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Optimal obs settings for twitch. The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up OBS for Twitch Streaming

Many people who are just starting to stream on Twitch or other resources, and at the same time looking for which program is optimal for them, often choose based on the following criteria: simplicity, efficiency and, of course, cost. Under all these criteria, the utility fits perfectly. Setting up this program is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but in fact, all its advantages that such detailed setting, fully compensate for its complexity.

OBS and XSplit

It is immediately worth noting the fact that if we compare this utility with XSplit, then in fact it is not so easy to learn. After all, if the latter does almost everything for us, then when you use OBS, you will most likely have to either figure out all sorts of nuances for a long time or turn to the Internet for advice on Open Broadcaster Software. Setting up this utility is sometimes complicated also for the reason that their site periodically crashes, as a result of which users absolutely lose access to it. In this regard, quite often there is such a situation that it is impossible to enter the forum of the site itself.

What are the benefits of OBS?

First of all, considering the advantages of this utility, it is worth noting how simple the interface has Open Broadcaster Software. Setting up this program is difficult only because of its detail, while mastering the main points is extremely simple and understandable. Of course, this interface does not differ in some incredible beauty, but in such things, convenience is much more important.

It is also impossible not to say how few resources Open Broadcaster Software requests. Tuning with detailed summing various options allows you to achieve the maximum availability of streams and the minimum consumption of the resources of the program itself. If you set all the characteristics correctly, then even the most demanding games will run and run without any problems, but for beginners, such a detailed setting is, of course, a problem. Indeed, not everyone will figure it out on their own, because there is huge amount points, as well as the utility itself quite often can impose far from the best configuration for the user's computer.

What do you need to know?

When downloading the utility from the official site, you should carefully choose the version that is suitable for your operating system. Streaming programs are offered in two versions - x32 and x64, and the shortcut in this case can be created by default. If you mix up the bitness, then in this case, during the streaming process, the program will “lag” quite strongly or even not work at all. To make it easier for you, it's best to initially just remove the shortcut that doesn't suit you so that in the future you don't accidentally launch OBS, which can "lag".

But such problems are not only a consequence of the fact that people run incorrect labels, some still do not know how to set up Open Broadcaster Software. After all, in fact, when working with this utility, it is very important to pay attention to all the little things.

OBS or Free XSplit?

Many people think that because of the complexity, you should not use OBS, but you can just use, for example, the free version of the XSplit streaming program. But in fact, not everyone understands that free version This utility is fundamentally different from the paid one, it is extremely curtailed, while Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is perfectly used and does not block us from accessing any characteristics.

In principle, the utility appeared relatively recently, and the developers of XSplit or to this day have not realized that they have a very, very serious competitor(which is unlikely), or they simply continue to be paid by those people who are used to this utility, because for just a few years this area was dominated by a total monopoly of this program, since there were no alternatives to it.

Streams are expensive

But in any case, regardless of which program you will download, you must immediately decide how devoted you will be to streaming, because you will need to invest certain funds here for the development of both the computer and the Internet. . If just for fun, then untitled Open Broadcaster Software is fine, but if you want to secure yourself maximum performance and stability, you can try the premium version of XSplit.

However, most users who use OBS and have experience with paid XSplit say that there is almost no difference.

Downloading the program

Naturally, before using Open Broadcaster Software, we will need to download this program from the official website. While it is downloading and installing on your computer, you can go to home page, select the approximate configuration of your computer, and then click on the Recommend Settings button. Initially, you can use just such a set of characteristics, which during the tests you can already change for yourself.

General program settings

Once installed, you will need to go to the "General" settings tab. For convenience, it is recommended to initially create a profile so that you can switch between several sets of settings at any time.

It is worth noting that initially you are provided with Open Broadcaster Software in Russian, but you can change the language in the settings, if necessary, if it is more convenient for you. Installing a tray icon or minimizing the program is not necessary if you have additional monitor. It's best to have control over the streaming process, rather than annoying viewers by constantly switching between windows. Showing the cursor should be turned off without fail if you are going to show a certain movie or video, but in the case of the vast majority of games, it is quite possible to leave it, and sometimes even necessary - for more information.


The most controversial feature here is CBR, which maintains a constant bitrate. This parameter forces users to download the broadcast at a certain speed during the entire stream, which ranges from 2000 to 5000 Kbps, which is not optimal in some cases, but in fact, recently the setting of this parameter is mandatory requirement on Twitch. Open Broadcaster Software gives you the ability to not only meet this requirement, but to do so completely automatically.

