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We untie the smartphone from the all-seeing eye of Google. What is Google Plus: A Beginner's Guide

You should definitely know what Google Plus is if you have already created social media accounts or are getting comfortable in the world of blogging.

I know it's hard to learn something new. I know that Google+ is not an intuitive app. But it's worth at least trying.

Many have never tried Google +, but there are still people who do not use Twitter!

But sooner or later you have to start. After all, for many active Internet users, Google + is now the favorite “path” to social platforms.

This article will draw parallels between and Google +.

Google+ feed

Users who have ever visited Facebook will certainly see many similarities.

This is what the feed looks like:

On the top left side, you will see the Home button.

If you hover over it, access to the user profile opens.

There you can study new topics, follow events, upload photos, join communities (like Facebook Groups).

Also this tab is used to search for new people. There you can also find entertainment materials, games and applications, parties (identical as in) and pages.

If the search took the user too far, you can click this button again to return to the main screen.

Sometimes tabs move around depending on how often you use them. Google+ Pages work just like Facebook Pages. More on this later.

Description of menu options on the left


Circles is where you meet your friends.

Now you can create your own lists on Facebook too, but when you connect a new friend, he just goes to the big list.

This is an easy way to interact with different people, unite them by work, community or by those users who are currently online.

You can create as many circles as you like. People can be in one circle or in several at the same time.

This makes it easier for you to find the right person.

  1. If you click on the "Find people" button, the program will display a list of your preferred users.
  2. When you find someone you recognize, hover over their name. A menu will appear where you can choose where to add a particular person.
  3. The small number on your profile explains how many friends you have in total. It's perfectly acceptable to contact people you don't know yet.
  4. At the top of this page, you can click on the "You" button. Here is a list of people who have added you to their circles. Click on it.

Circles are "liquid"! It is perfectly acceptable to create new circles, they merge together and/or can be removed. Start with the following options:

  • People you know = add everyone you really know here
  • Family/friends = close people you know in real life
  • Bloggers = list of people you will connect in the blogging world
  • People I Can't Miss = After you've interacted with someone even a little bit, move them from familiar to one separate circle
  • Potential customers = people who might be interested in your services, your potential customers.

To arrange the circles, click on a person and then click on a circle with a certain color and name.

A large circle with a plus sign makes it possible to create a new category.

If you click on a circle, you will see that you can edit its name, delete it, or share it.

When you do something on G+, you can specify the circle of people who will see your content.

You can choose a public category (meaning the whole world will see it) or choose the circle that interests you the most.

Or you can leave the event private so that no one but you can see it.


The profile works just like on Facebook. You have a cover photo, a profile photo, and then a bunch of tabs where you have your , videos , preferences, etc.

One nice feature is that your photos will be automatically linked to your Picasa account (if you have one).

In addition, if you have a YouTube account, it will also appear on your page. On the right side, you will see a list of all your friends, as well as people who have added you to their circles.

  • To edit your profile, go to the "About Me" tab.
  • You will see different categories. Each window has an "edit" button. This is where you add your profile information! This is one of the most important things you can do on Google+.
  • Make sure your slogan is something memorable. This is what people see when they hover over a person's name.
  • Write a biography, add hyperlinks there.

User activity

After editing your profile, it's time to post your first entry.

You can scroll through images (small arrows) just like you can on Facebook.

You can also tag people. Add names, circles, or email addresses to share this information with others.

Please note that if you tag someone in an update, their name will be tagged separately.

You can add tags. It is the user who decides which content should be shared, public, and which should be private.

There is also a checkbox on the page: Send via . This means that your post will be sent separately to certain users.

This option is similar to the one on Twitter that you can use in your status to help people find your post.

There are many circles, and it is hashtags that are used to find the target audience and make new acquaintances.

If you decide to create a community, share posts in it, and then add them to your profile. This way you can attract a lot more interested consumers.

