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Open epub on PC. Programs for reading ePub books in Windows environment

Electronics replace everything for us. Few people imagine their everyday life without a cell phone or computer. Various electronic inventions have replaced old mechanisms and things, performing the same functions and many additional ones.

Books are no exception. It is becoming increasingly rare to see paper publications in the hands of readers; electronic gadgets are taking their place. Such practicality will appeal to lovers of reading. Agree, it is much more convenient to take with you a small electronic media with a lot of information, rather than overcome the gravity of a bulky backpack with your favorite works.

What is ePub format?

On various electronic media, books are presented in the form of ePub files. Literally, ePub is translated and stands for “electronic publication.” This is a format of books in electronic versions, it was developed by the International Forum on Digital Technologies and Publishing. This format has replaced such extensions as , fb2 and even simple . And if he easily overtook pdf and txt in popularity, then he will have to try harder with fb2. However, although many people prefer this format, many do not know how to open it. And here regular browsers come to our aid.

In general, ePub files are used when text is the most important component of a document (writing books, financial and other reports, educational materials and other printed works).

How to open an ePub book in browsers

One of the best options for reading books in ePub format is Firefox. You can open a file with this extension in the Firefox browser if you first install a special plugin or add-on called EPUBReader. After installation, a special icon will appear in the interface, by clicking on which you can add your books to the reading catalog or select freely available books uploaded to the service. This happens extremely simply and obviously - using the File-Open operation. All publications that you have added or read remain available even without Internet access.

The second most popular browser for reading books is Google Chrome. To open an ePub file, you need, by analogy with Firefox, to install an add-on, only with the name MagicScroll. As in the previous case, an e-book catalog icon will appear in the program interface. The main difference from EPUBReader is the ability to edit the visual design of pages, changing, for example, the font or color scheme. You can also switch to full-screen mode, and then absolutely nothing can distract you from your favorite work.

How else to open files with the ePub extension

If you don't want to use browsers to work with ePub, you can use one of several programs that will help you open such a file:

  • STDU Viewer is a free program for non-commercial use that we recommended for a number of other book formats, can also work with ePub files;
  • Alreader;
  • Adobe Digital Editions - in addition to Windows, there is also a version for Mac OS;
  • ICE Book Reader.

Programs that can open ePub under Mac OS:

  • Book Reader;
  • Caliber;
  • Emerson.

For Linux operating system:

  • Okular;
  • FBReader;
  • CoolReader.

And finally, programs for opening ePub files for mobile platforms (Android, iOS):

  • Akunin Book;
  • Aldiko is free, there is a version only for Android;
  • Bookmate.

As you have seen, quite a lot of programs have been written to open and read ePub books. Which one is better to use is up to you; everyone will choose the most suitable solution for working with such files.

EPub is short for Electronic Publication. The ePub format is intended for digital books and publications. These days, this format is becoming the most popular among e-books. Online stores distribute literature in ePub format. In our article we will talk about how to open the ePub format.

To display text in ePub format, you can use both the built-in tools and tools of your browser, and special programs. If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, you will need to install a special extension EPUBReader.

Download EPUBreader for free

Download the program from the official website After installing this extension, a button to open the ePub format appears on the Mozilla Firefox control panel. This plugin has many functions for working with text images. You can add files to your library and view them even when there is no Internet.

If you are using Google Chrome, there is another plugin for opening ePub.

Download MagicScroll for free

Download the program from the official website. Once you download the app, you can add files to your library. This plugin has many options for working with images and automatic scrolling.

You can also open the ePub format using the FBReader program. This program is also available for Android-based e-books.

Download FBReader for free

Download the program from the official website

FBReader is a free software for reading e-books. The program allows you to work with text, make it colored, change the way you turn pages, and much more. It will make reading e-books convenient.

How to open EPUB

When working with a book in electronic format, it is quite common that it has an ePub extension, which is not recognized by standard programs of the Windows operating system. In this case, you have to resort to the help of third-party utilities in order to open the file.

What is ePub

EPub (Electronic Publication) is an open format for books in electronic versions. Unlike simple text formats such as txt and the like, ePub is a marked-up document that, in addition to plain text, can contain notes and additional information about the text that makes it easier to work with the file (indicating headings, highlights, lists, etc. ).

