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Definition, purpose and general characteristics of a laptop. Laptop for the middle class

Laptops are mobile computers. They came into our life relatively recently. These mobile computers allow you to travel long distances and get work done. Especially where there is no electrical network, a laptop will always help. To date, the battery charge allows him work 8 hours without recharging.

What is a laptop

Not everyone knows where the meaning of the word laptop came from. Translated from English Notebook means notepad or notebook. Another name for such mobile computers is laptop. This name is given from the English "lap" - the knees of a seated person, "top" - top, kneecap. Laptops are called laptops, smartbooks, netbooks.

Laptop is portable mobile device in which the same spare parts are installed with a personal computer. Only they are greatly reduced. It has a hard drive on which the user stores their data, RAM, a processor, a video card, a monitor or screen, a keyboard, a touchpad instead of a mouse, and a rechargeable battery.

Mobile devices are different by weight, by size, by appearance. The rechargeable battery allows you to use the device from 5 to 8 hours.

The first laptop was invented and created in 1982 by NASA. The engineer's name was William Mogridge.

These mobile devices perform the same tasks and functions as personal computers. These devices are much more expensive than PCs. If the PC and laptop are the same price, then the latter will definitely lose significantly in performance. The laptop can also be used as multimedia entertainment station when connected to a home TV.

Types of laptops and their classification

Laptops are classified by screen size, purpose and cost. Consider the types of laptops.

A small monitor of eleven or thirteen inches distinguishes such mobile devices from all others. Since it is impossible to install good and massive cooling on them, the processors in them are used with reduced power consumption, without discrete graphics cards. And this means that they do not shine with good performance. Such devices are suitable for office work.

Ultraportables (ultrabooks)

Such devices used on the road. The processors installed on them are also with low power consumption. Screen sizes from 9 to 12 inches. No discrete cards. However, at a price they are much more expensive than conventional ones with average performance.

These laptops are designed for web browsing, mail, work with Microsoft Office. Here, the processors are of a higher class than in the already given types of laptops. By price comfortable for a budget wallet. Of the pluses, you can add the presence of Wi FI. From shortcomings- No optical drive.

Laptop for the middle class

The screen sizes of such devices can be completely different. Have average productivity, have a discrete graphics card of the younger generation. The body is made of plastic. Installed modern Windows OS. They fall into the "personal computer replacement" category.

Business class laptops

Such devices are almost are no different from mid-range laptops. The case is made of metal and other expensive materials. Stylish design, built-in and discrete graphics cards. Sometimes Quadro NVS is used − graphics adapter to work in engineering programs such as CAD. They are pre-installed with Windows OS.


The screen size of such portable computers ranges from 15 to 19 inches. Often, a screen is built into the back of the cover, which allows you to watch clips, movies without opening the computer. Models in this category sometimes equipped with a TV tuner. The processor and video card are used from mid-range laptops. On such devices, it is recommended play games, which are not demanding on cutting-edge settings.

Gaming laptops

Of course, such portable devices have not one, but two powerful graphics cards connected via an SLI bridge. Crossfire mode is present. Equipped with powerful processors and RAM. They have an aggressive, but in their beautiful design. Designed for avid gamers. Are more expensive than all of the above.

The rest - tablet(or with touch screen), protected(used for military purposes, as "SUVs"), fashion, in size are no different from those described above. Only some are adorned with diamonds or jewels, others are made of armor-piercing material, they use SSD drives that are resistant to shock. In terms of cost, all these models are expensive, but they correspond to the described class both in terms of performance and reliability. Only tablets have one drawback - this is poor performance, low strength.

What is the difference from a computer

The key difference from a desktop computer is portability. The next difference is small weight and dimensions. Using Wi-Fi without additional equipment. They have their own keyboard and touchpad that replaces the mouse. Do not need mains power for some time. These are the benefits of being different.

To shortcomings It should be attributed to the high cost and low performance of many budget models.

Laptop device - what it consists of

The first thing a user sees when they buy a laptop is the case. It is usually made from durable eraser with a metal cord around the perimeter, to protect against accidental breakage.

