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Operating system Microsoft Windows. What is Windows

When we turn on the computer, we see a picture and all sorts of icons, buttons, windows and so on. All this beauty that you see and use is possible only thanks to the operating system. With the help of it, we control the computer, that is, we do everything that we do with it - we work, have a rest, use the Internet.

Operating system Is the most important program. Without her, we could not even turn on the computer. That is, if it were not there, then when the computer was turned on, there would be only a black screen with various incomprehensible letters and numbers.

Windows (Windows) is the name of the operating system. Her brand, so to speak. As, for example, car brands - Audi, Volkswagen, BMW and others. Windows is one of the "brands" of computer operating systems.

In fact, there are plenty of such "brands". But Windows is the most popular. And it is installed on almost all computers.

All this is because it is very convenient and the most simple. That is, thanks to it, you can control your computer as easily as possible. This task can be handled by a schoolchild, a pensioner, a teacher, and a cleaner - in general, any person, regardless of age, education and social status.

There are quite a few versions of this system:

  • Outdated versions - 95, 98, 2000, Me;
  • Uncommon - NT, Vista;
  • Popular - XP, 7, 8, 10.

They differ from each other by the release date. The older the version of the operating system, the more flaws it has.

Currently the newest version is Windows 10. But most people use other versions - Windows XP and Windows 7.

In fact, it is not so important which version of the system is on your computer or laptop (netbook). They are all very similar to each other - the principle of operation is the same. But the most stable system at the moment is Windows 7.

How to find out what operating system is installed on your computer

When you turn on the computer (more correctly, when it boots), the name of the operating system that is installed on it is usually written.

If there is such an inscription, then the Windows XP operating system is installed on your computer:

Hello friends! In today's article, I decided to write my little history of the Windows operating system for you. I decided on this after one small event.

Recently, a good friend of mine, a computer science teacher at school, asked me to help set up a local area network in his computer lab. I didn't have much to do that day and I came to school earlier than the scheduled time, but as it turned out, the second shift was still having the last lesson. My friend calmed me down and sat me down at the last desk, promising to let the children go home early. In short, before I had time to come to my senses, I ended up in a real lesson. I must say, I was a little out of place, because there were students in the class and they all periodically turned around and looked at me, but pretty quickly everyone got used to me and stopped paying attention to someone else's uncle. After a few minutes I also got used to it and was surprised to realize that the tenth grader at the blackboard was telling the story of the Windows operating system, but he was telling it in such a spirit that one could just fall asleep! The young man was very confused about the details and it was noticeable that he was clearly not interested in this topic.

- But this is 20 years of my life! - I thought. And an interesting life! I just couldn't take it any longer and raised my hand. My friend looked at me in surprise and nodded mechanically. I got up and said loudly:

- My friends! If someone tells me now what Bill Gates originally wanted to call the Windows operating system, then for a year I will be setting up a personal computer, laptop, MacBook and even a tablet for free, no matter what operating system will be installed on the listed devices!

And imagine, the whole class perked up and got involved in the discussion, but unfortunately no one could answer my question , and even my friend could not, what can I say about the students! In the process of communicating with the almost grown-up generation, I was surprised to note for myself that our children are perfectly able to use computer devices with any operating system, but they do not know the year of birth. No, they still know who Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are, but only one in thirty could not misrepresent the names of the founders of the Google search engine. Nobody could name the founders of the search engine "Yandex" at all. As a result, I made a remark to the tenth graders that all computers in the classroom have Windows 10 installed and the situation is unlikely to change any time soon, so you need to know at least a little about the history of Windows!

Then the bell rang, the lesson was over, the class was instantly empty. A friend thanked me for the disrupted lesson and we slowly started setting up the LAN. In the process of work, I noted with interest for myself that my friend is a specific "apple" himself, since his laptop is on Mac OS, and his phone is on iOS.

In the evening, I returned home, deciding to do a little investigation and establish which operating systems are preferred by the user audience these days. I also wrote my history of the Windows operating system for you and hopefully without errors.

