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Open voting in VK. How to make a poll in a VKontakte group

The very procedure for creating a poll for voting is very simple and anyone can use it. In a few clicks, you can create a simple vote in a group or on your wall, attach it to a post, or publish it separately. But what can be done if it becomes necessary to create a vote in a VK conversation? Is there such a possibility and how to use it? Let's consider everything in order.

How to vote on your wall?

You can create and add a survey to your wall using different versions of the site and applications - this feature is present in all options. It was already mentioned above that the procedure for adding a vote to the wall is very simple. The normal post form has this feature. Consider step by step how to vote on your wall.

Attention! The created voting, if necessary, can be changed and supplemented. Editing occurs, as is the case with the publication. You need to click the edit button in the right corner of the publication to make changes.

Create a poll in a group

The functionality of a community wall is almost the same as a personal news wall. Therefore, the algorithm of actions is almost the same. The only difference is that you need to choose on whose behalf the publication will be created. In a group, you can post voting on an open wall on your own behalf, or on behalf of the community (for administrators and moderators). Therefore, you first need to choose on whose behalf the vote will be published.

Further, everything is exactly the same as in the case of creating a vote on a personal wall. You need to fill out the form - specify the topic and answer options, and then send it for publication.

How to make a vote in a VK conversation?

Sometimes there is a need to find out public opinion in conversations created to unite and communicate people. The problem is that in conversations there is no button that would open the form for creating a vote. Therefore, creating a poll in a conversation directly will not work. However, you can create it on a personal wall or in a group, and then send it to the conversation. Here's how to do it.

Important! After the vote is no longer relevant, you can delete it, not only on the wall, but also in the conversation. To remove a vote in a conversation, you need to select the message, select the delete button and, before confirming, check the box below the “Delete for everyone” item.

How to copy a survey to a website?

Additional voting options

To manage polls as efficiently as possible, you need to learn about their capabilities and additional features that will be useful not only to community administrators, but also to ordinary users of the social network. There are a few more features that will help arrange voting as efficiently and simply as possible. Let's take a look at additional survey options.

Surveys - a tool to improve efficiency

Using polls to attract attention or entertainment is, of course, very convenient and interesting. However, you can use the potential of this feature to improve the site. Being interested in the opinion and needs of the audience, you can make changes in time, add what is missing and eliminate shortcomings. This is the easiest way to take your site to the next level!

updated 2 years. back

How to make a poll in VK on your page or group, how to wind up a poll on Olike and why you need it. Full instruction with step by step actions.

A poll on VKontakte can be posted on your page or in a group (community).

You will have to compose a poll title and answer options and decide whether other participants will see who voted how. This is the hardest part. If the purpose of the survey is to find out which series friends prefer, there will be no problems with creative inspiration. If you need to engage the community audience in the discussion, then you will have to think about how to hook the attention of visitors with a provocative headline and interesting response options.

How to make a poll in VK on the page

Click on the status bar Anything new?), press MoreSurvey. Set the topic of the survey and answer options. Specify who can vote: all page visitors or only friends. If the survey is created for friends, click the “lock” to the left of the button Send. If you want to hide the identity of the responders, check the box Anonymous voting.

How to make a poll in VK in a group

Poll in group status

Click in the group status (on Add a note…), click MoreSurvey. Set the topic of the survey and answer options, check / uncheck Anonymous voting to hide or, conversely, show the identity of the responders. Make a vote as a group or post as an admin.

Poll in discussion

The poll in discussions is interesting in that the community administrator has the ability to pin it in the group header, where it will better attract the attention of visitors. To create such a poll, create a new topic in the discussions ( DiscussionsCreate a topic), specify the title and text of the topic, click the icon below Survey and fill in the fields that appear with the subject of the survey and answer options, click Save. Click on Edit Theme, and in the dialog box that appears, set additional settings - Pin topic or Pin Poll. If you pin a poll, it will be displayed on the main page of the group right below the description.

With how to create a poll in VK, everything is clear. Now about why they wind up polls on Olike and how to do it.

Boost polls to win beauty, cuteness, diaper and baby swim contests

Sign in to Olike with your VKontakte account. In the services menu, click Polls. Fill in the fields How many votes do you need to wind up, How many points will be deducted from the balance, Link to poll VKontakte And Which option to vote for. It is possible to select the age, gender and country of voters (this will reduce the speed of task execution, because the system will wait for people with the necessary parameters to appear online).

In such an important matter as a competition, time is critical, so set tasks for boosting polls on Olike during the daytime on weekdays. (The task is performed by living people. In their free time from Olika, they sometimes sleep, walk, go to work and to the institute.) For paid orders from 2990 rubles. we have the opportunity to increase the speed of execution up to 3 times (with the cancellation of insurance). Before placing a paid order to boost surveys, we recommend trying to boost your version for free to make sure that this type of survey works.