The only drawback of such a constant bitrate is the inaccessibility of your stream to those people who use an unstable connection (for example, a 3G modem) or have limited traffic.

We set the quality at the level of 6-8. You should not immediately set the value to 10 to celebrate, since visually you will practically not see any difference, but at the same time, users who will view it may experience all kinds of lags. The maximum bitrate is recommended to be set approximately at the level of 2500-3500. First, streaming services are more high values are not very willing to accept, starting to “lose” packets, and secondly, the use of a bitrate of more than 3500 is required only if the image is provided in Full HD format. It should also be noted that the value of the limit bitrate should be equal to the size buffer, so you shouldn't even check the box next to "Other buffer size".

In "Audio" select "AAC" codec, as well as "Bitrate 128".


There are two available modes- This is a local recording and live broadcast. Local recording provides a great opportunity to fully evaluate the quality of the future stream before using Open Broadcaster Software in a live broadcast, so that you do not disturb the viewers in the future. At the same time, it is recommended to use this function before starting the stream, and this especially applies to those situations if you are going to hang all kinds of pictures and other extraneous elements on top of the image. Now you will need to specify the path where your test video will be saved and set a hot key, after pressing which the broadcast will be launched in the OBS window. Among other things, this option can be used as a worthy alternative to all sorts of programs like Fraps.

After you are done with choosing the optimal settings, you should put the live stream back. V latest versions The utilities provide a fairly large number of a wide variety of services through which you can broadcast your broadcast, but Twitch and Cybergame, of course, were and remain optimal. The first is the most common portal today. of this type, and the second is more aimed at the Russian audience. It should be noted that both services this moment unobtrusive in terms of monetization, and are entirely dedicated to the gaming theme.

Which server to choose?

For Twitch, you should choose London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt. Quite often there are situations when one of the servers is overloaded, constantly "lags", and for this reason it simply does not receive all packets from us. In this case, you will need to choose another server. If we consider Cybergame, then here special options no - is it a paid or free server.

In order for you to be provided with your own Play Path / Stream Key, you will need to go through the registration procedure on one of the channels, and then create own channel. The services themselves are extremely clear and accessible. In the profile, you will be given an individual key for the channel, which you will need to enter in this field.


V this section you will need to choose your own video card, as well as the resolution that you consider optimal. In this case, you can simply select a monitor so that the program uses the resolution you choose. Scaling is recommended to be set at 1280x720, since HD is more than optimal for broadcasting video or various games. Full HD will already require more than fine tuning programs, as you will need to find the optimal balance between the bitrate used, as well as the capabilities of the computer and the receiving capacity of the service you have chosen.

It is best to leave the filter bilinear, since other options give practically nothing visually, in addition to the extra load. To set the frames per second value, you should remember exactly what parameters the OBS estimator offered you on the official website. In the vast majority of cases, it is quite enough to set the number of frames per second to 30. It is worth noting the fact that the set FPS is most noticeably responsible for how heavy load the program will give to your computer, and if you notice any slowdowns in the PC during the stream, first of all you should reduce this parameter, but you should definitely not set it below 25 FPS.

Esports, which started in the 90s, is developing quite rapidly these days. Rapid Technological Progress Contributes to the Desire of Gamers

demonstrate your gaming skills to a large audience. Thanks to Youtube, Justin and other similar sites, they can present their achievements in games to the public. The growing popularity of such broadcasts led to the creation of the pro-gaming service Twitch. The streaming program on Twitch will allow gamers to show their game to everyone.

Creation of the Twitch service

due to overload main servers Justin launched Twitch in 2011. Its main theme was gaming videos streamers and broadcasting of eSports tournaments.

Due to the growing popularity among gamers, this service began to be used by the creators computer games to demonstrate the gameplay of their products. Also, the demand for games on streams allows you to create a rating of their popularity.

On Twitch, absolutely any game can be streamed, from casual arcade games to hardcore simulators. Broadcasting of the game process can be implemented directly from the playing person or by people demonstrating the game with the participation of one or another gamer. In the stream, you can often see the player himself and hear his comments about the process. Users revisiting the broadcast can leave their feedback about the game or discuss it directly with the streamer in the chat. But for this, they must be registered on the Twitch website, like the streamer himself.

