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The main stages of building an information model. Information Model Building Steps

| Modeling as a method of cognition

Lesson 2
§ 1.1 Modeling as a method of cognition


simulation target
full-scale (material) model
information model
classification of information models

1.1.1. Models and Simulations

A person seeks to know objects (objects, processes, phenomena) of the surrounding world, that is, to understand how a specific object is arranged, what are its structure, basic properties, laws of development and interaction with other objects. To solve many practical problems, it is important to know:

How will the characteristics of an object change with a certain impact on it from other objects ("What will happen if ...?");
what impact should be made on an object in order to change its properties in accordance with the new requirements ("How to do it to ...?");
what combination of object characteristics is the best under the given conditions ("How to do it better?").

One of the methods of cognizing objects of the surrounding world is modeling, which consists in creating and researching simplified substitutes for real objects. The placeholder object is usually called the model, and the original object is called the prototype or the original object. Examples of models are shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Model examples

Modeling is used when the object under study is too large (solar system) or too small (atom), when the process proceeds very quickly (fuel processing in an internal combustion engine) or very slowly (geological processes), when the study of the object can be dangerous for others (an atomic explosion), lead to its destruction (checking the seismic properties of a high-rise building) or when the creation of a real object is very expensive (a new architectural solution), etc.

The model is not an exact copy of the original object: it reflects only part of its properties, relationships and behavioral features. The more features of an object the model reflects, the more complete it is. However, it is impossible to reflect in the model all the features of the original object, and more often than not it is not necessary. The characteristics of the original object, which must be reproduced in the model, are determined by the purpose of modeling - the purpose of the future model. These features are called essential for this model from the point of view of the modeling goal.

Think about what features of the “theater” object will be essential when creating its model from the point of view of:

1) a construction company engaged in the construction of a theater building;
2) a director preparing the production of a new performance;
3) the cashier selling tickets;
4) a viewer who is going to attend the performance.

A model is a new object that reflects the features of the object, process or phenomenon that are essential from the point of view of the goal of modeling.

Modeling is a cognitive method that consists in creating and researching models.

Since any model always reflects only part of the features of the original, you can create and use different models of the same object. For example: a ball can reproduce only one property of the Earth - its shape, an ordinary globe also reflects the location of the continents, and the globe, which is part of the current model of the Solar System, also reflects the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun.

The features of the original can be reflected in the model in different ways.

At first, signs can be copied, reproduced. This model is called natural (material). Examples of full-scale models are dummies and models - reduced or enlarged copies that reproduce the appearance of a modeled object (globe), its structure (model of the solar system) or behavior (radio-controlled model of a car).

Secondly, the features of the original can be described in one of the languages ​​of representation (coding) of information - to give a verbal description, to give a formula, diagram or drawing, etc. Such a model is called informational. In the future, we will consider specifically information models.

Information model is a description of the original object in one of the information presentation (coding) languages.

1.1.2. Stages of building an information model

Any model is built to solve some problem... The construction of an information model begins with an analysis of the condition of this problem, expressed in natural language.

As a result of analyzing the condition of the problem, the object of modeling and the goal of modeling are determined.

After defining modeling goals in the modeling object are highlighted properties, main parts and connections between them, essential from the point of view of this particular goal (Fig. 1.2). In this case, it should be clearly defined what is given (what initial data know what data are valid) and what you want to find in the problem being solved. Also must be specified links between inputs and outputs.

The next step in building an information model is formalization- presentation of the identified links and the selected essential features of the object of modeling in some form (verbal description, table, figure, diagram, drawing, formula, algorithm, computer program, etc.).

Formalization is the replacement of a real object with its formal description, that is, its information model.

Rice. 1.2. Stages of creating an information model

Example. A 9th grade student for a literature lesson must memorize the first three stanzas of the first chapter of Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", containing 42 lines. How long will it take for him to complete this task if he can memorize the first line in 5 seconds, and it takes him 2 seconds more to memorize each next line than to memorize the previous line?

In this case, the object of modeling is the process of memorizing a poem by a student; the purpose of the simulation is to obtain a formula for calculating the time it takes a student to memorize a poem.

From the point of view of the purpose of modeling, the following information is essential: the time of memorizing the first line (5 seconds); the difference in memorization time for the next and previous lines (2 seconds); the number of lines to be memorized (42 lines). This is the original data. The result should be the time it takes to memorize all 42 lines of the novel fragment.

