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  • Blind speed typing experience. How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard blindly? The easiest way I know! Training simulators

Blind speed typing experience. How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard blindly? The easiest way I know! Training simulators

There are no secrets or tricks to learning how to type faster. This fact may be frustrating at first, but what it really means is that with time and practice, absolutely anyone can learn to type fast. When you can type without looking at the keyboard, you will notice that your speed becomes much faster. This is not difficult at all, but it requires the correct position of the body on the chair and the fingers on the keyboard. With patience and perseverance, you will soon learn how to touch-type at a very decent speed.


Part 1

Correct body position

    Properly organize the space for work and printing. For typing, you need a comfortable, well-lit, and well-ventilated area. You need to print, of course, at a table or desk, and not on your knees. Comfortable position plays very important role if you want to work for a long period of time. Make sure that all these components are in order before moving on.

    Get in the right position. The correct body position for typing is sitting, back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed to the floor. Your wrists should be level with the keyboard so that your fingers can easily curve over the keys. Your head should tilt slightly downward when you look at the monitor, and your eyes should be 45-70 centimeters away from the screen.

    • Most office chairs are adjustable. Experiment with the position of the chair until you find a suitable seat height.
  1. Don't bend over. It is important to maintain good posture so that you do not start to slouch while working. Keep your posture and body position correct to avoid wrist pain, which will slow you down and disrupt your typing rhythm. Don't slouch your shoulders and back, try to stay relaxed but upright.

Part 3

Blind Print Basics

    First, evaluate your speed. There are many ways to evaluate your typing speed, which is usually measured in WPM (words per minute). The easiest way is to type "calculate typing speed" in the internet search bar and click on one of the first links to take a simple test. This will give you a definite starting point.

    • Having a specific number as a result will help you gauge your progress over time.
    • Sometimes the result will be shown in WAM (words a minute) and not in WPM. There is no difference between these terms.
    • Remember that WPM is best calculated in certain period time. Typing more or less time can change your WPM, so take the same test on the same site whenever you want to test your speed again over time.
  1. Slowly start touch typing. Improving your typing speed is a matter of steadily honing your skills, and touch typing (without looking at the keyboard) tends to be the most fast way printing when you master it. If you have never typed touch before, then you will probably spend quite a lot of time on this step. But when you can type without looking at the keys, you will be much faster.

    Stick to this range and don't look at your hands. It is very important not to look at the keyboard while typing, to force the fingers to memorize key positions through physical repetition. If you can't help but look at the keyboard, try typing by scribbling over light hands cloth, such as a towel.

Part 4

Practice and Improvement

    Practice, practice and more practice. Touch typing is a skill that is quite difficult to master, but once you get your fingers into the correct position on the keyboard and your posture and body position are correct, the only thing that will help you improve is practice. Take some time each day to practice touch typing and work on your speed and accuracy. Over time, your WPM will steadily increase.

    Practice with online games. There are a lot of sites that offer free games for printing, where you can safely practice. They will usually give you a certain score and also calculate your WPM so you can try to beat your own record and compete with others by taking quizzes and playing online.

  1. Consider more serious training. There are a number of specially designed programs that will help you quickly learn touch typing. All of these are either just guided sessions or games whose results are controlled by your typing speed and accuracy. If you need to quickly improve your typing, consider purchasing such a game or program.

    • Such programs are various kinds. Widely available on the Internet free online trainers, but there are also programs that you can download and a whole range of programs that cost money. Some will be more interesting than others, but they will all help you improve your typing skills.
    • Ultimately, how soon you can improve your typing will depend on how much time you put into the practice.
    • Be persistent. Learning to type quickly takes practice. :D
    • Alternatively, use software to help you type faster, such as AutoHotkey or Mywe.

How to learn to type?

Today, many people work connected with the computer. Employers often demand the skill of typing on a computer, because the quick typing technique on the keyboard not only helps to reduce time, but also speaks of the professionalism of the candidate for a new job.

Of course, at home, this may not be useful to everyone. But for people in a profession such as, for example, a writer or a journalist, this will become a very useful skill.

Let's figure out how to learn to type, why you need it, what typesetting methods and techniques are, and also what resources you can use to improve this skill to the limit.

