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Online how to write the first song. Features of writing turnips

With due diligence, creativity can be found in every person. The desire to create something new is inherent in everyone, albeit to varying degrees. And it's almost impossible not to find a person who has ever dreamed of writing his own song and becoming a famous musician. Another thing is that only a few succeed. And the point is not at all that talented people almost do not exist, in fact there are a lot of them, but that Muse is a very capricious lady, and in order for her to come, one desire is not enough. It takes work, and the work is hard enough. And since you can write a (good) song only by observing some rules, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Where to begin?

First things first, of course, it's worth working on your own artistic style. It is very useful to read various books - from classics to modern times, from detective stories to romance novels. This is needed not only and not so much for inspiration (although it may well come at this stage), but for expanding your vocabulary, recognizing new phrases, metaphors and comparisons. Reading poetry is no less important. After all, this is the only way to get a general idea of ​​the various styles, types of rhyme, rhythm, and, in general, the construction of the verse.

Choice of direction

The definition of the general theme of the work is also important. The song can be lyrical, combat, dance, comic, philosophical, etc. Here it is important to correctly determine which of all directions is closest to the poet. At the same time, you can (and should) rely on the mood, since it is easiest to create your own song by surrendering to your own feelings. You cannot write something funny, being in sorrow, you cannot describe the feeling of love when the soul is eager to fight.

By trial and error

If you didn't get a decent text the first time around, don't despair. Musicians have their own saying: "To create one masterpiece, you need to spoil ten sheets of paper." Even the greatest creators have been wrong. In addition, a failed piece can always be reworked. To do this, you need to postpone it, forget it for a while, and then look at it with a "stranger's" gaze. This is the easiest way to find errors.

How to write a song? Melody or Lyrics: Which Should Come First?

Everything here is purely individual. But since learning to write music to a ready-made text is much more difficult for most than to put poetry on a melody, it is better to start with it. In addition, the mood of the piece will be immediately clear. And good music is quite inspiring. But in this matter, knowledge of musical notation is simply necessary. Therefore, if the writer is not strong in it, then it is better to combine your work with someone else's - ask the musician to create a melody.

How to write a hit song?

It always takes a lot of effort to create a real masterpiece. In order for the listeners to like the song, you need to put your soul into it, fill it with feeling and deep meaning. This works best with works written in the same breath. In addition, it is important to pay attention to stylistic and grammatical errors (they are terribly damaging to an outside person). To do this, you will have to re-read the text more than once.

Happy exceptions

But not for all people everything written above is true. At times, you can find real talent, from which the Muse does not leave a single step, and therefore it is enough for him to take a pen and paper and write poetry. And what! They sink deep into the soul of everyone who hears them. But such a gift is very rare.

One of the main problems of beginning rock bands of different styles is writing your own songs, and not only what, but bright, memorable, swinging and catchy works. Of course, you can play cover versions of songs from famous bands, and if this is the goal of your joint musical activity, all you need is time, patience and the ability to play the guitar.

If you decide to conquer the audience with your own creativity, you will have to learn write songs on your own, and this article will help you avoid common mistakes made by beginner groups when writing your own songs.

The first and foremost thing you should decide on is the goal. song writing... If you are writing a song for yourself, get ready for the fact that only you, your family, the cat and, by the will of fate, living nearby, neighbors will listen to them. Among young performers, there is an opinion that all the bands that have become famous wrote songs for themselves, and then, somehow, by themselves, became popular. Don't take this conversation lightly. Each professional group is focused on a specific audience, based on the needs of which the chosen direction of music develops. Over time, the style of the rock band undergoes a number of changes, undergoes various creative experiments, but the category of listeners remains practically stable.

Thus, at the very beginning of your career, you have a difficult choice - to play for a wide audience or for a small number of "true connoisseurs" of art. Do not be wry, because we are not encouraging you to play "pop". Any direction of music, from popular to the hardest metal, has a certain, often considerable, number of grateful listeners. In this publication, we describe the basic principles that will help you write a song for a wide range of listeners, and will come in handy regardless of the style of music you choose.

