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Total Commander Review. The most famous and convenient file manager

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about such an indispensable program for any computer user (and webmaster, in particular) as Total Commander. Probably, for many people, the presence of this file manager on their computer has already become a vital necessity, and for some it (nee Windows Commander) is a kind of portal from which they start working on their PC.

Do you use Total or its analogues in your work? Are you using standard Windows Explorer? Strange, but understandable at the same time. What an unprepared user sees right after installing this program on his computer may puzzle him a little.

A lot of "unnecessary" information about files, a lot of incomprehensible drop-down menus and not the best (in my opinion) initial set of settings inevitably lead to the fact that the user draws the wrong conclusion (the conductor is a must-have, and this is not clear what). With this article I want to try to show the potential of the commander and tell how exactly it can be made "handsome".

Total Commander history, installation and nuances

First, let's plunge a little into the history of the creation and development of this file manager, and then we'll see what exactly can be molded from this initially not very pretty, but at the same time ingenious creation. In general, the idea of ​​a two-window version was implemented almost at the dawn of the era of computers.

Probably, some of the readers still remember Norton Commander, which was for many a window into the file world of Dos. Users opened all programs, games and other things from this manager. Well, and, accordingly, copied, deleted, replaced and moved. Two-window operating mode was very convenient and did not require the use of a mouse to perform various operations, for this was assigned the appropriate hot keys.

Then, with the appearance of the first versions of the Windows graphical operating system, the explorer integrated into the "windows" became more and more widespread. But, alas, it was not so convenient. The emphasis in it was made on using the mouse (selection, dragging, right-click context menu) and, most importantly, a departure from the two-window mode of operation was carried out.

People suffered, groaned, but continued to use Windows Explorer, because they did not know that there were alternative options, and when they found out, it was already too late, because they were getting used to it. It was to eliminate this drawback under Windows that two-window file managers programs began to appear, very similar in appearance to the blue windows of Norton Commander.

The most prominent representatives were the Far Manager and Volkov Commander that still exist. In appearance, they were very reminiscent of the classic Norton. It was these programs that I used at the beginning of my acquaintance with Windows, because the conductor seemed to me then (and it seems now) an unsuccessful solution from all points of view.

But then I decided to try Windows Commander(Until 2002, Total was called just that, but then the small ones asked the developer to remove the word they patented from the name). Actually, this is where the era of my mastering this file manager begins.

Total Commander is, in my opinion, a very good solution, because Far Manager and Volkov, with their DOS appearance and graphics, made me feel melancholy and discordant with the general surroundings of the windows.

Well, when I began to slowly delve into its functionality and feel the full power of its endless possibilities and settings, it actually became for me the main program on the computer.

Do you know why Total Commander evokes so many enthusiastic responses from those users who were able to comprehend it? And because it allows you to save time on routine operations (we most often save, copy, delete or move objects or folders on a computer) and besides, it makes it possible in two clicks to do what you could only dream of, seeing the impotence of the conductor the tasks before you.

So, the first release of the program (then with the word Windows in the title) was released back in 1993. And for almost two decades now, it has been very firmly occupying a leading position in its niche. During this time, a lot of clones of Total appeared (among which there are many free distribution), which were no worse, and in some places even better than the original, but due to the reasons given below, the original is still ideal for many.

This is largely determined by the strength of habit, but the main factor of such vitality has become the presence of a huge number of plugins(additions) for the Commander, which allow you to implement an unimaginably wide range of tasks using this file manager. Among the plugins, both green lamers and incredibly smart guru-programmers will find something interesting for themselves.

Even the developer of this miracle, Christian Giesler, said in an interview that initially he did not believe in such a power of plugins (although their support was originally added to the manager) and much of what is now implemented in Total through plugins would never have come into his head. A little later we'll talk about where you can download the extensions you need, what types they are divided into and how you can install them.

Also, the popularity of Total Commander is largely determined by the very weak degree of protection of its payment (until recently, it was considered “cool” in Runet when you have a full computer of expensive software). Yes, I forgot to say that this program is distributed under a Shareware license, which implies its free use for a month, after which you will have to pay an amount of about four tens of dollars.

But in fact, even after a month, the program will work properly, except that just before starting the program will continue to ask you to press one of the three buttons:

Actually, it's probably worth saying that you can download the Total Commander (endless trial) of the current version on the page official site... It is currently 32 and 64 bit 8.01 final. In fact, there is not much difference in them, but users think rather inertly and they need the same number of bit programs for a 64-bit operating system.

Since 2009, support for the Russian-language interface has already been wired into the distribution kit of this file manager (however, the help will still be in English - it will help you). During installation, you will be asked about the desired language and your intention to install all other language files.

Full Russian translation with the Russian help for the Commander (in the upper right there is a "Help" button) can be downloaded from the official website. When you try to enter this archive through Total (this manager allows you to enter archives as in regular folders), then it will offer you to install this Russification:

If you don’t want to install the Russian help, you can use its version of the online site with the Russian help for Total Commander.

