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We master Linux in stages. Installing packages in OpenSUSE in terminal

Installation software- one of the most important points when working with any Linux distribution. When the operating system is installed, the basic set applications are mainly system utilities, office suite, image editing programs and an internet browser. The rest necessary software you need to install it manually only later.

In this article we will walk you through the installation of OpenSUSE packages. Programs can be installed using both the YaST GUI and in the terminal using the zypper opensuse package manager. First, let's take a look at using the YaST GUI.

YaST is not just a program that can be used to install packages on OpenSUSE, it is a complete system configurator. Here you can do literally everything from configuring your network and viewing system logs to setting up system services and installing software. We'll cover the YaST OpenSUSE utility in a future article, but in this article we'll only be interested in its software installation module.

First, start the YaST configurator, this can be done from the main menu of the system.

After starting, the program will ask for your password, since it requires administrator rights to work:

Only after entering the main window will open. Select the Software Management item in it:

Wait while the repositories are updated:

Now you can work with your packages, the program window looks like this:

Several package views are available in the program: by category, by category rpm, templates, repositories and search. The search item is now open in the program. You can change the display using the view list or by switching to another tab:

On the package groups tab, all packages available in the connected repositories are divided into categories:

Installed packages are marked with a checkbox, to install a package, just click on the empty cell where the checkbox should be, to remove it, just uncheck the checkbox.

V context menu there are many more options available for each package, you can update, protect, remove or install an OpenSUSE package depending on its state.

For the changes to take effect and the installation to begin rpm package and OpenSUSE needs to press the button Apply in the lower right corner. Will go further standard procedure installing the package.

You can also see packages installed from specific repositories and packages available for installation:

Installing OpenSUSE packages from the Internet

If installing programs in OpenSUSE using Yast does not suit you, I agree, it is too long and not very practical, but you also do not like working in the console, there is another way.

OpenSUSE developed a special one-click package installation over the Internet. It is very fast and convenient, besides, not only packages from the official repositories are available here, but all packages from all repositories available for this system.

First, open the website:

In the search bar, type the name of the package you want:

As you can see, the program is in the official repositories and it will not be difficult to install it simply by pressing the big green button. The installation will then start automatically. But let's take a look at the installation using something else as an example. For example, Wordpress:

Select the package you want. Click show unstable packages:

We read the warning and click Continue:

Select one of the sources and click 1 click install:

Save the package file:

And immediately the YaST installer starts, on the first page of the wizard we agree to add the repository to the system, here you can also check the box to remove it after installation:

At the next step, we see which packages will be installed:

Summary and final warning:

During installation, you need to accept the GPG key of the program repository:

Once completed, you will see a successful installation message.

Installing packages in OpenSUSE in terminal

OpenSUSE, like other Linux distributions, allows you to work with packages not only in graphical mode, but also using the terminal. For this, there is an excellent package manager - zypper opensuse. Yes, it is a little more difficult to work with him than in graphical interface... But on the other hand, there are fewer body movements, so the installation of the program is performed many times faster.

Let's first consider the general syntax of the program and its main operations:

$ zypper options operation package

Options change the behavior of the program in certain situations. First, we will consider the options that may be useful to you, we will not consider all the options, since the program has a lot of them and if you want, you can view them by running: zypper --help, the command output is in Russian, so do not be afraid to use it.

