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Completion of the school course. Browse online directly from the classroom

Informatics. Grade 11. A basic level of. Bosova L.L.

M.: 2017 - 256 p.

The educational edition is intended for studying computer science on basic level in the 11th grade of educational organizations. Includes questions about information technologies, algorithmization and programming, information modeling, computer telecommunications, social informatics, information security. The content of the educational publication is based on the material studied in grades 7–9 of the basic school. Educational edition allows each student to master key concepts and the laws on which modern informatics, learn how to complete the tasks of the exam of the basic level of complexity. A motivated student will learn how to perform a number of USE tasks advanced level difficulties.

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Table of contents
Introduction 3
§ 1. Table processor. Basic information 6
§ 2. Editing and formatting in spreadsheet processor 21
§ 3. Built-in functions and their use 29
§ 4. Data analysis tools 46
§ 5. Basic information about algorithms 64
§6. Algorithmic structures 76
§ 7. Writing algorithms in programming languages ​​85
§ eight. Structured types data. Arrays 102
§ 9. Structured programming 119
§ 10. Models and modeling 132
§ 11. Modeling on graphs 148
§ 12. Database as a model subject area 161
§ 13. Database management systems 178
§ 14. Fundamentals of construction computer networks 193
§ 15 Internet Services 210
§ 16. Internet as a global information system 216
§ 17. Information society 228
§ eighteen. Information law and Information Security 241
Conclusion 254

You are holding a textbook in your hands that continues the study of informatics at the basic level that you started in the 10th grade. Recall that the tasks of studying any school subject at a basic level are aimed at forming you:
understanding of the subject, key issues and main constituent elements of the studied subject area;
ability to solve basic practical tasks, characteristic for the use of methods and tools of this subject area;
awareness of the scope of the studied subject area, the limitations of methods and tools, typical connections with some other areas of knowledge.
Working with this textbook, you will continue to study issues related to information technologies for representing, storing, searching, processing and analyzing data. Knowledge of relevant computer tools and ability to work with them - necessary condition your further educational and professional activities, regardless of what plans you make for the future.
An important quality of a person living in a modern high-tech society is the level of development of his algorithmic thinking. Moving in this direction, you, first of all, remember and fix typical techniques writing programs to solve standard tasks using basic algorithmic structures; expand your knowledge in the field of data structures; get acquainted with some methods of researching algorithms.
A significant place in the textbook is given to information modeling and the formation of ideas about various computer models.

Grade 11

Lesson topic number 1: History of the development of computing technology

Lesson Objectives:


To systematize knowledge about the history of the development of computer technology;

Know about the development of electronic computing technology in Russia;

Learn to determine the generation of computers according to the main characteristics.


- develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations;

Develop memory.


Cultivate organization, attention.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Performing test work.
  3. Lesson results.

During the classes:

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Studying the material using the presentation.
  1. Sounding the topic of the lesson and a plan for studying the topic (1 and 2 slides).
  1. Computing in the pre-electronic era.

(3 slide) The need for an account arose in humans as early as prehistoric times. The oldest method of counting objects was to compare objects of a certain group (for example, animals) with objects of another group, which plays the role of a counting standard. For most peoples, the first such standard was fingers (counting on fingers). The expanding needs for counting forced people to use other counting standards (notches on a stick, knots on a rope, etc.).

(4 slide) Each student is well acquainted with counting sticks, which were used as a counting standard in the first grade.

(4-5 slide) V ancient world when counting large quantities objects to designate a certain number of them (for most peoples - ten), a new sign began to be used, for example, a notch on another stick. The first computing device to use this method was the abacus. The ancient Greek abacus was a plank sprinkled with sea sand. Furrows were made in the sand, on which numbers were indicated with pebbles. One groove corresponded to units, the other to tens, etc. If more than 10 pebbles were collected in a groove during counting, they were removed and one pebble was added to the next discharge. The Romans perfected the abacus, moving from sand and pebbles to marble slabs with chiselled grooves and marble balls.

(6 slide) As business becomes more complex and social relations(monetary calculations, problems of measuring distances, time, areas, etc.) there was a need for arithmetic calculations.

