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  • Open new tabs, windows in browsers and close unnecessary ones. How to make it convenient to work with a large number of tabs in the browser

Open new tabs, windows in browsers and close unnecessary ones. How to make it convenient to work with a large number of tabs in the browser

For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most frequently launched program on the computer. We use it to listen to music, watch movies, check mail, and so on. And although browsers are updated almost every week, they have enough problems. One of them is not the most convenient work with a large number of tabs.

In fact, working with tabs is like that joke about cats. Don't like cats? You just don't know how to cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the appropriate browser functions for this. And you will not be able to understand how you lived before.

Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

Hotkeys are a very convenient way to manage tabs. Especially when the tabs get so tiny it’s even awkward to click on them.

  • Ctrl + Tab- switching between tabs to the right side.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- switching between tabs to the left.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- close the active tab.

These are just a few combinations that will allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard shortcuts exist. And some of them might force you to use your keyboard instead of your mouse to control your tabs.

Remembering open tabs

When you constantly switch between your browser and another program, chances are that you could accidentally close the browser, and then you have to reopen everything. And it is good if you remember what you have discovered. All this headache can be saved by the function of the browser, which allows you to remember which tabs were open before closing it.

Enable this feature and thereby free yourself from unnecessary work in the future:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Initial group → Continue from the same place.
  • Firefox: Preferences -> General -> When Firefox starts -> Show last opened windows and tabs.
  • Apple Safari: Preferences → General → Safari opens at startup → All windows from last session.

Adding tabs to favorites

Another quick way to save open tabs to work with later is to add them to a separate folder in your bookmarks. To do this, right-click on the tab and select "Add tabs to favorites". The item name may differ in different browsers, but it is easy to understand that this is the item you are looking for. As a result, a folder with the site addresses you need will appear in your bookmarks. Next, right-click on this folder, select "Open all bookmarks" - all the tabs are again in front of us.

Sorting tabs by individual browser windows

Who said that all tabs should be in the same browser window? You can sort your tabs into different windows. For example, you can move all the tabs that relate to one project to one browser window, and everything related to entertainment to another, and so on. Just drag a tab to an empty spot on your desktop and a new window will open. Another way is to right-click on a link or bookmark and select "Open in new window" from the list.

Selecting multiple tabs at once

You can perform various actions not with one tab, but with several at once. But for this, you first need to select these same tabs. Hold down the Ctrl key (or Cmd on a Mac) and select the tabs you currently need. That's it, now you can close them, reload them, add them to bookmarks and so on.

Pinning tabs

Modern browsers from good developers have a great "Pin Tab" feature. This is very convenient if you keep a particular tab open at all times. For example, it could be a tab with Gmail or a music service. Once you pin a tab, it will be more difficult to close and take up less space on the tab bar. Just right-click on the tab and select the desired item from the list.

Restoring a closed tab

Sometimes it turns out that you accidentally close a tab that you didn't want to close at all. The hand twitched or changed its mind at the moment of closing - anything can happen. To reopen this tab, you can, of course, go to your browser history and find this site. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or Cmd + Shift + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and Cmd + Z in Safari) to bring this tab back. Also, right-clicking on any tab in your browser can help you.

Tab groups in Firefox

Almost five years ago, developers added to the Firefox browser very cool feature called "Tab Groups" or "Panorama". She practically does the trick described above. It's about using different browser windows for tabs. Only here all this is done more beautifully, and you do not need to create many windows. A couple of clicks, and you have already switched to work with another project, or, conversely, have fun after work. To launch tab groups, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E or Cmd + Shift + E on a Mac.

Hopefully your work with a lot of browser tabs now becomes a little easier.

“Life is like a conversation. Web design should be like this too. Online, you're talking to someone you've most likely never met, so it's important to be clear and precise. Well-structured navigation and content organization go hand in hand with great dialogue. "

Head of UX Optimization at Nest Chikezie Ejiasi.

Can tabbed navigation be clear and precise? Of course it is, and therefore it is a viable form of navigation and content organization. But as with most things related to user experience (User Experience or UX), it matters how you implemented and optimized it.

First, what is tabbed navigation?

