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Protective zone of thermal networks of above-ground laying. On approval of the rules for the protection of public heating networks

Installed to ensure the safety of objects. Within these areas, there is a special regime for conducting economic activities. Let us consider further what requirements must be met sanitary protection zone of the heating network.

Legal basis

Currently, a number of documents are in force, in accordance with which the security zones of heating networks are created and used. Gosstroy Order No. 92 dated April 21, 2000 is considered one of the key acts. In accordance with it, organizational and methodological recommendations were approved for the use of communal heat supply systems in settlements of the Russian Federation. According to clause 33 of this document, during the operation of these objects, their protection must be ensured. It includes a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at limiting activities within the established territory. To protect the object, a security zone should be established.


Last revision accepted June 24, 2003, but was not registered by the Ministry of Justice. In this regard, the courts consider the new rules invalid. When considering disputes, SNiP 2.04.07-86 are used. The rules provide a list of actions prohibited within areas with a special regime of use. Since the protection of objects acts as the main goal for which they are created security zones of heating networks, SNiP prohibit:

  1. Place within the indicated areas of the storage of fuels and lubricants, aggressive chemical materials, construct
  2. Block up entrances and approaches to buildings and facilities, store bulky and heavy items, erect fences and install other structures, including temporary ones.
  3. Equip playgrounds and sports grounds, stopping points, markets, parking lots of vehicles of all kinds, gardens, garages, and so on.
  4. Arrange landfills, burn industrial waste, household waste, kindle fires.
  5. Carry out work using impact mechanisms, discharge corrosive and caustic compounds, as well as fuel and lubricants.

Additional prohibitions

Security zone of heating networks is under the control of the enterprise providing maintenance of the object. In this regard, within the limits of this site it is not allowed to carry out without the written consent of these organizations:

  1. Overhaul, construction, reconstruction of structures.
  2. Earthworks, planting shrubs/trees, ground levelling, arrangement of monumental flower beds.
  3. Loading and unloading operations, works accompanied by breaking the road surface and soil.
  4. Construct crossings and crossings through pipelines.

The conditions for obtaining permission and carrying out these activities are provided for in paragraphs 7-8 of the Model Rules. Coordination must be made at least three days before the start of work.

model rules

In accordance with them, a corresponding security zone of the heating network is created at each facility. The norms are mandatory for all enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal type. Based on the Model Rules, regulations can be developed by local authorities, taking into account specific conditions. At the same time, the requirements should not be lower than those established in the basic documents. The rules apply to all organizations involved in the reconstruction, construction, technical re-equipment and operation of heating networks. The requirements are also obligatory for enterprises that use roads, railways and trams, green spaces, crossings or are reorganizing them near protected objects.

Security zone of heating networks: how many meters are to be protected?

Plots are laid along highways. On the ground, they are land plots, the width of which is determined by the angle of repose of the soil. At the same time, it cannot be less than 3 m in each direction or from the outer part of the insulated heat pipeline. The latter is relevant for channelless laying. The minimum distance that should be removed from structures, buildings, is determined taking into account various factors. First of all, the type of laying and the climatic conditions of the area are taken into account. The calculated distances are obligatory for observance at design, direct construction, and also repair of objects.


Enterprises that have received a written consent to conduct work within the protective territories are obliged to carry out them with the fulfillment of conditions that ensure the safety of objects. First of all, before the start of the event, briefing is carried out. It is carried out by the owner of the object. He introduces the performers to the location of underground structures, the order of work. An appropriate note is made about this in the journal or an act is drawn up. The instruction of workers, foremen, mechanics, crane operators, foremen and other personnel is the responsibility of the contractor. Clause 17 of the Model Rules states that it should be free for access by specialists of enterprises in whose jurisdiction they are. This requirement, in particular, applies to facilities located on the territory of other organizations. Security zone of heating networks used for repair and maintenance of structures, installations, structures. Enterprises in charge of the facilities have the right to prohibit the implementation of work that violates the stipulated requirements.

Specifics of the rules for creating protective areas

In accordance with Article 89 of the Land Code (clause 2), the rules by which it is formed on the ground are determined by the government. The procedure for creating plots, in particular, was approved by Decree No. 160 of February 24, 2009. As for industrial and other special-purpose lands, the rules for the formation of protective zones of heating networks are determined by:

  1. Government. Decrees are adopted in relation to territories that are in federal ownership.
  2. executive bodies of the regions. Appropriate decisions are made in relation to the territories that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  3. local government structures. These bodies determine the procedure for the zones created in the territories classified as municipal property.