It should be noted that when installing the program to select a folder location of configuration files, you will need to click on the button "Set the path to the ini files" (when changing the operating system or transferring the settings of your Commander to another computer, it is very convenient to use a simple copy of these ini, and not remember where and what you set up there - thirty years ago ).

Yes, and your friends, relatives or acquaintances can install Total and immediately replace the existing wincmd.ini with your own(and copy the folder with your plugins to expand the functionality), thereby demonstrating not the ugly default Commander, but the masterpiece of usability and functionality you have created.

Immediately after installation, the program window will look something like this:

I do not like the default bold font, I do not like that the detailed display mode is selected, which simply scares an unprepared user with an abundance of information. I also don't like the names of directories in square brackets, showing extensions separately from files, the paucity of the toolbar, and much more. My current version of the ideal Total Commander looks like this:

In the left column you will find a list of organized sections with plugins, by going to which you will see their detailed descriptions, screenshots and download links. Although this site looks a bit abandoned, it nevertheless provides a lot of useful information.

In general, plugins for Total Commander are divided into several types. This becomes clear from the corresponding tab of the program settings:

I have quite a few extensions installed, for example, for the internal viewer (F3 - the viewer will open in an external tab or Ctrl + Q - the file will be viewed on the adjacent panel). These plugins have the extension .WLX and you can see all the extensions of this type installed on your site by clicking the "Configure" button in the appropriate area:

Such an abundance of plugins in my Total Commander allows by selecting the desired file on the panel and pressing Ctrl + Q, see its contents on the adjacent panel, be it video, audio, Word document or any other object of a common format. If you use the arrows on the keyboard to navigate through the files, then, thanks to these plugins, their contents will be displayed in the next viewport.

In general, in my version of the program, all sorts of extensions are crammed, even beyond measure, but the stock, as they say, does not tear your pocket. In addition to the site mentioned just above, plugins can also be downloaded from the site.

If you are too lazy to look for suitable extensions yourself, then you can use my plugins... True, this will reset your Total settings and replace them with mine. If this suits you, or you are able to rip out the lines related to plugins from my Wincmd.ini yourself.

You just have to unpack it and copy the Plugins folder to the root directory of your manager (totalcmd), and throw the Wincmd.ini configuration file (the installed plugins are written in it) either to the root of the totalcmd folder, or to the location that you specified for storing Wincmd when installing the Commander (see above).

Now let's talk a little for toolbar which you can customize as you see fit. This is done quite simply - right-click on an empty space (or on the icon) of the toolbar and select the "Change" context menu item. If you clicked on the icon, then along with the above item, you will be able to delete, copy or cut an existing icon from the panel:

As a result, a window for adding a new item to this panel will open:

You will be able to create a button:

For each button you create on the toolbar, you can select an icon. Moreover, if there is nothing suitable in the default library, then no one bothers you using the button with two >> to find another icon library on your computer or select a separate file with an icon (for example, with the png extension). I will not teach you where to find a lot of beautiful icons, because it goes against the religion of this blog (well, or something like that).

What Total Commander Can Do (main)

It is difficult to sort through its main features. It is clear that it allows a user-friendly way to sort, delete, copy and view information about all objects located on your computer or on network drives. Using plugins, you can even view the content of mobile devices.

But besides this, Total Commander can and has a lot of useful things:

    Search in it (Alt + F7) is in many ways superior to the search capabilities of the operating system. Webmasters will be especially useful search by file content(it helped me find the signatures). Remember I told you about such a wonderful tool as. When you use it to study your site, then with the search for CSS rules that are responsible for something on the web page, there are no problems, because the firebug itself will prompt the name of the style file and even the line in it.

    Another thing is the search for the desired object in the folders of the site engine (CMS can contain several thousand separate files), which forms the Html code of a particular section of the web page. This is where the search for Total by the contents of any number of files comes in handy. You can download the entire folder to your computer, or you can connect to the website via FTP using the FTP client integrated into this manager, which is essentially no worse than the one I have already described:

    But even a regular search by name through Total Commander has very flexible settings (estimated weight range, creation dates, available attributes), which are hidden in the "Advanced" tab:

  1. The FTP client integrated into this file manager allows you to connect to your website via FTP and work with its objects exactly as if they were on your computer. To select a connection, just press CTRL + F, and if you have not configured any connections yet, then in the window that opens, just click on the "Add" button. The settings are not much different from the one I described with FileZilla, but according to rumors, Total Commander has a problem with password security, which prompted me to switch to filezilla.

    P.S. It turns out that Filezilla is also insecure, as it stores passwords unencrypted. Recently they were taken away from me, and after. However, I found a solution for myself that allows you to safely work with sites using FTP, both through Total Commander and through Filezila. If you are interested in this topic, then read about and.

