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Control panel options for folders view. Configuring folder settings and sharing

In this article, I want to talk about the ability to change the display settings for files and folders in Windows operating systems. Using these parameters, you can, for example, enable the display of hidden files and folders, file extensions, configure options for displaying the list of files in various folders. I know that many newbies do not know how to disable the display of hidden and system files in the system, but they sometimes get in the way. The same goes for file extensions. Many are more comfortable when they are visible, while others are the opposite. Therefore, everyone needs to be able to configure these parameters, and I will talk about this in this article.

I will show on the example of the latest development of operating systems from Microsoft - Windows 10. There are no serious differences in Windows 8 and Windows 7.

Where to configure display options for files and folders

You can customize the display settings for files and folders in different ways, but the fastest way to do this is through the standard Windows Explorer.

To start Windows Explorer, press the key combination Win + S. The Windows search will open, in which we type “Explorer” (1) and open the program that appears in the search results (2).

The main settings for displaying files and folders are located on the "View" tab in Explorer.

It is in this menu that you will find most of the parameters for files and folders.

There are also additional settings for the parameters of files and folders. To get into them, in the "View" tab, open the "Options" menu (1) and click "Change folder and search parameters" (2).

In the window that opens, on the "View" tab, additional settings for files and folders will be displayed.

Now let's look at how to enable and disable the display of hidden and system files in Windows, as well as file extensions.

Enabling / disabling the display of hidden and system files and folders in Windows

Let's say that we have enabled the display of hidden and system files and folders in our system. They look translucent. Example:

Sometimes displaying hidden files and folders is annoying, because there can be a lot of them due to the fact that the system creates them for its own needs. As a result, many users ask the questions “What kind of files are these? And what is this folder? I didn’t create anything ”.

The system has just hidden files and folders (they can be hidden manually), and there are those that are created by the system and are called "system". They will also appear as hidden.

To disable the display of simply hidden files and folders, in the view menu, select "Show or hide" (1) and in the menu that appears, uncheck the "Hidden items" checkbox (2).

As a result, all hidden, as well as system files and folders will no longer be displayed.

In general, it makes no sense to enable their display. Only if you intentionally hide files and folders from someone, and then turn them on, you will be able to view all of them. But more often than not, the display of hidden files and folders is turned on either by users by mistake, or as a result of some kind of virus infection.

If you need to make the selected files and folders hidden, then this is done very easily. You need to select the necessary files and folders, right-click and select "Properties".

In the window that opens, mark the item "Hidden" (1), then click "Apply" (2) and "OK" (3).

But, as I mentioned above, files can also be system files, and using the above described method of disabling hidden files and folders, you may still have hidden system files and folders visible. To disable them, open them, in the "View" menu, check the "Hide protected system files (recommended)" box.

Then we apply the settings. Hidden system files will no longer be displayed.

Accordingly, if you need them to be displayed, then uncheck this box.

Enabling / disabling the display of file extensions

Each file has an extension, which usually has 3-4 letters and is appended to the end of each file name after a period. Example:

In the example above, I just circled the file extensions. Extension is a type of file by which we can determine which program to open a given file. For example, files with the ".txt" extension are text files that can be opened with Windows Notepad and other text editors. The doc, docx files are files of the Microsoft Word program, which is a text editor. And jpg, png, gif and others are image files. I think the meaning is clear ...

And the fact is that showing extensions for files in Windows can be enabled or disabled. Here as it is convenient for anyone. It is usually easier for beginners to work with disabled file extensions, because when extensions are enabled, they can be accidentally changed when renaming, and then the file will stop opening altogether. Therefore, when extensions are disabled, newbies will not accidentally rename the extension itself instead of the file name. And for more experienced or professional users it is more convenient to work with the included extensions, since this way they can quickly change the file extensions to the ones they need, if necessary, without unnecessary actions.

It is very easy to enable or disable showing extensions for files and folders. In Windows Explorer, you also need to open the "View" tab, select the "Show or hide" menu (1), and then check or uncheck the "File name extensions" option (2).


Do not forget about other options for displaying files and folders that may be useful to you. It makes no sense to talk about each of them, since there are a lot of them and few people are interested in them all. I myself, in principle, only use the ability to hide files and folders and enable / disable the ability to display them. Newbies may also want to hide or show file extensions, which are also covered in this article.

Have a nice day and great mood!

Windows 10, like many other operating systems, has many configurable options, including adjusting and managing folders, and display properties of their contents. Managing and configuring directories in "Windows 10" contains more extensive functions than in other operating systems. There are several ways to enter these settings.

Directory settings in Windows 10 and where they are located

First of all, one should understand and distinguish between general and personal parameters. General settings are applicable to any folders on the computer, and personalized settings are used only for a specific directory. For selective folders, the adjustment of view modes is the same as in similar operating systems.

To do this, right-click on the required directory in the integrated explorer. If a global setting or change of key settings for a directory is needed, other methods are used.

