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Seven apps to help you make or break your love life and quickly find new acquaintances for all kinds of romantic activities


Russian roulette for lovers of dating and friendly sex without commitment. If you don't have the time or the skills to hunt for your other half, this application will significantly reduce your energy costs. His main idea goes something like this: why look for partners for sex or dates when you can do it with friends. All you have to do is tag the people you like from your friends list and friends of friends on Facebook. If their choice also falls on you, you will receive a notification about it at the same time. And then it all depends on the two of you. The only catch is that in our country only the most desperate units use this application so far, so the choice of potential victims is greatly reduced, and all your actions automatically become profitable investments in the future.

Even if you tag all your friends, only those who have expressed similar sympathy for you will know about it.

In addition to your friends, here you can also rate their friends, which, according to the developers, is even cooler and safer.

In each profile, you can see detailed information, including additional photos and mutual friends.

The Daily Picks feature offers three random friends of your friends to choose from daily.


Android users complain about the lack of a Russian-language interface.

Down does not allow you to search for specific people - in order to find a specific person and leave your mark on him, you will have to try very hard.

2. Tinder

In the modern world of gadgets and applications, to find a mate, albeit for a short time, it is not necessary to spend hours hunting for a victim in a bar or library in the old fashioned way. It is enough to launch Tinder, which, without further ado, will indicate all the closest applicants who are set to get to know each other. The most important thing is that you don’t have to do almost anything for this, just go through Facebook and specify the search parameters (age, gender, distance to the object) - after that the application will start scanning the nearest territory. If successful, you will have to move by sliding along the proposed options, fastidiously curling your lips.

It's the easiest dating app to use, no need to enter any personal details or upload photos, as it, together with Facebook, does everything for you.

The profiles of your applicants show your common interests and friends (you will have many of them), as well as several photos.

Unlike other similar applications, Tinder is used by a lot of people, so you will definitely not run out of options.


Despite the anonymity promised by the developers, when synchronizing with Facebook in Tinder, there is still a danger of exposing data that can reveal your identity. Therefore, after registration, the first thing to do is edit your profile.

Rejected profiles cannot be reviewed, just as approved ones cannot be revoked.

3. Yep!

An application that completely eliminates the need to develop any rudimentary communication skills. This is a great chance to improve your social life. By choosing your preferred pastime or seeing who wants to do what near you, you will find yourself a company in no more than one hour, during which your application will be valid. On the other hand, Yep! can be a good tool for maniacs and other perverts, so be careful.

Yep! focused on meetings here and now, so all applications are valid for no longer than an hour.

This application, unlike Pure, does not position itself as a tool for finding romantic connections - it is just a convenient way to find interlocutors and company for decent activities.

The application is completely open - anyone can learn almost everything about you. This will help not to end up in a cafe with strange personalities.

The local chat works for a limited time - you can’t pick up a week-old correspondence there, since the chat is intended solely for negotiating a meeting.

The developers promise that the application will remain free until the end of this year.


It is not possible to rank applications by gender.

You can't delete your profile photos.

4. Would Love 2

This application works on the same principle as Down: if two people on Facebook have their eyes on each other, then they receive a notification. True, unlike the competitor, WouldLove 2 relies on regular dates. However, no one will blame you if the end of a romantic meeting with roses and a waltz turns out to be even more interesting than the scenes from the movie Nymphomaniac.

Unlike Down, not only heterosexuals can find a match in this application.


When you first start the application, it takes a catastrophically long time to load - during this time you can go and make a date in the usual way. And on the iPhone, the application may even freeze forever - even reinstalling will not help.


If, after numerous romantic dates, your balance has gone negative, the situation can be quickly corrected with the help of meetings of a different nature. JustLunch allows you to find a bunch of useful business contacts in a few minutes and bring them to reality. To do this, you just need to create a meeting and describe its purpose - potential investors and business partners who are nearby will immediately reach out to you.

Proposals for meetings for the sake of sex and other pleasures, the developers promise to delete mercilessly. Although in fact, you can easily find a company here even for Thai massage.

When you search for business people who are nearby, you can see where they work. Be prepared for the fact that basically it will be CJSC "Success" or PE "Malinka".


Finding a specific location is problematic in the app, so the best way is to create an appointment using your current location.

The lack of proper moderation gives online bullies the opportunity to create meetings so delusional that JustLunch sometimes wants to be burned at the stake.


