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Experimental research work in scientific research. Essential characteristic of experimental work

The methods of pedagogical research include experimental search work and experimental work. Let us dwell on the characteristics of each of these methods.

Experienced-priest forged work - one of the research methods that involves making changes to the pedagogical process only taking into account previously obtained positive results. In the course and according to the results of experimental and search work, one can judge whether it makes sense to introduce changes in the pedagogical process, whether success will be achieved and the effectiveness of introducing, for example: changes in the content of the subject being studied, the practice of education, etc. will be achieved.

The results of experimental and search work are most often evaluated according to qualitative criteria and indicators; levels of achievement in this case can be classified as low, medium, high. At the same time, it should be noted that the formation of experimental and control groups is allowed, the corresponding measurements are carried out and their mathematical processing at the level of comparison of the results obtained, as a rule, in percentage terms.

In the course of experimental and search work, researchers obtain approximate results, which, nevertheless, have quite convincing evidence due to the massive nature of the research results (A.Ya. Nain).

Control groups- these are groups of subjects in which nothing changes in the process of conducting experimental search, experimental work, as well as a pedagogical experiment.

Experimental groups- these are groups of subjects in which new content, new methods, new techniques, technologies, pedagogical conditions, etc. are being introduced.

O lush-experimental work- a method of introducing deliberate changes in the pedagogical process, designed to obtain an educational effect, with subsequent verification. Experimental work is a means of testing a hypothesis. This method of research acts as a kind of experiment.

The experimental work is based on an experiment in which the researcher not only provokes or creates conditions for observing the expected patterns, but organizes special control in the form of managing variables that affect the course of a particular process.

Distinguish traditional and factorial plans for experimental work. In traditional planning, only one independent variable changes; with factorial - several. If the area under study is relatively unknown and there is no system of hypotheses, then one speaks of aerobatic experimental work, the results of which may help clarify the direction of further research.

The theoretical basis of experimental work can be the works of M.A. Danilova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, A.A. Kyveryalga, A.M. Novikova, N.O. Yakovleva.

The functions of experimental work, according to V.V. Kraevsky, consist in obtaining reliable knowledge, and not in the experimental recreation of the pedagogical process itself. The introduction of changes in the pedagogical process on the basis of trends and patterns identified in the experimental work is the subject of research.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky defines experimental work as a scientifically delivered experience in the field of educational or educational work in order to find new, more effective ways to solve a pedagogical problem.

A.M. Novikov understands experimental work as a general empirical research method, the essence of which is that phenomena and processes are studied under controlled and controlled conditions.

When organizing experimental work, it is necessary to take into account such conditions for the effectiveness of its implementation, such as:

  • analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of the work of an educational institution;
  • concretization of the hypothesis based on the study of the state of the problem in theory and practice;
  • the need to exchange information between the subject and object of the pedagogical process.

The planning of experimental work should be carried out taking into account the purpose, subject, hypothesis, research objectives and the main provisions of the project-oriented approach.

In accordance with this, a program of experimental work is being developed, which includes, as the main components, the pedagogical goal, the goal and objectives of the experimental work, the hypothesis, criteria and means of evaluating the expected results.

Conducting experimental work involves the following organization:

  • development of a program of experimental work;
  • determination of the stages of experimental work;
  • development of a criterion-level scale;
  • formation of experimental and control groups;
  • analysis and generalization of the results of the work carried out.

Conducting experimental work should be carried out in accordance with the characteristics inherent in the experiment: deliberate changes in the activities of the experimental groups, taking into account the goal and the hypothesis put forward.

Depending on the logic of the experimental work, the stages of experimental work are substantiated, for example: ascertaining, forming and generalizing. At each stage, its tasks are formulated, the results are determined, which were intermediate on the way to achieving the goal of experimental work. An example of defining the functions and tasks of experimental work is presented in Table. ten.

For each stage of experimental work, a set of research methods is determined and used, which would provide a reliable solution to the tasks set. The set of research methods is a comprehensive research methodology that allows you to test and refine the hypothesis.

Table 10

Functions and tasks of the stages of experimental work

Stage tasks

experimental work



  • identification of the state of the problem of economic education in pedagogical practice:
  • development of criteria and indicators of economic education of students;
  • determination of the initial level of economic education of students



  • determination of the purpose, tasks of experimental work;
  • determination of key positions, the main idea of ​​experimental work;
  • prediction of research results


  • planning the organization of experimental work;
  • organization of experimental verification of individual questions

The end of the table. ten

Stage II: formative


  • approbation and experimental evaluation of the key provisions of the study (approbation of the main components of the technology for the implementation of additional economic education);
  • implementation of the didactic model when introducing the technology of additional economic education;
  • the implementation of teaching activities in institutions of VPO, training centers of enterprises, the exchange of experience;
  • determination of the conformity of the obtained experimental results with the main theoretical provisions of the study and correction of the technology for implementing the model of additional economic education


  • accounting and fixing changes in the process of additional economic education;
  • determination of the dynamics of economic education of students

Stage III:



  • processing of the received data by means of theoretical analysis and methods of mathematical statistics;
  • generalization, systematization and description of the results of the study;
  • clarification of the theoretical and experimental conclusions of the study


  • implementation of the results of the study into the practice of the work of institutions of higher education and secondary education;
  • popularization of the ideas of additional economic education by highlighting the accumulated positive experience in educational institutions

Consider an example. We list the main methods of experimental work at each of the stages indicated in Table. ten:

  • ascertaining - observation, survey (questionnaire, interviewing, testing), pedagogical monitoring;
  • formative- survey, observation, study of the results of educational activities of students, evaluation method: creation of diagnostic situations, method of expert evaluation;
  • generalizing - estimation, statistical methods of data processing and testing of the put forward hypothesis, discussion of the results of the work done, etc.

Theoretical and empirical methods ensure the conduct of experimental work, its analysis and discussion of the results.

The results of the ascertaining stage can be presented as follows: “Analysis of the data obtained during the first stage of experimental work showed that different motives of educational activity dominate among students at different stages of learning. This is clearly shown by the table compiled on the basis of the research data, which reveals the hierarchy of motives for teaching students in each course (Table 11).

Table II

Hierarchy of motives of full-time university students


Representation of motives by courses, %

The main motives of educational activities at the university



The motive of creative achievement and self-development


Social motives

Causal motives

Studying the motivation for studying at a university

Acquisition of knowledge

Mastery of a profession

Getting a diploma

The researchers used the following methods: a group version of the methodology "Studying the motives of students' learning activities" (compiled by A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin), "The main motives of learning activities at the university" (modified test by Yu.M. Orlov), "Studying motivation education at the university "(T.I. Ilyin's test)".

The basis for the experimental work should be based on the following principles:

  • objectivity;
  • the adequacy of research approaches and means to obtain true knowledge about the object of study;
  • accounting for continuous change, development of the elements under study;
  • the principle of systematic study of the process, phenomenon, object under study.

Prior to the start of experimental work, the researcher must identify the criteria for evaluating the process and determine the indicators.

Criteria- these are the qualities, properties, signs of the object under study, on the basis of which one can judge its state and level of functioning.

For example, the criteria can be learning motivation, activity, independence, self-management, the quality of knowledge, the degree of formation of self-educational skills, etc.