Security zone of communal heating networks is formed by the enterprise that maintains and operates the relevant facility. The organization must apply to the federal executive body responsible for technical supervision and control in the electric power industry. An application is submitted to this structure to agree on the boundaries within which the security zone of communal heating networks. The application is considered within fifteen days from the date of receipt by the authority. After the boundaries are agreed upon, the service company applies to the cadastral registration authority. An application is submitted to this structure for entering information about the boundaries of the zone into the state register.

controversial points

The structures that are authorized to make decisions on the establishment of buffer zones may be determined by government decrees, acts of regional / local executive bodies. The current rules do not provide for a clear procedure for creating protective areas. In particular, the need for a special act to be adopted by a state agency or local structure has not been determined. At the same time, the dimensions that must comply are provided for by the rules. They are formalized depending on various parameters (diameter, gasket type, and so on).

Meanwhile, it should be noted that SNiP determine only the minimum distances from objects to structures. At the same time, the dimensions of the protective areas themselves are not regulated directly. In this regard, in practice, there are likely to be difficulties with justifying the boundaries and area of ​​the buffer zone related to a particular heating network. Another significant gap should be noted. Neither in the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, nor in the SNiPs there is such a thing as a "protective zone of the heating network". Accordingly, the absence of the necessary regulation of the rules for the creation and size of protective areas can cause disputes regarding the very fact of their existence.

State Cadastre

Information about protected zones is entered into it on the basis of Art. 1, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law No. 221. The State Cadastre is a state (federal) information resource. The composition of information about the zones within which a special legal regime operates, which are included in it, is determined by the 10th article of the said Law. These data, among other things, include a description of the location of the boundaries of protective areas, the name of the municipal / state authorities that made the decision to create such zones, their changes, details of documents and sources of their official publication.

The information also contains information on the content of restrictions on the operation of facilities located within the specified territories. The 15th article of the Federal Law No. 221 provides for the obligation of the municipal / state authorities within 10 days (working days) from the date of entry into force of the decision taken within the competence of the relevant structure and establishing / changing / canceling the buffer zone, to provide the accounting authority with a document with the data necessary for entering into the state cadastre. It should be taken into account that in some cases, according to the current rules for ensuring the protection of objects, the need to approve a special act is not provided. In such situations, the basis for including information in the information base can be directly a legal document that determines the general procedure for establishing zones of a particular type, as well as describing the location of the corresponding protective area.

Federal Law "On land management"

When considering legal issues related to the establishment of buffer zones, it is necessary to refer to the provisions of Federal Law No. 78. According to Art. 1 of this Law, protective plots act as objects of land management. To determine the location of the boundaries, it is necessary to carry out the procedures provided for by legal acts. As a result of the measures taken, in accordance with the 20th article of the Federal Law No. 78, a plan (map) of the facility is drawn up. The requirements for its preparation, as well as the form, are approved by government decree No. 621.

Important point

In accordance with Letter No. 22066-IM/D23, the documentation required to include information about the buffer zone in the state cadastre may be provided by an interested person. They have the right to act as the owner of the object in respect of which a protective zone is being created. The authority of this person to apply to the accounting authority may be based on a power of attorney. The document must be executed in the prescribed manner by the structure that made the decision to create a buffer zone. Considering that the rules do not provide for the need for a local / state authority to issue a special act, the necessary information in the state cadastre can be entered by the owner of the object upon his application with a plan (map) describing the location of the borders attached to it. Meanwhile, this provision does not exclude the refusal of the accounting authority to include information in the register due to the legislative regulation of such a possibility.


The legal regime established for the protection zones of heating systems has a number of features. First of all, it is regulated by departmental acts. At the same time, the current rules do not define the procedure for creating zones, and do not provide for the need for a special act to be issued by a municipal / state authority on their establishment. The moment from which the protective area will be considered as existing is not regulated either. The dimensions of the zones are determined by regulations by removing objects from structures at the prescribed (minimum) distance. Areas are formalized depending on the diameter, gasket type and other parameters. As practice shows, entering information about protected areas is a rather difficult task. However, in the absence of the necessary information in the register, there is a risk that the actions of entities implementing development within their boundaries will be recognized as legitimate. If the rights of heating network owners are violated by the construction of sites located in protected areas, the subjects can apply to the court or to the department of the State Service for Technological, Environmental, Nuclear Supervision with a complaint.


On the Model Rules for the Protection of Public Heating Networks

In order to improve the technical level of operation and ensure the protection of heating networks from damage

I order:
1. Approve and put into effect from 01.01.93 "Model rules for the protection of public heating networks" developed by the production association "Roskommunenergo" and approved by the scientific and technical council of the Committee for Housing and Utilities of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
2. To ministries, committees, territorial production associations, associative structures of housing and communal services, production energy associations of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories and regions:
based on the "Model rules for the protection of communal heating networks", taking into account local conditions, develop rules approved and put into effect by executive authorities;
take note that the production association "Roskommunenergo" of the Housing and Utilities Committee of the Ministry of Construction of Russia provides organizational and technical assistance in the development, review and use of local rules on a self-supporting basis.

