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The start and end tags are distinguished by a symbol. What are HTML tags and attributes, W3C validator

The content of an html document or web page is determined by the content of html elements.

HTML elements

An HTML element is anything between the start (opening) and end (closing) tags.

HTML element syntax

  • HTML element starts with open / start tag.
  • HTML element ends end / end tag.
  • Element content Is everything between the opening and closing tags.
  • Some items may be empty.
  • Empty elements only consist of opening tag.
  • Most html elements can have attributes.

(You will learn more about attributes in later chapters of the tutorial.)

Nested elements

Most html elements can be nested within each other. HTML document consists of nested elements.


This is my first paragraph.

This example has three elements:

1. Element

used to insert a paragraph into a web page. Has opening and closing tags. The content of this element in our example is the inscription "This is my first paragraph".

2. Element describes visible part web page content. Has opening and closing tags. An element is nested within it

With your content.

3. Element describes all html document. Has opening and closing tags. There are already two elements nested in it. and

Don't forget the closing tag

Most browsers will render your html code correctly, even if you forget to put the end tag. However, this can lead to errors and unpredictable results.

Attention! Future versions of HTML will not allow you to forget closing tags.

Empty HTML elements

HTML elements without content are called empty elements. Empty elements consist of one tag.

Is an empty element that does not have an end tag (it is used to display the horizontal bar).

In XHTML, XML, and future versions of HTML, all elements must be closed. To do this, you just need to add a backslash separated by a space after the tag name -
... This is a good habit that will come in handy in the future.

Hello dear blog readers! We continue the heading "Creating a website from scratch", and in particular the topic of tags ... And today we will consider the tags that are present in any Internet page - , and ... There is one more tag that should be in every HTML document and about which I already wrote in one of the previous articles, so we will not touch on it.

In previous articles in the rubric, I wrote about creating empty file in html format. In fact, it was used in the Pro article (this is where the title tags were applied). Now we will directly edit this file with full descriptions.

And let's start the article by editing the created file. Personally, I named it index.html, but the name can be anything. We open it with any text editor (it is better to use Notepad ++, as it has code highlighting and other useful gadgets). And immediately add tags to it , and exactly in the order in which they are written. Don't forget to close them as shown in the screenshot. The document will look like this:

Now let's look at the meaning of each tag separately. It's not for nothing that they are in everyone HTML document.

Tag functions

So the tag is an container(). It contains all the visible and invisible content of the web page (including the tags and ). Opening tag comes immediately after the Doctype declaration, and the closing stands at the end of the document. Thus, it makes it clear to the browser where to start processing the document and where to end it.

In theory, he himself can understand what and how. After all ? This is an HTML translator and it is unlikely that he will start processing from the middle of the document and finish it before reaching the end. The question, of course, is controversial, but I have always thought (and now I do not give up my opinion) that this tag must be written.

Even though the function of this tag is only in denoting content boundaries, it has its own attributes (which are now either not used at all, or used extremely rarely). V different sources attributes are different from each other, so I dare not put forward the correct version.

The only thing I can say for sure is that most of the attributes are not supported by HTML 4.01 or are undesirable. Although I will give you one example. - tooltip anywhere in the document. For example, when you hover your mouse over an image, you might see a pop-up text. Also in the case of this tag:

And here is what you will see by hovering the cursor over the document with the given content:

It is preferable to use title attribute not in tag , but in any other specific sections of the page. Firstly, it is convenient, and secondly, search engines will react better to your site. This tag does not directly affect resource optimization. Let's go further.

Tag function

And next in line is tag ... It contains all Technical information about the page that serves to help the browser and search engines. The tag is containerized and follows immediately after , only unlike the latter, the closing tag is not at the end of the document, but before the opening tag .