Now options:

  • --verbose, -v- maximum verbose output
  • --quiet, -q- display a minimum of information during installation
  • --non-interactive, -n- disable interactive mode, use default responses
  • --no-gpg-checks- do not check GPG keys
  • --gpg-auto-import-keys- automatically import GPG keys
  • --disable-repositories- disable getting metadata from repositories before installation
  • --no-refresh- do not update repositories before installing
  • --root, -R- change root directory

Now let's look at the operations available in the program. Again, we will not touch everything, but only the main ones:

  • repos, lr- show all repositories added to the system
  • addrepo, ar- add the repository to the system
  • removerepo, rr- delete repository
  • refresh, ref- update package lists from repositories
  • clean- clear package cache
  • install, in- installing opensuse packages
  • remove, rm- remove package
  • source-install, si- install package sources and required dependencies
  • update, up- update all installed packages
  • list-updates, lu- see the list of updates
  • dist-upgrade, dup- updated version of OpenSUSE
  • search, se- search for a package by name or description
  • info, if- package information
  • download- download the package, but do not install

Sometimes we need to install local packages, before that it is not necessary to update the repositories, especially if you do not have the Internet or it is very slow, and the keys can also not be checked if the package is not obtained from the OpenSUSE repositories, so we will simplify the program's work by using this alias:

alias szypperoffline = "sudo zypper --no-gpg-checks --disable-repositories --no-refresh"

And for new packages that we trust, you can create an alias like this:

alias szyppernew = "sudo zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys"

And of course, for sudo:

alias szypper = "sudo zypper"

Let me remind you that in order for this to work, these lines need to be placed in ~ / .bashrc.

Now that we have figured out a little about the options, let's look at examples of working with the utility. But before moving on to zypper, I would also like to consider cnf. Here's what happens if you enter a command that is not in the system:

Let's listen to the advice of the program:

As you can see, we have already been prompted to solve the problem, it is written here in which repositories connected to the system are the command you want and what the installation of the program in OpenSUSE will look like.

We smoothly came to the fact that to install packages in OpenSUSE the command is used:

sudo zypper install package_name

If you need rpm installation OpenSUSE package downloaded from the Internet, which is not in the repositories, you can also use zypper:

sudo zypper install ~ / Downloads / package.rpm

Or using our alias:

$ szypperoffline install ~ / Downloads / package.rpm

You can search for packages not only with cnf, but also directly in zypper:

$ sudo zypper search name

It is also very easy to view information about the required package:

You can remove the OpenSUSE package with the command:

sudo zypper remove package_name

So, let's begin:

1. Root structure
2. Installing programs.

4. Working with iso images

The article is not finished will be edited according to the availability of free time

Let's analyze necessary knowledge and basic questions requiring understanding. What is Linux, open source software, etc. in this article we will not consider.
So, let's begin:

1. Root structure
2. Installing programs.
3. Setting up and running programs.
4. Working with iso images
5. Mounting ntfs partitions for writing regular user
6. Booting Windows from the second HDD
7. Reinstall Windows without overwriting the bootloader
8. Recovering the root password.

1) Root structure

/ - the root directory of the system, all other partitions and disks are mounted to this directory.
/ bin the most important binaries. It contains basic commands, which can be used by all users, and which are necessary for the system to work: ls, cp, login, etc.

/ boot contains the files needed by the boot loader (GRUB or LILO). It can contain the core.

/ dev files system devices(dev from English DEVices). Some of the files found in / dev are required, such as / dev / null, / dev / zero, and / dev / tty.

/ etc is one of the most vital directories on UNIX® systems because it contains everything config files systems specific to each host. Never delete it to free up disk space! Moreover, if you want to split your tree structure into several partitions, remember that / etc should not be placed on a separate partition: it is required to initialize the system and should be located on boot partition... For programs that require big number configuration files, there are separate subdirectories. Important files:
passwd and shadow: these are two text files, in which all users of the system and their encrypted passwords are stored, respectively.

/ home contains all the home directories of the users on the system. This directory can be shared (in some large networks opens to him general access via NFS). Configuration files for your favorite applications (such as mail clients and browsers) are located in this directory and begin with a period (".") A variable that is separated by
./.mozilla - Mozilla config files

/ lib contains libraries vital to the system. It contains all the libraries you need to work binary files from the / bin and / sbin directories This directory should also contain: an optional runtime linker or ld * loader, and the C dynamic link library Static, unshared.
/ modules / kernel_version kernel modules are stored

/ mnt contains mount points for temporarily mounted filesystems.