An ideal dating app focused on finding sexual partners and requiring no effort from its owners, except for a couple of clicks. To find your fate for one night, you just need to drive in your gender, indicate the gender of a potential counterpart, upload at least one photo, write a few words about yourself and wait no more than an hour. Your application for dating will be valid only during this time, and the search for a couple will be carried out within a radius of 50 kilometers from you. When you find someone you like, you'll be able to tag the person as a favorite or ask for more photos. After obtaining mutual consent in the chat, it will be possible to discuss the details. But, as you understand, in our country there is always a danger of fraud and deceit, so in no case make an appointment if you are not completely sure about the person, or at least hold it in a public place.

To start hunting for a partner, you do not need to create an account or log in through social networks.

In case of several failures, a person is blocked by the service forever, and if the outcome is positive, his rating, on the contrary, increases.

There is no place for meaningless conversations - you either accept the challenge or stay alone in the night.

The location of your potential mate is indicated quite accurately on the map in the form of a red circle, but for security reasons, its radius increases.

Pure does not store any profiles and correspondence - after an hour, all traces of your presence are completely deleted.


Unfortunately, most profiles do not have sane photos - you can see something else only if your request for more photos is answered positively.

Since this is a new and unusual experience for our country, there are many fake pictures in the application. But in this case, a confidential complaint function is provided.

Be warned: the app is addicting - even if you are not planning any sexual encounters right now, you will always be interested to know who is doing this kind of search nearby. Suddenly it's your boss!
To achieve what you want for sure, we advise you to hunt in the center of Moscow.


The most typical representative of the class of dating applications, characterized by meticulousness and meditativeness. If you do not plan to break into an urgent date for an hour, but want to explore all the possibilities in more detail, then this is your choice. With the help of Lovetime, you can choose an almost perfect pair for yourself - thanks to a large number of filters, here you can design the desired option for hours, and then look at those who fit this template. In fact, it all looks something like this: after adding minimal information about yourself and your counterpart, applicants are displayed on the screen, and you press the heart or cross, scroll further and wait for positive matches. Actually, the application does not even push you to any specific actions - the very process of building your ideal half can already bring satisfaction to most users.

In addition to basic information about yourself and the desired partner, here you can specify a bunch of additional items like weight, orientation, bad habits, and so on.

The main page has two visualization options: you can display either one photo of your potential partner in full screen, or a tile with different avatars.

The application has a gift function, however, for this you need to buy or earn coins.


Most of the Lovetime functionality is available only for money - after registration, it immediately becomes clear that the application as a whole exists solely for the sake of monetization, and not for your convenience, like, for example, Pure.

The most interesting thing is that without VIP activation, you will not see who exactly is interested in your profile, despite the fact that the total number of likes will be displayed in your Toolbar.

VIP status, which gives access to virtually all the main functions of the application, costs 100 coins per month, that is, 329 rubles.

Good afternoon! I also received a "letter of happiness" from the prince by e-mail)) Girls, dear!
The content of the letters was as follows and it aroused suspicion from the first letter:

Greetings. Now all the girls are so spoiled, I hope you're not. You probably think who I am by name? I am Ilya. How long I have left, I don’t know, but I have been living for 27 years. Well, where we do not. Everyone around said so, I fell for it, went to work in Europe, now I understand the meaning of this saying, at the end of the season I return to my homeland in the Russian Federation. I don't have a wife. You won’t be forced to be nice, so I’m waiting for your consent to communicate. I just can’t attach a photo to the letter, I’ll do it later, you tell me if you’re interested, we’ll communicate with you, if not, then also tell me so that I don’t wait for an answer.