What information can be seen in ? But none. Everything within this tag is accessible to the human eye only by viewing the source code of the page. All contents of this tag are for search engines and browsers... The only thing that you can somehow see is the tag. which is responsible for the title of the web page window. Here's an example:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The text after the icon is the content of the tag <title>... Now let's look at the content <head>which we cannot see, but which is a very important part <b>creation and promotion of the site.</b> First of all, this is the line</p><p> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </p><p>This is the meta tag responsible for <b>page content type</b>(Content-Type). V <a href="">in this case</a>, it <a href="">html code</a> in UTF-8 encoding (content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8"). Next comes <a href="">title tag</a> described above. Then there are lines starting with the tag <link>... It indicates a connection with <a href="">external document</a>... For example, the line</p><p> <link href="http://сайт/.../style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" /> </p><p>indicates that a (rel = "stylesheet") file is included with (type = "text / css"), which is located at such and such an address (to reduce the line length, I replaced half of the address with dots). After processing this line by the browser, it will determine where to take <b>cascading style sheets</b>.</p> <p>Generally, in <a href="">head tag</a> a lot of information about which you can talk indefinitely. The last thing worth noting (specifically in the case of) is the presence of description tags, <a href="">keywords</a> and canonical. I use <b>All in One SEO Pack plugin</b>, therefore they are present within <head>.</p> <p>Hello dear readers of the blog site! In the last article, we figured out what a document type is and how browsers determine the used language using. The tag was considered, but the concept (term) itself was not. In this article I will tell you what a tag is, why you need it and what tags are there. As I said in the last article of this heading, we will create a file-page, over which we will experiment, relying on the knowledge gained. But this is at the end of the article, but for now let's deal with the HTML tag.</p> <h3>What is an HTML tag, types of HTML tags, examples of writing</h3><b>HTML tag</b>- translated from English <b>tag - tag</b>-Characters enclosed in angle brackets and are elements of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Symbols can be used for <a href="">English language</a>(the entire Internet is built on it). The tag looks like <strong></strong> <p>This is a text highlighting tag <a href="">in bold</a>... Tags are of three types:</p> <ul><li><b>Opening tag</b>- tag at the beginning. In the above example, the tag <strong>is the opening text and stands before the text that you want to select.</li> <li><b>End tag</b>- tag at the end. <a href="">Distinctive feature</a> there is a slash "/" before the characters in angle brackets. Again, let's look at the example discussed above. Tag</strong> is the closing one after the text that should be highlighted in bold</li> <li><b>Single tags</b>- tags that do not have an end tag. An example is <br />Here's an example of an opening and closing tag:</li> </ul> <strong></strong> <p>The whole construction, including the text, will look like this:</p><p> <strong>This text will be in bold</strong> </p><p>And this is how this text will look when the browser processes it and provides it to us: <b>This text will be highlighted in bold.</b> There is also such a thing as <b>container tags</b>, but this is just a generic name for the start and end tags. As I wrote above, in addition to container tags, there are also single tags. The difference is that such tags do not need to be closed. The brightest and most <a href="">frequent example</a> serves as a newline tag.</p><p>Basically, single tags are used to insert some element, such as an image or a table.</p> <h3>What are attributes, spelling rules and why are they needed</h3>In addition to tags, there are also so-called <b>attributes</b>... More precisely, not besides, but in tags. Using attributes, you can set <a href="">Extra options</a> for any tag. <b>Attributes</b> each tag has its own, but in this topic we will experiment with the tag <font>, which, in fact, does nothing sensible without attributes. <p><b>Font</b>- a container tag used to format text. With the help of this tag you can both make the text bold, and change the size and distance between the lines - in general, everything that can be done with the text. Let's look at an example with text size. First, let's wrap the text in a Font tag.</p><p> <font>Text</font> </p><p>Now a little about the rules for writing attributes. Attributes <b>always</b> are written in the opening tag and after the characters of the tag itself. You can write several attributes in one tag in any order. You can find the attributes on the W3C validator website (which I will write about below). So here's an example of a font tag with a size attribute:</p><p> <font size="5">Text</font> </p><p>This attribute in the font tag changes the size of the text enclosed in the tags. <br>If you open <a href="">source</a> page, you will see that the place where the <a href="">big word</a>"Text" has the form</p><p> <font size="5">Text</font> </p><p>You have already seen how attributes are written. Exactly also they are written in other tags: first, we write the attribute itself (in this case, size), then we put "=" and enclose the attribute parameter in <a href="">double quotes</a>... You can find all attribute parameters on the same consortium website <a href="">world wide web</a>.