Benefits of Google+

Many people still have not joined this platform.

Perhaps because they are so similar to Facebook?

At the same time, it is absolutely possible to highlight the advantages that are unique to this platform:

  • Full integration with YouTube and Picasa video hosting.
  • Display photos are much prettier and look wonderful on Pinterest.
  • Regular engagement on G+ helps Google rank certain sites and pages.
  • Hangouts (which is simply not possible on Facebook).
  • An open platform, there are fewer rules and restrictions.
  • Allows people to more easily classify friends.
  • While Facebook is for chatting with friends, Twitter is for short messages to people you care about, Google+ combines the best of both worlds.
  • A feature can be considered events, party mode, and other options that are not available in other integral platforms.
  • Once you get used to navigation, when you hover over the menu options, you'll realize that G+ is easier to use than Facebook.
  • No one pays you to promote posts!
  • If you host your blog on Blogspot, you have even more options for integration. Go to the "Control Panel" and press the G + button to see the functions available to you!
  • Each post has its own web page, which means it's easier to share them over the Internet.
  • The ripple effect shows you how far your posts have climbed the popularity ladder and who else is climbing with you.
  • Send photos instantly to your smartphone directly from Google.
  • You can use to communicate. Instant messaging, VoIP calls, video calls, conference/video. All this becomes available. On the PC version, you can also open documents for sharing (using Google Drive). Users can change and edit documents in real time, add their own edits and annotations. In the same way, technical support becomes available.

Often users who are just starting their acquaintance with this wonderful platform ask questions:

This will help you share relevant information with the right people.

You can also organize your own "feed".

You can set it up so that you only see fresh news from certain circles. It's like a "feature list" on Twitter.

Can I add people to the circle so that they follow my page?

There are no pages like Facebook. If a person follows your profile, this means that your posts on the page will appear in their news feed.

You can add people to your circle, but after that, you will see their posts in your news feed.

I don't understand why a notification window is needed.

The notification window allows you to quickly interact on G+.

It takes a little getting used to, but new message notifications can't be ignored. When you see a notification, click the arrow to the right of it.

When you do this, you'll see posts and comments that you can reply to right there, without having to scroll through your feed.

Imagine if every time you get a notification on Facebook, you would reply directly from the notification window without having to go to the post? It's possible on Google+.

How can I turn off all notifications in my inbox?

Click on your profile in the top right corner and then select "Account". Click on G+ on the left. All email notification options are there.

I forgot to put a lot in the news feed. How to fix it?

For example, click on "Magnifier" on the left.

You will see posts from selected people and their pages, which are pulled up automatically.

There is a sliding scale in the upper right corner.

You can navigate to view different types of posts. You can also edit your news feed there.

How to easily upload photos to a custom page?

If you have or with a camera, download the official G+ app and use the instant upload feature.

Every time you take a photo, it will be automatically uploaded to your G+ photo albums.

All current photos can be shared (or not) by clicking "Sharing Settings". It's a red button at the top of the page.

Many people actively use Google+ for business.

Of course, the potential of Google+ is obvious. It is a large network of 540 million monthly active users and many success stories.

What is Google Plus: A Beginner's Guide

The Android operating system is owned by the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that most Google services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices running on the Android platform and integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it should be noted that not all users of Android devices are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to meet their needs, and someone simply unnecessarily uses the Google Play application store.

Speaking of software from Google, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is pre-installed software on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a “gift” imposed by the digital giant? To unambiguously answer this question, let's take a look at everything in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure the stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Contact sync
  • Access to the latest privacy and power saving settings
  • Google and GP App Updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removing "Google Play Services" can lead to failures in the operation of applications up to the complete cessation of their work.

However, there is another side of the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to shamelessly fall, preventing the device from lasting even a day. In this case, it is worth checking which software has become so actively “eating up” the energy of your Android. The fact is that there are more and more complaints from users about Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why is this happening?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (respectively, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly “hang” in the device’s RAM, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation’s servers.

