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Error starting application 0xc0000005 aimp. From safe mode

After the 14.08 update in Windows 7, when you start almost any program, "and blah blah blah ..." pops up.
How to fix it - it's simple - to delete the KV update. With such a problem, friends brought their computer. It was running Windows 7 64-bit Maximum edition. They said that Windows was being updated, and then it became impossible to launch any program - not Skype, not Word.

At first I thought that this could not be due to the update - the virus must have been caught. After turning on the computer, many windows popped up with "error when starting the application 0xc0000005", but Windows 7 itself worked fine, all the snap-ins were launched. The Avast antivirus was installed, which also did not start, so I immediately sinned on the virus. But the system restore worked, so I immediately tried to roll back a couple of days ago. But to my surprise system restore failed... After several attempts to rollback, there even appeared a problem with the launch, but the Windows, albeit for a long time, fixed it itself.

How to fix error 0xc0000005

I tried to delete updates for the 14th day manually and the result appeared. It turns out the update is to blame KB2859537... After removing it, the system functioned normally.

It is removed simply, who do not know I explain on the fingers:

1. Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> View Installed Updates (top left). Finding an update KB2859537(it is for 08/14/2013) and click on it with the right mouse button, Delete. We reboot.

2. Disable the installation of KB2859537

If you want to continue using auto update, then you need to disable the installation of KB2859537. This is how it is done. In the control panel, open the Center windows updates, click on the line with the number of recommended updates, a list opens. We are looking for update KB2859537, right-click on it -> Hide update (hide this update). This update will no longer be offered (until we resolve it ourselves). The rest of the updates can be downloaded painlessly.

These are the usual tricks that Microsoft throws out to us. By the way, in Windows 7 at 32 bits a similar problem did not arise.

So it turned out to be easy to get rid of " Application error 0xc0000005«.

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Error 0xc0000005 is very common in all versions operating system Windows, so I hope the information in this article will fully help you solve this problem.

There are many reasons why error 0xc0000005 can appear, as it covers many various problems... Due to this, you will have to try a number of solutions to fix this error.

When error 0xc0000005 appears

An application error has occurred and an error log is being generated. Exception: Access violation (0xc000000), Address.

This message appears after trying to run any application on Windows. After closing the error window, the fastest way is to block the launch of this application.

Error code 0xc0000005 can slip through other error messages as well, depending on which application you are trying to install or run. This error can appear while using the built-in tools of the operating system, such as disk defragmentation.

The reasons for this error are numerous. However, the most common reasons are:

Sometimes this error 0xc0000005 can also be caused by incorrectly installed security updates for Windows.

How to fix error 0xc0000005

Due to the unique nature of error 0xc0000005, there is no clear rule for fixing it as it links to many problems. The number of solutions is as numerous as the reasons why error 0xc0000005 appears.

The first step to resolve error 0xc0000005 is to perform a registry scan

Error 0xc0000005 very often occurs as a result of poor maintenance and problems in the operating system registry. Registry conflicts usually arise due to incorrect installation and uninstall programs.

Very often, computer users install new programs, but at the same time do not uninstall old versions.

In order to solve this problem, you need to enter the registry and delete all duplicates and redundant entries, but this procedure, for many PC users, can be very difficult.

Wrong or accidental deleted entry can lead to failure of the operating system.

Therefore, in order not to do this work manually, enough software has been developed to work with the registry.

Your task is to download the program from the official website and install it. As I wrote earlier, there are many solutions for cleaning the registry, but I recommend that you use "CCleaner", primarily due to its versatility, security, increased productivity to clean the system and restore it.

The second step to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 is to search for and eliminate malware or viruses.

If you systematically receive error 0xc0000005 when opening various applications, then the fastest way, a virus got on your computer.

At the slightest suspicion of a virus, you must immediately run a full system scan. If your computer does not have anti-virus software, you can see the rating "Top 10 Antivirus Programs".

If, on your computer after full check, no viruses were found, try changing your antivirus software and then, again, run a full scan.