Opening All Folder Management Mode in Windows 10

In the operating system, access to directory parameters is carried out in two similar ways, analogous to each other. The easiest way to manage directories in "Windows 10" opens in the installed "Explorer" when you select the item - "File", it selects the section - "Options". The same menu can be opened using the "View" section (in the same explorer), after pressing the "Parameters" key.

The next method assumes a use that can be easily accessed by entering the "control" command in the search menu or in the command execution line by pressing the "Win + R" keys. Having gained access to the snap-in, you need to select the "Explorer" section of the settings

where folder properties in Windows 10 you can adjust and change as you see fit. If you need to display hidden or system files by section, by selecting the category "design and personalization", go to the "Explorer" options.

Management capabilities

Changing and managing basic settings is very extensive and opens up many possibilities for the user. In the general parameters menu, you can configure the type of directory launch (with one or two mouse clicks, opening in one or in other windows), enable the display of regularly used folders in the "quick access panel" or in the file manager panel.

The most extensive assortment of parameters can be found on the "view" tab. Here, in addition to the already known parameters for hiding and showing an object, there are a couple of little-known user settings.

For example, to expand the scanning field with an antivirus system or search, enable the display of system and protected files. Additionally, you can enable the call to "Explorer" independently of other processes, as well as use the "Shared Wizard".

All changes made to the parameters are applied only to the current location, unless you use the "For all folders" button.

In addition, in the search management in the corresponding section, you can select the preferred default settings by analyzing directories and directories. In general, it is not difficult and convenient to personalize all folders and directories as desired.

Many have wondered why Windows works the way it does and not some other way. Surely there are some rebels who would like to open a folder with a single click, and select with hover or double. Or maybe someone wants hidden folders to stop being such and find out all the secrets of the users of this computer. It turns out that such features (and others too) are implemented in Windows 10 and earlier operating systems, and you can change these or those settings of "Explorer" with just a few mouse clicks.

General information about "Explorer parameters"

"Explorer Options" is a special setup environment, the main purpose of which is to customize the opening, search and appearance of directories in "Explorer". If we go to a more understandable language, then the Windows file manager management interface is responsible for:

  • methods for opening folders;
  • displaying different types of directories in the explorer;
  • search for information on files and folders during user requests.

How to open File Explorer Settings in Windows 10

As with any settings interface in Windows, File Explorer Options can be opened in several ways:

  • using the control.exe folders command in the executing program (win + R) or in the command line terminal; Press the key combination Win + R, enter the command control.exe folders and click OK
  • through the "Control Panel":
  • through the Windows search: we register "Explorer Options" and open the best result. In the search for Windows, write "Explorer Options" and open the best result
  • using an open folder:

Description of the "Explorer Options" Tabs

The Explorer Options interface is divided into three tabs: General, View, Search. This was done for ease of use and grouping of settings.

General Tab

"General" settings have only three settings columns:

View Tab

The "View" tab is the most voluminous in terms of the number of installations. It is a single dialog box with a whole list of settings in the form of toggle switches and checkboxes. Here you can customize the appearance of files and folders, as well as hide individual categories of directories.

The "View" tab is responsible for displaying folders in "Explorer"

Search Tab

Search configures the basic options that control the sorting of folders when prompted for a search. Information detection can be set in archives, system folders, and also search directly inside files and documents. In addition, it is possible to use indexing or refuse it.

The "Search" tab configures the basic parameters for searching in the system

How to customize the display of hidden folders in Windows 10

Hidden folders in Windows 10 are used in several cases. Basically, these are system files or directories that are hidden by the user himself from prying eyes. The display is configured in the "View" tab by switching the toggle switch.

How easy it was in windows XP. This function was called "Folder Options" and was in three clicks. Those who are accustomed to this name on windows XP do not immediately find these properties in windows 7 at first. Why is it necessary to rename everything and hide it so deeply? And if you look at it from the other side, what would I be writing about now?

And so, you bought a computer, installed it, created it just in case, taken_to * from site * taken from site now let's get down to improvement and comfort (is there such a word?).

Now let's quickly customize the look of the folders. There are three options for accessing the Folder Options.

The first way

Open any folder, at the top left click on "Organize" => "Folder and Search Options"

Second way

A special way for fans of windows XP (I'm also a fan) is again "Arrange" => "View" => "Menu bar".

This is our handy XPish menu bar. And here we already have "Help" and "Service" with "Folder Options".

The third way

We go: "Start" => "Control Panel", some of them are habitually looking for the toolbar in windows 7, sorry, now this is the "Control Panel" by flight 🙂 taken from lady- * win.ru_ taken * from site... and here again confusion or "Wealth of choice"?
There are two options to get to our parameter on this tab.



This was all the third method, branched into two options. Are you confused?

Well, this is our cherished window. I set myself the following parameters: "Open with one click" - it's hard for me to get extra clicks. I looked, some of them were banging on the mouse with might and main - "... two clicks or five, even does not open." Well, let them knock, and we will open folders and files with one click.

