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The page in contact takes a very long time to load. "VKontakte" does not work well: causes and methods of "treatment"

The social network VKontakte is the most popular in Russia, and it already has over 350 million members. For many, Contact has become a working tool and a place for corporate communication. VKontakte should not be allowed to slow down, but this can happen for a number of reasons, which we will consider in this material.

VKontakte does not open, what should I do?

The social network VKontakte every day has to deal with a multi-million audience of users who heavily load remote servers. This leads to their temporary failure, and not in all regions at the same time. If VKontakte does not load from one of the visitors of the social network, it is far from a fact that the rest have faced a similar problem.

At the same time, VKontakte may not load due to the fault of the user himself, or rather, his computer, smartphone or tablet. To access the social network, you only need a stable internet connection. The pages of the social network VKontakte are well optimized, and the transition through them does not take up a lot of traffic. If the VKontakte page is not available and does not open, you should check:

Be sure to check if VKontakte works from another device on the same network. If the social network does not load from a computer, but works from a tablet or phone, then the problem is definitely in the PC, and it must be carefully diagnosed.

VKontakte slows down when reading news and sending messages

If the social network VKontakte loads on your computer and works, but even basic functions slow down a lot - reading messages and chatting in groups, then you should carefully check your browser settings. Using the Chrome browser as an example, we will show how to optimize it for working with VKontakte:

  1. Disable unnecessary plugins.

  1. Delete temporary files.

Attention: Temporary files should be deleted carefully, and if you often use data autofill functions or save passwords for various services and resources in the browser cache, then uncheck the corresponding boxes in the data clearing item.

  1. Disable unnecessary extensions.

If it was not possible to get rid of VKontakte's brakes when performing basic functions after optimizing the browser, you should carefully check your computer for viruses.

Slows down VKontakte video

The social network VKontakte contains a huge number of videos downloaded from third-party players or directly. If the VKontakte video slows down or does not start, you should check several points of the computer and browser:

  1. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet with sufficient speed to watch streaming video.
  2. Check if you have hardware acceleration enabled in your browser.

Important: To play VKontakte video and audio without problems, it is necessary that the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin is installed in the browser.

Unlikely, but there is a similar chance that slows down the video or audio of VKontakte due to problems on the part of the social network servers. Most often, if technical work is carried out on the VKontakte servers, not only the video slows down, but the entire social network, in particular, messages are not sent.

If, when starting an audio recording on VKontakte, a message appeared that it was withdrawn from public access due to the request of the copyright holder, it means that you will not be able to listen to this track, but the error has nothing to do with your computer.

Even if you do not use VKontakte regularly, the social network should be kept up and running on your computer, as it may be urgently needed for work purposes or to search for rare video material. We examined the most common VKontakte errors that the user can fix on their own so that the social network works flawlessly.

Free time appeared, and as usual, you decided to stick to Vkontakte. We went in, trying to log in: access is denied - VK does not work. Or another situation: they passed authorization, but everything works so slowly that from the outside it seems that it does not work at all. Why VK does not load and what to do about it - we will tell further.

Having got used to the constant presence of a social network in your life, its absence or problems in work are felt especially acutely. Ukrainian users have recently been affected by this: the authorities have banned mobile operators and providers from providing access to Vkontakte (in Russia, the same problem with Telegram). Blocking is bypassed using a VPN, so there would be a desire.

In other cases, the reason why VK does not work lies in one of the points described below.

Types of errors

There are the following types of errors:

  1. Problem with Vkontakte servers: nothing loads or loads poorly, authorization cannot be passed.
  2. The VK start page, during authorization, requests information from paid SMS - you have become the owner of a ransomware virus. Where there is one SMS, there are 10, and the balance of the mobile is not rubber.
  3. Malicious applications have filled the hosts file, hence the inability to log into the account.
  4. The browser cache is full. Sometimes the browser itself reacts to changes and gives out a bunch of squiggles and the text “Clean cash and restart your browser”.
  5. Antivirus software has blocked a social networking site.
  6. Problems on the side of the provider.

VK is not working now 2019

The social network VKontakte is the same Internet resource as other sites. The peculiarity is the huge influx of visitors, creating a frantic load on the servers, ensuring uninterrupted operation. It would be nice if everyone peacefully leafed through their feed, but after all, we upload photos, watch videos, send messages and perform many actions, loading the servers to the fullest.

