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Determination of false information. Fake information

Unfortunately, many people face slander, but not all remember that according to the country's Constitution, everyone has the right to defend their good name, honor and dignity, which defame false accusations, undermining the reputation of a citizen. Today, the legislation provides for liability to persons who disseminate inaccurate data, i.e. the slanderer can be punished by law.

False accusation: what it is, distribution options and types of liability

It is customary to call false accusation information that is untrue and not supported by reliable facts and other evidence, which claims that the person has committed some illegal act. It is also called an unproven accusation.

You can blame a person for anything, and most often there are: false accusations of theft and beating, followed by rape. Libel can be disseminated through the media, contained in public speeches, indicated in statements addressed to law enforcement and in other documents provided for transfer to third parties. There have been cases when lies and slander were contained in the statement of claim. No matter how the knowingly false information was transmitted, it is subject to liability provided for by two legislative acts:

  • The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

What article is provided for in the Criminal Code for the dissemination of libel

For libel, and this is what the legislation calls the dissemination of knowingly false information, criminal liability is applied. Not everyone understands today which article is valid for a false accusation, and what sanctions can be applied according to the norms of the law, because many sources provide links to Art. 129 and 128.1, which introduces confusion. In fact, Article 129 was in effect until the end of 2011, and then was canceled in order to liberalize the legislation. After a while, the issue of combating libel and the need to support human rights to protect their own honor and dignity was raised again. Already in July 2012, Article 128.1 was added to the Criminal Code for false accusations, i.e. defining liability for defamation.

Important! Only a person who knowingly disseminated false information can be brought to justice under this article, i.e. was aware of this.

What is the punishment provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for several types of liability for libel:

  • a fine (depending on the type of charges, it can be up to 500 thousand rubles, up to 1 million rubles, equal to the income of the accused in the amount of earnings for 3 months, a year or three years);
  • correctional labor (up to 400 hours).

For an untrue denunciation that a citizen has committed a crime (grave, especially grave), the amount of the fine can go up to 5 million rubles. or up to 480 hours of correctional labor.

What to do if false charges are brought against you

Anyone can get into an unpleasant situation with slander at the most unexpected moment. The main thing is not to let panic overwhelm you at this moment, and having endured calmness, figure out what to do when false accusations of beating or other crime of the law are put forward.

First of all, it should be remembered that there is the presumption of innocence, and the accused is not considered guilty of the crime until his guilt has been brought to light. And here you cannot do without the help of an experienced lawyer who will understand the situation in detail, help you correctly write a statement to the police about a false denunciation, give a sample, explain your rights and tell you what to do next.

In addition, a specialist knows exactly how to bring your abuser to justice for false denunciation and will help you file a lawsuit.

deception, false information

Alternative descriptions

Injustice, evil, wrong cause

... "where the court is, there and ..."

