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Disable User Account Control on the remote pc. What parameters are covered by the control? How to turn off User Account Control

User Account Control (UAC) helps protect your computer from intruders and malware. First appeared in Windows Vista... This component asks for confirmation of actions that require administrator rights in order to protect against unauthorized use of the computer.
In Windows, the main danger of working with an administrator account is that a malicious program, having entered the system, runs with full rights, which allows it to take control and deprive the user of control over the system. In Windows XP, it was not so easy to switch to working with a regular account, since many system settings and, even more importantly, applications were designed only to work with administrator rights.

UAC notifies about every significant change in the computer and asks for permission. So, for example, prompts are issued when you try to change the system time, install the program, edit the registry, change the Start menu

User Account Control in Windows 7 / Vista is enabled by default. When UAC is running, you need to run the program as administrator to get full rights, even if you are using an administrative account.

This is due to the fact that when UAC is enabled, the administrator and the user are delivered "in one bottle". The administrative account has all the necessary rights, but when UAC is enabled, absolutely all tasks are launched with the rights of a regular user. And this happens until full administrator rights are required to continue working. It is at this point that the User Account Control prompt appears, which serves as a signal that the program needs administrative authority.
UAC allows users to perform common tasks without administrator rights and with administrator rights without having to switch between accounts, log off, or use the "Run As" function.

User Account Control is based on applying different levels of permissions to a user account. If User Account Control is enabled, Windows prompts you to either continue with the operation or enter the credentials of a valid administrator account before starting a program or task that requires a full administrator access token. This request eliminates the possibility of any malicious application being silently installed. The whole difference between working as an administrator and an ordinary user boils down to the fact that in the first case, to continue working, you just need to click the "Yes" button, and in the second, you will need to enter the password of any administrator in the system.

The UAC message that appears should be carefully read, check whether the name of the action (program) being performed matches the one that is actually being performed (launched). By validating these steps before launching, UAC helps prevent the installation of malicious software and spyware, as well as attempts by these programs to make unauthorized changes to the operating system.

If permission or password is required to complete a job, UAC will display a warning message in the form of one of the following messages:

"Windows requires your permission to continue" - a feature or Windows program that may affect other users of this PC requires your permission to run. This icon indicates that the program or component is part of Windows, i.e. the item has a valid digital signature confirming that it was published by Microsoft. When such a dialog box appears, you can usually continue working without fear. If you are unsure, check the name of the program or component and decide if you want to run it.

"The program requires permission to continue working" - a program that is not part of Windows needs permission to run; This program has a valid digital signature to prove its authenticity and that of its publisher. When you display this dialog box, make sure you are running the correct program that you trust the publisher.

"An unidentified program is trying to access this computer" - an unidentified program is a program that does not have a valid digital signature from the publisher to verify the authenticity of the program; This does not necessarily mean danger, as many older legal programs lack signatures. However, you must carefully study the program and only allow it to run if it is obtained from a reliable source, such as the original CD or the publisher's website. If you are unsure, search the Internet for the name of the program to determine if it is known program or malware.

"The program has been blocked" - a program, the launch of which on this computer is specially blocked by the administrator, since it is not trusted. To run this program, contact your system administrator directly.


V Windows Vista User Account Control can be enabled or disabled from the User Accounts Control Panel applet.

V Windows 7 User account control has been improved, in particular, in the control panel, instead of a single setting that either turned it on or turned it off, four modes of operation appeared:

  • Always notify.
  • "Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer."
  • "Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (do not darken the desktop)."
  • Never notify.

Why Disable UAC

User Account Control has a very significant drawback - annoying "intrusiveness". User Account Control "works" for any reason and does not allow you to work quietly, so many users prefer to disable UAC.

The fact is that many drivers, programs, games were released long before the creation of Windows Vista or Windows Seven. As a result, there is an incompatibility with this operating system service. The installation either completely stops, or proceeds with errors (many important files are simply not copied to the system) or during installation you constantly have to answer annoying prompts UAC and reboot. In addition, when a window with a request from the Windows control service appears, the user is presented with extremely scant information about the error.

How to disable User Account Control

There are several ways to disable the UAC feature. The easiest way to disable UAC is through the control panel.

To disable User Account Control (UAC) , follow these steps:

For Windows 7

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click the button Start (Start) .

2. Select a menu item Control Panel (Control Pane) .

3. In the window Control Panel Choose a section ( User Accounts and Family Safety) .

4. In the window User accounts and family safety click on the link User accounts (User Accounts) .

5. In the window user accounts Windows 7(For example, user).

If the UAC function is currently active, a dialog box will appear on the screen User Account Control... You just have to press a button OK(if required, enter the Administrator password).

7. In the window to disable User Account Control) the slider must be lowered to the lowest position " Never notify»

8. Click the button OK.

9. At the bottom right of the screen, a message will appear: "You must restart your computer to turn off User Account Control."... Left-click on the message to restart your computer.

