Automated devices themselves choose the current supply mode, but the best solution would be to purchase a device with an adjustable charge.

    Types of protection and safety

    When choosing which charger to buy for a car battery, special attention should be paid to

    Their presence of protection against overloads, voltage surges, incorrect connection of terminals, and overcharging will ensure stable operation and long service life of the device.

    Popular charger models

    Models of the top ten best chargers are presented in different price segments. When choosing a suitable device, it is important to have an idea of ​​the tasks that will need to be performed with its help, so if the multifunctionality of the charger is unnecessary, then it is not advisable to pay a significant amount for it. The quality and reliability of the device, as well as the originality of the product, play a much larger role.

    Top 10 battery chargers

    Universal charging with a wide range of functions, including battery diagnostics and desulfation. The device operates at temperatures as low as -20° C and can be used for 12 V batteries of various types. The device automatically carries out eight-stage charging with a charging current of 7 Amps, has a protection class of IP65 (from moisture and dust), and is safe for on-board electronics of the car. The average cost of CTEK MXS 7.0 is 15,000 rubles.

    A specialized charger, developed for sea and river vehicles, is used for 12 V batteries of all types with a capacity from 50 Ah to 500 Ah. Provides prevention, restoration, and battery condition monitoring, operates quietly, and has a night mode that further reduces noise. The device provides eight-stage charging with a current of up to 25 Amps. CTEK M300 does not produce galvanic currents, so the device is not dangerous for metal parts of the vehicle, and has a protection class of IP 44 (outdoor use). The device is not cheap, its average price will be about 35,000 rubles.

    The device, created using advanced technologies, is able to function in extreme cold conditions and is suitable for all types of 12 V batteries with a capacity of up to 110 Ah. CTEK MXS 5.0 POLAR can be used for snowmobiles, ATVs, SUVs, and passenger vehicles. A recovery function is available that returns the battery to serviceability. The main advantage of the device is a wide range of operating temperatures from -30° C to +50° C. An automated eight-stage charging system with a current of up to 5 Amps, the process of which the user can follow on the display. CTEK MXS 5.0 POLAR is equipped with a well-insulated cable to ensure high-quality operation in cold weather, has an IP 65 protection level against moisture and dust, the average cost of the device is about 10,000 rubles.

    The charger from the German manufacturer offers six operating modes, automatically recognizes the battery type, and provides charging at subzero temperatures. The device is suitable for 12 V and 24 V WET/GEL batteries with a capacity of up to 230 Ah (for 12 V) and 120 Ah (for 24 V), charges with a current of up to 7 Amps, and is protected from short circuit, humidity and dust. You can purchase the device for up to 6,000 rubles.

    The device is compact in size with decent functionality, easy to use, and provides a charging current of 5 Amps for all types of 12 V batteries from 20 Ah to 160 Ah. The charger can be used at temperatures from -20° C to +50° C, has a protection class of IP 65, and desulfation is included in the set of options. The disadvantage is the slow charging speed. The cost of the device will be up to 10,000 rubles.

    A multifunctional device from CTEK allows you to use such options as diagnostics, prevention, and battery restoration. The charger carries out eight-stage charging of 12 V lead-acid batteries with a maximum capacity of up to 110 Ah at a current of up to 5 Amperes. Operating temperature ranges from -20° C to +50° C; a unique display allows you to monitor the process. The model is slightly inferior in characteristics to its counterparts, but is distinguished by high quality, reliability and a reasonable price. You can purchase a copy at a low cost of about 8,000 rubles.

    . The maximum battery capacity is 12 V – up to 500 Ah, 24 V – 250 Ah, charging is carried out at a current of up to 25 Amperes. The device has a degree of protection IP 20 (use only indoors). You can purchase a unit by investing an average of about 9,000 rubles.

    ORION PW 415

    A pre-start charger from a domestic manufacturer, also distinguished by its design simplicity, is quite powerful, provides a charge for 12 or 24 V batteries with a capacity of up to 160 Ah at a current of up to 15 Amps, charges quickly, and has overheating protection. The average price is 2500 rubles.

    In fact, these are only a few of those that are worthy of attention; there are still many high-quality products on the car market that meet the basic requirements for memory. Based on the main characteristics of the devices and their compliance with the battery parameters, you can choose the right charger for your car’s battery, thereby fully meeting possible unforeseen circumstances.

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