/ opt contains packages that are not too important for the system to work. It is reserved for optional packages; packages like Adobe Acrobat Reader are often installed in / opt. The FHS recommends that static files (binaries, libraries, manual pages, etc.) installed in the / opt directory are placed in its / opt / package_name subdirectories, and their configuration files in / etc / opt

/ root root home directory "a. Variable, unshared.
/ sbin contains important system binaries required to start the system. Most of these files can only be run by root. A normal user can also run them, but the result of their work may remain zero. Static, unshared.

/ tmp directory is for storing temporary files that can be created individual programs... Variable, unshared.

/ usr is the main directory for storing applications. All binaries in this directory are not required to boot or maintain the system, so the / usr hierarchy can, and often does, reside on a separate filesystem.
/ usr / X11R6: The complete hierarchy of the X Window System. All binaries and libraries needed for X to work (including X servers) should go here. Catalog
/ usr / lib / X11 contains all aspects of X configuration that are common across computers.
/ usr / bin: contains the vast majority of system binaries. Any binary program that is not necessary to maintain the system and is not intended to system administration, should be in this directory.
/ usr / lib: Contains all the libraries needed to run the programs found in / usr / bin and / usr / sbin. There is also a symbolic link / usr / lib / X11 that points to / usr / X11R6 / lib - the directory containing the X Window System libraries (but only if X is installed) ;.
/ usr / local: This is where you should install any applications you compile from source. The installer will need to create the required hierarchy.
/ usr / share: Contains all read-only device-independent data required for applications in / usr. Among other things, you will find information about time zones and regional standards (locales) (zoneinfo and locale).
/ usr / doc: Contains application documentation
/ usr / man: system pages manuals.

/ var contains all the operating data for the programs running on the system. Unlike the working data for the / tmp directory, this data should remain intact in the event of a reboot. Variable. Its individual subdirectories can be shared or non-shared.
./log: Contains system log files that you can read to troubleshoot your system (especially these two:.
./run: used to keep track of all processes used by the system since boot, allowing you to perform actions on them if the system run level changes
./spool: Contains system working files awaiting certain actions or processing.
./cups contains the print server working files
./mail keeps working files mail server(for example, all incoming and outgoing mail on your system).

2.1 Installing programs

I) How do I install programs?

There are, roughly speaking, 3 types of installation
1) Repository or * rpm package.(START -> System -> YaST -> Software -> Software Management) set. A window with the resolution of dependencies may pop up - read. Look there, in the repositories, there is everything you want, the main thing is to look carefully. If you don't find it, download the * .rpm package from the Internet (for your version of Suse, plus for your i386 or x64 system) and install it like in Windows - with one click. Not installed - write in the repository: (START -> System -> YaST -> Software -> Software Repositories -> Add -> Local directory -> Repository name (write, repository name - whatever you like), Directory path (where lies our * .rpm) -> Next -> OK). We go to (Software -> Software Management) there we select the repository that we created and install.
After installation, the program adds a shortcut to the START menu. If it is not added, reboot the X - Ctrl + Alt + Backspase (press and hold - it will start beeping, then reboot X)

2) Build from source. This option is more dreary. Source - the source code of the program, written in programming languages, there is no difference for which system it is written. a) Download the archive * .tar.bz2 or * tar.gz. b) Unpack it (if the unpacker is integrated, then right click mouse on the archive -> unpack c). c) We go to what we unpacked (usually - new folder with the archive name). d) We read the file INSTALL. e) Open the console; go to our folder, the one that appeared during unpacking (it will be easier to crawl if you use the mc command - it will open a program like NortonCommander); we write su; enter the root code; then we write what we read in INSTALL (usually this is 1) ./configure 2) make 3) make check (in some programs this is not necessary) 4) make install). The program has been installed. Reboot X.
But this perfect option, this is not always the case, usually at the. / configure stage, a message is displayed that something is missing. We are looking for this something in the repository, if we do not find it, we are looking for it in the archive on the internet, put it, as shown above, then return to the program that we put first and again. / Configure, etc. Sometimes quite long chains arise.