At the top of the laptop are placed screen matrix, Wi Fi devices, speakers, camera. Inside lower part the keyboard, touchpad, cables and elements for work are placed. These include:

  • Motherboard, and it already has all of the following.
  • CPU- the brain of the computer - and the cooling system. Without it, the processor and the entire laptop will simply overheat and soon fail.
  • RAM. Usually 1 or 2 brackets are installed, depending on the number of connectors. Together with the processor, it is responsible for the speed of the laptop.
  • HDD An HDD or SSD that is connected to the motherboard via a SATA interface.
  • video card is responsible for displaying the image on the screen.
  • Optic DVD ROM.
  • USB inputs, power cord input.
  • Accumulator battery.

Everything interacts with each other in a strict sequence. In fact, the very principle of operation is no different from a stationary computer.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages is portability. Laptops are in no way inferior to personal computers at the moment. But if something breaks in it, with the exception of RAM, HDD or SSD, keyboard, then most often it's better to buy a new one laptop rather than spending money on spare parts. They are hard enough to find, and if specialists have them, they will cost as much as half a new one.

The rest is a modern portable computer. In order for it not to fail for a long time, it is recommended to follow some rules.

How to use correctly to prolong the service life

Under no circumstances should it be placed with its back on flat surface sofas, armchairs, tables. Purchased with a laptop special stand for cooling with coolers inside. Then it will not overheat much, as there will be enough air circulation for the necessary cooling.

Don't sit down on it, do not put anything, do not drink tea or coffee at the laptop. When you first start, let it discharge and turn off, connect to the charger. Let it fully charge.

Wear once a year preventive work to specialists. Thermal paste on processors that connects it to the cooler dries faster than on a computer. And more dust gets into it.

If you follow these simple rules your laptop will serve you well for a long time.

Of the wide variety of computer equipment, perhaps the most popular device is a laptop. And this is natural: the laptop is convenient for transportation, can work offline and, finally, completely replaces a desktop computer.

Of all the tips regarding the choice of a laptop, the first place is the understanding of the motivation for its purchase. In other words, first of all, you need to clearly define for yourself for what purposes the device will be used. And what benefit does the owner plan to get from its use? After clarifying these questions for yourself, you can safely proceed to the choice of the desired model and consider the subject of its configuration. Because you can always take a more powerful desktop computer for the cost of a laptop.

Laptop for indoor use

In case of limited budgetary funds, there is no reason for frustration, because the presence of complex components is alien to office devices. For this reason, this type of activity will be fully consistent with the presence in their structure of the basic Word and Excel programs. Devices of this configuration will be able to cope with the creation of a bright and memorable presentation of a new idea. In addition to this function, they can be useful in communication between friends and colleagues through social networks. The price level of such laptops is distinguished by the presence of a minimum indicator of 500 conventional units, although they have a hard drive with only 80-160 Gb of memory. As for the capacity of the battery in cars of this category, it is able to work without recharging for only one hour. At the same time, they are quite suitable for connecting a webcam and a microphone, and in their free time they are able to show their favorite movie or play music.

Laptop for multimedia applications

These devices are characterized by involvement in the average price level. True, their advantage over cheaper counterparts lies in the better quality of work. The hard drives in them already have more than 250 Gb of memory, and the display demonstrates high-quality color reproduction and impressive contrast. Their batteries are able to withstand the operating mode without recharging for 2.5 hours. The complete set of devices in this category in most cases is distinguished by a built-in webcam, combined with good powerful speakers.

Such devices turn out to be a means for a pleasant pastime while watching a high-quality video or playing a game with multifaceted graphics. These devices are characterized by the presence of such a property as meeting the needs of novice photographers. Although professionals are not averse to using them to process their photos, because the devices are equipped with special graphic editors, the action of which is similar to the action of photo salon devices. Such machines are endowed with the ability to demonstrate miracles, painting the surrounding reality in colors of an unimaginable spectrum!

Laptop for gamer

For representatives of the older generation, the concept of "gamer" does not say anything, which cannot be said about young people and younger schoolchildren. Due to the fact that the pastime on the Internet is now widespread among young people, users have become more likely to buy gaming devices.