B.A. Furmanov


protection of public heating networks

Model rules for the protection of communal heating networks must be implemented by enterprises and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, engaged in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and operation of heating networks in cities and other settlements, as well as the reconstruction and operation of roads, trams and railways , crossings, green spaces, underground and above-ground structures in close proximity to heating networks.
Based on SNiP 2.04.07-86 "Heat networks", SNiP 3.05.03-85 "Heat networks" and SNiP Sh-4-80 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Safety in construction" and these standard rules in cities and towns paragraphs, taking into account specific conditions, local rules are developed, approved and put into effect by executive authorities, without reducing the requirements established by the specified SNiP and model rules.
The rules were developed by the Roskommunenergo association using materials from the ORGRES company, reviewed and agreed upon by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Committee for Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Construction of Russia (minutes No. 17 of July 13, 1992).
Editorial committee: Sarkisaeva L.K., Skolnik G.M., Tolmasov A.S., Khizh E.B.
Comments and suggestions should be sent to the address: 109004, Moscow, Vorontsovskaya st., 11, Roskommunenergo.
1. Protection of heat networks is carried out to ensure the safety of their elements and uninterrupted heat supply to consumers through a set of organizational and prohibitive measures.
The entire complex of structures and devices included in the heating network is subject to protection: pipelines and chambers with shut-off and control valves and instrumentation, compensators, supports, pumping stations, hot water storage tanks, central and individual heating points, electrical equipment for controlling valves, cables for communication and telemechanics devices.
2. The protection of heat networks is carried out by the enterprise in charge of the heat networks, regardless of its organizational and legal form.
3. Enterprises, organizations, citizens in the security zones of heat networks are obliged to comply with the requirements of employees of enterprises in charge of heat networks, aimed at ensuring the safety of heat networks and preventing accidents.
4. Protective zones of heat networks are established along the routes of laying heat networks in the form of land plots with a width determined by the angle of repose of the soil, but not less than 3 meters in each direction, counting from the edge of building structures of heat networks, or from the outer surface of an insulated heat pipeline of a channelless laying.
The minimum allowable distances from heating networks to buildings, structures, linear objects are determined depending on the type of installation, as well as the climatic conditions of a particular area and are subject to mandatory observance in the design, construction and repair of these facilities in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.07-86 "Thermal networks".
5. Within the security zones of heat networks, it is not allowed to perform actions that may lead to disruptions in the normal operation of heat networks, their damage, accidents, or impeding repair:
place gas stations, fuel and lubricants storage facilities, store aggressive chemical materials;
clutter up approaches and entrances to objects and structures of heating networks, store heavy and bulky materials, erect temporary structures and fences;
organize sports and playgrounds, unorganized markets, public transport stops, parking lots for all types of machines and mechanisms, garages, vegetable gardens, etc.;
arrange all kinds of dumps, kindle fires, burn household garbage or industrial waste;
carry out work with impact mechanisms, discharge and drain caustic and corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants;
to penetrate into the premises of pavilions, central and individual heating points to unauthorized persons; open, remove, fill hatches of chambers of thermal networks; dump garbage, waste, snow, etc. into the chambers;
remove the cover metal layer of thermal insulation; destroy thermal insulation; walk along pipelines of above-ground laying (crossing through pipes is allowed only on special transitional bridges);
occupy the basements of buildings, especially those with a risk of flooding, in which heating networks are laid or thermal inputs are equipped for workshops, warehouses, for other purposes; thermal inputs to buildings must be sealed.
6. Within the territory of the security zones of heating networks, without the written consent of enterprises and organizations in charge of these networks, it is prohibited:
to build, overhaul, reconstruct or demolish any buildings and structures;
carry out excavation work, soil planning, planting trees and shrubs, arrange monumental flower beds;
carry out loading and unloading operations, as well as work related to the breaking of soil and road surfaces;
construct crossings and crossings through pipelines of heating networks.
7. Carrying out the works listed in clause 6 must be agreed with the owners of heating networks at least 3 days before the start of work. The presence of a representative of the owner of heating networks is optional, if it is provided for by the agreement.
Enterprises that have received a written permit to conduct the specified work in the security zones of heating networks are required to perform them in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of these networks.
8. Before starting work in the buffer zones, the responsible workers should be instructed by the owner of the heating networks regarding the procedure for their implementation and familiarization with the location of the underground laying routes, which should be recorded in the registration log, or an appropriate act should be drawn up.
The instruction of foremen, foremen, workers, minders of earth-moving machines, crane operators and other personnel is assigned to the work foreman.
9. Enterprises performing major repairs and reconstruction of heating networks must, upon completion of work, restore road surfaces and green spaces that have been demolished or damaged during the work.
10. If a leak of steam or water is detected due to damage to the pipelines of the heating network, if heat pipelines are found that are not specified in the documentation, the manufacturer of works is obliged to stop work and immediately notify the enterprise in charge of these heating networks.
The place of leakage of steam or water must be fenced, warning signs and signal lighting should be installed (observers should be posted if necessary).
Enterprises in charge of heating networks are required to regularly notify the population of compliance with these requirements through the media.
11. Enterprises performing work that necessitate the reconstruction of heat networks or protect them from damage must carry out them with mandatory availability and in strict accordance with the project documentation for these works at their own expense in agreement with the owner of heat networks.
12. Enterprises whose production activities cause pollution or corrosion of heat networks must take measures aimed at eliminating the causes of pollution and corrosion, as well as measures to protect heat networks from electrocorrosion.
The damage caused to heating networks during the agreed work in the security zones must be compensated at the expense of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the work in the manner prescribed by law.
13. Works in the protected areas of heat networks, combined with the right of way of railways and roads, with protected areas of power transmission and communication lines, other linear facilities, are carried out as agreed between the interested organizations.
Work in the immediate vicinity of heating networks must be carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works, developed in compliance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the overhaul of heating networks", approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR on April 20, 1985 No. 220.
14. Enterprises in charge of water supply and sewerage networks must immediately take measures to eliminate the causes that cause water to enter neighboring heating networks upon receipt of relevant notifications from the owners of heating networks.
15. Enterprises on whose territory heat networks pass, or operating facilities in which heat network pipelines (bridges, collectors, overpasses) are located, are obliged to take measures to prevent and prevent factors that adversely affect the reliability of heat networks.
16. Enterprises that carry out measures for the cathodic protection of engineering communications belonging to them from electrical corrosion must, at the same time, provide for measures agreed with the owners of thermal networks from the possible harmful effects of this protection on neighboring thermal networks.
17. Employees of enterprises in charge of heating networks should be provided with the possibility of unimpeded access to heating network facilities located on the territory of other enterprises for their maintenance and repair.
Enterprises, organizations, citizens in the protected zones of heating networks and near them are obliged to comply with the requirements of employees of enterprises in charge of heating networks, aimed at ensuring the safety of heating networks and preventing accidents.
In case of violation of the requirements of these Rules when carrying out work in the security zones of heating networks, enterprises in charge of heating networks have the right to prohibit the performance of these works.
18. On roads and railways at the places where they are crossed by heating networks (when laying above ground on high supports), it is necessary to install road markers that determine the permissible dimensions of transported goods and mechanisms. Dimensional signs are established by the organization in charge of the road, after the appropriate presentation and agreement with the organization operating the heating networks.
The intersections of heat networks with rivers and canals are marked with signal signs in accordance with the Charter of Inland Water Transport.
In order to avoid damage to overhead pipelines running along highways in case of traffic accidents, as well as to avoid accidents on roads in case of damage to pipelines, it is necessary to provide for the construction of protective structures separating roads and heating mains during the reconstruction and design of heating networks.
19. Scheduled work on the repair, reconstruction of heating networks, causing violations of the road surface, must be carried out after prior agreement on the conditions for their implementation with the departments of the state automobile inspection and enterprises in charge of roads, as well as with the relevant services of local executive authorities. The conditions for carrying out work must comply with the rules for the production of these works in force in this city (settlement) and be agreed no later than 5 days before the start of work.
Works to prevent accidents and eliminate their consequences are carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory notification of traffic police departments, enterprises in charge of roads, relevant services of executive bodies. Works related to emergency excavations of underground utilities (heating networks, water supply, sewerage, cable network) must be carried out in the presence of a representative of the organization in charge of these communications.
Enterprises and organizations that perform these works must arrange detours, fencing work sites, install appropriate road and warning signs, and

