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Virtual reality glasses augmented reality. Augmented reality glasses – what are they? Implementation of augmented reality in your own enterprise

Augmented reality glasses | Introduction

Augmented reality devices such as Microsoft HoloLens, can add variety to your life. Source: Microsoft

Everyone is talking about virtual reality these days. There are plenty of big, bulky headsets out there that almost flawlessly recreate scenarios like giant shark attacks, roller coasters, or other crazy situations.

This works well when you're tethered to a computer, but what about virtual reality in the real world? Also called augmented reality, it is the concept of adding information and images to your surroundings through devices you can wear while at home, in the office or on the road.

There are many exciting implementations of augmented reality: devices that offer full-color “apps” through a gaze-responsive secondary screen; helmets that show the direction of travel as you speed along on a motorcycle; glasses that show notifications; visual systems that make science fiction devices a reality.

Augmented reality is still in its infancy, and developers are looking to optimize it for everyday use. Augmented reality headsets are usually not cheap, and not everyone will decide to wear them all day. However, we decided to provide a list of the main augmented reality headsets that are already available for sale or will begin to be sold in the near future. We also added to our brief review products that are currently in development, which we simply could not help but mention.

Augmented reality glasses | Microsoft HoloLens

What is this? We love the idea of ​​using holograms in Microsoft glasses. It represents the true concept of augmented reality, in which interaction with the screen and full-color virtual objects located anywhere is carried out with the hands. In early demonstrations, people repaired electrical switches with the help of remote assistants communicating with them via Skype, which drew diagrams and arrows within the image visible to the owner Microsoft HoloLens. Traveling around Mars through the “eyes” of a rover looks even cooler. Moreover, the image is projected directly onto the floor of your house or apartment.

Microsoft HoloLens has many use cases. Source: Microsoft

But for now all this is largely on paper. Microsoft HoloLens It's still at an early stage of development, so you won't be able to buy glasses in the near future. In addition, they are created more for stationary use, like the Oculus Rift, so it is unlikely that you will be able to walk with this headset to the store... on Mars.

Who is this for? For interior artists? Ambitious designers? Gamers? For those who want to learn ways to improve their home with simple instructions right on the surface of the real thing? For those who want a digital experience like the 2002 film Minority Report? Microsoft sees huge potential in Microsoft HoloLens .

No dangling wires; “light weight and flexible adjustment to suit any adult head size”; holographic images in HD; a bunch of cameras and sensors that Microsoft is not talking about yet; integrated “hologram processing unit”; surround sound.

Augmented reality glasses | Sony SmartEyeglass

What is this? Sony SmartEyeglass is a thick-rimmed pair of glasses that serves as a head-mounted display for Android devices. The glasses can show directions, display Twitter messages related to your location, and provide real-time voice translation using green text that develops on the lenses.

Sony SmartEyeglass

The glasses don't provide a true augmented reality experience, at least not in the traditional "colorful projection of an object right in front of you" style. Besides? There is an ugly wire sticking out of the device connected to the SmartEyeglass control unit. This unit provides touch control and contains a battery, microphone and speaker. According to Sony, the glasses' battery lasts only 2 hours and 30 minutes. When using the camera, battery life is significantly reduced.

Scheme for obtaining a virtual image. Source: Sony

Who is this for? For developers. Consumers should not purchase the developer version of the glasses, as many features may subsequently be changed or improved.

Key Features and Functions: camera 3 MP; Bluetooth 3.0; 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi; The battery lasts for 2.5 hours; compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, brightness sensor.

Availability: The developer version of Sony SmartEyeglass sells for $840.

Augmented reality glasses | Epson Moverio BT-20

What is this? Epson's Moverio Smart Glasses focus on a more immersive experience with dual screens that deliver 960 x 540 pixel images to your eyes. This clunky headset definitely won't win the best-looking award, and it can't be paired with a smartphone either. Interaction with Moverio BT-200 is carried out using a special control unit with a cable connection, which has a large touch panel.

Source: Epson Moverio & APX Labs

To install third-party software, Epson uses its own application store, instead of the traditional Google Play. There are now about 80 different utilities and other things available in it. If you want to install regular Android apps, you'll have to tinker and do it manually.

Who is this for? For application developers and production workers who can benefit from augmented reality, such as viewing a 3D model as it is being created.

Key Features and Functions: camera 0.3 MP; Bluetooth 3.0; 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi; The battery lasts approximately 6 hours; 8 GB of internal memory; Built-in GPS sensor, compass, gyroscope and accelerometer.

