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Notification of entries in the VK group. Notifications of new posts and comments in VK groups (VKontakte)

Our service allows you to track new posts and comments in your own or other people's groups in VK (VKontakte), which makes it possible to:

  • promptly delete spam- if you have your own VK community, then you probably often encounter spam. If spam has been added as a new entry or a comment in the last entry, then it is not difficult to detect it, although not always promptly. With the help of our parser, all this will happen automatically and as quickly as you need it. For example, I use it to track spam in the service group in VK
  • quickly respond to questions from group members- if you are not constantly sitting in your VKontakte group, then it happens that a question asked in the form of a new entry, or especially in a comment to some entry in your community, is discovered after quite a long time, or even not at all. That, of course, to put it mildly, does not please your client and, accordingly, you. Our parser solves this problem. A new question has appeared - you have triggered an alert by email or Telegram, which will immediately indicate the text of the entry or comment.
  • find interesting products in message board communities- often products with an interesting price can be found in VK, and not on popular message boards like Avito. Yes, products on VKontakte are usually not sorted by category, you can't find a price. But with proper setup of plus or minus words, you can catch ads that are interesting to you. Once you add a link to the desired community to Glisa, set the frequency of checking, for example, once an hour, and that's it, the system will check the wall of the given community every hour and, if new posts or comments are found, send a notification to your email.

    You can also connect notifications to Telegram - it's free, fast, convenient, and there are no problems with spam messages.

    The system keeps track of only the last 10 posts and comments to them, which is usually enough.

    Is free

    If you do not need special speed, then you can receive notifications about new entries in VK for free - this will be enough for most tasks, provided that no more than 15 posts and comments in the community are published in an hour, and you do not need a faster speed reactions, since in the free mode a check is available once an hour.

    Up to 3 groups can be tracked. The maximum number of links for monitoring is 15 free of charge, with the frequency of checking each link twice a day. The frequency can be different for different groups in the range from 60 to 720 minutes.

    The difference from the paid mode is also the need to visit Glisa's personal account once a week, a small additional advertisement and a delay in clicking on the links from the notification letter.

    On the day of registration, a check is available free of charge once a minute, then - free of charge once an hour.

    Check VK parser

    Using this form, you can check the work of our VKontakte parser.

    Community address is given as an example, you can insert any other VK community address instead.

    This is how a part of the page looks, with the result of the parser's work, at the top of the text of posts, comments, at the bottom - records and comments in the form of delimited text.

    Video about setting up a VK parser on Glis

    VK parser code in PHP

    For those who make their own project and understand PHP programming, below is the VK parser code that is used on Glis. Actual as of 11/11/2017. Please, if necessary, use this code for parsing VKontakte, if possible, do not forget about the source.

  • It was in the evening - it was done ... But no, we sat and updated the link "comments to albums" like all decent then admins of publics and waited for a new comment to appear. the dialogue with the client was not completed, but he closed the PM and did not let anyone in there. We knew - we would not answer the client right away - he would leave and look for him later. So it happened that I got distracted by the correspondence with the old client in WhatsApp and missed the new one.

    Grieved and tired of all this, I went to "google" the services that monitor groups ... I found free and paid ones ... Free worked for a long time and I realized that it would not help me, but after reading the paid price list, I realized that it was better to monitor with your hands Finally realizing that the search ends in failure, I closed my laptop and went to rest. And the next day VKontakte got news about a new api that sends events from the group. As a developer of our online store, I decided to attach the api to our site and send notifications by email, because strongly we decided not to bother. We used such a crutch for a long time and the email was littered with a bunch of messages ... He wrote to me as an acquaintance, also a community admin, and told me about his troubles with receiving notifications. And then I decided to write my own service that will send these notifications to both email and VK to choose from.

    Where are the notifications coming?

    At the time of this writing, our service sends notifications from the VKontakte group by email or in private VK messages. All notifications contain links to the user who took an action and a link to the action itself (post on the wall, photo, video, message, community settings, etc.)

    Where is Telegram?

    At the time of writing the service, we did not use a telegram (strange, right?), So there was no point in writing such notifications. Because all the time we spent VKontakte - it was more convenient for us to receive notifications. But now, after talking with many clients of our service, I understand that it is necessary to make notifications in Telegram or Viber.

    What is required to register with the service?

