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Features of communication on the Internet. Communication in the virtual world

To begin with, let's note the main differences between communication on the Internet, that is, virtual, from real communication. Then we will learn how to find suitable interlocutors for you, where to start a conversation, what to talk about, and what not to do.

How does Internet communication differ from real one?

In life we ​​are who we are. On the Internet, we are who we want to appear.

Therefore, on the one hand, you should take your virtual image seriously - choose a beautiful nickname and avatar for yourself. On the other hand, you shouldn't judge the interlocutor by his image on the Internet. Is that his sense of humor and creativity ... Well, the resulting image. You know better if you want to communicate with Terminator or Petya

When you write a message, there is time to think about your words.

Live communication is more direct, it is more difficult to hide the reaction.

At one time, I gladly rolled tantrums on ICQ, calmly drinking tea

Virtual communication is possible over long distances.

If you are communicating with a person on the network, distance becomes an obstacle only if you decide to meet. In other cases, communication with an American differs from communication with a neighbor, on the contrary, only by the time of their presence in the network.

Why do we communicate on the Internet?

Killing time

It often happens that you sit at work, there is nothing to do ... Why not chat with someone? Such communication usually does not oblige you to anything, just a light chatter. Although at times it develops into a real friendship.

Looking for friends

There is no time to communicate in reality. Is that at the same job or on the road ... And so, exchanged numbers or found in a social network - and the communication continues!

We are looking for a life partner

By the way, one of my friends met her husband online. And I'm sure this is not the only case.

In all cases, at the initial stage, communication on the Internet is approximately the same. Therefore, you can offer some universal advice.

What is better not to do when communicating on the Internet

Believe everything that the interlocutor says

Not everyone wants to open their souls to the first comer. Some people, in principle, like to lie ... Sex, age, occupation, and photo may turn out to be incorrect ...

Such things should be treated easier, especially at the first time of communication. You are strangers, and no one swore to anyone on the Bible to "tell the truth and only the truth." Little things will be forgotten and will not affect further communication, inaccuracies will become clear along the way. The longer you communicate, the more sincere your communication will be, or, alternatively, the person will become completely confused - and everything will clear up.

Give personal information to "unverified" people

Of course, you shouldn't invent a new life for yourself. But you should not enter your phone number in the information column about yourself. You can limit yourself to a first name without a surname and a zodiac sign. You should not distort only information about your own interests - after all, communication on the Internet is based precisely on their similarity. The rest is a matter of everyday life, whatever you consider necessary will come up in the course of the conversation.

Photo on the web

How to choose a photo? On "classmates" and "in contact" usually no questions arise with this. It's harder with dating sites ...

Don't post your best photo. You never know who will lead him ... And you never know who will be disappointed when they meet. It's better to choose just a good shot where you look more or less natural. From a walk around the city or a picnic.

The question "whether to send a photo" arises squarely only when communicating in ICQ and analogs. Personally, I prefer to first communicate, find out if I have something in common with the person, and then the photo can be exchanged. You shouldn't send someone else's photo - or think about right away how you will get out if it comes up

And be prepared that with the exchange of photos, communication may end, especially if you have not yet found points of contact - there are no comrades for taste and color. This is in no way a reason to be upset. Alas, there are enough boors on the network, and it's good that he won't bother you anymore.

I strongly advise you to look for interlocutors yourself - there is less chance of running into uh ... eccentric

Almost any online communication system has a search box in which you can set the parameters you are interested in. If you are looking for an interlocutor without far-reaching plans, it doesn't really matter where the person lives and how old he is. But it is worth paying attention to his interests so that there is something to talk about.

Usually search engines have such an option as a keyword. The word "communication" is usually a safe bet for me.

In addition, when a search engine gives you options to choose from, before starting a conversation, you should look at your personal information. If a person does not want to meet online, in most cases he writes about it in his personal information. Alternatively, there you can find something that will draw your attention to the right person - a quote, a quatrain, a familiar film name.

Another subtlety: pay attention to the status of the interlocutor. If he is "offline", it will take much longer to wait for an answer than if he is "ready to chat"

Where to start communication?