Based on the foregoing, each user must decide for himself how much he needs this or that program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions, you can delete Google Play services, or still not worth it. If you decide that you do not need this software, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can it be deleted?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that uninstalling any program must be approached responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing to the gadget.

In general, we wrote a lot on this topic, so if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking through, or whatever. In addition, it will certainly be useful to know.

If, after our 1000th Chinese warnings, you definitely decide to delete Google Play services, then follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then you first need to . Next, you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer's website and install on your PC and.

The application allows the user to simply connect their smartphone (or tablet) to a computer via USB or Wi Fi and organize comfortable work with contacts, parse SMS correspondence and deal with calendar tasks.

I am glad that MyPhone supports the Russian language, so it will be quite easy to work with this software. When you start working, you will be prompted to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of the installed programs. When working with applications, you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • The size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play Services, like other applications, you can save it to your computer as an apk file, completely remove it from your device, or install new programs.

Another powerful tool for working with applications. After installing and running the program, we will see the system request for the rights of the "Superuser", we allow it.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw attention to such an important point. If you do not have complete confidence in the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it, rather than completely uninstall it. In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At the very least, if something goes wrong, you can restore the application.

So, after launching and granting root rights, go to the "Backups" tab:

Then, we find the program to be "frozen" (in our case, "Google Play Services"). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example, “Only system applications”:

Click on the name of the program and press the "Freeze" button:

If you have come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then - we do all the points described, and the last step is to click on "Defrost".

In the case of deciding to completely remove the program, we again go the same way, but after “tap” on the name, click on “Delete”.

In conclusion of the material, to help our readers, the video material:

Hi users Learning Android, want to make it fast and uninstall apps? Well, well, just do it carefully. For example, there is such an application called Google Play Services, and you know, it seems that this is nonsense, but in fact this application is necessary for updating Google applications from the Google Play store, such a turn guys!

Google Play services provide key features, for example, authentication in Google services, synchronization of contacts. It also allows you to access the latest privacy settings and better energy-saving services that use location data. There are a lot of smart words and little interpretation in a simple way, do you agree? Well, I took this info from the official site, I have nothing to do with it ..

Even on the website from Google, it says that Google Play Services makes applications and games more convenient, that is, some kind of search is accelerated there in some offline mode, the maps become more realistic .. In short, they write something that is not very clear .. But most importantly, do you know what else is written there? What if you remove Google Play services, then some applications may not work, but this is an important point!

Yep, I figured out what the trick is. The whole problem here is that Google Play services writes that an update is needed, but it doesn’t really exist! Users write that they cleaned the cache and deleted updates and manually updated Google Play Services, but it still takes and writes that it is necessary to update the services, are they mocking them in Google? I understand that many users suffer from the fact that Google Play Services will forgive you to constantly update!

Well, what can I say guys, the man Dima wrote a very important comment about this program, I think you should read it:

The only thing I do not agree with him is that if there are problems with the application, then the smartphone owners are to blame. But the fact that the application is important for the system, then I agree, because firstly, the application is responsible for the software update process, or participates in this process, and secondly, on the official page, Google hints that there may be problems if you delete this application, some programs may stop working!

So guys, yes, I know that you may have a bug with these Google Play Services. You need to search the Internet for what can be done in this case, I would help, but I must admit that I’m not very cool in this, and secondly, there are a lot of reasons why an error appears. And yes, there are many mistakes. I told you what kind of Google Play program it is, but about the error, damn it, then sorry .. And yet, if you want to delete or try to solve the problem, then ... Maybe freeze Google Play Services? For example, titanium .. And this is how to use smart, and if everything is OK, then you can delete the application in the future .. Although the application seems to be important .. In short, I don’t know if you google the Internet about titanium for Android, read the forum there is a lot of useful information there..