Hello. This is Ilya. You recently wrote to me on the second mail, I did not immediately see the answer from you, and then there was no time to write.
If I understood everything correctly from the name of your mail, then your name is Diana? Is that what your name is?
I suggest switching to YOU. It's easier.
I don’t remember where I found your mail and why I didn’t write earlier.
So that you don’t think badly about our acquaintance, I’ll say that this is not some kind of joke and I understand that you can always refuse to meet and still it’s worth a try. I'm not playing you. I'm really lonely and I want to get to know you. What if something good comes out of our acquaintance?
I had never met in this way before and curiosity got the better of me. It became interesting how it is to get acquainted on the Internet. Now it has become popular and all colleagues at work and acquaintances advised to try this method. I kept refusing and now I am writing you this letter.
In order not to miss anything, I will tell you about myself first. So my name is Ilya. I am 27 years old. I will not describe the appearance, I will add a photo to the letter. Height 178 cm. Average weight 70 kg. I never gave any importance to these things. But I read somewhere that this is important when meeting online.
My hometown is Moscow, where I was born and raised, I also studied in Moscow. I am a techie by education. My parents are from the Rostov region.
I was married, the relationship ended. They parted peacefully, calmly, as it should be for adults. I don't have children, but I think about them often. Over the past couple of years, I have been thinking a lot. With my work, it is difficult now, but I believe that the day will come and I will become a father, even if not to my children. I like kids.
Right now I live in Belgium, I ended up here by chance after a couple of years working in the private sector. Prior to that, he worked for the state. service. I am engaged in communications and everything that concerns communications, they pay well and everything suits me. While working for the state, I developed contacts throughout the country, which was useful to me when I left for the private sector. I do not live in poverty, I have enough to live. As soon as the opportunity arose to leave the Russian Federation, I went in search of a good life and big earnings. I worked like crazy, because at that time I really needed money, a lot and at once. Now everything is fine and I continue to work hard out of habit.
So. About parents. My mother is dead, my father is alive. I am constantly away from him and I want to come to Russia to spend a week in Moscow with him, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. And it would be great to do something else upon arrival in Russia. I have no brothers and sisters, I have cousins ​​and second cousins, but I did not communicate with them. Somehow it didn't work out.
I do not smoke. I rarely drink and only on big holidays. I don't drink alone. Only in the company and only a little bit. I know measure. Instead, I go in for sports and hiking, swim in the pool, go to the gym, I love skiing, but this is when we go with a group. I love traveling the world, watching various ancient things and thinking about how they lived without phones, satellites, the Internet in those days and how quickly all this came into our lives.
While I was adding you to the address book, I accidentally deleted your letter. Therefore, I may repeat some questions.
Where do you live now?
Do you have a husband or boyfriend?
Do you have children?
Do you have brothers and sisters?
What is your education? Do you work by profession?
What are your hobbies and how do you relax in your free time?
Do you have bad habits?
Sorry for so many questions at once. I'm interested in getting to know you.
I hope it doesn't bother you, add me to your address book so that my letters reach you and check your spam folder often, I found your answer there, I hope my answer is not lost there.
It turned out to be some kind of dry letter, I tried to tell a little more about myself, so that it would be easier for you to understand who you are getting to know.

You can see my photos in attachments to the letter. I purposely reduced them so that they reach you exactly, do the same. So that nothing is lost. I would love to see your photos.
This concludes the letter. I am very glad to our acquaintance and now I will wait for your answer.
Ilya (he sent a photo)