Establishment of security zones for heating network facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones.

2. The Department of Electricity and Coal Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:

1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order, sending a copy of it in paper and electronic form in Kazakh and Russian to the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican Center for Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days after the day of state registration of this order, sending a copy of it for official publication in print periodicals;

4) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Legal Service Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the supervising Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order shall enter into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

Deputy Prime Minister
Republic of Kazakhstan -
Minister of Agriculture
Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ A. Myrzakhmetov
October 11, 2017

Minister for Investment and Development
Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ Zh. Kassymbek
September 29, 2017

Minister of Internal Affairs
Republic of Kazakhstan
______________ K. Kasymov
October 5, 2017

Rules for establishing security zones for heating network facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones

Chapter 1. General Provisions

1. The rules for establishing security zones of heating network facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 30-3) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 "On Electricity" ( hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for establishing security zones for heating network facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones.

2. The following concepts and definitions are used in these Rules:

1) heat networks - a set of devices designed to transfer heat energy and (or) coolant from sources of heat energy to heat-consuming installations, including central heating points and pumping stations;

2) security zone of heat networks - land allotted in order to ensure the safety of heat networks, create normal operating conditions, prevent damage to them, as well as accidents among the population found themselves in the security zone of these networks.

Other concepts and definitions used in these Rules are applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry.

3. These Rules apply to all existing, designed, under construction and modernized heating networks of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are executed on its territory by legal entities and individuals.

4. Control of the state of the buffer zone of heating networks is provided by organizations in charge of these networks through scheduled, periodic, as well as unscheduled inspections in the event of technological disturbances in the networks.