To perform the simplest arithmetic operations(addition and subtraction) began to use the abacus, and over the centuries - the abacus.

(7 slide) The development of science and technology required more and more complex mathematical calculations, and in the 19th century mechanical calculating machines were invented - adding machines . Arithmometers could not only add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers, but also memorize intermediate results, print calculation results, etc.

(8 slide) In the middle of the 19th century, the English mathematician Charles Babbage put forward the idea of ​​creating a program-controlled calculating machine with an arithmetic device, a control device, as well as input and printing devices.

(9 slide) Babbage's Analytical Engine (prototype modern computers) was built by enthusiasts from the London Science Museum according to surviving descriptions and drawings. The Analytical Engine consists of four thousand steel parts and weighs three tons.

The calculations were made by the Analytical Engine in accordance with the instructions (programs) developed by Lady Ada Lovelace (daughter of the English poet George Byron).

(10 slide) The Countess of Lovelace is credited with being the first computer programmer, and the ADA programming language is named after her.

(11 slide) Programs were recorded on punched cards by punching holes in thick paper cards in a certain order. Then the punched cards were placed in the Analytical Machine, which read the location of the holes and performed computational operations in accordance with the given program.

  1. Development of electronic computing technology

First generation computers

(12 slide) In the 40s of the XX century, work began on the creation of the first electronic computers, in which mechanical parts came electronic lamps. The computers of the first generation required large halls for their placement, as they used tens of thousands of vacuum tubes. Such computers were created in single copies, were very expensive and were installed in the largest research centers..

(13 slide) In 1945, the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built in the USA, and in 1950, the MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine) was created in the USSR.

(14 slide) Computers of the first generation could perform calculations at a speed of several thousand operations per second, the sequence of which was set by programs. The programs were written in machine language, whose alphabet consisted of two characters: 1 and 0.

  1. second generation computer

(15 slide) In the 60s of the XX century, computers of the second generation were created, based on a new element base - transistors, which have tens and hundreds of times smaller sizes and mass, higher reliability and consumes significantly less electrical power than electronic lamps. Such computers were produced in small batches and installed in large research centers and leading higher educational institutions.

(16 slide) In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (Large Electronic Computing Machine), was put into operation, which could perform 1 million operations per second.

(17 slide) BESM-6 used 260 thousand transistors, devices external memory on magnetic tapes for storing programs and data, as well as alphanumeric printers for outputting calculation results. The work of programmers in developing programs has been greatly simplified, since it began to be carried out using programming languages high level(Algol, BASIC, etc.).

  1. third generation computer

(18 slide) Since the 1970s, as element base Third-generation computers began to use integrated circuits. In an integrated circuit (a small semiconductor wafer) thousands of transistors can be densely packed, each of which is about the size of a human hair.

(19 slide) computer based integrated circuits have become much more compact, faster and cheaper. Such minicomputers were produced in large series and were available to most scientific institutes and higher educational institutions.

  1. Personal computers

(20 slide) Development high technology led to the creation of large integrated circuits - LSI, including tens of thousands of transistors. This made it possible to start producing compact personal computers available to the mass user.

(21 slides) The first personal computer was the Apple II ("grandfather" of modern Macintosh computers), created in 1977. In 1982, IBM began manufacturing personal computers, the IBM PC (the "grandfathers" of today's IBM-compatible computers).

(22 slide) Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times the speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second).

  1. Modern supercomputers

(23 slide) These are multiprocessor complexes that allow you to achieve very high performance and can be used for real-time calculations in meteorology, military affairs, science, etc.

  1. Performing test work.

Students perform test work on a computer. The test is created in the My Test program, which can be downloaded from the portal.