Cheat surveys for community administrators

The growth of the group's performance is influenced by the activity of subscribers. Such a technique as making a poll in VK on the community page is a good way to involve the audience in the discussion. The more relevant a topic is for readers, the more people will vote. The more provocative the answers, the higher the chance that you will receive comments or likes on your post as a bonus. (We just need more of this one!) Given that the results of polls can be managed using Olike, the current discussion can be skillfully nudged in the right direction.

VK voting is a reliable method of drawing attention to a community or a personal page, as well as an opportunity to find out the opinions of other people and discuss important issues. But this method should not be abused, since the same type of content is boring and makes readers unsubscribe. Consider how to make a vote in VK in a group so that subscribers do not get bored.

Why do we need group surveys?

First you need to know what tasks are solved by voting:

  • Real and free product reviews. Many firms run into difficulty when trying to find out what customers think about a product or service. Customers are silent, and in response to a straightforward request, they write classic messages from the category of “done well, thanks guys.” There are two options: hire marketers and conduct research, or manually get a response from the audience on social networks.
  • Understanding the needs and variations of audience behavior. With the help of surveys, you can find out the expectation and needs of people. This helps in the development and creation of new products, improving business schemes. Knowing what the audience needs, you are protected from serious mistakes.
  • Community generation and promotion. Voting engages the audience and stimulates activity. By participating in the survey, each client understands that communication with the company has a two-way form. This turns readers into a living community where members communicate with each other and interact with the brand.

How to make a poll or vote in a VK group?

First, consider the option of placing it on the group wall:

  • Go to the group wall and in the "More" tab, click "Poll".

  • Next, write the topic and answer options. If you check the "Anonymous voting" box, then subscribers will not be able to find out the names of those who voted. There can be many answers, but we recommend adding no more than 5.

  • It remains to click the "Submit" button and the survey will be displayed as a recent post in the community.
  • Go to the community wall and click on the box that says "What's new with you";
  • Next, click on the "Attach" window (looks like a paperclip icon);
  • After that, a menu with options will drop out, among them you need to select "Poll";
  • Click on it and indicate the topic for and answer options;
  • Additionally, you can attach a track, photo, document, video and more;

Important! The survey can be either open or anonymous.

How to increase the activity of participants using voting in the VK group?

If you start adding various polls to your community, this will increase the activity of subscribers, although not by much. For it to work efficiently, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Implement special VK voting features. For example, you can conduct a poll-widget. To do this, you need to open the HTML code panel by clicking on the "get code" button. It can be embedded on the pages of a personal web resource. Then not only subscribers of the group, but also site visitors will take part in the voting. To vote, a person will need to log in to VK through the quick entry panel.
  • Use anonymity. In a standard poll, the user, by giving a personal vote for one of the answer options, can find out the accounts of all voting participants. For the one who conducts it, it can be useful to conduct a comparative analysis: how many people chose one of the options and what kind of people they are. But it all depends on the topic. Sometimes it is better to hide the names of voters, otherwise they will simply feel embarrassed to participate in the vote.

Possible problems when creating polls / voting in the VK group

It would seem, what could be the problem when creating a survey? However, difficulties with voting in a group may arise. For example:

  • Sometimes you want to attach various pictures or videos to the survey, for example, the standard 10 pieces to the post, but VK does not allow you to do this. Solution: it is also considered one of the elements of the post, which means that in addition to it, you can attach no more than 9 fragments at a time (music, video, photo).
  • A situation where there can be so many answer options that VK does not allow you to add them all. Solution: reduce the number of answers, no more than 10 (in community discussions - no more than 20).

A survey is an important thing in promoting a community because it can help you increase engagement, find out your audience priorities, and find out who your followers are.

Social networks have entered our lives so much that now it is simply impossible to imagine it without them. One of the most popular is "VKontakte", which is not surprising, because this network allows you not only to communicate, but also to ask for advice on voting tools, so it is not surprising that many are wondering how to vote "VKontakte"?

This way of communication is very popular not only for visitors to social networks, but also for moderators who can make changes by receiving and analyzing the information received. Not so long ago, a feature appeared that allows you to post polls on your page or in a group, which can add traffic. Therefore, now we will try to figure out how to make a VKontakte vote.

The sequence of creating a survey

It's actually very easy to create a survey. All that is required for this is to click on the “What's new with you?” box located on the personal page. Next, hover over the "Attach" button, go to "Other" and select "Poll". If we consider the whole sequence in more detail, then it will look like this:

  • First, a form for creating a survey opens, which prompts you to enter a topic for the survey, answer options, and go to anonymous mode in case you want to remain incognito.
  • You can also attach music, picture, video or document to the vote. For these purposes, the "Attach" button is provided.

