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Operating system "Elbrus" and domestic processor. Monoblock "KM4-Elbrus"

The company ZAO "MCST" launched a pilot batch of universal microprocessors into production Elbrus-8S. The estimated operating frequency of the chip is 1.3 GHz, the production technology is 28 nm, and the computing power is 250 gigaflops. Receipt of finished samples of microcircuits is expected in October 2014.

The Elbrus-8S microprocessor is a completely Russian development. The microprocessor crystal is designed using 28 nm technology, has 8 processor cores with improved 64-bit Elbrus architecture of the 3rd generation, level 2 cache with a total capacity of 4 megabytes and level 3 cache with a total capacity of 16 megabytes.

It is planned to organize mass production of servers, workstations and other devices based on the Elbrus-8S microprocessor computer technology, intended for use in government agencies and business structures that place increased demands on information security, as well as for use in the field of high-performance computing, signal processing, telecommunications. Engineering samples of a 4-processor server based on Elbrus-8C processors with a performance of 1 teraflops will be manufactured at the end of 2014.

Domestic architecture Elbrus was developed in Russia and has a number of unique features. These include:

the ability to perform up to 25 operations on each core per machine cycle, which ensures high performance at a moderate clock frequency;

dynamic binary translation technology, which allows for efficient execution of applications and operating systems distributed in x86 binary codes, including in multi-threaded mode;

support for secure computing mode with special hardware control of the integrity of the memory structure, which allows for a high level of information security of software systems using it.

The base operating system for the Elbrus platform is Elbrus OS, built on the Linux kernel. The platform programming system supports languages ​​C, C++, Java, Fortran-77, Fortran-90.


operating system Elbrus

Operating system (OS)- the most important part software any computing complex (VC). OS is a complex of control and processing programs, which, on the one hand, act as an interface between computer complex devices and application programs, and on the other hand, are intended to control VC devices, computing processes, efficient distribution of computing resources between computing processes and organization of reliable computing.

The MCST company has created, maintains and constantly develops an operating system for VK with SPARC and Elbrus architecture OS "Elbrus". It is based on the kernel Linux 2.6.33. Elbrus OS provides multitasking and multi-user operating modes. Special mechanisms for managing processes, virtual memory, interrupts, signals, synchronization, and support for tagged calculations have been developed for it.

To use the Elbrus series VC in a number of critical systems, fundamental work has been done to transform the OS Linux to an operating system that supports hard real time mode, why on the base standard library flow control and synchronization libpthread own optimized library was created elpthread . During real-time operation, you can set various modes processing external interrupts, scheduling calculations, exchanges with disk drives and some others.

The Elbrus OS includes basic user interface support tools:

  • Tools for supporting the command line interface (the same "console"). Provide the operator with the ability to work with the VC in text mode using a set of commands and getting text messages from the operating system and running applications;
  • Archiving tools for combining a number of files into a single archive or a series of archives (including data compression), which ensures ease of transmission through communication channels or storage;
  • Software development tools. Provide the software development and support process. These are assemblers, translators, compilers, linkers (link editors), assemblers, preprocessors, debuggers, text editors, subroutine libraries, version control tools, documentation tools;
  • Task scheduling tools - allow you to specify to the operating system what actions, at what time and with what frequency must be performed.

In addition to the basic ones, a number of tools have been introduced into the user interface that support the creation of functional software.

GUI support tools contain the basic components of the graphics system Xorg, as well as a set of various supporting libraries, including GTK+ and Qt.

The basis of the OS is the library. Glibc – (GNUCLibrary) – freely distributed library WITH. Provides system calls and basic functions such as open, malloc,printf etc. Library C used for all dynamically linked programs. Glibc used on systems running many different OSes and on different architectures. Most often Glibc used on x86 machines with OS Linux. Architectures are also officially supported SPARC and Elbrus.

Library glibc, supplied as part of the Elbrus OS, is based on GNU glibc version 2.7. It consists of two parts:

  • header files, which define types and macros and declare variables and functions;
  • the actual library or archive that contains definitions of variables and functions. It consists of several files, the functions in which are combined according to some characteristic (for example, libm.a - an archive of mathematical functions).

A compact library is provided to support programs running in protected mode. libmcst , which provides memory functions and I/O support at the libc core library level.

Built into the core of the Elbrus operating system a set of information security tools (ICSI) from unauthorized access (NSD). The full functioning of the Elbrus OS ICSI should provide the required level of information protection from unauthorized access when the computer operates as part of specialized automated systems. ICSI is implemented using system calls, subroutine libraries, and system configuration.

