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We equip the school radio station. We equip the school radio node Mandatory reference in the documentation

Volgograd State Pedagogical University Department of Theoretical Physics Laboratory of Radio Engineering Laboratory work No. 9 School radio center RUSH - 1M. Volgograd, 1998 1 Laboratory work No. 9 School radio center RUSH-1M. Goal of the work. Familiarization with the device of the radio unit RUSH - 1M, the rules of its operation, the main quality characteristics. The radio center of rural schools RUSH-1M is designed to sound classrooms and provide two-way loud-speaking communication between the radio center operator and the subscriber. The radio node serves to amplify speech and music programs, alerts, musical accompaniment, etc. and allows, when forming and broadcasting programs, to produce multi-level mixing of phonograms received at various inputs of the RUSH, including the imposition of announcer texts on them. The generated program is distributed selectively or simultaneously to subscribers connected to the external network using a switching device. As input sources for each of the programs can be used: 2 microphones, a player, a tape recorder, a broadcast network and a radio receiver. The appearance of the radio node is shown in Figure 1. Depending on the possible number of connected subscribers, it may include: 1 (for 15 subscribers), 2 (for 30 subscribers), or 3 blocks (for 45 subscribers), Fig.1. One of the blocks is basic (P-59) and is always used. The other two (P-60) are the same and are used to expand the operational capabilities of the RUSH. Each of the blocks includes the same type of amplifying path and switching devices, through which up to 15 subscribers can be connected. The same sets of possible input signal sources and the conditions for their use make it possible to form one of the equivalent programs in each of the blocks. Therefore, when using one block, subscribers can receive only one program (the path for the formation of others is absent), with two - one of two, with three - one of the three programs formed by the corresponding blocks. You; The choice of the program transmitted to the listener will be determined by pressing the button with its number from the group of interconnected buttons1 (Fig. 1) allocated on the control panel of the switching device for this subscriber. Information sources are connected to RUSH through connectors 10 located on the rear wall of the device. Each of them can be connected to the amplifying path using the corresponding key 2 (equipped with the input symbol) located on the front panel of the radio unit. The signal level and its relationship with other sources are set by ear using the control knobs 3 located above the keys. Here, each key has its own controller, with the exception of the last three keys, when you press any of which the level is set by the same controller (,). Therefore, two microphones, a sound pickup and either a tape recorder or a radio receiver can be connected to the amplifier simultaneously with adjustment of the level of their signals. Or broadcast network. Knobs 4 are designed to adjust the tone of the sound at low and high frequencies and act simultaneously on all input signals. Switching on the supply voltage of the unit is done by button 5 and is accompanied by a light indication 6. On the panel of the switching device (front panel of the switchgear), each subscriber is assigned a group of 4 interconnected buttons 1 and a nearby light indicator. The number of each button corresponds to the number of the program switched by it. The red "Communication" button allows, if the subscriber has an additional remote control, consisting of a loudspeaker and an operator call button 2 RUSH, to provide two-way communication with him. The subscriber is connected to the RUSH for program transmission and communication through a switchgear connected to the unit using connectors. "Program"(11) and "Communication"(12) located on the rear panel. In addition, there are also located: connector for interconnection "Sh12" (13); two fuses "2A" (14) for: protecting the output stage of the amplifier from overload and mains fuse; ground terminal "housing"; "line output" socket (15) for connecting the P-60 block. A distinctive feature of the base unit P-59 is the presence in it of paths for the formation of a two-way loud-speaking communication between the operator and the subscriber. A conversation between them can take place only if this block is present, although the number of such subscribers connected by the "Communication" button from the corresponding group of buttons 1 can be increased using one (up to 30) or two P-60 blocks (up to 45). The loudspeaker connection formation unit includes a control loudspeaker, which can be connected using a group of buttons 7 to listen to any of the three programs, or by pressing the red "Communication" key it is switched to the communication mode with the subscriber. The subscriber is called by voice. The knob 8 allows you to set the desired volume level, and the button 9 controls the direction of the conversation. When pressed, the control loudspeaker P-59 starts to be used as a microphone. Speaking into it, you can send a message to the subscriber. When the button is released, the P-59 loudspeaker is used to receive information from the subscriber, whose communication panel loudspeaker now switches to microphone mode. Thus, the direction of the conversation can only be controlled from the P-59 remote control. The number of correspondents simultaneously connected by means of a switching device for conversation should not exceed two. If the initiator of the conversation is the subscriber, then to call the operator of the radio center, he must press the button on his communication panel. At the same time, the corresponding light indicator on the front panel of the RUSH turns on and the bell rings. The “call” toggle switch located on the rear panel of the P-59 allows you to turn off the sound signaling of a call by the operator's subscriber. The presence of the "magnetic recording" socket (16) in the same place is intended for connecting a tape recorder in order to record (if necessary) the text of the conversation. When using simultaneously 2 or 3 RUSH blocks (P-59 and P-60 blocks), they are interconnected using the Sh-12 connector. Each of the blocks must be connected to a 220V AC network, and sources for the formation of one (for each of its own) programs must be connected to its inputs. The distribution of programs among subscribers is made by pressing buttons 1 on the corresponding section of the patch panel. At the same time, it must be remembered that the number of simultaneously pressed buttons of each program should not exceed 15. This is limited by the maximum output power of the amplifying path of the program. If necessary, the number of simultaneously connected subscribers can be increased if two or all three blocks are given under the amplification of one program. In this case, external sources of the program are connected to one block, and the generated program is transmitted to the subsequent ones by connecting the "line output" jack of this block to the tape recorder or radio input of another block. Then, on the first block (P-59), subscribers are turned on with button 1, on the second -2, on the third -3. 3 Specifications RUSH-1M. 1. The amplifying path of the P-59 console and P-60 blocks has 2 outputs: the main one, with a rated power of 20W (30V at a load of 45 Ohms) and a linear output with an output voltage of 250 ± 50mV at a load of 10 kOhm. 2. The communication path of the P-59 console has a rated output power of 0.25 W at a load of 8 ohms. 3. The frequency range of the amplifying path is from 80 Hz to 12500 Hz with an uneven frequency response of no more than 6 dB at zero positions of the tone control. 4. The communication path of the P-59 console has a frequency range from 300 to 6000 Hz with a drop in the frequency response of 7 ± 3 dB at the beginning of the range. 5. Bass and treble tone controls provide smooth adjustment of the frequency response within 16dB at frequencies of 100Hz and 1000Hz. 6. Harmonic coefficient: No more than 3% for the amplifying path. No more than 5% for the communication path in the entire frequency range at rated power. 7. The P-59 remote control and each P-60 unit have 6 inputs for connecting signal sources: a) two microphone inputs with a nominal input voltage of 1 mV and an input impedance of at least 1 kOhm; b) player input with a nominal voltage of 250mV with a resistance of at least 500 kOhm; c) tape recorder input with a nominal input voltage of 250 mV with an input resistance of 10 kΩ; d) radio receiver input with a nominal input voltage of 250 mV with an input resistance of 10 kΩ; e) broadcast input with a nominal input voltage of 10V with an input resistance of at least 6 kΩ. 8. Interference voltage at the output of the amplifier: not more than 300 mV in the amplifying path, not more than 14 mV in the communication path. 9. The radio node has an output "magn. recording "with a voltage of 250 mV at a load of 1 kOhm. 10. Power supply is carried out from the alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz. The main characteristics of amplifying devices As already mentioned, the main node of the RUSH is an audio frequency amplifier (UHF), therefore, the main characteristics of the radio node are determined by the corresponding indicators of the UHF. Let's consider them. 1. Rated output power - the highest signal power released in the load, at which all the qualitative indicators of the amplifier are provided: U2 Pnom = out.nom Rn 2. The maximum undistorted output signal power released in the load, at which it is not yet limited in amplitude. In any amplifier, the maximum possible voltage amplitude at the load is determined by the difference between the supply voltage of the arm (E n) and the residual voltage (Ures) of its output transistors. When the output oscillation reaches this value (Fig. 2), a further increase in the signal does not lead to an increase in the amplitude Uout, but only distorts the shape of the oscillation. This is expressed in the cutoff of half-waves of the sinusoid (Fig. 2). Therefore, the maximum undistorted output power is determined by the voltage amplitude at the load Uout, measured on the edge of the cutoff, i.e., when the tops of the half-waves are not distorted, but the minimum addition of the input signal leads to the onset of the cutoff. 3. Input sensitivity (U in.nom) is the minimum value of the input signal at which the voltage at the amplifier output is equal to Uout.nom, and P = Pnom. The value of U input is different for different inputs of the amplifier and is determined by the source of the input signal. 4. Voltage gain. U. K 0 \u003d out.nom U in.nom Usually, for ease of use, all indicators expressed in relative units are measured in decibels: U ⎞. N (dB) = 20 lg⎛⎜ out.nom ⎟ U in.nom ⎠ ⎝ U It is useful to remember that out = 1.12 is 1dB; 1.26 - 2db; 1.41 - 3db; 2 -6db; 3.16U in 10dB; 10 - 20db; 100 - 40db; etc. The prevalence of such a translation is associated with the simplicity of calculating the resulting values, because when multiplying indicators measured in relative units (for example, determining K of two or more amplifiers, frequency response, etc.), the values ​​​​obtained for them in dB simply add up. 5. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of the amplifier (AFC) is the dependence of the gain modulus of the amplifier when the frequency of the amplified signal changes. In the general case, the frequency response can be complex, having ups and downs, characterizing its unevenness, the boundaries of which are given in the technical specifications. The typical frequency response of an ultrasonic frequency response is usually monotonous and has a roll-off at both low and high frequencies. Unless otherwise specified by the bandwidth boundary, frequencies f n and f c are accepted, at which the gain drops to the level of 0.7 (3 dB) relative to its value (K 0) at a frequency of 1 kHz (Fig. 3). In this case, the signal power in the load is reduced by 2 times. 5 Fig.3 When analyzing ultrasonic frequency, it is more convenient to use the normalized frequency response, in which the K value K f is replaced by the value y = f . The measurements are carried out with the tone controls removed K0. In real conditions, it is not the gain that is measured and calculated, but the output voltage proportional to it, obtained by changing the frequency of the input signal, the amplitude of which is maintained unchanged and such that the output voltage at an oscillation frequency of 1 kHz would be equal to ≈ 0.25U out.nom. If the measurements use the logarithmic scale of the voltmeter, then the reading can be done directly in dB. 6. Protection from integrated interference. Each amplifier is characterized by its own noise level, and when powered from the mains, also by the background level. Noises include fluctuation noises that appear as a result of the chaotic thermal motion of carriers, the shot effect, etc. Its presence can be detected by the characteristic hiss in the loudspeakers and with the help of an oscilloscope. The background level characterizes interference with the mains frequency (50 Hz), which is induced through the power and heating circuits. Both of these factors limit the smallest possible amplified signal. When measuring, to separate noise and background, an appropriate filter is used, in the absence of which the total level of influence of both factors, called the integrated noise, is measured. In this case, instead of a generator, a resistor is connected to the input of the amplifier, the resistance of which is equal to the internal resistance of the signal source (for example, a microphone) and, without applying any input signal, the magnitude of the resulting voltage at the load (U output noise) is measured. Immunity against integrated interference ⎛U ⎞ N int.noise = 20 lg⎜ out.nom ⎟. U output noise ⎠ ⎝ 7. Dynamic range of the amplifier. (D) - shows the ratio of the maximum and minimum oscillation amplitudes amplified by the amplifier without 6 loss of information. The maximum possible amplitude, as discussed above, is limited by the cutoff of the output signal. The minimum possible should be 2-3 times greater than the value of internal noise, so that the masking effect of the latter is weakened. Therefore, the dynamic range can be determined by the formula: ⎛U ⎞ D = 20 lg⎜ out. max ⎟ − 10dB. U out.noise ⎠ ⎝ p.p. 1-4, 6, 7 are carried out on a harmonic signal with a frequency of 1 kHz. 8. The coefficient of non-linear distortion (K G) - is one of the most important indicators of the amplifier. It shows how many times the sum of the effective values ​​of the voltages of higher harmonics (distortion products) that appeared in the output signal of the amplifier due to the nonlinearity of its characteristics differs from the voltage of the signal itself that caused them. KG \u003d U 22 + U 32 + ... + U n2 100% . U1 By ear, increased non-linear distortion is accepted as the introduction of an uncharacteristic sound coloring, hoarse and rattling sound. The measurements are carried out using a non-linear distortion meter at a load voltage equal to U out.nom. throughout the amplified frequency range. 9. The input impedance of the amplifier is also regulated by the technical characteristics of the product. This is due to the fact that in some cases (when a program is received via broadcasting lines), it is necessary to coordinate them, which is achieved when the load impedance and the wave impedance of the line are equal. In others, it is required to reduce the shunting (loading) effect of the input impedance of the amplifier on the input signal source. Therefore, information about the input impedance of the amplifier allows you to choose the optimal mode of operation of the device. ACOUSTIC FEEDBACK IN AMPLIFIERS. One feature of amplifiers that use a microphone located in the same room as the amplified signal as the input signal is the possibility of acoustic feedback. In any devices where the signal applied to the input, having passed through the amplification channel, can be returned to the same input, but with an amplitude not less than the original one and coinciding with the input oscillation in phase, self-oscillations (self-excitation) occur. In a broadcast amplifier, such a feedback circuit can be an acoustic path that transmits an output signal, for example, from a control speaker to a microphone input due to reflection from walls, surfaces of equipment, and furniture. This is audibly manifested in the form of a loud whistle and howl. To eliminate self-excitation, you can reduce the gain of the amplifier control circuit, turn the volume control knob, or change the location of the microphone relative to the speaker, for example, turning it back or increasing the distance between them, and also protect it with sound-absorbing material. When installing a sound amplifying device, the microphone and loudspeaker tend to be separated as far as possible from each other, orienting them so that the sensitivity of the microphone in the direction of the loudspeaker is minimal. And the loudspeakers themselves should not be directed to reflective surfaces. 7 EXPERIMENTAL Safety remarks. When working with the radio unit, you must remember that it is connected to the 220V AC mains. Therefore, the switchgear housing must be grounded, and the fuses can only be changed when the power cord is unplugged from the socket. Description of the laboratory model. The layout uses a complete set of RUSH1M. The following are connected to the switchgear: a 45 ohm resistor, simulating the simultaneous activation of all 15 subscribers of the P-59 block, and two subscriber loudspeakers connected using sockets. On the RUSH switching console, the line for turning on the resistor is marked Rn, and the subscriber loudspeakers 1 and 2. When Rn is connected, the radio node amplifier is loaded to the maximum load; when connecting speakers, the conditions for receiving the program by the listener are recreated. Sockets 1-2 and 3-4 connected in parallel to each other are designed to simultaneously measure the output voltage with a voltmeter and observe its shape on an oscilloscope. TASK 1. Set the knobs for adjusting the levels of program sources (3) to the leftmost position. Connect the output of the radio receiver to the input RUSH “receiver.” . Turn on the power to the radio and receiver. Use the button from the group and turn on the button 7 to connect the control loudspeaker of the P-59 block to control the first program. Turn knob 8 and set the desired listening volume. Tune your radio to one of the broadcast stations. Turn off the monitor speaker. Broadcast to subscribers 1 and 2. TASK 2. Use the button to turn off the radio. Connect a microphone to the microphone jack. Press the corresponding button on the front panel of RUSH. Perform the broadcast by setting the desired level with the regulator. TASK 3. Turn on the button and make sure that it is possible to overlay the announcer's text on the broadcast program. turn off the radio. Turn off the subscriber TASK 4. Use the loudspeaker button and connect a 45 ohm resistor. Turn the knob to the extreme right position. Turn on the monitor speaker. Make sure that acoustic feedback and self-excitation occur. By changing the gain using the control knob 8, and then the location of the microphone, self-excitation is eliminated. Mute the microphone button. TASK 5. Connect the “Russia - 323” electrophone to the RUSH to play the recording. To do this, connect the "record tape recorder" connector of the electrophone with the connector of the upper unit RUSH (P-60) with a red wire. In this case, the electrophone is used as the source of the 3rd program. Turn on the electrophone. Set the plate speed switch to the position corresponding to the frequency indicated on the plate. Put the record on the disc. Position the stylus over the record start button. Turn on the rotation of the plate by moving the knob marked in the direction of the arrow. achieve the desired playback volume. By switching the buttons of the 1st and 3rd programs by adjusting the knob, make sure that any of the programs can be transmitted to subscribers 1 and 2. Stop the player by moving the auto-stop handle in the direction of the arrow. Turn off the phone. TASK 6. Turn off subscriber 1, subscriber 2 is broadcasting the 1st program. Prepare and carry out a conversation between subscriber 2 and the operator of the radio center with 8 using the communication console. By pressing the call button on the subscriber's communication panel, call the operator RUSH. After turning on the light indicator of the subscriber on the RUSH, press the "communication" buttons both for him and for the RUSH operator (7). When this occurs, the subscriber console 2 is connected to the loudspeaker path P-59. By pressing and releasing the button (9) “communication”, conduct a conversation with the subscriber. Make sure that such a conversation does not interrupt the broadcast. TASK 7. Strengthen one program with all RUSh blocks. To do this, connect the socket "Lin. output" block P-59 with the tape input of the next block (P-60) and turn on the button on it. In turn, "Lin. connect the output" of this block to the tape input of the 3rd block RUSH (P-60), while disconnecting the "Russia" electrophone from it. Switching the program switching buttons for subscribers 1 and 2, make sure that the first program is broadcast when you press any program button. CONTROL QUESTIONS 1. What is the number and purpose of the blocks that make up the RUSH? 2. How many programs are amplified and how many are switched by one block? 3. What can be used as sources for the formation of a broadcast program in RUSH? 4. How many sources of input signals can be simultaneously 5. How to distribute programs among subscribers 6. What is the maximum number of subscribers simultaneously connected to broadcast one program, and what should be done to increase them 7. What is the difference between block P-59 from the P-60 block 8. How is the two-way speaking communication between the subscriber and the operator of the radio center carried out 9. What is the maximum possible number of communication consoles simultaneously connected for a conversation? 10. Causes of acoustic self-excitation in RUSH? 11. Key quality indicators of RUSH? 12. What is the difference between the nominal and maximum output power of the amplifier? 13. How are the input sensitivity and voltage gain of an amplifier determined? 14. Frequency response of the amplifier and how to measure it? 15. What causes the inherent noise and hum of the amplifier? 16. What limits the dynamic range of an amplifier? 17. What characterizes the coefficient of non-linear distortion? LITERATURE 1. RUSH -1M. Technical description and operating instructions. 2. Ostapenko G.S. Amplifying devices. - M: Radio and communications. 1989. 3. Glukhov A.A. ,.Zorin I.F., Nikonov A.V. Measurement and control in audio broadcasting paths. -M.: Radio and communication,. 1984. 4. Broadcasting and electroacoustics / edited by M.V. Gitlitz. -M.: Radio and communication, 1989. 9