In the window Support Center click on the button Reboot now to apply the changes.

For Windows Vista

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the menu Start (Start) and then openControl Panel( Control Panel) .

2. In the window Control Panel left-click twice on the icon user accounts (

There is an icon User accounts and family safety ( User Accounts and Family Safety you are taking User accounts ( User Accounts) ).

3. In the window user accounts select the account under which you work in the operating system Windows Vista(For example, User (User ).

Disable UAC Using the System Configuration Tool (via command line)

Log in with administrator rights

Run the command line: Start --> Execute(or press the logo key Windows + R);

In the window Execute in field Open enter msconfig - OK;

In the dialog box that appears system configuration go to the tab Service.;

Find the name of the product in the scrolling list Disable User Account Control (UAC) - Launch.
Select the item in the list with the mouse Configuring User Account Control and press the button Running.

Then the window will start Account control options, in which you need to do the same actions as in the first method (just lower the slider). Be sure to reboot the system.

After restarting the PC, UAC will be disabled.

Disable UAC using Registry Editor

- Start - in line Find programs and files/ To start searching enter regedit;

Under the heading Programs right click regedit.exe ;

From the context menu select Run as administrator;

In the opened window Registry editor find the section ;

Find REG_DWORD-parameter EnableLUA;

Set its value to 0 .

How to enable UAC

Click on Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off

Enter the administrator password if prompted to do so;

Check the box Use User Account Control (UAC) to protect your computer - OK(for Windows Vista);

In the window User Account Control Settings set the lever to one of the operation modes: "Always notify", "Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer", "Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (do not darken the desktop)" (for Windows 7) .

After restarting the PC, UAC will be enabled.

PS. If you disable the User Account Control function, the level of confidentiality and integrity of programs and data will be significantly reduced. To improve the security of your computer, Microsoft does not recommend disabling UAC.

UAC (User Account Control) is a service that notifies the user about actions that require Administrator rights. If you are sure of all the software that you install on your PC, you can deactivate it. You will learn how to disable UAC in Windows 10 or enable it on PC in this article.

What is UAC?

UAC protects the Windows 10 user from installing and running software that can harm the OS, as well as from potentially dangerous actions. This service is automatically activated, so it always requires a request to perform any operations that could affect the health of the OS.

Reasons for disconnection

We do not recommend disabling User Account Control. The only situation in which a user can take such a step is that the service interferes with fast work while using a large number of files and programs.

In other cases, you should not deactivate the service, because it additionally protects the PC.

How to disable?

There are several ways to disable UAC. Restart your computer for the new settings to take effect.

Control Panel

  1. Right-click on the Start menu → → set View: Small Icons → User Accounts.
  2. Click "Change User Account Control Settings" → a window will open in which you can configure the notification of changes in computer settings by setting the slider to one of the four suggested positions:
    • Always notify;
    • Notify when applications try to change settings (default values);
    • Notify without dimming the screen;
    • Never notify.

Healthy! Alternative way to open Account Control Options: press Win + R and enter:

Command line

This command makes the appropriate changes to the Windows Registry Editor.

Registry editor

To set a specific UAC value, use the table to select the desired DWORD parameters.

Never notify 0 1 0
Notify without dimming the screen 5 1 0
Notify when applications try to change settings 5 1 1
Always notify 2 1 1

How to turn on?

Enabling User Account Control is done in the same way as disabling it. You just need to select any value other than "Disable UAC".

In some cases, the PC user may need to disable the account of a particular user. Please note that disconnecting an account is a disconnection, not a disconnection. Today I will show you how to do it correctly.

The first way

First of all, we need to get into the control panel. To do this, click on the "Start" button and select the item of the same name.

The second option - press the WIN + R keys on the keyboard, a window will appear in which you need to write a word control and click OK.

The control panel is launched. Here we find the item "Administration" and click on it.

In the new window we see several different items, but we are only interested in one - "Computer Management". We go into it.

In the "Computer Management" window, click on "Local users and groups", then - "Users" and select a user by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

The custom properties window will open. To disable an account, check the box next to “Disable account” and click OK.

Second way

The second method allows you to disable the account using the command line. To do this, you need to open. Press the "Start" button, in the line "Find programs and files" write the word cmd. A command line shortcut appears at the top of the window. Right-click on it and select "Run as administrator".

Command line launched. Now you need to add the command net user Username / Active: no, where as the username specify the name of the account, for example, net user Administrator / Active: no. After that press the Enter key.

Be careful. If you disconnect multiple accounts, you yourself may not be able to get into your account if you accidentally disconnect it.

UAC is an element of Microsoft operating systems that appeared in the disastrous Vista. It asks the user for confirmation of actions on the computer that require administrator privileges. This is done to prevent unauthorized changes to the system parameters. If you are sure that you will not harm the computer by your own actions, and it is protected by an antivirus program, below is shown how to disable UAC in Windows 10.

Such windows pop up due to time changes, launching installation files, making changes to the registry, start and taskbar settings, as well as when configuring Windows 10 through Settings and Control Panel.

