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The difference between antivirus and Internet security. Virus threat detection


Let's start with the fact that free versions of antiviruses, according to the manufacturers themselves, provide only a basic level of protection. It is quite logical. For providing more high level protection and extended feature set must be paid extra.

On the other hand, not all users need comprehensive protection. Enough experienced users, use antivirus for "safety net" or they can do without it at all.

But users who are poorly guided in questions information security, do not update the operating system and installed programs on time, do not know how to set up rules firewall and antivirus that cannot recognize phishing, a fake banking site, follow links in letters and messages received from unfamiliar sources, run dubious programs downloaded from the Internet - for such users it is worth getting an integrated protection .

List of compared antiviruses

To clearly demonstrate how complex class protection differs Internet Security from a free entry-level antivirus, we decided to compare their functionality.

Sorry, paid and free antivirus too many to compare them all. You can see the difference between free antiviruses in our comparison of free antiviruses. Paid antiviruses, due to their diversity, can be compared endlessly. For our comparison, we decided to take only Most Popular paid and free antiviruses.

Of the paid products, the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries is undoubtedly Kaspersky Internet Security, so the choice fell on him.

Among the free antiviruses, the most popular one was chosen both in Russia and all over the world - Avast Free Antivirus. According to Yandex search company alone, this free antivirus is searched over 1.5 million times a month! The huge popularity of Avast Free Antivirus is also confirmed by the data received from OPSWAT .

The third, and also free antivirus, was taken Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows defender(for Windows 8), which is the second most popular free antivirus after Avast Free Antivirus. On a new operating system Microsoft Windows 8 this antivirus is installed by default and is a kind of free antivirus standard.

Thus, we settled on an indicative Kaspersky comparison Internet Security, the most popular paid all-in-one antivirus product, and Avast Free Antivirus from Microsoft Security Essentials as on the most popular imp paid antivirus software.

  • Kaspersky Internet Security (2013);
  • Avast Free Antivirus 8.0.1483.76;
  • Microsoft Security Essentials

Functionality comparison

The first thing you should always pay attention to when choosing an antivirus is functionality. Some users prefer All-in-One solutions from one manufacturer, others prefer to use product combinations for their own personal reasons.

Table 1. Comparison of the functionality of paid and free antivirus

Kaspersky Internet Security Avast Free Antivirus
Real-time file protection + + +
Checking correspondence using POP3, IMAP4, SMTP protocols + + -
Web antivirus + + -
Check files received via P2P and IM + + -
Automatic firewall + - -
Behavioral blocker + + -
Heuristic analysis + + +
Cloud technologies + + -
Running programs in isolated environment(SandBox) + + * -
online payments
+ - -
Virtual keyboard + - -
Anti-spam + - -
Anti-banner + + -
Anti-phishing + + -
Checking the reputation of sites + + -
Parental control + - -
Search and repair of vulnerabilities + + ** -

* Avast Free Antivirus includes a semi-automatic sandbox version.

** Avast Free Antivirus does not track update status for operating system.

Let's briefly explain the purpose of some functions.

Automatic firewall: component designed to protect your computer from network attacks. Contains a set of predefined rules, new rules are created automatically based on the results of application analysis.

Behavioral blocker designed to track the activity of applications in the system and make a decision to block or allow application actions based on the received data. This technology allows antivirus to detect and block threats unknown to it.

Heuristic analysis allows, based on the analysis of the code of the executable application, script or macro, to detect code sections responsible for malicious activity... The disadvantage of this technology is elevated level false positives on legitimate applications, additional load on the system.

Cloud technologies are designed to improve the speed of antivirus response to new threats. In fact, an anti-virus cloud is a company's infrastructure designed to process information received from computers of users of a personal product in order to identify new undetectable threats.

Virtual keyboard is used to securely enter credentials for accessing various resources. The use of a virtual keyboard excludes the possibility of intercepting logins, passwords and other entered information by malicious keylogger programs that intercept those entered from regular keyboard data.

So, as you can see, an antivirus with comprehensive protection, in comparison with free versions, additionally protects the user from:

  • Network attacks
  • Spam
  • Phishing
  • Keyloggers
  • New threats
  • Protection of online payment transactions
  • Prevents children from accessing unwanted information

Let's move on to assessing the quality of these antiviruses.