The third step to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 - problems with video card drivers

Very often, users receive the 0xc0000005 error immediately after updating the drivers for the video card. If this error occurred for the first time and before that you updated the drivers for the video card, then I recommend that you roll back the drivers to the previous version.

Removing drivers for a video card is very simple:

After these simple manipulations, the drivers for the video card should be updated automatically.

If this does not happen, do the same, but instead of removing the video driver, click "Update video driver".

Fourth step to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 - printer driver problems

Sometimes this error occurs due to a conflict between the printer profile and the settings of the program you are using. If this error appears every time you try to use the printer, in this case, I recommend that you reinstall the drivers.

For more detailed information on how to do this, I suggest you read the article "How to install drivers on a computer or laptop correctly"

Fifth step to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 - disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) was first introduced in Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Basically, it is a set of software and hardware technologies designed to create additional checks memory in order to protect it from viruses. From Windows XP SP2 onward, DEP is used in applications and hardware components.

But the reality is that there are some applications that are not fully DEP compliant. Applications that use the "dynamic code generation" technique and do not flag these generated codes usually have problems with DEP. Applications developed without SafeSEH are also prone to DEP problems.

When an application violates DEP, the user will receive a message STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005).

If you are sure that the cause of error 0xC0000005 is related to DEP issues, then you have 2 options:

  1. Contact the app owner and ask them to fix the problem.
  2. You can disable DEP for an application that systematically causes the 0xC0000005 error, you can do this by following the instructions below.
  • First, make sure you have administrator rights.
  • Click "Start", then "Run" or [Click WIN + R], in the search write sysdm.cpl and click OK

  • "System Properties" will appear, here click on " Additionally", and then " Options».

  • In Performance Options, click on Data Execution Prevention, and then click on Enable DEP for all programs and services except those selected below and click "Add".

  • A window will open for exe downloads file, just go to the exe file of the program that causes systematic errors 0xC0000005, select it, and then click on "Open".

  • After you have done this, click on Apply, and then "OK"
  • The sixth step to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 - RAM failure

    There is a possibility that error 0xc0000005 may appear due to problems with RAM ( Random Access Memory). If you start getting errors after installing new RAM, just remove the RAM bar, and then check if the errors have stopped appearing or not.

    If you haven't changed or tested for a long time RAM on a PC, you may want to consider running tests with RAM. Special tests will answer you the question of what is the state of your RAM.

    Seventh step to resolve error 0xc0000005 - update Internet Explorer 6.0

    Today, there are very few people who use or have installed IE6, but still, sometimes, there are. If you are one of this number of people, install more new version browser, or better, give up this browser altogether.

    IE6 does not understand HTML span tag and if such is found on the page, you will get an error 0xc0000005.

    Eighth step to fix error 0xc0000005 - uninstall Windows Update KB2859537

    If error messages began to appear immediately after updating the operating system, then you need to find the update KB2859537 and remove it. If you cannot find it, then you just need to delete Last update security.

    Removing the latest update is very simple:

    That's all! Everything is very simple and easy.

    Step nine to troubleshoot error 0xc0000005 - use the System File Checker tool

    If you have tried all the methods written above and you did not succeed in eliminating the error 0xc0000005, then you have no choice but to complete last step- you need to run a check system files.

    This tool is designed to scan your computer's system files and replace damaged or missing files. The probability that this step will help you is very small, but you do not need to exclude it, but it is worth trying.

    If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.

    Surely many of you who came to this page have recently updated your operating system Windows 7... Or it automatically updated itself without asking your permission. And after that, an error appeared when starting the application 0xc0000005 when installing programs, applications and games. What is the exception code 0xc0000005?

    It's simple. We're almost as sure that your system is 64 bits. Would you like to know how to fix error 0xc0000005 after updating Windows 7? Then our instructions are exactly what you need! In it we will explain how to fix the problem without.

    Before we tell you what an error when starting programs 0xc0000005 is, we want to give you one piece of advice. Surely many of you download or get from friends unlicensed Windows distributions 7. The matter is of course for everyone personally, only in any case it is better to have on hand not a pirated assembly, but clean distribution systems. Trojans and viruses are often hidden in assemblies, and no one really checks them for errors.