Send a smile to your interlocutor and say hello. You can ask a non-binding question like "how are you?" or "would you mind chatting?" And wait for an answer. He will answer - continue the conversation, no - write to someone else.

According to my personal statistics of communication in ICQ, every second interlocutor answers. Although - once at a time it is not necessary - it happens that out of 10 will answer 1, but this does not mean anything, just such a day And if a person answered - this is not at all a guarantee of long-term communication. You can lose interest in each other after 5 minutes of conversation.

What to talk about?

What do you want. Some interlocutors immediately take the initiative into their own hands, some have to be almost tortured ... It is useful to have a couple of topics in the store, like discussing a new film or the political situation in the country.

Alternatively, a game of "questions" will do. You take turns asking each other questions. You ask a question, the interlocutor answers, you answer your own question, the interlocutor asks a question ... And so on ad infinitum. You can learn a lot about each other, and the need to answer your own questions sets the boundaries of what is permissible.

How do you know if it's worth continuing to communicate?

There is only one criterion: self-interest. While you're curious, it makes sense to keep going. As soon as you get bored, you can turn off the communication. Moreover, it is not necessary to explain the reason, especially if the interlocutor is clearly “not your person” - you can add him to the list of ignored.

In this article I would like to touch upon the topic of communication. Today, hundreds of thousands of people spend a lot of time on the Internet every day. Most of them are devoted to communication. Communication in Social networks, Skype, ICE etc.

Today I want to talk about the most common methods of communication over the Internet. Those without which many people today cannot imagine their life. We will also pay attention to the issue how to call over the internet anywhere in the world.

Let's start with social media. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook,, etc. These sites for communication have become very firmly established in our life today. With the help of them, people communicate with each other, play games, listen to music, watch films, arrange meetings and much more. More recently, VKontakte has the ability to make video calls from one page to another. Also, every month there are a bunch of different innovations.

Odnoklassniki and Facebook, as well as VKontakte, are multi-user and people spend there tens of hours a week. In Russia, it is more common social VKontakte network than Facebook. In second place after VKontakte are Odnoklassniki.

Now let's touch on the topic of calling over the Internet. How can you make calls over the Internet from one computer to another? I will tell you one of the most popular ways.


With Skype, you can make free calls from one computer to another. You can also send messages and make video calls in Skype.

Call over the Internet Skype is a pleasure, no matter where your family or friends are. No need to pay bills for calls abroad. Enough internet with good speed.

Here it is for you and an option as possible call over the internet... There is a lesson on the site: if you have any difficulties, then read it.

I told you the most relevant today there are many ways of communication, in fact, there are a lot of them, such as ICQ, and a bunch of other ways!

This article on how to communicate or make calls via the Internet comes to an end!

Thank you all and see you!

Think about who you want to chat with. If you want to talk to friends or family, you can do so on the regular website. If you want to chat and talk to strangers, you will need completely different sites.

  • Use instant messaging services to chat with friends and family. If you want to have a one-on-one conversation with a person, you can sign up for an instant messenger or social network.

    • Facebook is a social site that has instant messaging software. If you add your friends and family as friends on the site, you can chat with them and exchange messages, photos and so on.
    • Skype is one of the most popular instant messaging, audio and video calling software. It is used by millions of people around the world. Skype is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and any mobile device. Messenger MSN recently morphed into Skype. You can use video chat, text messaging and group chat.
    • Messaging on a mobile device - If you have a smartphone, it is easiest for you to use it for messaging. You can download the programs Snapchat, Kik, Whatsapp. Create a profile - it's free.
    • AIM is an instant messaging program. It is a very popular program that is also used by many people around the world. You can communicate with users of this program from an Internet browser or download and install the program on your computer.
  • You can use instant messaging programs in your browser. There are many sites on which different groups of people communicate - those sites are called chat rooms. There are group chats and one-on-one. Many of them offer immediate video calling and video conferencing.