In February 2019, the Internet was full of news reports that the Vkontakte servers were lying: many users were denied access to the application and the full version of the site. Troubleshooting takes time: as a rule, VK specialists cope on the same day, but it all depends on the situation.

Solution: Type in the search query “VKontakte is not working now 2019” and read the news - they will definitely write there if the servers are down. Be patient - the social network team will try to get the job done as soon as possible - this is, first of all, in their interests.

Why does not load VK

We opened the browser and first of all climbed into the social network, but the site does not open. We refreshed the page several times, restarted Chrome or Opera (whatever you are sitting in) - there is no result.

Solution: Look carefully at the date and remember if it's time to pay for the Internet. Isn't it time yet? Dial the provider's technical support number and check if there are any problems with the connection. Perhaps you are not the only subscriber with a similar problem and there are problems with the company's equipment (line break, system failure, you never know).

VK application not working

The Vkontakte application is on the phones of most users - a convenient way to always stay in touch. Developers periodically release improved versions, introducing new features and adding new restrictions. An outdated version causes problems in the social network.

Solution: If you have problems with the application, update it to the latest version or tear it down and reinstall it. Pop-up tips on smartphone screens notify you of the possibility of updating VK, but you can find out about the available version in the Play Market or the App Store. You can download it there.

VK does not work on the computer

The influence of viruses and the work of anti-virus software on smartphones is not too felt - things are different on a computer. You won't get far without a working antivirus program: malware and files attack and infect the system, steal personal data and extort money in exchange for access to sites. Such a ransomware virus periodically pops up when working with VK, requiring you to send a message to a short number. Remember: no need to send sms at login, unless you forgot your password (login) and are trying to restore the page.

Solution: the best way out of the situation would be to reinstall the system and change the antivirus that missed the threat.

The antivirus works too well, so social networking sites that use cookies are exposed to protective screens - the program makes them inaccessible, considering them dangerous.


  • Test your guess by turning off the screens and running the site.
  • If the problem has disappeared, reactivate the antivirus (you cannot leave the PC unprotected).
  • Go to Settings and add the VK site to the list of exceptions. So the antivirus will continue to work, but the restrictions on the social network will not apply.
  • Pay close attention to what links you open, what applications you install for VKontakte - they can threaten the security of your computer, and since the antivirus will not work on the site, there is a threat of virus infection.

What to do if VK does not work

Go to the main page of Vkontakte and see a message about blocking the site or a requirement to send a message to one of the suggested numbers? Yesterday everything was in order, but today VKontakte does not work? The hosts file located in the system information has probably changed and needs to be checked.


  1. Go to My Computer and open Local Disk C. Then follow the path Windows\System32\drivers\etc. There will be several files in the folder, find hosts.
  2. We went the way to the desired folder, but the file was not found. It may be hidden. Displaying hidden files for operating systems Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 is described below.
  3. Select the file and open with Notepad.
  4. If there are a lot of letters and characters, delete everything except the line localhost.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Restart your computer or laptop.
  7. Log into your account to verify.
  8. After authorization, change the password (think more complicated and write it down so as not to forget).

What to do if VK does not load, but the Internet works

The last reason for possible problems with VK remains - temporary files accumulated in the browser, slowing down its work and restricting access to sites.

Solution: clear the cache of the browser you are using. In the settings there is an item "Delete temporary files" or something similar - it is different for each browser. Select it, the process may take up to a minute. Restart your browser and try logging in again.

If a couple of hours ago you leafed through the news feed, listened to music and watched videos, and now Vkontakte is not working, you don’t have to immediately try all the options offered, right up to reinstalling Windows in desperate attempts to access the social network. Wait a bit: if the problem is on the VK side, it will be solved soon. If after a couple of hours VK does not load, contact your provider, and only after that proceed with manipulations with the computer. This does not apply to clearing the cache - the procedure is useful at any time.

The social network is so actively used by Internet visitors that a huge number of popular queries are associated with the name of this popular site.

In particular, many are interested in why Vkontakte slows down, and there may be several explanations for this.

We will consider all the important points why this site slows down, even if the others work fine, and also why Vkontakte video or music takes a long time to load. You should not call the master or ask for help from professionals, in most cases all problems can be solved on your own.