Quality control

After we have decided on the functionality of the products on which we have chosen, the question begins to interest, how well do these antiviruses do their job? A wide range of functions is not always a guarantee of stable and reliable operation.

To assess the quality of antivirus software different criteria, research is carried out in many laboratories that conduct tests on various criteria. For example, such as, Matousec, AV-Comparatives, where specialists test selected products according to previously developed and approved methods.

These tests are diverse and include checking many parameters, such as the level of detection malware, the quality of treatment for active infection, the number of false positives, ease of use with the product, speed of work, etc.

We will try to give a qualitative assessment of a number of parameters of the anti-virus products we have chosen for comparison.

Assessment of the quality of detection, the level of false positives and responses to new threats

First and foremost, in our opinion, is the level of malware detection and the quality of treatment for active infections. It's no secret that no antivirus provides a 100% guarantee of protection against malware. Cybercriminal tricks are varied. They try by everyone possible ways bypass user protection systems. Therefore, it is very important that the antivirus has a high level of malware detection and can independently detect it before updating. anti-virus databases(proactive protection) and could correctly treat the infected system if, for some reason, the malware was able to get into the system. At the same time, a high level of detection should not give a large number of false alarms. It is extremely inconvenient to use a product that suspects everything and everyone. Rarely, but there are situations when a false alarm occurs on important component operating system. In this case, there is a chance to get a completely inoperative operating system. Therefore, the level of false positives should tend to zero.

According to the latest data received from AV-Comparatives and, Kaspersky Internet Security is the leader among our selected antiviruses in terms of detection, quality of reaction to new threats and rate of false positives. Avast Free Antivirus has moved away from it quite a bit. Last place is occupied by Microsoft Security Essentials.

Table 2: Summary assessment of detection quality

Antivirus Grade
Kaspersky Internet Security
Avast Free Antivirus
Microsoft Security Essentials

Quality of treatment for active infection

Now it is necessary to discuss the issue of curing active infection. There are two different approaches to this issue.

First: in case of system infection, you must completely reinstall the operating system.

Second: it is worth using an antivirus product for treatment. Both approaches have their pros and cons.

The first option is not always suitable due to the presence of any installed software that will be difficult to restore and configure after reinstalling the system. Or, in case of infection file virus, there is a high probability that on clean system the infected program will be launched from another disk partition. In addition, some families of malicious programs are quite comfortable with reinstalling the system, infecting boot sectors hard drive.

The second option is less safe in the sense that even after the system is treated, there may be hidden backdoors or other dangerous changes in the system. In addition, during the treatment there is a risk of damage to the operating system files, which is fraught with complete inoperability of the system.

But we adhere to the following point of view: anti-virus programs must be able to correctly eliminate active infections. After the system is cured and the risk re-infection excluded, you can make a decision on the need to reinstall, if conditions allow.

This aspect of the antivirus is never ignored by testers. At the end of 2012, the portal and tested antiviruses for their ability to cure an infected system. Based on the results obtained, we have derived an average estimate of this indicator.

Table 3. Summary assessment of the quality of treatment for active infection

Antivirus Grade
Kaspersky Internet Security
Avast Free Antivirus
Microsoft Security Essentials

Future tests will show how things will be in the future. It is quite possible that the results will change somewhat.

Evaluating the speed of antivirus products

The next important parameter the rating for users is the speed of the antivirus product.

On many resources on the Internet, disputes often arise about which antivirus works faster. No topic "Which antivirus should I choose?" doesn’t do without statements: “Do not take product N, it hangs up the system. And I have M, I don't even notice his presence. "

Indeed, in order to provide a reliable level of protection for the user's system, developers have to use a variety of different technologies, which does not have the best effect on its performance. Who among the users will like to watch how his powerful, just bought computer or laptop, after installing the antivirus, loses quite noticeably in performance? And there are users with devices that are 2-4 years old, and the speed of these devices will decrease even more after installation new version antivirus. Therefore, manufacturers constantly have to find a reasonable compromise between the speed of their product and the level of user protection.

In this regard, regularly held independent testing the speed of antivirus products, since this is an important point that many users pay attention to.