Since the time for memorizing each line, starting from the second, is obtained by adding a constant number to the time required for memorizing the previous line, it is necessary to add the numbers that form a sequence: 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. Note that the difference between adjacent numbers of this sequence is the same.

In mathematics, there is a formula for calculating the sum of such a sequence:

Here n is the number of lines, and 1 is the first member of the sequence, d is the difference between adjacent numbers in the sequence.

This formula is the required information model. With its help, independently calculate the time it takes for the student to memorize the poem.

Information models exist separately from the objects of modeling and can be processed independently of them. Having built an information model, a person uses it instead of the original object to study this object, to solve the problem.

The application is hosted at Google Earth, which provides an opportunity to travel around our planet without getting up from a chair.

This is a three-dimensional model of the planet, moving along which you can:

view satellite photographs of the earth's surface;
explore cities, individual buildings and world famous landmarks in 3D;
explore distant galaxies, constellations and planets;
travel back in time, etc.

1.1.3. Classification of information models

There are many options for classifying information models. Let's take a look at some of them.

If we take for basis of classification subject area, then physical, environmental, economic, sociological and other models can be distinguished.

Depending on the time factor allocate dynamic(changing over time) and static(not changing over time) models.

Depending on the presentation of information about the object of modeling distinguish iconic, figurative and mixed(figurative-symbolic) types of information models.

Iconic information models are built using various natural and formal languages ​​(sign systems). The sign information model can be represented in the form of a text in a natural language or a program in a programming language, in the form of a formula, etc.

Figurative information models(drawings, photographs, etc.) are visual images of objects fixed on some kind of information carrier.

The mixed information models combine figurative and symbolic elements. Examples of mixed information models are geographic maps, graphs, diagrams, etc. All these models use both graphic elements and signs.


Model is a new object, which reflects the features of the studied subject, process or phenomenon that are essential from the point of view of the goal of modeling.

M modeling - a method of cognition, consisting in the creation and study of models.

Purpose of modeling(the purpose of the future model) determines the characteristics of the original object that must be reproduced in the model.

Distinguish between natural and information models... Full-scale models are real objects that, in a reduced or enlarged form, reproduce the appearance, structure or behavior of a modeled object. Information models are descriptions of the original object in one of the information coding languages.

Formalization- the process of replacing a real object with its formal description, that is, its information model.

According to the form of presentation, they are distinguished figurative, iconic and mixed(figurative-symbolic) information models.

Questions and tasks

1. Read the materials of the presentation for the paragraph contained in the electronic attachment to the textbook. What can you say about the forms of presentation of information in the presentation and in the textbook? What slides could you add to your presentation?

2. What is a model? When is modeling used?

3. Confirm by examples the validity of the following statements:

a) several models can correspond to one object;
b) one model can correspond to several objects.

4. Give examples of full-scale and information models.

5. In the following list of models, indicate those that can be used for:

a) representations of objects of the surrounding world;
b) explanations of known facts;
c) testing hypotheses and gaining new knowledge about the objects under study;
d) forecasting;
e) management.

Models: residential area development layout; photographs of the movement of air masses; train timetable; a model of a flight of an aircraft of a new design in a wind tunnel; diagram of the structure of human internal organs.

6. Give an example of an information model:

a) a student of your class;
b) a basketball player;
c) a patient of a veterinary clinic;
d) apartments in a residential building;
e) books in the library;
f) a disc with audio recordings of musical works;
g) cities.

7. Describe the stages of building an information model. What is the essence of the formalization stage?

8. List the types of information models depending on the form of presentation of information about the object of modeling. Give examples of information models of each type.

9. Get familiar with the 3D models posted in the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( What class of models can they be attributed to?

In this paper, we propose to analyze in detail the topic of modeling in computer science. This section is of great importance for the training of future specialists in the field of information technology.

To solve any problem (industrial or scientific), informatics uses the following chain:

It should pay special attention to the concept of "model". Without the presence of this link, the solution of the problem will not be possible. Why is the model used and what is meant by this term? We will talk about this in the next section.


Modeling in computer science is the compilation of an image of a real-life object that reflects all the essential features and properties. A model for solving a problem is necessary, since it is, in fact, used in the solution process.

In the school computer science course, the topic of modeling begins to be studied in the sixth grade. At the very beginning, children need to be introduced to the concept of a model. What it is?

