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Organization of information support for management. Information support of the enterprise management system

Information support of organization management

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of information support for enterprise management ………………………………………………… ..

Informatization of management in modern conditions is based mainly on the use of computer technology. This process includes several stages:

1. Formation of an appropriate technical and technological base (using the latest information technologies and modern electronic computing and communication means);

2. Organization of production and distribution of information and computing services;

3. Development of the information service mechanism and the creation of an effective system for managing these processes;

4. Introduction and operation of progressive forms, methods and means of carrying out information activities in management processes, as well as the creation of the necessary material, technical, organizational, economic and social conditions for this.

The effective use of a computer depends on the following conditions:

Creation of the computers themselves;

Creation of software for them;

Preparedness of the application environment.

In the in-house information system, the following types of computer technology are used:

Large and personal computers;


Telecommunications facilities;

Electronic typewriters, composers, terminal devices with built-in microcomputer;

Means of automated processing of text information.

Computers are used primarily for data processing and solving computational problems. In modern conditions, computers have become increasingly used to process non-numerical information, and the term "computing technology" has ceased to correspond to the nature of the problems solved with the help of a computer.

The development of telecommunication systems made it possible to combine all technical means of processing digital and text information into a single in-house information system.

The most effective is the information system based on the simultaneous use of computer technology and automated processing of textual information.

Comprehensive automated information processing involves the integration into a single complex of all technical means of information processing using the latest technology, methodology and various procedures for information processing. The creation of an integrated automated system includes sequential stages:

Automation of the processes of collecting, storing and issuing data;

Use of devices for automated processing of text information and phototypesetting devices;

Integration of separate information processing processes into a single in-house system;

Combining technical means of digital and text information via e-mail;

The use of the entire complex of technical means of information processing, the transition to a unified system for processing all types of information.

They started talking about the automation of personnel management activities in Russia recently. If accounting packages were created a long time ago and are actively used in almost all structures, then little thought was given to the automation of labor of personnel workers, and the demand for such systems has recently grown significantly. Automation of personnel management activities gives:

Efficiency of control the ability to obtain consistent and complete data on the structure of the enterprise, positions of the staffing table and employees;

Strict control over the activities of subsidiaries;

Customizable reporting documentation development system;

Transition to new technologies and methods of work;

Improving working conditions;

Management flexibility.

The quality of enterprise management is influenced by such factors as the efficiency and quality of the formation of documents, the reception and transmission of information, the consistency of the work of the reference and information service, the clear organization of storage, search and use of documents.

When a computer came to replace the typewriter, and correspondence became possible without the use of envelopes and postage stamps, it became quite obvious that today when working with information one cannot do without using the latest information technologies.

At the present stage of development of a market economy, full-fledged analytical processing of accounting and other economic information is unthinkable without the use of computer technology. High-quality information support of the economic activity management process is possible only when all the achievements of scientific and technological progress are fully used. First of all, this concerns the application in management practice of the latest information technologies: computer technology, telecommunications and software.

At the same time, in the majority of works devoted to the issues of automation of the management system for the activities of economic entities, much less attention is paid to the problems of development and design of analytical software products. Moreover, advances in information technology have not diminished over time. The revolutionary transformations that have taken place in recent years in the field of information technology and have led to the massive introduction into the practice of managing personal computers and related interactive technologies, distributed data processing based on the client / server dialogue, require further development of theoretical and methodological concepts of building information systems.

Thus, it seems reasonable to conclude that today in economic science a fairly holistic, scientifically substantiated concept of organizing accounting and management accounting in a computer environment has been created. This concept is based on the generalization of the accumulated experience of building software systems from the standpoint of modern information technologies and modern approaches to organizing accounting work at enterprises.

1.3 Formation of an integrated information system.

When choosing and implementing a system, it is necessary to solve technical, administrative

and organizational tasks. The information system is the fruit of the joint efforts of the supplier and company personnel. For the successful implementation of the project:

1. It is necessary to conduct a survey and design of the future system. In other words, an accurate analysis of the current situation and a model of the future system is needed;

2. The developer must configure the system. During implementation, a testing phase is required in order to identify potential errors;

3. The implementation is divided into two large parts: training of administrators from the personnel of the enterprise and the direct launch of subsystems in departments and divisions.

When choosing software and hardware platforms and individual business applications, consistent, consistent technologies must be used, a single technology for operating and maintaining the system must be observed. In addition to these key requirements, there are a number of general technical requirements for any information system:

High-speed performance, that is, a fairly short response time of the system (units of seconds) when entering, searching and processing information;

Reliable protection against unauthorized access to data and registration of personnel actions;

Convenient user interface of workplaces;

The ability to scale and develop the system;

Integration with modules used in the data transmission system;

The ability to convert data from previously used applications to a new system;

High operational reliability.

The methodology for creating corporate information systems contains a number of the following general provisions:

The technology of building a system according to models "as it should", without trying to program the algorithms currently in force, since the use of software applications in the work is not just a reduction in paper documents and routine operations, but also a transition to new forms of document management, accounting and reporting.