In order to create a vote in a group, you must perform all the same manipulations as on the wall. True, there is one rule for the group, which states that only the administrator of the group can create polls in it.

How effective is voting?

  • Firstly, the topic must be relevant. This means that if a group is dedicated to floristry or decoupage, then its members are unlikely to be interested in anything from technical progress, and gamers are unlikely to vote for needlework and cooking.
  • The second stage is design. If possible, it is better to add pictures to the survey, as this will draw more attention to it. It is also worth considering the answers in advance.
  • And the last, but not the most significant aspect is anonymity. Many visitors do not want to reveal their identity, so in some questions you need to put a special checkmark that will help to avoid unwanted consequences.

Maintaining VKontakte groups every year is becoming more comfortable and attractive. One of the frequently asked questions regarding the promotion of publics is how to keep people active and involved? There are several answers to this question. And one of them is the use of voting. Today we will talk about how to make voting in a group so as to get the most out of it. Our goal is to find out what people want, only in this case it is possible to achieve benefits.

It is about them that we will talk today: how to create, how and for what purposes to use and what capabilities they have.

The most important goal is to support the involvement of participants in the life of the community. Polls help here. To the point where you can just add a few photos and ask what you like best.

Another important role is that with the help of them you can show subscribers that their opinion is important, and it can influence the published content.

It is enough to make a survey in the form: "What do you want to see tomorrow?" - "Option number 1" or "Option number 2"? And give the audience what they chose.

Users will be able to vote on VKontakte for the options they like. Creating a voting procedure allows you to find out the opinion of friends on certain things, in other words, voting allows discover people's interests. So, you can fill the public with those materials that are of interest to the majority of the group's subscribers. The group administrator can create open VK and anonymous votings, the type of polls is selected depending on the goals.

It's also a great way for group leaders to understand what their audience wants.

In the screenshot below, you can see a good example of using a poll and voting people.

Possibilities of admins when voting among people

Properly composed, they have some features, advantages, and their settings are flexible. Now we'll talk about this:

  1. Usage.

It is worth noting that there are two use cases:

  • On the wall;

  • In discussions.

They differ in location and some parameters.

  1. Anonymity.
  1. Answers.

You can both add and remove different answer options. You can add 10 (on the wall) and 20 (in the discussions) answers to each vote. In most cases, this will be enough for you.

  1. Consolidation.
  1. media files.

You can attach media files (photos, videos, etc.) to any survey. This allows for a wider use of this tool.

  1. Editing.

At any time you can edit the vote by clicking the appropriate button (ellipsis - edit). Here you can change the title, replies, anonymity, etc.

How to make a vote on the wall VKontakte

The process of creating a survey is quite easy and fast. It will take no more time than publishing a post.

So, let's move on to the instructions:

  1. Start creating a new post, you can immediately add text, media files, etc. here.
  2. Click the "More" button and select "Poll".

  1. In the fields that appear, enter the name and answer options. Here you can also add/remove this or that answer.

  1. You can turn anonymity on or off by checking the appropriate box.
  2. Click Submit.

How to create a poll in discussions

Now let's talk about how a poll is created in community discussions.

First you need to make sure that discussions are enabled. If they are not, then follow the instructions:

  1. Go to Manage Community.

  1. On the right, select Sections.

  1. Find the "Discussions" line and turn it on.
  1. In the "Main block" row, select the "Discussions" item so that they appear in the middle of the page above the news feed.
  2. Click Save.

After that, you can proceed to the creation process itself.

  1. Go to the "Discussions" section.
  2. Next, in the upper right corner, click the "Create Theme" button.
  1. Enter the name and text (you cannot leave them empty). Click the Poll button at the bottom.

  1. Enter the name and answers and click "Create".

  1. Next, in the theme itself, click the "Edit Theme" button.

  1. Select "Pin poll on home page".

  1. Save your changes.
  1. If there are no more than 10 answers, then post the vote on the wall so that more people can see it.
  2. If you want a poll to be pinned, but you already have a pinned post that you don't want to delete, then use Discussions. This will both preserve the existing post and ensure continued visibility.
  3. Analyze in which case the return from community members will be greater: with or without anonymity. And use the appropriate one.
  4. Attach photos/videos if appropriate. This will add more beauty to the recording.
  5. And most importantly - periodically conduct surveys in your group to increase activity.


We reviewed VKontakte polls with you. Now you know about them, everything you need to know for their successful application.

The main thing to remember is that this tool is a way for your subscribers to be more involved in the life of the community, and for leaders it is an opportunity to receive feedback from their audience.

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