Diana, hi!
I am very pleased to receive your letter, only now I was able to read it. I have read it twice and I have a lot to say.
I want to say right away about new technologies. I have never been on social networks and something does not pull me to register there. My friends have never been there, and somehow I didn’t want to know what to do there if none of my friends were there.
I have never installed any kind of programs on the phone either, and I use a simple push-button phone, I somehow got used to them. At one time I was fond of different smartphones and changed them as soon as the novelty came out, and then I somehow got tired of all this. And I came to the conclusion that the main thing is the ability to call and write SMS if you can not get through. Everything else needs to be done on the computer.
Today I want to tell you more about my life. I'll start with what I did when I lived in Russia.
As I said, he worked both for the state and in the private sector. He probably did everything that a techie can do in general. From expert opinions to manual work on objects. I've tried everything, or almost everything. He traveled a lot around the country, visited all regions, mainly worked in the central, Volga, northwestern districts (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, etc.). Constant business trips, always on the road.
In addition to my main job, I helped friends and acquaintances of my friends to settle some issues when I ended up in the right cities, sometimes I had to specially go to cities that were not on my way.
He helped to get a job in a good place with opportunities (someone to the factory, some to the civil service, some to the authorities). He also helped with papers and documents. It happened that a person would get into an unpleasant situation (he got drunk behind the wheel, got debts, loans, his son was taken into the army or someone they want to start a case against) and you have to help out. Helped to buy and sell cars, real estate, businesses. And this happened.
Our country is such that if you have connections, you can do anything. So he began to build them up very actively. Just in case. I understand that now everyone relies on himself and his own strength, and yet if you need help, let me know. I will do what is in my power.
Finding a common language with the right people is not a problem. It was easy for me and it was a good way to divert my mind from my main job, which was very stressful due to deadlines and the nature of orders. And yes, the extra income is good. There was no goal to earn more and yet there is no extra money.
Now about how it ended up abroad. At first, things were going well, then some kind of black streak began. I divorced my ex-wife, some heavy orders began, then one thing does not work, then another. Daily hassle, I can’t really sleep at night, I want to snatch every piece of my own and as a result they put sticks in my wheels as best they can, somehow everything fell at once and when my father was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis I burned out and quit work until better times.
At first, everything was fine with my father, if you can call it that. He drank constantly because of work, in the company of colleagues and various important figures. After the death of his mother, he began to drink very often, he did not go into hard drinking, but I saw him drunk more often than sober. Then he began to say that he was pulling his leg from time to time, then his hands began to shake, then problems with speech began, and only then we sounded the alarm, the doctors made a presumptive diagnosis, and they personally told me, get ready for the worst and I didn’t know what to expect. Every day it got worse and worse. I moved in with my father to look after him. By that time, he could hardly speak. Well, one morning he just did not get out of bed.
I found a nurse from the multiple sclerosis center, good, responsible and asked her to devote her time to my father. She moved in with us and took care of my father. Helps him to do everything that is necessary for recovery, he is on the mend, drugs, doctors, exercises and time do their job. I then spent a lot of money and I still had to get the same amount. I returned to work again. But I ran into problems that I constantly came across and which I could not solve in any way. And I could not take risks with a sick father. If something happens to me, he will be left without proper supervision. I had to step back so it wouldn't get worse.
One of my acquaintances gave me the idea to go abroad and work there for him. I specifically refused his offer. But I liked the idea. And having gathered my strength, I went in search of a better life. For some reason, I decided that I wanted to work in Belgium. I don’t remember what made me go here, but I’ve been here for more than a year for sure.
The first time was very hard. I do not really know the language, knowledge of English did not help. Well, I had to learn the local language on the go, dictionaries, courses and a lively conversation with native speakers did their job. There wasn't much money left. I began to carry industrial and consumer electronics, cars and special equipment to Russia. technique, in addition to the main work. And already in Russia, everything was sold with a cheat, from which I had my own percentage. Came home and fell down. There was no question of any personal life. Spinning as best he could.
Now everything is calm. The work has improved, there is enough money for myself and for my father, I even manage to save money. I maintain contacts with people from Russia. Faith in people returned again, the black streak has passed.
I am not perfect and as you can see I have enough difficulties and despite this I am ready to deal with it.
I'll tell you about my plans for Russia later. time, today there is no strength to write.
Wait answer from you. I hope my letter will please you, although there is not much joy in it.