5. Protective zones of heat networks are established without withdrawal of land plots from the owners of land plots and land users.

6. Individuals and legal entities, including state bodies, branches and representative offices of legal entities, take measures to ensure the safety and security of heating networks, including those passing through their territory.

7. Disputes between organizations in charge of heating networks, and individuals and legal entities (their branches and representative offices) are resolved in the manner established by the civil legislation Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2

Paragraph 1. The procedure for establishing security

zones of heating network facilities

8. To ensure safety, create normal operating conditions for heating networks and prevent accidents, land plots are allocated, security zones are established, the minimum allowable distances from heating networks to buildings and structures.

9. Land plots for the period of construction and operation of heat networks are allocated in the manner prescribed by the legislation in the field of land relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. Protective zones of heat networks are established in the form of a plot of land along the route from the outer edge of building structures in both directions to buildings, structures and engineering networks with a diameter of pipelines (hereinafter referred to as D y):

1) overhead laying:

D< 200 мм - 10 м;

D y from 200 to 500 mm - 20 m;

D y > 500 mm - 25 m;

2) underground laying:

D< 500 мм - 5 м;

D y > 500 mm - 8 m.

11. The distance from historical and cultural monuments to heating networks is at least 15 meters (hereinafter - m) (for distribution networks - at least 5 m).

12. When choosing a route for heating networks, it is allowed to cross residential and public buildings with water networks with a diameter of 300 mm or less, provided that networks are laid in technical undergrounds, corridors and tunnels (at least 1.8 m high) with a drainage well at the lowest point at the exit from building.

13. Transit crossing by heating networks of any diameter of buildings of children's and medical institutions is not allowed.

14. Horizontal distances in the light from the building structures of heat networks or the pipeline insulation shell during channelless laying to structures and engineering networks are determined in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules.

15. Horizontal distances in the world from underground water heat networks of open heat supply systems and hot water supply networks to sources of possible pollution are determined in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules.

16. Vertical distances in the light from the building structures of heat networks or pipeline insulation shells for channelless laying are determined in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules.

17. Within the security zones of thermal networks, without the consent of the organization in charge of these networks, it is not allowed to carry out construction, installation, excavation, loading and unloading operations, prospecting works related to the construction of wells and pits, the arrangement of sites, parking lots of vehicles , placement of markets, buildings, structures, storage of materials, construction of fences and fences, discharge and discharge of caustic corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants.

18. Individuals and legal entities performing work near the security zones of heat networks that can cause damage, no later than 12 (twelve) calendar days before the start of the work, agree with the organization in charge of the heat networks, the conditions and procedure for carrying out these works, ensuring the safety of heating networks, and take the necessary measures at their own expense.

19. The refusal by the organization in charge of the heating networks to issue a written consent to carry out work in the security zones of the heating networks is appealed in the manner prescribed by law Republic of Kazakhstan.

Paragraph 2. The procedure for special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones

20. Individuals and legal entities performing earthworks, upon detection of heat networks that are not specified in the documents for the performance of these works, immediately stop work, take measures to ensure the safety of pipelines and inform the organization operating heat networks and / or local executive authorities about this. organs.

21. Individuals and legal entities performing work that necessitate the reconstruction of heat networks or protect them from damage, perform these works at their own expense in agreement with the organizations in charge of heat networks.

22. During the construction of collector-drainage channels, fences, structures and the performance of other works, approaches and passages to heating networks are preserved.

23. The planning of the earth's surface along the route of heating networks excludes the ingress of surface water onto heat pipelines.

24. Heat pipelines, fittings and compensators are covered with thermal insulation.

25. Pipelines and metal structures of heating networks without protective coatings against external corrosion are not used.

26. Descent of water directly into the chambers of heating networks or onto the surface of the earth is not allowed.

27. Descent of water from pipelines during underground laying is carried out into waste wells installed near the main chamber, with subsequent drainage of water by gravity or mobile pumps into sewerage systems.

28. It is allowed to provide for the diversion of water from waste wells directly into natural reservoirs and onto the terrain, subject to the coordination of these measures in accordance with the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

29. When crossing heating networks with ditches, reliable waterproofing of heating networks and their structures is provided.

30. When heating networks intersect existing water supply networks, sewerage networks located above pipelines of heating networks, as well as when crossing gas pipelines, it is envisaged to install cases on water supply, sewerage and gas pipelines for a length of 2 m on both sides of the intersection (in the light). The cases are provided with a protective coating against corrosion.

31. Employees of the organization in charge of heating networks are provided with unhindered access to heating network facilities located on the territory of other organizations to perform repair and maintenance work.

32. Works to prevent accidents or liquidate their consequences on thermal networks are carried out without the consent of the land user, but with notification of him about the work being carried out.

33. After the performance of the specified works, the organizations in charge of the heating networks bring the land plots into a condition suitable for their intended use.