History of the Windows operating system

The concept of "personal computer", instead of interpreting it in its true meaning as a technical device, with which only one person can work during one session, has long been used as a term for a Windows-based computer. Whereas computer devices based on other operating systems have names associated with their software component - mac, macbook, chromebook. The association with a common concept is the result of the popularity of Windows, however, developed earlier, in conditions of little competition. For a long time in the market of desktops and laptops, Windows kept its leadership: up to 2011 inclusive, the share of this OS exceeded 80%. Windows 7 and 10 still occupy the leading positions in the desktop niche - 40% and 27%, respectively, as of the end of 2016. But in general, among various user devices (desktops, laptops, mobile gadgets), the share of Windows at the end of 2016 did not exceed 40%. The user audience today prefers (or rather, not so much prefers as the rhythm of life itself determines) to work with mobile technology. And, accordingly, with their software platforms Android and iOS.

  • Nevertheless ... Windows is a whole era in the development of computer technology. Whether Windows in desktop, mobile or holographic reality format will be able to win the past sympathy of the audience in the future, only time will tell. In the same article, let's go back in time to Windows and remember its past - what was its path from version to version. The history of Windows should not be confused with the history of its creator, Microsoft. The company was founded in 1975 and 10 years before the release of Windows created primitive software (primitive from the heights of our days). In particular, she released the well-known MS-DOS, which became the basis for the first versions of Windows.

Windows 1.0

The debut version of Windows 1.0 was released in 1985. It was, in fact, a graphical interface add-on to MS-DOS. Windows 1.0 was launched from under MS-DOS and extended the capabilities of the latter. This, in particular, concerned OS multitasking. The history of the name of the OS is inextricably linked with the very first version of Windows. The final decision to name the product "Windows" was preceded by Bill Gates' idea to name the system "Interface Manager". The idea behind Windows was the head of the marketing department at Microsoft. Based on the principles of marketing, he advised Gates to use a simple, uncomplicated name, understandable to the masses. The name "Windows" (translated as "Windows") was exactly that, plus, it reflects the principle of the OS windowed mode.

Windows 2.0

In 1987, Windows 2.0 was released. It was an OS, generally not much different from the debut version, but with some improvements. In the second version of Windows, in particular, support for processors was improved, the speed of work was slightly increased, and the ability to overlap windows was added.

Windows 3.0

Neither Windows 1.0 nor 2.0 made a splash in the then IT market. Only Windows 3.0, released in 1990, managed to win success among the user audience. The modernization affected primarily the functionality of the OS. In its graphical interface, it was possible to run text editors written under MS-DOS. There are new system settings, the ability to change the color scheme of the interface, functions for tracking program activity and operating with files. The third version of Windows is the ancestor of the well-known and now standard applications "Notepad", "Calculator", card games, in particular, the favorite of many office workers "Kosynka".

Windows 3.1

An upgrade version of Windows 3.1 was released in 1992. As a 16-bit OS, it supported 32-bit hard disk access. Other features of the version include support for networks, a computer mouse, Drag & Drop functions, and TrueType fonts. The system staff had its own antivirus.

Windows 95

A new milestone in the evolution of this OS was Windows 95, released, as the name suggests, in 1995. Its interface has been seriously redesigned, with increased performance and functionality. It was Windows 95 that introduced the world to the functions that make up the backbone of modern versions of this OS - the desktop with shortcuts, the Start menu, the taskbar. A little later, Internet Explorer was shipped with Windows 95.

Windows 98

Windows 98, released in 1998, was a successor to Windows 95, but more stable and improved. The OS began to support the AGP graphics port, TV tuners, WebTV. The main feature of this version is the delivery of updates from Microsoft servers. It was in this version that for the first time it was possible to work with two or more monitors connected to the system unit. Windows 98 also debuted Windows Media Player and hibernation. This is the first operating system I started working with.