Matt Cronin, a freelance designer and developer, gave a good explanation:

“Basically, it's a set of buttons, mostly horizontal. Tab design usually follows several rules.

First, the set of tabs snaps onto or slightly protrudes from the larger block, as in the example below:

Also, notice how the color of the open tab matches the color of the enclosing box, making the other tabs lighter. This is another common style point. "

Looking at this kind of navigation in different sources, you will notice several characteristics in common:

1. The corners of the tabs are rounded;
2. Tabs are separated by space or line;
3. The tabs are used;
4. For greater color depth and for setting the size of the tabs, a smooth transition of colors (gradient) is applied.

Tabbed navigation is based on the folder metaphor, an image familiar to anyone who has worked in an office or has seen its environment. This comparison is understood by Justin Mifsud, founder of UsabilityGeek:

“In UI terminology, metaphors are ideas or objects that are embedded between an application and a user to create a recognizable effect.

The use of tabs in the UI is a wonderful metaphorical approach because they look like heading separators in documents or shortcuts to folders in binders.

Thus, this view becomes more intuitive for people who understand that tabs divide content into sections. They can, as in real life, touch the desired heading (in a network context - by clicking on a tab) to open the corresponding content. "

Because this metaphor is quite common, it is important that you use caution when implementing it. Tabbed navigation has a familiar prototype, so it should look and work exactly as the user expects.

Like any quality navigation system, tabbed navigation allows you to:

  • Distribute content to different sections in accordance with its meaning;
  • Show what content is available and how you can get it;
  • Visually demonstrate to people where they are on the site.

When should you use tabbed navigation?

This type of navigation is most appropriate when:

  • You have 2 to 9 content categories;
  • Category names are relatively short and predictable, both for placement and for the text itself (that is, they should be consistent with the prototype version);
  • The number of categories will not change often;
  • The categories are similar in essence, and therefore it is logical that they are located close to each other;
  • All categories fit in one row.

When tab navigation becomes so complex that it requires multiple rows, problems start to arise, according to Jakob Nielsen, founder and CEO of the Nielsen Norman Group:

“Multiple rows means more UI elements, and this is bad for spatial memory, making it difficult for users to remember which tab they have already opened.

In addition, a large number of rows indicates unnecessary complexity. If the tabs do not fit in one row, then you need to simplify the design. "

Multiple rows also pose problems at the level of the visual hierarchy. When there is a second row, users might think that it is showing subcategories, or at least not as important tabs as the first row.

Don't include tabbed navigation in your design when:

  • You want people to compare content at the same time. In this case, in-tab navigation will overwhelm memory, significantly boosting.
  • You start to think about adding a tab like "More" or "More"

Of course, all of the above are just basic principles. You might be perfect for everything, and yet the navigation will not be suitable for your audience. As always, testing is mandatory.

You can use analytics to determine if tabbed navigation is causing problems. If so, it will be necessary to either make changes to improve the situation, or experiment with a different kind of navigation.

Although modern design practice presupposes the presence of a large number of landing pages that look like this:

... some companies still use the tabbed bar as their primary navigation.

Luke Wroblewski, head of product development at Google, notes that Amazon was the pioneer of the trend:

“In 1998, the site had 2 top-level categories: books and music.

This is how tabbed navigation looked like on the Amazon website in the early stages:

The site grew in popularity and the number of tabs grew:

In 1999, Jacob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group called it "bad design, reflecting an abuse of metaphor":

“I argue that tabs are better for switching between alternate (but related) data than for navigating unrelated locations.

Unfortunately, users will soon lose their understanding of tabs as a special design element if more and more sites misunderstand their implementation. ”

Still, many sites followed Amazon's lead, and the concept of tabbed navigation began to deviate from Nielsen's "alternate data switching."

In 2016, as in 1999, Nielsen still adheres to his point of view:

“Use tabs within the same context, rather than lead people to different areas. This is the only and very important requirement, because this is what was the reason for the invention of tabs. "

Although tabbed navigation is out of fashion as the main type of navigation system, it can still be effective. What matters more is not so much Nielsen's fears as what your audience thinks. Does she find navigation so difficult? Are users navigating the site correctly? Are they able to find the most important elements of it? Conduct a usability test to see if the answers are beneficial to you.


