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Determine the phone number. Who owns the phone number


Determine by the prefix the belonging of the mobile phone number to one or another telecom operator and purchase its database. Please be aware that selling such information is not entirely legal. Such databases are distributed in the form of copies from the original disk, reproduced by hand. Therefore, be sure to check the functionality of the disc you are purchasing. Also find out when the copy was made, as information with a long statute of limitations will be useless.

Try to find acquaintances in law enforcement. The police can make an official request to the company - the cellular operator to obtain information about the subscriber they are interested in when conducting operational-search activities. Perhaps, if you manage to agree with your acquaintance, he will be able to help you with finding information about the owner of the phone number.

Find an outlet for the staff of the telecommunications company that maintains the telephone number you want to find. People working in such a company will be able to help you with obtaining the necessary information by looking at it in the database, which contains all the information about the subscriber specified when concluding a contract for the provision of cellular services. Remember that it will be quite difficult for your friend to accomplish such a "feat", because the security service in large companies - telecom operators does not sleep and tries in every possible way to suppress attempts to leak information from the company. Therefore, it is better to discuss the remuneration of your friend in advance.

Use the search services that you will find in abundance on the pages of the global Internet. They are both paid and free. Start with free ones. Despite the fact that some of them simply do not work or give out incorrect information, you can still get lucky and find what you are looking for. If you fail, go for a paid search.

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Do they call you at night and are silent on the phone? Tired of deleting SMS from strangers rooms? Do you want to find out who this sassy guy is that can't leave you alone? How to be in such situations? Yes, you just need to find out from which they bother you, and find the impudent subscriber.


Punch through the service provider. The fact is that telecommunications companies enter the information that you indicate when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services into special databases. Remember that the information in such databases is constantly changing due to the large daily and disconnection of new subscribers. But you may be lucky and you will find the information you are interested in by contacting one of these bases (fresher) of the telecom operator serving you. Your task is to find such a base and. But first, try asking your acquaintances about whether they have a base. You may not have to overpay. You can purchase a telecom operator's base in large radio electronics markets in Moscow (for example, Mitinsky, Savelovsky, Budenovsky). Remember that buying a database is not exactly a legitimate method of obtaining subscriber information.

Personal information of subscribers is extremely confidential, so finding people by phone number is a difficult task. City inquiry services also do not give an address based on such data, although they have information. However, there are several ways to find a person's place of residence.

Is it possible to find out the address by the phone number

A variety of software and modern technologies provide today many opportunities for collecting the necessary information. Recently, mobile users are massively interested in whether it is possible to find out the address by the mobile phone number. If you wish, you can find the subscriber's place of residence through the World Wide Web. Some services are free, while others require a financial investment. You can find a person in Russia online using his mobile phone:

Finding an address by phone number

There are several methods to find out the place of residence of the person of interest. Theoretically, it is possible to install a geolocation service on a mobile phone. Many will try to determine the address by phone number through a mobile operator or contact the police for help. The last option has some nuances that it is desirable to know about:

  1. To obtain an address and phone number in a legal way, you must write a statement to the police, in which you substantiate the reasons for your interest. Out of idle curiosity, no one will give the data of the object.
  2. Serious motives are needed to violate a person's personal space.
  3. Obtaining information illegally is possible, but it is illegal.

Address and telephone directory of residents

Each city has an address and telephone directory of its inhabitants. The data is easy to find on the Internet, and in order to find the address by phone number, you should select the name of the city and enter the information known about the subscriber. There are two significant drawbacks to such a search - there are no mobile contacts in the phone book, and address data is often hopelessly outdated. However, sometimes you can count on the result of a search for a resident of the city by last name.

Database of addresses by phone number

It is possible to penetrate the place of residence / registration of a person through subscriber bases presented on the Internet, on CDs in the form of files. The telephone database at the address is sold for money, but since the dissemination of personal information is illegal, it is often blocked by Roskomnadzor, and may arouse interest among law enforcement agencies. Do not forget that the Internet, as elsewhere, is full of scammers. At best, you end up with an outdated database.

Basically, scammers do not have any information at all, and after extracting money from gullible users, the attackers simply disappear. In order not to get caught in a "scam", before trying to push a person through an unknown site, assess the risks, do not pay large sums. Do not enter your phone number to get information from the site. It is better to try to find a person through the city phone book, in which surnames, place of registration and telephone numbers of residents are typed in alphabetical order.

Program for finding an address by phone number

You can search for a person through special programs on the network. They promise the user to provide accurate location data, all movements of the object. Programs for finding an address by phone number are either downloaded to a mobile device running on Android or iPhone, or they provide an opportunity to punch through the address data of a person by last name online.

An excellent example is the "Direction Finder" program, which helps to determine the location of an object with an accuracy of 10 meters. The search is carried out via satellite, and the speed depends on how fast your Internet is. Paid app features:

  • checking the relevance of the existence of the provided object;
  • displaying his movements on the map;
  • location search;
  • search in the databases of mobile companies Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2.