When you learn how to type quickly, you will notice that you do not even think about how you do it.

Blind recruitment rules

We have been thinking about how to learn to type quickly for a long time. Back in 1888, stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin developed the ten-finger blind typing technique on the keyboard. This significantly increased the productivity of employees of firms and made a breakthrough in this area.

You won’t be able to learn how to print using this technique right away. It will be necessary to stock up on perseverance, since at first mistakes are inevitable. Speed ​​is the main priority of this method, but do not rush, type thoughtfully and slowly, and with experience the speed will begin to increase. The main thing - a large number of workouts.

The essence of the method could already be understood from its name. This is typing on the keyboard
without looking at the layout. According to this method, the hands are placed in a special position. We have already talked about the standard position of the hands "FYVA-OLJ". That is what we use in this method. Of course, the top row of function buttons (F1-F12) will not be useful for touch typing, since we will use only the main keys.

Moreover, any keyboard is made specifically for the possibility of learning the method of touch typing, since the vowels "a" and "o" have special small protrusions that will help you navigate the keyboard without looking at it.

So, we master the positions and gradually train. It is important to study every day - then the result of your work will be noticeable. The more practice there is, the faster the hands will get used to typing without a cheat sheet.

Impact printing technique

The blind recruiting method is accompanied by another technique that you need to master in order to
Achieving an excellent result is the technique of impact when printing.

Few people follow exactly how they type letters on the keyboard. It seems, well, pillows, what else. In fact, you should know that the main principle of this technique is to use not only the pads of the fingers, but the entire hand. The blows should be clear and jerky, while all the fingers should always return to their original position.

Printing Rhythm

The dialing rhythm is also important. You will notice that when typing occurs rhythmically, that is, with a certain amount of time between pressing each button, the typing speed increases. Even if it is possible to type some characters faster and some slower, you still need to stick to the rhythm.

A metronome will do just fine as a rhythm aid. This is provided for in some programs and online services.

Programs with which you can master the technique of speed typing on the keyboard

There are several programs designed to teach everyone the technique of speed dialing.

Quick Print Training Online Services

You can also learn high-speed typing online, both in the usual form and in the game:

All these sites with online simulators, after registration, provide you with the opportunity to train absolutely free of charge. Here already choose any, because they all teach the technique of blind typing.

If you are thinking about how to learn to type, also take note of the information from the articles and.

Today, the ability to quickly and competently type on the keyboard is necessary for almost everyone. But how to learn it? Many who want to learn the techniques and techniques of high-speed printing go to courses, to trainings, throw out money (often rather big ones) for a variety of simulators and lessons. In fact, it is not necessary to fork out for advertised training materials. You can learn to type quickly and competently with both hands on your own and absolutely free.

Below will be considered free programs speed typing, and tips and tricks for quickly acquiring this valuable skill. But first - a little information about the benefits that this skill gives a person.

Why learn high-speed typing with two hands?

The first and main benefit is a reduction in time costs. The skill is priceless for people who type large texts every day. The simplest example: fast printing will increase productivity, and then the earnings of a copywriter. This skill is equally useful for writers, editors, executives in various fields of activity - in general, for everyone who deals with letters and numbers.

Also, the ability to type quickly will allow you to type text more rhythmically, and this will significantly reduce fatigue from prolonged work. Moreover, when the fingers begin to freely “fly” through the letters, and the text is typed as if by magic, this helps to enjoy the process.

Attention! For job seekers the ability to type quickly will serve as a trump card that will help you beat your competitors and get a coveted job or position.

Another plus fast printing- the ability to keep up with your thoughts. This is very important for those who create texts. Why? Because sometimes interesting thoughts are lost in that fraction of a second when a person is looking for the desired key on the keyboard.

And the quick typing skill will help you take care of your eye health. Because vision is overstrained when, in the process of work, the eyes run from the monitor to the keyboard and back.

Methods for teaching speed typing on the keyboard

Basic rules for blind typing:

  1. The first thing to do is remember the layout of the keys. Here is an exercise that will help. 10 - 15 seconds to consider one of the rows of the keyboard on which the letters "live". It is best to memorize in a row from top to bottom. After a while, take a piece of paper and try to write down on it the order in which the signs are located. Repeat the action for each row for as long as you need to remember. The goal will be achieved when the set of letters begins to be reproduced automatically in the mind or on a piece of paper.
  2. The second stage of learning is typing the alphabet on the keyboard in order, from a to z. You need to repeat this exercise until you get it with good speed and without slips.