Newspaper duck as disinformation

Newspaper duck like disinformation

Desa, false information

J. opposed to floor truth. These words are distorted in their meaning, almost into our memory, becoming one words with express. lies and truth; the fundamental meaning of the words truth and untruth has been replaced, not entirely successfully, by expressions: justice and injustice, justice and injustice. But truth refers only to mental concepts, and truth to moral qualities, which is why our first code, the laws of justice, was called Russian truth. The people remained true to the direct meaning of the word; for him, untruth, any illegality, a matter contrary to conscience, oppression, resentment, crooked judgment, wrong sentence, decision; lies in practice, crookedness, dishonesty, falsehood. (Latin injuria, injustum, improbitas, inaequitas). Any unrighteousness is a sin. You will pass the light with a lie, but you will not come back. Any untruth will be remembered, not in this world, so in that one. Woe is from God, but unrighteousness is from the devil. God helps the truth, in unrighteousness he stumbles (or: punishes). God will find out every untruth. Whoever lives by unrighteousness will be killed by God. It is dashing to the one who does not tell the truth to whom! people live in troubles, but disappear in untruth. It is better to die than to endure untruth. People lied, and we told a lie (we didn’t tell the truth). People live a lie and we will not burst! The court is not true, vm. true. A Greek, a Jew, an Armenian, a Gypsy and a Poltava nobleman have lived a century of untruth. Untrue, deceitful, false; inclined to untruth, to all falsehood; false, untrue. Unjust judge, unrighteous. False remorse, insincere or sanctimonious. False money, passport, counterfeit. -vost, property, condition, quality by value. adj. Wrong, unjust, unrighteous, unrighteous; accused, guilty, guilty. Wrong accusation. Wrong life. You judge wrongly. I made money wrong. Your case is wrong, your claim is wrong. Which one of you is to blame (the direct culprit), I do not know; and both are wrong. His wrongness in this matter is obvious; wrong act, demand; wrong the same, the property of the wrong; the same property in general view, as usual belonging, is not true. We tolerate from the wrongs of the authorities, from the wrong; wrongdoing makes more noise, that is, the wrong, the wrong side, the offender. Wrong Sib. unfair, crooked. You misunderstood us. Unjust, contrary to conscience, law, truth, duty, justice; special about self-interest, bribery, fraudulent trade and any indirect action to the detriment of others, for their own benefit. Hell stands on the unrighteous (on the unrighteous). Wrongly acquired for future use is not, it burns with fire, sideways (edge) will stick out. Unrighteous profit is not profit (not livelihood). Unrighteous creation (or acquisition) dust. -dity, quality, property according to the app. The unrighteousness of works does not save. Unrighteous m. -Nitsa f. false (u) ha about. unrighteous, disingenuous, or bribery person living in a lie. Wrong, deviating from the rules, deviating from the proper, legal; wrong, wrong. Wrong verdict, in which case the legal order is not observed, although, in essence, it may be right. Wrong view of the matter, wrong. Irregular verbs, grammatical which are subject to withdrawal from general rule or conjugation pattern; inappropriate for the rules. Wrong equation, math. unsolvable, due to lack of data, or due to the excess of disputed data. -nost w. property, quality by adj. Wrong education, ugliness, or deviation from the conventional laws of nature. To do wrong, to act or live a lie, to do wrong, unrighteous, unrighteous, unjust. This steward has been unrighteous over us for many years. Wrong, wrong, wrong, not real, not true; false, bogus, bogus, bogus. Difficult words, like: unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable, untruthfulness, - to say, - words, etc. are understandable by themselves, and, moreover, are explained without negation

False words

Not true

Not true

Deception, lie

Deception, fraud

Translate from bureaucratic language: "Information that does not adequately reflect the facts"

Complete lie

What is contrary to the truth

Fake information

... "Where the court is, there and ..."

Translate from bureaucratic language: "Information that does not adequately reflect the facts"

Disinformation- knowingly false information provided to the enemy or business partner for more effective conduct of hostilities, cooperation, verification of information leakage and the direction of its leakage, identification potential clients black market.

Also disinformation (also misinformation) is called the very process of manipulating information, such as: misleading someone by providing incomplete information or complete, but no longer the information you need, distortion of the context, distortion of a piece of information.

The goal of such an impact is always the same - the opponent must act as the manipulator needs. The act of the subject against whom the disinformation is directed may consist in making a decision necessary for the manipulator or in refusing to make a decision that is unfavorable for the manipulator. But in any case, the ultimate goal is the action that will be taken by the opponent.

Disinformation, therefore, is a product of human activity, an attempt to create a false impression and, accordingly, push to desired actions or inaction.

Types of disinformation

  • misleading a specific person or group of persons (including an entire nation);
  • manipulation (by the actions of one person or a group of persons);
  • creating public opinion about a problem or object.

Misleading is nothing more than outright deception, the provision of false information. Manipulation is a method of influence aimed directly at changing the direction of people's activity. The following levels of manipulation are distinguished:

  • strengthening the values ​​that are beneficial to the manipulator existing in the minds of people (ideas, attitudes ...);
  • partial change in views on a particular event or circumstance;
  • a radical change in attitudes.