Technology for building systems with a top-down approach. If the decision on automation is made and approved by top management, then the implementation of software modules is carried out from the head enterprises and divisions, and the process of building a corporate system is much faster and more efficient than when the system was initially introduced into the lower divisions.

Phased implementation technology. The first objects of automation are those areas in which, first of all, it is necessary to establish the process of accounting and the formation of reporting documents for higher authorities and related divisions.

Involvement of future users in the development. The system must support such a scheme of interaction between modules and workstations, which would meet the requirements and technical capabilities of the user.

Difficulties and difficulties in using the information system for small businesses lie in a large variety of enterprises, in different forms of organization of production, in a wide range of products. All this leads to the creation of an information system for small businesses, in terms of volume and functionality commensurate with the information system of large corporations, therefore, on the one hand, it is possible to design an information system for individual companies, taking into account their specifics. But the development of an individual information system for each enterprise is economically unprofitable. This is especially true for small businesses, when almost each of them has a feature of the organization of processes that allow this to be competitive.

An increasing number of heads of enterprises in various areas of business are coming to the decision about the need to introduce information technologies. Competition makes it impossible to stop and relax. At the same time, only information systems as such and the technical means used for their implementation are not sufficient to achieve a competitive advantage. The effectiveness of their implementation is manifested only with due attention to management issues and organizational aspects.

The need for information technology is multifaceted and manifests itself in specific conditions. There are activities where information is especially important. This, for example, banking, stock exchange activities. In such organizations, the use of information technology is vital.

From the point of view of Russian leaders, the main obstacles to the implementation of complex automated control systems are:

1. too long implementation time;

2. too much time spent by employees of the enterprise in the implementation process;

3. unforeseen increases in costs during the execution of the project;

4. the reluctance of the contractor to fix in the contract the criteria for successful implementation and his responsibility;

5. inflexibility of implemented solutions;

6. Insufficient knowledge by the performers of the specifics of the activities of Russian enterprises and the lack of experience of successful implementation at similar enterprises;

7. the performer's focus on technology, not business.

Organizations differ in the effect that is expected from the introduction of computer information systems. In some cases, the competent implementation of special information systems can have a beneficial effect on achieving a competitive advantage, for example, by improving consistency in working with remote agents or by increasing the speed of order fulfillment. In other situations, computer technology can facilitate the performance of routine operations and help organize information.

Chapter 2. Analysis of information support for enterprise management.

2.1 General characteristics of the research object.

The open joint-stock company "Exmash" was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On organizational measures for the transformation of state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies" dated July 1, 1992 No. 721.

The company is a commercial organization pursuing profit-making as the main goal of its activity.

The main activities of the Society are: research and production activities; production of consumer goods; provision of paid services to the population; commercial activity; trade and procurement activities; construction of housing and objects of cultural, domestic and industrial and technical purposes; foreign economic activity; production of wooden building products.

In accordance with the Charter of Exmash LLC, the governing bodies of the company are: general meeting of shareholders; Board of Directors; the sole executive body is the general director.

Enterprise management is based on the linear (chief of the main production - heads of shops - foremen) and functional (departments and services by line of business) principles.

This form of management has certain advantages and disadvantages.

At the moment, the company employs 17 people.

The term "organizational chart" immediately conjures up a two-dimensional tree diagram made up of rectangles and lines connecting them to our minds. These rectangles represent the work performed and the responsibilities and thus represent the division of labor in the organization. The relative position of the rectangles and the lines connecting them show the degree of subordination. The relationships considered are limited to two dimensions: up and down and across, since we operate with the limited assumption that the organizational structure should be represented on a two-dimensional diagram drawn on a flat surface.

Production areas

Rice. 1.2. Organizational structure of OJSC "Exmash"

Obviously, to achieve this balance, the organization must have a sufficiently flexible structure. (Although flexibility does not guarantee adaptability, it is nevertheless necessary to achieve the latter).

The basis of linear structures is the so-called "mine" principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization. The performance of each service is assessed by indicators that characterize the fulfillment of their goals and objectives. Accordingly, the system of motivation and incentives for employees is being built. In this case, the final result becomes, as it were, secondary, since it is believed that all services to one degree or another work to obtain it.

The advantages of the organizational structure of OJSC "Exmash" (Fig. 2):

A clear system of mutual relations of functions and departments;

A clear system of one-man management - one leader concentrates in his hands the leadership of the entire set of processes with a common goal;

Clearly expressed responsibility;

Quick reaction of executive units to instructions from superiors.

Disadvantages of the organizational structure of OJSC "Exmash":

Lack of links involved in strategic planning;

The tendency to red tape and shift responsibility when solving problems that require the participation of several departments;

Little flexibility and adaptability to changing situations;

The criteria for the efficiency and quality of work of the departments as a whole are different;

The tendency to formalize the assessment of the performance of units usually leads to the emergence of an atmosphere of fear and disunity;

A large number of "control floors" between the people making the products and the decision-maker;

Overload of top-level managers;

Increased dependence of the organization's performance on the qualifications, personal and business qualities of top managers.