    What is our error 0xc0000005? Everything is simple here. If you have installed a non-updated 64 bit system, then after updating Windows 7, one fix was downloaded to the computer from Microsoft which caused given error... The second variant of events is associated with software package Microsoft. NET Framework 4 ... The error may appear after updating it. Let's figure out how to fix the problem and restore the launch of applications, programs and games.

    How to fix error starting application 0xc0000005 in Windows 7

    So, we need to get rid of the update that caused the error. First of all, we advise you to do a system restore and roll it back to a restore point that was saved by Windows 7 earlier. System recovery is done as follows. Go to "Start", find the "Standard" folder, open it and find the "System" folder. Next, you need to select the "System Restore" item.

    In the Windows 7 System Restore Service, you will be offered the saved points by dates to which you can restore Windows and remove the 0xc0000005 error. Unfortunately, not all of them have these points. Someone simply turns off the regular recovery service, while someone has not yet saved the point, but the error already exists. How to fix error 0xc0000005 if the system cannot be restored? Let's look at the second option to fix the problem.

    Remove Microsoft .NET Framework 4

    The second method also does not require special skills and expertise. In fact, it was not the system itself that was updated, but updated. Microsoft package.NET Framework 4. Since we have already said above that the error when starting the application 0xc0000005 may appear after updating the .NET Framework 4 software platform, now we will simply uninstall this software and reinstall it. Go to the "Control Panel" again, find the item "Programs and Features", look for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 in the list installed programs and delete it.

    After uninstalling, you need to restart Windows. The trouble is that this framework is needed for many programs and applications to work. Therefore, if there is a requirement for a program to use this framework, then it makes sense to find either a newer version of this package, or, on the contrary, more old version... There is another way to fix error 0xc0000005. You can manually remove the downloaded updates by the system.

    How to fix application error 0xc0000005 manually

    To eliminate the error when starting applications 0xc0000005 manually, you need to remove the service pack from regular user will not work. You need to enter the system. At the command line, you need to run three commands that will remove the update numbers that led to the error:
    1. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2882822
    2. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339
    3. wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537

    Many are probably wondering what it is wusa.exe. This utility specifically designed to remove Windows updates. If, for some reason, the update data has not been deleted or the number that causes the error 0xc0000005 does not match the ones written above, then desired number you can try to find updates manually. To do this, you need to boot into the Windows Recovery Environment.

    To do this, restart the computer and periodically press the F8 key when it boots. You need to click to load the Windows 8 operating system. doing the right thing the system recovery environment should appear. In the list of items you need to find " Additional options download ", go to this item menu and then select the item "Computer troubleshooting."

    After that, on the command line, type the following command:

    • DISM / Image: C: \ / Get-Packages

    Where the letter "C" between the two colons is the letter of the drive on which your operating system is installed. After entering this command, the screen will display a large list of updates that are installed in Windows. Search problematic update better from the end of the list. Let's consider deleting the number KB2859537 as an example.

    As soon as you find the desired number, select it with the mouse and write in the line:

    • DISM / Image: D: \ / Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2859537~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~

    Copying such a long line can be shortened. To do this, it is enough to first select "Package_for_KB2859537 ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ x86 ~~" with the mouse, then type in the command "DISM / Image: D: \ / Remove-Package / PackageName:" (without quotes), and then just click the mouse after colon. All previously selected text will be inserted by itself. This completes our instruction. Hopefully the error when starting the application 0xc0000005 after the Windows update has been defeated and now your applications, programs and games are working again.

    Error 0xc0000005 is quite common in the windows 7 and windows 10 and 8 operating systems.

    It first appeared after Microsoft released updates for the second half of 2013 for all versions of the operating system.

    When does the problem appear?

    The update released by the developer aims to change a number of important system files in order to increase their security level.

    The error occurs when the user launches programs.

    At the same time, it is impossible to guess which program will not want to run.