3) Binarnik (file ready for execution). Downloading the archive. We unpack it. We read Readme.txt or similar to find which file to run. Launch


The application executable files installed from the * .tar.bz2 or * tar.gz archive are usually located in the / usr / local / bin directory.

3. Configuring and launching programs

Hidden files.

V unix systems unlike windows, where it is customary to consider hidden files on which the hidden attribute is set (if I am not mistaken), all files with a dot at the beginning of the file or directory name are considered. If you want to create hidden file with the name passwd.txt, then you should in the field name generated file add point:

It should be noted that all configuration files for programs from the user environment are stored in home directory the user and everyone is hidden. In addition, they are endowed with the appropriate names of the programs to which they refer. So the KDE configuration files for the loop user can be found by specifying the path in the address bar of the file manager:

This may be necessary in case of incorrect operation of the program (after deleting the settings, the program will create a new instance of the configuration with the same name during the next launch) or to resolve other issues.

The program can be launched via the console in one of the following ways (for example, kget):

1) the name of the program
$ kget
2) full path to the program
$ / opt / kde3 / bin / kget
3) If it is a Windows program (*. Exe):
$ wine ./cmd.exe
or for .Net programs:
$ mono ./SMathStudio_Desktop.exe

4. Working with iso images

1) Create ISO
We go into the console and write

Dd if = / dev / dvd of = / home / toxa / Desktop / filename.iso

(Syntax: dd if = what of = where)
The image will be created directly on the desktop from our dvd.
2) ISO connection
In the console

Mount -o loop filename.iso / mnt / mountname

Mount -o loop filename.iso / media / mountname

specifically for Suse
Moving to the / mnt / mountname directory, we will find ourselves inside the image.

5. Mounting ntfs partitions for recording a regular user

To properly mount ntfs partitions, the / etc / fstab table must have the following attributes:

/ dev / disk / by-id / scsi-SATA_WDC_WD3200YS-01_WD-WCAPD5222085-part1 / windows / c ntfs-3g users, gid = users, umask = 000, locale = ru_RU.UTF-8 0 1
/ dev / disk / by-id / scsi-SATA_WDC_WD3200YS-01_WD-WCAPD5222085-part8 / windows / d ntfs-3g users, gid = users, umask = 000, locale = ru_RU.UTF-8 0 1

6. Booting Windows from the second HDD

Windows "wants" to boot from the first disk only. And since he really is on second HDD, then it must be "deceived". This is done by the map command. It can be used to display hd0 as hd1 and hd1 as hd0 - otherwise, you can virtually rearrange hard drives... As a result, the added lines of an additional menu item for loading one more operating system into the /boot/grub/menu.lst file look like this:
title Windows-XP
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
chainloader +1
Do not erase the .windows-serial file from the windows partition.
More details - link.

7. Reinstall Windows without overwriting the bootloader

Before installing / reinstalling Windows, create a file with the following content:

save as
anywhere, even on a floppy disk. When installing Windows, specify the path to this file.
For instance:
D: \ win98 \ setupcor.exe A: \ msbatch.inf

Boot sector saved

8. Recovering the root password.

At boot time we will specify init = / bin / bash in the line below for Grub, or linux init = / bin / bash for Lilo.
As a result, we booted immediately in single-user mode in the terminal and under the root. We will remount our HDD, it's read-only now.

Mount -o remount, rw /

change the password to the root user.