How to open ePub

It is possible to obtain the information contained in a file of this format in different ways. This can be either installing a full-fledged program on your computer or a simple browser extension.

If you do not want to overload the system with unnecessary programs, then a simple web browser may be enough for you to read an e-book.

Method 1: Using a Browser

There are special browser extensions for working with e-books. Let's look at the main ones.

Open ePub in Google Chrome

For the Google Chrome browser, MagicScroll eBook Reader is a suitable extension. The interface is simple and contains a minimal number of settings that do not overload the general appearance of the extension. The book can be read directly in the next tab, and you can choose the font and its color, and there is an auto-scroll option.

When you open full-screen mode, unnecessary elements are hidden and the book itself is displayed on the screen without distracting elements. There is a small settings menu on the side to adjust the book to your preferences. It is possible to download books directly from your computer. If you have registered on the site, then all files are subsequently saved in your personal library. Adding books to the extension looks like this:

Open ePub in Mozilla Firefox

In the Firefox browser, a suitable extension is EPUBReader. It has a very simple design and settings. The user is given the opportunity to change the font, operating mode, add bookmarks, download books to the computer or open them in an extension directly from a personal device. Working with files is done as follows:

Method 2: Caliber

This reader is a cross-platform program for working with text files. Supports a large number of formats, including ePub. Allows you to convert books from one format to another. It is possible to create a cloud library on a personal PC with the ability to work with it on other devices. Books can be either uploaded to the created library yourself or purchased through online stores.

Using the settings, you can choose the book display style that is optimal for reading. This way you can edit the font, background and letter colors, and the number of pages displayed. Opening books is quite simple. The next time you open the book, the page on which the work was completed will be shown.

Method 3: FBreader

This free ePub reader is cross-platform. It is possible to create your own library, sorting files by topic or author. Thanks to this program, you won't need to search for the book you need on your device or online over and over again. You just need to open it here once, and it will be saved in your personal library.

Download the program from the official website

Method 4: CoolReader

This utility for working with electronic books supports the following formats: FB2, EPUB, DOC, RTF, HTML, CHM, TXT, TCR, PDB, PRC, PML, etc.

Working with the program is quite simple. It has a pleasant design, comfortable for reading and long work. It is also possible to change the design style for yourself

Download the program from the official website

Method 4: STDUviewer

A small program for working with files. It has a multi-window interface that allows you to work with several documents at once. The sidebar shows page thumbnails.

Download the program from the official website

Method 5: ALReader

A utility for working with e-books. It was originally used on mobile devices, but is now also supported on Windows OS. Supported formats, in addition to ePub, include FB2, mobi, doc, docx, odt, txt, etc.

Download the program from the official website

There are a large number of programs that can open an ePub file, many of which are free. Moreover, it is not necessary to install a new utility on your computer, since you can even work with the document in a browser.

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How to open ePub format?

galaxy_aeon The range of e-book formats is quite wide and is not limited only to FB2 and DjVu. Electronic books are often saved in ePub format. If you have an e-reader, it will most likely open the book in this format. But how can you open ePub on your computer? ePub is an abbreviation for Electronic Publication. This open format was developed by IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum). The ePub format is used for documents in which the text is the most important part. In addition to the actual text in HTML, XHTML or PDF format, the ePub file can contain a description of the publication in XML, graphics (raster and vector), built-in fonts, styles, etc. How to open ePub if you don’t have an e-book at hand? There are a number of free ones programs for Windows OS that allow you to open ePub on a personal computer. One such program is Adobe Digital Editions. This free program, developed by Adobe Systems, is used to read and manage e-books in ePub, PDF and XHTML formats. Reading books are loaded into the program library. It supports highlighting text, creating notes and bookmarks, selecting font size, searching through text, printing desired text fragments, and navigating through pages. You can also open ePub using the free CoolReader program. In addition to ePub, this program supports a number of other e-book formats, as well as graphic formats. The program supports book content, tables and CSS in ePub files. There are different viewing modes (pages or scroll, displaying one or two pages in landscape mode, full screen viewing, page rotation). Supports bookmarks, text selection, text search, cross-references, hyperlinks, footnotes, automatic hyphenation. You can also open ePub with the FBReader program. This free cross-platform e-book reading application supports most popular formats, and you can also open ePub using Caliber and STDU Viewer. You can also use the following applications on Windows: AlReader, Emerson, ICE Book Reader, Lexcycle Stanza, Lucidor, Mobipocket Reader, Talking Clipboard.

