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  • Original box xiaomi mi band 2. Fake differences from the original: practical observations and information from the Internet

Original box xiaomi mi band 2. Fake differences from the original: practical observations and information from the Internet

The popularity of fitness bracelets continues to grow, but at the same time, the number of fakes for famous and high-quality models is increasing. Smart watches from Xiaomi from the second line were no exception. Do you want to buy them, but do not know how to distinguish the original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 from a fake? Then this article is for you.

How to distinguish a fake Mi Band 2 from the original in appearance

Certainly, the main criteria of distinction are hidden in appearance... A fake can be made almost perfectly, without any scratches, scuffs, unknown stickers and signs, but by comparing it with the original, we will still find differences, even cosmetic ones.

We will consider the review of the packaging a little later, but now we take out the unoriginal Xiaomi fitness bracelet, and let's go!

Charging cable

First, we take the charging wires. In the copy, the cord is always shorter, and in the original it is much longer. By tactile sensations, we understand that fake wire is glossy, smooth and glides on in your hands, whereas real matte.

The cable caps, where the tracker itself is attached, are usually the same size, but it is only necessary to turn them over, as we notice a clear "joint" in the fake: there is no Mi logo.

Visually, the replica wire looks uncouth, rough and obviously made of cheap plastic.

USB connector: there are abrasions, micro scratches, a clear yellowish tint, which also indicates low quality. Contacts are identical, only the copy has an unknown cut at the bottom.

Rubber strap

Now let's move on to the strap. The set always comes with a black rubber strap, let's take a look at it. Duplicate color muted, no elegant deep blacks, there is a grayish tint... All buttons and clasp are exactly the same.

We unfasten the strap, turn it over and look: the original has the model name and ID number, the replica has no identification marks... The holes match, and there are nine of them.

Further quality. The Xiaomi strap is very soft, bends and wrinkles without problems, is lightweight and feels like velvet. This is made for long-term wearing of the bracelet, so that the wrist does not chafe and there is no discomfort. But the fake leaves much to be desired: the strap is hard, unpleasant to the touch and looks quite cheap.

Moreover, the material of the original belt is medical hypoallergenic; the replica, of course, has ordinary rubber.

Therefore, if your skin is prone to various rashes, redness and itching, and after wearing Mi Band 2 you notice this, you can be sure - in front of you is a duplicate.

Tracker (capsule)

Let's get down to the "stuffing" - the tracker. And here, be very careful! The replica always has a font on the display, either bright blue or pale green, but the first lots of original bracelets also had symbols with a greenish tint. If you bought Mi Band 2 for a long time and noticed the "green" - it does not matter, but in the case of a recent purchase, you should be on your guard, because all subsequent games come with only a deep white color. Clarity is usually excellent, even with a duplicate.

Work speed

If the fake is of high quality, nothing will slow down, the touch button usually works quite quickly, nothing freezes or glitches. It is on more or less normal performance that a bias is made when creating a copy.

But the quality of the button on the duplicate still suffers: the roughness is felt, the engraving is uneven, the drawing is poor, the original has no problems with this, everything is perfect.


The contacts on the tracker are almost the same, only if you look closely, you can see the difference in size literally in a millimeter. On replica they stick out a little more and more.

Heart rate monitor and pedometer

The glass and thickness are usually identical, but the heart rate monitor is different in working order. The green LEDs on the original are two small "flashlights" spaced apart, while on the copy it is one solid green LED.

The difference in measurements is usually not large, it is only three to four beats per minute, so everything is fine here. Likewise with, he does not lie on a quality duplicate.

Lack of logo

Let's return to the tracker and consider the last difference: the non-original Mi Band 2 lacks the Mi logo on the back of the capsule. Basically, almost everywhere there are no company logos on the craft, which immediately suggests the idea of ​​a low-quality and non-original model.

Important notice about the screen! The counterfeit display is very contrasty, which at first glance seems excellent, but in fact, due to excessive brightness, you will not be able to see any data in sunlight.

This is where the visual differences end, and they do not play a significant role in the performance of the fitness bracelet, these are purely cosmetic remarks.

Visual differences are often not enough, and in order to accurately identify a fake (perhaps for further return to the store), we will look for the remaining inaccuracies of the duplicate.

By MAC address

To do this, go to the proprietary Mi Fit application, go to the section "Profile"... Next, we click on the linked device and go to a new page where the detailed information is located. We go down to the very bottom and find the item "MAC address".

We remember the value, exit the application and try again. We look at the address again, and if there are already other symbols there, you can be sure of the replica.