The "stuffing" of these machines is characterized by maximum power, and the equipment is amazing! Gaming laptops are characterized by a combination of a large wide screen and a multifunctional keyboard. With such a device, the user is able to use the full range of possibilities allowed by its performance characteristics. If you think about the issue of packaging, then in this category of laptops there is a separate powerful video card, complemented by a high-performance multi-core processor.

Gaming devices are characterized by a high price level, but they fully correspond to it. And this despite the fact that there is no game in the world that is not compatible with them.

Stylish laptops

It seems to me that this category of laptops should be entirely attributed to the representatives of the weaker sex, although options are allowed. However, fashion cars can only boast of their unique appearance! These devices do not have to be distinguished by the presence of a capacious hard drive, a good video card or a high-performance processor. Their main quality is the ability to attract the views of others and delight their owner with their magnificent view!

On the covers of these laptops, you can find designer decorations in the form of drawings or elements made of stones, valuable fur, leather, plastic and other things. Quite frequent are the cases of applying beautiful graphics or logos of popular companies to these devices. Their main drawback lies in their availability to units!

When purchasing a laptop, pay attention to the following important characteristics:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Monitor;
  • Motherboard;
  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • Winchester;
  • Video card;
  • Weight and dimensions.

Although today almost all laptop manufacturers use components from world-famous Intel and AMD, you should still prefer well-known manufacturing companies, whose many years of activity turn out to be an excellent recommendation. Among them, the first positions are occupied by machines from Apple and Sony VAIO. Of course, they are expensive, but they are of high quality and time-tested! Not inferior to the first and firms Samsung and Asus, Dell and HP, LG and Toshiba.

The answer is simple: most likely, you need a laptop! Just like most users who spend a significant part of their time at the computer.

The foregoing requires a clear and intelligible argumentation. Moreover, the need for such an acquisition often has to be explained not so much to a potential laptop buyer, who is well aware of why and for what he needs a laptop computer, but to his environment, for example, parents or wife, who usually think that the same $ 1000-1500 is better spent on something more, in their opinion, useful ...

So: why do you need a laptop? It will allow you to use your resources more efficiently. The most obvious and significant argument is time saving However, this is not the only plus. A laptop computer takes up much less space in an apartment or office and is cheaper to operate, etc.

13-15 years ago, a similar argument was made in favor of buying a home desktop computer, which was then considered a tool for a narrow circle of professionals (a system with a decent configuration for that time cost much more than a modern computer - both in absolute terms and in comparative terms). In those years, computers were often installed in offices, appeared in educational institutions and scientific institutions, but in apartments they were still exotic.

The need to have a desktop computer at home was not as obvious to many then as it is today to purchase a laptop. Therefore, racking your brains in search of an answer to the question “Why is there a computer at home?” accounted for not only consultants salons.

The main benefit, however, was obvious: having a computer at home allows you not to be tied to machines in the office, scientific or educational institution (do not forget: Internet cafes then existed only in science fiction novels). A student with a computer at home did not have to waste time waiting for a place in the computer class to become free. Scientists have a unique chance to perform all calculations at any time and test their hypotheses immediately, and not after several hours or even days.

The home computer also made it possible to work after hours on the weekends: it's nice when you don't have to go to the office, spending two or three hours on the way there and back, and persuade the authorities to issue a pass and permission to use state-owned vehicles. A significant plus was the ability to take a part-time job at home, and not linger after work, waiting for colleagues to go home and stop showing curiosity about your actions at the computer.

The list of situations in which a home computer allows more flexibility in managing your work time has not changed much since then.

However, today the computer is not only a business tool. Its presence has become a necessary condition both for optimizing working time and for organizing leisure activities, as well as for creativity and broadening one's horizons.

Thanks to the ability to connect to local networks and the Internet, the computer has become a recognized means of communication, and the home system has become relevant for the presence in blog-services, the use of Internet instant messengers and e-mail, chat conversations, communication in thematic conferences, etc. In addition , the computer provides all conditions for surfing the Internet and searching for information, as well as for self-expression by a variety of virtual means, including posting one's poems, drawings, Flash cartoons or digital photographs on special sites or one's own web page.

