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Display the image on the display in a retro style. Detailed information about your Mac

Finder windows display the items on your computer. You can open and navigate Finder windows using VoiceOver commands and gestures. You can use Finder keyboard shortcuts to work with selected folders and files.

Note. The instructions below assume that cursor tracking is on and the keyboard cursor moves in alignment with the VoiceOver cursor.

How to open a Finder window

  • Go to the Dock by pressing VO-D or double-tapping near the bottom edge of the trackpad if you're using VoiceOver gestures. Then go to the Finder window, which is the first item in the Dock.
  • Open the Program Selection window by pressing VO-F1-F1 or by double-clicking near the left edge of the trackpad if you are using VoiceOver gestures. In the Program Selection window, select Finder. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X commands: press Command-Tab, and then use the arrow keys to navigate to Finder.

    If a Finder window was open, you will be taken to that window. If it was closed, you will be taken to the desktop. If this is the case, navigate to the menu bar by pressing VO-M or double-clicking near the top edge of the trackpad if you are using VoiceOver gestures. Then go to the Finder menu using the right arrow key.

How to navigate the Finder window

  1. In a Finder window, press VO-Right Arrow and VO-Left Arrow to navigate between items in the window until you hear the text “toolbar”. Switch to interaction mode with the toolbar.
  2. Press VO-Right Arrow until you hear “view radio group”, then switch to interact with that control. Press VO-Right Arrow until the mode you want is announced.

    You can select Icon, List or Column mode, and Cover Flow mode. In Cover Flow mode, the browser is divided by a horizontal line into two sections. In the top section, each object is represented graphically, such as a folder icon or a thumbnail image of the first page of a document. In the lower section, objects are presented as a list.

  3. With a view selected, exit interact with the Mode Select Button Group and Toolbar, then press VO-Right Arrow until you hear the text "sidebar"
  4. Press VO-Down Arrow to move down the list of items in the sidebar. When you hear the name of the object you want, navigate to that object in your browser; now you can switch to the mode of interaction with this object.

    Press VO-J to go to the item. If you're using VoiceOver gestures, hold your finger on the trackpad and press the Control key.

  5. Navigate to the desired item and select it by following the steps below, depending on the selected mode.
  6. Icon Mode: Press the arrow keys to move between objects.

    List mode: Press VO-Down Arrow to move down the list. Press VO- \ to expand and collapse folders. Press VO-Right Arrow to move the VoiceOver cursor within a line and hear information about the item. Press VO-R to hear all the information for a given line.

    Column mode: Press the down arrow key to move down the list to the folder or file you want. Press the right arrow key to navigate to a subfolder.

    Cover Flow Mode: Press the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the items in the upper section and automatically move between the corresponding lines in the list in the lower section.

  7. When you find the item (file or folder) you want, open it using one of the keyboard shortcuts for Finder: Command-O or Command-Down Arrow.

    If the selected item is an alias, or you don't have permission to open the selected item (file or folder), VoiceOver announces the appropriate notification.

How to use keyboard shortcuts for Finder

Finder keyboard shortcuts let you work with selected files and folders.

  • Press Command-O or Command-Down Arrow to open the selected item.
  • To move up one level in the object hierarchy (for example, to the folder in which the selected folder is nested), press Command-Up Arrow.
  • Press Command-T to add the selected item to the Finder sidebar.
  • Press Control-Command-T to add the selected item to your Favorites folder.
  • Press Shift-Command-T to add the selected item to the Dock.

To set the default mode for new Finder windows, choose Finder> Preferences, click General, then choose the mode you want from the pop-up menu.

To make it easier to navigate the Finder window, you can temporarily hide the toolbar and sidebar in that window. To show or hide the toolbar, click the button in the upper right corner of the window.

Add / remove programs for MacOS is fundamentally different from the usual procedures in many Windows. The main difference is that in this operating system it is much faster, more convenient, and easier to perform actions. Any beginner can handle it easily. After examining the information, you can independently uninstall or install the program from MacOS. The instruction is useful for beginners in working with a PC, users who have previously worked only with Windows.