The society consists of various divisions and departments. Most of the divisions are engaged in the production of products and the provision of paid services to the population. The company includes the following divisions:

Center for the main production of products;

Product manufacturing divisions;

Production areas;

Production and commercial units;

Service departments;

Divisions of management (Accounting, Operations Department, Regional Policy Department, Legal and Human Resources Department).

2.2 Technical and economic indicators.

For the analysis of technical and economic indicators, annual accounting statements for several years are used.

The stability of the financial position of an enterprise largely depends on the feasibility and correctness of investing financial resources in assets. The most general idea of ​​the changes that have taken place in the structure of property, as well as its dynamics, can be obtained using horizontal and vertical analysis of the organization's balance sheet (Table No. 2.1)

Table no. 2.1

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the organization's property (thousand rubles)


2007 year 2008 year year 2009 specific weight,% deviations growth rate, % growth rate,%
at the beginning of the period at the end of the period by the amount by specific gravity
1.Non-current assets 5 213 3 152 2 178 72,96% 51,13% -3 035 -21,83% 41,78 -58,22
2. Stocks, costs 1 080 1 010 1 082 15,12% 25,40% 2 10,28% 100,19 0,19
3. Accounts receivable 454 386 246 6,35% 5,77% -208 -0,58% 54,19 -45,81
398 549 754 5,57% 17,70% 356 12,13% 189,45 89,45
Balance 7 145 5 097 4 260 100 % 100% -2 885 0 71,34 -28,66

As a result of the horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet asset, we can say that: the largest share in the structure of the organization's property at the beginning of the period (73%) and at the end of the period (51.1%) had non-current assets. A high level of non-current assets is normal for this field of activity, but the negative fact is that at the end of the period there is a decrease in the level of non-current assets.

Funding sources of the organization are reflected in the liabilities of the balance sheet. Assessment of the structure and dynamics is carried out on the basis of the results of horizontal and vertical analysis of the organization's liabilities (Table 2.2).

Based on the analysis of the structure and dynamics of the organization's funding sources, the following conclusions can be drawn: In the organization's funding sources at the beginning of the period (173.9%) and at the end of the period (241.6%), accounts payable prevail. During the analyzed period, there was a decrease in the amount of funding sources by 40.4%. The largest decrease occurred in the item “short-term credits and loans” (-100%).

Table No. 2.2

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of funding sources (thousand rubles).

indicators 2007 year 2008 year year 2009 specific weight,% deviations growth rate, % growth rate,%
at the beginning of the period at the end of the period by the amount by specific gravity
1. Sources of own funds -6 193 -6 192 -6 191 -86,68 -145,3 2 -58,65 99,97 -0,03%
2. Long-term loans and borrowings 161 161 161 2,25 3,78 0 1,53 100 0,00%
3. Short-term loans and borrowings 750 530 0 10,50 0,00 -750 -10,50 0,00 -100%
4. Accounts payable 12 427 11 840 10 290 173,93 241,55 -2 137 67,62 82,80 -17,2
Balance 7 145 6 339 4 260 100% 100% -2 885 0 88,72 -11,28

In the structure of current assets, the largest specific weight belongs to reserves, which amount to 42.2% at the beginning of the period and 39.4% at the end of the period. A very high level of receivables in current assets is a negative factor in the organization's activities. The diversion of significant funds into accounts receivable can lead to financial difficulties - to a decrease in the organization's solvency, interruptions in current activities. (Table No. 2.3.)

Table no. 2.3

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of current assets. (thousand roubles.)

indicators 2007 year 2008 year year 2009 specific weight,% deviations growth rate, % growth rate,%
at the beginning of the period at the end of the period by the amount by specific gravity
1. Stocks 815 713 821 42,18 39,43 6 -2,75 100,74 0,74
2. VAT on purchased valuables 265 240 261 13,72 12,54 -4 -1,18 98,49 -1,51
3. Accounts receivable 454 380 246 23,50 11,82 -208 -11,6 54,19 -45,81
4. Cash and short-term financial investments 398 511 754 20,60 36,22 356 15,61 189,45 89,45
Total current assets 1 932 1 844 2 082 100% 100% 150 0 107,76 7,76%

The indicators of the efficiency of current assets management are:

1.The ratio of current assets turnover (Kooa)

Kooa = Revenue / Average Annual Value of Current Assets

Kooa = 31 / ((1932 + 2082) / 2) = 0.02 - this means that within 3 years the funds invested in current assets turn around 0.02 times on average.

2. The period of turnover of current assets = 360 / Kooa = 360 / 0.02 = 18000 (days)

Those. current assets make one turnover in an average of 18,000 days, which is a very long period.