  • Simplified likeness of an object;
  • Reduced copy of a real object;
  • Scheme of a phenomenon or process;
  • An image of a phenomenon or process;
  • Description of the phenomenon or process;
  • Physical analogue of the object;
  • Informational analogue;
  • A placeholder object that reflects the properties of a real object, and so on.

A model is a very broad concept, as it has already become clear from the above. It is important to note that all models are usually divided into groups:

  • material;
  • perfect.

A material model is understood as an object based on a real-life object. It can be a body or a process. This group is usually subdivided into two more types:

  • physical;
  • analog.

This classification is conditional, because it is very difficult to draw a clear line between these two subspecies.

The ideal model is even more difficult to characterize. She is associated with:

  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • perception.

It includes works of art (theater, painting, literature, and so on).

Modeling goals

Modeling in computer science is a very important step as it has many goals. Now we invite you to get to know them.

First of all, modeling helps to know the world around us. From time immemorial, people have accumulated the acquired knowledge and passed it on to their descendants. Thus, a model of our planet (globe) appeared.

In past centuries, modeling of non-existent objects was carried out, which are now firmly entrenched in our life (umbrella, mill, and so on). At the present time, modeling is aimed at:

  • identification of the consequences of any process (increase in the cost of travel or disposal of chemical waste underground);
  • ensuring the effectiveness of the decisions made.

Modeling tasks

Information model

Now let's talk about another type of models studied in the school computer science course. Computer modeling, which must be mastered by every future IT specialist, includes the process of implementing an information model using computer tools. But what is this information model?

It is a whole list of information about any object. What does this model describe and what useful information it carries:

  • properties of the modeled object;
  • his condition;
  • connections with the outside world;
  • relationships with external objects.

What can serve as an information model:

  • verbal description;
  • text;
  • drawing;
  • table;
  • scheme;
  • drawing;
  • formula and so on.

A distinctive feature of the information model is that it cannot be touched, tasted, and so on. It does not carry material embodiment, as it is presented in the form of information.

A systematic approach to creating a model

In which class of the school curriculum is modeling studied? Informatics in grade 9 introduces students to this topic in more detail. It is in this class that the child learns about the systems approach to modeling. We propose to talk about this in a little more detail.

Let's start with the concept of "system". It is a group of interrelated elements that work together to accomplish a given task. To build a model, a systematic approach is often used, since an object is considered as a system that functions in a certain environment. If any complex object is modeled, then the system is usually divided into smaller parts - subsystems.

Purpose of use

Now we will consider the goals of modeling (informatics grade 11). Earlier it was said that all models are divided into some types and classes, but the boundaries between them are conditional. There are several signs by which it is customary to classify models: purpose, area of ​​knowledge, time factor, way of presentation.

As for the goals, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • educational;
  • experienced;
  • imitation;
  • gaming;
  • scientific and technical.

The first type includes teaching materials. To the second, reduced or enlarged copies of real objects (a model of a structure, an airplane wing, and so on). allows you to predict the outcome of an event. Simulation is often used in medicine and the social field. For example, does the model help you understand how people will react to a particular reform? Before doing a serious operation on a human organ transplant, many experiments were carried out. In other words, the simulation model solves the problem by trial and error. A game model is a kind of economic, business, or military game. Using this model, you can predict the behavior of an object in different situations. A scientific and technical model is used to study a process or phenomenon (a device that simulates a thunderstorm discharge, a model of the motion of the planets of the solar system, and so on).

Field of knowledge

In which class is the student more familiar with modeling? Grade 9 computer science focuses on preparing its students for university entrance exams. Since the USE and GIA tickets contain modeling questions, now it is necessary to consider this topic in as much detail as possible. So, how is the classification by area of ​​expertise done? On this basis, the following types are distinguished:

  • biological (for example, diseases artificially caused in animals, genetic disorders, malignant neoplasms);
  • the behavior of the firm, the model of the formation of the market price, and so on);
  • historical (family tree, models of historical events, model of the Roman army, etc.);
  • sociological (the model of personal interest, the behavior of bankers when adapting to new economic conditions) and so on.

Time factor

According to this characteristic, two types of models are distinguished:

  • dynamic;
  • static.

Already, judging by the name alone, it is not difficult to guess that the first type reflects the functioning, development and change of an object in time. Static, on the contrary, is capable of describing an object at a particular moment in time. This type is sometimes called structural, since the model reflects the structure and parameters of the object, that is, it gives a slice of information about it.

Examples are:

  • a set of formulas reflecting the motion of the planets of the solar system;
  • air temperature change graph;
  • video footage of a volcanic eruption and so on.