How to write lyrics for a song?

Let's start with the language you are in write the lyrics... Despite the worldwide popularity of English-speaking rock bands, he advises at the beginning of your band's career write lyrics in the language that most of your listeners can easily understand. Most likely, such bands as, for example, Metallica, would not become so popular, primarily in the United States, if they wrote the lyrics in Russian. The same is true for you.

Even the lyrics of a song correctly written in a foreign language will be incomprehensible to the overwhelming majority of listeners, not to mention the fact that beginning bands often perform with equipment, the sound quality of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. All this together will turn the words of your song into incomprehensible gibberish and nullify all efforts to writing lyrics.

Next item writing lyrics What you should pay attention to is the rhythmic relationship between the vowels and the main notes of your melody. Although the melody of the vocals is subjective in itself, its apparent absence will hurt the song. Calculate the base notes of your melody, and bring the lyrics in line with them.

Actually, the semantic component of the text of your song remains solely on your own conscience. We only urge you to take it seriously so that in a few years you will not feel ashamed performing songs of your own composition.

Undoubtedly, every one of us from time to time falls into the head of a few lines of someone's song, which we hum - sometimes aloud, and sometimes mentally. To help listeners remember your text, repeat parts of it. It's great if the repeated lines are also the name of the song. Here you get a wide scope for creativity - use it.

Next, pay attention to the melodic ending of each line or two, depending on the melody. Don't keep repeating the same melody at the end of every line of your song's verse. Working on writing text, and the melody of the song, try to vary the endings, for example, come up with three and place them in the following order: first, second, first, third. Another common way to add variety to a verse of a song you've written is the first, second, first, and original rhythmic or melodic pattern just before the chorus.

Also, do not fill the listener's head with a dozen guitar riffs, this will only complicate the memorization of the song itself, and, unlikely, add attractiveness to it. Three or four is enough. Listen to a few songs of your favorite artists - most of them are structured this way.

In contrast to guitar riffs, when it comes to drums, don't be greedy. The number of different drum rhythms should be at least twice the variation of guitar or keyboard parts. Experiment with high and low beats, tempos and time signatures. Feel free to borrow rhythmic ideas from other styles of music.

How to write the chorus of a song?

You, of course, understand that it is here that you will have to give your best, because the chorus is the most memorable and recognizable element of the song. Imagine a huge stadium of spectators, enthusiastically singing a particular chorus with you. If you can do it, they can do it. Try to find an option that viewers can pick up. The number of repetitions of the chorus also affects the memorability of the chorus. This is where the reason for the repeated repetition of the chorus of any, in the slightest degree, known "pop" song lies. You don't have to follow the same path. For example, use modulation, boost the melody by one tone, another. It will sound beautiful, emotional, and, of course, will be remembered by the listener.

It's good if your song has a variety of melodic inserts, replays, guitar solos or other musical instrument. At the same time, it is important to know when to stop. After playing a half-hour solo, you will most likely run to wake the listeners in the hall or look for them in the smoking room.

We send the song to rotation on the radio

Very often, novice performers hear a refusal, not a format, they say. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the radio station: a song in the style of death metal will most likely not be accepted on a radio focused on thieves songs.

At the same time, if the quality of the recording is good, and the style does not contradict the music sounding on the radio, then the structure of the composition itself is violated - the intro, solo or play is too long, the song itself is too long. Try not to exceed four and a half minutes. Airtime at the stations is often strictly scheduled, so your fifteen-minute rock opera will most likely not be played.

Of course, the above rules are advisory rather than mandatory. Sometimes songs become hits by accident, like Black Sabbath's "Paranoid". The album was already ready, it took one song, and, as a result, the composition that accidentally got on the disc became a worldwide hit.

At the same time, I want to note that the principles songwriting the ones you just read are the result of the accumulation of many years of experience writing famous songs completely different musicians playing in different directions. Therefore, their careful and timely application will significantly increase the professional level. songs you wrote and will definitely benefit you and your listeners! All the best!