3. Absolute savings (cost overruns) of working capital (Eos):

Eos = the amount of working capital at the end of the period - the amount of working capital at the beginning of the period

Eos = 2082 - 1932 = 150 (thousand rubles)

4. The relative savings in working capital (Eotn.os) is determined taking into account the change in sales: Eotn.os = Eos * index of change in revenue

Eotn.os = 150 * 0 = 0

5. The magnitude of the increase in production due to the acceleration of the turnover of working capital can be determined as follows: DNо = (Koos1 - Kooso) * Eos,

where: DN is the increase in the volume of production;

Koos1, Kooso - working capital turnover ratios for the reporting and base period;

DNо = (0.01 - 0.02) * 150 = -1.5

The analysis of cash flows using the direct method makes it possible to assess the liquidity of the organization and take operational measures to ensure the adequacy of funds for the organization's current payments. However, this method does not disclose the relationship between the obtained financial result and changes in funds in the accounts of the organization. The direct method is based on the calculation of cash inflows and outflows, and the underlying element is revenue (Appendix 1).

To assess the financial condition of the organization, it is also necessary to analyze the structure and dynamics of sources of its own (Appendix No. 2), borrowed and borrowed funds. The main source of information is the balance sheet.

Generalizing indicators of the effectiveness of the organization are the indicators of profitability (table 2.4).

Table no. 2.4

Profitability indicators of OJSC "Exmash" for 2007-2009.

The results of profitability, which characterize the final results of the enterprise's management, indicate that the level of profitability is extremely low, on the basis of which it can be concluded that the organization is financially unstable and not profitable.

Based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn that this organization has:

Very low financial resource, which does not allow timely fulfillment of obligations;

Very long term for the possible repayment of accounts payable;

At the end of the period, there was an increase in the share of all commodity loans and budget arrears in the total amount of debts;

Current liabilities are almost not covered by current assets;

Current assets are formed at the expense of borrowed funds;

Extremely low degree of provision with own circulating assets.

2.3. Analysis of the document management system.

The document management system is the same part of the production infrastructure, absolutely equal and necessary, as well as equipment, resources and personnel. This idea is clear to any manager. The manager loses a lot of time from incorrect or untimely executed documents, from incorrect management decisions or from the inability to quickly find the required document.

All documents that are circulated in the document management system are divided into JSC "Exmash" as follows: incoming; outgoing; orders (for main activity, for business trips, for personnel); internal (financial, service).

The time spent on drawing up documents depends on the complexity of the document, on the availability of such ready-made documents and on the technical support (the presence of a modern personal computer, software and a printer).

The organization's secretaries register all documents in special journals. In addition, an electronic order control system is in place.

In fact, there are two people working in the reception. These are two secretaries, sometimes even one. The two of them are not able to perform all these functions and therefore the electronic order control system is not used for its intended purpose. In this system, documents are entered under control in the past number. There is no single standard for drawing up orders, memos. There is no clear set time for registration of documents. A document to be signed by the rector can lie for an unlimited time or get lost. E-mail is not used, as an invitation to the university administration or a simple notification of employees is done by phone or orally at the meeting.

Using a local network allows you to exchange messages between employees of the organization in the form of e-mail. This has approximately halved the number of memos from year to year. Business activity of the organization has increased, revenue from sales and, accordingly, the flows of incoming and outgoing documents are growing.

OJSC "Exmash" has an approved document flow scheme. (Figure 2.1).

Personal computers and computer networks have become an important factor not only in the well-being of small and growing businesses, but also in their survival. They are a tool for streamlining work, reducing costs and increasing employee productivity.

One of the main tasks of the owner of a small company is to stay ahead of the competition. To stay competitive in today's marketplace, you need to drive revenue growth at the lowest cost — and this is where modern networking technology comes in.

The right investment in a computer network can help a business make money through four main factors. It will allow:

Reduce administrative overhead

Increase labor productivity

Streamline business management

Reduce hardware costs

The above advantages of a local area network are not used. So, for example, increasing labor productivity. The presence of a network allows employees of the organization to spend less time on routine operations, saving it for labor productivity. By sending service memos by e-mail, managers eliminate the need to print, copy and distribute them. Email provides almost instantaneous delivery and response to correspondence. However, email is simply not used as much as it is not there at all.

Take work rationalization. Leveraging web-based applications such as database management systems and spreadsheets allows employees to collaborate without leaving their workplace, wherever users or applications are located. This can speed things up a lot. However, this is impossible due to the illiteracy of the staff in the first place and due to the fact that the divisions no longer trust each other than would like to cooperate.

Consider reducing your hardware costs. The presence of the network will allow the firm's employees to share fairly expensive peripheral equipment such as laser printers, backup devices, and communication equipment. This reduces their cost per user and provides access to it for a large number of employees.

Significant reductions in administrative costs arise when personal computers are networked. If, for example, a manager decides to upgrade to a new version of an application, he only needs to make changes to its shared copy, and not at each workstation. Ease of network management means increased productivity of the worker responsible for its operation.