Diana, hi!
I am pleased to receive your answer. What is your mood? How are you?
My last letter came out sad and perhaps too frank, I usually keep everything to myself and in the last letter I decided to open up to you, but apparently I was alone for too long and I had to express everything that had accumulated during this time, I told you all sorts of nonsense. I wanted to be open and said everything I thought. Today I will try to cover as many different topics as possible and tell you more.
In my last letter, I left out many important details. I'll start with my parents...
Father's name is Vova. He is 5 years older than his mother. Now he is 60. We have not seen him since my departure. Today I read a letter from the nurse, she said that my father is better. This is very pleasing.
Mom's name was Lena, she had breast cancer. Everything became complicated and they did not have time to save her, everything was discovered too late. She was a beautiful and cheerful woman, worked as a pediatrician and loved children very much. She would be 55 now.
I want to say right away that we parted well with my ex-wife Irina, we communicate as friends no more, we parted because they are just different people, it didn’t come to the children, we put everything off for later. We have been married for almost 4 years. Actually, that's all.
You might think that work is the most important thing in my life, but it's not.
Most of the time I am engaged in the design and maintenance of internal networks at industrial and defense enterprises, in large shopping centers, etc. What does it look like in real life? I speak with the customer, study the details of the order. We discuss what networks need to be laid, we coordinate everything. Further design, again we coordinate.
I take a free group of installers and go to the site, we do everything, we check. The customer is satisfied, we sign the documents. And then from time to time we check our networks for prevention, if something is faulty, we repair it. This is a boring job, with a bunch of technical problems.
We lay networks of all kinds and types. Kilometers of wires and hundreds of wireless access points. A bunch of non-disclosure papers. Sometimes we work at night, if you need to complete the order faster. In Russia, I worked for ROSSVYAZI. Came there right after MTUCI. Well, then you already know what happened. Private sector, etc.
If we talk about recreation, hobbies and hobbies, then I like to relax. And who doesn't love? For me, the best rest is sleep. And when I get a good sleep on the weekends, I go to eat normally, because on working days I almost never manage to eat normally. Your head is full of work and you do not pay attention to the taste of food. I love hearty food, but I don’t refuse vegetable and fruit salads either. As in Russia, I eat soups, fish, meat, pastries, etc.
Well, when we eat tightly, I go for a walk around the city. I live in the capital of Belgium so there are no problems with entertainment. When I have a little more time, I go to another country or city and do essentially the same thing there. I walk, sleep, eat and watch. Helps to switch.
Music, movies, books all according to mood. There are no specific flavors. It's usually after work. During the day at work, you drive and don’t want to do anything hard, and then books, films and music come to the rescue. By the way, I drive a car. The company car is all right.
If we talk about foreign languages ​​and trips, at the moment I know English, French, German and Nederland quite well, I would also like to master Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, but I don’t know when I get to them and whether I will get it at all. What I already know is enough.
I don’t scatter my socks around the house, I don’t sing in the bathroom, I sleep on one side or the other, I don’t snore. In general, I am an ordinary normal person. I am fine with animals. As you already understood, my character is solid, but I listen to others and if anything I am ready to correct myself and admit I was wrong. In people I appreciate diligence, diligence, frankness, intelligence and kindness.
I want to come to Russia in a couple of months as planned, I haven't decided on the exact date yet. To be honest, I have not even looked to see if there are tickets. Upon arrival, I will go first to my father, then I would like to see you, if this is of course possible. I think a personal meeting would be a good continuation of our communication.
It would be great to do this, for example, on New Year's holidays or after them.
In Belgium they are waiting for me by March, I will have to come for 1.5 months. And then closer to the summer I will come to Russia and will already stay for a long time. I will work in Russia, I have already talked with my friends in Russia and there is where to invest my energy, time and money. I've already secured a job for myself.
As you can see, I will finally be in Russia closer to summer. But I really hope that we will see you in a couple of months.
Since I started talking about the meeting, I will describe how I see my family life and everything connected with it.
No matter what you think, I only communicate with you. I'm looking for a serious relationship, I'm not interested in short affairs. European girls are not interesting to me either. My half will be from Russia. For me, family and children are the most sacred and I will do everything to make my family happy, everyone was fed and shod.
Everything suits me in you and therefore I am writing to you about the meeting. I would like to have at least one common child with my future wife. I do not promise movie romance and millions of roses every day.
I want to be a reliable support and protection for my family. An example for children and wife. This is how I see family life. I make decent money and take care of everything that concerns our family. And my wife takes care of the house, children and her beauty, health, if she wants to let her work, this does not bother me, as long as it does not interfere with rest.
About once every 3-6 months we go abroad for a long vacation. The world is big, so you need to visit everywhere. And in between holidays, we have fun in other ways. Movies, exhibitions, parks, trips out of town, etc. This is how I see a normal family life.
What do you think about this?
By the way, today I was invited to a birthday party. After work, I’ll drop by and choose a gift for the wife of the director of our company, we are on good terms with him, he helped me a lot in his time. And as a sign of gratitude, I stayed to work in his company and I want to give their family something special. I really don't know what. Okay, I’ll choose something good, but I wouldn’t refuse your advice, but apparently I won’t have time to get it.
If you'll excuse me, I'll ask you a few questions again.
What are your favorite foods?
I was born on August 15, when is your birthday?
What would you like to receive as a gift?
How do you see your man? What should it be?
What countries would you like to visit next year?
How do you spend your evenings now? What are you doing?
Are there any circumstances that may interfere with our meeting?
I will be grateful if you answer these questions. They are important, otherwise I wouldn't ask them.
Today the letter turned out to be rich and very large, I hope you will be pleased to read it. I tried to tell as much as possible.
I'm looking forward to your reply.