You must be at least 13 years of age to register on the site. Being its user, they are obliged to comply with the established rules, similar to those on all similar services. If you violate the rules, your account will be blocked. It can also be banned by the administration without any explanation of the reason.

Software for broadcasting on the resource "Twitch"

In order to view videos of players, it is enough to go to the official Twitch website from any device connected to the Internet. To be able to leave comments or create your own channel, you need to register on the resource, which is free.

If you plan to stream your game, then you will need a Twitch streaming program that captures video and allows you to process it. There are quite a few such programs, but the most popular are OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) and XSplit. Each of them has its pros and cons, based on which you can make optimal choice. XSplit, for example, requires more resources to run than OBS and a particular OS build. But the functionality and quality of its design is on top. OBS, on the other hand, has excellent performance. And, of course, the fact that this program is free plays a decisive role.

In order to start streaming with OBS or XSplit, you need to figure out how to set up the program for streaming on Twitch in order. To do this, consider the features of the settings of both programs.

Setting up XSplit for streaming

If you like the XSplit streaming program on Twitch, then you should understand the features of its settings. It is best to download it on the official website, where you must first register. You can do this in a few minutes. It is important to know that the XSplit branch has programs different modification and choose the one that suits you best. The shell of the program is quite minimalistic, but in order to deal with it, it is worth paying attention to some points.

The program gives you the ability to preview your videos, so you'll always know what the audience sees. When setting up audio, keep in mind that the audience needs to hear your voice and game sounds. To perform a high-quality setting, you can use the indicator of current signals (red lines). If the settings are difficult to figure out, you can use the help of a friend who will point out the shortcomings.

As for the sources of the current scenes, they can be added using the Add button, which displays a list of options: these can be images from a video camera, pictures, titles, or others. possible files. Such scene elements allow you to quickly switch at the time of the stream. This is convenient, because there are moments in the game that you want to leave behind the scenes, and the audience can be entertained at this time with a funny video.

Xsplit program menu

The Xsplit menu consists of 6 parts.

You will definitely need to work with the general settings, but this is best done after you have mastered the intricacies of the XSplit program a little.

How to stream on Twitch via OBS?

You can use OBS to stream on Twitch. It has sufficient functionality, not inferior paid analogues. It is better to choose the official OBS website as a source for downloading.

The downloaded OBS installs quite quickly, because it light program to stream on Twitch. Windows XP, 7 and 8 are exactly those OS that are suitable for normal operation OBS. You should also visit the Settings esstimator page, where you can choose the optimal settings for your computer. The program for streaming on Twitch for weak PCs will have some settings, and for strong PCs, others. The estimator tab is best left open so that you can use the results when configuring the OBS program.

During installation, read the instructions carefully and follow them. Once done, proceed with the settings. First of all, select the interface language for convenience further work. If you speak English well, you can leave English version, which will avoid confusion due to inaccuracies in the translation. Such cases do occur. Now in the "Profile" line, delete the inscription there, enter your name and click "Add".

Next, we move on to the “Coding” item. It will help those who do not know how to stream on Twitch through OBS without lags. Despite the fact that the program asks for a check mark in the CBR line, it is better not to put it there. For viewers who have limited internet speed, your constant bitrate is absolutely useless: it will cause lag. Quality is best set to 8. A value of 3500 will be enough for the maximum bitrate. At a higher setting on streaming servers, there may be packet loss, which will cause lag in the video. It is best to set the buffer size values ​​the same as for the maximum bitrate.

Video settings in OBS

The program for streaming on OBS Twitch must be properly configured in order to please the audience quality videos. To do this, you need to deal with the "Broadcast" menu item. The first step is to choose a mode. For beginner streamers the best option will be a local entry. It will stream to your computer so you can preview your videos as well as fine-tune your settings.

When choosing live broadcast the broadcasting service is prescribed (in this case, Twitch) and the Stream key received during registration on Twitch is entered. We check the box in the "Auto-reconnect" line and set its delay to 5. Now let's move on to the video. To configure it, you need to specify the video card that is on your PC. The resolution you set may match the resolution of your monitor. Then you need to prescribe the most suitable scaling and filter for you. At FPS settings you can use the data of the appraiser on earlier open page. It should not be set too high, as this will lead to lags in the stream, but you should not set it below 24. If you do not plan to use Aero in the video, then it is better to turn it off, which will remove the extra load from your computer.

