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Office system requirements.

We met general characteristics new package and the main directions of its development. The latter, as expected, meet modern trends in IT and, in certain circumstances, open up new use cases, primarily in terms of organizing collaboration and sharing PCs and tablets (and perhaps some other representatives of the fashionable Post-PC category). However, in the end, users will work with the same Word, Excel and other applications in the package, which should form the main impression of Office 2013, including the feeling of novelty. Therefore, in each of the applications there are a number of changes, one part of which corresponds to overall strategy, and the other develops basic functionality. Which of them is more important and more successful is up to users to decide.


System requirements for Office 2013 Customer Preview are as follows:

  • processor: frequency from 1 GHz, x86/x64 with SSE2 instruction set;
  • memory: 1 GB (x86) / 2 GB (x64);
  • hard drive: 3.5 GB;
  • operating system: Windows 7 or later; Windows Server 2008R2 with .NET 3.5 or later;
  • graphics (for hardware acceleration): a video card that supports DirectX 10 and a screen resolution of at least 1024x576.

You should pay attention to two points that were discussed in detail in the first part of the review. Firstly, Office 2013 Customer Preview is installed only in modern operating systems, which include Windows 7 and Windows 8, and its full capabilities (in terms of the touch interface) are revealed only in the latter. In addition, a number of applications may be duplicated with Metro-style analogues - for now this only applies to OneNote MX and, as promised, the Lync client.

Secondly, although the video accelerator in Office 2013 Customer Preview is only required for graphics acceleration, it is gradually starting to play the same role. important role, as in Windows or Internet Explorer(which engine, by the way, powers Metro). However, nothing out of the ordinary is actually required - even using the example modern browsers, which themselves turn into software platform, we have seen that the video system performance of great importance doesn't have one yet. However, again, graphics acceleration will work most fully in Windows 8 with an accelerator that supports DirectX 11.

You should also note that the situation with the 32- and 64-bit versions has remained virtually unchanged. Microsoft still recommends the first one, and it is the one that is installed by default; 64-bit must be specifically selected. The main argument is the same - compatibility with various third party extensions and plugins, which for the most part are 32-bit.

You can try Office 2013 Customer Preview on virtually any system, physical or virtual, general impression will be roughly the same as Office 2010, with the possible exception of new animation effects. The architecture of Office 2013 Customer Preview allows you to easily install it side by side with an existing package and use any of them interchangeably.

First you need to have a Microsoft account, which, as in Windows 8, will allow you to synchronize settings and a number of others useful features. Starting from here, you will need to read several pages with general information, and then log in and, finally, get into your account. Although there is no localized Office 2013 Customer Preview yet, all preliminary information can be obtained in Russian - if sometimes the browser spontaneously switches to English, it is enough to address bar change en-us to ru-ru. Web installation takes place almost in automatic mode, component selection is not available.

The English version of Office 2013 Customer Preview, of course, does not contain language support for Russian, Ukrainian and other languages ​​that are relevant to us. You need to download it yourself - either by waiting for the appropriate prompt from the application, or by going to this page and downloading the necessary modules. Here, however, surprises await us, like these:

It’s not very clear why in each Office versions These modules are refaced (especially the installation windows), but after installation they seem to function properly. There are no innovations in the field of checking grammar and spelling, however, in Word, for words with errors, the ability to quickly change the language from context menu- for me, for example, this is an annoying loss.

Word 2013

A text editor is undoubtedly the most popular app package, therefore the largest number of indicative and generally noticeable changes are concentrated in it.

However, even Word 2013 is clearly not finished yet. Even the “flattened” Metro-style interface is implemented only on the very external level, and a significant part of the dialog boxes are designed in the old way. Although they will most likely be abandoned altogether - for example, spelling errors are now corrected in a special panel.

Format support

One of the most talked about new features is the ability to work with PDF files. If previous Word versions If you only knew how to save, i.e. export PDF, then Word 2013 can also import. The easiest way to imagine this function is as a simpler analogue of the fairly well-known Abbyy PDF Transformer. Formally, the function is called PDF Reflow, which indirectly hints that the original layout can be changed. Indeed, when importing, the document is converted into a regular Word format, which is then re-saved - this is not even close to Adobe Acrobat. Microsoft itself says that PDF Reflow is more intended for text files, and complex layouts, for example presentations converted to PDF, may be completely too tough for Word 2013. However, it is useful to have such a function at hand.