Windows 2000

The next stage in the evolution of the OS is Windows 2000, presented in February 2000, respectively. It is based on Windows NT - the Windows branch for servers. Its key features are reliability, security, support for 64-bit processors (albeit only in a separate OS edition). This version of the OS has become a symbiosis that has absorbed the best that was in the systems of the Windows NT branch and the predecessor version of Windows 98. However, this version of the OS did not win success among ordinary people. And it was mainly used on computers of employees of various companies.

Windows Me

Windows Me (its full name is Windows Millenium Edition) was officially presented in the same 2000, but at the end of the year - in September. This version of the OS is the "pure" successor to Windows 98. Windows Me has increased the capabilities of its predecessor in terms of working with multimedia content and the Internet. Its staff includes, in particular, an improved Windows Media Player, a simple video editor Windows Movie Maker, an updated Internet Explorer, an IM client, MSN Messenger. The standard explorer has improved, the support for external devices connected to the computer has expanded. A weak point in Windows Me was frequent freezes and crashes. Despite the loud name dated to the transition to the new millennium, this version did not manage to leave a bright mark in the history of Windows itself.

Windows XP

XP left a bright mark in the history of Windows. Moreover, it is so bright that its light still cannot fade away. Windows XP, released in 2001 on the basis of the Windows NT branch, in fact, became the new format of this OS. It was stable, an order of magnitude more productive than its predecessors, with a spectacular and customizable interface, with new standard functionality, including a multi-user mode, a remote assistant function, regular CD recording, standard archiving programs for ZIP and CAB formats, etc. On the basis of Windows XP, despite the fact that its support by the developer stopped back in 2014, about 9% of computers around the world still work, and this, for a minute, is more than the share of Linux systems with their 2.17%. Windows XP turned out to be such a successful project that all its improvements were made into service packs. It was only 5 years later that Microsoft introduced the successor to XP to the world.

Windows Vista

Officially introduced in 2007, Windows Vista was destined to be a disastrous project for Microsoft. Vista introduces a new semi-transparent Windows Aero interface style. This version became the ancestor of many functional improvements that migrated to the successor version of the system. These include, in particular, personalization settings, improved file search, multimedia software DVD Maker and Windows Media Center. The weaknesses of Windows Vista were the incompatibility of drivers and certain third-party programs developed for XP, increased requirements for the hardware power of computers, and the use of more space on the hard disk by the system. Weaknesses could not outweigh the innovations of Vista, the public appreciated its developments later and in the next version of the OS.

Windows 7

Released in 2009, Windows 7 was, in fact, a modified Vista - more productive, more stable, compatible with software for XP, with an improved interface, support for touch screens and other technologies that eliminate the need for third-party software. Windows 7 succeeded not only in repeating XP's success, but even surpassing it in popularity. Version 7 is still a popular and demanded OS. The secret of her success lies in the fact that she entered the market at the right time and under the right circumstances. Windows XP has become obsolete, modernization of computers has become more affordable (both financially and in terms of the availability of offers on the market, including the secondary market). And Microsoft put more effort into version 7 than usual, in fear of repeating Vista's history. However, Vista's history was destined to repeat itself.

Windows 8

The tradition of failed projects in 2012 was continued by Windows 8 - created in the race for a niche OS tablets with an add-on in the form of the Metro (Modern) interface and the abolished Start menu. These innovations have come under severe criticism. And this is despite the fact that the Windows 8 desktop environment was the familiar version 7, in which the classic Start menu could be organized using third-party software. In the avalanche of negativity, many worthy improvements went unnoticed, in particular, a more perfect recovery environment, extended driver support, a standard ISO-image reader, the Hyper-V hypervisor that migrated from server editions, and so on. Even its significantly improved version did not save the reputation of Windows 8. upgrade 8.1, which improved the Metro interface. Despite the fact that Windows 8.1 is currently the most stable system of all Windows, at the end of 2016 the share of Win 8.1 in the desktop OS market did not even exceed the share of Linux.