When asked for a password, enter a new invented password, agree if it is short. It remains to synchronize the contents of the cache hard disk with myself hard disk since most likely all changes remained in the screw buffer. To do this, just run the sync command

The article is not finished will be edited according to the availability of free time

PS: Article moved from the old forum, by Tretrem 04/09/2010

A distribution kit called S.u.S.E Linux 1.0 was released in 1994. It was released by the German company Gesellschaft fur Software- und System-Entwicklung. For a long time this product was considered a model of friendliness towards a novice user: all system settings were made using a convenient graphics program YaST2. However completely free this distribution was not. Original text YaST2 has been shut down.

In 2003, the project was bought by Novell, which opened the project to developers and users. The source for YaSY2 was also published, so the distribution was free and called openSUSE. Current version product - openSUSE 10.3.

OpenSUSE can be used by organizations that prefer the most modern equipment... If the device works in Linux, then it will work in openSUSE without any complicated additional manipulations.

Installation options

The distribution kit is distributed in three versions - for 32- and 64-bit PCs with Intel architecture and for machines based on PowerPC. To install the system, you can use both DVD and CD versions of the distribution kit - both can be downloaded for free from the project website. The system can also be installed over a network.

To get familiar with the system, the user can download the GNOME Live CD or the KDE Live CD depending on the preferred desktop. True, these versions lack full support for the Russian language, so using them to install the system is an ineffective way.

The Extra Languages ​​CD is distributed separately. If you download the latest version of the distribution kit, then there is no need for this disk. The Russian language is among the main ones: all the files needed to support it are already available on the main disk.

Installer features

The language is chosen at the very first stage of the installation, so a person who cannot be called a polyglot can install the system. The translation is complete and of good quality. This last point is important because SUSE has long been an example of "a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod." Those times are over - now the distribution kit is practically no different from the rest in terms of localization. Of course, in a good sense of the word.

The general concept of the system installation mechanism is that ready-made solutions are offered to the user. He can agree with them or make any changes if he has a different view of some things.

The default disk partitioning looks like this. Root (/) and home (/ home) partitions are created on separate volumes of hard ext3 format disk. In addition, a separate swap partition is organized. Everything logical drives Windows are automatically mounted to the / windows / directories<буква диска>... Wherein free space on does not remain.

The user can create his own partition. Available file systems: Ext 2/3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS. Windows formats are also supported - FAT and NTFS. Mount points for existing partitions can be specified manually.

There are several options for editing the proposed partition - from making small changes (for example, changing mount points for Windows partitions) to completely changing the configuration. The openSUSE toolkit is quite flexible and intended for users of all skill levels.

You are prompted to choose a desktop at one of the early stages of installation - even before markup hard disk. Variants: GNOME, KDE, minimal graphical system, text mode... Of course, the decision is not final and irrevocable: later the composition of the installed software can be clarified.

Both when partitioning the disk and when choosing packages, the user is allowed to experiment. After each change he makes, the installation summary will be rewritten to reflect the revisions. But physical record to disk will only start after a separate command. Thus, the likelihood of spoiling something is minimized.

However, there is one action that needs clarification. After partitioning the disk and installing the application software, a reboot message will appear on the screen, which will not keep you waiting long. A novice user may think that a failure has occurred and will start the installation over. You do not need to do this - after restarting, the procedure will continue.

Why would an openSUSE developer need such a move? After all, other distributions do fine without it, rebooting the machine only after the installation is complete. The fact is that the installation process can be conditionally divided into two stages - writing all required files and system setup.

You can restart your computer either after the first stage, or after completing the entire procedure. The openSUSE creators preferred the first option, so the system will be up and running immediately after configuration.

The system is configured in automatic mode... The user will be offered a ready-made version and given the opportunity to make changes to the configuration. However, in most cases this is not required, especially since everything can be corrected after installation.

The system administrator password and the details of ordinary users are set during the system installation. Moreover, any password is accepted - even the very popular “123”. A warning that such a simple word should not be entered will appear, but nothing more - whatever you wish will be accepted.

Hardware configuration also does not require user intervention. The option offered by the system will most likely completely suit you. Even optimal resolution screen will be detected correctly.