In general, support for document formats has been improved throughout the package. So, in fact, only in Office 2013 will there be full support for the Office Open XML standard (proposed by Microsoft itself), namely the Strict level of the ISO/IEC 29500 specifications - in previous versions it could only be read, and when saved, the Transitional level was used, which, for compatibility, allows the use of older Microsoft Office data types. Alternative is also supported open standard ODF 1.2, published by OASIS in January of this year. However, the main changes in the new specification concern, rather, not Word, but Excel - in ODF 1.2 formulas in spreadsheets are standardized. Additionally, Office 2013 will support XAdES digital signatures.

Reading mode

Reading mode has been significantly updated in Word 2013, clearly designed to accommodate future use on tablets. Ideally, it resembles that in Word 2010, but is implemented more modernly: the standard presentation is two-column with automatic selection font depending on screen size, with quick transition to full screen mode and challenge additional tools by clicking on the ellipsis characteristic of Metro (although in fact you can click on the entire narrow strip at the top of the screen). Naturally, the user will be able to adjust the image to his taste - change the scale, select a background, use not two but three columns on wide screens, etc.

In reading mode, there is also a convenient function for scaling objects - not only pictures, but also, for example, tables. It is implemented in a “browser” style, when an enlarged image pops up above a “foggy” page, then a special button allows you to enlarge it even more, and clicking outside of it will return everything to its original state.

For this mode, the function of reminding the place in the document where the previous reading/editing session was interrupted is also relevant. The corresponding marker pops up above the horizontal or vertical scroll bars and allows you to Fast passage. Moreover, this parameter is synchronized for the entire account, i.e., you can continue reading a document stored in the cloud from the right place on any device.

Collaboration and co-editing

This section of functionality has already been briefly described in the first part of the review. Storing a Word document in the cloud allows you to different ways, accessible from the File/Share menu, distribute information about the document and invite other users to joint (simultaneous) editing. The process of the latter is organized somewhat peculiarly: a paragraph, on which one user is working, in a special way flagged and blocked for everyone else. Moreover, if information about the fact of editing is distributed in real time, then the actual changes are distributed only at the moment the document is saved (and are highlighted at the same time green background). Probably, such a scheme is justified due to its versatility - after all, in fact, Word works with a local copy of the document and synchronizes it with the “cloud” when saving. Accordingly, reducing the number of communications increases overall reliability, and blocking paragraphs (sufficiently large units of information) eliminates the need to resolve complex conflicts. However, Word Web App, which implements approximately the same tools, can also be used for collaborative editing. You can also block from third party changes the entire fragment of the document (for example, a section) that is supposed to be edited.

Closely related to collaborative editing are the functions of saving changes made by different authors and comments. Almost the entire Review feed is traditionally reserved for them, and although they themselves can be extremely useful, working with a document that has been revised many times is not always convenient. Therefore, Word 2013 has a new Simple Markup display mode - in it the document is presented in its final form, but changed places are highlighted with colored stripes in the margins, and comments are highlighted with a characteristic “cloud cloud”. Clicking on any of these elements allows you to view the information: the comment will be displayed in a special window, and corrections will be drawn in normal mode(All Markup). It is now possible to “hard” enable the function of saving changes, protecting it with a password.

Working with comments has been somewhat improved in itself. They can now be answered (for which there is a special button in the pop-up window), so that each one turns into a mini-discussion. In addition, comments can be marked as “closed” (Done), in which case they will be displayed in gray, and their correction will become unavailable - however, it will still be possible to respond to them (even though this seems to be of no use).

Another option for online collaboration is document presentation. When you select the Present Online option in the same Share group, the document is copied to online storage, and a special link to the presentation is also generated, which is a document viewing mode in Word Web App, in which scrolling and highlighting are synchronized with the author/presenter’s computer. In this case, comments will be visible, you can simultaneously “share” notes from OneNote, but, unfortunately, there are no integrated communication tools. Accordingly, you need to take care of them yourself: in organizations this can be Lync, and for mere mortals - Skype, which Microsoft promises to make a full member of Office 2013.