Let's analyze working with programs in Mac OS

In Windows, applications are installed through a special file with a specific extension, after activation of which the installation window opens and then it is written into the hard disk. This process sometimes takes a lot of time and does not always work correctly.

The user needs to specify the installation location, make a choice of parameters, simultaneously install or refuse to add related products offered together with the installed one. In a MacBook, it is enough to transfer the program to the desired folder.

Mac OS programs look like files with the .dmg extension. The abbreviation DMG stands for DiskImage. It is a format created for distributing programs between Apple devices. It is similar to a CD, flash drive, external hard drive, being their virtual counterpart. It has the property of containing applications, games, documents, photos, and more. In fact, it is a container for transportation, a folder.

How installation works on MacOS

The algorithm is quite simple. If you want to do everything manually, follow the steps below.

  • Download the application (we recommend using the official portals) or take a ready-made one on a medium (flash drive, HDD or other).
  • The dmg file needs to be "mounted", for which double-click on its name. The operating system will load an image using this command, create a new virtual disk without user intervention, and put an icon in the Finder section.

Please note: do not run the application from a virtual disk. This image is a shipping container. It remains to copy the application to the hard disk by copying to the Applications folder. This is the installation process.

  • When finished copying, delete the virtual image. To do this, click on the triangle opposite the disc name.
  • Delete the .dmg file if desired.

Do not bring Mac OS programs directly to the Dock. If you do this, a shortcut will be created, and the program itself will not move, it will remain where it was. Subsequent access to dmg will mount a disk image that operates in read mode without saving internal information.

Take the Mozilla Firefox browser as an example.

  • Download a game or application. Go to the official site, find the extension .dmg there.
  • Double click on it to mount the disk image. In the window that opens after the installation process is complete, a window will appear where the application with the .app extension will be placed, next to it there will be a shortcut to the Applications folder.

Disk imaging

  • Drag the application into this folder.
  • After copying, dismantle the image.
  • Delete the dmg file.

Here are the easy steps to get started with Mac OS. They can be performed by any user, even superficially familiar with the computer software. It will not be difficult for a beginner to do everything right, rather quickly, with practically no personal participation in the process itself.

Windows installers copy files without a certain systematicity. Because of this, hard drives are often filled with extra "husk". Installing software on a Mac does not have these drawbacks: the software components are stored in the .app package. Everything is stored in one place, neatly organized, it is easy to find the desired document. By removing something from a package, you get rid of all unnecessary components at once.

The .app package looks like a regular file, but acts like a folder. To get, for example, a game, click on its name with the .app extension with the right mouse button, in the menu click on "Show content".

App Store

An easy way to install programs for Mac OS is through the App Store.

Select the one you want in the store, click the Free button or the price tag to start downloading, confirm your action. Programs for MacOS will be automatically copied directly to the Applications folder, without specifying a save path.


Removing apps is even easier. Go to "Programs", find there the application that you want to remove. Click on it with the right mouse button, click "Move to Trash".

As you can see, all processes are easy, even a beginner can perform them.

I have been using Apple's technology and OS for a long time and very successfully. At the same time, I constantly see how the people around me: novice users, and often very experienced ones, are not very well versed in the rich capabilities of this software and hardware. So I decided to help and translate some western articles with tips and secrets. I believe Apple's native press is best at unleashing the potential of OS X.

Have you ever seen someone who really knows how to use a Mac computer and OS X? Sometimes it looks like magic, how they make windows move, images appear, applications launch, and do a lot of other cool things - all while their fingers don't seem to leave the keyboard at all. I can't boast of knowing a lot of Mac tips and tricks, though. I have a few tips in stock that you might find helpful. Some of them are fairly common, some are not so well known, but they all do something important, moving you one step closer to the rank of Jedi Master of your Mac.