More recently, the computer has become the center of the home digital universe: it is used for games, recording and listening to music (and with high-quality sound reproduction), storing and viewing photos and videos (from MPEG-4 to DVD and HDTV), editing amateur films and sharing data with various mobile digital devices such as PDAs, mobile phones, smartphones, voice recorders, MP3 players, video and photo cameras.

Thus, a computer (both stationary and portable) allows a person to use their own time more efficiently. However, the laptop has a number of additional advantages!

The laptop opens up time-saving opportunities that are inaccessible to a stationary system. For example, late in the evening you planned to spend another hour or two at the computer, and other family members are already wanting to sleep. It doesn't matter if you are busy with business or entertainment: working with documents or surfing the Internet, watching a movie or playing, chatting or using ICQ. The essence is the same: today you have free time, but tomorrow - no!

In the presence of a stationary system, conflict is inevitable: few users have at their disposal an office or a separate room at their disposal, where they can sit in front of the monitor at night without disturbing anyone. The owner of a laptop, without any problems, can sit in the kitchen or loggia, or even go outside and calmly work or have fun at the computer, without causing inconvenience to anyone (Fig. 1.1). Early evening, for example, can now be spent with children, and when they fall asleep, calmly sit down at the computer and work (or play) where the light and clatter on the keys do not interfere with children's rest.

Rice. 1.1. Laptop allows you to work anywhere

As a result, you win an hour and a half and in a month you get a day or two for an active life: trips out of town, playing sports, meeting friends and much more that is outside the computer world!

The laptop allows you to free up a few square meters in the apartment. A mobile system, unlike a stationary system, does not require a permanent location; When not in use, a laptop computer can be closed and placed, for example, on a bookshelf. The cost of a square space in an apartment is very high. A simple calculation shows that by buying a laptop and thereby freeing up some space in your own apartment, you more than compensate for the costs of acquiring such a computer.

The life of a modern person is not limited to staying at home and in the office: we often go on business trips, do work on the customer’s territory, travel, and go out of town in the summer (for example, to the country house). Once you get used to the computer, it will be difficult for you to do without it. In some cases, it is necessary for effective work, in others - for the usual communication, leisure or creativity.

You can't carry a desktop computer everywhere. In addition, it is not adapted for standalone operation. A laptop, which is easy to take with you, will allow you to check your mail, watch a movie, and work with documents anytime and anywhere (even in the absence of electricity). In addition, when going on a business trip or visiting a customer, the lucky owner of a portable computer will always have at hand the necessary documents, programs and access to corporate resources.

In some cases, the laptop opens up new opportunities for creativity. For example, it will be a great help for users who actively shoot with a digital photo or video camera, not only for professional photographers, but also for amateurs. First of all, a laptop is a mobile data storage. The memory card on which the camera records files is, at best, enough for 3-4 hundreds of photos with a maximum resolution or 20-30 minutes of good quality video. This is quite enough within the apartment, but too little on vacation or in the open air, from where photographers traditionally bring hundreds of pictures, and amateur cameramen - many hours of video. As practice shows, the increase in the volume of new memory cards is compensated by the increase in the files created by new cameras - the size of the sensor is growing, and the requirements for video are also increasing. It is unprofitable to purchase several memory cards, since their cost is quite high. Specialized storage devices are not cheap either. In addition, the capabilities of a mobile computer are not limited to storing and transferring files: with its help, you can view and process pictures, put new photos on your home page, send to friends, publish on photo sites and burn to CD.

Users who understand the advantages of laptops have long begun to look at portable computer systems. And rightly so: there are so many different models of laptops on the computer market today that choosing a laptop is not an easy task.

The question of buying something as expensive as a laptop can cost parents and children a lot of nerves. On the one hand, why would a teenager need such an expensive device? And after all, a child will not be satisfied with some cheap computer - he needs a good, modern and new one. But on the other hand, such a multitasking tool as a laptop can help your child out in many ways.

The advantage of a laptop is its lightness and portability. It can be carried from place to place, installed where it is convenient, taken with you to school or on trips. The laptop is convenient to use exactly where it is required, while it does not take up much space.