Online pictures and videos

Keeping up with the times, Word 2013 has learned to insert pictures and videos from online sources into documents, the lists of which, obviously, can and will be replenished - Microsoft, of course, first of all offers its resources (Bing), but allows you to add Flickr and YouTube. In the general case, the user performs a keyword search in the relevant services and has the opportunity to immediately view what is found and insert a suitable object. In this case, the pictures are loaded locally and embedded in the usual way, although it would be quite possible to limit ourselves to links and their processing on the fly at the time of opening the document, especially since this is exactly what happens with video. In addition, the video can be inserted in HTML code format, which is usually provided by all online services, and this opens additional features: This way you can link not only to a video, but to virtually any dynamic content - for example, a diagram. It is difficult to predict how such content will be displayed in the body of the document, but when reproduced by Word itself in a pop-up window, it will be shown as expected.


Word 2013 also has many smaller improvements that are difficult to classify into any specific category other than the most general one - working with documents. One of the most useful is the ability to quickly collapse and expand document sections highlighted with subheadings, for which the corresponding arrow pops up to the left of them.

The contextual toolbar now pops up automatically when you select text.

A menu with basic image formatting functions also appears automatically in a special panel.

In the process of scaling pictures and other objects, the document is reformatted on the fly, so it will be much easier to achieve the desired result.

In tables, you can quickly insert additional rows and columns using special markers.

For paperwork there was a whole new tape Design, where you can choose a design theme, a set of styles and fonts, select the appropriate spacing between paragraphs, apply effects to graphic objects, etc.

Excel 2013

The new Excel 2013 is designed to a large extent similar to Word 2013 (that is, it is designed in the style of the entire package): the same start screen with a list latest documents and typical table templates, the same organization of the File menu, the same integration with SkyDrive and the Share function block. The latter, however, is somewhat more modest - the Present item appears only if Lync is available. Apparently, this is due to the incomplete readiness of Excel Web App, since simultaneous editing is also impossible, although the seemingly obvious structuring of tables should simplify its implementation.

Analytics (BI)

There are also many changes in Excel 2013, although they are mostly of a private nature and are aimed at improving and developing existing functionality. Accordingly, professional users will first notice and appreciate them. For example, the inclusion of PowerPivot and Power View add-ins in Excel 2013 makes it a de facto standard personal business analysis tool.

PowerPivot was first released for Excel 2010 - it uses the database engine to process huge amounts of data (pivot tables), placing and processing them in random access memory, effectively compresses when saving, and also automatically builds an OLAP cube, but at the same time hides all the complex specifics from the user, providing a set of high-level functions.

Now some of these capabilities have migrated to Excel 2013 itself, and the xVelocity core (formerly VertiPaq) is automatically used when working with external data. The PowerPivot add-on itself is optional and is connected through the Add-ins section software settings. It additionally allows you to filter out unnecessary data when importing, adjust models and establish connections in visual mode (drag-n-drop), create new KPIs and calculated fields.

At the same time, both PowerPivot and Power View have undergone some changes themselves, but this is too deep a topic to touch on here. general overview package.


One more area professional changes- built-in table functions. Their list has been replenished with at least 50 new ones, for the most different tasks. There are also those that can be useful to almost everyone - for example, ARABIC and ROMAN for converting Arabic notation of numbers into Roman ones and vice versa. Try, say, to remember how to write the number 1999 in Roman numerals.

But I especially want to touch on a completely new category - for working with web services. It has only three functions:

  • ENCODEURL plays a supporting role by correctly converting text to URL;
  • WEBSERVICE receives XML data from the web service;
  • FILTERXML implements parsing XML and extracts pieces of data.

Here, for example, is how you can use them to receive and process RSS with BBC weather reports:

In the table in the illustration, cell B1 contains the Kyiv city code found on the BBC website.

In cell A3 there is a construction =WEBSERVICE("" & ENCODEURL(B1) & "/3dayforecast.rss"), which receives the "raw" XML -data with a three-day forecast. ENCODEURL is used here for demonstration purposes only, since in fact the area code can be used without such a conversion.

The XML is then parsed using FILTERXML:

A5: =FILTERXML(A3;"//rss/channel/title") - the name of the entire issue;
A6: =FILTERXML(A3;"//rss/channel/item/title") - day of the week and a brief summary;
B7: =FILTERXML(A3;"//rss/channel/item/description") - full forecast for the day.

Similarly - for the remaining two days (item and item). Naturally, to extract data you need to know its schema. In this case, it is quite simple and can be easily understood right in cell A3.