Many major airlines, including Air Canada, use this type of navigation successfully:

If you've decided to implement tabbed navigation too (at any level), keep the following in mind:

  • Design your site's Information Architecture (IA) first so you can make smarter tab decisions.
  • The entire surface of the tab must be clickable and not just contain the category name (text).
  • Do not use the Home tab if you are using site-wide navigation. Instead, include a logo that leads visitors to the appropriate page.
  • The tab should be associated with the content to which its title belongs so that the type of information voiced in the text of the tab is understandable.
  • The category name should be within 1-2 words and be written in a regular font, without caps-lock, as this complicates the reading of the tabs.
  • Don't clutter up the rows of tabs. If necessary, use subcategories (that is, the second horizontal line below the tabs). If you do so, make sure there is a visual link between the selected tab and the subcategory bar below it. Do not include an excessive number of subcategories, everything should be succinct and simple.
  • The selected tab should be highlighted indicating the user's current location. In this case, the rest of the tabs should not be "drowned out" so that they are forgotten or not noticed.
  • It is important to maintain the same order of tabs on all pages so that the visitor understands how the tabs relate to one another.

Jacob Nielsen explains the importance of consistency in this matter:

"1. Recognition. When things look the same, you know what to look for and when you found it.

2. Predictability. When something always works the same way, you know what will happen if you start using it.

3. Empowerment. When you can rely on your knowledge of all the available functions, you can easily think of a set of actions to achieve your goals.

4. Efficiency. Eliminates the need to waste time learning new things or worrying about the effect of inconsistent functionality. ”

Examples of successful design

Tabbed navigation has many different incarnations. Let's look at examples to get a better understanding of her.

Here 2 things draw attention to themselves:

1. Navigation is vertical.
2. It includes icons.

Basically, tabbed navigation is laid out horizontally. This is partly due to the design of the prototype. Since this is more common, people are used to looking for the horizontal line navigation below the logo.

This, however, does not mean that you need to limit yourself to this space, just run tests and evaluate the response. Don't change the default layout just for style reasons and sacrifice the site's ease of use.

Note that while the Album Art Collection uses navigation icons, they do not dispense with textual descriptions either. In our blog, you can find a separate article devoted to, but for now, let's note the main thing: often text descriptions work better than icons without text. Jacob Gube, editor-in-chief of Six Revisions, a resource for developers and web designers, explains why this is happening:

“Avoid replacing text with icons, as symbols can mean different things to different people. The safest way is plain text that reveals the information in the window. "

This is a basic example of tabbed navigation, albeit including a Home tab, which is overkill. The selected tab is brought to the front, all tabs are associated with the content that they present.

3. Buffer

This is one of the most successful examples. The company has different offerings for individuals and businesses, and they use tabs to split content below the fold line.

This is what the content for individuals looks like:

And this is how content for business begins:

This allows Buffer to target two types of audiences without creating two different sites or experiences. For example, individuals read the following text: “Buffer publishes your content at the best time of the day, so your followers and fans see updates more often. Get the most out of every post. " For business people, the suggestion is: “Buffer allows your marketing team to publish content at the best times of the day to get more traffic and fan engagement. Get the most out of every post. "

The message is similar, but the difference in location plays an important role.

According to David Leggett, design and development specialist at UX Booth, tabbed navigation has a right to exist beyond the primary and secondary levels of navigation and can even be used under the fold line, like Buffer:

“You don't need to restrict the scope of tabs to only the primary and secondary navigation levels. If tabs give the user the ability to switch between sections of the same content, then they are very useful.

Combined with technology that allows content to be changed without reloading the page, this can create a sense of convenience for the user navigating the page. "

3 best practices to remember

Before you experiment with tabbed navigation, or decide it isn't right for you, consider 3 factors: accessibility, chunking, and speed.

1. Accessibility matters

You probably want your site to be accessible to people with disabilities as well. To achieve this, you need:

  • Allow visitors to navigate between tabs,.
  • Allow tab selection by pressing Enter.
  • Switch on various indications of the selected tab. For example, you can highlight a small text box with the word "Active".