Your humble servant and friend Spirit aka Nasty is with you. This time I will try to tell you the most important and necessary thing that I know in creating texts. Different people write different texts in different ways, some in one evening, some in a week, some because of inspiration, some choosing words for a minus. I'll just give you some basic information on how to write text.

And so, as they say: "Write it down!"

1.General position of the text.
It is admitted that a typical verse of a song consists of 16 lines. Quatrains are called squares, which means a verse of 4 squares.
The lines in the text, at least those that rhyme, must be even, for example:
I read rappin 'damn even though I play rock.
Come and give me a kick in the ass.

But not:
My style is sapphire!
You should know me, because I am your idol.

So there will be problems reading the track.

2. Component of the text.
The text should contain a variety of words so as not to overload it. With the help of words in the text, you can create the mood of the text, for example, if there are more words with soft letters (m, b) then the text will be gentle, if there are more hard rough letters (p, g, t, w, d) then it will be more aggressive. Also with parts of speech. More adjectives: more images, a picture of the imagination will be presented, more verbs: more actions, etc.
Likewise with jargon, different words should be used in different styles. In dissy, they use more verbs, mat, comparisons, (favorite steam trick), word games, figurative images.
In lyric tracks about love: adjectives, beautiful phrases, more romantic words.
In rnbi texts there is an emphasis on club jargon.

3. Rhymes.
Well, it is in almost any text, the main component. With the help of them, the text sounds brighter, more energetic, more beautiful. I think everyone knows what rhyme is, but many rappers have such an unofficial and unwritten rule: do not rhyme with verbs (only if freestyle).
I will try to explain everything clearly. The simplest rhymes are when in two lines the last pair of letters or one letter are the same. But rhymes are not required in the text, they are often replaced by consonances, for example, the lines of the well-known lover of consonances ST:
“You don’t know what you are preparing for, I
I knock out one hundred out of a hundred lines. "
One more example:
"Listen" and "Ears".
Words with the same letters are often used to create a picture, and sound beauty, for example, the line:
"I was dragged by melancholy"
“Maybe behind the forests
beyond the fields, beyond the groves
asks for help drowning
a rider without a horse in the grass unmowed.
Or the text of the triad:
"Nakhalov plowed a godfather not impudently,
He did not believe in Allah - he ahal, he did not drink,
Sneezed at nonsense
I beat nonsense in the ear,
Butt in the hamam blower,
Burdock -
Bad suckers, "

Now I'll tell you about my favorite rhymes, so that you roughly understand how they are built:

a) It is roughly built like this:
……. Rhyme A,… .. rhyme B.
……. Rhyme A,… .. rhyme B.

For instance:
I see the Hydropona Tones, on my bed.
I hear the stoned moans, my uncle

b) This rhyme does not sound bad:

... rhyme A. ... rhyme B.
... rhyme B ... rhyme A.

7 miracle of LIGHT ... .. loading taurine.
This is an adrenaline burst, a peak of energy before dawn.

But after that it is necessary that the third line in the middle or at the end also rhymes with "eta".

You can experiment with rhymes indefinitely, everything is in your hands!

4. Chorus.
The chorus should always stand out, both in the reading and in the lyrics. There should be either pulling vowels or hard, hard vowels, but the chorus should be different from the verse. If you want the chorus to be sung, then it is advisable to rhyme it with vowels.
Frequent rhyming of the chorus goes like this:
... Rhyme A.
... Rhyme B.
... Rhyme A.
... Rhyme B.

... Rhyme A.
... Rhyme A.
... Rhyme A
... Rhyme B.
(Face2Face cat)

5. Techniques in texts.
How to diversify the text? I'll tell you now.
First of all, interesting rhymes, words of the same root are played here, I have already analyzed this. It is interesting to diversify your text (especially a representative, diss) comparisons (listen to Steam), play on words (listen to track noise MCI for 7 battle, for 6 round).