The RSS feed was chosen here only for the sake of the simplest and most understandable example for a wide range of readers. In general, in this way, a wide variety of data can be obtained from appropriate sources for subsequent processing, creation dashboards etc. The only annoying limitation is that this group of functions does not yet work in Excel Web App.


The developers have made some effort to make using Excel easier. For some reason he is extolled more than others Flash function Fill is a more complex version of autofill, although its use is quite limited. The bottom line is that if the user performs repeated actions with previous cells in a column, then Flash Fill will try to understand the algorithm and offer its services.

Apparently, the main application is to correct the import of some data with an unusual grouping of fields or non-standard separators. The latter, however, must be present: for example, the extraction of surnames from logins like i_ivanov, p_petrov is automated, but in the case of iivanov, p_petrov - not.

To help newcomers to Excel, the Quick Analysis function has appeared, which offers a limited but simple and understandable set of templates conditional formatting, summing up, etc. You just need to select a block of data and select required template using the button that appears.

A roughly similar role is played by the function of recommended charts, the list of which is to some extent adjusted to the nature of the selected data. Moreover, the user will see real results, so he can quickly decide, for example, whether he needs to visualize data only for a specific month, for the entire year, or broken down by month.

Working with diagrams has changed in general; now a special panel is used for this, which automatically responds to the selection of a particular element. A fairly large section for designing data labels has appeared (with various effects, leader lines, adding text from arbitrary cells, etc.), so that the diagram editor has turned into a real design tool.

For quick control the diagrams suggest three special buttons, one of which allows you to filter results on the fly. When the source data changes, the redrawing of the diagram is animated.

Data slicers, i.e. visual interactive filters that were applied to pivot tables in Excel 2010, can now be applied to regular ones.

Outlook 2013

The Outlook program as a whole has retained the same design, although the interface has nevertheless changed in the spirit of the general direction, i.e. it has been simplified and “flattened”. Nevertheless, advanced user will also notice some functional innovations. So, the list of letters has become more functional, each item now contains the first line from the body of the letter, and right here the message can be marked as read/unread (bar on the left) or deleted - in the latter case The entire bar along the right edge also works, although the corresponding icon only appears in the middle, which can be confusing at first.

It's worth mentioning here that Outlook 2013 integrates with the Windows 8 alert system, which is generally a good thing as uniformity makes it easier to work with, but it has made the alerts themselves much less useful, since they lack additional functionality: for example, with their You cannot quickly delete a message using this method.

Another obvious visual change is the Metro-style mode bar, where when you hover over any item except Mail (which is obviously the main one), a thumbnail pops up with basic information, so you can, for example, check your downloads without interrupting work with letters.

Some innovations will be discovered during the work process. The response to the letter is now generated in the same window; for this purpose, Replay, Replay All, Forward buttons have appeared; if necessary, a separate window can be opened using another Pop Out button.

The Calendar displays weather information. This is probably a tribute to the “tablet” application, where the screen size is smaller and switching between applications is not very convenient.

In spirit Windows Phone the Contacts section has now been replaced by People, although the old-style name is still found here and there. The card for each recipient contains all his details, tools for everyone available types communications (to which Skype should be added in the future), information from social networks, of which Facebook and Linkedin are supported initially (at the level of the entire Office 2013).

All the changes described so far in Outlook 2013 can be classified as “stuff”, which for previous applications I highlighted it separately. Here they reflect the very essence of the development of the program, aimed at gradual convergence with online and mobile clients. However, two innovations can still be considered important.

First, Outlook 2013 will be available in all editions of Office 2013, which will allow many people to use this program equally both at work and at home. Secondly, Outlook 2013 now supports Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), not just full-fledged servers Exchange. This means that users will be able to work with mail in push mode and easily synchronize contact lists and calendars, as EAS has become the de facto standard for popular online services. However, for now you can only connect in this way to Hotmail, and errors occur with Gmail - Google probably needs to upgrade its protocol support. In general, this is another characteristic sign of movement towards a mobile work style.

PowerPoint 2013

The presentation application is not as popular as Word or Excel, but has long been one of the main components of Microsoft Office. Accordingly, it is fully affected by all the major changes in Office 2013 - this applies to interface changes, support for gesture control on touch screens (in this case it is even more useful than in Word), and integration with the web.