Indicators- these are quantitative or qualitative characteristics of each quality, property, attribute of the object under study, which is a measure of the formation of a particular criterion.

Let's take an example. In the process of organizing experimental work, the levels of economic education of future specialists were determined.

To implement this task, indicators were identified that make up their substantive basis:

  • on meaningful criterion - completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness;
  • on social and moral - students' attitude to economic culture as a value, positive personal emotional reaction and assessment of the importance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them;
  • on activity-reflexive criterion - readiness for economic activity for their own benefit, society and the state. the ability to make adequate decisions and evaluate their actions in the conditions of the emerging new Russian economy (Table 12).

Based on a set of criteria and their indicators, the levels of economic education of future specialists were identified. Adhering to the three-level scale adopted in most countries of the world - minimal (minimal), general (general), and advanced (advanced) levels, high, medium and low levels of economic education of future teachers are highlighted in the work.

Table 12

Criteria and indicators for assessing the level of economic education of students



Grading method

Completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness

Observation, individual conversations, survey, questioning: methods of role interaction, studying the results of educational activities

social and moral

The attitude of students to economic culture as a value, a positive personal emotional reaction and an assessment of the significance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them

Observation, analysis of oral answers, participation in discussions, business games, solving economic problems and situations, defense of projects; expert review



Readiness for economic activity, the ability to make adequate decisions and assess their actions in the emerging new Russian economy

Observation, survey, self-assessment, analysis of participation in business games, discussions, situational seminars, expert assessment, questioning

Criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge must meet the requirements (Table 13).

Table 13

Requirements for the criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge

Effective criteria and their correct use stimulate the improvement and intensification of the pedagogical process.

In pedagogical research, methods are usually applied in combination. Only under this condition the task will be solved correctly, the scientific laws of this or that pedagogical process will be revealed.

The methods discussed in this chapter are often called methods of empirical knowledge of pedagogical phenomena. They serve as a means of collecting scientific and pedagogical facts that are subjected to theoretical analysis.

The success of a pedagogical experiment, experimental work is determined by the fulfillment of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The organizational and pedagogical conditions include the following:

  • 1. Planning (determining the stages of the experiment or experimental work and the timing of their implementation; formulating tasks for each stage and the content of the study at the selected stage; clarifying the methodology for conducting the experiment or experimental work at each stage; identifying the criteria for the effectiveness of changes made to the educational or educational process for each of the indicated stages).
  • 2. Determination of experimental and control groups (classes), approximately the same in terms of the level of training.
  • 3. Selection of teachers with approximately the same level of professional and methodological training.

All other conditions should be the same for experimental and control groups.

The results obtained must be processed using qualitative and quantitative methods for processing experimental data. At present, it is becoming obvious that at the level of qualitative descriptions alone it is hardly possible to deduce patterns of upbringing and education. Mathematical processing of the obtained results is required. Reliability, validity and correlations are determined using the methods of mathematical statistics (A.Ya. Nain). And only a set of qualitative and quantitative methods for processing experimental data can bring the researcher closer to the true result with a certain degree of accuracy.

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Theoretical questions

2. Organization of experimental work in the field of education

Practical task


Theoretical questions

1. Essential characteristics of experimental work

Based on the Federal State Educational Standard: preschool education, the leading types of children's activities will be: play, communication, motor, cognitive research, productive, etc. It should be noted that certain forms of work with children correspond to each type of children's activity. The way children's activities are organized is also changing: not the leadership of an adult, but the joint (partnership) activities of an adult and a child. New time dictates to teachers a new approach to the organization of the educational process. Therefore, the issue of organizing experimental work in an educational institution becomes especially relevant.

Experimental search work is one of the research methods that involves making changes to the pedagogical process only taking into account previously obtained positive results. In the course and according to the results of experimental and search work, one can judge whether it makes sense to introduce changes in the pedagogical process, whether success will be achieved and the effectiveness of introducing, for example: changes in the content of the subject being studied, the practice of education, etc. will be achieved.

The results of experimental and search work are most often evaluated according to qualitative criteria and indicators; levels of achievement in this case can be classified as low, medium, high. At the same time, it should be noted that the formation of experimental and control groups is allowed, the corresponding measurements are carried out and their mathematical processing at the level of comparison of the results obtained, as a rule, in percentages (1; 123).

In the course of experimental and search work, researchers receive approximate results, which, nevertheless, have quite convincing evidence due to the massive nature of the research results (2; 23). Each of the above methods assumes the presence of experimental and control groups.

Control groups are groups of subjects in which nothing changes in the process of conducting experimental search, experimental work, as well as a pedagogical experiment.

Experimental groups are groups of subjects in which new content, new methods, new techniques, technologies, pedagogical conditions, etc. are introduced.

Experimental work is a method of introducing deliberate changes in the pedagogical process, designed to obtain an educational effect, with subsequent verification. Experimental work is a means of testing a hypothesis. This method of research acts as a kind of pedagogical experiment.

The experimental work is based on an experiment in which the researcher not only provokes or creates conditions for observing the expected patterns, but organizes special control in the form of managing variables that affect the course of a particular process.

Distinguish between traditional and factor plans for experimental work. In traditional planning, only one independent variable changes; with factorial - several. If the area under study is relatively unknown and there is no system of hypotheses, then one speaks of pilot experimental work, the results of which can help clarify the direction of further research.

The theoretical basis of experimental work is the works of Yu.K. Babansky, M.A. Danilova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, A.Ya. Naina, A.M. Novikova, A.V. Usova.

The functions of experimental work, according to V.V. Kraevsky, consist in obtaining reliable knowledge, and not in the experimental recreation of the pedagogical process itself. The introduction of changes in the pedagogical process on the basis of trends and patterns identified in the experimental work is the subject of research.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky defines experimental work as a scientifically delivered experience in the field of educational or educational work in order to find new, more effective ways to solve a pedagogical problem (2; 45).

A.M. Novikov understands experimental work as a general empirical research method, the essence of which is that phenomena and processes are studied under controlled and controlled conditions.

When organizing experimental work, it is necessary to take into account such conditions for the effectiveness of its implementation, such as:

Analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of the work of an educational institution;

Concretization of the hypothesis based on the study of the state of the problem in theory and practice;

The need to exchange information between the subject and object of the pedagogical process.

The planning of experimental work should be carried out taking into account the purpose, subject, hypothesis, research objectives and the main provisions of the project-oriented approach.

In accordance with this, a program of experimental work is being developed, which includes the main components of the pedagogical goal, the goal and objectives of the experimental work, hypothesis, criteria, indicators, levels and means of evaluating the expected results.

Conducting experimental work involves the following organization:

Development of a program of experimental work;

Determination of the stages of experimental work;

Development of a criterion-level scale;

Formation of experimental and control groups;

Analysis and generalization of the results of the work carried out.

The basis for the experimental work should be based on the following principles:


The adequacy of research approaches and means to obtain true knowledge about the object of study;

Accounting for continuous change, development of the studied elements;

The principle of systematic study of the process, phenomenon, object under study.

Pedagogical experiment (from Latin experimentum - “test”, “experience”, “test”) is a scientifically delivered experience of transforming the pedagogical process in precisely taken into account conditions. Unlike methods that only register what exists, the experiment in pedagogy has a creative character. Experimentally, for example, new techniques, methods, forms, systems of pedagogical activity make their way into practice.