Vkontakte works slowly

  1. Internet speed dropped. It is possible that the overall speed of the Internet connection has decreased, and it takes a long time to download a large amount of Vkontakte information. In the article We described several reasons why this happens, and also presented solutions to problems.
  2. Browser issues. If other sites load normally, then check your browser. The easiest way to do this is to go to Vkontakte from another browser. Are the changes in download speed obvious? Then return to the old browser and carry out the necessary steps that we described in the article. Before performing any manipulations, just try to clear the cache.
  3. Media problems. When music and video are loaded for a long time, and on other sites too, you need to look for problems in the Flash player. Read why, in this article we described step by step what needs to be done so that videos and music start loading normally. Even if you have a different browser, visit this page to understand where to look for the problem.

In general, Vkontakte slows down for other reasons. It can be technical work, as in the most social. network, and on the line of your Internet provider.

If the site started to slow down recently, then it’s better to do nothing at all and wait until the speed is restored, and if there are no changes, then solve the problem using one of the methods described.

The popularity of VKontakte has long been beyond doubt. It would seem that not so long ago the Internet was perceived as an anonymous platform where users were not always ready to indicate real names, not to mention surnames and personal contacts. But social networks came into the world and everything changed. Now everyone has personal pages in several social networks. They have entered the lives of many people so tightly that it seems that it has always been this way and it cannot be otherwise. But it also happens that social networks or a personal page stop working or loading, what should I do in this case? Let's try to understand the reasons. In this article, we will look at the most common: why VKontakte freeze the page, for what reasons the page may be unavailable or not loading.

Why the VKontakte page is not available

If you find that the administrators have blocked your profile and your page is “frozen”, this may be due to several reasons: due to spamming, posting prohibited content on your or other people's pages, due to your suspiciously high activity, use of profanity, insults , participation in dubious groups, etc. If you have not done anything like this and are at a loss why the VKontakte page is not available, it is possible that your profile was hacked by attackers for some of their own purposes.

First of all, you need to send a message to the technical support service, in which you describe in detail how your page behaves suspiciously by filling out a rather detailed questionnaire. The data that is requested in it cannot be known by insidious hackers, so there is hope that the site administration will return the legal status to your page. In addition, you must immediately try to change the password to enter your account. If your efforts were in vain, and the page is still frozen, you will have to wait three months for the administration to consider your case or create a new profile for yourself.

Why the Vkontakte page is not loading

There may also be several reasons why the VKontakte page does not load. One of the most common violations that slow down account login is the failure of the system “hosts” file, which contains information about domain names of resources and corresponding ip addresses. The problem is fixed quite easily: you need to go to the C:\WINDOWS drive and find the same hosts file in the System32\Drivers\etc folders, and completely delete the line in it.

If you are worried why the VKontakte page is not loading, check your computer for viruses and malware, because. they can cause a similar failure. Scan and heal your device and welcome to VK! In addition, the Internet provider can block access to the site if VKontakte is classified as a prohibited resource. In such a situation, programs or anonymizer sites will help.

If you checked your computer for viruses, you are sure that the site was not blocked by an insidious provider, the hosts file is in perfect order, but the problem remains, then there may be another reason why VKontakte takes a long time to load. And it is quite banal - the site itself hangs, it is at the moment that technical work is being carried out on it, reconstruction, or the speed of the Internet connection leaves much to be desired. In this case, you will have to wait a bit and try again to enter the page a little later.

The social network "VKontakte" enjoys incredible success, especially among schoolchildren and students. This is due to the fact that millions of users not only communicate online, but also listen to music, watch movies, videos and watch various videos. If the VKontakte account does not load, this can become a real problem that will cause a lot of inconvenience. This situation can happen at any time, so it will be useful for users to know how to solve it.

Nuances of Encryption

If VKontakte music is not loaded, you need to check the network address. Recently, new nuances of data transfer have appeared, which not everyone knows about. As a rule, users type "www" and "http", and you need to enter "HTTPS://". Next is the address of the page.

"Ancient" Flashplayer

Flashplayer is a program with the help of which all flash elements located on the page function. These include:

When the program no longer meets the current requirements, it stops working normally. As a result, listening to music or watching videos becomes impossible. This makes Internet users uncomfortable, as opportunities become limited. To fix the problem, you need to download a new version of Flashplayer.