Advice. Choice is also important the right tool for those who are learning blind typing. An ergonomic keyboard is ideal, on which the buttons are divided in two, under each of the palms. But just a curved keyboard will do.

The correct posture is also very important, which, in principle, differs little from the ideal posture of a student at a desk. Do not hunch over, sit too close or far, cross your legs. The back should be straight, this will help maintain good posture.

Today, many people type fast enough with a few fingers - and they think that this is enough. However, blind typing with ten fingers is much faster. Therefore, when learning on your own to speed typing, you need to try to use all your fingers.

Many speed typing programs "fix" their own keys for each individual finger. It helps a lot, although it is difficult at first. But when the adaptation period passes, the two-finger typing method is forgotten. It is important not to allow reversions to the old typing style.

Starting to learn the touch typing skill, it is better not to rush. It is clear that speed is at the forefront, but haste gives rise to typos - and editing them takes time. Therefore, it is much more important to train regularly and develop the rhythm of typing.

How to type with ten fingers?

Blind typing is, roughly speaking, typing with all fingers without peeping into the keyboard. At the same time, the brushes lie on the buttons in a special way. Their bases should be placed on the front edge of the keyboard or laptop case. The brushes need to be bent as if there were balls in the hands.

You will need to get used to the correct position of the hands.

The arrangement of letters on the keyboard is not at all random. It is based on determining the frequency of use of keys. And this principle is designed specifically for the method of blind recruitment!

On any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in 6 rows. The top one, with "hot" keys, is used infrequently. Someone likes the next "digital" series, and someone doesn't. "Hatees" upper digits can use a side block located to the right of the main block instead.

The classic way of placing fingers on the keyboard looks like this:

  • Right hand. Little finger - on the letter "Zh", nameless - on "D", middle - above the letter "L", index - above the letter "O";
    Left hand. The little finger - on the letter "F", the ring finger - above the "Y", the middle one - on the "B", the index finger - on the letter "A";
    Both thumbs are on the space bar.

At first, to control the location of the hands with the index fingers, you should always “cling” to the letters “O” and “A”. Gradually, the fingers will get used to it, and the need for support will disappear. This will be a transition to quality new level skill.

How to remember all the buttons on the keyboard? This is a long process of hard training for each finger. Start with index right hand, then go to the index left, then to the right middle - and so on to both little fingers. You can try to type texts right away, but this is fraught with an increase in training time. The ideal material for training is the "dictionaries" for each finger, which are equipped with all keyboard trainers.

Also, in the learning process, it is important to monitor the rhythm of printing and the correct percussive technique of the fingers. Everything is clear with the first point, but what kind of percussion technique is this? It's simple: the fingers should touch the keys easily and quickly, and then immediately return to their place.

What programs can help?

  1. "Stamina"- free simulator to help you master ten-finger typing.
  2. "Solo on the keyboard" - developed by an employee of the Department of Journalism of Moscow State University, helps to learn quickly and easily.
  3. VerseQ is a very popular touch typing tutorial. Its developers promise that the skill will be developed from scratch in fifteen hours of training.

The blind typing technique is based on the fact that a set of keys is defined for any finger. All training in this skill is simply a process of developing muscle memory with the fingers. Therefore, in order to be able to quickly and without errors type text with two hands, you need to want it very much and work hard.

How to learn to type quickly: video

I welcome you to the blog From this article you will learn how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard blindly, who needs it and why. Everyone, without exception, knows that working with a computer is carried out not only for entertainment, but also for performance. various works. So, almost all office workers working in serious and large firms, typing, looking at the computer screen, and not at the fingers "flying" on the keyboard.

Many think about how this can be? Does it happen that a person types without fear of making a mistake in the typed text? Yes, this is quite real, and further we will give detailed answers to the question, how can you learn to type quickly on a computer?

How to improve typing speed?

