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Launch parameters 1c thick client. Thick and thin clients, file version of information security

In this article I will talk about the possible parameters and startup keys for 1C 8.3, 8.2 and 8.1. For the convenience of users, you can use some of the presented features. I will not go deep and describe all the possible parameters, but I will describe those moments that, in my opinion, may be needed by ordinary users of the program.

On the 1C 8.1 platform, there was only one option for launching the 1C application - this is a thick client. I will decipher this concept a little. 1C is a client-server software and client applications are used to run it.

The concept of a thick client did not exist before the concept of a thin client appeared, and it means a great demand on the resources of the end user's computer.

With the release of the 1C 8.2 platform, it became possible to use a thin client and a web client. All of these client applications have their own advantages and limitations, many articles have already been written about this, and I will not go into it deeply. I will only point out the main points.

  • Configurator works only in thick client mode.
  • Fat client the most demanding on computer resources.
  • Thin client not demanding on the resources of the user's computer in the client-server mode of operation, because all the load goes to the server.
  • Web client only requires a browser and internet connection. You can work in the program from anywhere in the world. Comfortable work depends only on the speed of the Internet connection. The entire load falls on the web server.

The most common launch option so far, in my opinion, is a thick client with a file infobase. Although the future is undoubtedly with the web client.

I also note that by default, in the database launch settings, it is set to “Select automatically” and think about which client and which database you do not need to launch.

1C launch parameters from the command line with automatic user selection

In my work, I often encountered errors in the operation of the 1C Accounting program, for example, some document logs were not displayed if no user was created in the 1C database.

To fix it, it was required to create and go under it, pressing OK each time in the user selection window. And this is, in principle, correct if several users work in the database, each must go under his own.

But in some cases, when only one user always works with the program, for example, in the basic versions, it seems impractical to confirm his choice each time by pressing the OK button if the user does not have a password to enter. After all, it is clear that he is alone.

If you do not want to select a user every time you start 1C, there are several ways to do this.

If you always work in the 1C 8 program from the same computer, under the same user of the Windows operating system, then you can do the following:

We launch the infobase in the configurator mode. Choose Administration => Users. We find your user in the list and click change:

Uncheck the "1C: Enterprise Authentication" checkbox and check the "Operating system authentication" checkbox. Press select, a window for selecting an operating system user appears. In my case, the “Domains” list contains the name of my computer, the “Users” list contains the existing users of my Windows OS.

We select our user and save all changes:

If you have only one user with full rights, and you are trying to provide him with OS authentication, the program will display a warning. In this case, create another user with full rights. I think this was done for security reasons, so that in the event of a malfunction of the OS, you can still enter 1C with full rights.

Using additional parameters for launching the 1C infobase. As scary as it sounds, in fact, there is nothing complicated about it. To do this, you do not need to climb into the configurator, unless you look at the help for the possible parameters for starting. You need to specify the parameters Username and password.

From the 1C help:

  • / N<имя>- Username. Should be specified in the same way as in the list of users created in the Configurator.
  • / P<пароль>- password of the user whose name is specified in the / N parameter. If the user does not have a password, this parameter can be omitted.

We know our username and password, but where do we put them? Select the required base in the list and click change:

Scroll further to the last page of settings and see the line "Additional launch parameters" we need. Here we write / N “your username” / P “your password”. If there is no password, then this parameter and its value are not written. Save with the "Finish" button. If you made a mistake with the password in the parameter, then the user selection window will also pop up. Make sure everything is entered correctly.

If you want to change the username and password, then you need to make corrections in the parameters.

Launching a specific 1C database without choosing from the list of databases

For example, you do not want to select a database from the list every time you start 1C Enterprise, but create a separate shortcut on the desktop for each database. We need one more launch parameter. From the 1C help:

  • / F<путь>- path to the infobase, if it is stored in a file (you do not need to specify the file name).

Let's consider an example of a 1C file base. Do the same for all other bases from the list if necessary.

And those who have a database on the server should use another parameter to indicate the path:

  • / S<адрес>- the address of the infobase stored on the 1C: Enterprise 8 server is as follows:<Имя компьютера, работающего сервером приложений>\ <Ссылочное имя информационной базы, известное в рамках сервера 1С:Предприятия 8>

First, let's create a shortcut for the 1cestart.exe executable file. The easiest way is to copy the 1C Enterprise shortcut you already have and rename it, for example, in UT 10.3, so that it is clear which database it will launch:

Now go to the properties of the shortcut and in the object field, after the quotes, write the parameters with a space:

First, we write the ENTERPRISE parameter, it means that at startup, the Enterprise launch mode will be selected. If it is necessary to start the configurator, then the DESIGNER parameter is written.

  • “C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ common \ 1cestart.exe” enterprise / F “D: \ 1C \ Demo 1C base \ Trade management (demo) for the site”.