Windows 10

Windows 10 is the result of a careful review of Microsoft's previous mistakes. It returned and improved the Start menu, and the Metro interface was transformed into a separate from the classic regular functionality in the format of universal applications. Among the significant innovations in Windows 10: the Microsoft Edge browser, a new format for standard settings, virtual desktops. Version 10 differs from its predecessors not only in functional and design novelties, it is open to user feedback and constantly updated system. Functional updates are “run in” on test builds of the system as part of the Windows Insider project, and then they are introduced into the OS with a major update (like patches).

  • At the end of the article I will express the opinion of the administration of the site http: // site about the best operating system at the moment. In our opinion, this is Windows 8.1. This OS is absolutely perfect and compatible with both old and new computer hardware. The same cannot be said about Windows 10 yet. For many users, the 1607 version is working quite well, after updating to 1703 it began to work unstable. But I'm sure it will be fixed in the future. I'm also sure the Windows story won't end at 10!

Articles on this topic.

Windows development history

Ahead of the release decided to remember how it all began. So I suggest you take a short excursion into history. Windows.

(November 20, 1985)

The very first graphics operating system Microsoft - Windows, version 1.01 (version 1.0 never saw the light of day due to bugs). Based on MS-DOS 2.0... Multi-window interface, 256 colors and the ability to use a mouse (only the left key). There are a small number of built-in programs - clock, calendar, notepad and Reversi game.

(April 2, 1987)

Contains the same applications as but with improved controls and support for VGA... Now you can freely resize windows and move them to any area of ​​the screen, as well as overlap one another.

(May 22, 1990)

Support for extended memory access mode has been introduced, which made it possible for programs to use up to 16 MB of memory. Was implemented pseudo-multitasking and the ability to execute DOS-programs each in a separate window. The user interface has noticeably improved - there are Program manager and File Manager(future Conductor), redone Control Panel, system settings are centralized.

(March 18, 1992)

It was originally planned as a minor improvement to version 3.0. Introduced support for scalable fonts TrueType and a number of system errors were fixed. From this version of the system Windows support 32-bit hard disk access. An enhanced version with network support has also been released - Windows for Workgroups 3.1

Windows 3.11 for Workgroups (December 31, 1993)

The latest and most famous of the line based on MS-DOS... In it, it became possible to combine computers into a peer-to-peer network, and also work as a network client for a server Windows NT... Version 3.11 introduced 32-bit virtual device drivers (VxDs) and 32-bit file access, and dropped support for standard mode, which meant dropping processors below 386.

(July 27, 1993)

Despite the fact that outwardly very similar to , it is not its continuation. This system opens a new line of operating systems for use on servers and high-performance workstations. V the file system was first used NTFS... Also new is support for symmetric multiprocessing and technology Opengl allowing you to work with 3-dimensional objects. In 1994, improved versions appeared Windows NTWindows NT Workstation 3.5, and in 1995 - Windows NT Workstation 3.51, more productive and less demanding on hardware resources. All listed versions Windows NT have an interface With File manager and Program manager.

(24 August 1995)

Replaced and was intended mainly for home use. It was in it that such elements of the graphical interface as the desktop with icons, the taskbar and the Start menu, as well as support for long (up to 256 characters) file names and the system plug and play... The first version was missing Internet Explorer, it had to be installed separately from the package Microsoft Plus!

Windows NT 4.0(July 29, 1996)

The latest version of the operating system Microsoft Windows NT, published under this name. (next, the fifth operating system of the family NT came out under the name ). Windows NT 4.0 had a user interface in the style and was intended to be used as a workstation operating system ( Windows NT Workstation) and server ( Windows NT Server).

(June 25, 1998)

It is an updated version ... Improved support AGP, drivers are improved USB, added support for working with multiple monitors. In May 1999, the second edition was released - Windows 98 SE (Second Edition), which included many fixes and additions - Internet Explorer 5, Internet Connection Sharing ( ICS, Internet Connection Sharing), MS NetMeeting 3 and playback support DVD... The system was wildly popular, which is why Microsoft even extended her support.