If you think that the interaction with the keyboard in your case leaves much to be desired, then one thing will help you effective remedy, which is called "blind printing method". Many beginners in the field of typing make the same mistake - they just sit at the computer for hours, typing various texts, while trying not to look at their hands. Needless to say, such an activity does not give any effect at all?

If you want to learn how to quickly operate the keyboard, then the so-called touch typing will help you with this. This is a method that even from "hopeless" beginners turned into real pros in the field of typing.

Blind typing - what is this method?

This type of typing has been known since the time when computers were not even heard of - from the end of the 18th century. At first, no one thought that ten-finger method printing may have its own methodology - everyone learned this as he could and wanted. However, give positive results such a technique began only when all the keys began to “submit” to specific fingers. This approach greatly facilitated the process of learning touch typing techniques.

This method was called ten-fingered for the reason that absolutely all fingers are involved during typing, even the little fingers, which, it would seem, are of little use in this matter. Do you find it difficult to learn such a typing technique? This is not true! And pretty soon you will see that typing quickly on the keyboard with two hands, without looking at your fingers, is easy and simple.

Blind Print Basics

The blind typing method on a computer keyboard operates according to certain principles that must be taken into account. If you do not follow these rules, you will only lose time, without achieving anything. Here are the main principles of this technique.

  1. Distribute the keyboard keys on your fingers, if necessary, writing down all the combinations on a piece of paper. You can even mark the keys with multi-colored stickers by making similar colored markings on your nails (for initial stage learning is a very good idea).
  2. When typing characters, it is strictly forbidden to look at the keyboard. This is the main mistake of beginners, and it is for this reason that many "students" lose patience and do not go through the stage of touch typing on the keyboard to the end.

On a note. You should be prepared for the fact that this technique will require a lot of effort and patience from you. At first, you will make many mistakes and typos, which you will have to constantly correct. However, over time, you will begin to develop a habit that will soon develop into an acquired reflex. Thus, no matter what keyboard you work with, your fingers will themselves press the desired keys.

The main advantages of short printing

Touch typing has a number of advantages, and they are what make it so popular as it is today. Here are its main advantages:

  • the ability to type up to 500 characters in 60 seconds;
  • the ability to maintain the health of the cervical vertebrae, since their constant flexion and extension while switching attention from the keyboard to the monitor can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • avoiding eye fatigue, which occurs when the gaze is constantly moving from the screen to the keys;
  • reduction in overall fatigue.

As you can see, touch typing on the keyboard is not only convenient, but also very useful. However, remember: do not violate the rules described above, otherwise you will have to come to terms with the fact that such a technique will remain inaccessible to you.

Touch typing basics

The blind ten-finger typing method can be mastered if certain guidelines are followed. In this case, the location of each finger plays an important role, so the learning process must be taken seriously and as responsibly as possible. The main aspects of this methodology will be outlined below.

General rules for typing letters

The position of the hands on the keys when touch typing is the same for all languages, which greatly simplifies the task. All rows are taken into account, except for the auxiliary one, which is located at the highest point of the keyboard ( function buttons marked F). All other keys you should be able to operate.

The main rows for high-speed typing on the keyboard are those where the letters are located, as well as the buttons:

  • Alt (on both sides of the keyboard);
  • enter;
  • space.

These are the main rows that you should distribute between all 10 fingers on your hands. To learn how to type quickly on the keyboard using this scheme, you need to start small. That is, study the first letter combinations (4 first and 4 last letters 4 rows), and then start typing words using them. Gradually, you will gain experience that will allow you to properly hold your hands on the keyboard in the future, namely, at a distance of several millimeters from the keys.

How to master auxiliary keys?

So, you have learned how to quickly deal with a set of supporting (letter) keys, and now it's time to deal with the auxiliary row. This will be a little more difficult, because learning to type without looking at the keyboard in this case not as easy as in the previous version.

Now we are talking about all other keys, except for the function keys, which are located at the very top of the keyboard. Now let's take turns.

  1. The Backspace and Enter key should be pressed exclusively with the right little finger.
  2. The Shift and Ctrl buttons are located on both sides of the keyboard and the little fingers of both hands are also responsible for them.
  3. Tab is pressed with the left little finger.
  4. The Alt keys are pressed with the thumbs, just like the space bar.