How to find out the address by the city phone number

There are much more possible alternatives for determining a person's place of residence today than in the 90s of the last century. The first option, how to find out the address by the home phone number, is to use the phone book or help desk. It will not hurt to look for a subscriber in the directory of enterprises and organizations. Finding the information you need in this way is often problematic, because the larger the locality, the greater the amount of unnecessary data, plus not all subscribers agree to publish personal information.

An Internet user can try at random to enter the desired data into the search bar. After entering, the browser will display results, among which, possibly, the necessary information about the object will appear. Pay close attention to social networks. Here users often indicate real data. For example, in the mobile version of VK, you can press the "Forgot password" key, then enter the phone data of the person you are looking for. In the newly opened page, the user's avatar will appear, by which you can go to his account and read the information that he has indicated about himself.

Continuous ringing tone, we pick up the phone, and in response - abrupt beeps or silence. Or constant obsessive calls from would-be managers with offers to buy unnecessary goods. Or spam on the phone ... Not a very pleasant and rather frequent situation. Who is the owner of a phone number and how to find out its owner is not an easy task, but it is quite accessible.

Internet to help - we determine the owner through the network

The method is simple and works well when looking for spam organizations and firms that practice aggressive marketing. This kind of office often post information about their contacts on the Internet.

If you are pestered with calls to purchase some products or services, it is enough to punch a phone number in a search engine - and with a high probability you will find out all the contacts of the organization from which the tiresome offers come.

Then you can proceed according to the situation. Usually, it is enough to contact a superior manager or call the city (when available) phone. If such measures do not work, you can promise to contact the regulatory authorities - the court, the police, the tax office, etc. If this does not help, you should really contact the appropriate structures.

It is more difficult if the calls come from a private person. It all depends on how often the owner indicates his number on public Internet resources. The higher the frequency of the number appearing on the Internet, the easier it is to recognize its owner.... In the case when the phone number has never been announced on public platforms, the likelihood of finding its owner on its own is extremely small.

We are looking for the owner of a city number

It would seem that it is not difficult to determine the landline phone number. However, here, too, there are some nuances that must be taken into account if you do not want to waste material and non-material resources.

  • Method one - the same worldwide network, and the probability of finding a landline phone belonging to a company or organization is much higher than for a mobile number. It is more difficult to calculate a private person - if the number did not appear on the Internet, it is useless to search for it through search engines.
  • The second way is to turn to online sources of information. These can be various databases, address directories and other similar media. Information in them is grouped according to geographic, industry, socio-cultural and other criteria. Difficulties arise when trying to find a valid free version of the classifier. Roskomnadzor blocks such resources on the basis of the law on personal data. Since information related to identification is always in demand, it becomes an object of sale and purchase, and even fraud. Be careful if you decide to purchase a paid version of the guide - the database in it may not be up-to-date. Find reviews about the seller, if you buy a directory online - how reliable it is. When sending a message to a short number, do not agree to additional options and subscriptions - they can completely reset your account.
  • The third method is classical, with the help of printed media. These are mainly city and regional directories of telephone numbers. Information blocks in them are arranged in alphabetical order. Therefore, in order to identify the desired number, you will have to be patient to browse many pages.
  • The fourth method is official. Let's add right away that it is ineffective - city reference services can tell you the phone number if you have the name and address of the subscriber, but not vice versa. Information about the identity of the subscriber by his landline phone number can be obtained in the case of a good reason and with an official request from authorized persons.

How to find a mobile phone number

The sequence of actions is almost the same when searching for mobile subscribers. The difficulty is that mobile phone numbers can be changed as often as desired. Many mobile numbers are not authenticated, and even the telecom operators themselves will not be able to determine who they belong to.

We begin our research with a search on the Internet, in search engines. We are looking in the available online directories. We contact social networks. Registration in online communities in most cases occurs with the indication of the phone number to obtain access codes. Having inserted this number into the search line, you can get to the page of its owner. The information on social networks is not always reliable, but it may give rise to further investigation.

Online offers to buy databases of mobile operators, but usually these offers are unfair due to outdated data or due to dishonest sellers. In addition, such a purchase is illegal, and if you were deceived, you will not be able to bring the swindler to justice.

Contacting the office of a mobile operator will bring a positive result if you write an official statement justifying the reasons that prompted you to do this - for example, intimidation, obscene language, etc. received by phone. It is advisable to attach evidence of illegal actions to the application. This can be a recording of a telephone conversation, statements by other people, and other evidence. It will take some time to process your application, but in the end, you will most likely find out the information you are looking for.

A similar procedure for contacting state authorities. The police will assess the extent of the disturbance caused to you and send a request to the mobile operator.

The circumstances in which it becomes necessary to find out who owns the phone number can vary. The main thing in this case is to adequately determine the degree of negative impact and correlate it with the efforts to find the subscriber that annoys you. Sometimes it's better to just ignore the intrusive calls, and sometimes you need to act quickly and decisively, taking all possible measures to maintain your own peace of mind.

Sometimes it is extremely necessary to find out whose mobile it was displayed on the screen of your cell phone. How do I know who owns a phone number?