The creation of public opinion is the formation in society of a certain attitude towards the chosen problem.

see also

Write a review on the article "Disinformation"


  • Evgeny Zhirnov// Newspaper "Kommersant". - No. 2. - 01/13/2003. - P. 7

An excerpt characterizing Disinformation

The happy mood of the authorities after the review passed on to the soldiers. The company went on merrily. Soldiers' voices spoke from all sides.
- How did they say, Kutuzov crooked, about one eye?
- And then no! Quite a curve.
“Don't… brother, bigger eyes than you. Boots and rolls - I looked around ...
- How he, my brother, will look at my feet ... well! think…
- And then the other Austrian, with him was, as if smeared with chalk. Like flour, white. I have tea, as ammunition is cleaned!
- What, Fedeshaw! ... he said, perhaps, when the guards began, were you standing closer? They said everything, Bunaparte himself is in Brunov.
- Bunaparte is worth it! You’re lying, you fool! What he doesn't know! Now the Prussian is revolting. The Austrian, therefore, pacifies him. As he reconciles, then the war will open with Bunapart. And that, he says, is in Brunov Bunaparte! It is then clear that he is a fool. Listen more.
- See the devil's lodgers! The fifth company, look, is already turning into the village, they will cook porridge, and we will not reach the place yet.
- Give me a crouton, damn it.
- Did you give tobacco yesterday? That's that, brother. Well, on, God be with you.
- If only we made a halt, otherwise we won't eat for another five miles.
- It was then pleasant how the Germans gave us the carriages. You go, know: it is important!
- And here, brother, the people went completely wild. Everything there seemed to be a Pole, everything was of the Russian crown; but today, brother, a solid German has gone.
- Songbooks forward! The captain shouted.
And in front of a company with different ranks about twenty people ran out. The drummer sang turned around to face the songwriters, and, waving his hand, began to draw out a drawn-out soldier's song, which began: "Isn't it dawn, the sun was busy ..." and ended with the words: "Then, brothers, there will be glory to us with Kamensky's father ..." This song was folded in Turkey and was sung now in Austria, only with the change that in place of the "Kamensky father" the words were inserted: "The Kutuzov father."

Humanitarian Institute

Department of Sociology and Psychology

Discipline: "Psychology of communication"


On the topic: "Determining false information"

Completed by Student gr. ZGS-21

Bugrova Anastasia Sergeevna

Checked out by K. psychol. D., associate professor of the department

"Sociology and Psychology" Busurina L.Yu.



Mimic signs of deception



V Lately v humanities there is an avalanche-like increase in interest in the problems of understanding the essence of truth and its psychological antipodes - lies, deceit and untruth. The reasons for the urgency of these problems are obvious: the widespread occurrence of these communicative phenomena determines their social significance and dictates an urgent need to study them. Today, these questions are of interest to scientists of various specialties - sociologists, philosophers, marketing specialists, etc.

Areas in which lies or, according to at least, the possibility of lying is not used, very little. Parents deceive their children in order to hide from them things for which, in their opinion, they are not yet ready. In the same way, children, growing up, hide from their parents what they consider inaccessible to parental understanding. Friends lie to each other (even your best friend does not tell you everything), teachers and students, doctors and patients, husbands and wives, witnesses and juries, lawyers and their clients, sellers and buyers. Lying is so natural that it bluntly can be attributed to almost all spheres of human activity.

The purpose test work is the analysis and systematization of knowledge on the problem of lies. The tasks include the analysis of the literature on the problem, consideration of the essence of lies and methods of verification of false information.

Definition and psychological structure of a lie

V.V. signs defines falsehood as a statement based on delusion or incomplete knowledge, falsehood as a conscious distortion of the truth known by the subject, and deception as a half-truth provoking a person who understands it to make erroneous conclusions from reliable facts.