Android OS is owned by Google IT company. Therefore, on the vast majority of modern devices running this operating system, Google Play services are pre-installed, that is, sewn into the system. On the one hand, this is good, because without licensed Google products, the mobile device loses many useful functions. On the other hand, not all users of smartphones and tablets need such software. Let's look at why Google Play services are needed on Android devices, what functions they perform and what to do if they constantly give an error when using them.

Purpose and main features of Google Play services

The Google Play software embedded in the Android system performs many functions, among which the most popular are:

Google Play Services crashes

Like any other software, licensed software from Google Play periodically crashes. This may manifest itself in the inability to install one or another application on a smartphone from the Play Market, a constant pop-up on the screen of a message like “There was an error reading the file”, incorrect operation of the Google voice search engine, etc. In these cases, you should not panic and take rash actions, since most problems with the functioning of Google Play can be fixed without third-party help.

So, if when downloading any game from the Play Market, the message “Error 20 has occurred. The application could not be installed” appears, try restarting the gadget once and re-installing it. If this does not help, most likely the selected game is simply incompatible with your phone (tablet) model or Android version.

If such an error occurs constantly, that is, it appears when downloading any programs, then the problem lies in the Play Market itself. First, try clearing its cache:

If the same thing happens during loading, that is, the error has not gone away, try rolling back the Play Market to the previous version. To do this, go to the properties of this program and click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

The described operations are suitable not only for the Play Market, but also for any other Google service. Therefore, if, for example, Play Music does not work correctly on your phone, try to perform exactly the same procedures with it.

Restoring Google services after deletion

All programs from Google are integrated into the operating system, so you cannot remove them from there like a regular application. In the properties of the same Play Market or Google Maps, there is not even a virtual "Delete" button. However, with the help of special utilities, it is still possible to uninstall Google software.

Why would a smartphone owner get rid of Google Play? There may be several reasons for this:

  • this service is constantly in active mode, which leads to accelerated battery discharge;
  • the gadget has little internal memory, and the user needs to free it;
  • the owner of the phone or tablet simply does not use pre-installed software.

And if, after erasing Google services from your device, one day you need to install them back, you may encounter certain difficulties. Let's look at what to do if the user has uninstalled Google Play from a mobile device.

The first way to restore Google Play is to install it using the apk executable file:

Although this method is simple and affordable, it is not suitable for many Chinese gadgets. And if you don’t have GApps on your smartphone, then when installing software from Google, which the user previously deleted, using the described method, a message like “An error occurred while performing the procedure” may pop up on the screen of the mobile device.

Google is an official application from the Google company of the same name, which turns a smartphone into a full-fledged tool for searching for information on the web. It can be used directly from the home screen, automatically launching the browser when you enter a request. This software is also used as a component of other programs - keyboards, virtual assistants that use speech recognition.

How it works?

Control your smartphone or tablet with commands. Please note that there are more in English. Russian is partially supported. The application is capable of performing the following types of tasks:

  • Calendar and reminders - set an alarm, create notes and reminders for every day.
  • Navigation - get information about your location, traffic jams, get directions on maps or check the status of your flight at the airport.
  • Useful - quickly find out about the time, the exchange rate, get acquainted with the meaning of the event, word, phenomenon that interests you.
  • Communication - open social networks and messages by setting a timer for the right time.
  • Additional features - turn on the flashlight, player, wireless networks by saying the right words into the device's speaker.

The application has two search modes, as well as its own widget that appears on the display. Take a look at the main features:

  1. Text input. Before you is a small window - write a request in it, after which the program will open the page with the results in the main browser or directly in its interface.
  2. Voice input. By clicking on the microphone icon, you can activate the text printing mode using a conversation. This feature can be automatically enabled by saying "Ok Google".


The Google app is one of the options for searching for information on the Internet. It is simple, stable and takes up little memory. They can be used through a headset. A big plus is compatibility with most modern browsers.

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