Availability: The Moverio BT-200 is currently on sale on Epson's website for $700.

Augmented reality glasses | Google Glass

What is this? You've probably already heard about the Google Glass augmented reality headset.

The tiny display shows a variety of information right before your eyes: weather, current events, missed calls, even turn-by-turn navigation using your smartphone's GPS. Glass works with a variety of third-party apps that are compatible with Android. You can tell the headset to take a photo of what you're looking at. The built-in battery in Glass lasts for a day in normal use. Naturally, when taking photographs and shooting videos using glasses, the charge runs out much faster.

Google Glass

Who is this for? The first version of Google Glass was aimed at early adopters and Android fans (iOS users could pair their devices with the glasses using the Google iOS app, but functionality was limited) with $1,500 to spare.

Key Features and Functions: 5 MP camera with support for shooting video in 720p resolution; Bluetooth; 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi; a day of battery life in “normal use” mode; 12 GB of usable storage.

Availability: Google does not currently sell Google Glass. The company is redesigning the headset to make it more attractive to consumers.

AR glasses for motorists Mini Augmented Vision

IN review, we looked at the 5 most promising virtual reality devices.

However, not everyone wants to immerse themselves in virtual worlds - sometimes it is enough to just improve the real world a little by combining everyday life with high technology. Leading international IT corporations have thought about this and are developing a relatively new concept, unlike virtual reality.supplementedreality (augmented reality, AR).

How is augmented reality different from virtual reality?

Virtual reality helmets “place” the wearer of the device inside an illusion, where a three-dimensional image is created due to the stereoscopic effect.

Augmented reality devices bring into view various elements that improve the perception of the surrounding reality. For example, during a football match, broadcast editors draw arrows indicating the distance from the player taking the free kick to the goal.

Video demonstrates the capabilities of Google Glass

In the context of wearable electronics, augmented reality glasses can display a clock, new messages, a map of the area and other useful information in the corner of the gadget owner’s vision.

Google Glass

In 2011, the global “good corporation” first introduced Google Glass to the world. The monstrous prototype, weighing 3.5 kilograms, was the least reminiscent of a gadget of the future. After 2 years, the first large-scale “beta testing” took place - Google Glass became available to developers at the Google I/O conference, and a year later, 8,000 Twitter users received glasses who wrote a tweet with the hashtag #IfIHadGlass (“If I had Google glasses ").

Google Glass 2.0

Google Glass is controlled by a touchpad located directly on the frame and voice commands. The glasses can display various useful information in the wearer's field of view, the speaker transmits notifications about new messages, and the built-in camera takes photos and films everything around in 720p resolution.

In this regard, Google Glass has a serious problem - wearing glasses began to be prohibited in cinemas, bars, casinos and other places where there is a potential . You could never tell for sure whether the camera was recording video right now or not, because the recording light could easily be turned off with a special application.

Glasses were not yet banned everywhere, but it has already become clear that the technology is still very “crude”, and Google Glass is not ready for mass production. In January of this year, Google stopped sales of glasses, as well as development of the current version of the device. Skeptics hastened to announce the death of the project and put an end to augmented reality.

What is Google Glass missing to become mainstream?

As you might expect, rumors about GG's death . Google Chairman Eric Schmidt told The Wall Street Journal that Google Glass technology is too important to simply shut down the program.

According to rumors, Google engineers are working on a new version of the glasses, which will correct all the shortcomings of the previous model. Google Glass will receive powerful hardware from Intel, a more capacious battery and an updated design. By all accounts, the company has done a lot of work to make Google Glass a viable consumer-facing product. Insiders claim that Google plans to launch a new version of glasses this year.


Microsoft unveiled augmented reality glasses with pomp at Windows 10 in January of this year. An impressive video demonstrates the science fiction capabilities of HoloLens. However, it soon became clear that while the glasses could indeed bring a Minecraft level straight into your living room, the prototype was still a long way from production.

HoloLens can bring a Minecraft level into your living room

Wired journalists tested HoloLens and expressed doubts about controlling the glasses: the device does not have a keyboard, control is carried out by voice and gestures.

If Microsoft fails to perfect the recognition of these elements, HoloLens will turn out to be an uncontrollable, expensive trinket. The creators of the glasses plan to solve the control problem using the Kinect 2.0 motion recognition system for Xbox One. The commercial success of Kinect (the device was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling gaming accessory) gives reason for optimism.