In particular, PowerPoint 2013 supports the same range of Share capabilities as Word, including online presentations and working together over the documents. However, the latter, although designed almost the same as in Word 2013, has an important difference: no elements are blocked, and conflicts (when editing the same places at the same time) are not resolved. This difference is especially clearly visible in the example of PowerPoint Web App, where there is not even a save button - all changes are recorded instantly. And since PowerPoint 2013 still requires you to save a document to sync, in most cases it simply saves any changes you make. Perhaps this is not critical (since the slides still do not imply large quantity text and other objects), but definitely takes some getting used to.

To support collaboration, a comment panel has also appeared, reminiscent of that in Word - with the possibility of discussions, prompt organization of communications, etc.

Perhaps the main new feature of PowerPoint 2013 is the new Presenter View mode. In it the speaker will receive Additional information(your notes, a sketch of the next slide), and will also be able to perform various actions: for example, highlight something on the screen using a “pointer” or marker, take notes, enlarge fragments, etc. However, these tools are also available in regular slide show mode, but Presenter View works correctly with two monitors, supporting the presenter on only one of them and, thus, hiding the entire “kitchen” from viewers. Presenter View can also be run on one monitor to rehearse a performance.

At the stage of preparing the presentation, useful innovations also appeared. You can set guides on master slides along which you can align elements on regular slides. And Smart Guides, which appear automatically at the right moment, will help you beautifully place illustrations and other objects - for example, so that the corners/borders are at the same level or two adjacent pictures are divided approximately in half by the median line.

The new eyedropper tool will help you select the exact color from an illustration to use, say, for a title.

Several shapes can be combined, thereby creating new primitives that will be managed as a single unit.

Quite naturally, PowerPoint 2013 also improves its tools for working with multimedia data. The built-in support for formats has been expanded; online storage can serve as sources - the same as in Word 2013. For audio, however, only standard clip art from is currently offered. You can also embed HTML code as a video, which further expands the possibilities.

OneNote 2013

The note-taking program OneNote has been trying to gain recognition among the masses of users for a long time, but so far without much success. This is probably due to the fact that it would be more in demand on tablets, and Tablet PCs, for various reasons, never gained much popularity. It is quite possible that mobile devices running Windows 8 and RT will change this picture, especially since a special Metro version of the OneNote MX program with original controls has been released for them. In general, OneNote is now available on virtually all popular platforms, and different versions must interact correctly via the web.

OneNote 2013 slightly changes the way you work with notes. By default, notebooks are automatically saved to SkyDrive and synced across all devices you use. At the same time, it becomes possible to work with them simultaneously, and the style of this work does not coincide with either Word 2013 or PowerPoint 2013. All changes are saved automatically and almost instantly (with some delay, natural for online), but conflicts are still monitored .

Additionally, you can distribute notes within online meetings (Lync) and assign them to regular meetings in Outlook so that all invited participants can see them - while making appropriate notes in the notebook itself. In the future, you can conveniently view corrections made by any of the co-authors.

You can now attach Office files, audio and videos to the notes themselves. Tools for working with tables have also been improved, although they do not reach the capabilities of Word 2013. But if the user lacks something, he can convert a regular table into an Excel table - for example, in order to quickly make some calculations. Excel tables can also be embedded directly, although Excel itself is required to edit them.

Resident tools have also appeared for quickly cutting information from the screen and attaching it to notes.

As for OneNote MX, its capabilities are somewhat limited compared to the desktop version: in particular, it can only display Excel tables, but not embed or convert regular ones into them, much less edit them. In addition, the notebook is displayed in a slightly different way to eliminate small elements and make it more natural to operate with your fingers, including using radial menus.

Access 2013 and Publisher 2013

Office 2013 Customer Preview, available as a subscription, includes two more applications - Access 2013 and Publisher 2013. Both of them are quite specific and are included, most likely, in order to further popularize the new kind package distribution.

The changes in Publisher 2013 are minimal; they mainly affect the work with images that can be downloaded from online sources, apply various effects to them, etc. The functions for preparing documents for various types printing - for example, for photo printing (in a photo lab), each page is converted into a separate JPEG.

Access 2013, although retaining all the previous functionality, is primarily promoted as a means of creating special web applications (the term app, not application is used to describe them), which are published on SharePoint servers (on-premises or in Office 365) and executed in the browser. More precisely, their interface part will be executed in the browser, and interaction with the database will be entrusted to SQL Server.