Perhaps you are annoyed by calls or SMS received from unfamiliar cell phones. If they do not pose direct threats to your life or health, there is no blackmail, then the police will simply send you to hell, and you will be left alone with your problem. In such a situation, the easiest way is to go to the communication salon and purchase a SIM card with a new number, which you will again distribute to all your colleagues, friends and acquaintances. But the "telephone joker" may turn out to be one of them and will soon begin to annoy you again. Meanwhile, the answer to the question: "How to find out who owns the number?" not that hard. And we will show you several ways how you can do it. If on the first option you failed, do not give up, but continue to act.

How to find out who owns a cell phone number: method number 1

As soon as the telephone joker called you again and began to sniff familiarly into the receiver or sent his next SMS creation, try to immediately call back to these numbers. Moreover, this must be done not from your own, but from any other number and so that the secret interlocutor does not guess who is calling him. When the person picks up the phone, try to change your voice and talk to them for at least one minute. Perhaps you will immediately recognize by the voice who is making fun of you. If the voice of the interlocutor is unfamiliar to you and does not remind you of anyone, somehow slyly talk to the joker (“I’m calling you on the announcement…”, “We are talking about…”, etc.).

How to find out who owns a phone number: method number 2

At the computer or radio market, purchase a disk with a database of cellular operators. Immediately, we note that such a thing is illegal, so you are unlikely to see it right on the tray. Carefully ask the sellers who can get the disc you need. If you are not accepted for a civilian police officer, then you will definitely get what you are looking for for good money. However, remember that the disk will contain information only about the person to whom the number is registered, and in fact, a completely different friend may call you.

How to find out who owns the number: method number 3

Links can help you. Let not you, but your friends or even friends of friends have relatives or just good acquaintances working in the authorities. Explain the situation, complain, cry and ask for a small service, for the provision of which you must thank all the participants. If you could not find such connections, then contact the detective bureau, whose employees probably have connections with the police, since they are mostly former employees.

How to find out who owns the number: method number 4

You can also try your luck and contact the manager of the cellular operator. Try to explain the problem, but be prepared to be rejected. Company employees have no right to disclose confidential information about clients.

You can try to enter from the other side, acting through the cellular salon. The fact is that when the payer calls his numbers, the salon manager sees on the computer monitor his personal data specified in the agreement with the operator (as a rule, these are passport data). Use this to your advantage. Come up with some legend, a heartfelt story in advance to arouse the pity of the manager. For example, that your grandmother is in the hospital, the doctors won't let you in, and you want to top up her balance on your phone, but, it's a shame, you forgot the last number. In general, the success of the business depends on your acting skills, bluffing skills, as well as on the compliance and credulity of the salon employee.

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    Determine the phone number. Who owns the phone number.

    In the modern world, information is worth its weight in gold. No wonder the black market is overflowing with databases of all mobile operators and personal data of users of social networks. Information can be bought and sold - it's time to get used to it. And if we suddenly need to find out who owns a particular phone number, we can do it. Another question is how much money will have to be spent on the path to the truth.

    A priori, the number of the subscriber you are interested in should be with you. Sometimes the administration of the service receives requests with a request to decrypt the hidden number. This is somewhat not our profile - the task of MOBAZ is to, but determine the phone number, if the numbers are hidden by the user, you will have to contact your mobile operator or a special service.

    Why do thousands of customers choose MOBAZ?

    Imagine a situation - your companion gets a call at an inopportune time, and you want to find out who this annoying one is. You found out the phone number, and now you want to find out who exactly it belongs to. Can you come up with this problem to your friends? And is there a guarantee that these acquaintances will not inform your soul mate about "unfounded jealousy"?

    The situation is similar with jokers. Are you ready to show someone all your messages and talk about the essence of the calls? And how can you describe in words why annoying calls upset or disturb you?

    You will be comfortable at the service. This is the first reason why numerous clients choose us. You register and calmly do your job. You do not need to explain anything to anyone: you enter the desired phone number and find out who its owner is - quickly and easily. For all questions, you can contact the site administration or read previous clients.

    The second reason for our popularity is anonymity: no one will know that, in principle, someone called or wrote to you. And all the more, all the details of this story will remain unknown. If you value your privacy, you will surely enjoy the ability to identify the phone and its owner remotely, without disclosing details.

    Our users highly appreciated the speed of the service. Registration of your personal account on the site will take only a couple of minutes, and you can immediately start working. We make every effort to ensure that all MOBAZ functions work quickly and efficiently. We put a powerful tool in your hands and stay on the sidelines. Well, if you have any questions, I am always ready to answer them.

    How to register at MOBAZ

    So, you have weighed all the pros and cons, and decided to identify all the dubious numbers. The registration procedure with us is standard: if you are registered on at least one resource, where login and password are required to enter, you will not have any difficulties. If you are just mastering the craft of an Internet user, our support on the site is at your service: administrators will answer all your questions and help you figure out the control. Then you can immediately get to work and find out who owns the phone numbers of interest.

    Thousands of people have already used our services. You can always write or read. Change your life for the better with MOBAZ - we will answer the most difficult questions.

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