Audio setup for OBS

Audio is an important setting. The sound quality of many streams leaves a lot to be desired, so pay some attention to this moment. The program for streaming on Twitch allows you to make sound settings. If what you hear suits you and satisfies the audience, then it is worth rescheduling standard settings, which has soundbar Windows for device playback program. If the voice is lost in the game sounds on the stream, then you should reduce the volume and increase the microphone gain. Otherwise, do the opposite.

Make sure your microphone produces great sound. Otherwise the audience will hear strange sounds during the stream, and this will definitely not please them. If this problem exists, try to adjust the microphone or replace it.

Understanding how to stream on Twitch via OBS, last settings it's better to leave it as is. Take care of them after gaining experience.

How to stream games on Twitch

As already mentioned, you can stream completely different games on Twitch. For example, OBS is a great program for streaming on Twitch. Dota-2 will also work great on this resource. After making the settings, you can start broadcasting the game. To do this, add a scene right click mouse and find its name for easy switching during broadcasts. To stream the Dota-2 game, select it as a source. Also to create interesting video you can add all sorts of pictures or a webcam image that will allow viewers to see you during the game. In a similar way, the program for streaming on Twitch LoL is used.

In order for the stream to capture the audience, you can use different inscriptions in the form of pictures, which are also added to the sources. They may contain your comments regarding some frequently encountered moments of the game. They may also contain recommendations that you give to beginners if you have sufficient skills.

Game mods for streaming

For the convenience of gamers who want to broadcast their game, developers are introducing special mods. So, a specially designed mod was offered for streamers of the WoT game. It became a reaction of developers to the growing number of gamers who want to show their game to the audience. It also allows you to stream your game just like any streaming program on Twitch WoT.

To use this mod, you need to be a client of the game. After installing this modification, start the process. After logging into your profile, you will see a window offering to authorize in Twitch, in which you need to specify your Accounts for this site. On a weak PC, broadcasting will be problematic, since the streaming process heavily loads the system, and, most likely, the video will be lag-free. It also affects the quality of the broadcast badly. low speed the Internet. If similar problems no, you can customize the mod.

The menu of the mod is quite simple and functional, which is quite easy to figure out if you own basic knowledge in English. The General tab allows you to adjust the capture of audio, microphone, video games and webcam images. It also has the functions of starting a stream, pausing a broadcast, turning on a chat from Twitch. In the upper window you can give the stream a name. Also, when demonstrating during the stream of an image from a webcam, this function will allow you to resize it. If you want to exit the mod, just use the Sing out button.

The Quality tab allows you to set settings that will improve the quality of your stream. You can save settings optimized by the mod that are most suitable for your PC. For beginner streamers, this is quite enough, and with the acquisition of certain skills, it will already be possible to improve the settings.

The Hotkeys tab allows you to set up hotkeys. Every gamer knows how to use it.

After setting the settings, you will see the stream console in the hangar. First, make sure that the buttons responsible for capturing video and audio are enabled. If you want to chat with viewers or comment game process, then use the "Microphone" button, and to demonstrate the image from the webcam, click the "Camera" button. After these steps, you can click on "Start" to broadcast the game.

If the mod does not meet your needs, then some program for streaming on Twitch will come to the rescue. The choice will depend on you.

How to become a popular streamer?

Having figured out how the program for streaming on Twitch is set up, and having learned how to broadcast your game, it remains to win the favor of the public. To do this, you should communicate more with viewers in the chat. Also, constantly monitor the quality of the stream: the audience will not appreciate the lag video that is accompanied by strange sounds. Also try to dilute the game with interesting pictures or comments. Very enlivens the broadcast image from the webcam. True, everything here will depend on you. If you can interest the audience with your charisma, subscribers will be provided. It's no secret that gamers can make good money on streams, and this is a significant incentive for self-development.

This guide is dedicated to the program Open Broadcaster Software e (further OBS) and its settings for streaming on and So let's start in order.
1. First you need the program itself OBS- for this we go to the site go to the section Download and download the distribution. Install it following the instructions of the installer.
2. Run the program. And make the settings for the stream on
2.1. Next, we need to go to the program settings - Settings -> Settings

2.2. In the menu that appears, we can change the Language, we can also immediately call our profile (Profiles are some settings presets, for example, you can create a profile for streaming on Twitch in 720p quality, and create a profile for streaming on Cybergame in 1080p, and switch between them with just a couple of mouse clicks). First, let's create our first profile. To do this, you need to click in the window to the right of the inscription " Profile:" erase everything that is written there and write your name, for example, I will write "720p Twitch", and press the button Add.