The interface for such applications will be generated automatically, based on the data model and with maximum use standard structures and controls (although much can be modified if desired and skillful), so that users get used to them more quickly.

Office RT

Interestingly, Office for Windows RT will become available even earlier than the desktop version - simultaneously with the new OS and the first devices based on it. In fact, ARM versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote will form part of Microsoft's tablet platform and will certainly make a strong case for it.

Visually, Office RT will differ little from Office 2013, but will lose a number of familiar functionality: macros and extensions based on ActiveX technology, support for legacy media formats, the ability to edit formulas in Word, pivot tables and query tables in Excel, audio recording in PowerPoint and OneNote, video notes and search for them, work with the scanner in OneNote.

All these limitations are caused, naturally, by the platform features and specific requirements for the reliability and efficiency of tablets. But in general, the applications will be familiar to users and will provide all the basic functionality, starting with correct support for Microsoft Office formats.


Microsoft recently announced prices for Office 2013: if Office 365 Home Premium will cost $100 per year of use (let me remind you, 5 parallel installations are allowed), then the regular “offline” Office 2013 Home & Student will cost $140. In general, the subscription looks quite attractive, especially since it comes with 20 additional gigabytes of SkyDrive as a bonus.

A more difficult question is whether current users of previous versions of the package should upgrade. As you can see, the changes in terms of basic functionality are not so dramatic. There are more of them in Word and Excel, less in other applications, but for the most part only fairly experienced users will find anything really interesting and useful among the new products.

Onenote 2013 Visio 2013 InfoPath 2013 Excel 2013 Office for the Office 365 business for Word 2013 Outlook 2013 Office 365 for small business PowerPoint 365 for small businesses - for Publisher administrators 2013 AcCess 2013 Project Professional Project Standard ven 2013 Visio Professional 2013 less

Note. SkyDrive is now OneDrive, and SkyDrive Pro is OneDrive for Business. For more information about these changes, see From SkyDrive to OneDrive.

When you open Microsoft Office, you'll immediately notice the new and fresh design. However, all the old and familiar functions have not disappeared and have been supplemented with new ones that help you work even more efficiently. The new Office apps can also be used on smartphones, tablets and in the cloud, even on computers without set set Office. Now important files will always be available to you, no matter where you are and no matter what device you use.

Using Office from any location

    Install Office using a Microsoft account.

    Use Office programs on another computer.

    Save files to OneDrive for easy access and collaboration.

    Enjoy your personal customization experience wherever you are.

Office for the whole family

Tired of sharing your computer with your entire family? An Office 365 Home subscription lets you download and install or reinstall Office 365 or Office 2019 on up to five PCs or Mac computers. Also, all users at home can have their own copy of Office, own files and your own parameters.

Updates are automatic, so you always have the latest version. You'll get 1TB of extra OneDrive storage, so everything you need, from to-do lists to presentations, is always at your fingertips. You will also receive 60 free Skype minutes each month on international calls to call friends and family in over 40 countries, even if they don't have a Skype account.

You don't even need a personal computer to use Office. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can create documents with using Office Online and continue working on documents stored in OneDrive.

Cloud storage is available at any time as long as you have an Internet connection. Now you can easily save Office files to OneDrive or your organization's website, where you can work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and more Office files and provide access to them to other users. Thanks to this, you can even work on the same file at the same time with colleagues.

Joint meetings

Join online meetings and use PowerPoint slides, Word documents, spreadsheets Excel and OneNote notes together. Meeting participants can view files even if they don't have Office installed.

More options to get started

Instead of empty file you can choose last file or your favorite template. OneNote lets you sign in and open notebooks from the web or your computer.

Easier saving and opening

No more browsing and scrolling dialog boxes. You will see your most used folders right away. You can also pin a location so it's always available.

Microsoft Office 2013 is one of the latest versions of the popular suite of programs for working with different types of files. The kit includes products for creating text, multimedia and graphic documents, tables and databases. The main feature of the release is SkyDrive technology.

Posting content to cloud storage saves memory on your PC significantly and allows you to open the required file on any device connected to the Internet.

Despite many external changes in Office 2013, the layout of the main elements remains the same. Applications are accessed using the familiar ribbon controls.

The library of free templates has expanded in all programs that provide similar sample documents.