The general conclusion is obvious: the program openSUSE installations if not the best of all, then certainly one of the top three. Its main advantage is the combination of simplicity and functionality. It is suitable for both a beginner who can only agree with the proposed options, and experienced user who has his own view of things and knows how to put it into practice.

System configurator

YaST2 - very handy tool to configure the Linux system. It was thanks to him that SUSE was considered one of the friendliest distributions.

The application interface is divided into several sections:




Network Services;

Novell AppArmor;

Users and Security;

Each section contains icons for running the utility responsible for one specific setting... For example, if you want to launch a wireless interface, then you should go to “ Network devices"And select the program there" Network board”. All detected devices will be displayed and you can set parameters for each of them.

This operation does not present any difficulty - who at least once configured Windows system, he can easily deal with openSUSE. Let's look at a few examples.

Let's say you decide to edit the list of system services that start automatically when the system starts up. To do this, go to the "System" section and activate the " System services”. You can work in both simple and expert modes. If you choose the latter, additional options become available.

In particular, you can quickly change the so-called runlevel. By default, it assumes graphics mode with full support networks. If you want to immediately work in the text console, then select another value - runlevel. By the way, each service can be configured to automatic start at strictly defined trigger levels. This can be done in expert settings.

You decided to look system log? Then go to the "Miscellaneous" section - the tool you need is there. The user does not even have to know which files contain the required information, since the program will offer him a ready-made list.

In the "Network Services" section, you can configure the system to work as part of Windows domain... In this way, openSUSE distribution completely ready for use in heterogeneous networks that are becoming more and more popular.

Customization wireless interface using YaST2 is a very easy task

All system services can be accessed through the YaST2 system

Package management tools

An entire section in the YaST2 configuration program is responsible for package management. User can automatically update all installed packages, select the repositories it needs, check the media with the recorded distribution, and install additional products.

The software utility is simple enough for the user. Several viewing modes are possible - you just need to select the appropriate filter. For example, in the “Search” mode, you can find a package not only by name, but also by description or resume. That is, if you know at least something about the program you are interested in, it will probably be found.

It is very convenient to use the "Templates" filter. In this case, the program interface becomes exactly the same as that of the package selection tool during the installation of the system. Moreover, you can choose not only individual packages, but also entire groups - when installing, for example, graphical environments, this will save a lot of time.

Each package is accompanied by a description. Therefore, if you do not know exactly what exactly should be installed to solve a particular problem, careful reading will allow you to find necessary solution... True, not all comments have been translated into Russian - people who do not know English will have to stock up.

Dependency control will be performed automatically when working with the software management utility. Moreover, the program will let you know if any violation is found. And he will even offer several options for removing the obstacle.

The package manager interface is very descriptive

Technical and informational support

For a long time, SUSE Linux was commercial product, which included closed components. Therefore, his support from the free community was limited. Today, the situation has changed radically. The website has been operating for a long time, on which a novice user can find necessary information... There is a special section on the linuxforum portal dedicated to this system, and Novell employees participate in its activities. So getting help is no longer a problem.

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openSUSE Leap represents new type a hybrid Linux distribution that has undergone major changes since the previous release.

Version 42.1 is the first version of openSUSE Leap to source SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), which provides more high level stability than others Linux distributions... Community and organizational development ensures a high level of cohesion in development and timely technical updates... openSUSE Leap benefits from the efforts of the corporate Maintenance and receives the same updates and packages as SLE. Note that earlier the project used separate service channels.

The developer community provides the same level of support for both Leap and other co-platform projects, allowing for linkages between old and new packages that are included in another openSUSE distribution, Tumbleweed.

The project received a big leap in version number, the new naming strategy reflects the innovations introduced. SLE sources that come from SUSE are version 12 Service Pack 1 (SP1). The naming strategy can be represented as follows: SLE 12 SP1 or 12.1 + 30 = openSUSE Leap 42.1. Many users ask why 42, but SUSE and openSUSE have a tradition of introducing Big changes using the numbers 4 or 2.