We save and now when you start from this shortcut, exactly the base will be launched, the path to which you have registered.

You can add the user authentication parameters described above to this shortcut:

  • "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ common \ 1cestart.exe" enterprise / F "D: \ 1C \ Demo base 1C \ Trade management (demo) for the site" / N "Fedorov (administrator)" / P " 131 ".

Now, when you start from a shortcut, the base you need will be launched under the specified user with a password. If there is no password, this parameter is removed.

Keys and parameters for starting the 1C database at Windows startup

Let's say you want that when you turn on the computer and start Windows, you automatically start the 1C database you need under your username with a password. To do this, you need to create a shortcut with launch parameters as described above and put it in the Startup folder. Go to Start => All programs see the Startup folder, click on it with the other button and click Open. In the opened Startup folder, copy the created shortcut and the next time you start Windows 1C will start with the parameters specified in it.

Selection of different versions of the platform for launching 1C databases

For example, you simultaneously use platforms 8.1 and 8.2 to run different bases and you want to run them from the same list. For each database, it is possible to specify which version of the platform will launch this database. People often encounter a problem when someone has registered a specific version of the platform in the launch settings of the database, and after updating the platform, the launch is still done with the old version. To change the version of the platform to run, select a base from the list and click "Change". In the last window, specify the required version of the platform, just keep in mind that it must be installed on your computer.

With such an entry, the latest version of 8.1 platforms installed on your computer will be launched for the selected database.

With such an entry, platform will be selected to launch this database.

By default, when adding a database to the list, the value 8.2 or 8.3 is set. I think this article can come in handy when switching to version 8.3, when everyone in the database settings will have a version for launching 8.2 and no one will see the result of the update and transition to 8.3, because the bases will still be launched on the 8.2 platform.

At startup, the 1C: Enterprise clientsearches for a client license. The license search algorithm is not so trivial. Below is the given algorithm for various launch modes of "1C: Enterprise", as well as an algorithm for searching for a license when starting the server "1C: Enterprise", for the version "1C: Enterprise" 8.3 (license search algorithm for 1C: Enterprise version 8.2 I described).

1. Thick and thin clients, file version of information security

At startup, "1C: Enterprise", if connected to a file

1CEStart.cfg added parameter UseHwLicenses = 0.

2. Thick and thin clients, client-server version of information security

At startup, 1C: Enterprise, if connected to a client-server infobase, can launch (search for a license) according to the following algorithm (if the required license is found at any step, further search stops):

˟ HASP protection key search can be disabled if the configuration file contains 1CEStart.cfg added parameter UseHwLicenses = 0.

3. Web client, file version of information security

At startup (browser), "1C: Enterprise", in the case of connecting to the fileinfobase, performs the ability to launch (search for a license) according to the following algorithm (if at any step the required license is found, further search is terminated):

4. Web client, client-server version of information security

At startup (browser), "1C: Enterprise", in the case of connecting to the client-serverinfobase, performs the ability to launch (search for a license) according to the following algorithm (if at any step the required license is found, further search is terminated):

5. Starting the server "1C: Enterprise"

When a client application connects to, a server license is checked according to the following algorithm (if the required license is found at any step, further search stops):

6. Web services

No CALs are required to run Web services. However, if the infobase that provides Web services runs in a client-server version, you need a server license to work.

7. Conclusion

A software license file is considered available for use if:

  • Not blacklisted.
  • Has the correct format.
  • Tied to the current computer.
  • Contains a free license.
  • No other license files obtained for the same PIN code and program serial number are used on the network. If such a situation is detected, the license file is rendered unusable and placed on the blacklist.

As you can see from the diagram, licenses provided with and with the help , can be folded and used at the same time. In case of sharing, the software licenses will be used first, and then the licenses from the HASP keys.

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Platforms: 1C: Enterprise 8.3, 1C: Enterprise 8.2, 1C: Enterprise 8.1
Configurations: All configurations


As you know, clients do not provide an opportunity to select a base. They are started by specifying special parameters on the command line. You can also create a ".bat" file and write in it a direct launch of 1C with the necessary parameters. It is a plain text file with the extension ".txt" replaced by ".bat". Consider these parameters of 1C. Using the parameters, you can run the 1C program without any extra effort. In addition, this option is very fast.

This launch method is extremely convenient when there is a need to constantly launch several copies of the 1C program on behalf of various users. This need often arises when testing a single database. In this state of affairs, without creating a corresponding ".bat" file, the startup procedure will be very inconvenient and time-consuming.

Let's consider some 1C parameters that may be useful to you when working: for network 1C, file 1C and new (thin client).