As you can see, the ten-finger blind typing method on a computer is not a very complicated, but somewhat time-consuming technique. However, when you fully master it, working at the computer will be easier and more enjoyable for you.

How to remember the main keys?

To quickly type on the keyboard, it is important to remember the location of the main buttons - letters and numbers. The main load is assumed by the index fingers of both hands, since it is with them that you will press 6 keys (A, O, I, M, P, P and those that are nearby). If you look at the keyboard, you will see that all these letters are in close proximity to each other. And those that are located on the sides of them also fall under the control of the index fingers.

To remember the location of the main letters, you must follow these simple rules:

  • you need to learn the keys gradually, starting with the thumb of the right hand, then the left;
  • then we operate with the middle fingers, of course, also in turn;
  • then come the ring fingers;
  • the final stage is the distribution of keys between the little fingers.

That's the whole simple science, thanks to which after a certain period of time you will be able to bring all your actions when working with computer keyboard to automatism. To speed up this process, you can use special program for blind printing. With the help of such online simulator You can not only quickly master the rules of typing, but also get great pleasure from classes. And this already significantly increases your chances of success.

Touch typing programs

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard using a special simulator? In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, and understanding the principle of operation of such software is quite simple. Let's look at the most popular and effective typing simulators.

  • Keyboard solo

This is one of the most famous keyboard typing trainers. The program can be downloaded for free and installed on a computer, but it will trial version, so you will have to pay for the opportunity to use all its features.

  • Stamina

Stamina is a simulator that is popular because it teaches typing gradually. You can set the text you want to print yourself and start practicing.

This touch typing simulator allows you to train not only beginners, but also improve the efficiency of people who already have certain typing skills.

  • Touch Typing Study

This is an online touch typing simulator that is quite simple and easy to use. The site has several keyboard layouts (languages), including even Latin. At any moment you can get a hint, which is especially important and useful for beginners.

Such an online touch typing simulator consists of 15 lessons, of which full course learning. At the same time, the work in the system is so interesting and exciting that you will not even notice how time has flown by and you have already acquired the necessary skills.

If you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, do not put off this lesson "for later." Everything is not as difficult and scary as many people think, but the knowledge and skills gained in modern world(the world of Internet technologies!) will definitely come in handy!

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a computer. Despite the fact that users of all ages spend a significant part of their time behind a laptop, few people have an idea how to type on the keyboard with two hands correctly. Print speed - useful skill, which saves time when working with text. Any user can master fast printing, and at the same time he does not need any extra abilities or expensive courses. You just need to be patient and make a little effort, and in a few weeks you will quickly and without errors print text of any complexity.

Fast Printing Methods

Learning to type fast

There are only two main methods of fast printing: visual and "blind" ten-finger. The first method is used by most people: looking at the keys, a person types the text with one or two fingers (usually index or middle). The second method is more professional and consists in the fact that the user types with all fingers of two hands, while not looking at the keyboard.

"Blind" printing method

Blind typing

This method assumes that certain letters are assigned to each finger. The main thing is to initially “put” your hands correctly and work out pressing certain keys. For example, the index finger of the left hand corresponds to the letters "A", "P", and the right - "O", "P", etc. By repeating the actions many times, over time, the work of the fingers will be so brought to automatism that it will no longer be necessary to look at the keys.


We can say that you have mastered the method completely if your consciousness does not control the movement of your fingers.

Ten-Finger Printing Rules

For faster mastering of printing with ten fingers, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  1. Pressing should be sharp, without delays or clamps, otherwise fluency will not be achieved.
  2. Do not hit the keys hard, otherwise you can get a disease of the joints.
  3. Keyboard strikes should be even and rhythmic.
  4. Make sure that there is no "bending" of the fingers.
  5. Proper landing is half the battle. Sitting on a chair should be calm, relaxed, without tension of the spinal column, without slouching and not leaning on the back.
  6. Training must begin with correct location hands - index fingers should be located on the letters "A" and "O", the rest - are located on the middle line of the keyboard on the remaining three keys in order.
  7. Now is the time for the formation of mechanical skills. With the help of special training programs, it is necessary to recruit certain words without looking at the keys.
  8. The more repetitions you do, the faster you will master the touch typing skill.
  9. The typed text should be well lit and on the left side.

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