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  • The main reasons for the rapid discharge of the smartphone battery and how to solve the problem. Why the smartphone is quickly discharged - the reasons for the new device, in standby mode and battery problems

The main reasons for the rapid discharge of the smartphone battery and how to solve the problem. Why the smartphone is quickly discharged - the reasons for the new device, in standby mode and battery problems

Any owner of a smartphone one day may encounter a problem when his device starts to discharge quickly. What to do, how to solve the problem, and what could it be connected with? These are the questions this article will try to answer.

The main reasons why the battery on the phone runs out quickly

The battery can run out quickly for a variety of reasons. Conventionally, they can be divided into software and hardware.

Too high backlight brightness

Relevant for any smartphone or tablet, even if it is equipped with an AMOLED display. You could increase it quite by accident. Also, some applications are capable of this, including all kinds of launchers.

It has long been possible to reduce the brightness of the backlight directly in the notification panel. Many smartphones support adaptive (automatic) brightness control - it is turned on in the "Settings", in the "Screen" section. Please note that enabling this feature does not remove the user's right to manually adjust the brightness of the display backlight.

Unoptimized applications quickly drain even a new phone

Many users are wondering why the phone began to discharge quickly after they installed some not-so-famous programs. The fact is that not all developers competently optimize their creations. As a result, their applications not only freeze regularly, but also overload the processor too much. This can even happen in the background, which is easy to notice by the heating of the smartphone in the chipset area. Of course, as a result, the phone will be discharged very quickly.

Some programs are designed in such a way that they are constantly doing something in the background. For example, the Facebook social network client collects a lot of information about the user, down to their current location. That is why experienced smartphone owners disable this application if it cannot be uninstalled.

Do not understand which of the programs can negatively affect the battery charge? Then go to "Settings". Find the "Battery" section here. It shows exactly what resources energy is spent on. Including the names of applications that have consumed more than 1% of the charge are displayed here. If something does not suit you, then click on the objectionable program. In the window that opens, you can delete the application, or at least disable it.


The charge can also be intensively consumed by sending various information about your actions to the creators' server. At the same time, such applications are well hidden, masquerading as, for example, Google Services. Remove all programs whose names do not tell you anything. You cannot delete real Google Services from your smartphone. If there is a corresponding button, then be sure to use it. And do not download programs from third-party resources, it is better to limit yourself to Google Play and the online store of the device manufacturer.

If you still download applications using a pirated method, then install an antivirus on your device. It can be free Dr.Web or paid "Kaspersky". If you have already thought about why the phone is quickly discharged, then run an antivirus scan - it is possible that it will find the culprit of the problem.

Unstable firmware version

Large companies try to check the full program. But even they have misfires. And what can we say about small manufacturers, whose staff consists of one and a half dozen programmers ... In a word, updating the operating system does not always lead to improved performance and expanded functionality. Sometimes, after receiving an update, the user realizes that from now on his smartphone is quickly discharged. This may be due to poor optimization, new pre-installed programs, and even embedded viruses. Suffice it to recall DOOGEE BL7000, in the basic firmware of which there are three viruses that actively devour energy. It was possible to get rid of only one by regular means by disabling the Voice Recorder application. In fairness, software updates in the case of this device have increased the battery life, somewhat drowning out the effects of viruses.

Unfortunately, going back is often impossible. For this reason, we recommend that you do not update immediately after a new firmware version is available for download. Wait at least one week. Read reviews. If everything is in order, then most likely no one will write reviews. And in case of problems, complaints will not keep you waiting.

What to do if your phone gets hot and drains quickly due to a battery problem

Let's move on to hardware failures. The easiest way to blame the rapid consumption of energy is the battery. And he really can be the cause of the problem. Especially if several years have passed since the purchase of the smartphone. The fact is that any battery ages over time, losing its working capacity. Some batteries age faster, some slower.

Nothing can be done about the loss of capacity, it is impossible to restore it. However, no one forbids changing the battery by installing a completely new one. Unfortunately, modern smartphones are increasingly getting a non-removable back cover. In this regard, you will not be able to get the battery yourself, unless you have special tools. However, this can be done at the service center. Yes, you will have to pay for the work and the battery itself. But you will return to the original battery life!