We will help you organize school radio broadcasting. The school radio hub is a broadcast system for the school that broadcasts announcements and music. Also, a school music bell and a notification system are connected to the sound system of the school radio center.

School radio center - new opportunities

The technical equipment of the school radio center will allow for online broadcasts. You can also record voice information and announcements for their subsequent broadcast. You can create a music selection for broadcasting to specific broadcast areas: a sports ground area or a sports hall area.

We will think over a set for a school radio center for your tasks and offer our ideas. For example, on the basis of a school radio hub, you can create school radio programs similar to corporate radio.

By the way, if you are thinking about a gift for a school, then audio equipment for a school or equipment for a school radio center may be one of the ideas for such a gift.

Which loudspeaker for school to choose

We recommend several models of broadcast loudspeakers for school broadcasting. Their choice is determined by the size of the sounded room and the preferred method of installing acoustic systems.We offer wall and ceiling placement of loudspeakers.

Volgograd State Pedagogical University Department of Theoretical Physics Radio Engineering Laboratory Laboratory work No. 9 School radio center RUSH - 1M. Volgograd, 1998 1 Laboratory work No. 9 School radio center RUSH-1M. Goal of the work. Familiarization with the device of the radio unit RUSH - 1M, the rules of its operation, the main quality characteristics. The radio center of rural schools RUSH-1M is designed to sound classrooms and provide two-way loud-speaking communication between the radio center operator and the subscriber. The radio node serves to amplify speech and music programs, alerts, musical accompaniment, etc. and allows, when forming and broadcasting programs, to produce multi-level mixing of phonograms received at various inputs of the RUSH, including the imposition of announcer texts on them. The generated program is distributed selectively or simultaneously to subscribers connected to the external network using a switching device. As input sources for each of the programs can be used: 2 microphones, a player, a tape recorder, a broadcast network and a radio receiver. The appearance of the radio node is shown in Figure 1. Depending on the possible number of connected subscribers, it may include: 1 (for 15 subscribers), 2 (for 30 subscribers), or 3 blocks (for 45 subscribers), Fig.1. One of the blocks is basic (P-59) and is always used. The other two (P-60) are the same and are used to expand the operational capabilities of the RUSH. Each of the blocks includes the same type of amplifying path and switching devices, through which up to 15 subscribers can be connected. The same sets of possible input signal sources and the conditions for their use make it possible to form one of the equivalent programs in each of the blocks. Therefore, when using one block, subscribers can receive only one program (the path for the formation of others is absent), with two - one of two, with three - one of the three programs formed by the corresponding blocks. The choice of the program transmitted to the listener will be determined by pressing the button with its number from the group of interconnected buttons1 (Fig. 1) allocated on the control panel of the switching device for this subscriber. Information sources are connected to RUSH through connectors 10 located on the rear wall of the device. Each of them can be connected to the amplifying path using the corresponding key 2 (equipped with the input symbol) located on the front panel of the radio unit. The signal level and its relationship with other sources are set by ear using the control knobs 3 located above the keys. Here, each key has its own controller, with the exception of the last three keys, when you press any of which the level is set by the same controller (,). Therefore, two microphones, a sound pickup and either a tape recorder or a radio receiver can be connected to the amplifier simultaneously with adjustment of the level of their signals. Or broadcast network. Knobs 4 are designed to adjust the tone of the sound at low and high frequencies and act simultaneously on all input signals. Switching on the supply voltage of the unit is done by button 5 and is accompanied by a light indication 6. On the panel of the switching device (front panel of the switchgear), each subscriber is assigned a group of 4 interconnected buttons 1 and a nearby light indicator. The number of each button corresponds to the number of the program switched by it. The red "Communication" button allows, if the subscriber has an additional remote control, consisting of a loudspeaker and an operator call button 2 RUSH, to provide two-way communication with him. The subscriber is connected to the RUSH for program transmission and communication through a switchgear connected to the unit using connectors. "Program"(11) and "Communication"(12) located on the rear panel. In addition, there are also located: connector for interconnection "Sh12" (13); two fuses "2A" (14) for: protecting the output stage of the amplifier from overload and mains fuse; ground terminal "housing"; "line output" socket (15) for connecting the P-60 block. A distinctive feature of the base unit P-59 is the presence in it of paths for the formation of a two-way loud-speaking communication between the operator and the subscriber. A conversation between them can take place only if this block is present, although the number of such subscribers connected by the "Communication" button from the corresponding group of buttons 1 can be increased using one (up to 30) or two P-60 blocks (up to 45). The loudspeaker connection formation unit includes a control loudspeaker, which can be connected using a group of buttons 7 to listen to any of the three programs, or by pressing the red "Communication" key it is switched to the communication mode with the subscriber. The subscriber is called by voice. The knob 8 allows you to set the desired volume level, and the button 9 controls the direction of the conversation. When pressed, the control loudspeaker P-59 starts to be used as a microphone. Speaking into it, you can send a message to the subscriber. When the button is released, the P-59 loudspeaker is used to receive information from the subscriber, whose communication panel loudspeaker now switches to microphone mode. Thus, the direction of the conversation can only be controlled from the P-59 remote control. The number of correspondents simultaneously connected by means of a switching device for conversation should not exceed two. If the initiator of the conversation is the subscriber, then to call the operator of the radio center, he must press the button on his communication panel. At the same time, the corresponding light indicator on the front panel of the RUSH turns on and the bell rings. The “call” toggle switch located on the rear panel of the P-59 allows you to turn off the sound signaling of a call by the operator's subscriber. The presence of the "magnetic recording" socket (16) in the same place is intended for connecting a tape recorder in order to record (if necessary) the text of the conversation. When using simultaneously 2 or 3 RUSH blocks (P-59 and P-60 blocks), they are interconnected using the Sh-12 connector. Each of the blocks must be connected to a 220V AC network, and sources for the formation of one (for each of its own) programs must be connected to its inputs. The distribution of programs among subscribers is made by pressing buttons 1 on the corresponding section of the patch panel. At the same time, it must be remembered that the number of simultaneously pressed buttons of each program should not exceed 15. This is limited by the maximum output power of the amplifying path of the program. If necessary, the number of simultaneously connected subscribers can be increased if two or all three blocks are given under the amplification of one program. In this case, external sources of the program are connected to one block, and the generated program is transmitted to the subsequent ones by connecting the "line output" jack of this block to the tape recorder or radio input of another block. Then, on the first block (P-59), subscribers are turned on with button 1, on the second -2, on the third -3. 