A pedagogical experiment in modern pedagogy is understood as a research method that is used to determine the effectiveness of the application of individual methods and means of education and upbringing. The objective of the experiment is to find out the comparative effectiveness of technologies, methods, techniques, new content, etc. used in pedagogical activity.

V.V. Kraevsky, sees the role of the experiment in identifying the objectively existing connections of pedagogical phenomena, in establishing trends in their development, and not in the experimental recreation of the pedagogical process itself.

Yu.K. Babansky considered the pedagogical experiment as a kind of complex of research methods, which provides a scientifically objective and evidence-based verification of the correctness of the hypothesis justified at the beginning of the study.

According to N.O. Yakovleva, a pedagogical experiment is a set of research methods designed for an objective and evidence-based verification of the validity of the hypothesis put forward (5; 126)

I.P. Podlasyi considers the pedagogical experiment as a scientifically staged experience of transforming the pedagogical process under precisely taken into account conditions (5; 126).

For Yu.Z. Kushner, the experiment in question represents the active intervention of the researcher in the pedagogical phenomenon he is studying in order to discover patterns and change the existing practice (7; 34)].

From the above definitions of a pedagogical experiment, we can conclude that a pedagogical experiment is a method of active, purposeful study of certain aspects of the educational process. The indicated definitions reflect all the main features of the pedagogical experiment identified in the scientific literature, namely:

Creation of special experimental situations for the formation of a given quality;

The active influence of the researcher on the course of the phenomenon under study;

The possibility of repeating the results of the experiment in different conditions;

Approbation of the obtained experimental data in mass

Conducting both experimental work and a pedagogical experiment should be carried out in accordance with the characteristics inherent in the experiment: deliberate changes in the activities of the experimental groups, taking into account the goal and the hypothesis put forward.

The pedagogical experiment must meet certain requirements.

First, the means introduced into the experiment must be clear and unambiguous;

Second, the experimental conditions must be strictly fixed;

Thirdly, these conditions must be systematically changed, combined, varied.

The pedagogical experiment is carried out as a comparison of the results of the activities of the experimental and control groups.

The main requirements for the pedagogical experiment are as follows:

Precise determination of the purpose and objectives of the experiment;

Accurate description of the experimental conditions;

Definition in connection with the purpose of the study of the contingent of subjects;

Description of the research hypothesis.

Prior to the start of the experimental work and the pedagogical experiment, the researcher needs to identify the criteria for evaluating the process and determine the indicators.

Criteria are the qualities, properties, signs of the object under study, on the basis of which one can judge its state and level of functioning.

Indicators are quantitative or qualitative characteristics of each quality, property, attribute of the object under study, which is a measure of the formation of a particular criterion.

To implement this task, indicators that make up their substantive basis can serve:

In terms of social and moral - the attitude of students to economic culture as a value, a positive personal emotional reaction and an assessment of the significance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them;

According to the activity-reflexive criterion - readiness for economic activity for one's own benefit, society and the state, the ability to make adequate decisions and evaluate one's actions in the conditions of the new Russian economy.

Life in all its manifestations is becoming ever more varied and complex; the further it goes, the more it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems.

2. Organization of experimental work in the field of education

The state, the school, the preschool institution and the parents are faced with a task of extreme importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - by all means! - initiative, thinking, capable of a creative approach to any business. This is exactly what is indicated in the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. An active life position can have a basis if a person thinks creatively, if he sees an opportunity for improvement.

The path of becoming a creative person is complex, difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys, moreover, joys of a higher human order - the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity.

Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives high-quality results, if at the same time the person has strong motives, bright, deep, causing a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, overcome life's difficulties, adverse conditions, circumstances, persistently move towards the intended goal

One such activity is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers N.N. Poddiakova (1995), A.P. Usovoi, E.L. Panko states that "children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development", and highlight the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns the object in the course of practical activities with it, the practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orienting-exploratory function, creating conditions , which reveal the content of this object.

Experimental - experimental activity allows you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develops observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develops the desire to know the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, create a creative personality

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimental activities into the practice of our preschool educational institution. In the process of organizing experimental activities, it was supposed to solve the following tasks:

creation of conditions for the formation of the main holistic worldview of a child of senior preschool age by means of a physical experiment.

development of observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, the development of the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, the establishment of a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

Development of attention, visual, auditory sensitivity.

creation of prerequisites for the formation of practical and mental actions.

Experimental activities in a preschool institution carried out with children can be divided into the following areas:

Wildlife: characteristic features of the seasons of different natural and climatic zones, the diversity of living organisms and their adaptability to the environment.

Inanimate nature: air, soil, water, magnets, sound, light.

Man: the functioning of the organism, the man-made world, materials and their properties.

We developed a model for teaching children the organization of experimentation.

Model of teaching children the organization of experimentation

Table 1

Stages of learning

Research skills

Activity motivation

Creation of a developing environment;

problem situations;

Sustained interest

Intrigue and surprises

Planning, choice of means, implementation and formulation of the conclusions of the experiment with the support of the teacher

The teacher poses a problem and begins to solve it, the children independently carry out the solution of the problem.

Suggestive questions;

Respectful attitude to any statements of the child, his actions;

Providing freedom of choice, action and movement in space

Independent planning, implementation of the experiment; formation of the goal and the simplest hypotheses with the help of a teacher; graphic recording of results

The teacher poses a problem, the children independently find its solution and carry out the experiment

problematic issues;

Replenishment of the corner with new materials and objects;

Techniques for interpersonal communication and collaboration

Independent organization of research activities by children; fixing the results, formulating conclusions and reflection

The work of the educator to indicate goals;

The admission of inaccuracies in the actions of the educator;

The formulation of the problem, the search for a method and the development of the solution itself are carried out independently

Making cards with a symbolic image of the topic of the experiment;

Development together with children of conditional graphic symbols

The structure of children's experimentation:

Statement of the problem to be solved;

Goal setting (what needs to be done to solve the problem);

Putting forward hypotheses (search for possible solutions);

Hypothesis testing (data collection, implementation in actions);

Analysis of the result (confirmed - not confirmed);

Formulation of conclusions.

Based on the analysis of literary sources, the structure of the experiment program includes:

a contradiction,

the problem

· an object,

The subject of the experiment

an experimental idea

the intention,

the purpose and objectives of the experiment,

its stages

As already mentioned, the most important requirement for any scientific work is the rigor, clarity, and unambiguity of the terminology used. Therefore, in the process of research and especially at the stage of writing reporting materials, it is necessary to constantly monitor the meaning that the researcher puts into one or another term used.

The results of any scientific research should be described and presented in the form of literature.

Practical task

1. Compilation of a terminological dictionary on the topic "Fundamentals of the organization of experimental work in the field of education"

Hypothesis - a scientifically based logical assumption regarding the method of implementing the idea and design of the experiment. A hypothesis is an assumption whose truth is not obvious

Activity is defined as an external form of activity peculiar only to a person, as an interaction between a person and the world, in which a person consciously and purposefully changes the world and himself.

The idea of ​​the experiment is a general idea of ​​the intended direction of the teacher's activity in the current situation

Research is the process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns, structure, mechanisms of functioning of the phenomenon under study, about the content, principles, methods and organizational forms of activity. The objects of pedagogical research are pedagogical systems, phenomena, processes. The objects of psychological research are a person, a group.