    • Chatroulette and Omegle are the 2 most popular chat sites. You will have absolutely no way to control who you communicate with. If you have a camcorder, you can use it for video chat.
    • There are many anonymous chat rooms available on various sites such as Yahoo chat, Tinychat, Spinchat and many more.
    • Try using the Yahoo chat program.
  • Use different programs to connect with different groups of people in different countries. You can use the IRC service - many groups of people from different countries communicate in it on all topics that can come to your mind. It may be difficult for a new user to understand this site, but over time you will get used to it and understand all its advantages, and also appreciate them. Chat even allows users to exchange files with each other.

    • The most popular client for IRC messaging is the mIRC program. You can also use Trillian or Pidgin to connect to IRC servers.
  • Isn't it remarkable that nowadays it is possible to communicate infinitely through the Internet? Our letters are not delivered to the addressee for several weeks or even months across the planet, to tell about how our day went, today we just need to click the mouse for this.

    Communication in the virtual world

    Thanks to virtual communication, we can communicate with old friends who have gone abroad, with distant relatives, call up and correspond with classmates and classmates. Can we find friends on the Internet who share our interests? Of course, all this is so simple, because there are virtual mails, instant messengers, social networks, chats and Skype. We do not languish in anticipation of a letter, but we can endlessly communicate via video link with each other every day. All this helps us to stay in touch with loved ones.

    Virtual friends

    Communicating on social networks with our friends and relatives, we often come across the pages of people from other cities, countries living several thousand kilometers away. Virtual communication that has no boundaries and erases the distance allows us to view their pages, follow their life on the Web and, of course, communicate and make friends.

    Friendship on the Internet is romantic, mysterious and has many advantages, but the Network cannot provide us with the opportunity to take our friend by the hand, hug him. Messengers and Skype are not omnipotent, but if you are a loyal friend who is ready to wait, one day you will be able to bridge the distance between you and experience the joy of meeting.

    It is very easy to find new friends on the Internet, we will definitely tell you how to do it, as well as talk about the advantages and disadvantages of friendship at a distance, about the virtual etiquette of communication and how to maintain friendship.

    Pros of virtual friendship

    Before you find friends on the Internet, you need to know that long-distance friendship requires endurance and patience. Let's talk about the benefits of virtual communication and friendship at a distance:

    • as a plus, you can highlight the fact that virtual friendship is available, and there are no obligations between friends;
    • your friend does not care how you look, what you are wearing, whether you are overweight, because he communicates with you, because he is interested;
    • you have no reason to envy, we are all equal on the Internet;
    • you can be frank with a virtual friend, he will not be able to use information about you as compromising evidence;
    • you can be anyone on the Internet, and you can be much more honest than in life;
    • if you don't want to chat now or want to end a friendship, all this can be solved with a couple of clicks.

    Cons of a friend at a distance

    Alas, virtual friendships cannot replace real friends. And sincere friendship is very rare on the Web. You both have to reach out and hold on to this friendship in order to maintain the distance, the time.

    There are as many disadvantages in virtual friendship as there are advantages:

    • you cannot be sure of the sincerity of your interlocutor;
    • if you do not communicate by phone or video, you have no guarantee that the person is who he claims to be;
    • it will be difficult for you to get practical advice from a virtual friend, he does not know you in life;
    • your virtual friend will not be able to come and console you if there is a long distance between you.

    But what if you have an internet friend? Never mind, talk, it's great that you found yourself an interesting companion. The main thing is to be confident in this person and continue to maintain a relationship. Perhaps one day you will have the opportunity to meet live.

    How do I find friends on the Internet?

    Well, we have already figured out what virtual communication is and what are the pluses and minuses of communicating with a person via the Internet. Now we need to figure out how and where to find friends on the Internet. What sites, applications, platforms help people find each other? Perhaps we will be able to find a friend closer to you, and not several thousand kilometers away, and get rid of several disadvantages.

    Online Communities

    You probably have a page on a social network, it can be Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, as well as various instant messengers. These are all great, convenient platforms for finding an old friend on the Internet or meeting new people. To find a new person, you need to find groups, forums and chats that bring people together with the same interests. All you need is to subtly offer to meet you. There is nothing to be ashamed of on the Internet.