The effect of introducing a local network at Exmash OJSC will be more tangible, since just connecting the department to the local network does nothing at all. The department usually becomes more closed. The following reaction is known from the heads of departments when connected to the network:

Archiving data to floppy disks

Protecting files with passwords

Refusal to use the network

Scanning for computer viruses

Refusal to comply with the requirements of the network administrator, citing inability

So, new technologies are being introduced, and the methods of performing work remain the same. Therefore, the most difficult task of the new department will be to train the employees of the organization in new information technologies. Of course, it is necessary to solve the existing problem in a complex, there are no main tasks here, because if you ignore or miss some areas of integrated development in the organization of the information system, then the economic effect may not be at all or it will be insignificant.

3.3 Feasibility study for the implementation of an automated information system. Use of Internet technologies.

Automation of the management system of the enterprise of OJSC "Exmash" consists in establishing the optimal workflow between the divisions of the enterprise, establishing management accounting and informatization of the financial controlling of the enterprise. Each functional unit must maintain appropriate financial records. Meet the requirements of strict control over the execution of individual plans and budgets.

Let's assess the feasibility of the proposed project.

The main problems and tasks requiring special attention when solving them at OJSC "Exmash":

1) Lack of setting the management task at the enterprise;

2) The need for partial or complete reorganization of the structure of the enterprise;

3) The need to change business technology in various aspects;

4) Resistance of employees of the enterprise;

5) Temporary increase in the workload on employees during the implementation of the system;

6) The need to form a qualified team for the implementation and maintenance of the system, the selection of a strong team leader.

The lack of a statement of the management task at OJSC "Exmash" is the most significant and difficult. Competent formulation of management tasks is the most important factor influencing both the success of the enterprise as a whole and the success of the automation project. For example, it is completely useless to engage in the implementation of an automated electronic document management system if the document management itself is not properly set up in the organization, as a certain sequential process.

Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done in order for the project of introducing an automated control system to be successful is to formalize as much as possible all those control loops that you actually plan to automate. In most cases, this cannot be done without the involvement of professional consultants, but from experience, the costs of consultants are simply not comparable to the losses from a failed automation project. However, one should not be mistaken in the choice of consultants, but this is already a separate complex issue.

Before embarking on the implementation of an automation system in an enterprise, it is usually necessary to partially reorganize its structure and business technologies. Therefore, one of the most important stages of the implementation project is a complete and reliable survey of the enterprise in all aspects of its activities. On the basis of the conclusion obtained as a result of the survey, the whole further scheme of building a corporate information system is being built. The reorganization can be carried out at a number of local points where it is objectively necessary, which will not entail a significant decline in the activity of current commercial activities.

The results of the profitability of OJSC "Exmash" indicate that the level of profitability is extremely low, on the basis of which it can be concluded that the organization is financially unstable and not profitable. The reason for this is partly the high level of costs and the lack of a clear document flow in the enterprise.

As a result of implementation in the local network and attempts to partially automate the workflow, there will be a significant decrease in the flow of documents. Equipping with various equipment allows you to save management and overhead costs, to conduct more efficient internal planning, management and control. It is possible to provide the manager with the reliable information he needs as soon as possible for making operational decisions using the latest technical means.

The need to change the technology of working with information and business principles. An efficiently built information system cannot but make changes to the existing technology for planning budgeting and control, as well as managing business processes.

The implementation of the program will require no small investment from the enterprise. First of all, the costs will be associated with the direct design of the system. This includes the detailed development of individual design solutions, their analysis, testing, and then the implementation itself.

In each division of the organization, an employee should be appointed responsible for the design and implementation of the information system, who collects the necessary information, selects equipment and software, conducts personnel training, and manages the implementation and analysis of the functioning of information systems.

The creation of an information system can be carried out in three ways:

1. performing this work on our own;

2. production of design solutions by specialists from a third-party organization;

3. purchase of ready-made packages of application programs.

For economic reasons, preference should be given to the use of ready-made software packages, choosing the most suitable one for the conditions of a particular facility.

As a result of the implementation of this project, the following can be achieved:

1. Now each functional unit can be defined as a financial accounting center, with the corresponding level of financial responsibility of its head. This, in turn, increases the responsibility of each of these managers, and provides top managers with effective tools for precise control over the execution of individual plans and budgets.

2. In the presence of an information system, the manager is able to receive up-to-date and reliable information about all sections of the company's activities, without time delays and unnecessary transmission links.

It should also be remembered that the Intranet system offers the use of Internet technologies in corporate networks. In a local area network environment, all the benefits of the Internet can be realized using standard Internet tools. For example, the classic one-to-many communication problem is solved using Internet tools, even within a local network. Intranet solutions allow you to quickly create local, secure network systems with real "client-server" technology, which are available for mastering, both by a trained specialist and by ordinary working personnel of the company.

WEB servers can send and receive e-mail messages, collect data and respond to requests, encode messages depending on the information security requirements. Companies can use internal WEB servers for all the operations that are commonly done in cyberspace. In this case, any of the browsers becomes the main software tool for end-users of information.