The website, carried out in March 2012 by an independent laboratory, tested for the speed of the anti-virus products, showed that among the products we selected, Kaspersky Internet Security and Avast Free Antivirus exert minimal load on the system. But Microsoft Security Essentials, alas, proved to be far from the best side. His presence in the system was very noticeable.

Table 4. Summary estimate of the speed of work

Antivirus Grade
Kaspersky Internet Security
Avast Free Antivirus
Microsoft Security Essentials

Assessment of the ergonomics of antivirus software

The interface plays an important role in working with an antivirus product. It is convenient and pleasant to work with the software, which has a simple and intuitive interface.

Since antivirus is a consumer product, there is a very wide contingent of users, from novice users to experienced specialists. Therefore, antivirus software developers try to take into account all possible wishes and preferences of users. They strive to make the product interface as clear as possible for an ordinary user and at the same time enable advanced and experienced users to fine-tune the product, without the possibility of getting confused in the settings structure.

In addition, the interface of the antivirus product should make it as easy as possible for the user to make a decision in the event of a reaction to a detected threat, ensure fast access To various functions product and the ability to change them, viewing work logs and so on.

In July 2012, an independent laboratory tested the site for antivirus ergonomics (usability). A similar test was carried out by the portal.

Based on the testing results, all selected antiviruses showed themselves with the best side taking into account their functionality and received the highest awards.

Table 5. Summary assessment of ergonomics

Antivirus Grade
Kaspersky Internet Security
Avast Free Antivirus
Microsoft Security Essentials

This is where we finish evaluating a number of important aspects when choosing an antivirus and move on to conclusions.


So which antivirus should you choose? Paid or Free? Multifunctional or with minimal set functions?

It all depends on the mode of use of the computer, how it is used, what work is done on it and what threats actually exist for this computer and information on it (account hijacking, fraud, stealing money from an online bank or payment systems, loss of personal data (photos, videos, databases, documents), uncontrolled use of the Internet by children, etc.). The level of knowledge of users in computer security.

Paid systems of comprehensive protection of the Internet Security class have the greatest functionality and the highest level of protection provided among the products we have chosen.

Such complex protective systems fit the vast majority ordinary users because it is a set and forget approach. Due to its wide functionality, there is no need to install and configure a number of additional security software.

The structure of such systems includes such an important component as Parental Control, which provides the ability to restrict children's access to unwanted information that they can receive even without a targeted search.

Since electronic payments over the Internet have become a part of our life, it is very important to ensure a high level of security when working with payment data.

To do this, complex paid antiviruses, for example, the same Kaspersky Internet Security, contain components for launching programs in an isolated environment (SandBox), online payment security, virtual keyboard, anti-phishing and others. important elements comprehensive protection, which minimizes the risk of theft Money when making electronic payments via the Internet.

Also these components provide reliable protection identification data from theft, when entering the forums, social networks and other resources that require a username and password.

In addition, all without exception paid complexes Internet Security class provide protection against network attacks.

Free antiviruses, for example Avast Free Antivirus, should be installed, in our opinion, for more experienced and accurate users. In this case, the requirements for the security of the operating system increase and application programs generally. You need to more closely monitor software updates, if possible, work on the Internet with limited rights, is extremely attentive to the sites visited and downloaded files. In other words, to be constantly on the alert and not to forget that the used protection is not omnipotent.

In addition to the free antivirus, you may need to install additional security software. Which might suit those users who like to use various combinations protective products. On the one hand, this can be considered a disadvantage if you focus on comprehensive protection“Everything is out of the box”, but on the other hand, it allows the user to independently decide which programs to protect their computer with.

On the other hand, free antiviruses are perfectly acceptable to use on those computers that have lower requirements for the level of information security, where a computer failure for a couple of days will not be critical.

Free antiviruses like Avast Free Antivirus or Microsoft Security Essentials are great if the end device has absolutely no important information, and all work comes down to simple Internet surfing (without entering any credentials), listening and watching audio / video recordings and using games that do not require a username and password.

Free antiviruses can be chosen by experienced users who antivirus product just needed for "safety net". If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to take a closer look at the paid complex antivirus products of the Internet Security class, the price of which is very affordable. Among free antiviruses, Avast Free Antivirus has the best functionality.

We hope we have answered some of the most important questions, and this comparison will help you navigate the choice of an antivirus product.