3 Specifications RUSH-1M. 1. The amplifying path of the P-59 console and P-60 blocks has 2 outputs: the main one, with a rated power of 20W (30V at a load of 45 Ohms) and a linear output with an output voltage of 250 ± 50mV at a load of 10 kOhm. 2. The communication path of the P-59 console has a rated output power of 0.25 W at a load of 8 ohms. 3. The frequency range of the amplifying path is from 80 Hz to 12500 Hz with an uneven frequency response of no more than 6 dB at zero positions of the tone control. 4. The communication path of the P-59 console has a frequency range from 300 to 6000 Hz with a drop in the frequency response of 7 ± 3 dB at the beginning of the range. 5. Bass and treble tone controls provide smooth adjustment of the frequency response within 16dB at frequencies of 100Hz and 1000Hz. 6. Harmonic coefficient: No more than 3% for the amplifying path. No more than 5% for the communication path in the entire frequency range at rated power. 7. The P-59 remote control and each P-60 unit have 6 inputs for connecting signal sources: a) two microphone inputs with a nominal input voltage of 1 mV and an input impedance of at least 1 kOhm; b) player input with a nominal voltage of 250mV with a resistance of at least 500 kOhm; c) tape recorder input with a nominal input voltage of 250 mV with an input resistance of 10 kΩ; d) radio receiver input with a nominal input voltage of 250 mV with an input resistance of 10 kΩ; e) broadcast input with a nominal input voltage of 10V with an input resistance of at least 6 kΩ. 8. Interference voltage at the output of the amplifier: not more than 300 mV in the amplifying path, not more than 14 mV in the communication path. 9. The radio node has an output "magn. recording "with a voltage of 250 mV at a load of 1 kOhm. 10. Power supply is carried out from the alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz. The main characteristics of amplifying devices As already mentioned, the main node of the RUSH is an audio frequency amplifier (UHF), therefore, the main characteristics of the radio node are determined by the corresponding indicators of the UHF. Let's consider them. 1. Rated output power - the highest signal power released in the load, at which all the qualitative indicators of the amplifier are provided: U2 Pnom = out.nom Rn 2. The maximum undistorted output signal power released in the load, at which it is not yet limited in amplitude. In any amplifier, the maximum possible voltage amplitude at the load is determined by the difference between the supply voltage of the arm (E n) and the residual voltage (Ures) of its output transistors. When the output oscillation reaches this value (Fig. 2), a further increase in the signal does not lead to an increase in the amplitude Uout, but only distorts the shape of the oscillation. This is expressed in the cutoff of half-waves of the sinusoid (Fig. 2). Therefore, the maximum undistorted output power is determined by the voltage amplitude at the load Uout, measured on the edge of the cutoff, i.e., when the tops of the half-waves are not distorted, but the minimum addition of the input signal leads to the onset of the cutoff. 3. Input sensitivity (U in.nom) is the minimum value of the input signal at which the voltage at the amplifier output is equal to Uout.nom, and P = Pnom. The value of U input is different for different inputs of the amplifier and is determined by the source of the input signal. 4. Voltage gain. U K 0 = out.nom. U in.nom Usually, for ease of use, all indicators expressed in relative units are measured in decibels: N (db) = 20 lg⎛ out.nom ⎞. U ⎜ U in.nom ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ U It is useful to remember that out = 1.12 is 1 dB; 1.26 - 2db; 1.41 - 3db; 2 -6db; 3.16 - U input 10 dB; 10 - 20db; 100 - 40db; etc. The prevalence of such a translation is associated with the simplicity of calculating the resulting values, because when multiplying indicators measured in relative units (for example, determining K of two or more amplifiers, frequency response, etc.), the values ​​​​obtained for them in dB simply add up. 5. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of the amplifier (AFC) is the dependence of the gain modulus of the amplifier when the frequency of the amplified signal changes. In the general case, the frequency response can be complex, having ups and downs, characterizing its unevenness, the boundaries of which are given in the technical specifications. The typical frequency response of an ultrasonic frequency response is usually monotonous and has a roll-off at both low and high frequencies. Unless otherwise specified by the bandwidth boundary, frequencies f n and f c are accepted, at which the gain drops to the level of 0.7 (3 dB) relative to its value (K 0) at a frequency of 1 kHz (Fig. 3). In this case, the signal power in the load is reduced by 2 times. 5 Fig.3 When analyzing ultrasonic frequency, it is more convenient to use the normalized frequency response, in which the K value K f is replaced by the value y = f . The measurements are carried out with the tone controls removed K0. In real conditions, it is not the gain that is measured and calculated, but the output voltage proportional to it, obtained by changing the frequency of the input signal, the amplitude of which is maintained unchanged and such that the output voltage at an oscillation frequency of 1 kHz would be equal to ≈ 0.25U out.nom. If the measurements use the logarithmic scale of the voltmeter, then the reading can be done directly in dB. 6. Protection from integrated interference. Each amplifier is characterized by its own noise level, and when powered from the mains, also by the background level. Noises include fluctuation noises that appear as a result of the chaotic thermal motion of carriers, the shot effect, etc. Its presence can be detected by the characteristic hiss in the loudspeakers and with the help of an oscilloscope. The background level characterizes interference with the mains frequency (50 Hz), which is induced through the power and heating circuits. Both of these factors limit the smallest possible amplified signal. When measuring, to separate noise and background, an appropriate filter is used, in the absence of which the total level of influence of both factors, called the integrated noise, is measured. In this case, instead of a generator, a resistor is connected to the input of the amplifier, the resistance of which is equal to the internal resistance of the signal source (for example, a microphone) and, without applying any input signal, the magnitude of the resulting voltage at the load (U output noise) is measured. Immunity against integrated interference ⎛U ⎞ N int.noise = 20 lg⎜ out.nom U out.noise ⎟ . ⎝ ⎠ 7. Dynamic range of the amplifier. (D) - shows the ratio of the maximum and minimum oscillation amplitudes amplified by the amplifier without 6 loss of information. The maximum possible amplitude, as discussed above, is limited by the cutoff of the output signal. The minimum possible should be 2-3 times greater than the value of internal noise, so that the masking effect of the latter is weakened. Therefore, the dynamic range can be determined by the formula: ⎛U ⎞ D = 20 lg⎜ out. max − 10db. ⎝ U out.noise ⎟ ⎠ R.p. measurement 1-4, 6, 7 are carried out on a harmonic signal with a frequency of 1 kHz. 8. The coefficient of non-linear distortion (K G) - is one of the most important indicators of the amplifier. It shows how many times the sum of the effective values ​​of the voltages of higher harmonics (distortion products) that appeared in the output signal of the amplifier due to the nonlinearity of its characteristics differs from the voltage of the signal itself that caused them. U 2 + U 32 + ... + U n 2 2 KG \u003d 100%. U1 By ear, increased non-linear distortion is accepted as the introduction of an uncharacteristic sound coloring, hoarse and rattling sound. The measurements are carried out using a non-linear distortion meter at a load voltage equal to U out.nom. throughout the amplified frequency range. 