The results of the implementation of these technologies:

This implementation of client-server technology improves the protection of corporate data;

All applications are developed and maintained in the machining center;

The issue of remote access is being resolved in the sense of the heterogeneity of the technical base of the end user;

The issue of work on switched communication channels, etc. is being resolved.

At OJSC "Exmash" there is a real opportunity from almost any computer to access the global Internet network, and at any time. This speaks only of the high level of scientific and technical development of the organization. However, these opportunities are not used by everyone. Most of the employees don't even know about the Internet. In other words, the culture of the organization must be raised to the level of scientific and technological development.

The implementation of this project is expedient, as it allows the enterprise to enter a new level of informatization. This, in turn, leads to rational management, control over the correctness of the work carried out by employees on the part of managers and increasing their literacy in their professional field.


Information systems provide certain advantages over competitors by automating operations within the system and improving the quality or delivery of an organization's end product. The advantages within the firm itself are manifested in the support of operational control, the organization of management control and in strategic planning. Also, information systems improve the quality of the product, expanding its documentary base and service. Using the global computer network Internet, managers are able to receive and exchange operational information, as well as conduct various kinds of research.

Thus, the use of technologies that are included in the concept of an information system is the key to successful activities in the market.

The use of information technology is one of the most controversial internal corporate problems. The management of enterprises often refuses to solve them, because they do not feel themselves competent enough. Decisions are usually left to CIOs or specialized external organizations.

There are six stakeholder groups on which IT decision-making depends:

Top management, which must manage IT as the strategic potential of the enterprise;

Specialists looking for system solutions to optimize special functional tasks;

Managers of individual business units who must use IT by virtue of the logic of their business activities in order to satisfy customer needs, reduce costs, etc .;

Managers of services of accounting and financial accounting, if such are provided by the organizational structure of the enterprise;

IT providers who must offer services in strict accordance with the problematic attitudes of their consumers;

Own information technology division.

Specialists, due to the limitations of their field of activity, are often deprived of the opportunity to have complete clarity about the entire process of producing goods and services. This gives rise to unrealistic requirements for information technology. Specialists should improve their knowledge of the production process, while understanding the role of information technology in it.

Accounting managers act as "translators" when discussing IT solutions with a client. They should also clarify customer and user expectations for information technology services.

Informatization problems at Exmash OJSC are dealt with by two departments: the Department of Network Technologies and the Department of Software Systems, united in the Department of Informatization, which develops and implements computer technologies at enterprises and organizations of the region.

The department of network technologies carries out work on the maintenance of the Internet and external e-mail. The home page of the Web-server on the Internet was developed and put into operation.

The divisions of the Department carried out the following measures: introduced an automated system of personnel accounting and payroll accounting, an automated system of accounting and control of orders; The electronic document management system based on a local-computer network is being successfully operated.

A complete transition to the electronic form of information is still impossible for a number of objective reasons, caused not by the limitations of modern information, but by factors external to them (legislation, inertia of thinking, insufficient level of computerization on average in the country). Therefore, speaking about the concept of building complex information systems, one cannot fail to mention such an urgent problem today as the combination of electronic and paper documents in an enterprise's workflow.

List of used literature

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (through the "Consultant-Plus" system);

2. Vershigora E.E. Management: Textbook - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M. INFRA-M, 2004.-283s .;

3. Introduction to information business / Ed. V.P. Tikhomirova, A.V. Khoroshilova M .: Finance and statistics, 2006;

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Appendix No. 1

Estimation of cash flow by direct method of OJSC "Exmash"

for 2007 - 2009 (thousand rubles)

Indicators 2007 2008 2009
1. Current activities
1.1 Cash inflow: 4 290 4 510 5 499
- proceeds from the sale of products, services 500 200 0
- advances received from buyers 3 790 4 210 5 499
- special-purpose financing 0 100 0
- other supply 0 0 0
1.2 cash outflow: 4 052 4 425 5 143
- payment for goods, works, services 1 238 1 584 2 086
- salary 294 294 294
- deductions for social needs 0 0 0
- issuance of accountable amounts 0 0 0
- issuance of advances 0 0 0
- settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds 1 460 1 675 1 774
- payment of interest on loans 750 750 750
- other payments 310 122 239
1.3. Total: inflow (+), outflow (-) cash (1.1.-1.2.) 238 85 356
2. Investment activity
2.1. cash inflow: 0 0 0
- proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other property 0 0 0
2.2 Cash outflow: 0 0 0
- payment of equity participation in construction 0 0 0
- payment for cars, equipment 0 0 0
2.3. Total: inflow (+), outflow (-) cash (2.1.-2.2.) 0 0 0
3. Financial activities
3.1. Cash flow: 0 0 0
- obtaining credits, loans 0 0 0
3.2. cash outflow 0 0 0
- financial investments 0 0 0
- payment of dividends 0 0 0
3.3. Total: inflow (+), outflow (-) cash (3.1.-3.2.) 0 0 0
Total cash change (1.3. + 2.3. + 3.3.) 238 85 356