Examples of a statistical model are:

  • a list of the planets of the solar system;
  • a map of the area and so on.

Presentation method

To begin with, it is very important to say that all models have a form and form, they are always made of something, somehow presented or described. On this basis, it is accepted in this way:

  • material;
  • intangible.

The first type includes material copies of existing objects. You can touch them, smell them, and so on. They reflect external or internal properties, actions of any object. What are material models for? They are used for the experimental method of cognition (empirical method).

We have also addressed immaterial models earlier. They use the theoretical method of cognition. Such models are usually called ideal or abstract. This category is divided into several more subspecies: imaginary models and informational ones.

Information models provide a list of various information about an object. Tables, figures, verbal descriptions, diagrams and so on can act as an information model. Why is this model called intangible? The thing is that it cannot be touched, since it has no material embodiment. Significant and visual models are distinguished among information models.

The imaginary model is one of the This is a creative process that takes place in the imagination of a person, which precedes the creation of a material object.

Simulation steps

The 9th grade informatics topic "Modeling and formalization" has a lot of weight. It is a must to learn. In grades 9-11, the teacher is obliged to acquaint students with the stages of creating models. This is what we are going to do now. So, the following stages of modeling are distinguished:

  • meaningful statement of the problem;
  • mathematical formulation of the problem;
  • development using computers;
  • operation of the model;
  • getting the result.

It is important to note that in the study of everything that surrounds us, the processes of modeling and formalization are used. Computer science is a subject devoted to modern methods of studying and solving any problems. Consequently, the emphasis is on models that can be implemented with a computer. Particular attention in this topic should be paid to the point of developing a solution algorithm using electronic computers.

Relationships between objects

Now let's talk a little about relationships between objects. In total, there are three types:

  • one to one (such a connection is indicated by a one-way arrow in one direction or the other);
  • one-to-many (multiple relationship is indicated by a double arrow);
  • many-to-many (this is indicated by a double arrow).

It is important to note that links can be conditional and unconditional. An unconditional link involves the use of every instance of an object. And in the conditional, only individual elements are involved.

1) The first stage of any research is the formulation of a problem, which is determined by a given goal.

The problem is formulated in ordinary language. By the nature of the formulation, all tasks can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes tasks in which it is required to investigate how the characteristics of an object will change under some influence on it, "what will happen if? ...". The second group of tasks: what effect should be made on an object so that its parameters satisfy a certain given condition, "how to do it so that? ..".

2) The second stage is the analysis of the object. The result of the analysis of an object is the identification of its constituents (elementary objects) and the determination of connections between them.

3) The third stage is the development of an information model of the object. The building of the model must be related to the purpose of the simulation. Each object has many different properties. In the process of building a model, the main, most essential, properties are highlighted that correspond to the goal.

All that was mentioned above is formalization.

Formalization is the process of highlighting and translating the internal structure of an object into a specific information structure - a form.

Having built an information model, a person uses it instead of the original object to study the properties of this object, predict its behavior, etc. Before building any complex structure, for example, a bridge, designers make its drawings, perform strength calculations, allowable loads. Thus, instead of a real bridge, they deal with its model description in the form of drawings, mathematical formulas.

Modeling any system is impossible without preliminary formalization. In fact, formalization is the first and very important step in the modeling process.

Building and using computer models

In its most general form, the process of building and using computer models can be represented as a sequence of stages:

1) Statement of the problem

a) Description of the task

b) Purpose of the simulation

c) Object analysis

2) Model development

a) Information model

b) Iconic model

c) Computer model

3) Computer experiment

4) Analysis of the simulation results (the result is consistent with the goal / the result is not consistent with the goal).

Each time when solving a specific problem, such a scheme may undergo some changes: some block may be removed or improved. All stages are determined by the task and the goals of the simulation.

3D Modeling

A three-dimensional model is an exact geometric copy of an object recreated on the basis of working design documentation.

3D graphics is the creation of a volumetric model using special computer programs. Based on drawings, drawings, detailed descriptions or any other graphic or textual information, a 3D designer creates a three-dimensional image. In a special program, the model can be viewed from all sides (top, bottom, side), embedded on any plane and in any environment.

Three-dimensional graphics can be of any complexity. You can create a simple 3D model with low detail and simplified shape. Or it can be a more complex model, in which there is the elaboration of the smallest details, textures, professional techniques are used (shadows, reflections, refraction of light, and so on). Of course, this seriously affects the cost of the finished three-dimensional model, however, it allows expanding the use of the three-dimensional model.