Do not install a high-capacity battery inside your smartphone. Buying it could be a waste of money. The fact is that the power controller is sharpened for the capacity programmed by the creators of the device, it will resist receiving more energy. Of course, these words apply to most, but not all smartphones. But why risk your money?

Power controller issues - phone charges quickly and discharges quickly

Rare case, but it can happen. If you regularly change network adapters, then you could very well come across a low-quality copy. He could give out too high current or high voltage. In this regard, the power controller either fails or starts sending incorrect readings to the system. In the latter case, it may not use the full capacity of the battery. Because of this, the user will immediately notice that now 100% of the charge is draining somehow too quickly.

In many cases, the power controller has to be repaired or replaced, which is what many service centers do. You can try to calibrate the battery with a special application (you can easily find a lot of options). However, this action rarely helps.

Our tips for extending your phone's battery life

A variety of factors could affect energy consumption. For example, a telecom operator may have rebuilt their infrastructure near your place of work. The cell tower is now farther away, and therefore more energy is spent searching for a signal. And there's really nothing to be done about it. But you can use only one data transfer standard for a long trip. The fact is that most of the energy is spent when switching from 3G to LTE and vice versa. If you are driving in a car, then this process will be repeated regularly. But it can be disabled in the operating system settings, for a while, activating only 3G-connection. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to "Settings";
  2. Go to the "Connections" section (on some devices this step is skipped);
  3. Go to the "Mobile networks" subsection;
  4. Click on the "Network Mode" button;
  5. Select "3G / 2G (auto)", or generally "3G only" or "2G only".

Do not forget that this should only be done on long trips (at least from one end of the city to the other). This advice will also be useful for those who do not need a high data transfer rate on the street.

Disable those wireless modules that you are not using. If it practically does not consume energy, then this cannot be said about Bluetooth. "Blue tooth" can be turned off if you use wireless headphones very rarely, and you don't have a smart watch or fitness watch at all. Many people prefer to deactivate the GPS chip as well, because it also consumes decent amounts of electricity. Although it is easier to prevent them from using objectionable applications, leaving this privilege only to map services and, perhaps, to the browser.

Give up live wallpaper. They are often the ones that consume the most energy. Also, they are not always useful. It is possible that you have downloaded a launcher that is not optimized or filled with ads, and it is because of this that the phone is now quickly discharged.

If nothing helps at all, then you will have to buy a new smartphone. Or get it. This accessory can be kept in a bag, on the desktop, at home in a chest of drawers, and anywhere. The convenience of an external battery is that you can charge your smartphone at any time. In 2016, the wild popularization of such accessories was arranged by the Pokemon Go game, which works in augmented reality and devours the charge in just a couple of hours.


It is often extremely difficult to find out why exactly the smartphone began to discharge quickly. But we hope that our article prompted you to take the right action. Remember that a high battery capacity does not mean that the device will work for a long time. The duration of operation from a full charge, in addition to battery capacity, depends on the following factors:

  • The process technology by which the processor was created - the thinner it is, the lower the power consumption;
  • Operating system optimization;
  • Display manufacturing technology - AMOLED certainly outperforms IPS;
  • Smartphone design - the more difficult it is for antennas to catch a connection, the more energy will be spent on it.

In short, do not be surprised that the device will require regular connection of the charger, although inside it is a battery as thick as the palm of an adult.

What are the reasons for the rapid discharge of the phone? What to do if the battery on an Android phone, smartphone or tablet runs out quickly? How to save battery power in Android OS and extend its life? Find answers to these and some other questions in this article. Rapid battery drain on Android is a common problem, just like Google.

Reasons why the battery on the phone can run out quickly.

Saving battery on Android, as in any other mobile devices, is to reduce the sources of charge consumption.

The most power-hungry apps are those that use your GPS location (such as navigators or photo apps). The lion's share of the battery is consumed by the Internet, especially if you use high-speed connections (3G, 4G, LTE).

The higher the connection speed, the more the phone charges. The Android battery is especially drained when the cellular network or Wi-Fi signal is weak. You may have noticed that with the active use of 4G Internet on Android, the phone gets very hot and literally discharges before our eyes.