Designing a site that is comfortable for more people never hurts conversions.

2. Chunking matters

With tabbed navigation, you need to be very careful about organizing and. This is why the first implementation recommendation mentioned above was related to information architecture:

“Tabs divide content into meaningful sections, which saves screen space. This makes it easier for users to access content of interest (as opposed to organizing content in paragraphs). "

Browse all your content and group it into 4-5 segments. Then repeat this exercise, maybe you can reduce the number of groups to 2-3. Conduct user testing to see which type of navigation people respond to best. Among other things, you must ensure that:

  • Content is broken down in a way that makes it logical, expected, and clear to visitors.
  • The text on your tabs is logical and meaningful.
  • The tabs follow the existing prototype. For example, SaaS sites often share content one way and e-Commerce sites another.

3. Speed ​​matters

Speed ​​is always important, including with tabbed navigation.

Jacob Gube, Six Revisions:

“The purpose of using modular tabs is to achieve a fast and interactive presentation of content. To achieve this, you embed the content of the inactive windows in the HTML document, and then use CSS and JavaScript to style the window and visually hide it, thus eliminating the waiting for a page to load or requesting data from remote sources.

Avoid reloading the page when switching from window to window as it slows down navigation between tabs significantly. Remote loading of content using Ajax can be one of the options for dynamic information located on external servers, but this solution creates problems for users listening to information using screen access systems and are not familiar with the operation of asynchronous DOM elements in a tree. ".

This advice is not for those who are going to use tabbed navigation as their primary navigation, but for those who will be using it in the form shown on the Air Canada and Buffer websites.


Tabbed navigation can lead to good conversions. Implemented correctly, it clearly communicates to visitors where they are, what to do and how they can find the materials they need.

If you additionally do usability testing and optimization, the conversion will improve even more. Conduct research (in this case, it should be about information architecture) and test, test, test.


1. Tabbed navigation can be used both as the primary navigation system and outside of the primary / secondary navigation levels.

2. Use this type of navigation if you have 2 to 9 similar categories with short names that will fit in one row.

3. Do not use it if you are considering adding a More Information link.

4. You can follow best practices, but ...

5.… the main thing is your users. Conduct usability tests to see if the navigation is too difficult for your visitors.

6. Debug all arising roughnesses, and if there are too many problems - think about another navigation.

7. Accessibility, chunking, and speed are all things that matter when it comes to tabbed navigation, so pay close attention to them.

At first, in the redesign of the Chronicle, Facebook removed the tabs from the page, but the public reaction was so violent that the tabs (tabs) returned back the very next day.

Now access to tabs is possible in two places: in the top menu under the "More" button and in the left column.

Access to applications in the top bar:

Access to applications in the left column:

Apps are now just below the general page / business information.

The displacement of the tabs from under the cover to a less visible position caused the outrage of marketers, since with the help of tabs it is possible to profitably present a discount offer, offer a user a coupon, announce a contest, etc. To which Facebook's reaction was quite predictable.

Facebook has hinted that the news feed is what marketers should now focus on. Reading between the lines - use the services of paid advertising. But it was not there! We both used tabs and will use them. There is always a way out.

For starters, you can make the graphic of the tab bright and eye-catching.

I'll show you how to technically change the icon on your page app.

1. Go to the settings section, which is now right above your cover.

2. Go to the menu item - applications.

3. Select the application whose thumbnail you want to change.

4. Custom Tab Image - Click Edit.

5. Follow the instructions to upload a new image.

You can also give your name to the tab. It is with the name that you will now enter in the field - an arbitrary name for the tabs - that the application will be displayed on your main page under the cover.

Some application developers do not allow changing the application icon.

If you have the opportunity to give a discount or special conditions for page subscribers - go ahead! And write about it! And let's link to your store.


Above we have already considered the application "Online store", the application "Top fans". Applications for contests. There are a huge variety of applications, and they were created for different purposes, so there is no point in describing them in detail. May Yandex or Google search be with you!

I'll focus on a couple of interesting apps that work for everything. You can create Facebook tabs yourself. And there are apps to help you do this, even if you don't have specialized knowledge.