KSZI from NSD OS "Elbrus" provides the opportunity to use computer technology (CT) of the "Elbrus" series as part of a computer for building automated systems with security classes against non-intrusive activity 3A, 2A, 1B, 1A and lower, according to the governing documents of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation. In this case, SVT:

a) meet the requirements of the 2nd class of protection against NSD of the RD State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation;

b) allow certification of HIF SVT at the 2nd level of control of undeclared capabilities, in accordance with the RD of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation

For support for existing users continues support for Elbrus OS distributions with core Linux 2.6.14. In addition to Elbrus OS, MCST supplies and supports OS WSWS with core Linux 2.4.25 for VC "Elbrus-90micro" and OS MSVS with kernel Linux 2.6.14 for VK "Elbrus-3M1". The Elbrus-90micro VK series also supports the OS_E90 operating system based on Solaris 2.5.1.

BOOT started. BOOT E2S VERSION: release- (/tags/release- at revision 3816) BUILT BY neo TARGET: mono ON Nov 2 2015 AT 18:05:37 COMPILER : lcc:1.17.12:Nov-27-2012:e2k-linux.cross:i386-linux Thread model: posix gcc version 3.4.6 compatible. FLAGS: -DDEBUG_TEST_BOOTBLOCK ........ -DRELEASE ........
By pressing the Spacebar when the corresponding prompt appears (45 seconds after power on), you can interrupt the automatic loading of the system kernel and get to the menu main commands, where the basic parameters of the bootloader are shown or changed. By pressing the Tilde key, you can move from this menu to the command line interface, where you can access fine tuning equipment - from setting the date and time of day to setting the operating modes of peripheral controllers and the system bus. Although there is an option in the menu to force save settings, changes from the command line are saved automatically; as a last resort, the settings can be reset using a jumper on the motherboard.

Log of work in system menu (entirely on Pastebin)

BOOT SETUP Press command letter, or press "h" to get help:h HELP "p" or "s" - load and Start file "c" - Change boot parameters "u" - show cUrrent parameters "d" - show Disks and partitions "m" - save params to NVRAM "b" - start Boot.conf menu "`", "~" - enter enhanced cmd mode:` ENHANCED CMD MODE Enter command, "help" to get help, or Esc to exit # set vga primary 1 core: 0x0, link: 0x0, bus: 0x3, slot: 0x0, func: 0x0, ven: 0x1002, dev: 0x6779, rev: 0x0, classcode: 0x30000 is selected! # boot boot# auto CPU#00: Label "auto" found, loading parameters Trying to load and start image with the following parameters: drive_number: "4" partition_number: "0" command_string: "console=tty0 root=/dev/sda3 . ......." filename: "/boot/image-033.6.57" initrdfilename: "" CPU#00: Reading: File - "/boot/image-033.6.57", Drive - 4, Partition - 0 ........
Among other things, noteworthy is the ability to activate and deactivate the Echelon-E trusted boot hardware-software module, although no board resembling traditional APMDS is installed in the computer. It was not possible to find clear information about such a device, with the exception of one note, which stated that this is a specialized version of the MDZ-Echelon product, which is completely software development and uses standard computer hardware.

Directly from the command line, without loading the operating system, you can run tests for the correct functioning of the equipment (System of test and diagnostic programs) - either those that are stored on disk and available for launch from the operating system, or some others: we couldn’t figure it out, since you need to specify the exact name of the executable file, and there is no documentation.

For the same reason - due to the lack of proper documentation - it was not possible to delve into the intricacies of managing the operating system boot loader, or more precisely, how to load something other than standard system. After all, the same bootloader (SILO) is used here as on computers of the SPARC architecture - and there it is not supposed to work with a foreign set of instructions. The boot parameters themselves are intuitive: you need to specify the partition number and file name with the system kernel, as well as the kernel launch arguments and the name of the archive file support programs (initrd, if necessary), timeout waiting for user cancellation. These parameters are read from the file /boot/boot.conf in the first disk partition specified from the command line; several sets of parameters can be defined in the file; by default, the one specified in the directive is used default, or which is given the name “ auto". But what needs to be done to run operating systems for the x86 or x86‑64 architecture, the transparent support of which is stated as one of the key features of Elbrus? Missing file boot.conf on installation disk Windows or popular Linux distribution can be compensated manual entry through the menu. How to transfer control to a new bootloader that is not the Linux kernel? How to run at least the Linux kernel if it is for x86? It was impossible to figure this out without documentation: the matter invariably ended in a freeze at the moment control passed from the bootloader to the kernel.

Standard bootloader configuration (boot.conf)

Default=auto timeout=3 label=auto partition=0 image=/boot/image-033.6.57 cmdline=console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 consoleblank=0 hardreset REBOOT root=/dev/sda3 video=DVI-D-1 :1024x768-24@60 video=VGA-1:1024x768-24@60 fbcon=map:10
As for the standard kernels of the Elbrus operating system, the bootloader configuration file contains only one set of parameters, and they point to the default kernel. In addition to it, there are two cores - with suffixes " nn" And " rt": judging by the assembly configuration of these cores, the first means "no NUMA" (a simplified version for single-processor systems; why not personal computer shouldn’t use it?), and the second is “real time” (extensions to the Linux kernel for dispatching tasks with a time limit). Without even superficial knowledge in these areas, the author finds it difficult to give any comments about the advantages or disadvantages of this or that alternative kernel.