Another common cause of battery drain can be unoptimized apps or an outdated version of the Android OS. If you notice that the battery is running low in a particular application, try to find a replacement for it for comparison. For unique and irreplaceable applications, there is also a way out - write a review to the developer indicating your phone model and Android version.

Regularly monitor the available updates of the Android mobile operating system for your device. Often, in later versions, such serious errors as the rapid discharge of the device are corrected. Various notifications and reminders (text, sound) also "eat up" a considerable part of the charge.

The brightness of the phone display, especially if it is large (4+ inches), can greatly affect the battery drain rate in the Android OS. If you use your phone in bright places, in sunny weather outside, for example, the screen brightness automatically increases to the maximum. Otherwise, you will not see anything on the screen due to glare and reflections. But in this mode, the phone consumes a lot of extra energy.

As you know, there is no perpetual motion machine. Any, even the best, modern and powerful battery or battery has its own service life. Over time, the capacity of the battery decreases and the charge lasts for less and less time.

The battery of a phone, smartphone or tablet (as well as any other mobile device) is designed for a certain number of charge and discharge cycles. For lithium-ion (the most popular today) power supplies, this number is approximately 400.

Of course, you need to understand that not all manufacturers are interested in creating "eternal", designed for a long life, batteries. The average battery life on Android with active use of the gadget is 2-4 years. After this period, no one guarantees its full and proper operation.

Inexpensive smartphone models can be equipped with low-quality batteries that do not meet the declared characteristics and have a very limited lifespan.

There are some folk remedies for "revitalizing" or "bringing to life" the battery on Android. It's about battery calibration. Read about it below.

The best ways to save battery for Android devices.

Based on the above reasons, we can offer the following recommendations for saving Android battery power:

  • Turn off location services for apps if you're not using them. The same applies to other radio transmitters, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFCg;
  • A weak LTE signal drains the phone's battery much more than the average 3G, with a comparable access speed. Try to limit the 4G reception mode in the settings. Always turn on Airplane Mode (Airplane) when the network signal is weak (for example, on a train);
  • Install all available updates for the Android OS, including application updates;
  • Close all unnecessary background applications, especially those that use the Internet connection and GPS;
  • Turn off keyboard vibration;
  • If possible, reduce the screen brightness to the maximum comfortable level, do not use the phone in strongly lit places (in bright light, in the sun). Disable automatic screen brightness adjustment;
  • Turn off any decorations such as animated (live) wallpapers, moving screensavers and icons, etc.;
  • Turn off notifications for unused or rarely used apps. Fewer notifications - longer battery life;
  • See which application consumes the most energy, go to "Settings" - "Battery".

If you do not want to sacrifice any of these features, simply increase the capacity of your Android battery by purchasing a special case with a built-in battery. This is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to increase the duration of your Android phone without charging.

The battery on Android turns off, quickly sits down in the cold or frost.

Some users of not only Android OS but also iOS (iPhone) are wondering - why does the battery run out quickly in frost or cold? And how to deal with it?

In the specifications of modern mobile technology and electronics, the recommended temperature regime for the operation of devices is usually indicated. For most Android phones, smartphones and tablets, this range is between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Strictly speaking, neither Android phones nor iPhones are designed to operate in sub-zero temperatures. Those. they are not importantly adapted to work in harsh Russian conditions. However, there are a couple of tips that can be given.

Keep your smartphone as close to your body as possible, warm. For example, in the inner pocket. Do not use it outdoors at very low temperatures. If you need to make a call or use other functions, go to a warm place.

Android battery calibration.

How to calibrate the battery on Android? Android battery calibration is required if there are problems with charging and battery life. Also, this procedure helps to extend the life and restore the original capacity of the battery.

Battery calibration is available in several ways, see this video for more details:

Android phone won't charge at all.

There are times when the smartphone is connected to the charger, but charging is not going on. This may be solvable in some cases or be evidence of serious problems in others.

To begin with, try to seal (with electrical tape or tape) in turn one of the contacts of the battery and try to charge it again. Then peel off the contact and repeat the action. If this does not help, you will need to test the faults in the service center.