It goes without saying that after the initial installation of the operating system on computers, users immediately ask questions about providing anti-virus protection. But what kind of antivirus to install, because today there is a huge amount of such software on the market. Naturally, not all packages are equal in their capabilities. It should not be forgotten that many of these developments are paid. We will not consider them, but dwell on two popular antiviruses - Avast and Kaspersky Free... It is these products that are completely free, and users very often give preference to one of them. But which antivirus is better: Avast or Kaspersky? These questions are proposed to be discussed based on the opinions of experts and users who have tried both software products in action.

A little about antivirus software

So, we have before us two protection tools, which in their field can be called antiviruses, which are among the ten most famous and respected by users. And, before comparing which is better: "Avast" or "Kaspersky Free", for a start it is worth saying a few words about the developments themselves.

Avast antivirus is the brainchild of a Czech company, which, since the release of its first release, has positioned the package as the fastest and most reliable tool for protecting desktop computers (for now, we are talking about stationary systems, and we will touch on mobile separately).

The second is the development of "Kaspersky Lab" - Russian company, which, in the opinion of most experts, can be called almost the undisputed leader in the market for top-level antivirus software. By the way, Kaspersky Free is still the first and only free development (before that all products were exclusively paid).

Which is better: Avast or Kaspersky? Antivirus comparison criteria

But back to the question of choosing an antivirus for home or office computers... Avast or Kaspersky? Which is better? To answer these questions, it is necessary to compare both software packages and identify their strengths and weaknesses... To evaluate them functionality it is proposed to use several basic criteria:

  • interface design and usability of the built-in tools;
  • detection and neutralization virus threats;
  • directions of protection;
  • false alarm;
  • possible conflicts with other software products;
  • additional features.
  • Loading the main program and using system resources

    So the first thing to look out for is loading the program. It goes without saying that both antiviruses start together with the operating system from the startup section. Disable them standard methods(without using edit system registry) impossible. This is understandable. But there is one caveat here. Avast starts as regular program, and Kaspersky loads its security modules much earlier than even some start windows services... In particular, this concerns the KIS and KAV components, which are integrated into the operating system kernel immediately after installing the main package. According to the developers themselves, this allows you to secure the system even at the boot stage (some modern viruses can be constantly found even in random access memory without unloading from it). Thus, the startup time of the entire system together with installed antivirus software varies quite a lot. And here "Avast" is clearly at its best.

    If we talk about which is better - "Avast" or "Kaspersky", it is worth mentioning separately about the use of computer resources. We do not take into account the initial check at startup, but look at the state of the system when antiviruses provide protection against possible threats v background.

    If you look at the state system resources, Avast does not use them so much. By at least, loading central processing unit twice as low as from the side of "Kaspersky".

    In addition, Kaspersky consumes almost seven times more RAM, which negatively affects computer systems with an insufficient number of RAM strips. In general, in terms of workloads, all known software products of Kaspersky Lab have always been unusually gluttonous. So here, too, "Avast" is still winning.

    Note: in order to reduce the load on resources, some additional settings, when installed, the priority in the execution of specific tasks will be given system processes and custom applications... But not everyone knows about this. So, about the championship of "Avast" can be argued.


    The interface design cannot be ignored either. Kaspersky is designed in green tones, while Avast uses light and orange tones. There is parity here. However, as noted, in Avast, almost all necessary tools are at hand, but in Kaspersky to access certain settings and parameters for an unprepared user, navigation can be very difficult. In addition, brief informative information is also displayed in Avast, while Kaspersky is not burdened with such functions. If you compare the result, it is practically a draw, but Avast is a little ahead.

    Virus threat detection

    Finally, the most important test that influences the user's choice, tipping the scales in the direction of one or another antivirus, is the detection of threats, the ability to neutralize them and the speed of scanning the system in different modes... When figuring out which is better: Avast or Kaspersky, it should be noted right away that Avast, unfortunately, simply does not react to many dangerous threats. But "Kaspersky" is not familiar with this. It is this antivirus that is believed to be capable of detecting almost all currently known threats, including viruses created which have not yet been entered into the databases. Here "Kaspersky" undoubtedly wins.

    In terms of system scan speed, both antiviruses are in approximately the same position, however, if a deep scan is specified, Kaspersky takes a little longer to complete it. But this criterion is especially important indicator cannot be called, since all the same, the level of security provided by Kaper is a cut above what is observed in the case of Avast (especially since the majority of users set the on-demand scan precisely at moments of system inactivity, that is, when they computer do not work).