Regarding PPS and PTP support

The only familiar configuration option is to enable PPS API (pulse per second) support in the kernel." rt", which allows you to adjust the course of the computer's system clock according to an external clock pulse, for example, from a GPS / GLONASS receiver or from a cesium clock, if you happen to have one lying around. It’s just not clear how exactly to set up this synchronization: unlike FreeBSD, for example, where everything starts working as if by itself after rebuilding the kernel with the required parameter and reconfiguring NTPd to use system discipline, in Linux you usually need to dance around the utility with a tambourine ldattach, which creates a virtual PPS device based on a COM or LPT port - this requires appropriate drivers in the kernel or in individual modules, but they are not visible here.

Built-in LAN card also showed no signs of hardware support for time synchronization: utility output ethtool regarding the PTP protocol indicated the absence of such functions. In any case, - that when using the default kernel, which is real time, the only source of system time is the device " lt"("Elbrus timer"?) with a resolution of 1 μs. Not that it's too rude, but modern computers It is quite capable of providing quantization at the level of 25–50 ns, regardless of the current processor frequency.

By default, the operating system starts along with the graphical environment: it takes 12 seconds to load the kernel into memory and about 23 more before the login prompt appears - a total of 80 seconds from the moment it is turned on. As already mentioned, we were unable to select kernel arguments to run in single-user mode: when specifying “ S" or " 1 » the system still reached level 5, and attempts to lower the level after that using the command init led to the collapse of the system.

Since the computer has two video adapters, virtual terminals are distributed between them in turn: the first terminal opens on discrete card, the second - on the built-in controller, the third - again on a discrete one, and so on. The graphic desktop, located on the seventh terminal, thus ends up on a discrete video card, the performance of which does not raise any questions. I really wanted to check how responsive the desktop would be if I displayed it through the built-in controller, because domestic platforms have problems with this: for example, simply redrawing the screen using the Graphics Adapter Module ( own development MCST) can take several seconds - not just slowly, but almost like the line-by-line appearance of the screensaver in games for the ZX Spectrum loaded from a tape cassette. Alas, no edit Xorg.conf in an image and likeness, neither the selection of kernel arguments, nor the change of the primary video adapter in the hardware settings gave the desired effect.

A curious nuance

While the primary screen on a discrete graphics card is initialized in text mode, the same screen on an embedded controller is initialized in graphics mode and shows 4 CPU logos (as some Linux kernels do right after they start), but still only uses the top 25 lines of text.

By default, the kernel is started with the argument " hardreset", which instructs the system to perform a complete hard reset when restarting the computer. In the x86 world, everyone is used to this option, but alternative platforms, where cold initialization after power-up takes several minutes, can offer a quick restart of the operating system - and it actually works, unlike the "lottery" with kexec from Intel/AMD. We were unable to find an argument that would be supported by the core of the Elbrus system and at the same time give the desired result.


The Elbrus operating system (OS El, OSL) is standard for all MCST computers, although the MSVS 3.0 system port can also function on the SPARC platform. Official system identification software products goes back to their decimal numbers: for example, “OS 316‑10” stands for “operating system TVGI.00316‑10 with the kernel TVGI.00315‑03, part of the general software TVGI.00311‑05.” On the one hand, it looks more like alphanumeric titles than by serial numbers versions. On the other hand, a particular software product is usually closely related to a specific hardware product, and does not undergo significant changes during its life. However, in the file /etc/mcst_version you can see the tag “release 2.2.1”, and in the pseudo-file /proc/bootdata- “release”. However, none of these symbols appear in the user interface.

$ cat /etc/mcst_version release 2.2.1 $ cat /proc/bootdata boot_ver=" release- (/tags/release- at revision 3816) built on Nov 2 2015 at 18:05:58" mb_type="MONOCUB" chipset_type="IOHUB" cpu_type="E2S" cache_lines_damaged=0 $ cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.33-elbrus.033.6.57 (gavrilova_tg@e2k13) (gcc version 4.4.0 compatible) #1 SMP Sun Oct 11 00:10:58 MSK 2015 $ uname -a Linux MONOCUB-10-XX 2.6.33-elbrus.033.6.57 #1 SMP Sun Oct 11 00:10: 58 MSK 2015 e2k E2S MONOCUB GNU/Linux
The core of the system is Linux 2.6.33, ported to the Elbrus-2000 (E2K) architecture, and in general the system is based on the Debian distribution with a selective approach to the selection of packages: for the most part, there is compliance with the 7.0 “Wheezy” release or newer, however The versions of some packages are rather closer to 5.0 "Lenny". According to a recent report (PDF, 172 KB), research is also being carried out to directly port the original distribution with all its variety of packages, but the same “Grandfather Lenin” is chosen as the basis. And all because it is necessary to provide backwards compatible with application and system software developed for even older versions of libraries and compilers. But why not then release several versions of the system - on an older and a newer package base - so that the consumer can choose for himself? Probably because there is not enough demand from the target audience, and certification problems probably play an important role.