Strings of different length and composition sound interesting, for example, the alternation of long lines, read in one breath, on a line, in the middle of which there is a second pause.
For lyrics, they often use:
a) Hyperbole - the use of another word for a word that characterizes it, but unusual (a beautiful puddle).
b) Metaphors - phrases in a figurative sense (dreams burn out),
c) A broken syllable is a favorite feature of legalize, when two words rhyme, one of which is with one syllable, and the other is large, and the stress is not on the last syllable. Example:
The syllable.
d) Using similar words at the beginning of lines:
“Sadness in the heart. The stamp in the passport is worth it.
The liver hurts from drinking beer. "
“The mountains are frozen, Galya is grieving ..
The city is on fire. Husband and son are at war. "

6. Dynamics.
In some text there should be a plot development, this is called Dynamics. Usually dynamics is present in storytelling, lyrics, diss. This is a smooth turn of events, during which the text gradually changes, turns into a different style.
It can be dialogues, explanations, history, etc.

So! Try and you will succeed, everything is in your hands!

Made by Spirit aka Nasty B.


The basis rap are rhymes, and MC is an artist who draws rhymes, a poet who creates texts. It may seem too obvious to some, but one of the best ways to succeed as an MC is to choose the rhyming words better. As Rakim Says In "I Know You Got Soul"

I start to think and then I sink
into the paper like I was ink,
when I’m writing I’m trapped in between the line,
I escape when I finish the rhyme

Reread this rap lyrics... This is the real and most perfect definition of what it means to be. rapper... The rapper is immersed in his thoughts, transfers them to paper, picks up the words, but they hold him like a lattice in a cage until he tames them with rhymes. Exactly rhymes give MCs freedom and give him control over rap. It is the rhymes that give MCs the power to rock the mic and make the crowd jump up excitedly. It is the rhymes that form the basis of the rapper's performance.

However, as Rakim demonstrated, we are not talking about "Hickory Dickory Dock." In rap, not every rhyme has to be at the end of a line. Rhymes do not have to be in any particular order or be of a particular length. In fact, some of the most common types of rhyme in hip hop don't rhyme at all. Such rhymes are called slant rhymes.

Inaccurate rhymes versus precise rhymes

Here are some definitions from the dictionary (Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms)

Exact rhyme - a type of rhyme where all the sounds after the final stress match. Examples: ostrozhnik - plantain, breeders - thugs.

This is what most people understand by rhymes. Examples of precise rhymes: cat, hat, bat; cake, bake, fake. Exactly rhyming words can have mismatched letters because it's all about sounds. For instance: great, late; height, fight; bought, knot. These are all precise rhymes. The words do not have to be the same length. For instance: rider, beside her; dutiful, unbeautiful. These are all examples of precise rhymes.

Accurate rhymes work great on many occasions. But hip-hop innovators (and poets before them) find them too restrictive. Rappers began to use imprecise rhymes, giving them more freedom to express themselves. Here is the dictionary definition of imprecise rhyme.

Inaccurate rhyme - rhyme with a mismatch of one or more consonants at the end of the verse. Examples: good - powder, plantain - on purpose, booth - boy.

In general, an imprecise rhyme can be considered an "almost" rhyme. Examples are: heat, heart; cow,no; dry, died; love, fluff... Inaccurate rhymes are words that sound about the same, but don't quite rhyme. In Rakim's line above, he rhymes "rhyme" with "line." These words don't really rhyme with each other. "Rhyme" rhymes well with "time, dime, mime, I’m, and crime." "Line" rhymes with "mine, pine, whine, and tine." But these two words sound about the same. Therefore, Rakim uses imprecise rhyme to end the line.

When inaccurate rhyme should be used in rap lyrics

Where should you use imprecise rhymes? Anywhere. But, in some cases, imprecise rhyme must be used.