    If you are looking for new acquaintances in your city, then you can look for groups, the main theme of which is your city. Usually such groups have names: "Typical Smolensk", "Overheard in Irkutsk". There are groups created to search for each other, for acquaintances, search by name: "Looking for you in Minsk" or "Dating in Lviv". There you will be able to communicate with fellow countrymen and, if you make friends, then it will not be difficult for you to meet.

    After opening a group, read other people's posts, view comments, or leave some information about yourself. People who are bored and want to get to know you will definitely write to you.

    If you live in a big city, for example, in the capital, then, having found a group according to your interests (computer games, hunting, handicrafts), you can open the search for participants and select your city. The main thing is that your city is large and the group is popular.

    Gatherings and meetings

    If you are still looking for a friend of your interests, then in popular groups, for example, in the fandoms of musical groups and TV series, gatherings are arranged, mass meetings of children who want to get to know the same as they are, for example, fans of the Supernatural series. Most often, meetings are scheduled in the city center, in squares, at shopping centers, near attractions, where there are a lot of people. These places are safe to meet and are chosen due to the large number of people walking.

    Some groups create separate forums, discussions, collaborative chats and conversations for people to get to know each other. It is convenient, leave your request. Perhaps you can find a friend from your city, or maybe one who lives opposite.

    Dating sites and apps

    On the Internet, you can find many sites that allow you to search for each other. Dating sites Tabor, Badoo, Tinder are focused specifically on meeting new people. Such sites are divided into several categories and each of them has its own filters. On any of them, you can indicate the purpose of your acquaintance: romantic relationships, friendship, one-time meetings.

    The most popular and very convenient application for this is Tinder. This largest service, operating all over the world, is looking for friends near you. Register, fill out the form, post a photo and indicate the purpose of dating. Tag people you liked, if they liked you too, the application will notify you and offer to write. This is a great way to find a new friend.

    Online Games

    This is another way to find friends over the Internet. If you like to play computer games, register in the browser game or install it on a PC, tablet, smartphone. If you've never played an online game before, you should give it a try. This is not only fun adventures, but also the easiest place to find friends on the Internet. In the course of the game, strong ones are created between students. Conquering virtual peaks and conquering virtual castles, you will find not only common topics for conversation, but, having united, you can help each other in achieving virtual victories. If you wish, you can continue to chat on the Internet in popular social networks or in real life.

    Online games are very popular, many of them are played by people all over the world, so games can be regarded as a great option to find an Internet friend from another country.

    Communication rules

    Before you find friends on the Internet, remember etiquette. It is not very different from the real one, let's briefly discuss some of its aspects:

    • to endear a person, put things in order on your page, remove material that can alienate someone from you;
    • try to write correctly so that the interlocutor is pleased to read you;
    • do not overuse emoticons, exclamation marks and capital letters;
    • write thoughts in finished messages, rather than breaking up into several parts by breaking sentences;
    • when getting acquainted, avoid banal remarks;
    • do not swear;
    • avoid vulgar jokes if you are not familiar with the person;
    • Be polite.

    Respect your interlocutor, respect his time and opinion, so that you will be treated the same way, and then you will have a good, interesting friend, pleasant interlocutor.

    How to maintain friendship?

    When you find your virtual friend, you will have to try hard not to miss the thread of communication. Do not stop communicating if you do not agree or on other trifles. Don't push your friend away if they make contact. If now is not the time to talk, tell him about it, but do not ignore his messages.

    Joke, send each other notes and photos, this will help maintain communication, if you have nothing happening and nothing to tell, perhaps in this way you will find a new topic for communication.

    Do not hesitate to write to your friend first, there is nothing wrong with it, because he is your friend. Show interest in him, ask how he is doing. Sometimes make calls using Skype or instant messengers, a real voice will noticeably reduce the distance between you. Hearing a friend's voice is always nice.

    Try to surprise your friend. For example, write a letter, send a small parcel or order delivery to his home, maybe flowers or toys, cake or any other little thing. Despite the fact that you did not present this gift, you chose it, it is very pleasant.

    Yes, write letters. It is very touching to pick up a letter that a friend has diligently drawn out. Don't forget important dates, birthdays, or dating days. Memory and a small, albeit virtual, postcard is very nice. Encourage your friend to talk if they feel bad or sad. It is a pity that you cannot come to him, but try to console him with words or call, it will help.