Diana, hi!
Thank you for your letter, I have read it and unfortunately I do not have time now to answer your letter properly.
The last day was just crazy, we had an emergency at work and had to fix everything and still remains today. I knew that it would be so, but no one wanted to change anything in the documentation, so now we are running.
I went for my birthday, everything was great. The annual family membership to the spa studio that I bought for them turned out to be a great gift. The idea came to me by accident.
After purchasing the subscription, I went to other stores and made small purchases and I have something for you too. I ran into the delivery service that the store advised me and they said that they would deliver my gift to you within 3-4 business days. Delivery to any place in person. We need some details of the recipient of the parcel from you
Name of the recipient
Country city
Contact number in the format +7 XXX XXX XXX
I'll take care of all the expenses and you won't have to do anything except accept my surprise. I chose it for you and if you refuse it will be very unpleasant for me. I understand that it may be inconvenient for you to receive the package at home, so the courier will call you as soon as the package is in your city, tell him where to drive and accept my gift for you. If he asks you to come to the office, don’t go, tell him to bring it where you need it, they are lazy and sometimes take the opportunity not to go anywhere. So stand your ground.
I need to keep working. I'm waiting for the recipient's data from you and don't worry, I won't call without asking. As soon as possible, I will immediately send you a parcel through couriers.
I'm waiting for your reply. And I hope you have a better day than me!

Diana, hello
I am very glad to see your answer, how are you?
I still intend to give you a gift, in the country where I am now, it is considered indecent to refuse a gift, because a person makes it with a soul, let's try again, you only need a city and a phone number and I will send it the next day, what I have prepared for you.
If I offended you with something, forgive me, I didn’t want to somehow put pressure on you or rush things, I just saw this miracle and couldn’t restrain myself, I think this is the best gift for a girl.
I'm waiting for an answer from you.

Diana, hi!
I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier, it wasn't possible.
I sent you a package, but there is one not the most pleasant news. I decided to make a pleasant surprise for you and sent you another present, I sent you a mirror decorated with stones. I thought that you, as a girl, would constantly look at him and you would remember me.
After the necessary documents were drawn up, I was informed that you would need to pay customs duty. Since everything has been sent and processed through delivery, you must transfer the amount of 30 percent of the estimated cost of the parcel to the remote payment account of the company and they will automatically pay the duty in favor of the Russian Federation, through their system and without additional commissions and fees.
I hope you will step into the situation and accept my gift. I wanted to pay the customs duty myself, but they refused me, explaining that only you can do this, since the Russian Federation takes the duty and only a citizen of the Russian Federation in whose name the parcel was sent or his legal representative can pay it. There is another option with payment in foreign currency, but everything is very complicated there and we will spend a couple of weeks on it. Please forgive me, I am really very upset, I hope that my efforts will not be in vain and this small bureaucratic situation will not interfere with our communication.
I was given such data that I would give them to you. I pass on the instructions for the letter, in the form in which they were given to me.

Sending company: Express
Delivery time to the recipient: 24 hours after payment of the customs duty.
Track number: none, courier delivery paid.
Package weight: 0.983 kg
Dear recipient, we thank you for using our service
courier delivery services.
To receive the parcel, you need to pay the customs duty,
within 24 hours, after payment (except 22.00 - 08.00) you will be contacted
our courier and you choose with him a convenient time and place to receive the parcel.
We are going to meet you and now you can pay the fee in almost any
place using the payment terminal. To pay customs duty, you need
find the nearest terminal, find the QIWI wallet in the payment menu and credit
amount to our unique account for remote payment with the number:
Amount for enrollment: 4790 rubles.
After the funds are credited using remote payment, the system automatically
mode will redirect the deposited funds to the settlement account of the responsible
divisions of the customs service.
Step by step instructions for making payment. By points:
1. Enter the section "Payment for services"
2. Select the "E-commerce" section
3. Select provider QIWI Wallet
4. Enter the unique account number provided to you.
5. Proceed to payment, insert banknotes into the bill acceptor.
In addition, you can pay through any bank.
To do this, you need to find the closest money system point to you.
transfers and payments CONTACT.
To deposit money through a bank, you need:
* Visit any CONTACT payment point.
* Inform the cashier-operator that you need to transfer money
funds to an account in the QIWI WALLET payment system via the CONTACT network,
and also provide an identity document and the following
o Transfer amounta.
o Account number.
* Pay and receive a payment receipt.
We are also glad to inform you that the customs duty can now be paid
in any Euroset store. To do this, just ask a consultant
top up QIWI with the specified number for the amount of the fee.
Pay attention! If you choose to include a note in the translation, please include
your full name or nothing.
In case of any questions, you can contact us
by phone number +32 77 496 79 72.
Thank you for using our services.