Appendix No. 2

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of sources of own funds

2007-2009... (thousand roubles.)

indicators 2008 year specific weight,% deviations growth rate % growth rate,%
at the beginning of the period at the end of the period by the amount by beats weight
1. Sources of own funds: -6 193 -6 192 -6 191 100% 100% 2 0,00 99,97 -0,03
1.1 Share capital 1 165 1 165 1 165 -18,81 -18,82 0 -0,01 100 0,00
1.2 Additional capital 6 871 6 871 6 871 -110,95 -110,98 0 -0,04 100 0,00
1.3 Reserve capital
1.4 retained earnings (uncovered loss) -14 229 -14 228 -14 227 229,76 229,80 2 0,04 99,99 -0,01

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of accounts payable.(thousand roubles.)

indicators 2007 year 2008 year year 2009 specific weight,% deviations growth rate % growth rate,%
at the beginning of the period at the end of the period by the amount by beats weight
1. Accounts payable 12 427 11 840 10 290 100% 100,00% -2 137 0,00 82,80 -17,20
1.1 Suppliers and contractors 2 037 1 993 1 501 16,39 14,59% -536 -1,80 73,69 -26,31
1.2. Debts to staff 46 20 0 0,37 0,00% -46 -0,37 0,00 -100
1.3. Arrears to the budget and extrabudgetary funds 10 344 9 827 8 789 83,24 85,41% -1 555 2,17 84,97 -15,03

To make effective management decisions in the context of the dynamic development of a market economy, an enterprise needs an expedient information support system that objectively reflects the current economic situation. Information support is not only the key to the success and competitiveness of the company, but also sometimes acts as a means of survival in the face of fierce competition. Management information support is the connection of information with enterprise management systems and the management process as a whole. It can be considered not only as a whole, covering all management functions, but also for individual functional management work, such as forecasting and planning, accounting and analysis. This makes it possible to highlight the specific points inherent in the information support of functional management, revealing at the same time its general properties, which allows you to direct research in depth. In modern conditions, information support has become an important area, which consists in the collection and processing of information necessary for making informed management decisions. The transfer of information about the position and activities of the company to the highest level of management and the mutual exchange of information between all interrelated divisions of the company are carried out on the basis of modern electronic computers and other technical means of communication. Integrated personnel management systems can be used to automate the work of the personnel department, planning and economic and accounting departments, personnel training at any enterprise. What is the basis of management activities? First of all, this is office work, covering the process of creating documents and organizing work with them. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole depends on how the workflow is organized at the enterprise. The quality of enterprise management is influenced by such factors as the efficiency and quality of the formation of documents, the reception and transmission of information, the consistency of the work of the reference and information service, the clear organization of storage, search and use of documents.

Thus, workflow automation is necessary for:

  • - formation of a holistic picture of what is happening at the enterprise;
  • - well-coordinated work of all departments;
  • - improving the quality of customer service;
  • - effective use of human, communication, investment and other production resources.

The requirements for working with documents were first described by M.M.Speransky in 1811. He developed a methodology for conducting office work in public institutions and became the founder of a science that studies the laws of office work - records management.

The basic principles and tasks of document flow have remained practically unchanged to date. With the development of civilization, the introduction of the achievements of science and technology into everyday life, office equipment began to be used in office work. And, finally, when a computer came to replace the typewriter, and correspondence became possible without the use of envelopes and postage stamps, the fact became quite obvious that today when working with information one cannot do without using the latest information technologies:

  • - systems in client-server architecture;
  • - systems for scanning and text recognition;
  • - database management systems;
  • - document search systems;
  • - Internet / Intranet.

A number of programs offered on the market have their own specifics.

A feature of the complex of programs developed by MonolitInfo, for example, is the possibility of multi-currency accounting, multilingualism and focus on international accounting standards (GAAP, etc.), which determines its popularity among joint and foreign enterprises. The LokOffice system is noticeably distinguished from other offers by the fact that it allows to ensure the work of remote branches. However, this system is implemented on the Raima Data Manager database management system, which is not relational, does not support data distribution and transaction replication. These and other properties of the Raima database do not allow to implement on its basis a reliable management system for a dynamically developing medium or large company. However, for enterprises that do not provide for significant growth and business complication, it is of certain interest. The programs of the 1C company have become widespread, so they deserve special attention. They combine an affordable price and good performance. The introduction of programs of this family begins, as a rule, with the "1C: Accounting" program.