    We are sure you will find useful our tips on how to find friends on the Internet, how to behave and how to keep in touch with them. Despite the fact that virtual friendship implies a large distance between you, if you really want to, then one day you can meet.

    Much easier than in real life. There are several reasons for this. First, there is no fear of a real person. Secondly, it is easier to strike up a conversation with someone who announced their desire to communicate. Social networks have a special section “Want to communicate”. Then everything is simple: they choose a photo of a nice person and apply with a greeting or a phrase. After the greeting, it is necessary to continue communication on general topics. Which?

    To find out about this will help a visit to the page of a potential interlocutor, a new acquaintance. General place of study, professional interests, leisure - the topic can be anything. Taboos are personal problems, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the mood of all participants in the communication and nullifying a potentially interesting acquaintance. Depending on the purpose, they look for places for communication. Like-minded people,

    For example, on forums of motorists there is an opportunity not only to get valuable advice, but also to find interesting interlocutors, exchange opinions, send motivators, or even make friends in real life. Travel companions for vacation trips, games for adults, flash mobs, computer games, trips out of town are the most popular dating goals. The community of lawyers, young mothers, accountants provides a good opportunity for both professional growth and future employment.

    Do you want to chat on professional topics? Welcome to the dedicated online communities. Enter the appropriate phrase in the search engine, and you choose the result. Other opportunities to find new friends or good acquaintances are chats and ICQ. Of course, communication, even if it is virtual, must be cultural. With the help of the Internet and online communication, you can a guy.

    Nobody canceled the rules of etiquette, but the "onscreen" communication is somewhat simplified compared to the usual one. Of course, communication begins with a greeting or with an original phrase. It is a matter of personal preference to come up with your own version or take advantage of the site's opportunity. Willingness to get to know someone implies a friendly attitude. You should not refuse interlocutors who sometimes make mistakes. But lovers of formulaic phrases, interlocutors striking with complete illiteracy, authors of aggressive messages should be ignored or rejected if there is no desire to compete with them in wit.

    How to communicate correctly on the Internet

    The peculiarity of virtual communication is that it allows you to be more relaxed, to try on someone else's image. However, if a new acquaintance turned out to be an interesting interlocutor, it is worth considering the possibility of a real meeting and observing the limits of decency so that there is no "painful" shame for too bold or blatant phrases. Not all users post their real photos, and the owner of a dizzying appearance may turn out to be your colleague. Should you spoil a possible relationship?

    Each forum has its own rules. In order not to be punished by a "ban" for an accidental violation, you must read them before agreeing. Virtual communication, if this communication is not through a webcam, implies written speech. Understanding is promoted not by "fresh breath", but by elementary observance of the rules of the Russian language.

    Each message should contain a well-formed thought, paragraphs help a lot. If these thoughts are recorded randomly, one gets the impression of an inattentive and unpleasant interlocutor who does not care about others. How to get acquainted on the Internet? Internet Initiative

    Dating can come from both a man and a woman. It is good if both interlocutors show interest. In addition to talking about general topics, it is worth asking questions in an unobtrusive way in order to form a certain image. Among the priorities is the question of marital status.

    But the topic of salary, financial situation is better not to touch. Do you want to be an interesting conversationalist? Talk about what is interesting to your friend, but you should not take on the role of a "vest", a faithful friend. Why do you need someone else's negative?

    The manner of communication of the interlocutor forms his image, so add intrigue: pause, joke, answer in monosyllables or with a smile. This is a great opportunity to give the interlocutor to prove himself. To meet or not after meeting on the Internet? When a man is interested in further communication, he is sure to propose a meeting. I want to say that you won't feel it over the Internet. In this case, the initiative should come only from the man. How long should it take before the meeting? Depends on the situation.

    If the person is understandable to you, interesting - agree to a meeting and communicate further in real life. If not, you can wait as long as you see fit. So, a short summary. Dating on the Internet is worth it, but you need to do it observing the simple rules of human communication: respect someone else's opinion, be polite, write readable messages, and show a sincere interest in your interlocutors. Advised

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