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Panbagon. Different conditions on the fields "Password" and "Password Confirmation"

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue talking about safe ways to work with WebMoney electronic money, which are ways. In the first publication, I told about my own sad experience.

In fact, the problem of security when working with WebMoney is very acute and in the first article I advised you to pay attention to the security settings that can be done through the Security system, namely blocking access by IP. But there is an even stronger and more radical tool - Enum Storage.

Connect Enum to WebMoney and sleep well

Today I just want to talk about this, almost one hundred percent, protection of my wallets. The E-num authorization system has become such a kind of panacea, the essence of which is to use a mobile phone or a fingerprint scanner to confirm any payment, transfer or authentication.

In the simplest case of using it to confirm a payment, transfer or authentication, an SMS with several numbers will be sent to your mobile phone, which will become the key to confirm the action you are taking. It will be harder for attackers to access these messages than it is to access your email.

Now you can forget about yours, Keeper Light or, and carry out the operations you need with electronic money from absolutely any computer and without remembering any passwords.

The main device that replaces both the keeper, the key file, and the password set will be your own mobile phone(in some and , this authorization method is used by default).

A very good idea that allows you to bring the issue of securing payments in WebMoney to the area that is considered inaccessible to hackers by default - the mobile phone.

When using the Enum system, there are no links to a knowingly vulnerable data transmission channel (Internet), so the issue of hacking becomes very difficult, for example, for those radishes that stole money from my WM wallet. In any case, I really hope so.

But even with absolute impenetrability for hacking, it will not guarantee you one hundred percent protection. There are examples of the successful use of social engineering so that the user working through Enum himself takes actions that allow hackers to gain access to electronic money.

But this can no longer be foreseen in advance, because at times we are all so wrapped up that we are able to do some actions simply on the machine, without wondering about the expected consequences. This is psychology, and the criminals involved in this type of fraud are quite good at it.

Let's now see what Enum Storage is in practice, in relation to your WebMoney wallets and your mobile phone.

Let's consider possible authorization methods depending on the device you are using (mobile phone model or fingerprint scanner) and how your phone number and mailbox address are linked. And finally, we will set up the use of Enum in the keeper instead of the authorization traditionally accepted in WebMoney.

Registration in the E-num system

To get started, you need to go registration(we will assume that you have already chosen a method and received a WMID).

At the same time, naturally, indicate your true data, because the case is connected with money and you may always need to confirm your identity. Pay close attention to the security question, which will help you restore the ability to manage your WebMoney money after losing access to the phone number specified during registration (anything happens, you know).

Please note that the second option is not suitable for all phone models, but only for Android, Windows Mobile, iPhone/iPad, or Java support (but it seems that only for Symbian).

And then an SMS with an activation code will be sent to the specified cell phone number and, if you have chosen the Enum type of authorization through a mobile client, you will also be provided with a WAP link, by clicking on which you can download a mobile client (a smartphone program that allows you to further increase security of work compared to sending ordinary SMS messages with a key).

Unfortunately, my phone is not suitable for installing the “Mobile Client” (it is already old, but terribly convenient), so I have to be content with SMS messages with an authorization code. But if your phone allows you to install the program, then do it without hesitation, because it will make Enum Storage even more invulnerable, and also allow you to save a little.

The fact is that for each SMS sent to your mobile phone when making a payment or transfer to WebMoney via Enum, you will be charged a commission equivalent to 0.05WMZ.

Plus, when choosing an authorization method via SMS messages, there is a limit of 5 messages per day, which you can use to authenticate on WebMoney sites or to enter the Keeper Classic program (this option is activated in the keeper settings).

Now, on the main page, select the “Account” item from the left menu and you will be asked to carry out your first authorization on the Enum website using the method you have chosen:

Thus, you marked the beginning of a whole stage in your work with WebMoney currencies, because you got the opportunity to safely carry out following operations:

Setting up entry through Enum to keepers and WebMoney sites

Now let's look at how to set up all this splendor. Ideally, in order to achieve absolute security of work, you will need to set up mandatory authorization through Enum Storage when performing all possible operations, then hackers will not have a single chance of hacking.

Let's start by saying that it is possible to set up the entry to the keeper you are using (Classic, Light or Mini) through this system. Why might this be necessary? Well, in principle, it will be much easier and certainly safer to log in to the keeper not by entering a password and a key file, but only by entering a key received on a mobile phone.

In order for such login to Keeper Classic became a reality, you need to configure the transfer of the key file storage location to the so-called E-num Storage (which will be impossible for hackers to reach).

And you should also enter your registration E-mail and select the Enum authorization method you use from the drop-down list (in my case, this is an SMS message) in the Keeper Classic settings: "Tools" - "Program Options" - the "Security" tab.

Confirm your actions using the method you just selected. That's it, now when you enter the program, you will need to select the "E-num Storage" option in the "Access key storage location" field, after which you can log in to it via SMS, a mobile client or a fingerprint scanner.