The HoloLens prototype is still far from the capabilities shown in the promotional video

Microsoft says HoloLens has been in development for five years, but the glasses are still a crude prototype. Such an early announcement of the device is explained by Microsoft’s desire to “be on trend” and already stake out a place in the market for augmented reality devices.

Impression Pi

Impression Pi combines the functionality of a VR helmet and AR glasses. The creators of the device themselves do not consider Oculus Rift, Vive and the developments of other companies to be their direct competitors, comparing their helmet with HoloLens.

According to analysts, Impression Pi swung at the ruble, but will hit a penny

According to the creators of Impression Pi, the helmet provides better graphics at a lower cost. The Impression Pi has a 90-degree viewing angle, which is far superior to AR glasses. At the same time, the helmet display does not darken the picture, which always happens when using glasses.

Additionally, while Razer OSVR and Oculus Rift are forced to make compromises and collaborate with third-party companies like Leap Motion, Impression Pi was able to implement its own motion recognition system.

Impression Pi model using a smartphone as a screen

Impression Pi will be released in several versions aimed at developers and tech geeks for experimenting with virtual reality at home. Models designed for the mass consumer will come in two trim levels: a version for $279, which uses a smartphone as a screen, similar to the Samsung Gear, and a version with a built-in display for $359.

Mini Augmented Vision

Mini Augmented Vision are made in a deliberately vintage style

At the end of April, at the Shanghai Motor Show, MINI, part of the BMW group, will present Mini Augmented Vision augmented reality glasses.

The device is designed specifically for MINI Cooper drivers. According to official press release companies, glasses have a wide range of functions.

Thus, Mini Augmented Vision displays restrictions on the current section of the road, traffic jam data, and notifications about incoming messages. The glasses will help you quickly find a car in a parking lot, get from the car to the desired location, and find the desired house number. The driver will also be able to select a destination outside the car and transfer the data to the navigation system.

Mini Augmented Vision gives the driver Superman powers

The truly amazing feature is the X-Ray feature, which allows the wearer to literally see through the car. The unique effect is achieved quite simply - the image from the on-board cameras is transmitted directly to the lens of the glasses. Thus, X-Ray makes parking easier and makes maneuvering in tight spaces much easier, especially for inexperienced drivers.

Is there a future for augmented reality?

Compared to virtual reality, augmented reality seems to be an equally viable concept. It is quite possible that Google and Microsoft will make AR glasses as common a device as a smartphone in the foreseeable future.

Considering the cost of the MINI Cooper, Mini Augmented Vision glasses will cost a pretty penny

Microsoft has enough resources to make HoloLens a popular gadget. Google brought the previous version of the glasses to limited retail and did serious work on bugs.

With Mini Augmented Vision you will find any eatery in Barcelona!

The Mini Augmented Vision is initially a highly specialized gadget that will find an audience among MINI Cooper drivers who are fans of high technology. However, the device has a distinct image character for MINI.

So, augmented reality definitely has a future. We will find out how rosy it is very soon.

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Project information Company: Raiffeisenbank.
Idea: to improve the learning portal so that all learning activities are available “with one click” and in accordance with the user’s position.
Implementation period: 3 stages, on average 3 months each.
Company representative: head of the distance learning group Eduard Nikityuk.
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If we go into detail, we need answers to a whole series of questions: where exactly will the training take place and with what will the educational content be developed, are there enough platforms and tools for development, what functionality should these tools have, what is better, to implement everything at once or gradually, how organize the project correctly, what resources are needed and what specialists will need to be involved, how to develop the training system, how to correctly formulate technical specifications for the provider when implementing the LMS?
To organize distance learning, a number of tools are used, including: electronic courses (interactive, slide, presentations, documents, simulators, simulations of dialogues, etc.), electronic tests (both independent and “built into courses”, training and assessment ), a variety of electronic content (regulatory documents, instructions)…

How to choose a recruitment automation system (ATS)?

There are many recruitment automation systems (ATS - Applicant Tracking Systems) on the market. If in Russia you can choose from a dozen options, then in the world we are talking about hundreds, if not thousands of systems. Let's try to understand them and understand how to make a choice.

ATS systems can differ along several dimensions:
placement/use method- cloud-based or installed on your own servers; complexity- a separate product or part of a large system (ERP, HCM, TMS); customizability- possible depth of customization to suit the customer’s tasks; automation coverage- all participants in the selection process (including customers, security staff, ...) or only recruiters; system functionality.
Let's talk about the functions of ATS systems. There are many of them and not all of them are implemented. Often, two systems bear the proud name of ATS, despite the fact that their functionality differs by 50% or more.