In addition to protecting your computer from the action of a significant number of malware and virus programs, UAC warns the user when he tries to change important OS settings. Thanks to the pop-up warning window, the user becomes more responsible for making changes to the top ten.

It's no secret that User Account Control is activated by default. The protection level is at around 3 out of four possible positions.

  • "Always notify the user about attempts to install / uninstall an application or make adjustments to the system registry in any way." This option provides maximum computer security and will not allow any programs and scripts to perform any action requiring administrator privileges without your knowledge. To confirm actions, non-administrators will have to constantly enter a password.
  • Alert when applications try to make changes to the computer without obscuring the desktop. The default setting allows you to control only the operation of applications, but not the actions of the user.
  • The same as the previous version, but with a shaded desktop.
  • Never notify - UAC is disabled and does not display any warnings.

We figured out the mechanism of operation and the purpose of the User Account Control tool, let's look at how to disable UAC in Windows 10.

Disconnect via GUI

The easiest for beginners and, therefore, the most popular way to deactivate the tool is the control panel applet called "Accounts".

  1. We go to the "Control Panel" using the WinX menu.
  2. We pass to the item responsible for setting up accounts (it is located one of the last).
  3. Follow the link "Change User Account Control Settings".

The action will require the user to have administrator privileges.

An easier way to open this window is to execute the command in the search bar or in the Run window (to call it, we use the Win + R button combination).

A window with a vertical slider with four positions opens, allowing you to manually change the UAC settings. Moving the slider is accompanied by the appearance of an explanation of its current state, which were described above.

To disable UAC, move the slider to the bottom position, click "OK" and confirm the action that requires making changes to the Windows 10 registry.

Having decided to get rid of regularly pop-up annoying messages, you should be extremely careful, because any application or script will have the same rights as the user. UAC will not be able to report the activity of malicious applications that are allowed to change almost any Windows settings and modify a significant part of system files, including registry entries.

Disable UAC through the system registry

The registry, access to the records of which is carried out through a special editor, stores most of the settings and information concerning your computer and Windows 10. The UAC settings, which you learned to change through the "Control Panel", are also stored in the registry. Therefore, they can be changed by editing the corresponding keys.

  1. We execute "regedit".
  2. Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System sections one by one.
  3. Set the PromptOnSecureDesktop value to "0" after double clicking on the name / icon of the key.
  4. Similarly, change the ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to "0".

Changes take effect immediately after clicking on the "OK" button, without requiring the user to restart the Windows 10 shell or the OS itself.

The PromptOnSecureDesktop key is responsible for dimming the desktop (1 - dim, 0 - no, other values ​​are automatically equal to one) when UAC is enabled.

The ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin and PromptOnSecureDesktop values ​​can be as follows:

  • 1 and 2 correspond to the upper position of the slider - always notify;
  • 1 and 5 - second position - default value;
  • 0 and 5 - notify without dimming the screen.

Is the mechanism of the Windows operating system that controls the launch of programs and changes in system settings. If you are running under an administrator account, then UAC will simply inform you that you are trying to perform a potentially dangerous action. If you are working under a user account, then User Account Control will require input and a password from the administrator account. In this way, UAC prevents potentially harmful activities on your operating system.

In general, User Account Control is a very useful mechanism that provides additional and simply dangerous user actions. So, you shouldn't disable UAC in Windows 7 unnecessarily. But, if you are ready to lower the security level in order to get rid of annoying warnings, then in this article you will learn how to disable User Account Control in Windows 7.

Getting Started to Disable User Account Control or UAC in Windows 7

In order to disable User Account Control in Windows 7, you need to log in under the Administrator account, or at least know the password from the Administrator account. Otherwise, nothing will work, without administrator rights UAC will not allow itself to be disabled. If you have access to the Administrator account, then you can proceed.

So, open Control Panel and go to the "User Accounts and Family Safety" section. Next, you need to open under the "Accounts" section. After that, you should be taken to the page with your account. Here you need to click on the link "Change User Account Control Settings".

After that, you will see a window with UAC settings. This window has a slider that you can use to adjust the frequency of UAC alerts. In order to completely disable UAC in Windows 7, you need to move the slider to the lowest position.

After that, you need to click on the "Ok" button and confirm the changes to the settings for the last time.

Can't find where UAC is disabled in Windows 7. What should I do?

If you cannot find the section with accounts, then you can use one trick. Press the key combination Windows + R and in the window that appears, enter the command "UserAccountControlSettings".

This command will take you directly to the UAC settings and will be able to disable User Account Control. In addition, you can use the search in the Start Menu or on the start screen. Enter the phrase "Accounts" in the search and the operating system itself will find the section of the Control Panel that you need.

All you have to do is click on the first search result and the "Accounts" window will open in front of you. After that, you will need to click on the link "Change User Account Control Settings" and you will be taken to the UAC settings window, where you can disable User Account Control.

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