Useful application

A laptop is required for study. Of course, many parents are quite skeptical about this statement: less time is used for studying a laptop than for communicating on social networks and watching the next series. In addition, buying a tablet or even a desktop computer is much cheaper, and their functionality is similar. And yet, this opinion is not entirely correct: a laptop is more mobile than a desktop computer and much more convenient than a tablet when working.

And a teenager will really have to use a laptop for study: abstracts, essays, reports need to be printed somewhere, the Internet is used to search for information. Electronic libraries will provide an almost inexhaustible supply of various books and textbooks. Yes, and there are a lot of educational sites on the World Wide Web, they can help a teenager in understanding the world and in preparing for lessons. It is only necessary to direct the child in the right direction so that the parents' money will be justified by success in school or college, and then in the university.

Creativity and entertainment

The laptop is also useful for creativity. Its functions already have or you can install programs for drawing, processing photos, playing and recording music. Not to mention the fact that with this device you can easily keep a diary or blog, write a book, share interesting files and find people with similar interests.

A laptop is needed for entertainment, because it is impossible to constantly think only about studying. Not a single device with access to the network can do without this function: a teenager will find entertainment on the Internet, if not from a laptop, then from a tablet or phone, so it is useless to prohibit such functions in such a useful device. And the choice of entertainment is truly huge: social networks, games, entertainment portals and forums, sites with movies and TV shows, and much more. It is important to teach a teenager to use the right resources and limit access to adult and prohibited sites.

The first thing to do is determine your needs. Laptops can be divided into the following categories:

Universal: If you're planning on using it for a little bit of everything or sharing it with family members, you might want to consider an inexpensive 15-inch laptop that's likely to be in a fixed location most of the time, and weight isn't a big deal. This option does not have a pronounced positioning and is quite suitable for study, work or games, and can also take the role of the only computer in the house. If you plan to carry it with you, then consider lighter options - from 11 to 13 inches. Depending on size, RAM, and graphics capabilities, expect to spend between $300 and $800.

Business laptops: Laptops with a calm design (usually matte surfaces, black or metallic, strict lines) and the absence of additional multimedia elements. Whether you're a manager or a student and your main goal is writing and editing texts, operating spreadsheets and creating presentations, then you prefer a laptop with a comfortable keyboard, a solid design that can withstand the stress of active use, a clear screen and a durable battery.

Ultrabooks Thin and light devices. They are distinguished by style, high autonomy, excellent performance and high price. They have an exquisite design using various alloys, carbon, glass, etc. If you are a wealthy person who wants to emphasize his status, or a user for whom mobility and design are the defining characteristics of a laptop, then an ultrabook is for you. Unfortunately, there is no room for discrete graphics cards in a thin case, so you will have to be content with a video accelerator.

Gaming or gaming: If you play the latest games, then you need a laptop with a striking design, a powerful processor and graphics card, top-notch discrete graphics, a large and "fast" high-resolution screen, an optimized backlit keyboard, and powerful gaming acoustics. Such devices are very expensive and will cost $ 1,000 or more.

Creative/multimedia laptops: They have a striking design and functionality sufficient to perform a wide range of tasks (games, music, presentations), but primarily for video or photo editing. These are laptops with a powerful processor, discrete graphics, solid state drive (Solid State Drive / SSD) and a large display with high resolution (Full HD or higher). Be prepared to spend over $1,000.

Light web surfing / email / second computer: If you plan to use a laptop for web surfing on the Internet, viewing e-mail, communicating in social networks. networks, share your laptop with your kids, or use it as an extra along with your main PC, you can opt for an inexpensive laptop or Chromebook/Chromebook powered by Google's Chrome OS.

2. Choose your laptop size

You need to determine how portable your laptop is. Let's classify by display size:

11 to 12 inches: The thinnest and lightest laptops with screens between 11 and 12 inches often weigh less than 1.3 kg (many Chromebooks fall into this category). But for some users, the screen and keyboard will be limited.

13 to 14 inches: This size provides the best balance of portability and ease of use. Laptops with 13- or 14-inch screens typically weigh over 1.5 kg and fit easily on your lap, while the keyboard and screen size is quite acceptable.