But how can you open ePub if you are using an operating system other than Windows? Each operating system has its own programs that allow you to read e-books in this format. I will list some of them:

  • For Android: Aldiko, Bookmate, FBReaderJ, Foliant, WordPlayer, Moon+ Reader;
  • For Linux: Caliber, CoolReader, Emerson, FBReader, Lucidor, Okular;
  • For Mac OS X: Adobe Digital Editions, BookReader, Caliber, Emerson, Lexcycle Stanza, Lucidor;
  • For iOS: Bookmate, exLibris, iBooks, Lexcycle Stanza (for iPhone), sReader (for iPhone), Bluefire Reader;
  • For mobile platforms: AlReader (Windows Mobile, Windows CE), Foliant (J2ME), Bookmate (Symbian), FBReader (PDA's), Freda (Windows Mobile), Mobipocket Reader (Windows Mobile, Symbian, BlackBerry), Okular (Maemo ).
If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser (regardless of the operating system), you can open ePub directly in the browser, but to do this you need to install a special add-on on it - EPUBReader. It is installed in the same way as any other add-on for Firefox. The add-on allows you to create a personal library, access to which does not depend on an Internet connection. You can read books in ePub format through your browser. The add-on supports page navigation, text selection, changing font size, text search, bookmarks and notes. You can send a piece of text to a friend or print it.

There are many programs available to open ePub, no matter what device or operating system you're using. And the final choice of program is a matter of taste and convenience.

Programs for reading e-books in epub format on desktop computers and laptops

This article presents programs with which you can read electronic, digital books in epub format. The publication was prepared by the PR service of the “Publish a Book” project together with our authors - Alina Raspopova (selection of information, source text) and Tancho Ivansa (selection of information).

The epub format is one of the most common e-book formats. Moreover, recently this format has become an international standard.

In terms of its technical characteristics, epub is very close to html pages, which is very convenient for posting such books on the Internet. In turn, we all know that to surf the Internet and read HTML pages posted on the World Wide Web, we need special programs - browsers (from the English browser, which translates as “a visitor viewing products” or “a viewing program”). The most famous among them today are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera.

In the same way, to read e-book files in epub format you need your own programs, your own specialized book browsers. They are usually called reader programs. Such programs have special requirements, because reading books takes much more time than reading html pages. The main task of all such products is to create the most comfortable conditions for the reader to read a book by selecting the best parameters for displaying text and viewing modes.

Book browsers are produced by software companies, as well as by a large number of enthusiasts, i.e. programmers who, on their own initiative, create certain programs. Therefore, at present, the number of such reader programs is quite large, they differ from each other in different parameters, are written for different operating systems and for various reading devices - desktop computers and laptops, readers, smartphones, tablets.

This article presents some of these reader programs, which we selected quite subjectively - from the point of view of personal experience of using them, ease of finding and installing, and ease of use.*

In this review, we did not set ourselves the task of detailing the functionality of each program. The purpose of this publication is an initial acquaintance with those programs that an ordinary user can use, looking at them through the eyes of another, the same ordinary user.

These programs can be used on desktop computers and laptops.


Convenient program for reading e-books. What’s interesting is that it was developed by a Russian author, and not even a programmer, but simply a computer lover, Vadim Lopatin. Moreover, it was developed so well that it was included in the procurement list for the US military department.

The program works under different operating systems (Windows, Android, Linux). It has many different features, for example, customizing the font size, type and color, customizing the color of the pages, 6 built-in backgrounds, support for “page” and “scroll” visual modes, support for content with hyperlinks, the ability to create reader bookmarks, etc.

In general, CoolReader has a sufficient number of settings to select the most comfortable text display for the eye and a simple, intuitive interface. The program is Russified and does not require installation.

Program website -


A good reader for the Windows operating system. It features a more artistic presentation of the text. It also has a lot of settings for text display.

The program is Russified and does not require installation.

Program website -

ICE Book Reader

A powerful program for reading e-book texts on a computer/laptop. Runs under the Windows operating system. It has many settings, and therefore, at first acquaintance, it seems more difficult to use.