Paul Elkman defines a lie as an act by which one person misleads another, doing so deliberately, without prior notice of their goals and without explicitly asked by the victim not to disclose the truth. There are two main forms of lying: silence (hiding the truth) and distortion (reporting false information). There are also types of lies, such as: hiding the true cause of the emotion; telling the truth in the form of deception; half-truths and bewildering evasions. And finally, there are two types of signs of deception: information leakage (the liar gives himself away by accident) and information about the presence of deception (the liar's behavior betrays only that he is not telling the truth).

V. Stern defines a lie as a deliberate false testimony, which serves to achieve certain goals by deceiving others. At the same time, there are other types of false testimony, which are not actually a lie, and in contrast to which lies are characterized by three characteristics: 1) the consciousness of falsity; 2) the intention to cheat; 3) expediency (focus on obtaining any benefit, or rejection of disadvantages).

Surprisingly, many liars are betrayed by careless statements, they simply did not consider it necessary to choose their words carefully.

Even a cautious liar can fail what Sigmund Freud defined as a language slip.

The verifier must be careful, as not every slip of the tongue is fraudulent. Whether a clause is false or not can usually be determined by context.

Tirades are another way liars give themselves away. Here, a miss is not one or two words, but usually a whole phrase. Emotion "carries" the liar, and he does not even immediately realize the consequences of his revelations.

Separate research on the psychology of lying confirms that some people, when they lie, do not give direct answers, are evasive or report more information than required. Other studies have shown the exact opposite: most people are too cunning to be evasive and avoid direct answers.

Language slips and tirades can betray any hidden information: emotions, actions, plans, intentions, fantasies, ideas, etc.

Here, the most common signs of cheating are pauses. The pauses may be too long or too frequent. Speech errors can also be signs of deception: interjections, repetitions, unnecessary syllables.

Evasive speech, pauses and speech errors can mean that the speaker is speaking very carefully, because he did not think about the line of conduct in advance. These signs can be accompanied by any negative emotions.

Increased tone, volume, and rate of speech accompany fear, anger, and possibly excitement. Sadness and, perhaps, feelings of guilt change the voice in the opposite way.


Covering the mouth.

One of the gestures of deception is covering your mouth. In children, it is more pronounced - small children can tell a lie and immediately cover their mouth with a whole palm.

In adults, this gesture can be in the form of covering the mouth with a fist or several fingers (imitation of a cough is also quite common). This gesture does not necessarily mean deception, sometimes in this way the interlocutor tries to hide something from you (most likely his true point of view).

Touching the nose.

When a person lies, the body secretes special substances called catelohamines, which irritate the nasal mucosa, the pressure also increases, blood flow increases and the nose increases slightly. But this is not noticeable, but it is noticeable how your interlocutor begins to reach for his nose and scratch it. Or just periodically he will touch the tip of the nose. It can also mean that the person does not completely trust you.

Rubbing eyes.

When a child does not want to look at something, he closes his eyes with his palms. In an adult, this gesture is transformed into rubbing the eye. Thus, the brain tries to block something unpleasant for us (deception, doubt, or an unpleasant sight). In men, this is a more pronounced gesture - they rub their eyes, as if a speck had hit them. In women, this gesture is less noticeable and may well pass for correcting makeup, since ladies usually rub their lower eyelids gently with their fingers.

Rubbing the earlobe.

Rubbing the earlobe, scratching the neck behind the ear, picking or twisting the ear into a tube. When a person rubs his earlobe, it means that he has already heard enough and wants to tell you something.

Scratching the neck.

Typically, people do this with the index finger of the hand with which they write. This gesture means doubt. That is, if a person says to you something like “Yes, yes! I completely agree with you ”and at the same time reaches out to scratch his neck, which means that in fact he does not agree and doubts.

Collar pull-back.

Cheating leads to increased blood pressure and increased sweating, especially if the cheater is afraid of being caught in a lie. The same gesture can be associated with anger or depression and the person pulls back the collar to cool down a little.

Fingers in the mouth.

This is a person's unconscious attempt to return to the state of security commonly associated with infancy and sucking on the same nipple. An adult sucks on a cigar, pipe, temples, pen, or chews gum. Most of the touching of the mouth is associated with deception, but it also suggests that the person needs approval. Perhaps he is lying because he is afraid that you will not like the truth.