In severe cases, the phone, Android smartphone sits down immediately after charging or after a few minutes. This is most likely a problem in the battery itself, it may need to be completely replaced.

These notes are relevant for any version of Android and different smartphone models (Samsung, Meizu, Xiaomi, Asus, etc.) I hope you found this information useful and drew your own conclusions. If you have something to discuss - write in the comments. Good luck! 😉

On android phones, battery problems are quite common. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to establish the real reason why the smartphone is discharged so quickly. In general, now this problem is not as relevant as before. In particular, the reason for this is that manufacturers install powerful batteries in their flagship devices. However, not only they can provoke a rapid discharge. So, what are the main reasons why the battery runs out quickly on android?

  • Bad optimization.
  • Powerful specifications.
  • Incorrect use.
  • Technical difficulites.
  • Incorrect firmware.

These are the main reasons why the battery runs out quickly on android. Let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Bad optimization

This item concerns phone manufacturers who did not want to work hard enough on the operating time of their devices. This is a purely software problem, which is also related to the firmware. But there are some nuances here:

  • Manufacturers often put the same software on different models.
  • At the software level, charge control is very poorly implemented.
  • No adaptation for more milliamps.

These are the main elements of poor optimization that negatively affect battery life. Manufacturers need to think carefully about why the battery runs out quickly on the android, and take appropriate measures.

Powerful Specifications

If you now have a powerful phone that has a quad-core processor, three gigabytes of RAM, a quality display, and a powerful speaker, then it's no surprise that they consume more power. If bad optimization is added, then the battery can be discharged right before our eyes. What do you need to pay attention to on the technical side when it comes to why the battery runs out quickly on android?

  • CPU. The clock frequency and the number of cores play a role here. On android phones, coprocessors are not installed, which are characterized by increased energy saving. It also negatively affects battery life.
  • Display. This is another reason why the battery runs out very quickly on android. This is especially true for bright displays with high resolution and diagonal.
  • Number of SIM cards. Many modern phones on this operating system have two SIM cards. If they work in parallel, then this also negatively affects the battery life. This is a very important point, which explains why the battery runs out quickly on an android phone.

Here's what, on the technical side, can drain the battery. Naturally, this is not all. But these points are the main ones. Be prepared to drain your phone quickly if you buy a flagship model.


This is also a pretty good reason. And for android phones, it is very relevant. The fact is that the system itself is built in such a way that applications are constantly working inside it. Even the ones that were closed. Such a system consumes a lot of battery. That's why the battery runs out quickly on android. Samsung is one of those companies that has been particularly criticized for this. Actually, not just like that. But if you use your phone correctly, then the likelihood of planting it by the end of the day will drop significantly. And what should be done?

  • Turn off wireless and navigation features.
  • Lower the brightness to the minimum, or at least turn on the auto mode.
  • Permanently close programs that are open in the background.
  • Turn off mobile internet.
  • Turn off automatic updates.

If you follow these tips, then you will not have the question "Why does the android battery run out quickly on the tablet." This also applies to the phone, as well as any other device running under this operating system.

Technical difficulites

Naturally, the reason for the rapid discharge of the phone can also be its breakdown. Under no circumstances should it be excluded. What can happen to the device that causes problems when using it?

  • The battery capacity has decreased.
  • There are problems with the charge controller.
  • There are problems when charging the phone.

These are the main reasons why the phone sits down. They concern those people who have already used their device for some time. After all, these problems happen most often over time. However, no one canceled the marriage.

Incorrect firmware

This is another fairly common reason for problems with their phones among android users. If something happened wrong with the firmware, then the phone can also sit down. This is especially true for installation enthusiasts (collected by users). You have to be very careful with them. Not only can they drain the battery, but the warranty also flies.


What conclusions can be drawn from this article? You need to carefully look at the following characteristics of the phone:

  • Performance (processor, RAM).
  • Battery capacity.
  • Screen.

They depend on battery life. As for the software part, you should pay attention to:

  • Android version. The higher it is, the longer the phone will work.
  • The presence of interface add-ons from the manufacturer. "Naked" android always consumes less batteries than interfaces from manufacturers.

If you pay attention to these points when buying an Android smartphone, then its battery life will be much longer. You will be able to stay in touch with your loved ones for a longer period of time.