    A valid email address, or log in via VK with permission to access email. We have never shared and will not transfer information to third parties. We need email to send important notifications, innovations, and if suddenly we cannot send a notification on VKontakte, we will send it by email. After registration, you need to add a group by following the instructions. As soon as the group is synchronized, you can add several more recipients of notifications, and also if you want to receive notifications in VK LAN - you need to write to our bot start command

    By the way, a new version of the service is currently being developed, where there will be a simplified registration, adding and setting up a group in one click.

    What are the security guarantees?

    We never ask you to enter passwords from VKontakte or email. Authorization through VKontakte occurs through Open API, which is located on the social server. networks.

    Service work INOTED.RU occurs based on Callback API, the principle of which is as follows: An event occurs in your group (for example: a comment on a photo) → VKontakte sends a set of data to our server, which is processed by our script. Based on the settings of your group within the service - our server sends a notification to you by email or private messages.

    Which notifies about updates in selected communities on VKontakte. We pass the microphone to them.

    Hello, my name is Denis, I am 20 years old. Initially, was created as my home application, but over time it grew into something more, it became a new tool for quickly getting content from groups on VKontakte.

    We all read the VKontakte communities, it doesn't matter, news or just entertainment publics, many people read many groups at the same time. Previously, I constantly had to click on the VKontakte pages and the My News tab to find out the news or see a cool publication. And one day the thought occurred to me: “Why not do it all automatically and show new posts in the form of notifications”. This is how the idea of ​​creating the GroupsFeed application was born.

    On the same day, I sketched out a sketchy design on paper and started writing code. At this stage, a friend of mine joined the project and helped test the product. And now, exactly one month later, the application was ready. A few days after that, all my friends were already using GroupsFeed, then it was decided to make a site and put the project in the public domain.

    Now you do not need to constantly be in VK or any of its clients, you can be in another program or with the browser turned off, as soon as new posts appear in groups, the application displays them on your screen in the form of notifications. With the help of GroupsFeed, you save your time and immediately go to the site, if it is a news portal, or to the post page on VKontakte. And also GF shows all the new posts that have appeared since your last visit.

    A week and a half after the release of GroupsFeed for Windows, it was downloaded over 500 times. The traffic was growing, there were positive and negative reviews. The product was improved, new functions were added and the interface changed, but at some point this was not enough for us, we realized that we wanted more. The Windows application has some drawbacks - in particular, the use of system resources and attachment to the OS itself. We lacked the versatility, the ability to use GroupsFeed from a computer on any operating system. Then the idea came up to create an extension for the Chrome browser.

    We have reworked the system for processing communities and creating a feed of posts. We've added several new features that are not available in the Windows application. Slightly changed the color scheme. Now you can install our extension in three clicks and receive new posts from your favorite communities on VKontakte.

    Today the highest priority tasks are:

    1) finalization of the extension for the Chrome browser;

    2) adaptation of the application for Facebook and Odnoklassniki;

    3) creating a web application for the browser.

    Investments have not been attracted yet, there are no expenses, since we have our own server. There are plans for monetization. We are against traditional ad formats, so we are trying to come up with something new.

    Vkontakte has the ability to receive notifications when a user or community has published a new post. This way, you will always know if a person or group is active.

    Now I'm going to show you how it works and how to enable notifications.

    User post notifications

    It should be noted that even if the user is a friend of yours, notifications about new publications do not work (see). They need to be activated manually.

    If a person posts a new post, you will receive a message about it. A pop-up window will appear in the lower left corner of the screen with a corresponding message. Also in the notification section, there will be a note that a new entry has appeared.

    We have to navigate to the right person on the page. Now open the menu located just below his profile picture. And in the list select the item "Notify about entries".

    Now you will receive a notification about fresh posts. You can unsubscribe from updates here by selecting the item in the menu "Do not notify about entries".

    How to enable notifications about new posts in a group

    It works with communities by analogy. Go to the desired group and open the menu. Select item "Notify about entries".

    Now in the notification block, you can see the latest posts in the community.

    We unsubscribe by analogy.

    Subscribe to updates from mobile

    If you have a task to activate mobile notifications, you need to act in the same way. We go to the page to the user, and open the menu located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then press "Notify about new entries".

    As you can see, the process is very similar.


    This feature is especially useful if you need to track the activity of a popular user. He is unlikely to approve of your friend request. But by activating notifications, you can learn about his new entries.


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