In a fake, the code is generated randomly every time, while in the original it is always the same value.

By the appearance of the box

A fake almost always comes in a yellow cardboard box. without identification marks, there is no information sheet, the Xiaomi logo, there can only be a photo of the fitness bracelet itself. Mi Bands 1 and 1 Plus were also sold in such packages.

The original Mi Band 2 is sold in a snow-white box, where is the name, the Xiaomi mark, on the bottom of the information sheet. Of course, all of this must be sealed in polyethylene, no tears, holes or traces of printing.

note that first installments original Mi Bands 2 also sold in yellow boxes, and now the next waves of selling are in white.

Miscellaneous software

And the main disadvantage of the duplicate is it doesn't connect to Mi Fit. Yes, you cannot sync your fitness bracelet with the app, as a result of which any customization is simply impossible.

There are "advanced" replicas that the program recognizes and, in principle, works fine with them. Such duplicates can be recognized by a different MAC address, which we wrote about above.

But there is a way out even for copies, namely auxiliary utilities, by installing which, it is possible to work with Mi Fit. For instance, FunDoBraclet... If you do everything right, even a non-original device will function quite tolerably well, but no one insures against some non-working options.

And also note that the duplicate has no moisture protection at all. The first trip to the shower or to the pool with a fake Mi Band 2 will be the last for a fitness bracelet.

Of course, the original device does not withstand boiling water or great depths, but standard water procedures are carried out without harm to the "smart" watch.

Conclusions: is it worth buying a fake

  1. You have a pretty tight budget.
  2. No allergy to cheap rubber.
  3. There are no quirks about visible design differences.
  4. You always remove all accessories before taking a bath.

In this case, you can safely choose a replica. But be prepared for incorrect work and unnecessary troubles about the software.

Also, do not forget that the duplicate will not be able to withstand about 20 days without recharging, as promised in the original.

A maximum of a week at best, and it will take already. And if you have lost the "native" charger that comes with the duplicate, you can say goodbye to the bracelet, because no original charger sold in stores will fit a replica.

Maybe the reason lies in the application itself. If possible, try to synchronize another device, and if it is also unsuccessful, update the software, reinstall the program.

The purchased Xiaomi fitness bracelet is missing all the logos, is it a copy?

We cannot say with guaranteed certainty, but there is such a risk. Check smartwatches for other counterfeit criteria.

As you can see, distinguishMi Band2 counterfeiting is pretty easy, and whether to make a choice in favor of a duplicate is already an individual decision of each user, depending on his goals regarding the use of a fitness bracelet.


Xiaomi has firmly established its niche in the electronics market, thanks to the optimal combination of quality, performance and price of its products. For example, in the category of fitness trackers, one of the best offers is the Mi Band 2 model. How to distinguish the original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 from a fake will be discussed further.

Verification steps

All actions aimed at establishing the authenticity of the purchased device can be conditionally divided into several stages. So you can distinguish:

  • Inspection of the appearance of the packaging;
  • Inspection of the appearance of the device itself;
  • Checking the functionality of the device.

The verification of the authenticity of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is complicated by the fact that the quality of counterfeit goods often approaches the original, but upon closer examination, there are still differences.


The first thing to look out for is the packaging. It is important to note here that this tracker comes in a white package on the outside, which depicts the bracelet itself, and on the lower side edge of the manufacturer's logo. Despite the fact that the first batches with the new version of the bracelet were in the box from the previous model, this was fixed almost immediately. The packaging itself must be free of mechanical damage or damage to the integrity of the protective film.

The appearance of the bracelet and tracker

Another criterion that will help check the originality of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is the appearance of the device itself. Visually, the original product should not have any defects, such as streaks from casting, cracks or burrs. In terms of tactile sensations, the fake strap is usually rougher. On the inside of the bracelet there is a special marking, while the strap of the copy is smooth.

You can also identify the original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 by the tracker itself. It is important to pay attention to a number of signs here:

  1. There is a company logo on the back of the capsule of this device;
  2. The sensors of the original are located at some distance from each other, while in the fake they are practically doubled;
  3. The charging contacts on the counterfeit device are somewhat beyond the dimensions of the case.

If you pay attention to the sensors during operation, then the counterfeit sensors shine noticeably brighter than that of a real bracelet.


The special software used to connect the fitness tracker and the smartphone can also help to identify the original or fake Xiaomi Mi Band 2. In this case, we are talking about the proprietary Mi Fit application. The original device should be easily recognized by the application, and if difficulties arise at this stage, then we can talk about the presence of a factory defect in the manufacture of the product, or its counterfeit origin.