Test questions:

  1. What object (objects) were the counting standard for most peoples in prehistoric times?
  • Fingers
  • abacus
  • Abacus
  1. In the ancient world when counting a large number objects to indicate a certain number of them used a notch on a stick. Identify the first computing device to use this method.
  • Fingers
  • abacus
  • Abacus
  1. To perform the simplest arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) in the pre-electronic era, they used
  • Arithmometers
  • abacus
  • Fingers
  1. 19th century mechanical calculating machines were invented
  • Computers
  • Arithmometers
  • abacus
  1. A software-controlled calculating machine, having an arithmetic unit, a control unit, as well as input and printing devices, was invented
  • J. Von Neumann
  • English mathematician Charles Babbage.
  • Lady Ada Lovelace.
  1. First programmer
  • J. Von Neumann
  • English mathematician Charles Babbage.
  • Lady Ada Lovelace.
  1. Programs for Babbage's Analytical Engine, recorded on
  • punch cards
  • transistors
  • paper
  1. The main element of the first generation computer:
  • transistor
  • integrated circuit
  • electronic lamps.
  1. The main element of the second generation computer:
  • transistor
  • integrated circuit
  • Very large integrated circuit (processor)
  • electronic lamps.
  1. The main element of the third generation computer:
  • transistor
  • integrated circuit
  • Very large integrated circuit (processor)
  • electronic lamps.
  1. The main element of personal computers
  • transistor
  • integrated circuit
  • Very large integrated circuit (processor)
  • electronic lamps.
  1. Built in 1945 in the USA
  • BESM-6.
  • MESM.
  1. In 1950, the USSR created
  • BESM-6.
  • MESM.
  1. In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe was put into operation.
  • BESM-6.
  • MESM.
  1. Lesson results.

Students answer test questions.(24 slide)

Why are modern personal computers hundreds of times smaller, but at the same time hundreds of thousands of times faster than first-generation computers?

Why are modern personal computers available to the mass consumer?

Grades received for test work, students put in a journal.


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In the 40s of the XX century, work began on the creation of the first electronic computers, in which electronic tubes replaced mechanical parts. The computers of the first generation required large halls for their placement, as they used tens of thousands of vacuum tubes. Such computers were created in single copies, were very expensive and were installed in the largest research centers.

In 1945, the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built in the USA, and in 1950, the MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine) was created in the USSR

Computers of the first generation could perform calculations at a speed of several thousand operations per second, the sequence of which was set by programs. The programs were written in machine language, the alphabet of which consisted of two characters: 1 and 0. The programs were entered into the computer using punched cards or punched tapes, and the presence of a hole on the punched card corresponded to the character 1, and its absence corresponded to the character 0. The results of the calculations were output using printing devices in the form of long sequences of zeros and ones. Only qualified programmers who understood the language of the first computers could write programs in machine language and decipher the results of calculations.

In the 60s of the XX century, second-generation computers were created based on a new element base - transistors, which are tens and hundreds of times smaller in size and weight, higher reliability and consume much less electrical power than vacuum tubes. Such computers were produced in small batches and installed in large research centers and leading higher educational institutions.

In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (Large Electronic Computing Machine), was put into operation, which could perform 1 million operations per second.

BESM-6 used 260 thousand transistors, external memory devices on magnetic tapes for storing programs and data, as well as alphanumeric printers for outputting calculation results. The work of programmers in developing programs has become much simpler, since it began to be carried out using high-level programming languages ​​(Algol, BASIC, etc.).

Since the 70s of the last century, integrated circuits have been used as the element base of third-generation computers. In an integrated circuit (a small semiconductor wafer) thousands of transistors can be densely packed, each of which is about the size of a human hair.

Integrated circuit computers have become much smaller, faster and cheaper. Such minicomputers were produced in large series and were available to most scientific institutes and higher educational institutions.

The development of high technologies has led to the creation of large integrated circuits - LSI, including tens of thousands of transistors. This made it possible to start producing compact personal computers available to the mass user.

The first personal computer was the App le II ("grandfather" of modern Macintosh computers), created in 1977. In 1982, IBM began manufacturing personal computers I VM PCs (the "grandfathers" of modern I VM-compatible computers).

Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times the speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Almost 200 million computers are produced annually in the world, affordable for the mass consumer. Personal computers can be of various designs: desktop, portable (laptops) and pocket (handhelds).

These are multiprocessor complexes that allow achieving very high performance and can be used for real-time calculations in meteorology, military affairs, science, etc.


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Informatics is the science without which life in modern society hard to imagine. It gives everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with the operation of the computer. Thanks to technological progress, humanity has shifted many of its responsibilities to the computer. You can get knowledge in this discipline this academic year thanks to the section. All the tutorials in this section are very easy to use.