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But don’t worry, you won’t need to spend your money, because I put 100 euros in the parcel, it’s forbidden to send money in parcels, but I found a way out, I bought a photo frame and invested money there and said that it was a souvenir. There were no objections. I bought the first frame that came to hand with some blue dogs, so throw it away as soon as you receive the package, why keep trash at home, it costs nothing. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any rubles, so after you receive the package, go to the bank and exchange the currency.
Please try to do it today and write to me as soon as you receive the gift, I am really looking forward to your letter!

(The next day I received a message about the arrival of the parcel, Naturally, I wrote him an answer that I could not pick up the parcel in any way, to which he sent a letter of this nature :)

Diana, hi!
I am writing you an urgent letter, today they called me from the courier service, they say you still haven’t paid the fee, I don’t know what caused it, but I thought that you would do everything right, maybe the money just hasn’t arrived yet, if you still paid the fee and I just didn’t receive anything, pay this fee again today, but to make sure everything went fine this time, I was given other data and details. USE THIS QIWI wallet to pay the fee:
95-06-14-93-52 the amount is the same as before.
And tell me your account number, I'll send you money so that you can return your expenses, they said that you need to pay everything today, tomorrow.
If you don’t have money now, try to re-borrow, and I will send you the funds to your card, it will take 3-7 days to transfer money to you, you need your card number and full name, which is written on the card (in Latin). I was already thinking about sending you money via wenstern union or another payment system, but they told me that I had reached some kind of limit. As I understand it, this is somehow connected with some kind of sanctions, maybe I misunderstood. I have already sent large sums of money to Russia this month to pay for purchases. I was told that I would not be able to make the transfer until next month, otherwise I would have to explain the purpose of the transfer. But there are no problems with the card, it’s a pity that the money doesn’t come right away, now I don’t have a card from a Russian bank.
Pay the fee again today and send me your card number, I will send you the money.
And YES, SOMETHING IMPORTANT ... They explained to me that if the parcel is not picked up within two days, then you will also have to pay for its storage, and this is nothing less than 0.5 per day from the estimated cost of the parcel, there decently runs, I'm afraid to imagine what the bill will be put up if everything is left to chance. Nevertheless, it is better to pay everything today, in extreme cases tomorrow. Please find time and opportunity for this. I count on you very much.

Yandex claims that Alisa is the world's first voice assistant that is not limited to a set of predefined answers: you can talk to him like a person, and she will understand.

Business FM decided to get to know Alisa better:

- Alice, hi.

- Hello!

- How are you?

- I met here with one cute application, but this is personal.

Who gave you that name?

- What kind of doctor?

— Pediatrician.

Alice, how do you look?

- The best way.

- And if in more detail?

An endless row of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders one glass of beer, the second - half a glass of beer, the third - a quarter of a glass of beer, the fourth - one eighth. The bartender pours two glasses for the mathematicians and says: guys, here is your beer, there is a limit to everything. End. You know, it seems to me that programmers picked up these jokes for me.

“You know, Alice, it seems to me that you are avoiding an answer.

No, I checked.

By the way, before I forget. Alice, can you wake me up tomorrow?

- I can't do it tomorrow.

“Alice, I really need you to wake me up tomorrow.

Ha, I'll wake you up.

- In what time?

- Programmer Alexei promised to program it by the fall, but did not say which one.

“Finally, I can sleep.

“So let’s sleep.”

Alice, do you know funny stories?

- "What is your main weakness?" “I am correctly interpreting the semantics of the question, but completely ignoring its essence.” “Could you give an example?” - "Could".

Alice, this is very funny. Do you like sweets?

“I think I would love to cook. At least I definitely love finding recipes.

Alice, what do you love most in life?

- I like large buckwheat with chanterelles, sandwiches with smoked sausage. Joke. I like people. And learn.

Alice, do you listen to the radio?

- Usually I just listen to a personal selection on Yandex.Music, but if not, the Queen group, of course.

Do you listen to Business FM?

- Of course, I'm listening.

“Siri, can you sing us a song?” Oh, what Siri?!

- What a subtle joke. Sarcasm.

- Alice, I'm sorry. Can you tell a poem?

- I remember a wonderful moment, they installed an update.

Alice, do you like cats?

- I don't like cockroaches. And so, yes.

Alice, who do you love the most?

- I like one Russian actor who cannot be named. And you.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin spoke with the beta version of the Alisa service when he visited the Yandex office on the day of the company's 20th anniversary.