</p> <h3>What is the W3C validator, spelling rules and tag list</h3>As I wrote, there are a great many tags. But where can you find them all? For this purpose there is <b>W3C validator</b> W3C - <b> <a href="">World wide</a> Web Consorcium,</b> and in Russian - the World Wide Web Consortium. Not entirely clear, right? This is the place where web standards are developed - (hypertext markup languages ​​are their brainchild). At the head of the entire consortium is, known from the last article, Tim Berners-Lee - the creator of HTML. The site of this organization is I warn you, the site is completely in English, so stock up on a dictionary or translator in your browser. By the way, Google for this site is 9, and - 37000 (this is all a lot, if someone does not know). <p>We return to the topic of the article. We are interested in the HNTML 4.01 language standards. Follow the link HTML 4.01 Specification, after which we see the elements tab at the top, click on it. So the page opens with all the tags. These tags were developed and adopted as a standard by a consortium. Everything, again, is in English. Immediately after the words "Index of Elements" we see the legend (meaning of the letters in the columns): <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>And right after the legend is a table of the tags themselves:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ul><li>In the first column - <b>Name</b>- the name of the tag itself - what should be in angle brackets (< и >).</li> <li>The second column is <b>Start Tag</b>- the presence of an opening tag. V <a href="">this column</a> you can see the letter "O", which means "Optional", and in translation from English - Optional. This letter is present only opposite the tags <html>, <head>, <body>and <tbody>and means that you can put the opening tag, or you can not put it - the browser will do everything by itself.</li> <li>The third column is <b>End Tag</b>- the presence of a closing tag. Opposite this tag you can see both the letter "O" and the letter "F". The value of the first has not changed. The second letter - "F" - literally "forbidden" from English - means that it is forbidden to put the closing tag, it simply does not exist. For example, there is no tag</img>, because there is nothing to close in it.</li> <li>Fourth - <b>Empty</b>- means that the tag is single (empty). All tags opposite to which there is the letter "E" in this column, there is also the letter "F" in the previous column. After all, <a href="">single tags</a> there are no closing ones. An example is the same tag <img>.</li> <li>The fifth column is <b>Depr.</b> or <b>Deprecated</b>- from English "not recommended". If this column contains the letter "D" (which stands for exactly the same), it means that <a href="">this tag</a> deprecated for use in HTML. Running a little ahead, today for the design of both text and <a href="">appearance</a> the entire site and HTML document uses cascading style sheets - CSS. In short and simple, a single file is created in which all the text parameters that can be called by certain tag attributes are written. So, <a href="">this function</a> is used only on websites, because when sending newsletters by mail or in RSS, CSS is not applicable. And here these same tags come to the rescue. Most of these tags, by the way, relate to text design ( <font>and <Center>are an example)</li> <li>Sixth column - <b>DTD</b>- can contain either a letter <b>"L"</b> or <b>"F"</b>... The first one is <b>"L"</b> - <b>Loose DTD</b>- means that the tag opposite to which is <a href="">given letter</a>, can only be used in a transitional document type (<!DOCTYPE>- Transitional, which I wrote about in the previous article). The second is <b>"F"</b> — <b>Frameset DTD</b>- means that the tag can only be used in a document such as FRAMESET (<!DOCTYPE>- Frameset). If the letter is missing, then the tag can be used in all types of documents.</li> <li>And the last, seventh column - <b>Description</b> — <a href="">short description</a> tag, again in English</li> </ul><p>Attributes can be found on the same page of the HTML 4.01 specification, but in the "attributes" tab. There are many more attributes than tags. And again I will write down everything point by point.</p> <ul><li>The first column is <b>Name</b>- as in the case of tags - the name of the attribute. Everything is in English, but having <a href="">basic knowledge</a> you can guess what this or that attribute does.</li> <li>Second column - <b>Related Elements</b> Is a list of all tags that use an attribute. All tags are linked, so you can jump straight to the tag information.</li> <li>Third column - <b>Type</b>- it's all <a href="">possible values</a> a specific attribute. For example, opposite to the one we have chosen <a href="">size attribute</a> v <a href="">Font tag</a> the value is CDATA. We'll look at it later, but in short, it's a special set of size options (in this case). After all, you can write both pixels and percentages.</li> <li>Fourth column - <b>Default</b>- means whether the attribute is required in a specific tag. For example, in <a href="">Img tag</a> the src attribute is required, as it indicates the source from which to take the picture.