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Completion of the school course

At the end of it school year You will complete the study of all subjects in the school curriculum, including computer science. You have surely become confident user, and if there are still gaps in your knowledge, then go to our portal and repeat everything desired topics and paragraphs. You do not need to go through a complicated and lengthy registration procedure. Moreover, there is no need to send SMS messages and passwords.

We are waiting for you on our website!

Informatics is the science without which life in modern society is difficult to imagine. It gives everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with the operation of the computer. Thanks to technological progress, humanity has shifted many of its responsibilities to the computer. You can get knowledge in this discipline this academic year thanks to the section. All the tutorials in this section are very easy to use.

Browse online directly from the classroom

Find on our portal the manuals you need. You can click “read online” and view the necessary paragraphs right in the lesson. It's completely free and will help you really save material resources. You no longer need to buy expensive textbooks in stores or book markets. You can get an education without spending money with us.

Modern digital libraries for everyone

Digital libraries are gaining more and more popularity in modern society. And thanks to our online resource, you can create your own unique one on a mobile device or on a computer. Add there electronic manuals for the school curriculum and get a whole repository of information that fits in your pocket. Don't forget to add books from the section textbooks grade 11 computer science.

Completion of the school course

At the end of this academic year, you will complete all subjects in the school curriculum, including computer science. You have probably become a confident user, and if there are still gaps in your knowledge, then go to our portal and repeat all the necessary topics and paragraphs. You do not need to go through a complicated and lengthy registration procedure. Moreover, there is no need to send SMS messages and passwords.

We are waiting for you on our website!

The textbook is designed to study the course of computer science at a basic level in 11 classes of educational institutions. The content of the textbook is based on the informatics course studied in primary school (grades 7-9) and is a continuation of the informatics course for grade 10. The textbook outlines the basics of system analysis, methods and tools for developing multi-table databases. The chapter on the Internet deals with the organization global networks, services and services of the Internet, issues of building a site. Given some typical tasks computer information modeling. Revealed actual problems social informatics. The textbook also includes a workshop, the structure of which corresponds to the content of the theoretical section of the textbook.
The textbook is included in the teaching kit, which also includes a textbook for grade 10 and Toolkit for teachers, electronic application.
Corresponds to the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education(2012).

Chapter 1
Information Systems and databases
§ 1 What is a system
The concept of a system, like the concept of information, is one of the fundamental scientific concepts. As with information, there is no single, generally accepted definition for a system. At the same time, this concept is often used by us in everyday speech, used in scientific terminology. Here are some examples of the use of the concept of a system: the education system, transport system, communication system. solar system, nervous system. Periodic system of chemical elements, number system, operating system, Information system.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Information systems and databases.
§ 1. What is a system.
§ 2. Models of systems.
§ 3. An example of a structural model of the subject area.
§ 4. What is an information system.
§ 5. Database - the basis of the information system.
§ 6. Designing a multi-table database
§ 7. Creation of a database.
§ 8. Requests as applications of the information system.
§ 9. Boolean Conditions data selection.
Chapter 2. Internet.
§ 10. Organization of global networks.
§ 11. Internet as a global information system.
§ 12 World wide web - The World Wide Web.
§ 13. Tools for developing websites.
§ 14. Creation of the site " Homepage».
§ 15. Creation of tables and lists on a web page.
Chapter 3. Information Modeling.
§ 16. Computer information modeling
§ 17. Modeling dependencies between quantities.
§ 18. Models of statistical forecasting.
§ 19. Modeling of correlation dependencies.
§ 20. Models of optimal planning.
Chapter 4. Social informatics.
Section 21. Informational resources.
§ 22. Information society.
Section 23. Legal regulation v information sphere.
§ 24. The problem of information security.
Practical work for Chapter 1 "Information systems and databases".
Practical work for chapter 2 "Internet".
Practical work for Chapter 3 "Information Modeling".
Answers to the tasks of practical work.

Free download e-book v convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Informatics, grade 11, Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Yu., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Informatics, Grade 11, Advanced level, Part 2, Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Shestakova L.V., 2014
  • Informatics, Grade 11, Advanced level, Part 1, Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Shestakova L.V., 2014

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