I only have "underline signatures" on hover, otherwise this underline looks clumsy on the screen, it seems to me so.

View tab

Here taken from the lady-w * in.ru_taken from the site this "Apply to Folders" button transforms the look of folders in one fell swoop. You can choose how all folders will be displayed in one viewport from the following list: "Content", "Tile", "Table", "List" ... "Large icons" ...

Before clicking on the "Apply to folders" button, close this "Folder Options" window altogether. Go to your working folder and configure.

My choice is "List", this view contains a lot of files in one overview window. From "Large Icons" I look at pictures. Well, yes, I have to constantly switch manually because the "List" is more important to me.

We chose to display the files, go back to "Folder Options" and press our cherished button taken from * taken * from site Apply to folders. Now you have all-all folders will be displayed as you like.

So, what is still important for us on the "View" tab. Most likely, there is one check mark that interferes with normal operation, which needs to be removed. "Hide extensions for registered file types" - uncheck the box. Who even thought of hiding anything from us?

But in the lines "Hide files protected by the system" and "Do not show hidden files and folders", let the checkmarks remain. We will sometimes remove them for a while for business. Some people ask "How to see hidden files and folders?", And now you know.

These were the main, practically vital "Folder options", the rest of the parameters taken * from * site_taken from site you can expose at your own discretion. If something is not clear, ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. Next time I'll tell you about and

Any object in Windows has properties that can be used by the file system to identify it. And properties of a folder (directory / directory) are no exception in this sense. True, not all users know how to access them, view or change settings, not to mention situations when the call line for these parameters disappears in the most ordinary context menu. Read about this and much more in the material below.

Windows Folder Properties: General Description

To begin with, not everyone realizes that in the Windows systems themselves, there are not one, but two partitions for viewing and editing directory parameters.

Folder properties in Windows 10 or any other OS of this class refer exclusively to general parameters such as organizing the display of the view, setting up search, organizing directories and some additional options.

The second section is a personalized menu for each individual directory, where you can find equally interesting parameters and, if necessary, even change the access rights to the object you are looking for.

How do I open the properties of a folder to make general settings?

First, let's take a look at how to access general settings and options. You can call the properties of a folder in Windows 7 or another system either through the "Explorer", the organizing menu or the service, or through the "Control Panel" (section of folder options), or through the "Run" menu (the Control Folders command). Either option opens the same settings window with three tabs.

The general settings tab contains the main parameters related to the opening methods and the navigation area.

On the view tab, you can change the display options for individual elements, reset options, or set the current directory settings for all others.

Separately, it is worth noting the item of permanent display of the "Explorer" menu in the folder properties, so as not to call it every time.

Viewing information for individual directories

Now a few words about the section that corresponds to each individual directory. Folder properties are called through the RMB menu. There are a few more parameters here.

General settings contain information about the directory (creation date, size, number of attached files and additional attributes like hiding an object, setting read-only parameters, indexing content, etc.).

On the access tab, you can allow general use of the current directory (for example, if the computer is located in a local or virtual network).

The settings tab contains tools for optimizing and personalizing the view, such as setting an image for a catalog in the display mode as large icons.

The tab of previous versions is not of particular interest to us, but the security section deserves special attention.

It is in it that you can completely change the access rights to the object, setting priorities or canceling them, as well as change the owner, which can be used in cases where access to the directory is completely blocked for some reason.

Setting additional settings

Additional settings for folder properties can be viewed on the general tab. However, here the default parameters, in principle, can not be changed.

Noteworthy is the point of compression to save space on the hard disk or in a logical partition, as well as the data encryption permission string to prevent unauthorized access.

What if the property bar disappeared from the context menu?

Finally, let's consider a situation when access to the properties of a directory from "Explorer" through the RMB menu is impossible due to the fact that there is simply no such item. It can be restored quite simply using Group Policy.

First, call the editor (command gpedit.msc in the Run console). In the custom configuration, use the sections of administrative templates and system components, after which, on the right side of the editor, select the option to turn off directory properties in Explorer, enter the parameters editing and activate the Disabled line.

Similar actions are performed in the system registry, but only here the NoFolderOptions parameter is selected, which must be removed (as shown in the image above). By and large, that the registry, that group policies duplicate each other, but the actions in the registry have a higher priority. In other words, if you set some parameters in it, you will not be able to change similar settings in group policies. But the parameters set in the policies can be changed in the registry.

Instead of a total

This is, in a nutshell, all about directory properties. Of course, the basic settings were considered only from a general point of view. But changing the access rights to such objects deserves special attention. For example, knowledge of the use of such options can very often be useful for removing catalogs of viruses, which cannot be eliminated by conventional methods. Granting additional rights for the ability to edit system folders is also useful if it is impossible to edit some Windows settings that will not be available to a user without administrator privileges. In general, there are enough parameters and settings in both sections, so they can be set in such a way as to optimize the display of any directory, as they say, for yourself, not to mention allowing or denying access, hiding any object, compressing or setting encryption of content.

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