Method of research - techniques, procedures and operations of empirical and theoretical knowledge and study of the phenomena of reality. The system of the research method is determined by the initial concept of the researcher, the general methodological orientation, the goals and objectives of a particular study.

Technique - a private version of the method, not a standardized research method.

Methodology - the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific and cognitive activity.

Monitoring - constant supervision, regular monitoring of the state of an object, the values ​​of its individual parameters in order to study the dynamics of ongoing processes, predict certain events, and also prevent undesirable phenomena.

Observation is a method of scientific research, a purposeful collection of information about the facts of human behavior and activities in various natural conditions.

Orientation of the personality - a set of stable motives that orient the activity of the personality and are relatively independent of real situations.

The object is a pedagogical space, an area within the boundaries of which is what will be studied (what is being studied?).

Inspection is the study of the object under study with one or another measure of depth and detail, depending on the tasks set by the researcher.

Processing the results is one of the mandatory stages of the study, following the collection of empirical data. It involves the use of logical techniques (classification, grouping, comparison, culling, etc.) for qualitative indicators and mathematical techniques and methods (summation of points scored, calculation of statistical indicators, variance, correlation analyses, regression and cluster analyses, etc.), for quantitative results.

Poll - a method of obtaining information about objective and subjective facts from the words of the respondent (respondent).

An organization is a stable system of individuals working together on the basis of a hierarchy of labor ranks to achieve common goals.

Subject - properties, functions, relationships within the object, fixing, holding the boundaries of the impact.

The subject of research is that side, that aspect, that point of view, “projection”, from which the researcher cognizes the integral object, while highlighting the main, most significant (from the researcher’s point of view) features of the object. One and the same object can be the subject of different studies or even entire scientific directions.

Reflection is the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states.

System - an ordered set of interconnected elements and relationships between them, creating a single whole. Signs of S.: elemental structure ranging from two to infinity; interaction of elements, the presence of a backbone factor; hierarchy of connections, integrity, unity. Components of pedagogical S.: pedagogical goals, participants in the pedagogical process, interaction between teachers and students, pedagogical tools, management of pedagogical processes.

Testing is an objective and standardized test procedure to which a person is subjected, a specific tool for assessing the psychological qualities of a person. It consists of a series of tasks or questions that are offered under standard conditions and measure certain behaviors based on special ways of assessing test performance.

Technology is a rational (stable) combination of several sequentially applied operations to obtain a product. T. Can be perceived as a logically-operationally reproducible core of the methodology. Signs of T .: setting goals, evaluating pedagogical systems, updating plans and programs on an alternative basis, operational components, means and methods of organizing activities, constant growth in the efficiency of the process, potentially reproducible pedagogical results.

Goal setting is a way to put forward and justify pedagogical goals, select ways to achieve them, design the expected result (the program of the future is determined, an assumption about the future).

The goal is an ideal image of the desired future result of human activity; a conscious idea of ​​the final result of the activity (does not always coincide with the result). Pedagogical goal - the predicted result of pedagogical activity (changes in students). There are different types of goals: strategic, tactical, group, individual.

Man is a living being with the gift of thinking and speech, the ability to create tools and use them in the process of social labor; biosocial being, the subject of historical activity and knowledge.

Experiment - a method of collecting scientific facts in specially created conditions. An experiment is a research activity designed to test a put forward hypothesis, unfolding in natural or artificially created controlled and managed conditions, the result of which is new knowledge, including the identification of significant factors that affect the results of pedagogical activity. An experiment is a general empirical research method, the essence of which is that phenomena and processes are studied under strictly controlled and controlled conditions.

experiment pedagogical education

"Organization and conduct of experiments with preschoolers".

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of teachers about the development of cognitive interest and cognitive activity of preschool children by means of experimental activities.

To expand the knowledge of educators about the importance of experimentation in the development of preschool children

To form ideas about the correct organization of experimentation with a preschool child.

Planned result:

Knowledge and practical application of the organization of experimental activities with preschool children.

Introductory part.

What role does experimentation play in the development of a preschool child? (answers of educators)

The activity of experimentation contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develops observation, mental activity. According to Academician N.N. Podyakova in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently acting in various ways on the objects and phenomena surrounding him in order to more fully cognize and master them. In the course of experimental activity, situations are created that the child resolves through the experiment and, analyzing, draws a conclusion, a conclusion, independently mastering the idea of ​​a particular law or phenomenon.

The main task of the preschool educational institution is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this.

Methodological recommendations for conducting classes using experimentation are found in the works of various authors N.N. Podyakova, F.A. Sokhina, S.N. Nikolaeva. These authors propose to organize the work in such a way that children can repeat the experience shown by adults, can observe, answer questions using the result of the experiments. With this form, the child masters experimentation as an activity and his actions are of a reproductive nature. Experimentation does not become a valuable activity in itself, as it arises at the initiative of an adult. In order for experimentation to become the leading activity, it must arise on the initiative of the child himself.

The purpose of upbringing and education according to the programs of the new generation is to systematize, deepen, generalize the personal experience of the child: in mastering new, complex ways of cognitive activity, in understanding the connections and dependencies that are hidden from children and require special conditions and management on the part of the teacher for mastering. An obligatory element of the lifestyle of preschoolers is participation in resolving problem situations, in conducting elementary experiments, experimenting, and in making models.

We will not dwell on age-specific features, but it should be noted that at the age of 3 years, children still cannot operate knowledge in a verbal form, without relying on visualization, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, they do not understand the explanations of an adult and strive to establish all the connections on their own. .

After 5 years, a stage begins when children's activity diverges in two directions: one direction turns into a game, the second - into conscious experimentation.

An experiment carried out independently by a child allows him to create a model of a phenomenon and generalize the results obtained in an effective way, compare them, classify and draw conclusions from these phenomena for a person and himself.

From all of the above, we can conclude that for preschool children, experimentation, along with play, is the leading activity.

The structure of children's experimentation.

Like any activity, the activity of experimentation has its own structure:

Purpose: development of the child's skills to interact with the objects under study in "laboratory" conditions as a means of knowing the world around

Tasks: 1) development of thought processes; 2) development of mental operations; 3) mastering the methods of cognition; 4) development of causal relationships and relationships.

Motive: cognitive needs, cognitive interest, which are based on the orienting reflex "What is it?", "What is it?" At the senior preschool age, the cognitive interest has an orientation: "To learn - to learn - to know".

Means: language, speech, search actions.

Forms: elementary search activity, experiments, experiments

Conditions: gradual complication, organization of conditions for independent and educational activities, use of problematic situations.

Result: experience of independent activity, research work, new knowledge and skills that make up a whole range of mental neoplasms.

The sequence of children's experimentation.

On the slide, teachers are presented with the words: hypothesizing, testing an assumption, goal setting, problem situation, formulation of a conclusion, new hypothesis

Task: build a sequence of children's experimentation.

Next slide with correct answer:

problematic situation.

· Targeting.

· Hypotheses.

Checking the hypothesis.

If the assumption was confirmed: formulation of conclusions (how it happened)

If the assumption was not confirmed: the emergence of a new hypothesis, its implementation in action, the confirmation of a new hypothesis, the formulation of the conclusion (how it turned out), the formulation of the conclusions (how it turned out).