34. Individuals and legal entities in the security zones of heat networks comply with the requirements of organizations in charge of heat networks, aimed at ensuring the safety of heat networks and preventing accidents. In the event of a threat to people's lives during the performance of work by other individuals and legal entities in the security zones of these networks, organizations in charge of heating networks suspend work until the threat to people's lives is eliminated.

35. When violations of these Rules are detected, authorized officials of organizations in charge of heating networks draw up an act of violations in any form with the attachment of materials confirming the facts of the violation (photos, explanatory notes, diagrams of the passage of power lines, permission to work in the protected zone and other available materials), and take measures in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Horizontal distances in the world from the building structures of heat networks or the pipeline insulation shell in case of channelless laying to structures and engineering networks

Structures and engineering communication networks

1. Foundations of structures
1.1. When laying in channels and tunnels in non-subsidence soils (from the outer concrete wall of the channel, tunnel) with a pipe diameter, mm

Du = 500 - 800

Du = 900 or more

1.2. When channelless laying in non-subsidence soils (from the shell of channelless laying) with a pipe diameter, mm

The same in subsidence soils of type I with:

DN> 100 to 500

The same in subsidence soils of type II with:
The thickness of the subsiding soil layer is from 5 to 12 m, with a nominal pipe pass, mm:

DN> 100 to 300

The thickness of the subsiding soil layer is over 12 m with:

DN> 100 to 300

2. Foundations of fences and pipelines

3. Axes of the nearest railway track, 1520 mm gauge

4.0 (but not less than the depth of the heating network trench to the bottom of the embankment)

The same, 750 mm gauge and tram track

4. Nearest railway subgrade structure

3.0 (but not less than the depth of the heating network trench to the base of the outermost structure)

5. Axes of the nearest track of the electrified railway

6. Shooter and crosspieces of the railway track

the same with heaving soils

7. Bridges, tunnels and other structures on railways

8. Axis of the nearest tram track

9. Side stone of the street, road (edge ​​of the carriageway, reinforced roadside)

10. Curb ditch or embankment road

11. Masts and outdoor lighting poles and communication network

12. Foundations of bridge supports, overpasses

13. Foundations of supports of the contact network of railways

the same trams and trolleybuses

14. Power and control cables up to 35 kV and oil-filled cables (more than 110 kV)

15. Telephone sewer block, armored communication cable in pipes and up to radio transmission cables

16. Foundations of overhead power transmission lines under voltage (when approaching and crossing)

2) over 1 to 35 kV

3) over 35 kV

17. Plumbing

The same in subsidence soils of type I

18. Sewerage household and industrial

1.0 (with closed heat supply system)

19. Drainage and rain sewer

20. Gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa when laying heating networks in channels, tunnels, as well as when channelless laying associated drainage

The same, more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa

21. Gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.3 MPa without associated drainage

The same, more than 0.3 to 0.6 MPa

The same, more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa

22. Canals and tunnels for various purposes (including before the edge of canals of irrigation networks - ditches)

23. Structures and subways when lining with external pasting insulation

5.0 (but not less than the depth of the heat network trenches to the base of the structure)

The same, without pasting waterproofing

8.0 (but not less than the depth of the heating network trench to the base of the structure)

24. Fencing ground lines of the subway

25. Nearest railway subgrade structure

26. Axes of the railway track from intermediate supports (when crossing railways)

Dimensions "C", "SP", "Su" according to GOST 9238-83 and GOST 9720-76

27. Axis of the nearest tram track

28. Side stone or to the outer edge of the road ditch

29. Overhead power lines with the largest deviation of wires at voltage, kV:

More than 1 to 20

30. Residential and public buildings for water heating networks and steam pipelines with a pressure of RU 0.63 MPa, condensate heating networks with a pipe diameter, mm:

Du = 500 - 1400

Du from 200 to 500

For hot water networks
The same for steam heating networks with pressure

RU from 1.0 to 2.5 MPa

The same, over 2.5 to 6.3 MPa


1. When laying heat and other engineering networks in common trenches (with their simultaneous construction), it is allowed to reduce the distance from heat networks to water supply and sewerage systems to 0.8 m when all networks are located at the same level or with a difference in laying marks of no more than 0, 4 m;

2. For heat networks laid below the base of the foundations of the supports of buildings, structures, the difference in elevation marks is additionally taken into account, taking into account the natural slope of the soil, or measures are taken to strengthen the foundations;

3. When laying parallel underground heating and other engineering networks at different depths, the distances given in the table increase and are taken not less than the difference in the laying of networks. In cramped laying conditions and the impossibility of increasing the distance, measures are provided to protect engineering networks from collapse during the repair and construction of heating networks;

4. The distance from the pavilions of heating networks for the placement of shut-off and control valves (in the absence of pumps in them) to residential buildings is assumed to be at least 15 m;

5. When parallel laying of above-ground heat networks with an overhead power line with a voltage of more than 1 to 500 kV outside settlements, the distance from the outermost wire should be taken not less than the height of the support.