Once installed, the system is not subject to regular updates from the official MCST repository and immediately contains all available packages. Here are the versions of some of the most significant (with the exception of development tools discussed in the next part of the article):

  • office tools: abiword 2.8.6, evince 2.32.0, geeqie 1.1, gimp 2.6.12, gnumeric 1.10.0, graphviz 2.32.0, mtpaint 3.40, xsane 0.998;
  • Internet tools: dillo 3.0.3, firefox 3.6.28, links 2.2, linphone 3.5.2, lynx 3.81, thunderbird 3.1.20, sylpheed 2.7.0;
  • cryptography: gnutls 3.1.22, openssl 0.9.8zc, openvpn 2.2.2;
  • multimedia: ffmpeg 1.0, mplayer 1.1.1;
  • text editors: ed 1.7, leafpad 0.8.17, vim 7.3 + gvim 7.3;
  • file managers: mc, thunar 1.4.0;
  • shells: bash 4.2.53, pdksh 5.2.14, tcsh 6.18.01, zsh 5.0.2;
  • services: openssh 6.1p1, httpd 2.4.3, postgresql 9.2.3 + slony1 2.2.0, zeromq 2.1.11;
  • package managers: apt, aptitude, dpkg 1.16.10, pkgtools 13.1.
In total, there are 679 entries in the package manager, which is tens of times less than the original Debian pool, but it should be borne in mind that not all actually installed software is packaged: for example, the system actually has virtual machine and set Java developer, but the package manager is not aware of this.

The only graphical desktop environment is Xfce 4.10. Surprisingly, in the domestic operating system, newly created user profiles are set to the English interface language by default, and in the program menu there are no shortcuts for setting up switching keyboard layouts, and the current layout indicator is also nowhere to be seen. However, experienced users know that domestic Linux-based operating systems usually try to copy the “best” traditions of Windows: working as root and switching layouts using Alt+Shift.

Xfce desktop (approximate view)

Update dated 02/09/2016. The comments suggest that the function of taking screenshots is in the graphics editor GIMP - a fair remark, but for this you need to be experienced user this program; the author, although he processed all the illustrations for this article in GIMP, is not one of those experts. As for taking screenshots using command line utilities, either standardly available or built independently, this method was not considered due to its low friendliness to the average user.

As already mentioned, we were unable to launch any third-party operating system compiled for the x86 or x86‑64 architecture due to lack of documentation. Attempts to launch a custom application compiled for Linux x86‑64 directly from the Elbrus command line were also unsuccessful. There is no WinAPI emulation layer and means of launching PE binaries in the system, but to compile WinE yourself from source texts, it is necessary to port architecture-dependent sections of code. The Qemu emulator is also not included in the standard package, but it is more or less successfully assembled (with parameters ‑‑enable-tcg-interpreter ‑‑disable-werror) and it even seems to work in variants i386-softmmu, x86_64-softmmu, sparc-softmmu, sparc64-softmmu; porting however is required for "applied" variants *-linux-user. Obviously, the creators of the Elbrus binary translation technology did not have this in mind at all when they talked about x86 hardware emulation, so we saw no point in testing the performance of Qemu - and it is so clear that it would be slow and sad.

Returning to the topic of standard software, we would venture to suggest that a typical user of this system is unlikely to feel deprived, since he will either have to solve problems in specialized programs third-party development, or create simple documents in office packages, scan and print - and for this few people need the latest versions. The only exception here, perhaps, is the web browser: the simplest Dillo and text Lynx / Links do not pretend to be anything, but Firefox 3.6 is, although not 1.5 from WSWS 3.0, but still hopelessly old for modern sites. This version is not supported, for example, by Yandex and Google maps (unlike OSM and Bing), Google Docs; you will see only the header of the Intel, and Sberbank sites. And, of course, in the absence of a built-in HTML support Video and Flash plugin you will not be able to watch the videos on any site, be it foreign YouTube with a report on the launch of Doom 3 on the Elbrus 401‑PC or the ideologically faithful with speeches by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Apparently, this is also not considered a disadvantage, since a typical application scenario similar computers- access to internal, specially designed sites in closed network enterprises or departments.

Attempts to access the Internet(the word “Namoroka” in the screenshots is not another rebranding of Firefox for Debian, but just a codename for version 3.6)

But a software update serves not only to expand functionality, but also eliminates serious errors and vulnerabilities - what to do with this? Apparently, information security ideologists believe that since external access to a private network, but internal users who have physical access to their computers, will not knowingly take malicious actions or connect questionable storage media through negligence, then there is nothing to worry about. As a last resort, if some bug really worries you and you want to talk about it, MCST has its own bugzilla with a login and tickets, in the sense that without the login given to you you will not get there, and you will only see tickets your own, even if the problem has already been discussed a thousand times with other clients and a solution has long been found.