Mimic signs of deception

The face is a very valuable source of information for the verifier, because it can lie, and speak the truth, and do both at the same time. Some facial expressions support lies, giving us the wrong information, while others give away the truth because they look fake, and true feelings seep through all attempts to hide them.

Microvirus ?nie is a short involuntary facial expression that appears on the face of a person trying to hide or suppress an emotion. Micro-expressions do not lend themselves to conscious control, that is, they appear regardless of the person's desire.

Micro-expressions appear for no more than a quarter of a second.

However, with microexpressions, this is not so simple, because, despite the completeness of their information about hidden emotions, they are rarely manifested.

There are three types of signs by which one can judge about the falsity of a facial expression: asymmetry, duration and untimely facial expression.

With asymmetric expression, the same emotion appears more strongly on one side of the face than on the other.

The second of these three features is duration (timing). Genuine feelings are for the most part short-lived, and their manifestation lasts no more than a few seconds. Moreover, even in extreme conditions, external manifestations of feelings rarely last longer and are carried out rather as a series of successive short-term expressions.

Lack of timeliness of facial expression in relation to speech, intonation and body movements is the third sign of insincerity of emotions.

The Problem of Virtuous Deception, Kant and Modernity

Deception is a fundamental factor in social and personal relations inevitably present in all forms of activity of collective, institutional and individual subjects. It is hardly necessary to prove the exceptional relevance of the philosophical understanding of this phenomenon in conditions information society.

Kant wrote: "This is a sacred commandment of reason that is unconditionally governing and is not limited by any external requirements: be truthful (honest) in all indications."

Discussion of such a relatively narrow topic as "a lie out of love for mankind" showed that important philosophical problems of our time shine through in it too. The ethical assessment of a specific act often requires taking into account a number of ethical standards, and not a single one, and decisions on the priority of one norm over another. R.G. Apresyan writes: "Truthfulness cannot be preferred if it is a condition of injustice." Everyone knows that truth can also be malicious and even deadly. All this once again reveals the inconsistency of abstract absolutist solutions.

Supporters of Kant's concept strive at all costs to defend the absoluteness of the moral requirement "do not lie". They consider the rejection of the absolute prohibition to undermine morality, because in this way the gates are opened for permissiveness, for all kinds of perversion and demagoguery. This, of course, makes rational sense. But can't absolutist appeals, instructions, demands, prohibitions serve as a convenient tool for demagoguery and deception? According to R.G. Apresyan, “absolute” is used to describe “moral obligation, the specific content of which can be socioculturally relative. In other words, the absolute in morality is not the norms of direct action, but some general framework for making decisions, actions, assessments. " A.P. Skripnik emphasizes that the absolute excludes choice, while "morality is an active and creative activity, it cannot be extra-situational and over-situational." BG Kapustin also speaks about the impossibility of translating absolute moral requirements into "unambiguous actions", rightly notes the necessary logical (theoretical) connection between the absolute and the relative.

The main question, according to A.A. Guseinov, is the following: “Is the normal, tolerant lie of everyday life and the categorically unacceptable lie of moralists, in particular Kant, the same phenomenon. Or do we have here a frequent situation when different concepts are hidden behind one word? " A.A. Huseynov is leaning towards the latter. “A lie for which a moral right has been obtained ceases to be a lie. This means that it should be called differently. "

Here a clear, theoretically significant alternative arises: either redo general concept lies (and thus the truth), and this would contradict the entire philosophical and sociocultural tradition; or admit that there are different types lie, in a first approximation - two types: a malicious lie, existentially harmful and not malicious lie, including well-intentioned, existentially acceptable.

lie deception information verification


Try to be clear about the basis of any guesses (or intuitions) you might have about whether the person is lying or not. By understanding how you interpret behavioral signs of deception, you will learn to recognize your own mistakes and understand whether you have the ability to make the right judgment or not.

