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Error in data crc map. Solving an error in CRC data when copying files

Very often, novice "experienced users" decide to install the OS themselves, but they do not always get it right the first time. When installing Windows, the user may encounter various problems, such as an error 0x0000007b, data error (CRC) and some others, but one of the most common problems still remains "error copying files". Such an error can occur for several reasons, let's try to consider them in order of ease of elimination and probability of occurrence.

1 reason . The most common and easily remedied cause is a CD or DVD disc that has been badly recorded or has already been damaged by time and scratches.
Solution: Record only on high-quality discs, the life of which is more than six months. Company discs Verbatim And TDK are quite suitable, their service life is more than three years.

2 reason . The service life of many CD, DVD drives is only a year and a half. Listen to the drive, if the sounds in it are repetitive, and the files are copied slowly, especially if the computer or laptop is old, then the reason is most likely in it.
Solution: Oddly enough, a freshly burned disc can be read even on the most dead CD drives, so be sure to try changing the disc. If attempts are in vain, then you can reanimate the old CD, DVD drive by increasing the power supplied to the laser, but this is more of a way for the pros. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to do this. If this method does not suit you, and there is no other CD or DVD drive at hand, then there is only one way out - to install the system from a flash drive.

3 reason . RAM.
Solution: This happens extremely rarely and there is almost no chance that a broken RAM bar is to blame, but before moving on to the next reason, it makes sense to check it with a program Memtest 86+ 4.20. You can find this program on the assembly Zver CD 2013.3.

4 reason . If you have tried several discs, are confident in your CD, DVD drive, and the error keeps popping up and popping up or in addition to " error while copying files" you see on the screen "data error (CRC)", then you are in wait for not the most common, but the most unpleasant error - a hard disk error. This happens when problems arise not at the software level, but at the physical level, when the surface of the hard disk pancake is partially destroyed.
Solution: The easiest way, of course, is to buy a new hard drive from a store, but there are ways that can give your hard drive a second chance, which we will now consider. First way suitable if there are very few such places on the surface of the hard disk. To do this, you need to check and fix the hard disk surface with a special utility. Victoria 3.51, it is in the assembly Zver CD 2013.3. Second way suitable if there are many such bad sectors and it is not possible to fix them. In this case, we simply cut off a part of the hard disk with bad clusters (bad parts of the hard disk), so that the computer does not access the damaged surface during operation. To do this, you need to use the program Acronis DD Home 11(we are also looking for it on Zver CD 2013.3) and we simply delete the first 50-300 GB of the hard disk (I advise one third of the total volume), and create a partition / partitions in the rest of the hard disk, after which we put Windows on this partition. If you have restored your hard drive and installed Windows on it, you should not use the partitions of this hard drive as a long-term storage of important data for you.

Yes - life consists not only of white stripes. There are also troubles in it - small, medium, large .. and a CRC error. What type can this disgrace be attributed to, which can increase the level of adrenaline in the blood of a user who decides to have a good time at his PC and download something extremely interesting to his hard drive, but is not able to complete this extremely necessary process?

There are two options for this problem:

  • Acceptable - which is associated with a mismatch of checksums.
  • More serious - which is caused by problems with the hard drive.

Do you think everything is bad? Oh, come on - Dr. Ai-Tupit will come to your rescue here too!

Solving the CRC error in the first case

So, first of all, you need to think - after what does a CRC error occur? Believe it or not, in the vast majority of cases, its root cause is the use of torrents.

Yes, of course, torrent is our everything. However, even this technology sometimes creates some annoyances. What is most offensive is that they can show up much later, for example, at the installation stage (about forty minutes after the start of the installation of the interactive novelty), the message “CRC data error when installing the game” appears. And even if you bang your head against the wall, even bite off the floor of the keyboard, or feed a computer mouse to your beloved cat ten times, nothing will help.

Is there a way out? There is! It consists of just a few steps, although they will require the user to waste time again:

  • Launch torrent client.
  • Delete previously completed downloads from it (specifically, the one that always ends with the inscription “CRC error” during installation).
  • Do the same with the recorded information on the hard drive of your favorite computer.
  • Find a better distribution and, of course, put it in the download order.

By the way, a good distributor always reports the checksum of the size of the downloaded file. Therefore, the user, who has already been burned once, has the opportunity to check the theoretical and real dimensional characteristics so as not to get into the same trouble twice.

CRC error - fixing the second option

So, there was a CRC data error on an external hard drive or traditional equipment that is gathering dust in the computer case. Solving this problem will require a lot of effort from the user, however, nothing is more difficult than homegrown Bill Gates can handle.

The first stage is a banal check that can tell you how to fix an error in the CRC data.