Starting a database that is already in the list of databases - parameters:

C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ common \ 1cestart.exe ENTERPRISE / IBName"BaseName in the list"/ NUser / Ppassword

In this case, the 1C starter is launched. Mode - "enterprise", the name of the target database is already in the list of 1C databases.

Direct launch (file option) without entering user and password

C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe ENTERPRISE / F "C: \ Base1" / NUser / Ppassword

Here the fat client is launched with a direct path to the base directory. It doesn't matter if the target base is on the list. Mode - "Enterprise".

Direct launch (network option) without entering user and password

C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe ENTERPRISE / S "ServerComputerName \ BaseNameOnServer1C" / NUser / Ppassword

The same story as in the previous paragraph, only for the network version of 1C.

Launching the configuration for the "Trade Management" thin client in the thick client mode

C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe ENTERPRISE / RunModeOrdinaryApplication

Launching external processing directly at the start of 1C

C: \ Program Files \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe ENTERPRISE /Execute "FullPathToProcessFile.epf"

Upload base to file

File version: C: \ Program Files \ 1cv81 \ bin \ 1cv8.exe "config / F" C: \ bases1c \ BUH \ Titan "/ N" Admin "/ DumpIB" C: \ Buh_Titan_% date% .dt

Server version: C: \ Program Files \ 1cv81 \ bin \ 1cv8.exe "config / S" Server \ AtlantBuh "/ N" Admin "/ DumpIB" C: \ Buh_Titan_% date% .dt

Command line options for specifying startup options

/@<имя файла>
path to the file with command line parameters.

/ F<Путь>
path to the file infobase (excluding the file name).

/ S<Адрес>
the address of the infobase stored on the 1C: Enterprise 8.x server is as follows:

<Имя компьютера, работающего сервером приложений> \ <Ссылочное имя информационной базы, известное в рамках сервера 1С:Предприятия 8.x>

/ N<Имя>
Username. Should be specified in the same way as in the Configurator

/ P<Пароль>
the password of the user whose name is specified in the / N parameter. Optional parameter

/ WA-
prohibiting the use of Windows authentication at the start of Enterprise or the Configurator

/ WA +
setting the mandatory use of Windows authentication at the start of 1C: Enterprise or the Configurator. If the / WA switch is not specified, it is assumed that the / WA + command line parameter is used

/ AU-
prohibition of displaying the question about updating the current version of 1C: Enterprise from the administrative installation

/ AU +
setting the output of the question about updating the current version of 1C: Enterprise from the administrative installation. If the / AU switch is not specified, it is assumed that the / AU + command line parameter is used

/ Out<Имя файла>[-NoTruncate]
installation of a file for displaying service messages. If the NoTruncate key is specified (separated by a space), the file is not cleared

/ L<Каталог>
a directory of localized interface resources is specified (for example, "RU")

/ DisableStartupMessages
Suppresses startup messages: “The database configuration does not match the saved configuration. Continue?"; “Your computer is not powerful enough to edit the configuration help. To edit the Help, you need to install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. "; “Your computer's capabilities are not enough for editing html documents, including help topics. To edit html-documents, you need to install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher. In this launch, editing html-documents will not be available. "

/ C<Строка текста>
passing parameter to configuration

Not used for basic versions:
UC<Код доступа>
Establishing a connection to an infobase on which a connection blocking is set. If a non-empty access code was specified when blocking, then to establish a connection, you must specify this code in the / UC parameter.

/ RunShortcut<имя файла>
launch of the 1C: Enterprise 8.1 system with a list of infobases obtained using the specified file. The file can be a file of the list of common infobases (* .v8i), or a shortcut file of infobases (* .v8l).

/ IBConnectionString
specifying the entire infobase connection string, in the form in which it is returned by the InformationBaseConnectionString () function. Portions of the connection string can be overridden by pre-existing parameters. To do this, you need / IBConnectionString to be on the command line before them. When passing a connection string as a command line parameter, remember that the connection string contains quotes. Therefore, it is required to enclose the entire string in quotes, and double the quotes contained within.

/ SLev
the level of security of the client's connection with the 1C: Enterprise server. / SLev0 - unsecured connection; / SLev1 - secure connection only during authentication; / SLev2 - secure connection for the entire session. If not specified, it is equivalent to / SLev0.

indicates that 1C: Enterprise is launched in debug mode.

/ DebuggerURL
identification of the debugger to which the application should connect immediately after launch. Specifies the debugger URL (protocol, computer, and port number) where remote objects can be created in the debugger.

/ SAOnRestart
ask for a password when restarting the system from this session. By default, no password is requested.

/ Execute<имя файла внешней обработки >
is designed to start external processing in 1C: Enterprise mode immediately after the system starts.

/ Logui
designed to launch a client application to create on the user's computer in the application files folder% APPDATA% \ 1C \ 1Cv81 \<Уникальный идентификатор ИБ>\ logui.txt "file logui.txt, which will log all user interaction (keystrokes, mouse clicks).