Yes Padawan, here are my top 10 Mac OS X tips:

1. Shift + Click the Maximize button to fill the screen

You know that the red button closes the window, the yellow one minimizes and the green one maximizes, right? Okay, you also know that some apps (like Chrome and Word) don't fill the entire screen when the maximize button is pressed. I'm sure this is fine most of the time, but sometimes you want the window to open full screen. The next time you want to expand the current window to full screen, just hold down the Shift key while clicking on the button. Here! Big window!

2. Terminal Application Tips - purge

One of the most important tools in the Jedi Mac suite is Terminal. About Terminal, what power do you have over the entire system. Many people are very confused about using Terminal. All these scary stories of those who write rm * in the wrong places and wipe the entire Mac have the right effect on people. Yes, it looks believable, but there is a simple command that is ... pretty awesome! A command called purge does a fairly simple operation - it frees up the RAM on your computer. When your Mac is running and you are launching applications, surfing the web, and doing normal business on your Mac, it uses RAM (memory). Sometimes, when an application has been running for a while, it will not free up all of the provided RAM, even if it is no longer needed. Before I learned this method, I just rebooted my Mac if I ran out of memory (and I closed all applications I wasn't using), but with purge ... Purge forces applications to free up RAM that they might be using (and which they don't need) ... All you need to do is launch Terminal from the Utilities folder, write "purge" (without quotes) to the string and hit enter. It's 100% safe and can free up tons of memory. I got from a few megabytes - several gigabytes in a matter of seconds! (Important: When the cleanup is running, your Mac will not respond for about a minute. Don't worry! This is normal!)

3. Launch Spotlight by pressing CTRL-Space

Looking for something? You know Spotlight can help you quickly find files, email, check words, even launch apps ... But did you know that quickly pressing Command-Space will open Spotlight in the menu bar so you can start typing? It's easy because you can quickly press CTRL-Spacebar and then type something like safari, hit enter and launch Safari ... and your fingers won't even touch the mouse! Do you want to make it the eleventh tip? Then just download the free Alfred app from the Mac App store and use it all and more! Once you download, don't forget my 10 Great Alfred Tips!

4. Drag and drop files to the toolbar and open them in the application

I like to use Preview as my default application for opening images. Preview is pretty fast and easy when I need to take a quick glance at something (or quickly resize an image), but if I want to edit an image, I use Acorn. So how do I open an image in Acorn? You think to launch Acorn, open the File menu ... No, it's easier. Acorn is on the toolbar all the time, so all you have to do is drag the image file onto the icon and ... Acorn will launch (or come to the fore) and the image is open! This trick works with almost all applications and can save you a ton of time.

5. Separate App Stack for Applications

My dock started to sink into a mess. Lots of applications that are "needed" but which I have not used very often. So I made a separate App Stack for them. This process consists of several stages:
Create a folder somewhere (I created it in ~ / Applications, which is different from the system-wide Applications folder (see tip 7 for all of these directories)
Open your Applications folder in another Finder window.
In this step, you are going to create shortcuts for your real applications. Hold command and option and drag the app you want quick access to into the created folder.
Repeat this step for as many applications as you like.
Drag the folder with all applications to the right side of your toolbar, to the left of the trash can.
Enjoy! Everything is ready, the folder will contain shortcuts to all your applications!

6. Removing icons from the Menu

I know it's nice to see the icons in our menu, but sometimes it gets a little overwhelmed. For some of the icons in our menu (most often related to the system ones), just hold down Command, click on the icon and drag it from the menu! Try it, you don't need a speaker volume icon, right?

7. Access to the Library folder

Thanks to one of the improvements in Lion, the Library folder was hidden from you. Okay, I get it. You don't need to dig into your library too often, but sometimes you do. Sometimes you need to clean up stubborn files or something similar. Here's an easy way to access the Library folder (as well as the Applications folder from step 5). With Finder on, press Command-Shift-G and a Go to folder window will open. Just type “~ / Library /” (without quotes) and click OK. Ready! Type ~ / Applications / to navigate to applications.