Let's also immediately consider the steps necessary to delete a profile. When you install the program, a profile is automatically created for you " Untitled", now we will delete it with you. To do this, to the right of the line" Profile:" there is a down arrow (drop-down menu) select a profile there" Untitled"and press the button" Delete".

2.3. Go to tab " Coding". In this window some of the most important settings for your stream, in most cases, the quality of the picture during dynamic scenes will depend on them.
From September 1st began to require streamers to set a Constant bitrate, respectively, put a checkmark next to CBR (constant bit rate) we also check the presence of a checkbox in CBR padding(in the absence - put!).
For streaming on with permission 1280x720 I would advise using a bitrate in the range of 2000-2500 (at 2000 there will be a less clear picture, but fewer viewers will complain about friezes, at 2500, on the contrary, the picture will be of higher quality, but viewers may start complaining about more frequent picture friezes). For example, let's take something in between - 2200
Below we see the Audio settings, everything is simple here, set Codec: AAC and Bitrate: 128.

2.4. Broadcast. In this tab, we must select the broadcast service and specify the channel key in it. In our case it will be So we expose:
Mode: Live
Broadcast Service: Twitch /
Server: EU: London, UK(you can another one starting with EU :)
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): here we should insert the key from our channel. To get it, you need to go to the Twitch website, create an account / log in and follow the following link On the right you will see the button " Show Key"

click on it, and copy the key that appears (starts with live_). Be VERY careful and copy the ENTIRE key, a mistake in 1 character will not allow you to start the stream.
Auto reconnect: Checkmark
Auto Reconnect Delay: 10(possibly less given number determines how many seconds after the stream crashes OBS will try to start it again.)
Delay (sec): 0(As a rule, the delay is set on the stream of Company or Special battles, the delay is set in seconds, for example, to set a delay in 10 minutes need to write 600 )

Please note that OBS writes in red, this is just related to the new requirements which came into force on 01.09.2013. (we'll fix it below)
2.5. tab Video. Here we choose the resolution in which viewers will see our picture. V Base Resolution: select Custom: and enter 1280 and 720.
Frames per second (FPS): set 30

2.6. Audio. Microphone and sound settings in general. Choose playback device sound (usually Speakers) we also choose Microphone if you want to use the Push To Talk system (so that what you say can be heard on the stream only when you press a certain button), then check the box next to Use "Push to Talk" and to the right, select the window and press the button to which we want to assign this function(for example, I assigned to Q)
NiG latency (ms): 200(if the audience complains that the endings of your phrases often disappear, then you can increase this value (but do not overdo it, I advise you to increase it by 200 and run tests. I personally do well and with a value of 200)
Hotkey On/Off Microphone and Hotkey On/Off sound- you can set hotkeys for these actions (they will turn off the microphone and sound on the stream)
Application gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of all applications, I advise you to leave 1, but if suddenly setting the sound in the game to the maximum, the audience complains that they do not hear the sound, you can change given value(I advise you to add 1 each) (I'm doing well with a value of 1)
Microphone gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of the microphone, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly turning up the microphone volume, the audience complains that they can’t hear you, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1 each) (I’m fine even with a value of 1)

2.7. Advanced tab.
Multi-threaded optimization checkbox
Process Priority Medium
Scene buffer time (ms): 400
x264 CPU preset: Veryfast(for owners of heavy-duty processors, you can put faster or fast, I do not advise, because the CPU load will increase a lot)
Keyframe interval (sec, 0=auto): 2(Twitch requirement)
CFR (Constant Frame Rate) checkbox
Adjust audio to video timing checkbox(there is a rare bug that the sound lags behind the video and this checkbox fixes it, one of our streamers encountered this)

3. Settings for
3.1. Create a profile - for this we go to the tab Are common. to the right of Profile: write the name of the profile, for example: " 1080p and click Add.

Note! If you have a profile selected (for example, 720p Twitch) and you create a new one, then it completely copies all the settings of the previous profile, and you will only need to adjust it a little.