Real time.

Elbrus OS was created by MCST for computers with SPARC and Elbrus architecture on the Linux 2.6.33 kernel. The OS provides multitasking and multi-user operating modes. Special mechanisms for managing processes, virtual memory, interrupts, signals, synchronization, and support for tagged calculations have been developed for it.

The Elbrus OS includes basic user interface support tools:

  • Command line interface support tools (console). Provide the operator with the ability to work with VK in text mode using a set of commands and receiving text messages from the operating system and launched applications;
  • Archiving tools for combining a number of files into a single archive or a series of archives (including data compression), which ensures ease of transmission through communication channels or storage;
  • Software development tools. Provide software development and support process. These are assemblers, translators, compilers, linkers (link editors), assemblers, preprocessors, debuggers, text editors, subroutine libraries, version control tools, documentation tools;
  • Task scheduling tools - allow you to specify to the operating system what actions, at what time and with what frequency must be performed.

In addition to the basic ones, a number of tools have been introduced into the user interface that support the creation of functional software.

The GUI support tools contain the core components of the Xorg graphics system, as well as a set of various supporting libraries, including GTK+ and .

The basis of the OS is the Glibc library - (GNU C Library) - a freely distributed C library. Provides system calls and basic functions such as open, malloc, printf, etc. The C library is used for all dynamically linked programs. Glibc is used on systems running many different OSes and on different architectures. Glibc is most often used on x86 machines running Linux. The SPARC and Elbrus architectures are also officially supported.

The glibc library, supplied as part of the Elbrus OS, is based on GNU glibc version 2.7. It consists of two parts:

  • header files, which define types and macros and declare variables and functions;
  • the actual library or archive that contains definitions of variables and functions. It consists of several files, the functions in which are combined according to some characteristic (for example, libm.a - an archive of mathematical functions).

To support programs running in protected mode, a compact libmcst library is supplied, which provides memory functions and I/O support at the level of the base libc library.

On the need for accelerated development of the domestic software market, ensuring maximum independence from foreign developments in the field high technology and the preservation of information sovereignty were first discussed at the highest level in 2014, when US and EU sanctions sharply increased the risks associated with the use of foreign software in business and government organizations. It was then that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation became seriously concerned about solving this strategically significant, in the opinion of officials, issue, along with stimulating demand for national products and developing appropriate measures to support domestic developers. As a result, restrictions on the admission of foreign software in state and municipal procurement, as well as rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register, were approved at the legislative level in the shortest possible time Russian programs. All this has had a positive impact on the software market in Russia, which has recently been replenished with many interesting projects and developments. Including in the field of operating systems.

"Alt Linux SPT" is a unified Linux-based distribution for servers, workstations and thin clients with built-in information security software, which can be used to build automated systems up to class 1B inclusive and personal data information systems (PDIS) up to class 1K inclusive. The OS allows you to simultaneously store and process confidential data on one personal computer or server, provide multi-user work with restricted access to information, work with virtual machines, and also use centralized authorization tools. The certificate issued by FSTEC of Russia confirms the product’s compliance with the requirements of the following governing documents: “Computer equipment. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information" - according to security class 4; "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification according to the level of absence of undeclared capabilities” - according to the 3rd level of control and technical specifications. Technical support for Alt Linux SPT users is provided by the company Free Software and technologies" through the development partner "Basalt SPO".

Developer: Basalt SPO company

The Viola platform is a set of enterprise-level Linux distributions that allow you to deploy corporate IT infrastructure of any scale. The platform includes three distributions. This is a universal "Viola" Work station", which includes an operating system and a set of applications for full operation. The second is the server distribution "Alt Server", which can act as a domain controller Active Directory and contains the maximum full set services and environments for creating corporate infrastructure(DBMS, mail and web server, authentication tools, work group, virtual machine management and monitoring and other tools). The third is “Alt Education 8”, focused on everyday use when planning, organizing and conducting the educational process in institutions of general, secondary and higher education. In addition, the Basalt SPO product series includes the above-mentioned certified Alt Linux SPT distribution kit and the Simply Linux operating system for home users.

Developer: National Center for Informatization (part of the Rostec state corporation)

A Russian project to create an ecosystem of software products based on the Linux distribution, designed for complex automation of workplaces and IT infrastructure of organizations and enterprises, including in data centers, on servers and client workstations. The platform is presented in the “OS.Office” and “OS.Server” versions. They differ in the sets of application software included in the distribution kit. The office edition of the product contains the operating system itself, information security tools, a package of programs for working with documents, an email client and a browser. The server version includes an operating system, information security tools, monitoring tools and system management, email server and DBMS. Potential users of the platform include federal and regional authorities, local governments, companies with state participation and state corporations. It is expected that the OSi-based ecosystem will in the near future become a full-fledged alternative to Western analogues.