8. Finder sidebar

Since we're talking about a file manager, I'm sure you've noticed all of these folders and sections on the left side of your Finder windows (if not, go to Finder and choose “Show Toolbar” from the View menu). You know you can add your own folders there, right? Yes, just drag any folders to the side and you're done. Now you not only have one-click access to this folder, but everything you drag and drop will be copied or moved into it! Not bad!

9. Take a screenshot

Ever faced the need to take a screenshot of what's on your screen right now? It could be a bug, or just a graph, and you need it ... but how? Just. Command-Shift-3 will save the entire screen, and command-shift-4 will let you select a portion of the screen or window. Of course, if you want more advanced features, download Skitch for free and customize your screenshots with different annotations.

10. Control applications that load at startup

You've noticed that over time, your Mac takes longer and longer to start up. At first you see the desktop, but then the applications start to light up one by one. You can control this process. Just go to System Preferences -> Users and Groups. Then find the Login Items button. Yes, these are all applications that run for me. But if I'm tired of waiting for this or that application to load, I just select it in the list and click “-“. Ready! I got a faster launch!

These are just a few of the tricks I have hidden up my sleeve. I'm sure you've learned a few over the years too, so ...

What are your favorite OS X tricks? Let us know in the comments.

Let's consider all the existing ways how you can quickly uninstall a program on Mac OS. The peculiarity of this operating system is that even after deletion, program files remain on the computer. All of the methods described below will completely uninstall the software from your computer.

Mac OS does not have a system registry, accordingly, the functionality of uninstalling the program is completely different from the Windows algorithm. As you know, in Windows, applications are removed using the Control Panel window. In OS X, in order to erase software, simply move it to the Trash. This method is considered standard, but as a result of its execution, temporary program files remain on the system.

Over time, these files clutter up your Mac, so we recommend uninstalling programs using one of the methods described below.

Method 1 - Removing fromLaunchpad

The Launchpad (also called Launchpad) on Mac OS is the same as the desktop on Windows. This window contains shortcuts to all applications that the user himself added there.

With Launchpad, you can very easily uninstall a program you no longer need. Just drag its icon to the Trash. Such an action conditionally deletes the application, and you can return it at any time without losing all the saved game or project data.

If you want to permanently remove the utility, just open the Trash and delete the program file or the contents of the entire Trash at once. This uninstallation method is suitable for common client programs, small games and office applications.

Note that if the program is part of a whole software package or the game is constantly working with the server, creating new files in the OS, it is better to use additional cleaning methodsMac OS.

After emptying the Recycle Bin, you need to make sure that there are no more saved utility settings in the file system. If there are any, it is enough to move them in the same way to the Trash and then empty its contents.

The file manager in OS X is called "Library". It stores files of all installed applications, data on running processes, their settings and current configuration.

To clear any leftover files from the app, go to Finder. The main menu is displayed in the window header. Click on "Go" and then on "Library" as shown in the picture below:

In the window that appears find the folder with the name of the remote application and move it to the Trash, which you then empty.

If you are unable to delete the directory due to the "Please try again" message box constantly appearing, restart your computer and delete the folder again.

Method 2 - UseFinder

Finder Is a system utility for finding files and configuring your OS X that runs continuously. Finder cannot be closed, because he is responsible for displaying the entire computer interface.

Also, with its help you can remove installed programs.

Follow the instructions:

1. On your computer toolbar, find the Finder icon and click on it;

3. Now select the item you want to erase from the computer, and click on it with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, click on "Add to cart";

The program is removed the moment its name disappears from the Finder list. Note that no disk space has been freed as the files are still in the Recycle Bin. Go back to your desktop and right click on the Trash. In the list of options, click on "Clear". Thus, the application will be completely removed from the OS. If the program creates temporary files, you just need to restart your computer to remove them.

Method 3 - Using an uninstaller

If the application was not installed from the official App Store, it is not advisable to uninstall it using the methods described above. After installing such software, a special uninstaller appears in the system - a utility that correctly removes a specific program from your PC.