    Degrees of protection

    As for the main modules providing comprehensive system protection, there are four of them in Kaspersky Anti-Virus:

    • file protection;
    • IM antivirus;
    • mail security module;
    • web defender.

    Avast has similar tools, but there are one less of them (there is no protection for IM Internet chats). Thus, in this test, Kaspersky Lab Anti-Virus has a certain advantage.

    False positives and conflicts with software

    Now about the saddest thing. Unfortunately, there is such a sin behind Avast (and this is noted by most users and computer security specialists). Quite often, when launching already installed programs or when trying to install new applications, Avast for some reason recognizes them as a threat, even though legal licensed software is being used. No, of course, one could blame everything, for example, on the installation of pirated or cracked copies of programs, but the antivirus itself does not include the ability to identify legal software at all!

    Sometimes there is still a blocking of the Internet connection. But this is no good! And it is for this reason that many users are trying to get rid of this antivirus as quickly as possible. In the case of Kaspersky, nothing of the kind is observed, which again gives rise to another plus in its favor.

    Additional features

    In respect of additional tools(meaning their presence) both antiviruses occupy approximately equal positions, even though their capabilities differ quite widely.

    For example, Avast has an additional anonymizer client SecureLine VPN, its own firewall, a tool to create rescue disk, online protection module and even own browser SafeZone. True, judging by user reviews, most of the tools are unfinished and, if I may say so, damp.

    Kaspersky boasts cloud protection, internet connection protection and on-screen keyboard... To create a rescue disk, tools are not provided for the simple reason that a specially developed standalone utility Kaspersky Rescue Disk.

    Avast or Kaspersky: which is better for Android systems?

    Now a few words about mobile systems... As a rule, all antiviruses used on stationary computers also have analogs in the form of applets, most often used on Android and Windows devices. Understanding which is better: "Avast" or "Kaspersky", based on testing on different configurations, users prefer "Avast" due to the large number of additional functions and tools that Kaspersky does not have.

    Developers mobile antivirus from "Kaspersky Lab" considered that the main task of the application is precisely to protect the device from the penetration of threats, and not additional "chips". But, if you approach with an open mind, it can be noted that "Kaper" is better to use on modern smartphones or tablets with powerful processors and large amounts of RAM, and Avast, as the simplest security tool, is more suitable for relatively weak configurations.

    What's the bottom line?

    So, which is better: Avast or Kaspersky Free? The test results, despite the fact that Avast is in the lead in many positions, is still in the field of providing comprehensive protection for stationary computers, and mobile devices, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus" is a cut above. However, the conclusion may be as follows: Avast is light and fast, Kaspersky is powerful and reliable.

    Software and software that can be called Internet Security ? Of course, anti-virus software primarily than Internet Security. It is probably worth comparing specific software for greater clarity.

    BitDefender Internet Security- one of the best representatives of Internet security, has all the functions that Bitdefender has Antivirus plus and even more. Both products are fast, unobtrusive and compatible with Windows 8. Both block and uninstall and spyware... Each of them is able to check any portable device data storage that can be connected to a PC for security purposes. Any of the products can be used to conduct secure online transactions and secure social media sessions. The protection of any of these products can be rummaged in without revealing personal information. BitDefender Internet Security, however, adds parental controls, antispam, two-way firewall and file shredder (- an application to remove unnecessary files without the possibility of them further restoration). If there is a need for blocking inappropriate content, for example, when children go online, in monitoring their online activities, in tracking their online activity in remote mode, BitDefender Internet Security should be preferred over Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. In addition, if you need to delete files so that no one (not even the CIA) can recover them, you should choose BitDefender Internet Security over Antivirus Plus. In addition, the Internet Security version contains the Bitdefender firewall, which operates independently of the Microsoft Windows firewall.

    There are similar differences between versions of Kaspersky and many other Bitdefender competitors.