There are many advantages to 3D modeling over other visualization methods. Three-dimensional modeling gives a very accurate model, as close to reality as possible. Modern programs help to achieve high detail. This significantly increases the visibility of the project. It is not easy to express a three-dimensional object in a two-dimensional plane, while 3D visualization makes it possible to carefully work out and, most importantly, to view all the details. This is a more natural way to render.

It is very easy to make almost any changes to a 3D model. You can change the project, remove some parts and add new ones. Your imagination is practically unlimited, and you can quickly choose exactly the option that suits you best. modeling verbal computer formalization

However, 3D modeling is not only convenient for the client. Professional programs provide many benefits to the manufacturer. From a three-dimensional model, you can easily select a drawing of any components or a structure as a whole. Despite the fact that the creation of a three-dimensional model is a rather laborious process, it is much easier and more convenient to work with it in the future than with traditional drawings. As a result, the time spent on design is significantly reduced, and costs are reduced.

Special programs enable integration with any other professional software such as engineering calculation applications, machine tool or accounting software. The implementation of such solutions in production provides a significant saving of resources, significantly expands the capabilities of the enterprise, simplifies the work and improves its quality.

3D modeling programs:

There are quite a few different programs for 3D modeling. So, one of the popular programs that are specially developed for creating three-dimensional graphics and interior design is the 3D Studio MAX program. It allows you to realistically render objects of varying complexity. In addition, "3D Studio MAX" makes it possible to compose them, set the trajectories of movements, and ultimately even create a full-fledged video with the participation of three-dimensional models. Although such work, of course, requires serious skills from a specialist, as well as large computer resources, primarily memory and processor speed.

Another widely used program is AutoCAD. It is also used for three-dimensional modeling and visualization, professional architectural design, and is constantly being supplemented with new capabilities. Quite a number of programs can be integrated with the base core "AutoCAD". For example, a visualization application in areas such as ventilation, piping, electrical and so on. While 3D Studio MAX is preferred by designers and animators, AutoCAD is mainly used by professional architects to implement complex projects.

Figure 3 - A model of the office, made in the 3D Studio MAX software

Description of the task
Purpose of modeling
Object analysis

Formulation of the problem
In the most general sense of the word, a task is understood as a problem that needs to be solved. At the stage of setting the problem, it is necessary to reflect three main points: description of the task, definition of modeling goals and analysis of the object or process
Description of the task
By the nature of the setting, all tasks can be divided into two main groups: first group- how the characteristics of an object or process will change, with some influence on it (tasks of the type what if...) and second group- what effect needs to be done in order to change the characteristics of an object or process to certain values ​​( how to do to ...
Purpose of modeling
Cognition of the surrounding world, creation of objects with given properties, determination of the consequences of exposure to an object, the efficiency of managing an object or process.
Object analysis
The result of the analysis of an object appears in the process of identifying its components (elementary objects) and connections between them.

Model development
Information model
The choice of the most essential information when creating an information model and its complexity are due to the purpose of modeling. Building an information model is the starting point for model development.
All input parameters of the objects, highlighted during the analysis, are arranged in decreasing order of importance and the model is simplified in accordance with the modeling purpose, while factors that are insignificant from the point of view of the one who defines the model are discarded. If we ignore the essential factors, then the model may turn out to be wrong.
All elementary objects selected during the analysis should be shown in interrelation. In the information model, only undeniable relationships and obvious actions are displayed. Such a model provides the primary idea that determines the further course of the simulation.
Iconic model
The information model, as a rule, is presented in one or another symbolic form, which can be computer or non-computer.
Computer model
Computer model - a model implemented by means of a software environment When modeling on a computer, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the classes of software tools, their purpose, tools and methods of work. Then you can easily convert the informational sign model into a computer model and conduct an appropriate experiment.
between them.

Computer experiment
Simulation plan
With the development of computer technology, a new unique research method has appeared - a computer experiment. To help, and sometimes to replace experimental samples and test benches, in many cases came computer studies of models. The stage of carrying out a computer experiment includes two stages: drawing up a modeling plan and modeling technology.
Simulation plan should clearly reflect the sequence of work with the model. The first item in the plan is often test design, and the second is model testing.
Testing - checking the correctness of the model. Test - a set of initial data for which the result is known in advance
After testing, when there is confidence in the correct functioning of the model, you can proceed directly to the modeling technology.
Modeling technology - a set of purposeful user actions on a computer model.
Each experiment should be accompanied by an understanding of the simulation results, which will become the basis for the analysis of the simulation results.