One of the main features of Office 2013 is user personalization. Before you start, you should choose a background work area and log in using your account Microsoft entry. You can connect to your account additional services(Linkedln, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr), after which you can send them links to SkyDrive documents directly from the application.

Composition of Microsoft Office 2013:
  • Word – famous text editor, with a lot of functions and parameters. The software offers ready-made templates, customizing the page background and font color, formatting, collaboration on a document with tracking of changes, and even adding videos from YouTube.
  • Excel - Excel powerful program to create tables and graphs based on numerical data. When working, you can use a library of free templates or create the necessary documents yourself.
  • Outlook is an email client that can be used as an organizer and notebook. And if you connect it to social networks, you can instantly find out about your friends' updates.
  • PowerPoint is another program that can be downloaded as part of the office Office package 2013. It is used to create presentations and demonstrate them. A huge library of styles and templates will help you create vibrant slideshows even for those who are working with the program for the first time. By synchronizing with other components of the package, you can transfer graphs, charts and tables while maintaining formatting in a matter of seconds.
  • Publisher is a desktop publishing system great for entry-level users. It does not require special knowledge in printing, because the program has about 75 color schemes. It can be used to create postcards, flyers, brochures and other marketing offers.
  • Visio is a graphic editor for printing diagrams, flowcharts and drawings. Such projects can only be created in full version, but, unfortunately, it is not included in Office 2013; if necessary, you can install it separately.
  • OneNote is a note-taking tool with illustrations and tables. The resulting recordings can be shared in the cloud storage and exchange data with other Office 2013 applications.
  • So, let's start evaluating the new version of the Microsoft Project 2013 product. The product is presented updated version Project Professional 2013 Preview desktop application and Project Server 2013 Preview enterprise application, as well as brand new cloud functionality - Project Online Preview. We will look at the product one by one and start with the desktop version of the product.

    Everything we need to get started is presented on the Microsoft Project Professional 2013 Preview Evaluation Materials page ( Most likely, many of you have already registered to receive trial version, downloaded and installed new version programs from the “Download Microsoft Project Professional 2013 Preview” page ( However, let's take a step back: consider changes to the product system requirements to choose suitable distribution product and where it will be deployed.

    System requirements

    Below is a table comparing the system requirements of Project Professional 2010 and Project Professional 2013 Preview.


    Minimum Requirements

    Project Professional 2010

    Project Professional 2013 Preview



    operating system

    Video card

    700MHz 1GHz with support for SSE2 instructions
    512MB 1GB (32-bit) or 2GB (64-bit)
    2GB 2GB
    Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2003 SP2 (with MSXML 6.0 installed for 32-bit Office only), Windows Server 2008 32-bit and 64-bit, or Windows 7 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012
    DirectX 9.0c compatible with drivers released on or after November 1, 2004. DirectX 10
    1024 x 768 1024 x 576
    Internet Explorer 7 or 8 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, Mozilla Firefox 10.x.+, Apple Safari 5 (Mac) or Google Chrome 17.x
    .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0 or 4.5

    System requirements for the most part are general standard requirements for all applications included in Office 2010 or 2013 products, respectively. In general, the requirements correspond to the minimum configurations of modern personal computers.

    As you can see, in Office 2013 the line of supported operating systems has been quite predictably updated: the era of operating systems Windows systems XP and Windows Vista are coming to an end - and therefore its users will no longer be able to update their office applications to the latest version.

    Hardware requirements have also increased. This is due to the minimum requirements of supported operating systems, as well as the need to ensure the performance of new functionality related to graphics: displaying tables, smooth transitions, animation, video integration, reporting, etc.

    In addition, note the significant expansion of the range of supported browsers. I assume that this work was done as part of the release of a completely new cloud functionality - Project Online Preview.

    More information about system requirements Office products 2010 and Office 2013, see the articles “System requirements for Office 2010” (, “System requirements for Office 2013” ​​(http:// and “Project Professional 2013 Preview Requirements” ( requirements.aspx).

    Where and how to install?

    First of all, it is important to understand that we will be working with a trial version of the product. This is a public beta, the purpose of which is only to provide an opportunity to evaluate new or improved functionality of the product. There were no other goals included in this product release.