    BitDefender Internet Security's strong competitor is Kaspersky Internet Security... Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus have more in common than different. But a few additional features in Kaspersky Internet Security are very attractive. Of course, both versions of Kaspersky detect, block and remove viruses, but Internet Security yet will take care of spam too. Both versions will warn you about dangerous websites, but Internet Security will block dangerous URLs. Both antivirus options provide a disk disaster recovery, task manager and provide anonymity when working on the network, but Internet Security is required if parental control is required. Both products include a virtual keyboard for entering passwords, thus avoiding keyloggers... However, only the Internet Security product includes its own firewall to protect the Internet connection.

    If you look at every similar pair of products from most competitors, it turns out that the versions Internet Security and antivirus software versions work the same in terms of detecting, blocking, and removing malware. But versions of Internet Security often include the tools parental control, as well as best opportunities protection against phishing and protect users when shopping in online stores and online banking. The difference in price between versions is so negligible that it usually makes sense to choose Internet version Security rather than being content with a basic antivirus product.

    Leave your comment!

    For a long time, there have been disputes between users which of the existing antivirus software is the best to date. But, here it is not only a matter of interest, because at stake is a fundamental issue - the protection of the system from viruses and intruders. Let's compare free antivirus solutions Avast Free Antivirus and Kaspersky Free among themselves, and we will determine the best one.

    Avast Free Antivirus is a product of a Czech company AVAST Software... Kaspersky Free is the first free version of well-known Russian software, recently released by Kaspersky Lab. We decided to compare the free versions of these antivirus programs.

    First of all, let's compare what, first of all, strikes the eye after launch - it's the interface.

    Undoubtedly, appearance Avast is visually more attractive than Kaspersky Free. In addition, the drop-down menu of the Czech app is more user-friendly than the navigation elements of its Russian competitor.


    Avast 1: 0 Kaspersky

    Antivirus protection

    Despite the fact that the interface is the first thing we pay attention to when turning on any program, the main criterion by which we evaluate antiviruses is their ability to repel attacks by malicious software and intruders.

    And according to this criterion, Avast significantly lags behind the products of Kaspersky Lab. If Kaspersky Free, like other products of this Russian manufacturer is practically impenetrable for viruses, then Avast Free Antivirus may well miss some Trojan or other malicious program.


    Avast 1: 1 Kaspersky

    Directions of protection

    Also pretty important criterion are the specific areas in which antiviruses protect the system. Avast and Kaspersky call these services screens.

    Kaspersky Free has four protection screens: file antivirus, IM antivirus, mail antivirus, and web antivirus.

    Avast Free Antivirus has one less element: the file system screen, mail screen and web screen. In earlier versions, Avast had an Internet chat screen similar to Kaspersky's IM antivirus, but then the developers refused to use it. So, according to this criterion, Kaspersky Free wins.

    Avast 1: 2 Kaspersky

    Kaspersky Anti-Virus for a long time was the most resource intensive among similar programs. Weak computers they simply could not use it, and even average people had serious performance problems during database updates or virus scans. Sometimes the system simply "lay down". Several years ago, Eugene Kaspersky announced that he had managed to cope with this problem, and his antivirus had ceased to be so "gluttonous". Nevertheless, some users continue to complain about the heavy load on the system that occurs when using Kaspersky, although not on the same scale as before.

    Unlike Kaspersky, Avast has always been positioned by developers as the fastest and lightest of full-fledged anti-virus programs.

    If you look at the readings of the task manager while the antivirus scans the system, you can see that Kaspersky Free creates twice as much CPU load as Avast Free Antivirus, and consumes almost seven times more RAM.

    In terms of the load on the system, Avast's unambiguous victory.

    Avast 2: 2 Kaspersky

    Additional features

    Even the free version of Avast antivirus offers a number of additional tools. Among them are SafeZone browser, SecureLineVPN anonymizer, rescue disk creation tool, browser add-on Avast Online Security. Although, it's worth noting that, according to many users, most of these products are damp.

    The free version of Kaspersky offers far fewer additional tools, but they are much better developed. Among these tools, one should highlight cloud protection and an on-screen keyboard.

    So, according to this criterion, a draw can be awarded.

    Avast 3: 3 Kaspersky

    Although, in the rivalry between Avast Free Antivirus and Kaspersky Free in terms of points, we recorded a draw, but Kaspersky's product has a huge advantage over Avast in terms of the main criterion - the degree of protection against the actions of malicious programs and intruders. According to this indicator, the Czech antivirus can be knocked out by its Russian competitor.

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