Static HTML

This is the most popular (20+ million installations) and simple application for creating your own tabs. After adding the application to the fan page, insert the HTML code of the tab into the top field (Public Content), save and see the result (Preview). Everything. You write the HTML code yourself. At the same time, as a page administrator, when entering a tab, you always see the settings, and then the content itself on the tab. But other Facebook users only see content. To create a hide tab, paste HTML for fans in the Fans-only content field and HTML for NON-fans in the Public Content field.

Static iframe Tab

This application has advanced functionality compared to the previous one. It is also easily added to the fan page, while you initially see the content of the tab itself, and then you can go to the Settings settings (this is more convenient). There are more settings in the Static iframe. If you don't know HTML, you can just upload a picture and it will be displayed in the (Page Source - Image) tab. You can redirect directly to the site (Page Source - Redirect) or display any external site inside the tab by specifying its link (Page Source - URL). There is also an option to insert content for Non-Fan Page Source.

Lujure - Timeline App Builder (Paid)

The application works in design mode (drag & drop). You don't need to know the code at all, just drag the necessary elements (more than 30 widgets) to the future tab, set their parameters, save - and the tab is ready. You can create a tab both on the service website and on your page. Add the application to the page, go to it and configure it. The only drawback of this service for us is that Lujure is in English only. Free version - one tab (all widgets) on one fan page.

Working with tabs

With the help of tabs, you can significantly expand the standard functionality of the page. Any HTML construct can be embedded in the tab. Everything that is available for web pages, for sites, can be embedded in Facebook.

According to statistics, people are more actively interacting with the "objects" that are on Facebook. The user sits in his secure world called Facebook - and does not really want to leave it. Therefore, if you want to get subscribers to your e-mail newsletter, then the best solution would be to embed the subscription form directly on your business page on Facebook.

You can place on the tab important information about your business, describe your services. You can also add the Facebook “comments” plugin there, collect reviews from customers - and thus get more trust in your brand and, accordingly, more sales.

You can insert a form with which you will receive online applications for your products or services. And many other things that are available for any site.

You can also arrange the tabs on the page in the order you need, for this:

1. Click on the icon in the app drawer.

2. Enter Partition Management.

3. Just drag your tab widget to where you want it to be.

How to lead people to a tab

Tell us about your app, explain what benefits the user will get if they go to view the tab: a discount coupon, a new video, an exclusive product, an interesting game, etc.

Use targeted (contextual) Facebook ads. In the "Destination" section (the place where those who click on the ad will go to) select your tab. Thus, you will increase the number of page fans by about 30%. You can offer a discount coupon in your ad. The user clicks on this ad and is taken to a tab that displays an image with a call to first click on the page itself to get a discount.

Page statistics

Now let's figure out how we can rate our work on Facebook. At the moment, this network provides very convenient statistics with which you can see the demographics of your users, age, most popular posts in different categories. There is an opportunity to see when the most people have unsubscribed from the page and other useful things that will help you in drawing up a strategy, adjusting the post schedule. You will be able to see at what time people like posts the most and what type of posts they are.

Don't neglect statistics - this is a very useful feature of Facebook; if you pay attention to studying it, it will be extremely useful to you.

Once I got to a webinar of some very fashionable information businessmen who taught how to make money by promoting Facebook pages. A young and active speaker, who, according to him, earning millions on promotion, said that only with the help of statistics, you can earn 1000 dollars. And this can be done by rewriting its data into a pretty plate and presenting it as a deep analysis of the page concept.

So - I do not recommend you to do that. First, don't forget that just because a person hired you to promote it doesn't mean they don't know how to do it. He could already read this book. Secondly, after such “promoters” the articles “SMM does not work and is expensive” are distributed. Third, be honest - and people will be drawn to you. I want to repeat: SMM is a great working tool that you need to know how to use! And you should not resort to various tricks. And let the situation described above be a warning for those who are looking for employees.

How do I access page statistics?

Very simple!