(February 17, 2000)

Initially, the system was called Windows NT 5.0 since it was the next version Windows NT after NT 4.0, but later received its own name ... Published in four editions: Professional(for workstations), Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server(for servers). Win2K brought with it some very important innovations, namely support for the directory service Active Directory, web server IIS 5.0, NTFS version 3.0 (this version first introduced support for quotas) and the EFS file system ( Encripted File System), with which you can encrypt files and folders. Compared with NT 4.0 the user interface has been updated and the color scheme has been redesigned.

Windows Millenium Edition (September 14, 2000)

Named so in honor of the new millennium. Last (and not very successful) attempt Microsoft improve ... A large number of changes have been made to it - system restore ( System restore), protection of system files ( Windows File Protection), support for computer hibernation (it did not always work), a new help system in the form of tooltips. There are new multimedia and Internet capabilities such as Internet Explorer 5.5, Windows Media Player 7 and Windows Movie Maker with basic digital video editing functions. Despite all the innovations (and maybe because of them) Millenium Edition was the most "buggy" and unreliable operating system from the line Windows 9x.

(October 25, 2001)

Name XP comes from the English. e XP erience(experience). It is an improved version Professional, with the original changes affecting most of the appearance and user interface. Unlike , which was produced for both workstations and servers, is exclusively a client system (its server version is Windows Server 2003). 2 major versions of XP have been released - Home and Professional Edition, for home and corporate use. Also released in April 2005 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition- the first desktop 64-bit operating system Windows.

2003 to 2011 was the most popular operating system, and gave way only at the end of 2011, skipping ahead ... However, despite this, remains one of the most successful and well-known products of the company Microsoft.

(November 30, 2006)

Sixth generation of operating systems Windows NT. Vista has a version number 6.0, so the abbreviation "WinVI" is sometimes used to denote it, which combines the name " Vista»And the version number in Roman numerals. As well Windows XP, Vista- exclusively client system. Its server counterpart is Windows Server 2008... In total, as many as 6 versions of the system were released - Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Corporate and Ultimate, and each version (except Starter) in 32 and 64-bit versions.

V contains a large number of innovations - interface Windows Aero, hibernation, technology Ready boost(using flash drives for paging file). There are a lot of changes in terms of security - a user account control system has appeared ( User Access Control, UAC), the EFS file encryption system was improved, and the disk encryption system appeared Bitlocker, and in the home versions Parental Controls have been enabled to help restrict children from using the computer.

And with all the wealth of possibilities Vista is the worst operating system released Microsoft... Due to the huge number of "jambs" and clearly overestimated hardware requirements, users en masse deleted from their computers and switched back to XP.

Windows 7 (October 22, 2009)

Released less than three years after and in fact is its "licked" and brought to mind version. For example, a more flexible setting is implemented User Account Control(UAC), which unlike now has two more intermediate states, improved compatibility with old applications, made changes to encryption technology BitLocker and added a removable media encryption function BitLocker to go, which allows you to encrypt removable media. Also, the appearance has been slightly changed, and to the interface Aero added several new features ( shake, peak and snap). New networking technologies have emerged - DirectAccess and Branch Cache, though they are only available in older versions .

As well Vista, Windows 7 released in 6 editions - Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Corporate and Ultimate, and everything except Starter available in 64-bit. Server version of the seven - Windows Server 2008 R2, came out only in 64-bit version.

To date occupies almost 50% of the desktop operating system market and is in first place in the world in terms of use.

(year 2012)

February 29, 2012 on the site Microsoft the beta version became available for download (" Consumer Preview») New logo, new splash screen and new interface Metro... What else awaits us in the new operating system, we have to find out in the near future.

Hello dear readers of the site. Very often you have to hear the phrase "operating system", but unfortunately not everyone understands what it essentially means. In today's article, I propose to analyze the question in more detail, what is Windows and what operating systems are.

Operating system starts automatically almost immediately after turning on the computer. When you turn on the computer (press the "Power" button, which is located on the system unit), then it performs a self-test, namely, it checks on the spot whether all of its mandatory hardware components and whether they respond to requests. Upon successful completion of this test, the computer starts loading the operating system (OS) or provides the user with an OS choice if several are installed on the computer.