/ SchJobDn
manages the execution of the assigned tasks. Possible values ​​are "Y" or "N". "Y" - the execution of scheduled tasks will be prohibited for the created infobase.

Configurator batch mode command line parameters

/ DumpIB<Имя файла>
unloading an infobase in command mode

/ RestoreIB<Имя файла>
loading infobase in command mode

/ DumpCfg<имя cf файла>
saving configuration to file

/ LoadCfg<имя cf файла>

/ UpdateDBCfg [-WarningsAsErrors]

updating the database configuration. If the WarningsAsErrors key is specified (separated by a space), then all warning messages will be treated as errors
/ DumpDBCfg<имя cf файла>
saving database configuration to file

/ RollbackCfg
return to database configuration

/ CheckModules
do syntactic control

/ UpdateCfg<имя_файла>
updating a supported configuration. FileName is the name of the .cf or .cfu file.

/ IBCheckAndRepair [-ReIndex]
[-LogIntergrity] [-RecalcTotals]
[-TestOnly | [-BadRefCreate |
-BadRefClear | -BadRefNone]
[-BadDataCreate |

test and fix the infobase

1C version 8.3 is becoming more widespread. In this regard, more and more users of this platform are faced with a problem when opening it. So adding a new user and then trying to log in under it very often turns out to be the error "There is no permission to run the required type of client." This happens due to the fact that this user does not have the minimum set of rights to run the program. This problem is solved by assigning the necessary rights to the problem user through the configurator. You will learn exactly how to do this in this article.

How to eliminate the error "No rights to launch the required type of client 1c 8.3"?

If there is not a single user in the list that opens, then you need to create it by specifying a name, password and checking the "Full rights" box.

If users are displayed and there is a problematic one among them, then by opening it with a double click, you need to assign it the required roles. Be sure to mark "Start thick client", "Start thin client" and "Start external connection".

Selecting the required role for the user

Mandatory user roles

If the list of available roles does not include "Run thick client", "Run thin client" and "Run external connection", you need to open the role assigned to the user in the configurator, for example, "Basic rights" and set the client types "Thick "," Thin "," Web ".

Selecting a role assigned to a user in the configurator

So, we have one or several infobases (configurations) 1C 8.2, which we often use, and we are already tired of running the standard database selection window every time, select our infobase and specify the application launch mode. Today we will learn how to launch our infobase in the 1C: Enterprise and Configurator modes with one click of the mouse!

In fact, we will learn how to create separate shortcuts for our infobases, by clicking on which you can immediately launch our configuration in the desired mode.

To create a shortcut for launching 1C Enterprise 8.2, we will have to follow 3 steps:

1. Open the directory,where the 1C executable files are located (see below) and select the file depending on which client we want to run:

2. While holding down the right mouse button, move the executable file to the desktop. As a result, we will see a window with options for actions. We choose Create shortcuts.

3. As a result, a shortcut to launch 1C: Enterprise 8.2 appears on our desktop. Select the shortcut and right-click. Select properties from the pop-up menu. In field An object prescribing launch parameters for 1C Enterprise 8.2.

Launching a thin client in 1C: Enterprise mode

"1cv8c.exe" / F С: \ OurBase

A thin client can only be launched in 1C: Enterprise mode!

Launching a thick client in 1C: Enterprise mode

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe "ENTERPRISE / F C: \ OurBase

Launching a thick client in Configurator mode

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe "CONFIG / F C: \ OurBase

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \- the directory where the 1C executable files are located:

  • 1Cv8.exe - thick client executable file;
  • 1Cv8с.exe - thin client executable file.

In a standard system installation, this file is located in the% PROGRAMFILES% \ 1cv82 \\ bin directory.
Example file location for Windows 7: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \

ENTERPRISE or CONFIG defines the startup mode:

  • ENTERPRISE - 1C: Enterprise mode;
  • CONFIG - Configurator mode.

/ F C: \ OurBase
After the / F key, the path to the 1C infobase being launched (in the file version) is indicated. If the path contains spaces, for example, C: \ Our Base 2, then it must be enclosed in quotes: / F "C: \ Our Base 2".

For the client-server option, the / S key is used instead of the / F key
/ S "Srv \ bas", where

  • Srv - name or IP-address of the computer on which the 1C Enterprise Server is installed;
  • bas is the name of the infobase.

Optionally, you can specify user login credentials:

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv82 \ \ bin \ 1cv8.exe " ENTERPRISE / F C: \ OurBase / N Abdulov / P Password

  • Abdulov - username in the 1C system. Should be specified in the same way as in the list of users created in the Configurator.
  • Password - the password of the user whose name is specified in the / N parameter. If the user does not have a password, this parameter can be omitted.

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