Everything is done easily and simply:

  • Choose exactly the disk that, when trying to write information, leads to a similar situation.
  • Go to "properties" - "service" - "check". The right mouse button will help you.
  • Try to digest the information that will be displayed on the monitor screen when it is completed.

In principle, do not bother - go straight to disk defragmentation. Moreover, the start button for this process is located very conveniently - in the same menu from which the check was performed.

Here you can smoke, cook borscht, cook herring under a fur coat, chat with your favorite hamster, learn how to make paper airplanes - defragmentation is a very long and boring process.

Completed, checked .. did not help. What to do? How to treat HDD CRC data error? The main thing is not ... well, you understand - not to do what is forbidden to do in the tank, but to calmly continue the treatment procedures. Do not panic, but download one of the special programs, such as Victoria or HDD Regenerator. The main thing is not to poke, but immediately change the settings of the programs so that they begin to perform their useful work before the operating system itself starts.

The CRC data error most often occurs when a user copies data or burns an image downloaded from the Internet to a disc. This is a common bug that occurs due to a mismatch between the checksums and the file size.

What is CRC

The abbreviation CRC stands for cyclic redundancy check. Translated into Russian it sounds like this: cyclic redundancy code". This is an algorithm for calculating checksums. With it, a computer device checks the integrity of the data.

This is the application that detects faults in communication technology and protects the computer from them. Works through the mathematical properties of the cyclic code.

Therefore, when the computer detects a checksum mismatch, a CRC error pops up on the user's screen.

Why does the error occur

Often an error in the CRC data appears when copying archives or files from one local drive to another. This usually happens when the failure occurred before the copy process. For example, the information was not fully downloaded from the Internet, or the archive has been corrupted by the person who packaged it or placed it on the website from which it was downloaded.

IN archiving process there could also be a hardware failure. Problems with the RAM installed on the computer can also contribute to the appearance of this bug.

Here are some other issues that cause the error to occur:

  • physical damage carriers;
  • violation in the system registry;
  • crashes when installing programs;
  • data reserved password
  • wrong configuration files.

One of the main causes of cyclic redundancy problems can be the presence of bad sectors(damage) on the hard drive.

Hard drive problems

If there are a lot of bad sectors on the hard drive, which lead to an early failure, information can fall into these sectors, which can also cause problems with initialization. Then it is very difficult to pull out the data intact, and sometimes even impossible. The Bad Copy program can help in this matter.

In order to fix a CRC error on a hard drive or flash drive, it is recommended install utility to the computer and run. Then take the following steps:

If this does not help and the next time you copy, the scoreboard with a bug message appears on the screen again, then recommended to defragment HDD.

To do this, download any defragmenter. For example, O&O defrag .

Install it to your hard drive and run. In the window that opens, click on the " start” and the utility will start defragmenting. We'll have to wait a bit.

Also possible problems with indexing files. To check it is better to disable it:

Another troubleshooting method would be error checking. To do this, you need to repeat the same steps as in the previous paragraph, only in the window that opens, go to the tab " Service' and click on the '' button.

Possible error options

If everything is fine with the hard drive, then the root of the problem may lie in misbehaving utilities.

For example, in uTorrent, if such an error appears as in the photo, then most likely the user has downloaded beaten distribution.

To remove this bug, you need to go to the torrent tracker and download the necessary information from another distribution.

If a CRC bug appears when transferring data from a CD or DVD drive, then most likely the optical media is dirty. You should take it out and wipe it with a dry cloth or a special cloth. If it has severe scratches, the error cannot be corrected. This disc can be thrown away.

The appearance of a CRC error when installing a game indicates the following types of problems:

  • downloaded damaged file. This happened because the internet was unstable at the time of download. It is recommended to download or download from another distribution. The problem of a broken distribution is described above;
  • file was not downloaded to end. This happens when the connection is interrupted.

It is recommended to use torrent trackers. Since the download stops on them if the connection is interrupted. And it starts again when the connection between the Sids and the Pyrrhas is established. That is, the user will always receive the file in full.

On torrent trackers, the chance to stumble upon a broken distribution is also very small.

The CRC data error is quite common. The publication is intended not only for advanced users of a personal computer. Beginners should also take a look at it. To begin with, we give a typical example on the topic under consideration. The computer user is trying to make a copy from a DVD. At this time, a "CRC data error" pops up and the process is interrupted. What does this mean and what can be done to fix the problem?

In this case, failure can be provoked by the following reasons. The first is damage or, to put it more simply, a DVD or CD. The second is file corruption. In the second case, as a rule, we are talking about files packed into archives. For example, a PC user is trying to download a large archive from the Internet, but is faced with the problem discussed in our article.

Usually such files are simply deleted and more and more attempts are made, which, with time, patience and perseverance, should be crowned with success. There are other examples of actions that result in a CRC error. In particular, this problem can also occur during Windows XP. In this case, the error is issued by the system in the same place.