9. The input impedance of the amplifier is also regulated by the technical characteristics of the product. This is due to the fact that in some cases (when a program is received via broadcasting lines), it is necessary to coordinate them, which is achieved when the load impedance and the wave impedance of the line are equal. In others, it is required to reduce the shunting (loading) effect of the input impedance of the amplifier on the input signal source. Therefore, information about the input impedance of the amplifier allows you to choose the optimal mode of operation of the device. ACOUSTIC FEEDBACK IN AMPLIFIERS. One feature of amplifiers that use a microphone located in the same room as the amplified signal as the input signal is the possibility of acoustic feedback. In any devices where the signal applied to the input, having passed through the amplification channel, can be returned to the same input, but with an amplitude not less than the original one and coinciding with the input oscillation in phase, self-oscillations (self-excitation) occur. In a broadcast amplifier, such a feedback circuit can be an acoustic path that transmits an output signal, for example, from a control speaker to a microphone input due to reflection from walls, surfaces of equipment, and furniture. This is audibly manifested in the form of a loud whistle and howl. To eliminate self-excitation, you can reduce the gain of the amplifier control circuit, turn the volume control knob, or change the location of the microphone relative to the speaker, for example, turning it back or increasing the distance between them, and also protect it with sound-absorbing material. When installing a sound amplifying device, the microphone and loudspeaker tend to be separated as far as possible from each other, orienting them so that the sensitivity of the microphone in the direction of the loudspeaker is minimal. And the loudspeakers themselves should not be directed to reflective surfaces. 7 EXPERIMENTAL Safety remarks. When working with the radio unit, you must remember that it is connected to the 220V AC mains. Therefore, the switchgear housing must be grounded, and the fuses can only be changed when the power cord is unplugged from the socket. Description of the laboratory model. The layout uses a complete set of RUSH-1M. The following are connected to the switchgear: a 45 ohm resistor, simulating the simultaneous activation of all 15 subscribers of the P-59 block, and two subscriber loudspeakers connected using sockets. On the RUSH switching console, the line for turning on the resistor is marked Rn, and the subscriber loudspeakers 1 and 2. When Rn is connected, the radio node amplifier is loaded to the maximum load; when connecting speakers, the conditions for receiving the program by the listener are recreated. Sockets 1-2 and 3-4 connected in parallel to each other are designed to simultaneously measure the output voltage with a voltmeter and observe its shape on an oscilloscope. TASK 1. Set the knobs for adjusting the levels of program sources (3) to the leftmost position. Connect the output of the radio receiver to the input RUSH “receiver.” and enable button. Turn on the power to the radio and receiver. Use the button from group 7 to connect the control loudspeaker of the P-59 block to control the first program. Turn knob 8 and set the desired listening volume. Tune your radio to one of the broadcast stations. Turn off the monitor speaker. Broadcast to subscribers 1 and 2. TASK 2. Use the button to turn off the radio. Connect a microphone to the microphone jack. Press the corresponding button on the front panel of RUSH. Perform the broadcast by setting the desired level with the regulator. TASK 3. Turn on the button and make sure that it is possible to overlay the announcer's text on the broadcast program. TASK 4. Turn off the radio with the button. Turn off the subscriber loudspeaker and connect a 45 ohm resistor. Turn the knob to the extreme right position. Turn on the monitor speaker. Make sure that acoustic feedback and self-excitation occur. By changing the gain using the control knob 8, and then the location of the microphone, self-excitation is eliminated. Mute the microphone button. TASK 5. Connect the “Russia - 323” electrophone to the RUSH to play the recording. To do this, connect the "record tape recorder" connector of the electrophone with the connector of the upper unit RUSH (P-60) with a red wire. In this case, the electrophone is used as the source of the 3rd program. Turn on the electrophone. Set the plate speed switch to the position corresponding to the frequency indicated on the plate. Put the record on the disc. Position the stylus over the record start button. Turn on the rotation of the plate by moving the knob marked in the direction of the arrow. Adjust the knob to achieve the desired playback volume. By switching the buttons of the 1st and 3rd programs, make sure that any of the programs can be transferred to subscribers 1 and 2. Stop the player by moving the auto-stop handle in the direction of the arrow. Turn off the phone. TASK 6. Turn off subscriber 1, subscriber 2 is broadcasting the 1st program. Prepare and carry out a conversation between subscriber 2 and the operator of the radio center with 8 using the communication console. By pressing the call button on the subscriber's communication panel, call the operator RUSH. After turning on the light indicator of the subscriber on the RUSH, press the "communication" buttons both for him and for the RUSH operator (7). When this occurs, the subscriber console 2 is connected to the loudspeaker path P-59. By pressing and releasing the button (9) “communication”, conduct a conversation with the subscriber. Make sure that such a conversation does not interrupt the broadcast. TASK 7. Strengthen one program with all RUSh blocks. To do this, connect the socket "Lin. output" block P-59 with the tape input of the next block (P-60) and turn on the button on it. In turn, "Lin. connect the output" of this block to the tape input of the 3rd block RUSH (P-60), while disconnecting the "Russia" electrophone from it. Switching the program switching buttons for subscribers 1 and 2, make sure that the first program is broadcast when you press any program button. CONTROL QUESTIONS 1. What is the number and purpose of the blocks that make up the RUSH? 2. How many programs are amplified and how many are switched by one block? 3. What can be used as sources for the formation of a broadcast program in RUSH? 4. How many sources of input signals can be simultaneously 5. How to distribute programs among subscribers 6. What is the maximum number of subscribers simultaneously connected to broadcast one program, and what should be done to increase them 7. What is the difference between block P-59 from the P-60 block 8. How is the two-way speaking communication between the subscriber and the operator of the radio center carried out 9. What is the maximum possible number of communication consoles simultaneously connected for a conversation? 10. Causes of acoustic self-excitation in RUSH? 11. Key quality indicators of RUSH? 12. What is the difference between the nominal and maximum output power of the amplifier? 13. How are the input sensitivity and voltage gain of an amplifier determined? 14. Frequency response of the amplifier and how to measure it? 15. What causes the inherent noise and hum of the amplifier? 16. What limits the dynamic range of an amplifier? 17. What characterizes the coefficient of non-linear distortion? LITERATURE 1. RUSH -1M. Technical description and operating instructions. 2. Ostapenko G.S. Amplifying devices. - M: Radio and communications. 1989. 3. Glukhov A.A. ,.Zorin I.F., Nikonov A.V. Measurement and control in audio broadcasting paths. -M.: Radio and communication,. 1984. 4. Broadcasting and electroacoustics / edited by M.V. Gitlitz. -M.: Radio and communication, 1989. 9