    Follow the instructions:

    • Turn on the start menu;
    • In the application search box, find Command Prompt;
    • Click on it right key mouse and in the drop-down list select the item to run as device administrator, as shown in the figure below;

    • In the window that opens, enter the following command: wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537 and press Enter;
    • If the above command did not work, enter wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2872339 or wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2882822 or wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 971033 instead and press Enter;
    • The previous action allows you to access the utility for rolling back the last update installed in the operating system. Now go to your computer control panel and go to the tab to uninstall applications;
    • Click on the "View Updates" button to see the executable files you need to remove. The picture below shows the file to be erased. If such a file is not in the list, the update was completely removed using command line;

    Now restart your Personal Computer or a laptop so that all saved files disappear completely and the update does not appear again.

    Uninstalling Updates Using Control Panel

    You can also uninstall updates using the control panel. Go to the update management center.

    On the right side of the screen, click on a tab to view all previously installed updates from Microsoft.

    In the window that opens, you will see a list of all the executable files... You can sort them by date to find them faster. required package data.

    After sorting, all packages will be divided into categories. V Windows categories 200 are required files... They are shown in the figure below:

    Remember! To completely remove the update, you need to clear the entire Windows 200 category. To erase a package, you need to remove one item at a time. In total, the category contains more than two hundred files that need to be destroyed. This is not very convenient way... It is more expedient to use the command line, where the removal process is described by only one short command.

    Let's take a look at how to fix the error and what to do if you can't even launch the control panel. An error in the wusa.exe utility is also causing the problem.

    There are several ways how you can get around the restriction on the inclusion of all programs of the operating system:

    • Start the Windows operating system in safe mode. This is one of the most basic and reliable ways to fix any problem that occurs while working with the OS;
    • Turn off your computer or restart it;
    • During next inclusion in the first few seconds after the screen is lit, press the F8 button. It will open the settings window additional parameters loading the operating system. It looks like this:

    • Use the navigation keys to select the boot option with safe mode... Perhaps this option will take a little longer than usual;
    • After the system starts, uninstall updates using any of the above methods: using the command line, the uninstall window, or using the update installation center.

    If your system has been very badly affected by this problem, then most likely the option to boot using safe mode will not work either.

    In this case, you will have to apply more complex measures to troubleshoot the problem:

    • Turn off your computer and turn it on again;
    • Go to the advanced boot parameters window, as it was done in previous instructions articles;
    • Select the troubleshooting item for the operating system, as shown in the figure below and click on Enter;

    • Now select the language you need and enter the computer administrator password;
    • If there is no menu item for recovery, you need to boot the operating system using removable media: flash drive or regular disk... Take an image of exactly the OS that is installed on the computer;
    • Insert external media into the drive;
    • Turn on the computer and change the boot order in BIOS. And the first place must be put the name of the drive in which the disk with the OS is inserted;
    • Exit the BIOS menu, if the launch has not occurred, restart the computer;
    • After restarting, the OS installation window should appear;
    • At the bottom of the window, click on the item "Restoring the operating system";
    • Now in the window that opens, select the command line;
    • To continue fixing the problem, remember on which hard disk your operating system is installed. It is usually located on system disk WITH;
    • If you do not remember which of the disks the OS is installed on, enter the notepad command in the command line to invoke standard program text pad;
    • Click on the "File" toolbar and use the Open button to turn on the explorer. See which of the disks has Windows folder- That's what it is HDD with OS;
    • Now turn off notepad and go back to the command line;
    • Enter in it DISM command/ Image: C: \ / Get-Packages In our case, C is the drive on which the operating system is located;
    • After executing the command, a lot of data will be displayed in the window. Among them, you must select the lines with the update number, as shown in the figure below;

    • Mark the lines, like the one highlighted in the image above, to the clipboard. To do this, select it with the mouse and click on the right mouse button. In the pop-up window, select the copy field;
    • Enter DISM / Image: C: \ / Remove-Package / PackageName: copied-package-name here;
    • Execute the command by pressing the Enter button;
    • If you find a few more packages with updates, do the same with them;

    The instruction allows you to remove service packs from the operating system.