The user looks at the screen, and when, say, 35 minutes (or some other time) remains before the completion of the OS installation process, he sees a sign with the corresponding text: "One of the components required to continue installing the OS was not installed. CRC data error" . From this option, we will consider possible ways to resolve the issue.

As a rule, OS installation is performed from a disk or directly from the Internet. When installing from a CD, you can first try to gently wipe it - clean it with a soft cloth. If the process was carried out from the Internet, most likely, some installation files were copied to the hard drive of the personal computer incorrectly.

In this case, you should use the disk check program and try to start the OS installation again. But sometimes PC users complain that even after the hard drive has been formatted and partitioned, XP still pops up a CRC error from a DVD rom. You can try to follow this advice: "You need to overwrite the OS distribution at a lower speed, as the problem could be caused by a high write speed."

If this recommendation did not help, then it is better to install Windows XP not from a disk, but from a USB flash drive. Then the issue will be resolved for sure. Let's return to the occurrence of an error caused by file corruption when trying to copy information. Special programs - utilities will help to fix it, some of which are discussed below.

The Portable Any Reader PC program is designed to read data and copy information from all kinds of media that are damaged, or if there are any other difficulties when reading (badly readable). Any Reader is especially relevant when working with Wi-Fi, since its functionality is not affected by connection loss or reading errors. There is a function that allows you to specify the expected number of attempts to read from a damaged media.

Recovery Toolbox for CD Free can be recommended as another useful utility that will help solve such a problem as a CRC error. This is a free program specially designed to recover damaged data from various media. It can be used to recover/read files of almost any type in case of the following problems:

  • The storage medium is physically damaged.
  • The media format has been corrupted by the media writer.
  • The operating system generates an error (including a CRC error) when trying to access or read from the storage medium.

Recovery Toolbox for CD Free is equipped with a comfortable, intuitive interface, easy and convenient to use.

Even a novice PC user can successfully use the information provided, and we can only wish you good luck!

A CRC data error can occur when any type of information is copied, whether it is unzipping, transferring data from a media, or downloading data from the Internet. Let's take a step-by-step look at all the possible options for the occurrence of this error, moving from the particular to the general.


This is one of the very first cases where a failure can occur. The archiving process is quite complicated, so the slightest failure can lead to archive corruption. If you get the message "CRC error. The file is corrupted", then most likely the archive was corrupted after it was created. That is, you did not fully download it or copied it from the data carrier. Another version of problems with the archive is that a hardware failure occurred directly during the creation of the archive. Perhaps there was a power failure, the processor was "overclocked" by oneself, or low-quality memory strips were installed. In this case, the information cannot be recovered.

Internet download

If you download any information from the Internet, then when accessing the received data, a crc error may also occur. This, as in the previous case, means that the file is broken. The one who posted the file on the network did not do it completely. Perhaps the download was interrupted through no fault of his, but the data on the network is not complete. The solution to this problem is to look elsewhere for the data you need. Delete the already downloaded file and start downloading. If you are using a torrent, then remove the torrent file from the download along with the bit of downloaded information.


Sometimes when copying information from a disk, flash drive and external screw, files can also be damaged. This also causes a "CRC Data Error" message to appear. What does this mean when working with optical discs?

In 99% of cases, this means that your drive is damaged. And not at the logical, but at the physical level. Try to gently wipe its surface from dust and fingerprints, but do not leave new ones. Another option is to try reading the disc on another computer. If it helps, then there is probably a problem with your drive. If there are scratches on the upper (with a picture) part of the disc, you can try to sketch them with a marker (the old-fashioned way sometimes helps).


To read and restore broken data, the BadCopy program is used. If you see a "Error in CRC data" message when working with disks, it will help you save information. Or at least consider part of it. For example, with its help, you can pull out a video from a damaged disk. Since disk damage occurs on 1-2% of the surface, then the data will be distorted by about the same or even less. Thus, if you save the video with the help of this program, then a couple of frames with unclear graphics will be noticeable during viewing, but otherwise the whole movie will be safe and sound. If the disk is very badly damaged, the program execution may take quite a long time, and it is not certain that the result will be 100%. In general, this program is capable of performing the following actions:

  • Get access to unreadable files.
  • Restore photos on the camera.
  • Recover data deleted using quick format.
  • Recover lost files on various storage media.
  • Read data if it has been deleted from a rewritable optical disc.


The last and most dangerous reason for which a CRC error can appear is a problem with your hardware and pre-installed software.

In any case, remember that no one canceled the preventive care of your computer. Install CCleaner and clean your system regularly. Do a defragmentation at least once every six months. And, of course, correctly remove installed programs, then the CRC error will not appear due to the fault of your equipment.

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