Development of the research and production association "RusBITech", presented in two versions: Astra Linux Common Edition (general purpose) and Astra Linux Special Edition (special purpose). Peculiarities latest version OS: developed means of ensuring information security of processed data, a mechanism for mandatory access control and closedness control software environment, built-in tools for marking documents, recording events, monitoring data integrity, as well as other components that ensure information protection. According to the developers, Astra Linux Special Edition is the only software platform certified simultaneously in security certification systems FSTEC information Russia, FSB, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and allowing processing in automated means all ministries, departments and other institutions Russian Federation information limited access, containing information constituting a state secret and classified no higher than “top secret”.


Developer: LLC "NTC IT ROSA"

Operating system family ROSA Linux includes an impressive range of solutions designed for home use (version ROSA Fresh) and application in a corporate environment (ROSA Enterprise Desktop), deployment of infrastructure IT services of an organization (ROSA Enterprise Linux Server), processing of confidential information and personal data (ROSA "Cobalt"), as well as information constituting state secrets (ROSA "Chrome" and "Nickel"). The listed products are based on the developments of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Mandriva and CentOS with the inclusion of a large number of additional components - including original ones created by programmers of the scientific and technical center for information technologies "ROSA". In particular, OS distributions for the corporate segment of the market include virtualization tools, software for organizing backups, tools for building private clouds, as well as centralized management network resources and data storage systems.

Developer: Calculate company

Calculate Linux is available in Desktop, Directory Server, Scratch, and Scratch Server editions and is designed with home users and SMBs in mind who prefer to use open source software instead of proprietary solutions. Platform features: full-time job in heterogeneous networks, a mechanism for roaming user profiles, tools for centralized software deployment, ease of administration, the ability to install on portable USB drives and support for binary repositories of Gentoo updates. It is important that the development team is accessible and open to any comments, suggestions and wishes of the user audience, as evidenced by great amount ways to get involved in the Calculate Linux community and platform development.

"Ulyanovsk.BSD »

Developer: Sergey Volkov

An operating system that is built on the freely distributed FreeBSD platform and contains the necessary set of application programs for home users and office tasks. According to the only OS developer Sergei Volkov, Ulyanovsk.BSD is fully adapted to the needs of Russian-speaking users. “Our assembly is as lightweight as possible and is ideal for use both on home computers and on workstations of employees of various organizations, as well as for use in educational institutions,” says the author of the project, without going into details of how exactly the product he compiled differs from the original. The credibility of the project is added not only by the presence of a commercially distributed distribution kit and paid technical support, but also by an entry in the Russian software registry. This means that the Ulyanovsk.BSD software platform can be legally used by government organizations as part of projects to introduce import-substituting technologies.

A certified and secure operating system that allows you to process information in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” and implement systems for processing restricted access information that is not related to state secrets. ICLinux includes tools remote administration, has a built-in firewall certified for compliance with the RD ME for the 3rd security class, supports RDP, X-Windows System, SSH, Telnet, VNC, VPN, NX, ICA and other protocols. The platform’s assets also include compatibility with the authentication tools of the Aladdin R.D. company. and a modular architecture that allows you to flexibly customize the operating system to suit customer requirements.

"Alpha OS" (Alfa OS)

Developer: ALFA Vision company

Another Linux clone, equipped with a user interface a la macOS with a set of familiar office applications and filled with deep philosophical meaning. No joke, on the developer’s website in the “About the Company” section, it says: “ The operating system is a special phenomenon, a point at which technological, aesthetic and humanitarian concepts converge. A peak that is visible from all sides. For it to shine and become what it should be, a wide variety of meaningful experiences are needed. And we have it" There is so much expression in these words, what a presentation of information! Agree, not everyone can present their product to a wide audience so expressively. Currently, Alpha OS is presented as a desktop version for x86-compatible systems. In the future, ALFA Vision intends to roll out mobile and server editions of the OS to the market, as well as a distribution kit for devices based on ARM processors.

Software platform designed specifically for computing systems with SPARC and Elbrus architecture. A special feature of the system is the radically redesigned Linux kernel, which has implemented special mechanisms for managing processes, virtual memory, interrupts, signals, synchronization, and support for tagged calculations. " We have done fundamental work to transform the Linux OS into an operating system that supports real-time operation, for which relevant optimizations have been implemented in the kernel. During real-time work, you can set various modes for processing external interrupts, scheduling calculations, exchanges with disk drives, and some others", explains the MCST company. In addition, a set of tools for protecting information from unauthorized access is built into the core of the Elbrus software platform, which allows you to use the OS to build automated systems that meet the highest information security requirements. The system also includes archiving, task scheduling, software development and other tools.