Windows operating system

Roughly speaking, an operating system is the most important program in a computer, or, more precisely, a whole set of programs. An operating system is needed in a computer, first of all, in order to organize access of ordinary programs (Internet browser, music player, etc.) to computer resources. For example, when several programs are running at the same time and another part is running in the background (programs running in the background are not visible, but they work in the system), who should perform the “traffic controller” function? who organizes when the processor will allocate resources for one program, and the hard drive will write / read information for another? It is the operating system that does this.

In addition, the OS creates an interface through which a person can conveniently work with programs. That is, it is the operating system that organizes the creation of the picture that we see on the screen, processes mouse movements and clicks, pressing keys on the keyboard, plays sound in the speakers, etc. It is important to understand that the operating system itself does not make it possible to perform the usual actions (browsing the web, working with text documents), this requires additional programs, these programs are usually called applied.

Immediately after installing the operating system, in the Start menu you can find applications that allow you to perform most typical actions (for example, MS Internet Explorer for the Internet or WorPad for working with text). Besides, the usual functionality of the programs offered with the operating system is not enough. On a fresh system, additional applications are usually installed (for example, Mozilla Firefox for the Internet, MS Office for working with text, etc.).

The most common operating systems today are products of the Windows family from Microsoft. The share of this company is about 90% of the desktop computer market. The remaining 10% are for Linux and MacOS operating systems.

From the above, you understand what Windows is. But now the question is brewing, what kind of operating systems are there? In order to understand which operating system is installed on your computer, it is usually enough not to lose sight of the monitor screen when the system boots. Usually at this moment you can see the logo on the screen.

Below are the pictures from different versions of Windows.

If Windows XP is installed on the computer, then you will see the following inscription:

Windows Vista looks like this:

One of the latest versions of Windows 7, the inscription looks like this:

And here is the Windows 8 logo:

If there is no logo when loading, then this information can be viewed in a running system.

On Windows-based systems, to see the properties of the operating system, you need to right-click on the icon for my computer (on the "Desktop" or in the "Start" menu) and select "Properties" from the menu that appears. The same window can be called up by selecting "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu, and double-clicking on the "System" icon in the window that appears. Alternatively, you can use the Win + Pause / Break keyboard shortcut (win is the Windows logo button). You can read about hotkeys. In the properties window that appears, in the "System" section, general information about the OS will be indicated, including its name and version.
The Windows operating system has come a long way from the graphical Dos shell (since 1985) to the modern, comfortable, reliable and affordable Windows XP and Windows 7 (you can read more about the history of Windows development in one of my article "").

Helpful information... The latest version is Windows 8. But the most optimal operating systems that have been tested by users are Windows 7, Windows XP, and today many users use them. These operating systems work stably, all programs that previously had problems in Windows 7 with compatibility with other programs have now adjusted their software products, software developers, releasing new versions in which this flaw is corrected. Compared to Windows XP, it has a number of advantages, in particular, it has a more reliable security system, a pleasant appearance, and an ergonomic design.

Many users are in no hurry to change the familiar and convenient Windows XP system for a new development from the same manufacturer. By and large, there is no urgent need for this. Windows XP is still supported by Microsoft, which means that it is safe and convenient to have this operating system on your computer, provided the latest service pack is installed (it is called Service Pack 3 or simply SP3) and an antivirus is running.

MacOS is an operating system from Apple and can be found on computers from this manufacturer. It began its distribution along with the appearance of the first Apple products and developed in parallel with Windows. But you need to know that this system can also be installed on a number of other computers not from these manufacturers.

Linux is considered the most "exotic" option for the desktop today. This operating system is distributed free of charge (for many, this is considered its main advantage over competitors). It has several modifications (they are usually called distributions), each of which is distributed and supported by different companies.

As the usual "home" version, the most common distribution is called Ubuntu. Lately Ubuntu has taken a big step forward in bringing Linux closer to the average user, for example, a distribution like Linux XP is a confirmation of this, but it is distributed as a paid product. However, only some enthusiasts and people who work closely with computers (for example, programmers and system administrators) still decide to switch to it or at least try it.