It is doubtful that there is currently a product on the market that supports 100% all the functions described below, but you can use this list as a guide when choosing...

Classification of HR systems

There are countless HR automation systems and types of such systems in the world.

Why are there so many types of systems? Because there are dozens of HR processes that can be automated. And the system developer has the right to select and automate a certain subset from the full set. There can be hundreds of combinations, as you understand.

You can see a list (maybe not complete) of processes for HR automation in the picture.

In order to somehow navigate this diversity, a number of terms have been invented to describe the most common types of systems. Let's look at them, but let's make a reservation that there is no exact definition of each of these types. The assignment of HR processes to one type of system or another is not set in stone and may vary from system to system. It's also a marketing issue - many systems position themselves as belonging to broader and more "prestigious" groups in order to better market themselves.

Let's look at the basic terms/types of systems (heading colors...

Augmented reality glasses are a new word in the development of modern high technologies that can make a person’s life more comfortable and save time. Augmented reality is usually called the combination of the real and virtual worlds, or rather the addition of the reality around us, the real world, with objects from the virtual world. This addition can occur in different ways. For example, using a smartphone and a special application installed on it (augmented reality browser), and possibly using new generation gadgets, which include augmented reality glasses.

What are augmented reality glasses?

Outwardly no different from ordinary glasses, they combine a whole range of functions necessary for a modern person: a telephone, a photo and video camera, a navigation device, etc.

Augmented reality glasses consist of several parts: a small system unit containing RAM and a processor, a means of communication between the system unit and the glasses themselves (this can be either a cable connecting them or a wireless communication protocol, such as Bluetooth) and directly the frame itself, the glasses.

How do augmented reality glasses work?

To put it simply, with the help of AR glasses the user sees a virtual object in the real world.

One of the main capabilities of augmented reality glasses is the creation of a virtual screen. Most often, this requires a vertical surface, such as a wall. Imagine putting on these glasses, looking at the wall, and a calendar with a weather forecast, or a list of contacts, or a photo editor appears before your eyes. But it's not just a static image: it's an interactive screen that you can interact with. The calendar, for example, displays the current weather - the hot sun is shining or the clouds are slowly passing by. And you can scroll through the list of contacts and make notes. Also in real time you can view, edit photos, and send them to friends.

If a vertical surface is required to create virtual screens, then anything will do for 3D visualization and interaction with 3D visual objects. For example, you can place a 3D model of a helicopter on any surface, on the floor, table or sheet of paper. With the help of augmented reality glasses, you will not only look at the model, you will be able to walk around it, control parts with your hands, and rotate it around its axis.

Almost all augmented reality glasses have a translucent interface, which allows you to simultaneously see what is happening in the real world and on the interactive screen. This is their main difference from virtual reality glasses, in which complete immersion into virtual reality occurs.

Developers of augmented reality glasses

There are quite a few companies involved in the development of augmented reality glasses, but perhaps the most famous is Google, which was one of the first to present its model - Google Glass. No different from regular glasses, Google Glass has powerful technical characteristics, is made of high-quality materials, has voice control and weighs only 40 grams.

Operating Google Glass is simple: to get started, just say “Ok, Glass...” (similar to “Ok, Google...” in the operating system of the same name) or touch the right iris of the glasses, where the touch panel is located. Glass glasses from Google allow its users to take photos and shoot videos, video conference and send messages, work in the Google search engine and much more. By installing additional applications, you can expand the basic functions, but then the price of Google glass glasses will increase.

The main competitor to Google Glass is augmented reality glasses presented by Meta. Meta AR glasses look like regular aviator glasses and connect to a pocket computer. Meta glasses have a special feature: they track the movement of the user’s hands and surfaces that fall into the field of view; in the latest versions of these glasses, this recognition occurs with almost zero delay. The developers also plan to add the ability not only to recognize, but also to remember the movements of hands and surfaces.

Another glasses for augmented reality, Atheer One, is presented by Atheer Labs. Just like Meta glasses, they recognize gestures and connect to a computer or smartphone. The image projected by Atheer One glasses can be compared to a 26-inch monitor located 50 cm from the user.

Microsoft's augmented reality is represented by the HoloLens glasses model. Outwardly, they resemble ski goggles and recognize gestures and voice commands. HoloLens augmented reality glasses show computer and virtual objects placed on top of real ones; with their help, game objects and terrain can be simulated. It is noteworthy that you do not need a smartphone or PC to work with HoloLens, as they are equipped with their own processor and graphics module, which makes them autonomous.