To go to page statistics:

1. Go to your page.

2. Click the "Statistics" menu item. It's above your cover.

3. You can view statistics data from the panel or export them using the “Export data” button in the upper right corner.

4. If you choose "Export", a dialog box appears where you can specify the following:

The time range for which you want to receive data;

The format in which you want to receive the data: Excel file or CSV file (Comma Separated Values).

The most important metrics by which to judge the performance of your page

"Discuss it" - this is the value Facebook is counting for the last 7 days; it includes the active actions of your fans on your page. When fans on the page perform some actions (like publications, commenting, make a post on the page, share a post), information about these actions goes to their friends' news feeds (in English this is called "story" - a story, or news). Such actions will be counted as "discussions". The total for the week is displayed in the left column of each page. This is the only open indicator in the new statistics.

Thanks to the "discussions" metric, you can really measure the activity and engagement of fans, working and non-working content that is published on the page.

The “Discuss it” indicator includes the following specific actions:

Likes of the page (clicking the "Like" button in order to become a fan of this page);

Fan posts on the page wall;

Participation in the poll on the wall (choosing one of the options in the "Question");

Participation in an event organized by the page;

Mention of a page (only tags are taken into account, not just the name of the page);

The tagged page in the photo;

You can see the "Discuss this" indicator not only on your own page, but also on the pages of other brands. To do this, you need to click on the indicator - "I like", which is now under the cover, on the left. For the community, this metric is displayed only in internal statistics.

By this indicator, you can evaluate the pages of well-known brands or competitors. Now, when looking at pages that you think are successful, look at this metric.

If there are 10-15 thousand people on a page, and 50 are discussing it, then you already understand that this page is completely unworkable.

There are a lot of statistics metrics, and this is something you have to figure out if you really want to track your performance. In July 2013, Facebook updated the stats for fan pages, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I'll give you an overview of the main metrics.

New Facebook statistics

Main sections of statistics

1. Marks "Like" the page. Consist of:

The daily number of clicks of the "Like" button;

Data on changes in the total number of "Likes";

Number of clean likes;

Number of "Likes" for your Facebook page by source.

2. The coverage of the publication. Comprises:

The number of people who have seen your publications;

Number of Likes, Comments and Re-posts;

The number of hides (this is when the user clicks "I don't want to see this"), spam complaints and likes;

The number of people who have seen any activity on your Facebook page, including photos, posts from other people, advertisements, mentions, and visits.

3. Page visits. Data by day:

Visits to the page and its tabs;

The number of mentions, publications by other people on your page;

The number of people navigating to your Facebook page from non-Facebook websites.

Remember that posts with the most Likes, Comments, and Re-posts appear more frequently in the News Feed, which means more people will see them?

So statistics are a great tool for analyzing how well you are doing at a given task. In each statistics section, you can click and see the details.

Section "Publications"

The Publications section allows you to understand how people react to your publications, which is very important for creating in-demand content. The information located here allows you to see the best and worst publications in terms of efficiency and understand what works and what does not.

The section "Publications" itself consists of three subsections:

1. All publications: data on reach, clicks on the publication and marks "Likes" - all this can be sorted and appropriate conclusions can be drawn;

2. Time spent by your fans in the network: by days of the week and hours of the day. Your post schedule should depend on this parameter;

3. The best types of publications: summary data by type of publication - status, photos, links, videos, etc. Shows data on coverage (views), clicks on a publication and likes.

Section "Users"

The "Users" section allows you to find out who likes your Facebook page, who likes your posts, who comments and shares them.

The "Users" section consists of three subsections:

1. Your fans: data on age and gender, as well as geography (country and city) and language of the audience of your page;

2. Coverage: all the same, but with an emphasis on coverage (post views);

3. Users Involved: Again - all the same, but with an emphasis on engagement (likes, comments or reposts).

Exporting page statistics data

Another very handy thing is that you can export the statistics of your Facebook pages to Excel (.xls) or. csv format, which opens up additional possibilities for processing existing data.

That is, in fact, all about statistics. Since this topic is very voluminous, you need to figure it out for yourself, analyze and draw conclusions! You can, of course, order a detailed analysis of your page from the guys I wrote about above. But! If the result is important to you (even if you are a customer), you need to be able to navigate in the statistics of your page - in order to understand how effectively the work is progressing, what interferes, etc.