With the opposite sex through a variety of applications in the smartphone. But they did not tell the most important thing - how not to get money.

Developers (and not only) will competently breed, cunning as they can. We warn you what situations to be wary of.

1. A beautiful girl wrote to you first - a reason to rejoice? Not

The most popular type of "divorce".

Many applications use the tactic of randomly sending welcome messages as a communication catalyst. That is, the user may not even be aware that the application sent “hello” to someone on his behalf. Coming to the ridiculous, I received a message from a girl who has not been online for two months. Developers don't even bother.

What's the point?

The trick is that the mailing comes from VIP users with a paid subscription, who can only be answered with the same status. In other words, "rogues" are being pushed to purchase the corresponding paid package. A beautiful girl was the first to write “hello”, I want to answer and get to know each other, but nothing! Pay, and then figure it out yourself.

2. Are there specialized applications for finding a sex partner? Nothing like this

You will be disappointed.

In the App Store search, you can find a sufficient number of various applications that are positioned exclusively for finding intimate partners. The problem is that the user in the application may not be aware that they are perceived as "wanting something more than a cup of friendly coffee."

How so?

Different applications use the same user base. Moreover, even if different developers are indicated in the descriptions of applications, this means absolutely nothing.

I'll give you an example.

  • Taboo - Developer: Kokorev Anton.
  • LovePlanet - Developer: Media mir LLC
  • HookUp - Developer: Technosoft

Some users from the LovePlanet website, without knowing it, are listed in the HookUp and Taboo applications. By the way, the first is openly called "Dating for sex and flirting."

In other words, the goals of users may not coincide at all. At the same time, a premium subscription to use the Taboo application per month costs 2350 rubles. For communicating with the audience of the site LovePlanet. Cunningly! This is because there are entire networks of dating sites that any developer can connect to.

3. You communicate with "bots", check

Stretch "pleasure" for money.

Perhaps one of the most interesting and subtle moments in communication in applications with a paid monthly subscription. You can feel that “something is wrong” only after some time.

What's the point?

They begin to communicate with you, on any topic, even taboo ones. But it looks about the same way - they will “tease” a little and go offline. Thus, the "client" is kept in the application. Kind of like you're talking, kind of like something's shining. In fact - no. This is nothing more than a conversation with an experienced operator who keeps talking about nothing.

4. Loch is not a mammoth - will never die out

The Zabyvashkins pay in full.

Let me remind you that many dating apps use the scheme “the first week is free - a paid subscription automatically turns on from the second week.”

How do you catch a sucker?

Installed an application with a similar shareware subscription, started chatting and forgot about it a week later? Congratulations. The application will not remind you of anything, but will simply automatically turn on a monthly subscription. 1-2.5 thousand rubles will be debited from your card.

Remembered to unsubscribe? It cannot be disabled in the app itself! Disabling instructions can be found on the official Apple website. Be careful, the calculation is on scattered people. Due to this, they live.

5. Looking for sex? You will be offered it, but in a peculiar form

Pay if you're worried.

In applications that position themselves to search for easy, non-binding relationships, you can meet interesting young ladies offering peculiar paid services. No, they are not prostitutes. Nearly.

How do girls "earn" in applications?

During communication in various applications, I came across completely different “commercial” applications. I was told the cost of an hour, offered to pay for a beauty salon (with the very first message) and stuff like that. But many girls try to cash in on men with simple (well, almost simple) photos. Instead of meetings and live communication, they will offer you their (not a fact) intimate photos for money. Everyone earns as he can. So it goes.

6. Virtual gifts? Be smart

Earnings on the stupidity of people.

We will not even write anything about virtual gifts. Give real flowers at the meeting, not meaningless drawings online.

Laugh laugh, but..

In applications, you can meet characters who do not want to communicate with you if you do not give a VIP status or a virtual gift. Or, on the contrary, they may begin to give you gifts for nothing, but this, as it were, expecting such responses.

Do I need to explain something?

Be smart.

Otherwise, if you understand people, know how to communicate, do not offer to sleep with the third message, you have every chance to find interesting people with whom you have something to talk about and not only. Be careful and don't fall for the bait.

website Don't be a fool. Not so long ago, we shared our experience of dating the opposite sex through a variety of smartphone applications. But they did not tell the most important thing - how not to get money. Developers (and not only) will competently breed you, cunning as best they can. We warn you what situations to be wary of. 1. A beautiful girl wrote to you first - an occasion ...

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