With the use of RUSH equipment, it is possible to build a radio hub that allows you to transmit information over ten broadcast zones.

It can be used in such areas as wire broadcasting systems, public announcements, emergency messages, conference systems, as well as for servicing various public institutions (schools, trade enterprises, cultural centers, etc.). Broadcast amplifier RUSH-5M carries out amplification of signals from various sources (microphone, tape recorder, tuner) with levels in accordance with GOST 24838-80, addressing of amplified signals to four broadcast lines (loops), as well as transmission of emergency information over all loops.

RUSH 5M (DLE3.465332.201.00 TU).

Made in Russia.

Designation on the diagrams:

Composition (delivery set):

1. Broadcast mixer-amplifier RUSH 5M, consisting of:

1.1. Broadcast mixer-amplifier RUSH 5M (DLE3.465332.201.00 TU) 1 pc.

1.2. ShS 0502 (DLE4.465332.200.00 TU) Power cord 1 pc.

1.3. Fuse 2A 1 pc.

2. Passport and warranty card 1 kt.

3. Packing container 1 pc.

Technical characteristics and parameters of the electrical path RUSH 5M correspond to the 1st quality class in accordance with GOST 11515-91.

RUSH 5M complies with the requirements of TU (DLE3.465332.201.00 TU) and a set of design documentation (DLE3.465332.201).

Amplifier RUSH5M has three mixing inputs with separate signal level controls 1, 2, 3, bass and treble tone controls, output level control, the ability to turn on four output lines, a telephone line input and a line output. The amplifier has the ability to give a sound signal "gong".

Medium power amplifier, 200/240 W, 4 inputs, 4 zones, 80-10000 Hz, built-in signal generator, weight 8.5 kg, dimensions 482x93x375 mm


Broadcast mixer-amplifier RUSH 5M carries out amplification of signals from various sources (microphone, tape recorder, tuner, PC, etc.) with levels in accordance with GOST 24838-80, addressing amplified signals to four broadcast lines (loops), as well as transmission of emergency information over all loops.

Broadcast mixer-amplifier RUSH 5M has three mixing inputs with separate signal level controls 1, 2, 3, bass and treble tone controls, output level control, the ability to turn on four output lines.

The amplifier has the ability to give a sound signal "gong".

Audio signals and interfaces at input and output RUSH 5M meet the requirements of international standards IEC, ITU-R (CCIR) and ERUs for audio paths. This allows sharing RUSH 5M and any serial domestic and imported equipment. The mixer-amplifier can work according to the "master-slave" scheme in order to "build up" the output power.

Scheme of connecting the load and devices to RUSH 5M.

The figure shows the connection diagram of the load and devices to RUSH 5M.