Working with online documents

I already wrote above that for convenience, all work is easier to do online. This allows you to share your responsibilities with those who are currently online. If you are an SMM manager, you can make your work transparent for the client.

Tasks entered in the online calendar will always be available. And one more big plus: they (tasks) will remind of themselves! Either by letter or SMS. You won't be able to forget something important now ...

I will not go into details, everything is simple and clear. My team and I are currently using Google services (this is not an advertisement!) Since it is convenient, simple and very easy to explain to the client what to do. You can choose any service you like.

Google calendar

To get started, you need to register on the website and go to the "Calendar" section among many other services. With the help of Google Calendar, you can plan the day, week, month, year. Depends on your persistence and your plans. You can connect as many calendars as you like and manage them on the left panel: assign your own color, make it invisible, give names, etc. The calendar can be “shared” to any number of people. This is done through the "Settings" item. The calendar is really cool! A very big plus is the perfect compatibility with calendars on Android devices. The calendar is free, like most Google services.

If Google isn't right for you for some reason, you have a choice. Here are some more popular and handy resources.

Online calendars
Yandex-calendar /

In principle, this is the same as Google Calendar, but closer to Russians. The calendar is free. Almost every search engine has something similar to similar calendars.

Remember the milk

Popular foreign service. The menu has Russian language. Unlike Google and Yandex services, there is no calendar. Here, the main focus is on the to-do list, and you can sync with Google Calendar. That is, it can be viewed as an additional service for working with a team or with clients. Pros - the availability of applications for a wide variety of mobile platforms. There are free and paid versions of the service.


Russian online organizer. There is a calendar and task lists, as well as reminders by e-mail and SMS, there is an interactive clock and small but nice amenities.

Cons: no applications for mobile phones, no mobile version of the site. And in the near future it will not, unfortunately: judging by the forum, the developers have abandoned their product. The service is free.

Master and start working!

Google Forms

Another very handy and useful online tool from Google. Using Google Forms, you can quickly and easily plan events, create surveys and questionnaires, and collect other information. The form can be connected to a Google spreadsheet, and then the responses of respondents will be automatically saved in it. This means that if you do not have a competent programmer available, you yourself can create a form for collecting data and post it in the application on Facebook.

Let's say you want to build a base of your potential customers and people loyal to the company (and you must want that!). You can use Google Form. A person fills in the necessary fields: e-mail, phone - and his data automatically falls to you in the Google spreadsheet. Of course, this can be done with the help of applications and with the help of the mailing base, but with this tool everything is done in 10 minutes, no programming skills are required. Convenient to use.


If you are interested in collecting user data or you are running a promotion where the user has to fill out a questionnaire, and you don’t want to mess around with applications, use this tool. You can create a form in either the Google Drive menu or in an existing spreadsheet.

Create a form in Google Drive

1. Press the red Create button and select Form.

2. Add questions to the template that appears. You can structure your form by dividing it into multiple pages and adding headers to them.

Create a form in a spreadsheet

1. Open the table, enter the "Insert" menu and select the "Form" item.

2. A notification about the created form will appear at the top of the page.

3. Click Add Questions to start editing the form, or Close to return to editing the table.

4. After creating the form, a new sheet named "Answers" will appear in the Google Spreadsheet. The data received from the respondents will be recorded in it.

Did you accidentally close a tab in Yandex Browser? It's not a problem. Even if you do not remember the name of the site. The main thing is that the browser has saved all this. Therefore, you can easily restore a tab in Yandex. And in different ways. Which is better? It's up to you to decide.

The easiest way to restore a closed tab in Yandex is with the Last Page function. Therefore, if you accidentally closed a site, you can easily open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

This combination opens one last tab. But you can click it again, restoring the penultimate page. And then one more time….

A certain number of closed websites is stored in Yandex Browser's memory, so you can open a couple of them. However, this method is only used to quickly open the last tab. In other cases, it is better to choose another option.

By the way, this method is universal and works in many modern browsers. For example, using the same combination you can.

In order not to press the keys all the time, you can right-click on any page and select "Open just closed tab" from the menu that appears. Perhaps this will be more convenient for you.