An operating system based on the Linux kernel, designed to ensure the security of processed data. "Red OS" complies with domestic information security requirements, has pre-configured configurations for each hardware architecture, uses GOST 34.11-2012 algorithms in the ssh and NX protocols, and also supports access control lists. In addition, the OS supports network authentication using plug-in authentication modules (PAM, Pluggable Authentication Modules) and includes a specialized distributed audit subsystem that allows you to monitor critical security events in the corporate network and provides the IT administrator with the necessary tools for prompt response to incidents IB.

GosLinux (“GosLinux”)

Developer: Red Soft company

GosLinux OS was created specifically for the needs of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation (FSSP of Russia) and is suitable for use in all government bodies, state extra-budgetary funds and local governments. The platform is built on the CentOS 6.4 distribution, which includes developments from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The system is presented in two editions - for servers and workstations, contains a simplified graphical interface and a set of pre-configured information security tools. The OS developer is the Red Soft company, which won the competition in March 2013 for the development, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. In 2014, the system received a certificate of conformity from the FSTEC of Russia, confirming that GosLinux has an estimated trust level of OUD3 and complies with the requirements of the governing document of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation for the 4th level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The GosLinux OS distribution for government agencies is located in the national fund of algorithms and programs at Currently, the GosLinux platform is being actively deployed in all territorial bodies and divisions of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. The OS was also handed over for trial operation to representatives of the authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Yaroslavl regions.

Developer: Almi LLC

Product website:

Another Linux build on our list that definitely doesn't suffer from a lack of praise from developers. " Unique, ideal, simple, combining the convenience of an operating room Windows systems, macOS stability and Linux security“- such phrases raising AlterOS to the skies are stitched up and down the official website of the product. What exactly is the uniqueness of the domestic platform is not stated on the site, but information is provided about three editions of the OS: AlterOS “Volga” for the public sector, AlterOS “Amur” for the corporate segment and AlterOS “Don” for servers. The system is reported to be compatible with many software solutions in demand in the business environment, including 1C and Consultant Plus, as well as domestic cryptographic protection tools (for example, CryptoPro). Special emphasis is placed on the absence in the version of the platform for government organizations of software that interacts with foreign servers - everything is done according to the canons of maximum import substitution, the developers say.

Mobile Armed Forces System (MSMS)

Developer: All-Russian Research Institute of Control Automation in the Non-Industrial Sphere named after. V.V. Solomatina (VNIINS)

A secure general-purpose operating system designed for building stationary and mobile secure automated systems in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Accepted for supply to the RF Armed Forces in 2002. The WSWS is based on the core and Linux components, supplemented by discretionary, mandate and role models for delimiting access to information. The system operates on hardware platforms Intel (x86 and x86_64), SPARC (Elbrus-90micro), MIPS, PowerPC64, SPARC64 and is certified according to the information security requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The security measures implemented in WSWS make it possible to create automated systems based on the platform that process information that constitutes a state secret and has a secrecy level of “SS” (top secret).


Developer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Economics, Informatics and Control Systems" ("TsNII EISU", part of the "United Instrument-Making Corporation")

Family of software platforms based on Linux kernel, which are an alternative to foreign operating systems currently used in law enforcement agencies, the public sector and defense enterprises. The Zarya desktop operating system is compatible with most traditional office applications and programs. Server platform Zarya-DPC allows you to organize an application server or database server. For building data centers it offers standard set server software, virtualization tools, as well as the ability to work on so-called “big hardware,” including mainframes. For embedded systems operating without human intervention, which must process information in real time, a special OS “Zarya RV” has been developed. The system corresponds to the third class of protection against unauthorized access and the second level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The platform was developed by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense and is expected to be in demand by law enforcement agencies, the defense complex, as well as commercial structures working with state secrets and personal data.

Operating system for terminal stations. It is based on Linux and contains only the necessary set of tools for organizing workspaces using thin clients. All features beyond this scope are excluded from the distribution. Kraftway Terminal Linux supports many application-level network protocols (RDP, VNC, SSH, NX, XWindow, VMWare View PCoIP, etc.), allows you to configure access rights for forwarding USB media, provides the ability to use network and local printers, and contains configuration recovery tools OS on reboot, as well as remote control tools group control terminal stations and workplace administration. A special feature of the system is its high security. Kraftway Terminal Linux also supports user authentication hardware: eToken PRO and eToken PRO Java USB keys from Aladdin R.D. CJSC, as well as RuToken S and RuToken EDS from Active-Soft CJSC. The OS update can be carried out by the administrator via local network or from a USB flash drive. It is possible to configure auto-update both from the customer’s local server and from the Kraftway server.


Developer: Andrey Kovalev

Another software platform for deploying workplaces in the IT infrastructure of an enterprise using inexpensive terminal solutions. The WTware distribution includes services for downloading over the network, tools for working with printers, barcode scanners, and more. peripheral equipment. COM and USB port redirection is supported, as well as smart card authentication. To connect to the terminal server, the RDP protocol is used, and to quickly resolve issues that arise when setting up the operating system, detailed documentation is included in the distribution kit. WTware is distributed under commercial terms and licensed by the number of workstations. The developer offers a free version of the OS for the Raspberry Pi minicomputer.