15 inches: This is the most popular size. 15-inch laptops tend to be the most affordable and usually weigh between 2.2kg and 2.7kg unless you plan on carrying it around all the time - it's just right for you. Almost all 15-inch models have a DVD drive.

From 17 inches and above: If you prefer the largest possible screen size, the 17-18-inch can provide you with the processing power you need, support for modern games, or achieve workstation-level performance. A laptop this size can be packed with a quad-core processor, a powerful discrete graphics card, and multiple storage drives. Only it is better not to carry it with you, the weight of such a laptop is from 3 kg.

3. Check your keyboard and touchpad

Even the most advanced features in the world pale if the laptop has bad ergonomics. Ask yourself a few questions to test this important quality: Does the keyboard have solid tactile feedback and is there enough space between the keys? How does the touchpad (Touchpad) work, are there any dead zones? How comfortable is the mouse to use, if one is provided in the kit?

If you're buying a Windows 8.1 laptop, test the touchpad to make sure it works well. Apple and Lenovo offer good keyboards and touchpads.

4. Notebook configuration

Notebook specifications such as processor, hard drive, RAM and graphics chip can be confusing for many, don't be discouraged if the set of specifications in your head turns into a mess. What you need depends on what you plan to do with the laptop. More demanding tasks, such as 3D gaming and HD video editing, require more expensive components.

The main components to pay attention to:

CPU: The most inexpensive laptops on the market are equipped with AMD E Series or Intel Pentium/Celeron processors. They try to solve serious gaming and multimedia tasks, but their performance is aimed at surfing the web, working with e-mail and using social networks. If you purchase a system based on an Intel Core series processor, make sure you get a 4th generation Intel Core series (“Haswell”) processor for the best combination of performance and battery life. You will understand that this is Haswell if the model number starts with 4, for example: Intel Core i5-4200U.

If you're buying an average computer, don't settle for anything less than an Intel Core i3 CPU or AMD A Series. For spending over $500, count on at least an Intel Core i5 processor - best choice for today, it is capable of boosting the clock speed when you need more performance. Power users and gamers will not be satisfied with a system less than a Core i7, preferably with a quad-core chip.

RAM: When it comes to RAM, even the most inexpensive modern laptops count on 4 GB. And with 8GB, you'll be better prepared for high-performance applications and increased multitasking.

Hard disk / SSD: For most users, disk speed is more important than disk capacity. A solid state drive (SSD) outperforms a hard disk drive (hard drive), providing two to three times the speed of mechanical counterparts. But SSD drives are more expensive and have a much smaller capacity, usually 128-256 GB.

If an SSD is expensive for you or you need more capacity, then it is better to choose a hard drive with a spindle speed of 5400 rpm, and even better 7200 rpm. Assuming you're going to store multiple movies and games on your hard drive, 320 GB should be enough, a 500 GB or 750 GB drive is preferable, but it will cost more.

Flash Cache: Some ultrabooks and laptops come with 8GB, 16GB, or 32GB of flash cache, which, when paired with a traditional hard drive, boosts performance. But it will not increase the speed of the computer to the level of SSD. The flash cache will help improve installation time and download data to a large hard drive.

Display: The more pixels, the more information can be displayed on the screen, and the sharper the image will look. Most budget and mainstream laptops come with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. We recommend choosing a laptop with a higher pixel count if possible: 1600 x 900, 1920 x 1080 or higher. Always choose the highest resolution available for the best viewing experience. A full HD panel (1920 x 1080) will cost about $150 more than a typical display, but it's worth it, especially when it comes to a large monitor.

Touch screen: The touch screen in a laptop on the Windows 8 operating system simply adds to the pleasure of communicating with the gadget. Today, you can get a touchscreen laptop for less than $500, the difference in price between a device with a similar configuration without touch is from $100 to $150. Please note that touch screens add weight and increase machine power consumption compared to non-touch screens.

Video card: By and large, an integrated graphics chip (the one built into the motherboard) will be good for basic tasks, including web surfing, watching videos, and even gaming, and will save your budget. But a discrete GPU from AMD or Nvidia makes a real difference when you run the most demanding games. Such a processor will have dedicated video memory. Plus a good GPU (graphics processing unit) can speed up video playback and boost video editing.