In addition, if you install Keeper Classic on another computer where there is no key file, this way of logging into Keeper via Enum will still allow you to successfully work with this program.

You can make similar settings in WebMoney Keeper Light. To do this, you will first need to log in to it in the usual way using the Transfer certificate, and then select "Settings" - "Program settings" - the "Security" tab in the menu:

In the "Use for login" field, check the "Enum-authorization" field and on the next page indicate the mailbox to which your account is linked (in Enum). Next, log in using SMS or the other two options. Everything is very simple, as you can see.

Authorization through Enum on sites and payment in Merchant

Now let's see how you can make it so that you can carry out transactions with money and log in to their sites without starting the keeper. To get started, you will need to go to the service WebMoney Security by logging in using the Classic program or any other way to manage your accounts (Mini or Lite).

Go to the "E-Num authorization" tab and on the page that opens, enter the name of the mailbox to which your account on the Enuma service is linked. After that, you will be asked to authenticate using SMS or the other two options to confirm your ownership of this account.

That, in fact, is all, now you can enter any WebMoney system sites through ENum and make payments without using keeper, which is very convenient and, most importantly, much more secure.

If you suddenly want to start working again through WM Keeper, then re-enter this page of the Security service and click on the "deny authorization" button:

But you probably don't have to do this, because it's quite convenient to use Enum. Now just open the last tab:

And select the login method you use from the drop-down list (in my case, this is SMS) and perform all the necessary authorization operations using a mobile phone.

Let me remind you that you can log in using SMS no more than 5 times a day (because they are sent free of charge to you, and the WebMoney giant cannot afford to be generous indefinitely). When using the Enum client, there will be no restrictions on the number of inputs.

If you pay for services or make a purchase through the WebMoney Merchant system, then you also have the opportunity to select the Enum authorization option from the tabs offered:

This is followed by the standard login procedure, using the method you choose (SMS, mobile client or fingerprint scanner). Let me remind you that for sending an SMS in this case (when paying for a product or service), you will be charged an additional commission in the amount equivalent to 0.05WMZ for each operation performed. When using the client, no commission is charged.

Confirmation of all transactions in WebMoney via E-num

In order to achieve absolute security in working with electronic money, it will be possible to include mandatory confirmation of all ongoing operations (transactions) through Enum. In this case, the attacker will not be able to perform any action without your knowledge, because only you will have access to the mobile phone.

True, the work in this case becomes somewhat paranoid, but what can you do for your peace of mind. So, you will again need to go to WebMoney Security and go to the "Confirmation of operations" tab.

Next, you will need to click on the "Connect" button opposite the Enum authorization method that you use, and on the next page, confirm your choice by clicking on the power button. Well, at the end you will be prompted to log in using the method you have chosen.

Now all operations in the WebMoney system will require fiddling with a mobile phone or a fingerprint scanner, which will be somewhat tedious for you, but your WM wallets will become simply impenetrable for hacking.

It is a pity that I do not have the opportunity to try the mobile client in action due to an outdated phone, but it is possible that I will soon change it to a modern model.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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An important feature of most electronic payment systems is authorization. The simpler, more reliable and more convenient it is, the better. The Webmoney system is distinguished by several authorization options, one of which is E-num. The E-num Webmoney tool makes it much easier to work with the system. If you are interested in how to use it, then the article may be useful.

Enum represents an authorization system that allows you to access a number of WebMoney Transfer services using a secret key. For normal operation of the authorization system, a unique key must be stored on the user's device (tablet, smartphone, etc.). Since you can activate the system without difficulty, you will open all its possibilities.

The system has a high level of security, which allows you to use all WebMoney Transfer services without the risk of losing data from different devices. Since it is not difficult to connect it, this greatly increases its popularity.

Why is it needed?

  1. Registration in the system, restoration of access to the account.
  2. One of the ways to access WM Keeper. Using the method, there is no need to store WMID access keys on the local device. They are stored in a special service storage. This greatly improves security.
  3. As a tool for confirming financial transactions carried out in the WebMoney system. Security is an important point, and Enum in this sense is a good solution and can significantly improve it.
  4. Additional authorization in the service. Used when logging into an account to perform certain tasks. Among them, setting up security, transferring funds within the system, issuing funds on a credit exchange within the system.

How to use?

To register in the system, you need:

  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number;
  • mobile device.

If you use enum , then you do not need to store WMID access keys on the device.


There may be system failures that can adversely affect operation. But they are quickly corrected. If you do not know how to link the system to the device, you can contact technical support. Our experts will help you resolve issues as soon as possible.

Video "Confirmation method in the Webmoney system"

From this video you will learn about the method of confirming e-num in the previously discussed payment system.

There are many articles on the Internet on the topic of WebMoney wallet security, telling what the user needs to do to protect their electronic money. A lot of good and useful recommendations can be found in this article or on the official website. However, today we would like to dwell on the simplest and, perhaps, the safest means of protecting money on WM Keeper Claassic from fraudsters - the E-NUM service.