In some cases, a fake can work with the application in normal mode, but if you go to the "MAC address" menu item after connecting, you can see the same value during several serial connections. The firmware of this bracelet dynamically generates this item.

Speaking about how to distinguish a fake Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet, the level of software localization should also be mentioned. The counterfeit menu is usually translated extremely "crooked", which becomes noticeable at the first launch. In addition, when connected to a smartphone, the fake Mi tracker will correspond to the abbreviation "Y2".


As practice shows, from the point of view of direct use, the replica of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 devices is not much inferior to the original. So, for example, one of the important functions is that the pedometer is working properly. The deviation from the real values ​​is minimal, so a fake can be used for these purposes. As for the differences in functionality, the main one is the almost complete lack of protection from moisture for a fake, despite the fact that the original is completely waterproof.

There are many ways to check Xiaomi Mi Band 2 for originality. Most of them are not explicit, but in their totality they can spoil the impression of using the company's products. Moreover, if a replica is considered for purchase deliberately, then due to the difference in cost and relatively similar functionality, its use is quite possible for an unassuming user.

And at another hour, since I carry the phone deep in my bag and in crowded transport it is not always convenient to take it out to see the time: "Run urgently to work or will I have time to wrap up a bun for tea?"
I decided to change my fitness tracker to a more modern model that combines both a watch and a pedometer.

But for some reason I decided that a fitness tracker in Africa is a fitness tracker. I sacredly believed that if I buy it from hands on the cheap, nothing bad will happen. It will work as cute.
I bought Xiaomi mi band 2 from one smiling young man.
The next two days, in various ways and dances, I tried to connect it both to the original software application on the phone, and to different ones. Updated and downloaded everything you can and need.
Nothing succeeded!
The phone didn't even see it!
Only at the end of the second day I came across a site with the same poor fellows like me. There I found out that fitness trackers are both original and fake.
Oh what news!
The fake will not connect to any program in any way! Although, the rare lucky ones claim that they managed to connect and listed the left-handed programs with which I did not work out. I suspect they were counterfeit sellers.
And the chat seller swore and swore that his fitness tracker was connected to the original program the first time, soon he got tired of the tracker and sold it to the buyer, that is to me. And then he stopped answering me. Well, figs with him, by that time I had already realized that I was a sucker.
Well, why did I, usually studying detailed information before buying equipment, hope here at random?
Well, this will be a lesson to me for the future.
A week later, I bought another Xiaomi mi band 2 fitness tracker in a hardware store. Right there, before buying, I made the seller unpack the box and check for compatibility with the application. I don’t know how I managed to persuade the seller to commit a violation ... But the fitness tracker connected! Wee-and-and-and !!!
After that, I decided to write a post to protect future owners of fitness trackers from fakes. Fortunately, I have both samples in stock.
For you, in order to compare the two trackers, I changed the time and date format in the original, usually only the time flaunts on my screen.

This is the most important part! If you see an unmarked box from under a fitness tracker at the seller's place, get your feet away from it right away! It's a fake!

The fake tracker has a brighter screen, the touch button is more sensitive.
Do not pay attention to the font, because after updating the pedometer program, the fonts on the original tracker changed, but they remained old on the fake. Judging by the date on the fake tracker, the seller was completely overwhelmed by the fact that he "worked for him."
You can still control your steps on a fake tracker. For fun, I walked around the room with two trackers, counting my steps. Then she checked the results. They surprised me! The original one counted as I did, but the fake tracker missed a few steps. Hey, that's not fair!

Here you can immediately see that the original tracker is made neat, the button is on the same level with the screen, and on the fake button is larger, around it you can see a recess from the screen.

The glass part of the original on the heart rate sensor takes up much less space than on a fake. But the sensor on the fake shines brighter. And what's the point? How can I use a flashlight?
The most important detail of the original tracker is the MI brand logo. It is her absence on the tracker that betrays a fake. Another important detail, take a closer look at the charging in the form of two points. In a fake, they protrude by 1 millimeter, while in the original they merge with the body of the tracker.

To be honest, both bracelets feel very similar to the touch, but the original is a little velvety and softer. Just a little.
The original bracelet differs from the fake one by the presence of markings indicating its belonging to a fitness tracker. It is absent on the fake.

On the original bracelet there is a button clasp with a rounded end, and on a fake with a flat one. But they both attach well and hold the bracelet firmly on the wrist. The fake is done conscientiously. I decided to leave it as a spare bracelet.