Follow the instructions to find and run the uninstaller:

  • Go to Finder and open the section "Programs";
  • Click on the name of the software. In the opened list of files related to software, click on the icon that says Uninstall;
  • Run the uninstaller. Follow all the instructions in the window that appears to complete the uninstallation of the software.

Method 4 - Third-party programs to uninstall

In addition to standard uninstallation methods, you can use third-party cleaning programs. Let's consider the most popular ones.

App Cleaner

App Cleaner Is the most popular utility for deleting data from your Mac.

Download software it is possible from the official website of the developer at the link

After installing App Cleaner, open the utility window. Then click on the tab Applications:

Then wait until the utility loads information about all the software that is installed on the system.... Then you will see the window shown in the picture below. Move the icons of the programs you want to uninstall into it.

Many novice OS X users are wondering how to uninstall programs on Mac. On the one hand, this is a simple task. On the other hand, many instructions on this topic do not provide complete information, which sometimes causes difficulties when removing some very popular applications.

This guide provides details on how to uninstall a program from your Mac correctly in different situations and for different sources of programs, as well as how you can uninstall the built-in OS X system programs if the need arises.

Note: if suddenly you just want to remove a program from the Dock (the launcher at the bottom of the screen), just right-click on it or two fingers on the touchpad, select "Options" - "Remove from Dock".

The easy way to uninstall programs from Mac

The standard and most frequently described method is to simply drag the program from the Applications folder to the Trash (or use the context menu: right-click on the program, item Move to Trash.

This method works for all applications installed from the App Store, as well as for many other Mac OS X programs downloaded from third-party sources.

The second option for the same method is to uninstall the program in LaunchPad (you can call it by pinching four fingers on the touchpad).

In Launchpad, you need to enable delete mode by clicking on any of the icons and holding down the button until the icons begin to "vibrate" (or by pressing and holding the Option key, aka Alt, on the keyboard).

The icons of those programs that can be deleted in this way will have a "Cross" image, with which you can delete. This only works for those applications that were installed on the Mac from the App Store.

Additionally, after completing one of the options described above, it makes sense to go to the "Library" folder and see if there are any folders of the deleted program left there, they can also be deleted if you are not going to use it in the future. Also check the contents of the "Application Support" and "Preferences" subfolders

To go to this folder, use the following method: open the Finder, and then hold down the Option (Alt) key and select "Go" - "Library" from the menu.

The hard way to uninstall a program in Mac OS X and when to use it

So far, everything is very simple. However, you cannot uninstall some programs that are often used in this way, as a rule, these are "bulky" programs installed from third-party sites using the "Installer" (like that in Windows).

Some examples: Google Chrome (at a stretch), Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and Creative Cloud in general, Adobe Flash Player and others.

What about such programs? Here are some possible options:

And how do you uninstall the program in the end? Here, the best option would be to type in Google search “How to remove The name of the program Mac OS "- almost all serious applications that require specific steps to remove them have official instructions on this matter on the websites of their developers, which it is advisable to follow.

How to uninstall built-in Mac OS X programs

If you try to uninstall any of the preinstalled Mac programs, you will see a message stating that "The item cannot be changed or deleted because it is required by OS X."

I do not recommend touching the built-in applications (this may cause the system to malfunction), however, it is possible to remove them. To do this, you will need to use the Terminal. You can use Spotlight search or the Utilities folder in programs to launch it.

In the terminal enter the command cd / Applications / and press Enter.

The following command is to directly uninstall an OS X program, for example:

  • sudo rm -rf
  • sudo rm -rf
  • sudo rm -rf Photo \
  • sudo rm -rf QuickTime \

I think the logic is clear. If you are prompted to enter a password, no characters will be displayed as you type (but the password will still be entered). During the uninstallation, you will not receive any confirmation of uninstallation, the program will simply be removed from the computer.

That concludes, as you can see, in most cases, uninstalling programs from a Mac is a fairly simple step. Less often, you have to make an effort to find how to completely clean the system of application files, but this is not very difficult either.

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