    Firstly, the official release of the product is just getting ready for release, therefore, this trial version contains errors, which for you to deal with within your limited working time is fraught with overwork, a decrease in the quality of work results and a general deterioration in the emotional state. Think about whether you really want to help Microsoft with beta testing: for free or as part of the time paid for by your employer? Here is one example of such unexpected errors that I encountered. After installing Project Professional 2013 Preview in the mode of uninstalling the previous installation of Project Professional 2010 (upgrade), all other office documents stopped automatically opening in the corresponding application: Word, Excel, etc. – from the SharePoint Foundation 2010 portal web interface. The portal tells me that it cannot find compatible version corresponding client office application. It is noteworthy that the SharePoint Server 2007 portal works in this scenario without any problems. Other less annoying problems were also noticed. Detective investigation into the causes of such problems alone or together with Microsoft technical support is, of course, quite an exciting activity, but if you already have a rather interesting job, do not be distracted from it by experiments. For a list of currently known issues, see the Office Known Issues article (

    Secondly, the trial version of the product is only available before release. official release product and is limited to 60 days after use. Consider what you will do after this period: whether you will be able to extend the period of use of the preview version, for example, if you have an MSDN or TechNet subscription, whether you will have time to purchase a license for the official release of the product, and whether you will have Is there any time at all for such unplanned work?

    Accordingly, I do not recommend installing this product for industrial use at work. Instead, it is better to use a separate computer at work, from correct functioning which does not depend on the performance of your immediate job responsibilities, or experiment on home computer.

    But perhaps the cheapest and most flexible option is to install a new version of the product next to the old one in the so-called “side by side” mode. First, you can compare the functionality of the current version and the new version by running both Project Professional 2010 and Project Professional 2013 Preview. Second, after evaluating the application, you can uninstall Project Professional 2013 Preview while continuing to work with Project Professional 2010. Third, potential problems with Project Professional 2013 Preview can be circumvented if necessary by switching to the stable Project Professional 2010 while waiting for the release official release of the Project 2013 product.

    To install the product in “side by side” mode, in the installation wizard for the Microsoft Project Professional 2013 Preview application, on the Choose the installation you want page, click the Customize button (instead of the Upgrade button), then on the page that opens, on the Upgrade tab, select the Keep all previous versions switch. Click the Install Now button and then follow the standard wizard instructions to complete the installation of the application.

    The most popular program, of course after the operating system, is Microsoft Office. And now you can download Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus from our website - a new version of the package.

    The main functionality has remained unchanged, but there are plenty of innovations that will be appreciated by both home and corporate users. The first of these is the full integration of MS Office 2013 with the cloud Skydrive service, which was also developed by the company. This allows you to synchronize your documents simultaneously across all devices you use. That is, for example, you created a text file on your work computer, and as soon as the “save” button is clicked, the file will automatically become available on both your home computer and mobile device. It will be stored on a server, from where it will be available at any time and anywhere where there is Internet access.

    the interface now looks like this...

    Another significant update concerns touch control capabilities. As you know, Windows 8 now supports devices with touch screens. So in the 13th office you can work by directly touching the screen.

    The package includes programs such as:

    Project Professional
    Sharepoint Designer
    Visio Professional

    Interestingly, the package also includes Skype, which Microsoft recently acquired.

    You can download Microsoft Office 2013 from the links at the end of this article. It is fully adapted to work together with Windows 8, but is also compatible with earlier OSes. This is a worthy continuation of traditions office applications for a computer that support the most modern standards and opportunities. Improved:

    • performance;
    • reliability;
    • user-friendliness of the interface.
    Video review of Office 2013

    Microsoft office 2013 screenshots

    ...this is what the new Word looks like now

    ...and this is the updated Excel 201 3

    MS Office 2013: system requirements

    OS: Windows XP (SP 3)/Vista/7
    Processor: 1 gigahertz or higher x86- or x64-bit
    RAM: 1 GB
    HDD: 3 GB free space
    Version: 5.0.4659.1001 VL
    Type: office applications
    Release date: 2014
    Developer: Microsoft
    Platform: PC
    Publication type: license-based repack
    Activator: built into the installer, not required
    Interface language: Russian
    Size: 3.8 GB

    Installation and Office activation 2013
  • Launch installation file
  • Install the program in the desired location
  • Launch the activator and follow the instructions. The kit includes 2 activators. mini-KMS for Office 2013 VL only works under Windows 7. KMSmicro v3.10 works with all systems. Instructions for each activator are located in the readme.txt files in the corresponding folder.
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