The original charging cable is slightly longer than the fake one and has the MI logo. They both charge equally well, with the fake cable taken to work. to be able to charge the fitness tracker there.

The box of the original fitness tracker was made much neater, the tracker held a small piece of cardboard, and on the fake, cardboard was glued over the top of the tracker, almost over the entire box. Rough work.

The two boxes do not differ in size from each other, only the enclosed instructions are different. In the instructions of the fake tracker, I found the name of the software to which neither I nor other users could connect. In bluetooth, the fake is shown as M2, while at the same time the original is designated as Xiaomi mi band 2.

I still don't know what to do with a fake tracker. And so it lies. I took the fake charging cable to work, and the bracelet is at home as a backup.

Don't make my mistakes! Original Xiaomi mi band 2 fitness trackers!

Today, Chinese smartphones are intensively filling the shelves of specialized outlets and lines in the catalogs of online stores. People get used to the increased functionality of mobile technology, but at the same time they are trying to make it even easier to use it for themselves by increasing the number of useful functions. Various accessories help them in this: smart watches or bracelets, shoes and floor scales, synchronized with a mobile phone. However, there is a problem: for example, when buying a Xiaomi Mi Band 2, few will be able to distinguish a fake. The article will focus on determining the authenticity of this particular bracelet, but some rules will apply to a large number of similar devices.

What to do to get an original, not a low-quality copy:

  1. To apply for a purchase exclusively at official outlets, where not only the product will be presented, but also all the documentation for it with a warranty card from the manufacturer.
  2. Monitor the integrity of the packaging.
  3. It is imperative to compare the cost, since for the sake of selling a fake, the price can be deliberately reduced.

Counterfeit detection when unpacking

So, what is worth knowing when unpacking the purchased Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and how to distinguish a fake in this case:

  1. The packaging of the device itself can be presented in gray (it practically does not occur, since devices were sold in such a container even during the first serial production) and white (a new generation after the expansion of the bracelet supply). There are no inscriptions on the top of the box (only a photo of the bracelet), the original Xiaomi logo is applied on both sides (end, located parallel to each other), and an information sheet is glued to the bottom, which occupies about a third of this part of the box. In the old format, when the packaging was gray, there was nothing on it at all except the company logo on the top lid and an information sheet on the bottom. Naturally, the container should be sealed in polyethylene without any tears or cuts.
  2. Immediately after, you need to connect the device to your smartphone. If this cannot be done, then, most likely, the bracelet is defective or it is fake, which should provoke its prompt replacement by the seller.

Checking the unpacked bracelet

How to verify the authenticity of an unpacked device:

  1. Clever "intruders" taught their fake bracelets to connect to Mi Fit, which, as mentioned above, automatically points to the original, but it is quite easy to check this point. You need to go to the application, connect the device and go to the menu Profile - Mi Band - MAC address. In the case of the first version of the bracelet, the value was set to 88: 0F: 10, and for the second, a system for randomly generating a MAC address was invented. Naturally, if the same value is set for several connections, then the conclusion suggests itself.

  1. Also, the fake will have a different feel. The reason for this difference is that Xiaomi uses high quality materials for its products. The strap of the original bracelet is very soft, one might even say velvety. A fake usually even weighs significantly more.
  2. On the back of the bracelet capsule, the Xiaomi logo must be present.

  1. Also, most of the "wrong" bracelets have extended charging contacts. If this is not visually discernible, then the incompatibility with the charger will be noticeable already during the first recharging session.
  2. Take a close look at the back of the heart rate monitor in working order. In the original, the LEDs are located at a distance from each other.

  1. Finally, it should be said that the official product has a very high level of protection against moisture, which allows it to be used in the shower or when washing dishes. You should not test the materials of the bracelet under boiling water, as it is quite suitable for people leading an active lifestyle, and everyone else may not hide it in the rain. As for a fake, it will not survive the first contact with water.

Today, online stores seem to be a much more attractive place to buy various electronics and other devices than various shopping centers and all kinds of stalls. Of course, no one will give guarantees for a smartphone ordered from Ali, but it will be one and a half to two times cheaper than in any hypermarket of household appliances. This means that buying various little things like fitness bracelets (and especially the cult “mi band”) is there.

One of the largest online electronics stores and at the same time the most famous in our country is Aliexpress. It is an Asian, mostly Chinese, marketplace that ships orders all over the world.

However, this is not the only "Chinese" online electronics store.

Where is the best place to buy the Xiaomi Mi Band 2?