RUSH 5M— broadcast mixer-amplifier — high-quality single-program broadcast mixer-amplifier
UK-2R— restrictive box (universal box)
TAMU-10, TAMU-25S— subscriber unified broadcasting transformer
SHVVP 2x1.5, SHVVP 2x0.75- the wire
KMM 2x0.35- two-wire microphone cable

Operation of mixer-amplifiers in master/slave mode

The master/slave mode is designed to increase the output power of radio nodes (in steps of 120/200 W) and the number of switched output lines (in steps of 4).The connection between the mixer-amplifiers is carried out by a standard cableSK 0501 (SK 0502).


Very important! In order to weaken the effect of short circuits in subscriber radio wiring on the operation of the entire radio broadcasting network, it is desirable to supply each subscriber point with a limiter

It is worth noting that there is a vicious practice of connecting subscribers directly without limiters. As a rule, this adds operational problems in the event of a short circuit at the subscriber's input or even when the subscriber remakes the radio point (transformer removal). The whole line turns out to be shorted, and it is not always easy to find such a short one; you have to sequentially disconnect subscribers until a shorted wire is found.

A limiter is a device (resistor) that allows only the amount of current that is needed for normal loudspeaker operation. As a Limiter, for example, you can use a universal box (plinth).

The limiter is installed at the very beginning of the subscriber wiring when branching it from the common line. In the event of a short circuit or if an electrical appliance is accidentally plugged into the radio outlet, the amount of current consumed by the subscriber point should have increased dramatically. At the same time, the amount of current flowing to the remaining subscribers would decrease and the transmission volume would fall. But the limiter, preventing too much current from passing through the subscriber wiring, facilitates the consequences of a short circuit.

Very important! Do not allow the absence of restrictive boxes x in 100/120 V networks. This can lead to failure of the broadcast amplifiers of radio nodes, especially imports.

Specifications RUSH-5M

  • Rated output voltage, V 30, 120
  • Rated frequency range, Hz 100 - 15000
  • Unevenness of the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the nominal frequency range, dB, no more than 3
  • Total coefficient of non-linear distortion in the operating frequency range, %, no more than 1.0
  • Continuous output power, W, not less than 200
  • Power consumed from the supply network 220 V, 50 Hz, VA, no more than 350
  • Number of connected lines (loops) 4
  • Overall dimensions, mm. 482x88x350 (2U)
  • Weight without packaging, kg, no more than 8.9
  • Amplifier warranty period 12 months

Amplifiers RUSH

Technology and related equipment are constantly being improved and we reserve the right to make technical modifications without prior notice.

Modernize and complete the school radio center only with the official partners of the equipment manufacturer SKB "PACTP" with a mark in the warranty card


Products meet the uniform standards and requirements of the EEC, comply with the requirements of regulatory documents: GOST 16122-79, GOST 23850-81, GOST-26342-84, GOST-12.2.006-87 (clause 4.3), NPB 57-97, GOST 12997- 84. Certificate of conformity for incoming equipment: No. ROSS RU.ME96.B20090.

Contents of delivery.

Additionally, it is possible to connect:

For a small room (class, office small), one loudspeaker with a power of 0.25-1 W is enough. (Zenith 305 or 1GRN300)

Corridors require more powerful loudspeakers with a power of 2-3 W (6GRN310). At the same time, they will have to be hung along the length of the corridor (along the walls or ceiling) at a distance of 8-10 m.

In the dining room, gym, two loudspeakers with a power of 10 W (10GRN321) will suffice. Without going into details, better - 10 pcs. 2 W. In the assembly hall, it is desirable to increase their power to 25 W (25KZ22).


Amplification, frequency processing, mixing of the audio signal from the microphone, universal and line inputs.

Possibility of priority control and transmission of a voice message from a remote (up to 500 m) console type PS 9.

Transmission of a musical ringing signal (gong) over the output lines.

Effective protection against short circuits on the output of amplifiers with automatic testing of lines.

Possibility of switching of output lines and connection of a control loudspeaker.

Built-in limiter, provides protection against overloads on the input signal.

A distinctive feature of the RUSH series amplifiers is the ease of operation and the absence of a fan for cooling.

Unpacking and installation

Installation and work with the school radio unit RUSH 6102 RU will not cause you any difficulties. Please read this manual carefully to familiarize yourself with all the functionality, correct installation and connection.

Carefully unpack the instruments, do not throw away the boxes and other packing materials. They may be needed if you need to transport it or contact the service.

Connection of all components must be made according to the diagrams and drawings given in the respective operating manuals. Compliance with these requirements guarantees reliable and long-term operation of the product.

RUSH 6100 M. Front panel.

On the front panel are:

  1. network switch;
  2. switch for microphone input 1;
  3. input connector microphone 1;
  4. microphone input control 1;
  5. regulators of universal inputs 2.3;
  6. connectors of universal inputs 2.3;
  7. input sensitivity switches 2.3;
  8. button for turning on the signal "gong";
  9. switch to activate the PS-9 console;
  10. connector for connecting the TLF line;
  11. bass tone control;
  12. treble tone control;
  13. amplifier output level control;
  14. line output connector;
  15. connection of output lines 1,2,3,4.

RUSH 6100 M. Rear panel.

On the back panel are:

  1. connector for connecting broadcasting lines 1, 2;
  2. power cord with plug;
  3. fuse socket;
  4. ground terminal.

In the figure - subscriber loudspeaker 6GRN310

  • Wide polar pattern for uniform sound reproduction from all directions
  • Zinc coating on the case, reducing noise when touched;
  • Flexible metalized leg for adjusting the position of the microphone;
  • Non-slip rubber feet on the stand;
  • Two keys for operating modes;
  • Connector XLR.

Connection diagram

Installation of subscriber loudspeakers

When installing two or more subscriber loudspeakers in the same room or on the same site, the polarity of their inclusion must be observed.

Wall-mounted subscriber loudspeakers are preferably installed at a distance equal to the width of the corridor. If the width of the corridor is less than 5 m, then the subscriber loudspeakers are installed along the length, in increments of 6-8 m, avoiding corners.

If the width of the corridor is more than 5 m, then the subscriber loudspeakers are located on opposite walls in a "chessboard" order, with a step of 8-12 m.

Horn loudspeakers are placed so that crowded places fall into the radiation pattern.

When installing wall-mounted and horn loudspeakers, the rule to follow is that if you want to install several loudspeakers in the same area, it is better to install them in the center and point them in different directions than to put them on the walls and point them towards the center. Legibility and quality in the latter case will be much worse.

What kind of wire should be used for transmission lines?

For internal wiring from the mixer-amplifier of the radio node to the loudspeakers, any wire with a cross section of at least 0.75 mm will do. and an operating voltage of more than 120 V. Usually, an inexpensive domestic wire of the ShVVP type 2x0.75 mm is used. For laying in cable wells on the street or when transmitting a signal over long distances, you can use the wire SHVVP 2x1.5 or PVS 2x1.5.

Brief instruction

Do not connect the units to the mains before making the preliminary settings. The units can be powered up after completing these steps. Make sure the mains switches are in the off position.

Connect the cable 05-01 for connection, included in the delivery set, output 1 of the RUSH 650 program source block AND to the input connector 3 "Line input" of the RUSH 6100 broadcasting amplifier.