A separate device is the Epson moverio bt 200 augmented reality glasses. Their scope of application is quite wide: these are glasses for augmented reality games on a PC, a gadget for watching videos, and a specialized device for use in many areas, for example in medicine - displaying the circulatory system , and in education - Epson augmented reality glasses are used in interactive exhibitions.

Another augmented reality glasses - SONY HMZ-T3 are not essentially such, they are rather advanced video glasses. They have 2 HD displays, virtual surround sound and are more of a personal portable cinema.

Despite the development and constant announcement of new products in the field of augmented reality, it is not so easy to buy augmented reality glasses, the reason is banal: the price of such glasses is high, not everyone can afford them. Also, all aspects of their influence on humans have not yet been studied, but negative aspects are already present: from a medical point of view, this is the development of strabismus with constant wearing, from a social point of view, this is unusual behavior for others and the user himself.

However, it is already clear that over time these problems will be eliminated, and this gadget will go from being an expensive pleasure to becoming an everyday thing, like a mobile phone or tablet. And all because augmented reality glasses, even at the present moment, have a very wide functionality, which, undoubtedly, will only develop in the future, making people’s lives easier and more convenient.

At the moment, there are many devices that immerse the user in the world of virtual reality. The user has the opportunity to ride a roller coaster or escape from a bloodthirsty shark without leaving home.

Such devices operate using a computer or TV. But what about virtual reality in the real world? While a person walks down the street, his gaze is complemented by virtual objects consisting of auxiliary signs, directions of movement, and notifications. And the device can be used at home, at work, while walking.

Augmented reality is still developing, but it has a bright future. This headset is not cheap, and wearing it all day is uncomfortable. However, there are several quality devices that are commercially available or in the final stages of development. We will review them.

Microsoft HoloLens

Microsoft uses the concept of holograms. The user controls augmented reality and virtual objects using his hands. By wearing Microsoft augmented reality glasses, the user can create realities with his own hands, draw various diagrams and arrows on any object. Project images and videos onto any surface. But only the wearer of augmented reality glasses will see the hologram. It is not available to everyone else.

A test review for journalists featured a hologram projecting the rover's journey on Mars. The image was displayed directly on the floor of the user's home.

Important! So far, Microsoft Hololens augmented reality glasses have not yet gone on sale and are in the final stages of development. Moreover, hololens augmented reality glasses will be stationary, like the Oculus Rift, so you won’t be able to go shopping with them.

Hololens, augmented reality glasses from Microsoft, will be useful for those people who want, for example, to arrange their home, following the instructions on the objects around them. Microsoft Hololens glasses have great potential, the corporation believes. The price is not known, but it will be more than 1 thousand dollars.

Epson Moverio BT-20

The idea is that a picture measuring 960*540 pixels is transferred to the user's eye. The glasses achieve a very strong virtual effect in real time. If you look at a review of the gadget on the Internet, you can understand that the device does not have a beautiful design or good appearance. It does not connect to a mobile device and does not connect to a computer. Connection is possible using a touch control unit.

Attention! Additional applications are not installed from the usual Google Play, but are downloaded from a special Epson store. Currently there are more than 100 programs available.

Epson's augmented reality glasses will be useful, first of all, to utility developers who will be able to look at the model in 3D mode while creating it. The video review showed the coolness of this innovation.
Virtual reality glasses have:

  • 0.3 MP camera;
  • wi-fi;
  • bluetooth;
  • battery that can withstand more than 7 hours of active work;
  • 8 GB memory.

Also included are GPS, compass and gyroscope.
The device costs $800.

Google Glass

The small screen displays all the necessary information right in front of the user's gaze. This could be a weather forecast, reviewing notes, GPS navigation, or even missed messages or calls. Google Glass augmented reality glasses work with Android devices. You can “order” the gadget to take an instant photo of the object the user is looking at. The Google Glass battery can withstand 12 hours of active use.

The device has a 5 MP camera and shoots videos in 720p resolution. There is also Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 12 GB of internal memory.
The glasses cost $1,600.


The future, which we have seen more than once on screens in feature films, is close. In a few years, it will be possible to project objects directly onto a table in your home and control them using your hands. But already now the average consumer can enjoy the initial developments of manufacturers. In the meantime, all this is at an embryonic stage, but thousands of programmers are working every day to ensure that augmented reality is as close to life as possible.

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