Analysis of simulation results
The ultimate goal of modeling is decision making, which should be developed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained. This stage is decisive - either you continue the research or finish. If the result is known, then you can compare it with the obtained simulation result. The findings often lead to an additional series of experiments, and sometimes to a change in the model.
The basis for developing a solution is the results of testing and experiments. If the results do not meet the goals of the simulation, then mistakes were made in the previous steps.

The main stages of building models. Modeling formalization.

P / R 6. Modeling and formalization.


Educational: know the main stages of building models;

to form the concept of "formalization"; be able to

create a model in accordance with the supplied

Developing: development of cognitive interests, computer skills, self-control;

Educational: education of information culture, attentiveness, accuracy

Lesson plan

Organizational moment Actualization of knowledge Studying new material Reflection Practical work Outcome

1. Greetings. Familiarization with the topic and lesson plan. Announcement of grades for s / r (last lesson)

2.testing (2 students)

homework check

Frontal work

1. What is the name of the simplified likeness of a real object?

2. What do you mean by the material model of an object?

3. Give an example of material and informational models of the globe.

4. Can the same object have different information models?

5. What properties of real objects are reproduced by dummies of products in a shop window?

6.Name the submission forms of the models

7. What is an information model?

3. Today we continue to get acquainted with one of the most important topics of computer science - modeling.

How to use the algebraic formula language to build models?

How to correctly build a model of an object, process or phenomenon?

What is a computer experiment?

And we will start with you, that we will get acquainted with the form in which objects are represented by information models.



(visual images are fixed on some kind of information carrier)

Photos, videos, etc.


(models are described using different languages)

Text, formula, table, etc.

Natural and formal languages ​​are used to represent information models.

One of the most common formal languages ​​is the algebraic language of formulas in mathematics, which allows one to describe functional relationships between quantities. Models built using mathematical formulas and concepts are called mathematical. The mathematical model usually follows the descriptive one. In computer modeling, a formula editor is used to design formulas. In MS WORD application, this is MicrosoftEquation

The process of building information models using formal languages ​​is called formalization

Formalization is one of the most important stages of modeling.

A task is some problem that needs to be solved.

The problem is formed in ordinary language. The main thing is to define the object of modeling and present the result.

Purpose of modeling shows why you need to create a model. Primitive people studied the world around them for the purpose of knowledge. Having accumulated enough knowledge, mankind has delivered lyrics. The goal is to create objects with given properties (ideas for creating various mechanisms). And, finally, the person began to think about what consequences these or those influences would have on the object and how to make the right decision. For example, how to establish management in a school so that teachers and students feel comfortable within its walls?

Object analysis implies a clear identification of the modeled object and its properties. This process is called system analysis

(a description of the system elements and an indication of their interrelationships.)

For example, sist. airplane system analysis:

System elements: body, tail, wings, etc .;

Component properties: shape, size, ...

All components are connected in a strictly defined way.

Stage 2 - model development. One of the main activities - collecting information - depends on the purpose of the simulation. For example, the object "plant" from the point of view of a biologist, physician and student:

a biologist will compare the plant with others, study the root system, etc.; the medic will examine the chemist. composition;

the student will sketch out. view,

the choice of information depends on the purpose. Building inform. Models are the starting point for model development. When collected the required. data, have determined all the connections between the components of the system, it is possible to present inf. model in iconic form. The symbolic form can be computer and non-computer. When building a computer model, it is necessary. choose the right software environment.

Stage 3 - a computer experiment. After the model has been created, it is necessary to find out its performance. For this you need. conduct a computer experiment. Before the advent of the PC, experiments were carried out either in laboratories or on a real sample of the product. Large expenditures of money and time. Often the samples were destroyed - what if it was an airplane? With the development of computer technology - a new research method_ computer experiment. It is based on model testing.

Testing is the process of verifying the correctness of the construction and functioning of models.

Stage 4 - making a decision. Either you end the research or continue. Basis for decision making - test results

4 ... What are the forms of presentation of information models

What languages ​​does the mathematical language belong to?

What is the name of the process of building information models using formal languages?

List the steps involved in creating a model

5 ... Practical work

Build a formalized information model for solving a quadratic equation. Use the formula editor when executing MicrosoftEquation

6. Assess class performance and name students who excel in class.

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