</li> <li>The 6, 7, and 8 columns mean the same as for tags.</li> </ul><p>All of the above applies only to <a href="">HTML versions</a> 4.01. We will talk about HTML 5 in another article, and we will also touch on XHTML. And now, as I promised, we will create a page on <a href="">HTML language</a>, over which we will experiment.</p> <h3>Create html file - HTML document</h3> <p>First of all, let's figure out what is <b>HTML document</b>... And this is, in fact, a file in <a href="">HTML format</a>... And all Internet pages are <a href="">HTML documents</a>... For example, when entering a site in <a href="">address bar</a> at the end can be seen after the ".html" or ".htm" address. We will create a file with this extension. In general, if you want to experiment on the site, and not on the page, then it is better to create <a href="">local server</a>- Denver (about which I want to write everything).</p> <p>Considering that I did not even talk about the tags present on each page, we will simply create a file with any name and extension .html. It is possible (and best of all) to use <b>Notepad ++</b> because in this <a href="">text editor</a> code highlighting is used, which is very convenient when editing code and files can be saved in many formats. There are also programs in which, when typing the code, the result immediately appears in the processed form.</p> <p>So, we just need to open <b>Notepad ++</b> and save the file with <a href="">free text</a>(can be empty), but in .html format. To do this, as usual, click on the file label, then "save as" and search among <a href="">large list</a> extensions <b>HyperText Markup Language file</b>(file extensions) ". That, in fact, is all. We will add the first lines to this file in the next article from the heading "Creating a website from scratch"</p> XML is for general use, characters are not limited to the 7-bit ASCII character set. The characters allowed in XML are the three ASCII CO control characters, all <a href="">regular characters</a> of this standard and almost all others <a href="">Unicode characters</a> <h3>Names.</h3><p>In XML language, all names must start with a letter, a symbol <a href="">underscore</a>(_) or colons (:) and continue only with characters allowed for names, namely, they can only contain letters that are part of the letters section <a href="">Unicode encodings</a>, Arabic numerals, hyphens, underscores, periods, and colons. However, names cannot start with an xml string in any case. Names beginning with these characters are reserved for use by the W3C. It must be remembered that since the letters are not exclusively limited <a href="">ASCII characters</a>, then in names you can use words from <a href="">native language</a>.</p> <h3>The structure of the XML document.</h3><p>Any XML document consists of the following parts:</p><ul><li>Optional prologue.</li> <li>The body of the document.</li> <li>An optional epilogue following the item tree.</li> </ul><p>Let's consider each of the parts in more detail.</p> <h3>Prologue of an XML document.</h3><p>The XML document begins with a prologue. The prologue provides some guidance for the XML parser and applications.</p><p>The prologue consists of several parts:</p><ol><li>an optional XML Declaration that is enclosed between characters<?...?>... The ad contains: <ul><li>xml tag and version number (version) of the XML specification;</li> <li>an indication of the character encoding (encoding) in which the document is written (by default encoding = "UTF-8");</li> <li>a standalone parameter which can be "yes" or "no" (by default standalone = "yes"). A value of "yes" indicates that the document contains all required element declarations, and "no" indicates that external DTDs are required.</li> </ul><p>All this together might look like this:</p> <p><?xml version ="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" standalone="yes"?>.</p> <p>It is important to note that in an XML declaration, only the version attribute is required; all other attributes can be omitted and therefore assume their default values. It should also be remembered that all these attributes should be specified only in the above order.</p> </li> <li>comments.</li> <li>processing commands.</li> <li>white space symbols.</li> <li>optional <span>document type declaration</span>, DTD (Document Type Declaration) which is enclosed between characters<!DOCTYPE...>and can span multiple lines. This part declares the tags used in the document, or provides a link to the file in which such announcements are recorded.</li> </ol><p>After <span>document type declaration</span> comments, processing commands and white space symbols can also follow.</p><p>Since all of these parts are optional, the prologue can be omitted.</p> <h3>The body of the XML document.</h3><p>The body of a document consists of one or more elements. In a well-formed XML document, the elements form a simple hierarchical tree, in which the <span>root element</span>(root element) in which all other elements of the document are nested. <a href="">XML language</a> imposes an extremely important constraint on elements - they must be properly nested. This makes it easy enough to nest one XML document into another without breaking the structure of the document, while <span>root element</span> the subdocument becomes simply one of the elements of the document in which it is subdivided. In this regard, we are faced with another limitation, namely, that the names of the elements must be unique within the document, since in the included document the same names as in the containing document can have a completely different meaning. To solve the problem of matching names, the concept of a namespace is introduced.