As with processors, graphics cards come in high-end and low-end. Nvidia and AMD have a wide range of graphics cards. In general, gaming laptops and those focused on graphics work have the best graphics cards, and the most expensive ones even have two GPUs.

DVD / Blu-ray drives: Modern laptops are less and less equipped with optical drives. This is because most programs and videos you can download from the Internet. If you do not burn discs and do not plan to watch Blu-Ray movies, then you do not need such a drive. So you can save on their absence about 200 grams of the total weight.

5. Hybrid 2-in-1 or traditional laptop?

With the launch of Windows 8, a range of portable computers with a hybrid design appeared, which are transforming into tablets. Including the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga, whose body folds out 360 degrees.

If you like the idea of ​​using your laptop in tablet mode from time to time, then the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga fold-out might be a versatile choice. But if you want more flexibility by using the device as a standalone tablet, then a detachable design is a better fit.

6. Don't skimp on the battery

No one wants to be chained to an outlet, even if it is within reach. When buying a 15-inch laptop, please note that its battery must withstand at least 4 hours without recharging. If you're planning on being mobile enough, look for models that offer more than 6 hours of battery life, ideally more than 7 hours. Longest lasting business laptop batteries. They go without recharging for 10 to 20 hours.

To determine laptop battery life, read user reviews and third-party analysts, and don't just rely on manufacturer claims. Actual battery life will vary depending on screen brightness and the nature of the tasks being performed (videos use more power than web surfing).

Pay extra for an extended battery if you have the option, you won't regret it. And note that some laptops (like the MacBook Air) have non-removable batteries that you can't update on your own.

7. Choose a laptop price range

You can buy a good laptop for up to $500, but if your budget allows you to spend more, you'll get a device with better build quality, longer battery life, a sharper screen, and better performance. And now more about each price category.

From 300 to 600 dollars: At a price of under 600. e. You can get a laptop with an Intel Core i5 or AMD A8 CPU, 4GB to 8GB of RAM, and a 500GB hard drive.

$600 to $800: At prices above $600 That is, you can notice more signs of a premium product, such as a metal finish on the case. Also moving up the price ladder, manufacturers are investing in features such as better speakers and a backlit keyboard. In this range, you can get a flash cache and a screen with a resolution of 1600 x 900 or higher.

Over $800: More powerful and portable laptops await you here. They have high resolution screens, fast processors, and possibly discrete graphics. The lightest, most durable and ultra-portable devices, like the MacBook Air and Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, often cost upwards of $1,000. The price of a top gaming or fashion laptop easily exceeds $1,500, and can go up to $2,500 or $3,000.

8. Manufacturer's choice

Your laptop is only as good as the company behind it. Accurate and timely technical support is of paramount importance, so be aware of the availability of service centers in your locality. The author of this article traditionally chooses HP - Hewlett Packard laptops.

9. Operating system choice: Mac, Chrome or Windows?

This is not an easy question, especially if you haven't intended to migrate from Windows to Mac or have never heard of Chrome OS. Let's briefly highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each platform.

Operating system Windows 8

Windows laptops tend to be more affordable than Macs (Windows laptops start at under $400). In addition, here you will find a wide selection of designs from more than a dozen major manufacturers. Unlike Apple, Microsoft and its partners offer touchscreen or convertible laptops that easily convert to tablet mode.

The new Windows operating system has replaced the Start menu with a tiled start screen that's easy to use on a touchscreen. However, Windows 8.1 still has a desktop mode to run all existing applications. The most notable improvements in Windows 8.1 are the enhanced search capabilities and easier multitasking that comes with modern apps. A handful of manufacturers still offer Windows 7 as an alternative.

In general, Windows laptops come with more business-oriented features, such as biometric verification, smart card technology, and the Intel vPro system.

Operating system Google Chrome OS

If your priorities include surfing the web, social networking and checking email, then feel free to choose a Chromebook. Google's Chrome OS provides a version of the Chrome browser that is filled with web applications and is geared towards the web environment. You can buy an 11-inch Chromebook for as little as $200. But the battery life of such devices is very modest.

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