There are corresponding programs for the automation of the warehouse and trade. However, they are not ready-made products that could work successfully without customization, which is very difficult to accomplish on your own. The set of initial basic procedures usually does not meet the needs of a particular business. To set up and maintain the 1C: Trade system, it is planned to involve regional representatives of the developer. Implementation of "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Trade" often already costs customers $ 50, but sometimes it is cheaper to pay even such an amount than to understand the problem on their own. In the work of a manager, now more and more often you can find objects that make up the concept of new information technology. It is understood as a set of fundamentally new means and methods of data processing introduced into organizational management systems, which are integral technological systems and provide targeted creation, transfer, storage and display of an information product (ideas, knowledge) at the lowest cost and in accordance with the laws of that social environment. where this technology is developing.

The transition to new information technologies is justified if it is the result of a fundamental rethinking and radical re-planning of the corporation's activities in order to dramatically improve the critical indicators in relation to costs - quality, service and speed of production processes. The emergence of a new information society is seen by many only on the basis of the use of new information technologies. With the advent and massive introduction of computer networks and modern communication tools, the concept of the workplace has radically changed. If earlier the latter was associated with a place at a machine or a table in an institution, today the “workplace” is more likely not a place of work, but the means by which it is carried out. These include a mobile phone, a laptop with a modem, and a mini printer. Thus, any room where there is a power outlet becomes a workplace. The ability to use a personal computer has now become part of the modern management culture. And this is not in vain - the computer allows you to save huge amounts of money, which, under the traditional system of labor organization, would have been spent on the maintenance of various departments that performed utilitarian functions not related to the production process.

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The concept of information support. The solution of subject problems is not

it is possible without the implementation of auxiliary (supporting) types of activities that do not directly pursue normatively defined goals, but are necessary to achieve them. One of these activities is Information Support... This term will denote regular activities to obtain an information product or provide information services. Let's consider the content and give definitions of the main components of the concept of "information support".

Information need... The need for information support is caused by the fact that the overwhelming number of tasks of subjects of activity is characterized by information uncertainty and arises when the state of awareness of the organization's employees about significant elements of the surrounding reality does not allow to effectively solve the tasks of objective activity. In other words, the discrepancy between the actual and the desired state of awareness gives rise to the problem of obtaining information of a certain quality, i.e. information that meets the needs of the subject area. From the above reasoning it follows that information need- this is a certain state of the subject of objective activity, arising in connection with the need to obtain data that ensure decision-making in objective activity. Or else: information need- a conscious understanding of the difference between individual knowledge about the subject and the knowledge accumulated by society.

In other words, by information need we mean the totality of those information (data) that are necessary for the effective functioning of an organization (department, employee). The content of any object, as already indicated, is determined by the goals for the achievement of which it is created. Thus, the primary, determining information needs, are the goals of the organization's functioning.

The problem of defining, describing, measuring the information needs of employees is one of the main problems in the complex of information support problems. Only after defining the characteristics of the information needs of users, it is possible to formulate the requirements for information support, the composition and functions of the information system.

The purpose of information support ... Information needs determine the goal of information support, which is to provide employees (users) with information of the required quality within a given time frame and within the framework of the existing technical and organizational and staffing organizational structure, legal regulation and financing. The concept of information quality (information support) will be discussed below.

Subject of information support ... As a subject of information

of the organization's support can be:

- specialized subdivisions, for example information centers, technical and other subdivisions providing access to information resources or means of communication;

- employees of the organization (in this case, information support takes the form of self-sufficiency).

Information support object ... Strictly speaking, the object of

Formation support is the psychophysiological state of personal or group awareness of significant (i.e., within the competence of the organization's objective activity) elements of the surrounding reality. However, if we exclude from consideration issues related to the perception, understanding, interpretation and presentation of information, then the degree of awareness is determined by the availability of quality information.

This simplification is possible because Our course focuses on the technical and organizational aspects of information support. Therefore, it is less correct, but quite acceptable to consider as an object of information support an employee or a group of employees of an organization, united by some criterion.

Information support environment ... The structuring of the most important components is a necessary but insufficient condition for understanding the essence of activity, since it does not take into account a number of factors that are not directly included in the concept, but create a certain setting (environment) in which the activity is carried out.

The environment of activity is sphere of dominance and uncontrollable sphere. In the general case, the sphere of domination will include the means (resources) at the disposal of the subject of activity, and the elements of the surrounding reality on which he can influence.

An uncontrolled sphere is formed by a group of elements that the subject of activity cannot influence, but which must be taken into account in the form of restrictions. Within the sphere of dominance and uncontrolled sphere, a sufficient set of actions (procedures) is determined to resolve the problem.

For an adequate description of the environment, let us define in more detail the scope of restrictions and the scope of dominance of the subject of information support. Let us single out and represent by formal records the components of the environment that are most significant from the point of view of achieving the goal of information support:

M * = (M p, M h, M r),

C * = (C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4).

In (1.1), M * is the sphere of dominance; M p is the technical means of performing information procedures; M h is the organization's personnel implementing information procedures; M r is material resources.

In (1.2) C * - conditions of information support; C 1 - legal basis (orders, manuals, instructions); C 2 - an organized set of methods and

rules for working with information; C 3 - control signals; C 4 - interference. Schematic representation of the organization's information support

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