1. The word has no exact rhyme

There are many words in the English language that do not have precise rhymes. Here are some of them: silver, purple, month, angst, sixth, breadth, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, monster, dangerous, marathon, napkin, hostage, discombobulate And many, many other words. When writing down verses, sometimes you need to rhyme some of these words, but it doesn't work. Until imprecise rhyme is applied. This is exactly what Nas does in NY State of Mind. He uses the word "dangerous," which has no precise rhyme, but finds a way to insert it into the verse:

I got so many rhymes I don’t think I’m too sane,
Life is parallel to Hell but I must maintain,
And beprosperous,though we live dangerous,
Cops could just arrest me,blaming us,
we’re held like

He roughly rhymes "prosperous, dangerous, blaming us," with "hostages," to express his thought. This did not make the verse worse.

2. Avoid hackneyed rhymes in rap

Another use of imprecise rhymes is when dealing with frequently repeated, hackneyed rhymes. For example, how many times have you heard the rhyme of the word "knowledge" with the word "college." Crap! People abuse this rhyme in the same way that an unkempt businessman pours himself too much cologne. To avoid this, you have to resort to imprecise rhyme.

Knowledge - mall kids, honest, ballas, taller, Paul Wall did, on it, admonish, cabbage.

The great thing about imprecise rhymes is that they help MCs avoid the most dangerous beginner trap: too obvious rhymes. If the listener can easily guess the words before the MC speaks them, this is almost always bad. In general, this means that the MC is not inventive enough, but simply repeats old boring rhymes. In order not to fall into this trap, it is worth using inaccurate rhymes. For example, instead of rhyming "money" with "funny", you can try the imprecise rhyme gin rummy, Sunday,
dummy, crumbly, Tony, blunt be, hunt me, some tea, plenty.

Example. From Tupac Amaru's text "Changes"

I see no changes
wake up in the morning and I ask myself,
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein 'poor and even worse I'm
my stomach hurts so I’m
lookin 'for a purse to
cops give a damn about a negro,
pull the trigger kill a ni ** a he’s a hero

Tupac, "Changes"

I do not see any changes, waking up in the morning I ask myself: Is life worth living, or is it better to lay hands on yourself? I'm tired of being poor, and worst of all - I'm black, My stomach is empty and I have to steal shovels. The cops curse the blacks: Pull the trigger, kill the black and you are a hero!

Some performers use inaccurate rhymes in every line, but they have such a manner of reading and they pronounce the words in such a way that the listeners do not notice the incongruities. Look at Tupac Amaru's poem "Changes." He rhymes "ask" with "blast," "black" with "snatch," and "negro" with "hero." This rhyme gives him more freedom to express his thoughts (he has more words to choose from), which makes his lines fresh and creative.

Sometimes rap lovers themselves want to write something that grabs the soul and opens their eyes to problems in society. Sometimes the fantasy is limitless, but it's hard to start. Having analyzed all the nuances of rap composition, you can safely write lyrics and rap.

How to compose rap - deciding on the topic

The lyrics in rap are the foundation. He cannot be thoughtless. Texts should carry a serious meaning, highlight social problems. Listen to popular works, perhaps they will inspire you to write or help you with the topic. The topic should be relevant, think with what social events, problems, phenomena you often meet in life, what will be your cry from the heart. Describe your vision of the problem and your experience.

How to write rap - learning to rhyme

Start with simple rhymes, gradually progressing to complex ones. Describe any situation or use rhymes to tell a story. At first it will be difficult, try, everything comes with experience. If your friends are budding rappers, rap battle between yourself, this is also a good workout.

How to compose rap - show your individuality

Try to bring something special to your rap writing. It can be an individual style, a special speed of reading. Experiment with beats, styles and speed. The main thing is to find yours!

How to write rap - catchy intro

When you start your introduction, remember that it is a short description of the piece. Also, the introduction is the main idea of ​​the work, which catches from the first words. Try to isolate the main point and put it in the body of the lyrics.

How to compose rap - picking a minus

Pick up music in a recording studio or using special computer programs. Read the text on it, record the original track. When reading a word, pronounce it clearly, loudly, emphasizing the consonants. After recording, you can let your friends listen to rap or put it on the Internet.

With a finished track, you will be able to perform at the competition for young performers or just listen to it in your circles. Who knows, maybe you can go ahead and become a popular rap performer?

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