In the process of experimentation, the child needs to answer the following questions: How do I do it? Why do I do it this way and not otherwise? Why am I doing this, that I want to know what happened as a result?

To help the educator:

Approximate structure of the lesson - experimentation

· Statement of the research task in the form of one or another variant of the problem situation.

· Exercises for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking (can be organized before class).

· Clarification of life safety rules in the course of experimentation.

· Refinement of the research plan.

· Selection of equipment, its independent placement by children in the study area.

· The distribution of children into subgroups, the choice of leaders, helping to organize peers, commenting on the course and results of joint activities of children in groups.

· Analysis and generalization of the results of experimentation obtained by children.

To help the educator:

"Planning work with children on experimentation"

Junior preschool age

Work with children of this age group is aimed at creating the conditions necessary for sensory development in the course of familiarization with the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world.

In the process of forming elementary exploratory actions in children, teachers are recommended to solve the following tasks:

1) combine the display of an object with the active action of the child to examine it: feeling, hearing, taste, smell (a didactic game such as "Wonderful bag" can be used);

2) compare objects that are similar in appearance: a fur coat - a coat, tea - coffee, shoes - sandals (didactic game like "Make no mistake");

3) to teach children to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning (Why is the bus standing?);

4) actively use the experience of practical activities, gaming experience (Why does the sand not crumble?);

1. About materials (sand, clay, paper, cloth, wood).

2. About natural phenomena (snowfall, wind, sun, water; games with the wind, with snow; snow, as one of the states of aggregation of water; warmth, sound, weight, attraction).

3. About the world of plants (methods of growing plants from seeds, leaves, bulbs; sprouting plants - peas, beans, flower seeds).

4. About methods of studying the object (section "Cooking for dolls": how to make tea, how to make a salad, how to cook soup).

5. About the standard "1 minute".

6. About the objective world (clothes, shoes, transport, toys, paints for drawing, etc.).

In the process of experimentation, the vocabulary of children is replenished with words denoting sensory features of a property, phenomenon or object of nature (color, shape, size: wrinkled - broken, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm, etc.).

Middle preschool age

Work with children of this age group is aimed at expanding children's ideas about the phenomena and objects of the world around them.

The main tasks solved by teachers in the process of experimentation are:

1) active use of the experience of playing and practical activities of children (Why do puddles freeze at night, thaw during the day? Why does the ball roll?);

2) grouping objects according to functional characteristics (What are shoes, dishes for? What is the purpose of using them?);

3) classification of objects and items according to specific features (teaware, tableware).

I. The main content of research conducted by children involves the formation of the following ideas in them:

1. About materials (clay, wood, fabric, paper, metal, glass, rubber, plastic).

2. About natural phenomena (seasons, weather phenomena, inanimate objects - sand, water, snow, ice; games with colored ice floes).

3. About the world of animals (how animals live in winter, summer) and plants (vegetables, fruits), the conditions necessary for their growth and development (light, moisture, heat).

4. About the objective world (toys, dishes, shoes, transport, clothing, etc.).

5. About geometric standards (circle, rectangle, triangle, prism).

6. About a person (my helpers are eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc.).

In the process of experimentation, the children's vocabulary is replenished with words denoting the properties of objects and phenomena. In addition, children get acquainted with the origin of words (such as: sugar bowl, soap dish, etc.).

At this age, building games are actively used to determine the features and properties of objects in comparison with geometric standards (circle, rectangle, triangle, etc.)

senior preschool age

Work with children is aimed at clarifying the entire spectrum of properties and features of objects and objects, the relationship and interdependence of objects and phenomena.

The main tasks solved by the teacher in the process of experimentation are:

1) active use of the research results in practical (household, play) activities (How to build a solid house for dolls faster?);

2) classification based on comparison: by length (stockings - socks), shape (scarf - scarf - scarf), color / ornament (cups: single and multi-colored), material (silk dress - woolen), density, texture (game " Who will name more qualities and properties?").

1. About materials (fabric, paper, glass, porcelain, plastic, metal, ceramics, foam rubber).

2. About natural phenomena (weather phenomena, the water cycle in nature, the movement of the sun, snowfall) and time (day, day - night, month, season, year).

3. On the aggregate states of water (water is the basis of life; how hail, snow, ice, hoarfrost, fog, dew, rainbow are formed; looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass, etc.).

4. About the world of plants (features of the surface of vegetables and fruits, their shape, color, taste, smell; examination and comparison of plant branches - color, shape, location of buds; comparison of flowers and other plants).

5. About the objective world (generic and specific features - freight, passenger, sea, rail transport, etc.).

6. On geometric standards (oval, rhombus, trapezium, prism, cone, ball).

In the process of experimentation, the vocabulary of children is enriched by words denoting the properties of objects and phenomena. In addition, children get acquainted with the origin of words, with homonyms, with the ambiguity of the word (key), synonyms (beautiful, beautiful, wonderful), antonyms (light - heavy), as well as phraseological units ("horse in apples").


1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers. M., 2010.

2. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Management of the preschool educational institution, N 4, 2004, p. 84 - 92

3. Korotkova N.A. Cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers. / Child in kindergarten. N 3, 4, 5 2003, N 1, 2002

4. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers. / Edited by L.N. Prokhorovy M., 2011

5. Solovieva E. How to organize the search activities of children. / Preschool education. No. 1, 2005

6. Stolyarenko A.M. General Pedagogy: Textbook for university students.-M: UNITY - DANA, 2006.-479 p.

7. GEF: preschool education.

Hosted on


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Under experienced work in pedagogical research is understood as the organization of practical activities by the author in accordance with the experience available in the literature and practice without any constructive author's changes.

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Experimental and search work is based on various practical research methods : observation, conversation, experiment, test, personality questionnaires, projective methods, questioning, interviewing, sociometry, analysis of products of children's activities, analysis of documentary sources, game.

Distinguish stating and forming stages of experimental and search work.

Target ascertaining stage - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development of abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of a person, etc.). Thus, the source material is obtained, which helps to build a program of pedagogical actions and psychological corrections for the formative stage of the experiment.

Formative The (transforming, teaching) stage aims not to simply state the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

In such an experiment, the proof is based on a comparison of the states of two objects of observation - the experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the group that was affected by the experimental factor, the control group is the group where it was not affected. In all other respects, the conditions for the activity of these groups are aligned, and the composition of the groups is also aligned. If certain changes are observed in the experimental group after exposure to the factor under study, but not in the control group, the hypothesis can be considered confirmed.

It is possible to conduct an experiment on one group, without isolating the control group. In this case, the level of education or upbringing, or some other parameters (depending on the goals of the experiment) is measured before and after the experiment.

Summing up the results of experimental and search work, it is very important for a beginning researcher not only to establish external changes that are recorded when comparing the initial and resulting data, but also to try to explain them by establishing a relationship between the subject of research of their work and its object. In this case, practical work, indeed, can act as a criterion of "truth".

In design and methodological The papers do not provide for the organization and conduct of a formative and control experiment. The structure of the second (practical) chapter of this type of graduation work may include a description of diagnostic methods, a project of pedagogical activity to solve the problem posed (a system of didactic exercises, games, educational activities, etc.), methodological recommendations.