Over the 30-year history of the OS, nine major versions of the system have been released: from Windows 1.0 developed by Bill Gates to the latest release under the leadership of the new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Windows is the most widely used operating system, and it is installed on more than 88% of personal computers in the world.

The very first Windows 1.0 came out in November 1985. In truth, the first version released was Window 1.01, as 1.0 had a major bug. This was Microsoft's first real attempt at creating a graphical user interface in a 16-bit architecture.

However, Windows 1.0, unlike Mac OS, was not an independent operating system and was only a graphical superstructure over DOS. Because of this, many users by inertia continued to use the "Command Line" to control the system, although there was mouse support in the system.

To get users accustomed to the new input system, Microsoft came up with the game Reversi, which had to be played with the mouse. In this way, users learned to move the mouse by clicking with it on various objects on the screen. The Minesweeper pursued the same goal.

The second and third versions of Windows were also a "shell" for MS-DOS, but had a number of innovations. In 2.0, released on December 9, 1987, it became possible to arrange windows one above the other in an arbitrary order, for the first time appeared the "Control Panel" (which is still used today), as well as program description files (PIF files). It also became the first Windows platform to include Microsoft Word and Excel.

The third version, which appeared on May 22, 1990, received the Program Manager and File Manager, as well as an updated version of the Control Panel and Solitaire, which is still an integral part of Windows. In addition, the new operating system looks much better thanks to support for 256 colors in the VGA video adapter and changes in the graphical interface.

However, the company is no stranger to experimentation. So, at the CES in 1995, a software product for Windows 3.0 Microsoft Bob was presented, which was developed without the participation of Bill Gates. The idea was to create a "social interface" by replacing the "Program Manager" with a cartoon house where the corresponding applications were stored in the "rooms" and a dog named Rover served as a guide around the house by default.

Photo Story: Bill Gates is 60

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Then it was updated, in Microsoft Office there was such a character as Paperclip. We can say that Bob anticipated the emergence of modern virtual personal assistants like Cortana and Siri. In July 2013, Bill Gates commented on the legacy of Windows Bob: "We were just ahead of our time, as with most of our mistakes."

A full-fledged Microsoft operating system appeared only in August 1995. Windows 95 was a significant milestone in the evolution of Windows. Compared to 3.0, it has a huge number of innovations.

The "Start" menu, already familiar to all users, and icons for quick access to files and applications on the desktop have appeared. Windows 95 pioneered a 32-bit environment, the Taskbar, and was focused on multitasking. MS-DOS still played an important role in Windows 95 and was required to run a number of programs and items. Interaction with files and folders was done through icons.

Also in Windows 95, the Internet Explorer browser appeared, but it was not installed by default - it required the Windows 95 Plus package. In later versions, Internet Explorer was originally installed because the Netscape Navigator and NCSA Mosaic browsers were popular at the time.

Windows 98, which was released on June 25, 1998, was even more consumer-oriented than its predecessor Windows 95. It introduced a number of user interface improvements through Windows Desktop Update in Internet Explorer 4, including the Quick Launch Bar. , active desktop, the ability to minimize the window by clicking on the title of the window, as well as the "Back" and "Forward" buttons and the address bar in Windows Explorer.

In 2000, the company introduced two completely different operating systems at once - Windows 2000 and Windows ME. The first belonged to the NT family of operating systems (new technologies), while the second was built on the Windows 9x platform. Windows Millennium is the next step in the evolution of Windows 98, adding some of the Windows 2000 interface and making it as simple as possible for modern home use.

Windows ME has been heavily criticized by users for its instability and unreliability, frequent freezes and crashes. Some users have decoded ME as Mistake Edition (erroneous edition). This version is still considered one of the worst products from Microsoft.

Windows 2000 was targeted at business customers and later became the foundation for Windows XP.

In Windows 2000, automatic updates played an important role. It also introduces hibernation for the first time. Windows 2000 Professional introduced numerous enhancements, such as the plug-and-play concept: when a new peripheral was plugged in, the operating system found the correct drivers for it and it started working.