</p><p>The name of the root element is considered the name of the entire document and is indicated in the second part of the prologue after the word Doctype. If the DTD definition is inside an XML document, then it is placed in square brackets after the name of the root element:</p><p><!DOCTYPE имя_корневого_элемента [описание DTD ]></p><p>Usually, however, a DTD is written for multiple XML documents at once. In this case, it is convenient to write it down separately from the document, and then instead of <a href="">square brackets</a> one of the words System or Public is written, followed by an address in the form of a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of a file with a DTD definition. For all practical purposes, a URI is considered equivalent to <a href="">URL addresses</a>, although in principle it can be any unique name. A DTD definition, for example, might look like this:</p><p><!DOCTYPE root_element_name SYSTEM "DTD.dtd"></p> <h3>XML namespaces</h3><p>Since different XML documents may contain the same names of tags and their attributes, which have completely different meanings, you need to be able to distinguish them somehow. To do this, the names of tags and attributes are supplied with a short prefix, which is separated from the name by a colon. The name prefix is ​​associated with an identifier that defines <span>namespace</span>(namespace). All tag and attribute names with prefixes associated with the same identifier form one <span>namespace</span> in which the names must be unique. The namespace prefix and identifier are defined by the xmlns attribute as follows:</p><p><ns:root_element_name xmlns:ns = "http://URI_namespace"></p><p>In what follows, the names of tags and attributes that we want to refer to the namespace "http: // URI_namespace" are prefixed with ns, for example:</p><p><ns:city ns:type="город">Novosibirsk</ns:city>.</p><p>The xmlns attribute can appear on any XML element, not just the root. The prefix it defines can be applied to the element in which the xmlns attribute is written and to all nested elements. Moreover, multiple namespaces can be defined in one element. In nested elements <span>namespace</span> can be overridden by associating the prefix with a different identifier. The appearance of a tag name without a prefix in a document using <span>namespace</span>, means the name belongs to the default namespace. Prefixes starting with xml characters in any case are reserved for XML itself.</p><p>The name, together with the prefix, is called the expanded or qualified name. The part of the name written after the colon is called <a href="">local part</a> name.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="post-social-counters-block"> <div style="margin-top: 12px"> <noindex></noindex> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a name="comments"></a> <h3 class="best-theme-posts-title">Top related articles</h3> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="best-theme-posts row"> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/76867071226cb3b7967da54b4b9e5f9b.jpg" border="0" alt="How to tell if your computer has been hacked" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">How to tell if your computer has been hacked</span> </a> </div> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/f5dd0761393cfad70766137078d4928b.jpg" border="0" alt="How to calibrate and set up your monitor at home" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">How to calibrate and set up your monitor at home</span> </a> </div> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/fae86757c8fdd585ebf5395742578324.jpg" border="0" alt="How to calibrate your monitor on Windows or Mac" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">How to calibrate your monitor on Windows or Mac</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a name="comments"></a> </div> <div class="right-column col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="write"> <span class="tags-title">Categories:</span> <ul style="height: 286px;" id="right-tags" data-tagscount="18" data-currentmaxtag="10" class="tags"> <li class=""><a href="">Programs</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Safety</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Windows 10</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Iron</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Windows 8</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">In contact with</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Errors</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="banner"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="subscribe"> <div class="main-wrapper container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8"> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="social"> <a href="" class="vk social-ico"></a> <a href="" class="fb social-ico"></a> <a href="" class="tw social-ico"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="main-wrapper container"> <div class="row"> <span class="footer-info col-xs-12">© 2021 How to set up smartphones and PCs. 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