3.2. Coding. To stream on it is not necessary to use CBR (constant bit rate) but we still use, because We use restream on
Maximum Bitrate (Kbps): 3700(For 1080p streaming on I advise you to use bitrate 3500-4000 (because the service broadcast servers are located in Russia(at coming in Europe) then the bitrate can be set higher, for example, if you stream 720p on Twitch - use a bitrate of 2000-2500, then for the same stream on you can use a bitrate of 2500-3000))
Audio: AAC-128

3.3. Broadcast
Mode: Live
Broadcast Service: Custom
Server: In order to find out the server - you need to log in / register on the website - go to your account using the link select the "Channel" tab and copy what is next to Broadcast settings:(For example rtmp://
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): And here we copy what is next to Stream Name (Path):(but first you need to click the Display button so that numerous asterisks disappear) usually starts with your nickname. (copy from the same page from which the Server was copied)

3.4. Video
because we plan to stream in 1080p, then we write in Custom: 1920 1080
Frames per second (FPS): 30

3.5. Settings Audio and Extended you can take exactly the same as for streaming on

4. Settings scenes and Sources
First, let's understand what is a Scene and what is a Source.
A scene is a profile that contains one or more source(s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "WoT" "WoWP" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the "WoT" scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are some layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be located on foreground, and the one below is in the back. Well, let's get down to business.
4.1. Initially we have Scene let's rename it to "wot" To do this, right-click on it and select "Rename"

write "wot" click ok. get a scene with the name WOT
4.2. Next, let's add to this scene a source with a picture of the game. To do this, the game must be running!
Right click on empty window Sources: and choose Add -> The game

Enter a name, for example WOT.
We have a window. V Appendix: we need to find our game in the drop-down menu : WoT Client
also check the box "Stretch Image to Full Screen" and "Mouse Capture" click OK

Also in the sources you can add Slide show(several pictures periodically changing) Image(static picture or gif animation) Text(any text) Device(Webcam).
You can see the result of the image by clicking on the button. "Preview"

You will have a video with your layers. As I wrote above, the source that is above is in the foreground, and the one below is in the background. If you plan to overlay pictures/text on top of the game, then the game should be at the very bottom of the Sources list.

In order to adjust this or that layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT exiting the Preview mode, click on Scene change and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by dragging which you can change the size of the source itself. You can also move the source to any place.

We also see red "bars" that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and other sounds (here I'm not an adviser to you, this is very individual and needs to be agreed with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast - stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that when streaming you do not have Frame loss. If you have frame drops, then you may have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for current settings stream. Try lowering the bitrate.

Guide prepared neRRReQuCb especially for ACES TV viewers.

original text and screenshots by

Here you have collected gaming computer and you can't wait to start streaming on Twitch. We are ready to help you disassemble and set everything up.

(If interested, you can check out my build guide.)

With the help of this guide, you will quickly turn from a trembling beginner to a confident streamer.

For streaming, we will be using a popular freeware program called Online Broadcasting Software (OBS). In addition to it, there are also several popular analogues - XSplit and NVIDIA ShadowPlay.

Important: In total, there are two versions of OBS in nature: Original (Windows only), and Multiplatform (Windows/Mac/Linux), developed from scratch. The process for setting it up is the same as setting up OBS for Windows.

Original OBS (Windows)

Step 1: Download and Install OBS

First of all, download OBS (for Windows) from and install it. (Scroll down below for instructions on OBS multiplatform.)

After installation, we see this screen:

In the lower left corner we will see two boxes called "Scenes" (scenes) and "Sources" (sources).

Think of “scenes” as like “screenshots” that you can switch between as needed. For example, you can have a scene for broadcasting your gameplay and webcam images, as well as an AFK screen scene that you can easily switch to if you need to move away from your computer for some reason. (why??).

“Sources” are your sources of information: gameplay broadcast, your beautiful face from the camera, or custom text. Do you use your sources in various combinations to create scenes.

Now let's look at the program settings.

Step 2: Open Settings

Most of the settings speak for themselves: for example, here you can configure the microphone input and assign hotkeys. While streaming, you will most likely need hot key for Mute (mute).

You will need to make the most important manipulations with the settings in the “Broadcast Settings” tab (broadcast settings).

Step 3: Setting Up Your Broadcast/Stream

Select “Streaming Service” (streaming service) and change it to your choice of service. As part of this manual we settled on Twitch. In reality, you can stream anywhere, for example, to Hitbox.

To stream your content to various services, you need the Play Path/Stream Key. It's like a password, don't show it to anyone. Enter it in the appropriate field.