Inga Nevmovenko
Experimental and search work on the problem of logical thinking






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Experimental search work

teacher Nevmovenko Inga Konstantinovna

on the problem of development of the principles of logical thinking in older preschoolers by means of entertaining mathematics

In the process of cognition and development of mental activity, the child learns mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization. They are the main components thinking. Each of them performs a specific function in the process. thinking and is closely related to other operations.

All these operations cannot manifest themselves in isolation, without connection with each other, and depending on the degree of formation of each of them, mental activity as a whole is carried out with varying degrees of effectiveness.

basis thinking constitute mental actions. According to the functions performed, any action can be divided into three parts: indicative, executive, control.

To perform any action, the simultaneous implementation of all its parts is necessary, and without this, the action cannot be performed.

Ways of carrying out mental operations are an important indicator of the level of development thinking.

Therefore, the goal experienced-exploratory research was to determine the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking and development and testing methods of development logical thinking in older preschoolers, through tasks and exercises of entertaining mathematics.


1. Reveal the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking in children of the preparatory school group.

2. Develop and test development methodology logical thinking older preschoolers, through logical tasks and exercises of entertaining mathematics.

3. To identify the dynamics of increasing the level of development of the beginnings.

The experimental study was conducted on the basis of the preschool department of MBDOU "DS KV "Sun"". The experiment involved 10 children of the group preparatory to school, 4 teachers and 10 parents.

Diagnosis of the level of formation of beginnings logical thinking children of senior preschool age

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment: identification of the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking in older preschool children.

To identify the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking we used:

R. S. Nemov's technique;

Methodology of N. A. Bernshtein;

Methodology "The Fourth Extra".

Diagnostics according to the method of R. S. Nemov included one task "What's wrong here", N. A. Bernshtein’s diagnostics included the task "Sequence of Events", technique "The Fourth Extra" included one task.

A qualitative analysis of the content of the methods was carried out according to the following criteria.

Criteria for analysis of the content of diagnosing methodologies:

High level: are made up of children who accept all tasks with interest, perform them independently, acting at the level of practical orientation, and in some cases at the level of visual orientation. At the same time, they are very interested in the result of their activities. Children correctly solve the problem in less than 1 to 1.5 minutes, name the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explain why they are superfluous. Can find the sequence of events and compose logical story. High level - 22-19 points.

Middle level: are children who are interested in cooperating with adults. They immediately accept tasks, understand the conditions of these tasks and strive to fulfill them. However, on their own, in many cases, they cannot find an adequate way to perform and often turn to an adult for help. After showing the teacher how to complete the task, many of them can cope with the task on their own, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

Children solve the problem in 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. Minor errors in the name of extra items are allowed.

Can find a sequence of events, but can't make a good story, or can, but with the help of leading questions. The average level is 16-12 points.

Low level: are made up of children who in their actions are not guided by instructions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult, not understanding the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act inadequately even under conditions of imitation. The indicators of the children of this group testify to a deep trouble in the development of their mental operations.

Children solve the problem in more than 3 minutes or do not cope with the task. They cannot find the sequence of events and compose a story. Quantitative indicators of the level of development of mental operations: Low level - less than 12 points.

During the ascertaining experiment, the following data were obtained.

Table 1 Quantitative indicators of diagnostic results at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

No. Surname, name of the child Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Total number of points

1 Ivina M 5 2 5 12

2 Ivina S 2 2 4 8

3 Nikulin Z. 6 2 5 13

4 Ustarbekova G 8 3 8 19

5 Medvedeva Z 2 1 2 5

6 Atyuskina A 3 1 4 8

7 Panasov S. 5 2 6 13

8 Kurdziuk R 6 3 8 17

9 Temnikov A 5 2 6 13

10 Sharipov K 3 1 4 8

Average score for the group 11.6

As can be seen from the table, the average score in the group was 11.6 points.

Analyzing the qualitative results, one can see the following.

table 2

Qualitative diagnostic results at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

No. Surname, name of the child Total number of points Level of formation

1 Ivina M 12 S

2 Ivina S 8 N

3 Nikulin Z. 13 S

4 Ustarbekova G 19 V

5 Medvedev D 5 N

6 Atyuskin A 8 N

7 Panasov S. 13 S

8 Kurdziuk R 17 S

9 Temnikov A 13 S

10 Sharipov K 8 N

A qualitative analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the study showed the following.

Method #1 "What's wrong here?"

In the course of this technique, it was possible to reveal that out of 10 people in the group, 5 completed the task correctly (1 - high and 5 - medium level, i.e., capable of analysis and generalization, 4 people showed a low level.

The results of diagnostics according to the first method in the group showed the following levels of development of analysis and generalization.

Diagram 1

Method results "What's wrong here?"

Method #2 "Sequence of Events"

In the course of this technique, it turned out that out of 10 people in the group, 7 children completed the task correctly (1 is a high level and 6 is an average level, i.e. children have such operations thinking as a generalization, finding out the causes, identifying similarities and differences in objects. 3 people showed a low level of development of these operations thinking.

From the results of this technique, we can judge the level of development of such mental operations as generalization, analysis and synthesis in children.

Diagram 2

Method results "Sequence of Events"

Method #3 "The Fourth Extra"

In the course of this technique, it was revealed that out of 10 people in the group - 6 children coped with the task (1 - at high and 5 - average levels;) 4 children showed a low level of children's ability to generalize and classify.

The results of diagnostics according to the third method indicate that the majority of children in the group have such mental operations as generalization and classification. Children easily picked out the extra words. In children with a low level, the ability to generalize and classify is poorly developed.

The distribution of children according to the levels of abilities for generalization, classification according to the results of the fourth method was as follows.

Diagram 3

Distribution of children by levels of ability to generalize, classification according to the results of the methodology "The Fourth Extra"

A comparative analysis of the data obtained from the results of all diagnostic methods showed that in preschoolers, the initial level of development began to logical thinking not high enough. The operations of analysis and generalization were the most formed in children of both groups, and the operations of comparison and classification were the least formed.

Based on the results of the entire diagnostic part of the study, we built a comparative diagram of the levels of development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers.

Histogram 1

Comparative results of the levels of development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers

High level Medium level Low level

After it was carried out Job with preschoolers and certain results were obtained, it was significant for us to find out the attitude of teachers and parents to the studied by us problem. To this end, we conducted a survey of both preschool teachers and parents.

Questioning of teachers involved 6 questions. When answering the first question of the questionnaire, all preschool teachers (100%) noted that they consider the development of the beginnings logical thinking in children of senior preschool age, a significant direction work. Moreover, arguing their answers, the teachers said that this work it is necessary to start precisely at preschool age so that children experience less difficulties when entering school and are more prepared in the school curriculum.

As methods and techniques used by teachers of preschool educational institutions in work on the development of the beginnings of logical thinking were marked by showing, example, and Job in the classroom as part of the plan group work. It should be noted that none of the teachers noted the possibilities of the game for the development of the beginnings. logical thinking in older preschool children. Although, as the answers to the third question of the questionnaire showed, in the group room there is material in the corner of mathematics, which preschoolers can use for games. This is probably due to the fact that preschoolers show interest in this material situationally, from time to time. Moreover, the number of preschoolers in the corner of mathematics usually does not exceed two or three people.