Remember that there are two dangers in detecting deception: disbelief in the truth (when the speaker of the truth is mistaken for a liar) and believing in a lie (when the liar is considered telling the truth). There is no way to completely avoid these errors, so carefully consider the implications of any of these errors.

Consider carefully if you have any biases about the suspect, and if so, how they might interfere with making a correct judgment. Do not try to judge whether a person is lying or not if they are seized with jealousy or have suffered a flash of blindness. Avoid the temptation to suspect a lie just because you have no other acceptable explanation for the same event or behavior.

Never forget the possibility that a sign of emotion is not a sign of deception, but only an indicator of how a person reacts to a suspicion of lying; in no case get used to thinking that there are emotions sure sign deception, especially if you are not very well aware of the suspect's nature, his expectations and are unfamiliar with him.

Keep in mind that many of the signs of deception are based on more than one emotion, and it is always worth thinking carefully before making a judgment, especially if one of these emotions suggests the suspect is lying and the other tells the truth.

Reflect on whether the person is aware of suspicions in his address or not, and do not forget that losses and gains will be inevitable in both cases.

List of used literature

1.Apresyan R.G. About the right to lie

.Huseynov A. What did Kant say or why a lie for good is impossible

.Dubrovskii D.I. The Problem of Virtuous Deception, Kant and Modernity

.V.V. signs Lies, lies and deceit as problems of the psychology of understanding

.Kant I. On the imaginary right to lie out of philanthropy

.B.G. Kapustin Criticism of Kant's criticism of the "right to lie" as an identification of the boundaries of moral philosophy

.Pease A. Sign Language

.Skripkin A.T. On the problem of lies in the ethics of I. Kant

.Freud Z. Psychopathology of everyday life

.Elkman P. Psychology of Lies


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Page 2

Non-absorbing state r3 - station B receives false information due to noise.

If relay B is activated first, there will be no transmission of false information, since state 2 (only relay B works) is not (used. This can be achieved, for example, by slowing relay A to actuation. When released, the sequence should be reversed.

This means that the diode in the communication loop, preventing forward false information, does not interfere with the feedback.

Irrelevant information can also have social significance, i.e. false information or irrelevant (for this provision cases) true information. If false information is spread deliberately, it is called disinformation. Information noise (true, but not essential information) and misinformation can significantly reduce the positive impact of information as a socio-economic resource and also contribute to the transformation of information inequality into a social one.

RES marks, similar to target marks, but carrying false information.

If the penetrant remains on a defect-free surface, it will give false information, as if there is a crack or other defect on the surface. Then, on the surface П, from which the excess penetran has been removed, developer 4 is applied (Fig. B.

Fluid crossflows in the bottomhole zone of a partially perforated formation introduce false information into the recording by the RGT-1 and STD-2 instruments. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out the method of highly sensitive thermometry.

Disadvantages of the method: not applicable in the presence of significant leaks; false information is possible at a product pumping speed of more than 2 m / s; there is no continuous remote information about the location of the autonomous device and the results of pipeline tightness control; not applicable for pipelines with pipe sections of different diameters.

Malfunctions of telemechanics devices in certain cases can lead to the transmission of false information about the condition of the equipment and, as a result, the wrong decisions on the management of the oil pipeline can be made. Therefore, upon detection of malfunctions of automation and telemechanics devices, urgent measures are taken to investigate and restore the operability of these devices at any time of the day.

At wide range vibrations affecting a person, the vestibular apparatus can give false information. This is due to the peculiarities of the hydrodynamic structure of the vestibular apparatus, which in the course of biological evolution did not adapt to functioning under conditions of high-frequency vibrations.

The policy of the Iron Curtain allowed the functionaries to process and fool the population with false information about the state of affairs abroad.

Another way to protect against MERGE: before unloading the program to tape, give false information that the first line of your program is supposedly too long.

Wrong programs actions necessarily arise if the employee has insufficient or false information at his disposal. In addition, there may be cases when, in the presence of sufficient and correct information errors still appear in the formation of action programs.

Among the answers should not be those that require automatic actions, you cannot give false information, for example, give the formula for a non-existent salt.

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