In order to find out your Stream Key (stream key) for Twitch, log in to your Twitch account, click the arrow next to your name and select Dashboard ( dashboard). In this tab, you will see the item “Streaming Key / Key streaming". Go to this tab and click “Show Key”. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V it into the appropriate field of the program.

Here you can also specify local folder for storing stream records. Do not forget that parallel recording of the stream on the HDD will quickly eat everything free place, as well as reduce the performance of the entire system.

Step 4: Set up audio and video.

We start by choosing the resolution in which you are going to stream. For example, I set it to 1080p.

By analogy, we set the FPS. I settled on 30, but you can set it to 60 as well. Twitch does not support framerates above 60.

If you notice that the stream is not very stable, you need to optimize the settings for resolution, FPS and bitrate (more on bitrate below). As part of our testing, we came to the conclusion that 720p and 60 FPS are more suitable for fast-paced games. For more measured games, you can set 1080p and 30 FPS.

In the video adapter field, you must set your graphics adapter, in simple terms- video card. If you have a graphics card from NVIDIA, then you should choose NVIDIA GPU. This setting not responsible for the selection of encoding equipment. (more on this below)

In the Audio tab, you can select your audio recording device, as well as set the audio signal delay.

In the next section we will talk about “Coding”

Step 5: Choose your encoding settings

In this section, you need to select the encoder and bitrate. For this test, I chose QuickSync, which will encode video using the processor's built-in graphics chip. I set the video bitrate to the maximum possible - 3500kbps, and set the audio bitrate to 160 kbps - the maximum possible bitrate that Twitch allows for the AAC format.

Again, if the streaming stability is poor, try lowering the video bitrate, or some combination of resolution, framerate, and bitrate. For example, your stream will be much more stable if you lower the bitrate to 3000, 2500 or even 2000. Don't forget that by lowering the bitrate you sacrifice picture quality. However, it is better to lower the quality of the stream than to torment the viewers with a lagging and jerky broadcast.

Step 6: Adding Sources. (sources)

So, now we figured out the settings, let's now add sources.

Right click on the sources box and click "add". Here you can add gameplay broadcast, webcam recording, or custom text.

To capture gameplay, the game must first be running. When adding content, you will see its scaling settings - for this guide, I will simply stretch the Witcher 3 window to full screen:

Step 7: Start streaming.

Let `s start?. Click on “Start Streaming.” (start streaming) I also opened the Task Manager for clarity so that I can see the system boot:

I can stream painlessly at 3500kbps on my rather frail i5-4430 and GTX 760 setup.

In order to add video from the webcam to this scene, you need to right-click on the box Sources (sources), and then select "Add Video Capture Device" (select a video capture device). From the drop-down list, select your webcam, arrange everything appropriately. In the same way, you can add video from a video capture card.

A word of advice: if you're new to streaming, it's best to record some sample footage first and show it to someone. It's very difficult to balance the volume of the game itself and the volume of the microphone for the first time, so an extra pair of ears will definitely help you with this.

That's all!

Have fun streaming, I hope this guide was of some help!

Today, streaming games and other content on the Internet is more popular than ever. Contribute to this and very substantial income of some streamers. That is why many also turn to this species earnings and leisure. In this case, a completely logical question arises: what exactly to stream and how to do it?

Open Broadcaster Software Studio

One of the most common streaming solutions has been the application "Open Broadcaster Software" hereinafter referred to as "OBS Studio". Among its advantages is relative simplicity, but at the same time wide possibilities. The program is available completely free of charge on the official website Today, the developers have introduced versions for Windows, MacOS and Linux. You can download the program in the archive, immediately installer or via torrent - options for every taste.

After downloading the application, you need to install it. There are no special tricks here - the process is completely standard, so it will not cause any difficulties for anyone. The only point: you need to specify in which directory "OBS Studio" will be installed.


Screenshot "YouTube"

The next step is to set up the YouTube service itself. To do this, you need to enter the official portal of the video service using your username and password. In the right upper corner screen, you will need to click on the user's avatar and select "Creative Studio" in the menu that appears.

On the next page on the left side, find the item "Live broadcasts" and select it. Here we are interested in the item "Name / broadcast key". You will need to remember it and transfer it to the OBS Studio settings a little later.

Screenshot "YouTube"

OBS Studio Settings

Next, let's move on to general settings applications. You can find them in the menu "File" -\u003e "Settings".

Are common

On this tab, you can configure the display of pop-up notifications about the start and end of the broadcast, as well as enable automatic recording stream to file. The latter is highly desirable - an extra copy is never superfluous, but keep in mind this creates an additional load on the processor.


Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

On this tab, you select the service to which the broadcast will be conducted. In our case, this is "YouTube". Key moment– indication of the stream key (we recently found it in the video service settings).


Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

It is recommended to immediately switch to advanced broadcast settings. The most important thing here is setting the video bitrate, that is, its quality. Maximum bitrate should be no more than 80% of the Internet connection speed. For owners of a dedicated channel, this is not so important, but users with low network access speed should experiment. Thus, if the broadcast is interrupted, it makes sense to lower the bitrate. Otherwise, all settings can be left as default.

"Record" to a file is configured in the same way. We simply specify the output type "To file", and also indicate the path to the directory in which our records will be stored.


Finally, in the "Audio" tab, it remains to specify the sound quality. The recommended bitrate of 160 will be quite enough here.

Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

More advanced sound recording settings. In the vast majority of cases, it is recommended to leave the default settings, but in individual program does not capture sound well and therefore it is required to choose from which device the recording will be made. You should also select this option if you have more than one audio device.

It is also highly recommended to check the box "Turn on the microphone when pressed." Otherwise, everyone will hear how you press the keys, click the mouse, etc. In general, this will only create unnecessary noise. Using professional microphone you can ignore this item, since it records sound in a limited space.


Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

The base native resolution is the screen resolution of your monitor or laptop. The output resolution is the resolution of the video in which it is sent to the YouTube servers. If the connection speed does not allow you to set the quality too high (and setting it above the base value does not make much sense), but you should simply reduce this parameter.

General FPS value- most often the recommended 30 frames per second is enough. However, the quality of graphics in games is growing and even now it makes sense in some cases to include 60 frames per second. Remember that recording at 720p at 60 fps will often look much better than video at 1080p at 30 fps.


Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

V this menu if desired, you can set up keyboard shortcuts to quickly start/stop the broadcast, as well as to turn sound recording on and off. The importance of the latter has already been mentioned earlier. Set the key in the paragraph " Turn on the sound when pressed", now your voice will be heard only after you hold down and hold the "Q" key, as soon as you release the microphone will turn off.


Screenshot of "OBS Studio" settings

In the last menu item, you can set the priority of the process, that is, the amount of processor resource that OBS Studio will consume. It is important to strike a balance here - give too little and there may be problems with video encoding, give too much - the system power may not be enough for the game itself.

Otherwise, you can leave all the default settings. Unless, if desired, you can change the name of the file that will be used for automatic recording.
This is the end of the settings and you can proceed to direct experiments.

Source selection in OBS Studio

Before you start broadcasting, you will need to choose what exactly will be broadcast. To do this, first of all, select a new scene in the lower left corner (by clicking on +). The next step is to work with the sources. We will look at three main options.

Game capture

Here you can choose to capture the first application to be launched in full screen mode. Most of the time it will be a game. If this option will not work, you can choose to capture a specific window and select it by title or by name executable file games.

As additional options you can enable cursor capture, display alerts from "Steam" and similar chips.

Window capture

Here any window is selected among currently running applications. It doesn't even have to be in the foreground.

Screen capture

This option allows you to automatically broadcast the entire user's work screen.

An important point: as practice shows, the first two options do not always work, and instead of the desired recording, only a black screen will be broadcast. If this is the case, it makes sense to try alternative options.

Starting a broadcast in OBS Studio

Now that all the preliminary settings are finished, all that remains is to start the broadcast itself. To do this, we again go to the already familiar menu “YouTube” “Live broadcasts”. Here we just have to choose the name of the stream, its short description, and specify a category. In the advanced settings, various little things are set, for example, the shooting location and the like. In general, you can leave all the default settings here.

An important point: do not forget to select the correct option in the "Privacy" menu. Whether the broadcast will be available to everyone or only your friends.

Finally, it remains to go back to "OBS Studio" and click on the "Start Broadcast" button (or use hotkeys if they have been configured). If everything was done correctly, then in the "YouTube" window you can see the recording. Next to it is a chat where you can chat with viewers, viewing statistics, as well as a lot of similar service information.

At the end of the broadcast, the full video can be viewed in the Video Manager menu. Editing is also available there, if desired, although no special opportunities in this regard, the service does not have, but it will allow you to quickly cut off the beginning or end if there is something undesirable there, for example, switching to "OBS Studio" to turn the broadcast on or off.

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