Horizontal distances in the light from underground water heat networks of open heat supply systems and hot water supply networks to sources of possible pollution

Sources of pollution

The smallest distances in the light horizontally, meter

1. Structures and pipelines of domestic industrial sewerage:

when laying heating networks in channels and tunnels

for channelless laying of heating networks

Doo< 200 мм, то же, Ду>200 mm
for channelless laying of heating networks

2. Cemeteries, landfills, polling fields

3. Cesspools and garbage pits:

in the absence of groundwater in the presence of groundwater and in filtering soils with the movement of groundwater towards heating networks

Note. When sewerage networks are located below heat networks with parallel laying of horizontal distances, no less than the difference in the elevations of the networks is taken, above the heat networks - the distances indicated in the table increase by the difference in the depth of the laying.

Vertical distances in the light from the building structures of heat networks or pipeline insulation shells for channelless laying

Structures and engineering networks

The smallest distances in the world, meter

Underground laying of heating networks

1. Water pipeline, drain, gas pipeline, sewerage

2. Armored communication cables

3. Power and control cables up to 35 kV

4. Telephone sewer block or up to armored communication cable in pipes

5. Soles of railway rails of industrial enterprises

The same railways of the general network
The same tram tracks

6. The top of the road surface of motor roads of the general network of categories I, II, III

7. The bottom of the ditch or other drainage structures or to the base of the embankment of the railway subgrade (when heating networks are located above these structures)

8. Subway structures (if heating networks are located above these structures)

Above-ground laying of heating networks

9. Railway rail heads

Dimensions "S", "Su", "Sp"

10. Top of the carriageway of highways

11. Top of pedestrian roads

12. Parts of the contact network of the tram

13. Parts of the contact network of the trolleybus

14. Overhead power lines with the largest sag of wires at voltage, kV:

Over 1 to 20 inclusive


1. Deepening of heat networks from the ground surface or road surface (except for motor roads of categories I, II and III) should be taken at least:

1) to the top of the ceilings of channels and tunnels - 0.5 m;

2) to the top of the ceilings of the chambers - 0.3 m;

3) to the top of the channelless laying shell - 0.7 m.

In the impassable part, ceilings of chambers and ventilation shafts for tunnels and channels protruding above the ground are allowed to a height of at least 0.4 m;

4) at the input of heat networks into the building, it is allowed to take indentations from the surface of the earth to the top of the overlap of channels or channels - 0.3 m and to the top of the shell of a channelless laying - 0.5 m;

5) at a high level of groundwater, it is allowed to provide for a decrease in the depth of channels and tunnels and the location of ceilings above the ground to a height of at least 0.4 m, if the conditions for the movement of vehicles are not violated;

2. When laying above-ground heating networks on low supports, in the light from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the thermal insulation of pipelines there must be at least (m):

1) with a group of pipes up to 1.5 m wide - 0.35;

2) with a group of pipes more than 1.5 m wide - 0.5;

3. When laying underground, heat networks at the intersection with power and control communication cables can be located above or below them;

4. In case of channelless laying, the clear distance from water heating networks of an open heat supply system or hot water supply networks to sewer pipes located below or above the heating networks is assumed to be at least 0.4 m.

Document as of January 2016

Based on the model Rules for the protection of communal heating networks, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 17.08.92 N 197, approve the attached Rules for the protection of communal heating networks in the city and region in accordance with the appendix.

Head of the city and district E.I. RYABOV

Approved by the order of the Administration dated 11.06.1998 N 172-rg


1. Protection of heat networks is carried out to ensure the safety of their elements and uninterrupted heat supply to consumers through a set of organizational and prohibitive measures.

The entire complex of structures and devices included in the heating network is subject to protection: pipelines and chambers with shut-off and control valves and instrumentation, complexators, supports, pumping stations, hot water accumulators, central and individual heating points, valves.

2. Protection of heat networks is carried out by an enterprise in charge of which heat networks are located, regardless of its organizational and legal form.

3. Enterprises, organizations, citizens in the security zones of heat networks are obliged to comply with the requirements of employees of the enterprise in charge of heat networks, aimed at ensuring the safety of heat networks and preventing accidents.

4. Protective zones of heat networks are established along the routes of laying heat networks in the form of land plots with a width determined by the angle of repose of the soil, but not less than 3 meters in each direction, counting from the edge of building structures of heat networks, or from the outer surface of an insulated heat pipeline of a channelless laying.