The triumphant Windows XP was released in October 2001. The new system was a kind of symbiosis of Windows 2000 and Windows ME. Like Windows 2000, it was based on Windows NT, but added client-side elements from Windows ME.

In the new OS, a new design of the graphical interface, anti-aliasing of text on LCD monitors, the ability to quickly switch between users, and many other pleasant features were implemented. Windows XP is a long-lived operating system: three major updates were released for it, and support for the OS ended only in 2014, that is, 13 years after release - this support period is the longest among all Windows operating systems.

The system also had drawbacks. For example, when installing the OS, the user is prompted to create an account with administrator rights, which leads to a potential vulnerability of the system to viruses. Also, the disadvantages include quite high system requirements at that time: a processor of at least 500 MHz and more than 128 MB of RAM.

Following the tremendous success of Windows XP, Microsoft released Windows Vista. The system was released in 2007. The new OS was a kind of attempt to revolutionize the design of the graphical interface. Microsoft also tried to fix the security flaws that plagued XP users.

However, the new system came out extremely mediocre. This is evidenced at least by the fact that OS won first place in the 2007 Failure of the Year competition.

Users were also disappointed with the new product from Microsoft. They especially highlight the problems with performance, incompatibility with many old programs, as well as overestimated system requirements that exceed the stated ones. The new Aero interface also did not appeal to users. After the release of Windows 7 in 2009, Vista, and so not popular, almost completely "died out". For 2015, the market share of Windows Vista is less than 2%.

The next operating system from Microsoft - Windows 7 - was introduced on October 22, 2009. It had to fix all of Vista's bugs. The design of Aero has been greatly improved, support for old programs that are not available for running on Windows Vista has been implemented. Also in Windows 7, the Windows XP mode appeared, which allows you to run old applications in a Windows XP virtual machine, which provides almost complete support for old applications.

An important feature of the new system is closer integration with driver manufacturers: most are detected automatically. As a result, Microsoft produced an operating system that appealed to a large number of users: in the first eight hours, the number of pre-orders exceeded the demand that Windows Vista had in the first 17 weeks.

But even here it was not without a fly in the ointment. The main disadvantage of the system is, again, high system requirements, due to which the autonomy of laptops in some cases decreased to 30%. Despite this, the system remains popular to this day: as of September 2015, Windows 7 occupies more than 55% of the market.

In October 2012, Microsoft presents another product - Windows 8. The new system has received a radically new interface, more "sharpened" for use on tablets. So, in Windows 8, the "Start" button disappeared, in its place there was an access to the Metro interface.

The interface was a tiled area. Also, the new system has a Windows Store app store, similar to the Play Store and App Store. The main innovations in Windows 8, in addition to the new interface, include native support for USB 3.0, improved search and a new task manager.

However, most of the users did not appreciate the system: Microsoft made too much bias towards touch control. This affected the convenience of managing the system on desktops.

The new version of Windows 8.1 was an attempt to fix bugs. The "Start" button returned to its rightful place and it became possible to set the launch of the standard desktop by default. Despite an attempt to fix bugs made in Windows 8, the update was also received with little enthusiasm.

Microsoft's latest operating system is Windows 10, introduced in July 2015. Windows 10 should bring all devices together, including embedded systems, smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, and game consoles. The Windows 10 upgrade is available for Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 device users for free for a year.

The main innovations of the system are the revised Start menu, voice assistant Cortana, as well as the ability to interact simultaneously with the touch interface and with the traditional interface on hybrid devices.

In Windows 10, Microsoft collects a lot of data about computer usage. Examples of such data are name, email address, and others. Because of this, a flurry of criticism fell on Microsoft. Some of the criticism also relates to the fact that Windows shares Wi-Fi passwords with other users. In any case, data collection can be turned off at any time; all instructions are searched on the Internet.

Windows can rightfully be called an integral part of a whole generation of PC users. Thanks to Microsoft's OS, millions of people have discovered information technology and access to the global network. And no matter how badly it is, it will in any case remain relevant for more than one year.

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