OpenSUSE Leap users have worked with the KDE and GNOME desktop environments, but version 42.1 suggests switching to a green desktop if you're tired of brown.

Features of openSUSE Leap 42.1


Leap strikes a balance between new, innovative and mature, traditional. Leap offers a corporate aura, provides support for modern hardware components, and intentionally contains packages low level to strengthen Leap's long-term support. New software versions, for example, KDE Plasma 5 and Libreoffice are already included in Leap, although older versions of GNOME 3.16 and GNU Compiler Collection 4.8.5 optionally with GCC 5.2 are also present in Leap.


Leap supports by default file system Btrfs and XFS data filesystem for optimal performance, but other options are available to choose from. Among the advantages of Btrfs is the ability to use Snapper. Users can restore the previous system status using snapshots. Snapper can automatically create system snapshots every hour, as well as before and after snapshots of YaST and zypper. A new version adds the ability to upload a snapshot to recover damaged files on systems. Powerful system and a powerful tool.


openSUSE Leap 42.1 is equipped with several virtualization solutions. VirtualBox 5.0.6 and Docker 1.8.2 make openSUSE Leap 42.1 an excellent platform for distributing applications. Installation is very easy with YaST. The GNOME containers, virt-manager and virsh are useful tools for openSUSE administrators.

Improved YaST

YaST is an open source project source code, its features and versions are shipped synchronously in SLE and openSUSE. openSUSE Leap 42.1 received the same version of YaST, AutoYaST and Linuxrc that ship with SLE12-SP1. The tool has received over 600 improvements over previous version, including numerous bug fixes, new features and innovations. YaST has become more developer friendly, has a better codebase, and improved development tools and documentation. In addition, YaST is better integrated into the Ruby ecosystem, including RSpec helpers, Rake tasks, and more. YaST2-lxc has been discontinued, but the YaST family has been extended with 3 new modules.


Machinery is a command line application that is used to create descriptions Linux systems and work with them. You can use the tool to gain insight into current systems, save or track their state, and build new systems from existing ones. Machinery provides powerful tools comparison of several systems. Export of descriptions to other tools is available, migration, creation of images and containers, cloud deployment... In addition, Machinery provides user-friendly interface to work with descriptions from other utilities.

openSUSE Leap 42.1 is the first stable release of openSUSE to include KDE Plasma 5 (version 5.4.2) as the desktop environment. Plasma 5 is an attractive, functional, innovative and productive desktop environment. Version 5.4 received a new audio control applet, a full-screen control panel menu, a large number of new icons (over 1600) and improved support for screens high resolution... In addition, many bugs were fixed, in particular, the behavior when viewing the contents of the folder was improved and additional formats time.

openSUSE Leap 42.1 ships with GNOME 3.16.2. The GNOME 3.16.x branch has received numerous bug fixes and visual improvements. Updated: event overview, login screen, system menu and others system components... New visual effects designed for native integration with appearance GNOME. GNOME 3 has new styles of scroll bars that only appear when needed.

Desktop improvements

openSUSE Leap 42.1 includes the MATE framework (1.10), which provides support for the GTK2 and GTK3 toolkits. Also added support for the 3.x GUI and audio mixing library. openSUSE Leap 42.1 ships with XFCE (4.12.1) as well. XFCE panel can be intelligently hidden, added support for GTK3 plugins and numerous third party plugins. openSUSE Leap 42.1 has received updates to the X11 composite window manager and new search result icon themes for the wizard.

OpenSUSE Project Community

The openSUSE Project is an international community that promotes using Linux... The community has created one of best distributions Linux. The project is controlled by the community and relies on contributions from individuals who can act as testers, translators, usability experts, designers or developers. openSUSE covers wide range technologies, specialists of various levels, speaking different languages and having different cultural backgrounds.

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