    Now you can remove the disk or USB flash drive with the OS image from the drive, configure the standard boot queue in BIOS and turn on the system in the standard way.

    Sometimes error 0XC0000005 appears when launching an application or game. Let's see why it occurs and how to treat it.

    Cause of occurrence

    The following Windows updates cause the error:
    • kb2859537
    • kb2872339
    • kb2862966
    • kb2882822
    • kb2598845
    • kb2544521
    Depending on the Windows settings, such updates can be installed both automatically and in manual mode... It is noteworthy that all such errors occur for some reason on 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8.

    What messages does the game (application) give when error 0XC0000005)

    Messages can be different. I've met these:
    • Error: access violation 0xC0000005
    • Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    • Application initialization error (0xc0000005)
    If you're lucky, if not, then the system will show at all blue screen of death.

    Solving the problem error 0XC0000005

    All methods are written according to the degree of complexity of implementation. Start with the first and try until you are satisfied with the solution.
    Since the error is related to Windows updates, disable Windows update before all subsequent manipulations.
    Start → Control Panel → Windows Update → Adjust settings → select "Do not check for updates (not recommended)".

    To do this, click right click with the mouse on the shortcut desired application, select "Run as administrator".

    2. Uninstall Framework and reinstall.

    To remove Framework use the algorithm Start → Control Panel → Programs and Features.
    Search for Framework.
    Remember the version number of the Framework (we still have to install it again). Click on the .NET Framework with the mouse, select "Remove".
    Reboot your computer.
    Reinstall Framework.
    Depending on the Windows versions we recommend such versions of the .NET Framework. Better, of course, to install the version that you had before uninstalling.
    Download Framework 3.5 for Windows 7
    Download Framework 4.0 for Windows 7 Framework 4.5 for Windows 7, Windows 8, for Windows 8.1 Framework 4.6 for Windows 7, Windows 8, for Windows 8.1, Windows 10

    3. Uninstall Windows updates that are causing the error

    3.1. Removing updates manually

    3.1.1. Removal via Update Center
    To uninstall updates go to Start → Control Panel → Windows Update → View Update Log → Installed updates

    Find and remove updates:

    3.1.2 Uninstall via command line

    For Windows 7:
    Start → Search → write "Command line"... Right-click and select "Run as administrator".

    For Windows 8:
    We press the keyboard shortcut Win + X... In the menu that appears, select "Command line (Administrator)".

    For Windows 10:

    So the command line is running.
    In it we write a command to remove updates.
    For Windows 7:
    wusa.exe / uninstall (space) / kb: 2859537

    and by analogy:
    wusa.exe / uninstall / kb2872339
    wusa.exe / uninstall / kb2862966
    wusa.exe / uninstall / kb2882822
    wusa.exe / uninstall / kb2598845
    wusa.exe / uninstall / kb2544521

    Similarly for Windows 8 and Windows 10.
    After each remote update, we reboot the computer and try to run the program. If the problem is resolved, then the rest of the updates, such as those that do not cause an error, are left in the system.
    3.1.2. Removing updates in safe mode
    If updates are not removed, then start your computer in safe mode.
    For Windows 7:
    • overload,
    • front Windows start press F8,
    • in the window that appears, select safe mode.

    For Windows 8:
    In the search, type msconfig, in the window that appears, switch to the "Boot" tab and check the box next to Safe Mode.
    After entering safe mode, uninstall the update using one of the above methods.

    For Windows 10:
    The same steps as with Windows 8.

    3.1.3. If the specified updates are not present, then remove the ones that were installed last.
    Start → Control Panel → Windows Update → View Update History → Installed Updates. Sort by install date.
    Uninstall all updates from the day you got the 0XC0000005 error.

    3.2. Remove updates using system restore

    In the Search line for Windows 7, enter "system restore".
    In the Search line for Windows 8, enter "computer recovery".
    We start the system restore. We select the date of restoration, the one when there was no error.

    For Windows 10:
    The same steps as with Windows 8.

    4. Reinstall Windows

    The last, already traditional advice. If all else fails, reinstall Windows.

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