Virus attack

Probably, every user is afraid of catching a virus, since the consequences of his activities can be quite deplorable. Some viruses redirect the user from the VKontakte address to any other that looks like it.

Today, there are many anti-virus programs and so-called "healers" that will help. You can use the services of professionals who will test the device and return it to the user "healthy".

How to clear the cache?

Web pages, along with videos, pictures, and other items that are stored on your computer to load faster, are called caches. If VKontakte does not load, you may need to clear the cache. In different browsers, the algorithm of actions is slightly different.

Internet Explorer

To use this browser, you must enter the "Tools" menu and select "Delete Browsing History". In the small window "Temporary files", click the "Delete ..." button.

Visits can be done as follows: go to the "Log" section and select the "Delete ..." item.

In order not to waste time and delete everything at once, you need to find the “Tools” section and select the “Internet Options” tab. In the item "General" there is a section "Browsing history". After clicking the "Delete" button, the cache memory will be completely cleared.


If the Opera browser is used, and VKontakte is not loaded, you can clear the cache memory as follows:

  • You need to go to the "Tools" section and find the "Settings" item.
  • In the "Advanced" tab, you need to find the line "History".
  • By pressing the "Clear" key, the history will be deleted. In the same window, you can configure automatic cache cleaning, as well as specify the size.

Mozilla Firefox

In order to clear the cache in Mozilla Firefox, you need to use the "Tools" tab. In the "Settings" line, select the "Privacy" section and go to "Personal data". If you click "Clear Now", the history will be deleted. Here you can also configure automatic cache cleaning when the browser is closed by checking the corresponding box.

What to do if the browser does not open?

If the VKontakte page does not load because the browser does not open, the user's actions are extremely clear. The easiest way is to install another browser or try again to download the one that "bugged out".

Although today the choice of Internet providers is quite large, and the conditions that they offer are at the highest level, sometimes problems still happen. If the VKontakte video does not load, this may not be due to a low data transfer rate, but to a server overload. There are periods when users simultaneously request specific songs or videos, so the server is overloaded. This phenomenon is temporary and after a certain period the speed will again become high. Most often this happens in the evening and at night.

Editing the hosts file

If the cache memory is cleared, the Flashplayer program is updated, and VKontakte is not loaded, you should proceed to editing. But before starting the process, it is advisable to make sure that the problems are not related to the operation of the site itself.

The hosts file can be found at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. In the event that the system drive is different, you need to replace the first letter. Use the mouse button to click "Open".

To open this file, you need to use Notepad. All text that is below the lines of the file must be deleted and the "Save" function selected. If necessary, you can copy and paste the correct contents of this file.

After all the steps, you need to restart the computer, update the antivirus and scan the entire computer. Only after that you can enter the site.

If it does not open, you can solve the problem as follows: while restarting the computer, press F8 and select the "Safe Mode" option.

If the virus has made this file invisible, the user needs to go to the "hidden folders" and select the "Options" tab. In the "View" menu, you need to check the box next to the "Show hidden files ..." option. The hosts file should now appear in the folder.

Viruses "VKontakte"

Sometimes users are upset that VKontakte games are not loaded. This may be when the computer is attacked by a certain type of virus. To remove them, you need to find the files vkontakte.exe and svc.exe, which are located on your hard drive. These files must be deleted and the computer restarted. The latest version of the antivirus will help to avoid the repetition of such a situation.

Auxiliary methods of "resuscitation" "VKontakte"

In the event that the user cannot understand why VKontakte is not loading, it is worth updating the cache. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Start" command and select the "Accessories" tab.
  • Selecting the item "Command line", in the window you need to register ipconfig / flushdns and restart the computer.

If this method does not work, you can try the so-called "rollback". This feature allows you to return the system to the moment when everything was working properly. To do this, go to "Start", select the "All Programs" tab. In the window that opens, you need to find the line "Standard", and then "Service". After clicking the "Restore System" button and specifying a specific date, a "rollback" will occur.

Sometimes, very rarely, VKontakte does not open due to the installed antivirus. This may be the case if applications for downloading music or videos from the site are blocked. You can fix this problem if you change the antivirus settings and allow applications to access or remove them.

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