Some disadvantage of the current system work preschool teachers as part of the development of the beginnings logical thinking preschoolers can note the lack of interaction with the family in this particular aspect. The efforts of preschool teachers, deprived of family support, will not be able to lead to any significant result. In this regard, we will take this fact into account in our formative work.

The last question of the questionnaire was supposed to help us identify the difficulties that preschool teachers face when work in the direction we are interested in. Teacher responses can be categorized as follows way:

Lack of scientific and methodological literature on development logical thinking at preschoolers in the methodical office of the preschool educational institution;

Insufficient time resources for work in this direction outside school hours.

Thus, the survey of teachers made it possible to identify the existing difficulties in work teachers in development logical thinking in preschoolers. However, we will try to take into account and neutralize all the identified disadvantages within the framework of our formative work.

Parents of preschoolers are a significant subject of the upbringing and educational process. In this regard, we considered it necessary in the process of questioning to find out how they relate to the subject we are studying. problem. The questionnaire for parents consisted of 4 questions.

Based on the results of the survey, we can identify the following moments:

Absolutely all parents consider the development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers, undoubtedly, an important area of ​​activity, along with physical development, spiritual and moral education of children. However, despite this, at home, only 3 out of 20 parents pay targeted attention to the development child's thinking. All this allows us to say that, most likely, parents do not know how to build work on the development of the principles of logical thinking.

Without a clear idea of ​​how work on developing the beginnings of logical thinking at home, parents often do not pay attention to the availability of appropriate didactic material. Therefore, some explanatory work in this direction.

Absolutely all parents noted that they needed additional information as part of our research problems, which allows us to include work with parents of preschool children in the list of key areas of formative work.

Thus, analyzing the data of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we can conclude that teachers are not sufficiently focused on the development of principles. logical thinking in children: filling interaction with children with a variety of information, teachers do not pay attention to the development of the beginnings logical thinking outside of class, methods and means of their application, which made it necessary for us at the formative stage of the study to think over the content and forms of specially organized activities aimed not only at the development of principles logical thinking in specially organized classes, but also in the daily activities of preschoolers. An important direction in work over the development of logical thinking preschoolers should be work with parents, which will allow us to combine efforts, which may have a positive effect on the result.

The organization of the study depends on many factors, but most of all - on its type, that is, on whether it is collective, complex or individual. Collective research is associated with the development of a common theme by a group of participants in the work, when each of the researchers performs some part of the common work. Comprehensive research is a kind of collective research. It is multi-subject (several subjects of research) and multi-aspect, for example, it includes psychological, socio-pedagogical, technological, managerial aspects, and its results are integrated and expressed in the form of pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical conclusions, models and recommendations. Individual research is carried out by one researcher, and its organization is a self-organization of activity.

Let us dwell on the most difficult type of research from the point of view of organization - a collective comprehensive study.

The first stage is indicative. It involves an objective analysis and assessment of the educational situation in the country, region, city (district) or microdistrict, the study of the social order of society and the state to education, the demands of the population, the saturation and demands of the educational services market, the search for possible "social niches" for offering educational services, the assessment successes, achievements and problems facing the team or management bodies.

This stage is carried out by the initiator and potential leader of the collective search with a group of his assistants-activists, among whom it is very desirable to have representatives of the main areas of the planned comprehensive research: a sociologist, demographer, psychologist, scientist-teacher, subject teachers, teacher-technologist, valeologist, etc. (there are different options).

The second stage is diagnostic (if the necessary diagnostics have already been carried out, then at this stage its results are ordered and updated). The level of development of pedagogical processes and phenomena of interest to researchers, historical and modern experience in solving similar (or close) problems are studied. At this stage, a wider range of specialists is involved in the study, mainly already known (standard) methods and techniques are used.

The third stage is staging. The initial theoretical positions, goals and objectives of the search are determined, a model of the future, the transformed state of the process, institution, system, their new “face” is designed. There is a generation of leading ideas and a plan for transformation, the selection of "carriers" of innovations, ways to introduce new things and monitor the effectiveness of innovations are outlined (for more details, see Chapter II "Logical structure of the study"). At this stage, the individual creative activity of the initiators of the search, responsible for its individual directions, and collective mental activity (discussions, defense of projects, brainstorming, discussions) are combined. Concepts and a kind of scenario project (program, research project) of the search are being drawn up.

After the preliminary definition of the main parameters of the study, it is useful to decide organizational issues if they have not been resolved before.

At this stage, care should be taken to improve the moral and psychological climate, to motivate teachers to conduct a pedagogical search, as well as to personnel, logistical, financial (i.e. resource), managerial, psychological and pedagogical support for the search. The main task of this stage is to optimize the conditions for creative search.

The fourth, transforming, the main stage of the study in terms of time and volume of work. The planned work is being carried out (experiment, creation and implementation of copyright programs and projects, introduction of advanced technologies, management models, etc.). Of particular importance is the training of personnel in the methodology of research work, the implementation of scientific and scientific and methodological support for transformations (stage-by-stage analysis, scientific and scientific-methodological seminars, examination of completed fragments of the work). Departments, sections, research problem laboratories, creative groups should work actively, there should be an intensive exchange of work experience, a joint search for the best solutions (meetings, consultations, expert advice, etc.).

The fifth, final stage includes the final diagnostics, generalization, interpretation and evaluation of the results, presentation of the final analytical report on the work done, publications in the pedagogical press, promotional documents (curricula, programs, recommendations, regulations, etc.). Materials are prepared by performers, heads of directions, and summarized and presented by the head of the research

The pre-thought-out logic of the research is reflected, fixed in the main documents that determine the content, direction and methodology of the search, in the concept and in the research project.

Pedagogical concept contains a substantiation of the problem and a detailed presentation of the initial provisions, main ideas, and prognostic studies.

Main content research project - disclosure of the content of the links of the future research. Along with this, the project should reflect the issues of organizational, material and staffing of the search, risk factors and ways to compensate for possible omissions, the form of presenting the result, as well as the content and methods of managing experimental work.

The project can be replaced research program. The difference of the latter is that the content of the work is presented not according to the main logical blocks, but according to the areas of work with the allocation of stages and measures for their implementation.

It is advisable to develop individual blocks of the logical study of the project or program in more detail in other documents, which, together with the research project (program), constitute a package of documents that support the research process and are first submitted for examination, and then for approval to the district, city or regional authorities or administrations. The package of documents usually includes:


research project (program);

charter of institutions of a new type, exemplary regulations on their divisions and services;

curricula and programs (primarily original, author's);

staffing, regulation on remuneration, on the procedure for staffing;

estimates of necessary expenses, new construction projects and other documents justifying the requested funds.

Depending on the goals and nature of the search, other documents can be developed and submitted (regulations on admission, on the teacher-researcher, on departments, laboratories, etc.). All of them, after internal and external testing and subsequent approval, acquire legal force and form the documentary basis for the ongoing research, as well as licensing, certification and subsequent accreditation of the educational institution 1 .

The work of researchers in programming is specific education development, comprehensive programs of social and pedagogical protection of the family and childhood for the region, city, municipal association.

To create such programs for the development of education, it is necessary to attract the most competent and interested people, and not only teachers and specialists in the field of education. To do this, it is expedient to announce competitions for drafting education development programs, and to determine the winners on the basis of an expert evaluation of projects by a group of highly qualified specialists. The authors of the winning project become the core of the group of program creators.