5. Within the security zones of heat networks, it is not allowed to perform actions that may lead to disruptions in the normal operation of heat networks, their damage, accidents or impeding repairs:

place gas stations, fuel and lubricant storage facilities, store aggressive chemical materials;

clutter up passages and entrances to objects and structures of heating networks, store heavy and bulky materials, erect buildings and fences;

arrange sports and playgrounds, unorganized markets, other points of public transport, parking of all types of machines and mechanisms, garages, vegetable gardens, etc.;

arrange all kinds of dumps, kindle fires, burn household garbage or industrial waste;

carry out work with impact mechanisms, discharge and drain caustic and corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants;

to enter the premises of central and individual heating points to unauthorized persons, open, remove, fill up the hatches of the chambers of heating networks, dump garbage, waste, snow, etc. into the chambers;

remove the cover layer of thermal insulation, destroy thermal insulation, walk along pipelines of above-ground laying (crossing pipes is allowed only on special bridges);

occupy the basements of buildings, especially those with a risk of flooding, in which heating networks are laid or thermal inputs are equipped for workshops, warehouses, for other purposes, thermal inputs to buildings must be sealed.

6. Within the territory of the security zones of heating networks, without the written consent of enterprises and organizations in charge of these networks, it is prohibited:

to carry out construction, overhaul, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;

carry out earthworks, soil leveling, planting trees or shrubs, arrange monumental flower beds;

carry out loading and unloading operations, as well as work related to the breaking of soil and road surfaces;

construct crossings and crossings through pipelines of heating systems.

7. Carrying out the works listed in clause 6 must be agreed upon by the owners of heating networks at least 3 days before the start of work. The presence of a representative of the owner of heating networks is optional, if it is provided for by the agreement. Enterprises that have received a written permit to conduct the specified work in the security zones of heating networks are required to perform them in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of these networks.

8. Before starting work in protected areas, responsible workers should be instructed by the owner of heating networks regarding the procedure for their implementation and familiarized with the location of underground laying routes, about which an entry should be made in the registration log or appropriate acts drawn up. The instruction of foremen, foremen, workers, minders of earth-moving machines, crane operators and other personnel is assigned to the work foreman.

9. Enterprises performing major repairs and reconstruction of heating networks must, upon completion of work, restore road surfaces and green spaces that were demolished or damaged during the work.

10. If a steam or water leak is detected, due to damage to the pipelines of the heating network, if heat pipelines are found that are not specified in the documentation, the work foreman is obliged to stop work and immediately notify the enterprise in charge of these heating networks.

The place of leakage of steam or water must be fenced off, warning signs should be installed (observers should be posted if necessary). Enterprises in charge of heating networks are required to regularly notify the population of compliance with these requirements through the media.

11. Enterprises performing work that necessitate the reconstruction of heat networks or protect them from damage must carry out them with mandatory availability and in strict accordance with the project documentation for these works at their own expense in agreement with the owner of heat networks.

12. Enterprises whose production activities cause pollution or corrosion of heat networks must take measures aimed at eliminating the causes of pollution and corrosion, as well as measures to protect heat networks from electrocorrosion.

The damage caused to heating networks during the agreed work in the security zones must be compensated at the expense of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the work in the manner prescribed by law.

13. Works in the protected zones of heat networks coinciding with the right of way of railways and roads, with the protected zones of power transmission and communication lines, other linear facilities, are carried out as agreed between the interested organizations.

Work in the immediate vicinity of heating networks must be carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works, developed in compliance with the "Instructions for the overhaul of heating networks", approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR on April 10, 1985 N 220.

14. Enterprises in charge of water supply and sewerage networks must immediately take measures to eliminate the causes that cause water to enter neighboring heating networks upon receipt of relevant notifications from the owners of heating networks.

15. Enterprises on whose territory heat network pipelines (bridges, collectors, overpasses) are located are obliged to take measures to prevent and prevent factors that adversely affect the reliability of heat networks.

16. Employees of enterprises in charge of heating networks should be provided with the possibility of unhindered access to heating network facilities located on the territory of other enterprises for their maintenance and repair.

Enterprises, organizations, citizens in the protected zones of heating networks and near them are obliged to comply with the requirements of employees of enterprises in charge of heating networks, aimed at ensuring the safety of heating networks and preventing accidents.

In case of violation of the requirements of these Rules when carrying out work in the security zones of heating networks, enterprises in charge of heating networks have the right to prohibit the performance of these works.

17. Scheduled work on the repair, reconstruction of heating networks that cause violation of road surfaces must be carried out after prior agreement on the conditions for their implementation with the departments of the state automobile inspection and enterprises in charge of roads, as well as with the relevant services of local executive authorities. The conditions for carrying out work must comply with the current rules for the production of these works and must be agreed no later than 3 days before the start of work.

Works to prevent accidents and eliminate their consequences are carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory notification of traffic police departments, enterprises in charge of highways, as well as relevant services of executive bodies. Works related to emergency excavations of underground utilities (heating networks, water supply, sewerage, cable network, gas) must be carried out in the presence of a representative of the organization in charge of these communications.

Enterprises and organizations that perform these works must arrange detours, fencing work sites, install appropriate signs, and after completion of work, restore the road surface.

18. Violations of the requirements of these Rules by officials and citizens, resulting in harm or damage to heating networks, entail liability in accordance with applicable law.

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