Program page -


A powerful package for reading books at the same time with a simple, accessible interface for various operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux). It supports the creation of its own libraries well, is capable of loading books from various online stores, downloads news and converts them into the desired format for reading.

The program is Russified and requires installation.

Program website -


A convenient program for reading books, it works under a wide variety of operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux, Android), including platforms of various mobile devices. It has a simple and intuitive interface, automatically detects text encoding, most correctly preserves the author's formatting, and allows you to create your own libraries from books stored on your computer.

The program is Russified and requires installation.

Program website -

Adobe Digital Editions

A simple program for reading books. It is not Russified, so it does not always work correctly with Russian fonts, but it has a very simple and intuitive interface.

Requires installation.

Program page -

STDU Viewer

A simple and practical viewer for files in epub, pdf, fb2 and many other formats, running under the Windows operating system. Perhaps the most compact program for reading books (the size of the installation file is 2.37 MB, the installed program is about 7 MB).

The program is Russified.

Program page -

Example: What an e-book looks like in one of the reading programs

The screenshot shows the spread of the first pages of one of the recently released books, as it appears in the reader program.

The picture is clickable, i.e. When you click on it, it will be shown in larger size. And if you then click on the icon with four white arrows in the lower right corner in the enlarged picture, the picture will open in full screen.

Appearance of an e-book in the AlReader reader program

At the top of the window you can see control buttons, such as increasing the font, changing the background, the number of pages to display on the screen, etc.

The cover is shown on the left side of the screen, and the beginning of the text is shown on the right. Here you can see the content with hyperlinks. By clicking sections of the table of contents, the reader can quickly jump to the corresponding chapters.


If a program is not mentioned in this review, you can indicate it in the comments.

Additional Information

E-book formats

E-book readers

Mass distribution of electronic publications - books, brochures, magazines, advertising brochures and so on - is a sign of our time. The boom of e-books practically coincided with the boom of personal computers. Even at the very beginning of the computerization era, there were many attempts to present information in an easy-to-read form on a computer.

The information was not stored in ordinary text files, but was recorded in a special format that allowed storing not only graphics, but even sound in the document. On 8-bit consumer computers like the Spectrum, amateur publishing flourished. Even now in archives and disk images you can find numbers of computer magazines of the past.

To reproduce them, self-written programs in BASIC and assembler were used. Then came the era of Windows and electronic pocket readers. Epub is one of the modern standards for electronic books, but you will learn from this text how to open the epub format on Windows.

Today books come in many forms.

By going to the pages of any electronic library, you can find there pdf, djvu, doc, chm, html and even regular text files with the usual txt extension. Sometimes you can find epub files here.

If there is no alternative and it is impossible to download a document in another format, then the problem of reproducing epub documents in Windows immediately arises. First, a little about what these files are:

  • From English epub is translated as Electronic Publication - that is, “electronic publication”.
  • The file format is identical to an ordinary zip archive, and its contents include an XML document (container.xml) with the structure of the information offered to the reader.
  • Separate folders in the epub archive contain pdf and html documents with text, as well as drawings and even style sheets. This way, the information is not presented as a single image or tagged text, but rather is broken up into separate blocks that are easy to edit without affecting the rest of the document.

How to open ePub?

This format was originally intended to be multi-platform. The developers expected that it would be supported by all hardware and operating system manufacturers. This is approximately what happened - almost every Axis includes tools for visualizing the contents of these files.

The matter is somewhat complicated by the fact that different operating systems interpret the format differently and there is some incompatibility, but, in general, the situation is not so bad. The opening toolkit for Windows includes the following programs:

In addition to the task of reading, you may want to edit the document or convert it from/to another representation. Therefore, our tablet contains not only reader programs, but also writer programs, as well as well-known converters for Windows. Try something from the list and choose the best.

The popularity of e-books in ePub format continues to grow today. Largely because these books are easily created using converters from other electronic formats. Today we will tell you how to open ePub format files on your computer for editing. This feature is important if you need to eliminate grammatical errors in an e-book or format the content for more comfortable reading in different “readers” and eBooks.

So, let's start with something simple - what is the ePub format and how to open it on a computer...

In fact, ePub is an archive container in ZIP format in which images, XHTML texts and other files are compressed. The only difference is that the extension of such an archive is .epub, not .zip. This suggests that the e-book can be improved by directly editing the HTML text file. More experienced users can edit such files manually, but even if you have never dealt with the HTML markup language, the simplest WYSIWYG editor will help you.