The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet is a very useful and practical thing. She knows how to count steps, track physical activity, motivate her for morning runs and even wake her up in REM sleep so as not to feel overwhelmed immediately after opening her eyes. But, most importantly, it costs almost a mere penny (about one and a half thousand rubles).

The device can be purchased in various online stores, for example:

  • BangGood;
  • DealExtreme;
  • GearBest;
  • Aliexpress.

Have Banggood there is almost everything to become an almost ideal store - a wide assortment, free shipping, accepting a bunch of payment methods, a mobile application and Russian interface language. The price of a fitness bracelet as of the end of October 2017 is 1,783 rubles.

There is only one small drawback - it took a long time to find this device. For some reason, in the search, he ended up on the second page, and the whole first one was occupied with various straps, protective glasses and other accessories.

DealExtreme- almost the main competitor for BangGood, therefore it offers all the same advantages. The price of a fitness bracelet on this site is from 1,718 to 1,861 rubles, depending on the configuration, and the purchased goods are sent within 24 hours after payment. only accepts credit cards and PayPal. And everything else is the same: there is free delivery, a mobile application, Russian and a wide range. Unfortunately, getting to the above Russian language is very difficult. The translation is lame on all legs, and the gadget costs 1727-2015 rubles.

Have GearBest there is everything, including accepting WebMoney, constant flash sales (sales that last a couple of hours) and other coupons. The device will cost 1,500 rubles.

Aliexpress so popular and functional that it doesn't need a description. He has a Russian language, a lot of payment methods, a mobile application, free shipping and a huge assortment. A fitness bracelet costs ... 1400 rubles. He has excellent reviews and ratings, as well as shipment from a warehouse in Russia - which means that he will arrive in a couple of weeks.

Do you need further proof that Aliexpress is the best online store for buying various electronics? If they are still required, then it is advisable to take into account that Ali has a very simple and well-developed search. That is, the very first product is most likely the original, with excellent reviews and price.

In addition, do not forget about cashback, which is about 7% of the cost of a bracelet on Aliexpress. And since I was also going to acquire a second Mi band, this was the best offer for me. By the way, if someone else does not know what cashback is and how to use it, we recommend the cashback service Letyshops- click. And about my personal experience of buying, see below.

Personal experience of buying Mi Band 2 from Aliexpress

First, a little about registration. On aliexpress, it is quite simple. After choosing the desired product (by the way, it can be presented by a variety of sellers, and one of the best resellers of Xiaomi and in particular Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is tnxinkj Store), you need to click "Buy Now" and specify:

  • Your email address (it will be used as a login);
  • Own name;
  • The name of the country;
  • Address (street, house, apartment);
  • Region;
  • City or town;
  • Postal code - it is needed because Post employees can get confused in the name in Latin letters;
  • Your mobile phone.

When choosing a delivery method, it should be noted that there is no significant difference in delivery times (in practice) between them, unless, of course, we take into account the delivery, the cost of which exceeds the bracelet itself. Therefore, you can safely choose any of the cheapest method.

As I wrote above, I bought my Mi Band 2. I checked the seller on personal experience and now I can safely recommend it to you. Everything came whole, in the factory film, and, most importantly, the original.

Then you can pay for the order. It is worth checking your email inbox, you will receive an account confirmation email. This link is used to set the password for the account. After payment, you will have to wait a couple of days until the seller sends the product and the track code to track it.

Some stores have a warehouse in Russia, so the goods can arrive very quickly. Literally in 7-10 days (like my bracelet). From China, the parcel will take longer - from 20 to 60 days. However, this is the only negative of free shipping.

How to distinguish a fake Xiaomi Mi Band 2 from the original?

It is possible to distinguish an original bracelet from a fake one only by the reviews and the seller's rating. The closer it is to 5 stars, the better. But the number of positive reviews should exceed 95%.

And now about the features of the original, which is already on hand:
1. Box: white cardboard with a picture of the device (not light brown without "decorations");
2. The bracelet strap is smooth, with worn and imperceptible seams, marked with xmsh04hm;
3. The "capsule" itself is marked with Mi and a brightly visible light heart rate sensor.

And the main thing. Installation of not Mi Fit is required, but another program.

Should you buy the Mi Band 2?

As the first fitness bracelet - definitely worth it. The device is good at counting steps, detecting physical activity, measuring heart rate, and generally helps to move more.

Compared to its predecessor, the device has received a display that shows hours, steps taken or even notification icons from a smartphone. This is a very good device that you can use to replace or update your old bracelet. Moreover, at such a price, it definitely deserves a purchase recommendation.

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