Smart Back Arrow

If you did not close the current tab in Yandex, but opened another website in it, then you can restore it using the smart "Back" arrow. This button is in the left corner of the address bar.

Each press of it takes you one step back. Thus, you can return to the previous pages visited earlier.

By the way, if you right-click on this arrow, a list of all sites loaded specifically in this tab will open. And you won't have to constantly click on it trying to find the page you want. Just click on the RMB arrow and select any site from the list.

This is why the back arrow is called smart. By the way, you can do it in the same way.

Recently closed pages

Another method is with the Recently Closed item. It displays the last 8 pages that were closed in the current session. They remain until you exit the program.

To open closed tabs in Yandex Browser in this way:

By the way, here, just below, websites that you opened on other devices (smartphone, tablet or laptop) may be displayed. But only if they were synchronized with a Yandex account. Otherwise, there will be an inscription like this:

What if the site you want is not in the Recently Closed list? For such cases, there is another method with which you can restore previous tabs in Yandex Browser.

Visit history

If you want to open a site that you visited yesterday, 3 days or even 2 weeks ago, use the history manager. To open it:

After that, a new tab will open in the browser, where the sites you visited will be shown.

By the way, you can enter "History" differently. Click Ctrl + H and the same window will open.

And what is there? And here just search for any site that you need. All previously opened pages are sorted by day and time of visit, so there will be no difficulties with this.

If you visited that site a very long time ago, then in the "Search in history" field, enter its address or page name (you can partially) and press the Enter button. After that, only those options will be displayed that match the specified criterion.

By the way, this method is also universal and works in all popular browsers. For example, you can do it in the same way.

How to restore tabs after reboot

The fact is that by default the settings can be set in such a way that after closing the browser, all open pages disappear.

Of course, you can restore open tabs in Yandex through the "History" or the "Recently closed" element, but this is inconvenient. And why such sacrifices, when it is enough to simply configure so that Yandex Browser opens the previous pages when it is restarted.

For this:

From this moment, even after closing the browser, all previously opened pages will not disappear anywhere.

Sometimes it happens that you accidentally close a tab that you suddenly need it again. Of course, you can open the entire browsing history and find it there, but this requires a lot of unnecessary body widgets.

Modern browsers are able to open the last tab that was closed with a simple keyboard shortcut. And given that they are the same in almost all browsers, it is worth remembering them. In this short tutorial, we'll show you how to open the last recently closed tab that you accidentally closed in all modern browsers.

In order to open a closed tab, the keys you need to press are the same in most browsers. The keyboard shortcuts in major browsers are presented below.

Google chrome

To open a closed tab in chrome, use the keyboard shortcut

On computers with Mac OS, use the keys


If you need to open a tab you just closed in Opera, use the same keys

Accordingly, on Macs, the keyboard shortcut looks like this

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also does not differ in originality from the previous ones. You can open an accidentally closed tab in Firefox with the same keyboard shortcut as in previous browsers, namely

or similar keyboard buttons on MacBook

Internet Explorer

Let's not forget about those who, for some reason, still use the standard Microsoft browser. You can open only a recently closed tab in Explorer, just like in other browsers, with a keyboard shortcut

On the Mac, thank goodness, Internet Explorer doesn't exist.

Yandex browser

Fortunately for those few who use a browser from this search engine, opening a closed tab in Yandex is no more difficult than in other browsers, using all the same keyboard shortcuts. Yandex browser is built on Chromium and is analogous to Chrome with small add-ons, so nothing surprising.

and a similar keyboard shortcut for Mac OS


The browser from the apple company is perhaps the only one among the popular ones that distinguished itself. A tab that I recently accidentally closed can not be opened in Safari using combinations that work in all other browsers. To open a closed tab in safari, you will have to remember another key combination

On Mac OS, closed tabs open in the same way, only with cmd instead of Ctrl

Only a small hint can be added to everything written above: in all of the above browsers, using the presented keyboard shortcuts you can open not only one last tab that was closed, but as many as you closed, i.e. everything that is stored in the browser history. The more times you press the hotkey combination, the more recently closed history tabs will be open.

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