Unpack the contents of the ePub archive file

Editing an eBook in text editors

Now that we know almost everything about the ePub file and how to open it on a computer, we need to choose an application for editing texts. Let us repeat that all content of the book is stored in HTML or XHTML files. They can be written either in the root directory of the unpacked archive, or in the OEBPS subdirectory.

In order to make changes to the content of the e-book, you need to edit the HTML files. Quite often, the text of a book is divided into several HTML files - by chapter. This means that you will need to spend time searching for the desired piece of text. You can edit files in the most common Notepad of the Windows operating system. This is provided that you do not have an HTML editor installed, such as PSPad. Next, we will tell you how to open ePub files on your computer and edit them to suit your needs.

Editing ePub in HTML editor KompoZer

The best option is to use a specialized application - an HTML editor. As an example, let's look at the capabilities of the KompoZer program. It is so simple that editing an HTML file will not be more difficult than working with documents in Word.

We collect edited files into a single archive file in ePub format

Now that editing the book files is complete, you can pack the directory with HTML files into one ePub archive. Don't forget to change the name of the new archive so as not to cover the original ePub file. This way you will be insured against losing the original version of the book.

  1. To archive, use the Zip archiver built into Explorer or your favorite program. But do not forget that the archive format should only be ZIP! No RAR, TAR or 7zip will do. Other compression methods will make the ePub e-book unreadable.
  2. Now it's time to change the file extension again, only in the reverse order - from .zip to .epub. After which the e-book file can be opened in your favorite “reader” on your computer or tablet.

So, now you know how to open an ePub file on your computer and how to edit its content. For this purpose, we will need a regular archiver and HTML editor, such as KompoZer or PSPad.

EPUB is a file format used to store e-books and other types of content. Developed by the International Digital Publishing Association.

If you see the EPUB format on the Internet, know that this is electronic content that is opened using special software. It is freely used both on computers and on smartphones, tablets or e-readers.

What does the EPUB format contain?

EPUB files can store not only text data, but also images, style sheets (CSS), fonts, metadata details, and content tables. Content can be displayed on 3.5-inch screens.

This is interesting:

In short, the following situation arises. The user can save a browser page, for example, that you currently have open, to the desktop. The page will completely contain all elements: text, tags, styles, pictures, etc.

To save in almost any browser, just press the Win+S combination. Next, next to this page or several, there are two XML files. One will contain the epub attribute, and the other will contain the page files html, jpg, css, etc. We save all these files in a ZIP archive. It will have a ZIP extension accordingly. Now all you have to do is change the container extension to “.epub”. That's it, we have a file that can be opened using e-readers.

We will not talk in more detail about the development, history and content here, since a lot of information is already on Wikipedia.

Features of the EPUB format

  • Standardization – the format will lead to a standard that solves the problem of developing a wide variety of electronic content formats. This makes it easier for developers and publishers to create e-books and devices.
  • Conversion – there are now tools that allow you to easily convert EPUB to another format.
  • Versatility - suitable for any device with different screen resolutions.
  • Security – the presence of a DRM mechanism that allows you to protect content from copying.

How to open EPUB format

There are dozens of programs for opening an e-book, both for PC and for Android or iOS. You can use Icecream Ebook Reader on your computer, download it from this site.

A convenient application that is available in free and paid editions. Has a library, reading progress, search, copy and translation functions. There is a night mode, bookmarks, and changes in the appearance of text.

If you have Windows 10, the built-in Microsoft Edge browser can open an EPUB file. Just open the book through Edge.

There are also Kodo, Barnes & Noble Nook, eReaders and Calider programs. They are in a foreign language, but this should not interfere with reading.

How to open EPUB on Android and iOS

There are simply a huge number of applications for smartphones or tablets that are downloaded from the App Store or Play Market. If you are using iOS, here is the list of applications:

  • iBook;
  • Bookmate.

It doesn’t make sense to list dozens of applications, since you can independently enter the query “book reader” into the search and see if the application supports the format.

For Android, there are the following popular applications that support a variety of e-book formats.

  • FBReader;
  • Bookmate;
  • Aldiko;
  • Moon+Reader.

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