Developer: Kaspersky Lab

A secure operating system designed for use in critical infrastructures and devices. The Kaspersky Lab platform can be used in automated control systems technological processes(APCS), telecommunications equipment, medical devices, cars and other gadgets from the world of the Internet of Things. The OS was created from scratch and, due to its architecture, guarantees a high level of information security. The basic operating principle of KasperskyOS comes down to the rule “everything that is not permitted is prohibited.” This eliminates the possibility of exploiting both already known vulnerabilities and those that will be discovered in the future. At the same time, all security policies, including prohibitions on performing certain processes and actions, are configured in accordance with the needs of the organization. The platform will be supplied as pre-installed software on various types equipment used in industrial and corporate networks. Currently, Kaspersky Lab's secure OS is embedded in an L3 routing switch developed by Kraftway.

A real-time operating system (RTOS), written by AstroSoft programmers from scratch, without borrowing anyone else's code, and designed primarily for the Internet of Things and embedded devices. In addition, it is suitable for robotics, medical equipment, smart home and smart city systems, consumer electronics, etc. For the first time, the MAX real-time OS (the abbreviation stands for “multi-agent coherent system”) was demonstrated to a wide audience in January 2017. The platform not only implements all the classic functionality of products of this type, but also has a number of unique capabilities for organizing the interaction of multiple devices, making it possible to simplify the creation of mechanisms necessary in embedded systems: redundancy, hot-swappable equipment, etc. One of the features of MAX is support for shared memory at the device level. This mechanism provides automatic, failure-resistant individual components synchronization of information between nodes of a distributed system. RTOS "MAX" is included in the register of domestic software. In addition, the product is registered in Federal service By intellectual property(Rospatent) and is currently undergoing certification by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) for the fourth level of control of undeclared capabilities (NDV).

As a conclusion

There are two approaches to creating Russian software. The first is to write the source code of products from scratch, entirely by domestic specialists. The second option involves the creation of national software based on the modification of borrowed source codes. This is precisely what Russian software companies working in the field of software import substitution adhere to. Our top 20 operating systems with the “Made in Russia” label are a clear confirmation of this. Whether this is good or bad is a big question, a subject for a separate discussion.

Swede from Finland.

No, it’s not good, it’s possible to be alone, but there are two people participating in a conversation, that’s why two people decide, no one gave you the right to decide for both of you.

I kind of already answered it. I will repeat again: in my circle of contacts I have people who work on security systems both in the defense industry and in the banking environment. Everyone unanimously answered me that the strength of the attacker of the system is always greater than the strength of the defense. My social circle has experience ranging from 5 years to 40.

Regarding quick study, I will give one real example:

“A nine-year bug has been fixed in the Linux operating system kernel. The developers did not pay attention to the vulnerability because they believed that it had no practical application. However, it turned out that with its help the user can gain root rights and jeopardize the security of the entire system. This is reported by the Github portal.

According to the developer Linux Linux Torvalds, the Dirty COW vulnerability was discovered by him about eleven years ago. Torvalds fixed it, but in 2007 the Linux kernel was updated by another developer and the bug returned."

Countless situations are possible. A bug with a bug_on was discovered and fixed even worse than it was with the error. Time passes between detections, it is during this time that you can use for selfish purposes system. I repeat, openness does not interfere with bookmarking.

What fund? Linux Foundation.

You don't know me, so your opinion of me doesn't matter.

Who makes the final decision after making changes and sending them to the repository, who directs further development and promotion of Linux? Yes, yes, behind the creator and key figures.

I will not say anything about the possibility of creating a corporate conspiracy, which has happened more than once in history. The corporations received punishment, but it was always less than the profit they received thanks to the cartel conspiracy. Again, there is always time before they are discovered. Studying the biography and behavior of Linus himself, one can understand that he is an extraordinary and intelligent person. Even his jokes are non-standard, but there is a grain of humor in every joke.

The last attempt to explain modern freedom to you. Someone always monitors freedom and controls its implementation. Reality depends on this someone.

At the UN, any country has the right to express its messages. This is freedom. But the UN building is located in the states, and the authorities can prohibit certain undesirable persons from entering the country for various reasons. That is, there is freedom, but it is limited and controlled. You also see for yourself how one problem can be looked at differently and not recognized by people, ultimately depriving you of your rights. Do you understand the meaning? Maybe I’ll explain using the example of religion. Christianity has a more ancient progenitor who laid down the foundations in the form of dogmas that are reflected in almost every branch of Christianity. These branches are like Linux builds for each society, but the basis is common. And its mortgagers control this foundation within a separate structure. There are other movements of religions with equally ancient histories with their own branches.

I understand what you are writing to me about. The problem is that you don’t understand what I’m writing about when I call it “nonsense.” But this is no longer my problem.

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