Key storage

Modern Trojans (spy viruses that do not directly harm your computer, but only steal your information) can not only read the passwords that you store in a Word file (you don’t store passwords in a Word file, do you?), but also record everything that you type from the keyboard, but also transfer files to attackers. It's not about your collection of audiobooks or music. They transfer small files - just like .kwm keys. Standard recommendations - to store keys on removable media such as a flash drive really reduce the risk of "withdrawal" of the file, but do not nullify it.

Therefore, in order not to suffer with storing the .kwm file on a separate flash drive, which you would use only for WebMoney, WebMoney Keeper Classic offers the ability to store the key file in Enum-Storage or E-NUM storage. It's simple, convenient and safe.

How to connect E-NUM?

First you need to register in E-NUM, indicating your valid e-mail address during registration. It is not at all necessary that the address matches the address specified when registering with WebMoney (for the completely paranoid, it is even better that these are different addresses).

Then you should install the E-NUM client for mobile (your mobile will most likely be supported, because the client is a cross-platform Java application) using the link that you will receive by mail, the E-NUM client for fingerprints or select "Question - Answer using SMS. More about the last method.

Launch your WM Keeper Classic and wait for the connection to the server.

In the menu "Tools" > "Program Options", open the "Security" tab. Choose "Enum-storage" as the storage location for your keys:

Confirm the operation by clicking "OK" and entering the check digits on the image. Be sure to read the text of the warning and confirm your agreement:

In the window that appears, enter the email address specified during registration in the E-NUM system and select the authorization method:

works even easier, but has a limit of 3 SMS messages per day.

What is Enum and how does it work?

Many associate E-num technology exclusively with WebMoney electronic money. Without even going into details, what is E-num and how it works. This technology was created not only for electronic money and today has about 3 million users around the world. The number of users is growing rapidly, because E-num is an innovative authorization service that provides a high level of protection.

What is E-num

E-num is used for authorization in the system and for authorization of the most significant actions. This statement is true not only for WebMoney, but also for any other services that have connected E-num. The technology allows you to authorize the user or any of his actions. Authorization is as secure as possible, since to complete the operation you need to enter a secret key that comes to the client's phone.

How the technology works

E-num technology can be compared to 3D-Secure banking technology. In both cases, mobile phones and secret keys are involved. When using E-num technology, the phone receives a number that is the only correct answer for the operation. This number must be entered in the form on the site or in the keeper. The most popular service using this technology is WebMoney.

WebMoney allows you to use technology for authorization in the system in order to gain access to your wallets, as well as to confirm transfer transactions. This protects the wallet from unauthorized access. To perform transactions, you must have your phone with an E-num client, and this makes stealing your money an almost impossible task for attackers. The technology is as reliable as possible and has proven itself well over the past 6 years. But it still raises a lot of questions:

  • How to register in E-num;
  • Where to download the application;
  • How to activate;

Regardless of which site or service you use the enum, the algorithm of actions is the same. Let's consider all the questions using the WebMoney wallet as an example, since this is the most popular service that uses E-num authorization.

E-num registration

Registration is available through the official website of the system - Registration through the application is available only to owners of smartphones based on Android. To use E-num you need any smartphone or tablet running on iOS, Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry.

Registration in the system is available on the page: , you need to fill in all the fields and click on the "Continue" button.

The system will automatically send you an e-mail with a verification code. This code must be copied and entered in the form that opens.

After confirming the email address, the system will send a verification code to the phone number. The code comes to the numbers of all operators, including foreign ones. After entering the verification code, you will be prompted to download the E-num client to your smartphone or tablet.

You need to download and install the app on your smartphone or tablet. When you first start you will have to activate your account, where you will be given an activation code. Be sure to save this code, as you will need it if you want to reinstall the client on another device.

Where to download the E-num client

After registering in the system, you will be prompted to download the client from official sources. These are the only sources where you can safely download E-num. Below are the official links, you need to choose the client according to your OS:

The developers are constantly updating the client, and we strongly recommend that you keep the application in the newest state. Your money in the WebMoney system depends on this application, so it is often the subject of hacker attacks, and the latest version is usually the most secure and reliable.

How to use E-num

E-num is positioned as a universal authorization service. WebMoney is only the largest service using this technology. In addition to WebMoney, this technology is used by shops, closed portals and other Internet services that need secure authorization. As of November 2016, 2.83 million people used the system. Most of them use E-num for authorization in the WebMoney system.

How to connect E-num to WebMoney

If you want to use E-num to log in to WM Keeper, you will need to do the following:

  • Overwrite the keys in the E-num storage;
  • Restart the WM Keeper client;

Keys are overwritten using the WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) client. To do this, go to the program settings and find the "Key storage location" tab, which is located in the "Security" section. After changing the storage location, you need to log in to the system again. From now on, authorization in the system will occur in conjunction with your keeper and E-num client:

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