The organization of drawing up a development program roughly includes the following elements (steps).

1. Development (by the customer or together with the customer) of techno
logical task for performers.

2. Creation of a group of programmers. This stage starts
comes from the selection of analysts (sociologists, economists
comrades, political scientists, historians, demographers, lawyers, psychologists,
teachers, etc.) and familiarize them with the terms of reference.

1 Licensing- issuance of a license, a document for the right to carry out certain types of activities (including educational, medical), fixed in the Charter of the institution. Certification - official assessment of the level of work, compliance with state requirements. Accreditation - official approval of the status of an institution (gymnasium, college, socio-pedagogical complex). All of the above procedures are carried out by state authorities.

The group discusses the conceptual foundations of the program until they are accepted by all involved specialists. In the course of this work, the concept is clarified, the members of the group are updated (the departure of those who disagree, the attraction of new ones, etc.), the distribution of tasks, the clarification of deadlines


3. Collection of material, diagnostic, ascertaining
ing study of the state of affairs.

4. Analytical work of the group. Based on the statistical
historical and other research materials
a comprehensive analysis of the state of the education system in the region and
the main trends of its development in the context of the overall development
region and outlines the first recommendations on the content and
directions of changes in the education system.

5. Constructive work of the group. The concept is being worked out
and the design of the study, the development of an invariant
section structure, instruction cards for each section
(for orientation and general discussion). For example, based on
recommendations, the members of the group highlight the main directions
(target blocks) of the program, for each development block
in structural and substantive aspects, projects are
aimed at the implementation of the target blocks of the program (“Leisure”,
"Family", "Education", etc.). Each of the projects is developed
is determined according to the scheme: a) guidelines for project activities; b) conch
specific activities for the implementation of the project; c) responsible
event performers; d) deadlines for the implementation of activities.

6. Development of each direction and section, including ana
liz, forecast, design, programming.

7. Bringing together individual sections, their coordination and
generalization, coordination of all provisions, elimination of duplication
ing, consistent implementation of the main ideas of transformation
vany, primary editing.

8. Discussion of the first version of the program. After compiling
of the first version of the program, it is desirable to replicate
to engage and involve in the discussion as many teachers as possible
gov-professionals, members of the public, independent
my experts. During the discussion, the content of the program may
change significantly, up to the rejection of some options and
development of others, new ones.

9. Finalization of the project, taking into account the comments and suggestions, re
text dubbing.

10. Acceptance of the program. An updated version of the program
is worn for discussion of the meeting of practical pedagogical
workers (competent teachers, children's preschool workers,
school, out-of-school educational institutions,
teachers of educational institutions) and is accepted by them. After that, pro-

gram of development of education is submitted for examination. Approved by the department of education and the administration (or authority), it becomes the main document regulating the course of updating the education of the region.

Of course, the provisions of the program should be regularly clarified; it should not turn into a dogma. For successful monitoring and correction of the implementation of the program, it is desirable to retain the group of its creators as analysts and consultants.

The next organizational task is the scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the program (search and selection of existing methods and the development of new ones) and the provision of scientific and methodological support for the program (training of personnel, development of subprograms, phased analysis and correction of its sections, exchange of experience, etc.).

Program activities, therefore, should proceed from taking into account both the general and the specific, from stimulating amateur activity, initiative, activity of participants in the educational process, and from not strictly, but softly regulating indirect managerial influences. In the programs, it is expedient to develop the authors' own approaches to those important positions that are not reflected in national documents or are not sufficiently specified in them.

Programs for the development of education with this approach are not directive programs (the time of directives has passed, and even in conditions of social instability and a market economy, the directive approach is unpromising), but they do not become only forecast programs. These are rather science-based benchmark programs that indicate strategic goals, stages of updating all levels of education, requiring further specification in work plans, individual targeted programs, projects and specific events and stimulating initiative, extensive search work in educational institutions, practical verification of projects, their improvement .

Let us dwell a little more on ways to optimize the conditions of psychological and pedagogical search in the team as an important area of ​​organizational work.

Search success is largely predetermined conditions, that is, those external and internal circumstances in which the search is made. Therefore, before starting experimental and search work, it is necessary to analyze the conditions and try to optimize them. Of course, not everything depends on the experimenters themselves, but many conditions can be adjusted to enhance the positive and reduce the negative impact of the conditions on the process and results of work. If their totality is clearly unfavorable or there are no defining (mandatory) conditions, one should refrain from deploying experimental and search work and work on co-

building favorable or at least acceptable conditions. Some of the conditions are enough to understand and take into account, others can be changed and adjusted.

Let's start with conditions of a broad socio-political plan. They are generally quite favorable. The society and its official bodies give the go-ahead to the pedagogical search, the public demand for socio-pedagogical innovations has manifested itself quite clearly, but at the same time, the real socio-economic conditions for pedagogical creativity are still very incompletely provided. The society and the state do not realize the decisive role of education for the destinies of the country, the pedagogization of the environment is slow, the school remains alone with its needs. The narrow departmental approach to the problems of education, family, unemployment, and rehabilitation has not been overcome. State appropriations for the development of education and the social sphere are completely insufficient. It should be noted, however, that it is institutions striving for something new that find public support much faster, receive state subsidies and sponsorship funds.

Now let's talk about organizational and methodological conditions, many of which, to one degree or another, are subject to the organizers and are amenable to regulation. We only want to warn that some of them are mandatory, and some are desirable. In the latter case, the presence of conditions facilitates, and the absence or incompleteness makes it difficult, reduces the efficiency of the search. We identify four mandatory conditions: the presence of a "leader" (individual or collective - a group of leaders and teachers), armed with ideas of transformation and capable of generating them;

comprehension of real difficulties, contradictions, development prospects; adequate assessment of the situation, own achievements, problems and opportunities;

the availability of qualified personnel who own the leading types of activities (teachers-masters, qualified educators and psychologists);

a sufficiently high general cultural level of the teaching staff (it is also called the cultural or intellectual "background" of the search). Only the general culture of a specialist can be the basis of his creative activity, and the general culture of the team can be the key to the success of a collective and even more complex research.

The desirable conditions for creative search include

the following:

sufficiently high prestige of the institution, trust in it by parents, students, the public, clients;

favorable psychological climate in the team;

not a very large number of students (up to 500-700) or pupils (up to 100-150); then there is an opportunity to study everyone, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, and in the history of pedagogy, it is relatively small schools and educational institutions that most often act as centers of innovation and excellence; if there are more than a thousand students in a school, then for an experimental search it is useful to take a relatively independent unit, say, elementary grades or senior level;

classes at school in one (first) shift, which makes it possible to plan work with students for a full day;

availability of material conditions (premises, equipment, literature, financing, etc.); the availability of funds, which makes it possible to replicate programs, methodological documentation, questionnaires, carry out mathematical data processing, attract specialists, pay for additional work of teachers, improve their qualifications, etc.;

a reserve of free time for the participants of the experiment, which makes it possible to think, draw up projects, analyze, search for and correct errors;

highly desirable contacts with research teams (departments of universities, subdivisions of research institutes, etc.).

If the desired search conditions do not fully satisfy the requirements, this creates additional difficulties, but does not exclude the possibility of a successful search.

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