Hi all! First you need to decide what is meant by the phrase "I quickly run out of battery in my iPhone." It’s just that everyone’s usage scenarios are different - someone watches movies via a cellular network (and then it’s clear why the battery is discharged almost instantly), and someone makes two calls all day and rightly wonders why this charge is barely enough for one day?

In order to still understand whether the iPhone keeps charging normally or not,. True, there is one caveat - all the data indicated in it is declared (when tested in conditions close to ideal) directly by Apple. So, you should not take them as the ultimate truth. But still, they will help you figure out how much approximately (plus or minus 10%) your iPhone model should keep charging.

So, you have compared the operating time of your smartphone with that declared by the manufacturer and realized that the battery on your iPhone just runs out very quickly and should not be so. What to do? For starters, for now. Do this even if the iPhone was purchased recently. You never know, maybe there is some kind of marriage in the battery !?

If the capacity is much less than the declared one, then you should not be surprised that the iPhone discharges very quickly. Fallen capacity - nowhere to store energy - short operating time. Everything is very simple.

If everything is fine with the capacity and the battery is not worn out much (but at the same time it continues to discharge quickly), then here's what you can do with it:

  1. . The action is very useful and necessary - it helps a lot with all sorts of common problems with the battery. And also this is just a necessary procedure in the case when the phone turns off at half the charge (there are still interest, but it took it and turned off!) And in general behaves not in the most appropriate way :).
  2. Follow at least most of the advice on.
  3. Erase jailbreak. Necessarily. If it's a pity, then remove the tweaks in turn, thereby determining the one that contributes to the rapid discharge.
  4. Go to Settings - Battery. See which app is using the most power. It happens that you do not use this program, but it hangs in the background and due to it the battery runs out faster than expected. In this case, uninstall this game or application. Important !
  5. In the same settings (at the very bottom), pay attention to the work-wait time. Sometimes they coincide almost completely (), which means that even in the "simple" iPhone consumes energy - there is nothing surprising in the fact that it will sit down very quickly when you are not using it.

All of the above ways to deal with a draining iPhone are quite simple and do not require much effort. However, in the case when they did not bring success, we are left with two more difficult ways:

  • . Thus, the latest software is downloaded and installed, the phone is absolutely clean from any additional programs and applications. Just in case, we do not use a backup copy and check the battery life. If nothing has changed, then...
  • Look for the reason in the "pieces of iron". The most common options are the battery (even though we checked its capacity and it is normal, it may not be only in it) and the power controller.

As you understand, hardware problems are very difficult to solve at home.

Therefore, we are not lazy and take the gadget to the service for diagnostics. It's great if your iPhone is under warranty and subject to service in the Russian Federation (

Whether you've been online all the way home or spent about an hour playing an addictive game with beautiful graphics, don't be surprised how quickly your battery drained. However, it happens that you use the phone as usual, check your mail, make a couple of calls, and suddenly by noon the phone needs to be connected to the charger. Obviously, something is eating up the battery without your active participation. Here's how to figure it out and find the culprit.

Take a look at battery consumption information

In the settings section, "Battery" will tell you what uses the most resources. If you find an appetite-increasing app on this list, you should close it. You can find more information about your battery life and app appetite using the app.

Turn off auto brightness

Every day, the display consumes about 20% of your battery power. However, all in the same settings menu, you can see other statistics. You may be using too high a brightness level, or the auto-brightness mode is hurting you. If you adjust the brightness manually, this can have a positive effect on the battery life of the smartphone.

Maybe it's time to replace it?

If you have everything in order with brightness and there are no applications with an increased appetite, and in addition to everything you use your smartphone for more than a year, it is likely that your battery. A modern battery is designed for 1000 charge cycles, and after a year it starts to hold less, and after two years it completely loses its resource. If you can remove the battery yourself and know where to buy a new one, just replace it. You will also be happy to help with battery replacement at the service center.

But the problem may not be the battery at all.

Unfortunately, the charging cables and microUSB ports aren't reliable. If your smartphone was on charge all night, but it quickly ran out of battery, one of the above may need to be replaced. Try a different charger or contact a service center to check if your charging port is working.

According to AndroidPit

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