Set all level controls of the mixer-amplifier РУШ 6100 to the extreme left (counterclockwise) position “0”.

Set the treble and bass tone controls to the middle position.

Connect the supplied antenna or an external FM antenna (recommended by the equipment manufacturer).

According to the figure given in the instruction manual for the mixer-amplifier RUSH 6100 (see below), connect the loudspeaker loops to the mixer-amplifier RUSH 6100.

Attention! Loops with subscriber loudspeakers 6GRN310 and Zenith 305 to 30 V terminals.

Install one of the loudspeakers as a control one directly in the room of the radio center.

Connect a microphone (message remote if required) to input jack 1 "Microphone In" as shown.

Set the toggle switches for enabling inputs and broadcast lines to the off position, and the input level controls to the leftmost position.

Connect the program source block RUSH 650 I and the mixer-amplifier RUSH 6100 to the 220 V mains.

Before connecting the block of sources of programs RUSH 650 I. Carefully study the enclosed operating instructions for the car radio.

Turn on the source block of programs РУШ 650 I and the mixer-amplifier РУШ 6100 by pressing the "NETWORK" switches, while the neon indicators built into the switch should light up. Turn on your car radio.

Insert a CD to operate the CD player.

To operate the radio, tune in to the desired radio station.

Set the desired signal level (+40) using the radio volume control.

Set the "LEVEL" knob to the extreme right position.

Give a signal to the control loudspeaker by turning on the corresponding "LINE" toggle switch.

Set the desired volume level with the corresponding “Input” control by turning the corresponding level control clockwise.

Send a signal to the loops by turning on the corresponding toggle switch "LINES".

Attention! If a short circuit occurs in any loop, the protection circuit is activated, turning off the amplifier from all outputs, and testing the presence of a short circuit in the loop with a frequency of 0.2 - 0.3 Hz. After turning off the emergency loop with the “LINE” toggle switch, the amplifier automatically restores the interrupted operation mode.

Working with the radio node

Sensitivity controls for microphone/line inputs "Inputs".
These controls set the sensitivity of the respective inputs.

Treble tone control.
This control sets the level of the high-frequency component of the signal. Adjustment range ±12 dB.

Bass tone control.
This control sets the level of the low-frequency component of the signal. Adjustment range ±12 dB.

Output signal level control "Level".
This control sets the output level of the mixed signal.

Main technical characteristics:

Broadcast mixer-amplifier RUSH 6100:

  • Rated output voltage, V - 30, 120;
  • Rated frequency range, Hz - from 100 to 15,000;
  • Unevenness of the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the nominal frequency range, dB, not more than - 3;
  • Total coefficient of non-linear distortion in the operating frequency range, %, no more than - 1.0;
  • Maximum output power of a musical signal, W, not less than — 100;
  • Power consumed from the supply network 220 V, 50 Hz, VA, no more than - 160;
  • The number of connected lines (loops) - 4;
  • Overall dimensions (2U), mm - 482x88x190;
  • Weight without packaging, kg, no more than 5.8.

Wall loudspeaker with level control Zenit 305:

  • Maximum power, W, not less than - 0.25;
  • Sensitivity, dB (1 W/m) nbsp; - 88;
  • Nominal range of reproducible frequencies, Hz - from 160 to 10,000;
  • Dimensions, mm, no more - 173x172x73;
  • Weight (without packaging), kg, no more than 0.8.

Wall loudspeaker 6GRN 310:

  • Rated input voltage, V - 30;
  • Maximum power, W, not less than — 3;
  • Sensitivity, dB (1 W/m) nbsp; - 93;
  • Nominal range of reproducible frequencies, Hz - from 100 to 12500;
  • Frequency unevenness of the sound pressure characteristic in the nominal frequency range, dB, not more than - 16;
  • Dimensions, mm, no more - 220x180x120;
  • Weight (without packaging), kg, no more than — 1.

Safety instructions

Be careful!

In the school radio center RUSH 6102 RU life-threatening voltage is 220 V.

To avoid accidents, it is strictly forbidden to operate the device with the covers removed and without grounding.

Take care of the external connecting cables.

Protect the units of the school radio unit RUSH 5 RU from mechanical shocks.

Do not place the school radio unit RUSH 5 RU near pipes, batteries.

Do not install in enclosed spaces.

Do not use homemade fuses.

Modernize and complete the radio unit only with the official partners of the equipment manufacturer SKB "RA STR" with a mark in the warranty card. Design and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation " On consumer protection» the service life (shelf life) of this product "after which it may pose a danger to the life, health of the consumer, harm his property or the environment" is seven (7) years from the date of production. This period is the time during which the consumer of this product can safely use it, subject to the instructions for use of this product, carrying out the necessary maintenance, including the replacement of consumables and / or appropriate repair support in a specialized service center of SKB "RA STR". Additional materials supplied with this product may be kept for two (2) years from the date of manufacture.

The service life (shelf life), except for the shelf life of the additional materials mentioned in the previous two paragraphs, does not affect any other rights of the consumer, in particular, the guarantee certificate of SKB "RA STR", which he can obtain in accordance with the law on consumer rights or other laws associated with it.

Warranty obligations.

The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the School radio center RUSH 6102 RU with the technical requirements of DLE2.465332.014.3 TU, provided that the owner observes the operating rules set forth in the instruction manual.

During the warranty period, the owner has the right to free repair of the School Radio Center RUSH 6102 RU upon presentation of the warranty card.

Warranty obligations do not apply to the School Radio Unit RUSH 6102 RU, which has signs of mechanical or other types of damage.

Warranty and post-warranty repairs are carried out by the manufacturer SKB "RA STR".


Free repair during the warranty period is made only in the presence of control seals (stickers).

Modernize and complete the school radio center only with the official partners of the equipment manufacturer SKB "RA STR" with a mark in the warranty card.

In the absence of a mark of an official partner, free repairs are not performed.

Double warranty after a week run at the stand of SKB "RA STR" for 36 months: - the total power of additional loudspeakers should not exceed 60 W;

« acoustics acoustic audio audio conferencing system subscriber equipment automixer automatic broadcasting video surveillance video presentation voting voice loudspeaker loudspeaker gate speaker dynamic sound recording sound sound sound amplifying sound technical sound reinforcement sound engineering hall information source booth conferencing communication components compressor conference congress conference equipment conference congressistem conference system crossover limiter module microphone mixer multi-channel multilingual mobile power monitor multimedia earphone low equipment processing reverse alert alerts voiceover sounding panel translation translator picklimiter right suppressor counting room support instrument wired program professional processor remote radio node radio broadcast node radio point Radio nodeSchool radio microphone radio system radio receiver radio components radio components radio engineering repair reverberator registration RUSH SKB RASTER speech speech speech REC communication synchronous synchronous system studio table rack assembly scheme of territories technology technology television tuner tribune broadcast broadcast amplifier device UPVO digital frequency frequency sear school electronic electronics equalizer radio broadcasting system radiouzel hi-fi audio power amplifier design schematic diagram printed circuit boards pactp ksys radiouzel »

And further:
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