  2. Show all files without subdirectories(Ctlr + B) - if you are too lazy to climb through all the subfolders of the directory open in one of the tabs, then you can use this function. If desired, then all these files can be copied (moved) to any folder open on the adjacent panel. It can be very useful sometimes.
  3. Batch rename(Ctlr + M) - select on any tab the required number of files to be renamed using a specific mask. The tool is very sophisticated and you can do wonders with it:

  4. Directory Synchronization - Available from the Commands menu. Allows you to compare and supplement catalogs, for example, from a laptop and a desktop computer.
  5. Internal associations - available from the "Files" menu. All objects that you open from Commander with a double click can be associated (configured to open them) with any programs on your computer. And this can be done contrary to what associations you have configured in the system.
  6. Depending on the number of archive plugins installed in your file manager, you can unpack (Alt + F9), pack (Alt + F5) and check (Alt + Shift + F9) archives of the types supported by these extensions directly in it. You can enter archives as in regular folders which is very convenient.
  7. You can print to the printer a list of all the objects you have selected (it is also possible with subdirectories). Available from the "Files" - "Print" menu. You can also get a list of files using the corresponding commands of the Total or by selecting the appropriate item from the top menu "Start".
  8. In the "View" menu, you can customize various display methods. Verbose mode is used by default, but less pressure on the brain is, in my opinion, "brief".

    You can use the mode to view thumbnails of images. Thumbnail View(their size is set in the Commander's settings). Of course, to view and work with photos, it would be better to use specialized programs (for example, my favorite), but sometimes it is not advisable to run a separate application for this.

  9. It is possible that now this is not very relevant, but nevertheless, the opportunity of this manager may occasionally come in handy. I'm talking about the ability to cut a file into pieces no larger than the specified size, and then glue it together. Points split and collect files are available from the menu of the same name.
  10. There it is also possible to create and check a checksum for files.
  11. As I have already mentioned and shown above, for a million other commands provided in Commander, you can customize sets of hot keys or add buttons to the toolbar. The possibilities in this regard are simply endless.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Took to write this post spontaneously, under the influence of instant indignation! For a long time I have been trying to teach my wife to work on a computer correctly and quickly. For example, I can't watch her as she copies a file from one folder to another for five minutes or how she archives it. I tell her constantly "use Total Commander", forget about the explorer (or My Computer). I show her how quickly I perform various operations in this program: I view files, sort, search, copy, move, archive, connect via FTP, use color highlighting, tabs, panel shortcuts and a huge bunch of other things.
So I teach her, teach her, and suddenly ten minutes ago he wrote to me on Skype that at work she was asked by their regular system administrator “why do you need Total Commander?”, To which she said that her husband was teaching. And he told her a whole tirade about the fact that TC is the last century, that you need to use a Windows file manager, that nowadays native applications, visualization and other ideological nonsense are important !!!

I am in shock, I am furious, I am bewildered: how can it be, an IT specialist says such words! I start to think, maybe I really don't understand something, maybe I myself am really carried away by some kind of ideology that I don't see where the world is marching. Or maybe I just do not know how to work in Explorer to do all the same operations as in Total Commander with the same speed and performance?
And in the end I come to the following conclusion (now I will write and wait with horror for public censure, but still I will risk it).
I will make a reservation in advance that although in this case we are talking about Total Commander, the name of the file manager does not really matter. It can be FAR, Frigate, etc. It's about NOT a Windows Explorer. About a file manager with two duplicate panels. Therefore, I ask you not to bombard with phrases like "you need this TC, use FAR" in the comments. Now we are talking about something fundamentally different. It is about a specialized file manager like TC versus explorer. I'm just using TC.
So, what conclusion did I come to. It seems to me that those people (and there are quite a few of them), especially from the IT environment, often reject programs like TC precisely for some "ideological" (I couldn't find another word) considerations. So the sysadmin at his wife's work began to carry something about visualization, fashion, etc. Citizens, what kind of visualization ??? I would like to ask him: dear comrade, what do you think, in which program is it faster to do an elementary operation of copying a file from one folder to another? Maybe I don't know all the secrets of the conductor, but I would never believe that it can be done faster in it than in TC. Sometimes I see how much time people spend working with files in Explorer and think about how much faster I can do it in TC. I know that someone knows how to work quickly in Explorer, but still he does not compete with a specialized file manager.
It seems to me that this is from the same series, when people at home put ubuntu (right now they will minus me), suffer with it, toil, but continue to insist that MS is g ... oh. That Linux is cool! And do not care what problems arise. I know that ubuntu is advanced right now, that many things can be done, as on Windows, but nevertheless, there are problems. I understand people at work write under linux, and put this operating system, but some people put it at home precisely because of their views and ideology. It is less convenient than Windows and this is a fact and you can't get away from it!
Many people hate the Outlook email client just because it is Microsoft. Only because of this! Where is rationality and logic here? One ideology. But this is an excellent and convenient (yes, I will survive after this post) program.
Many people do not even perceive the layout designers who type in Dreamweaver or other visual editors. You need to write in a notebook, this is what true gurus do. This is where mastery reaches its highest point. What a damn point there! I agree that being able to write in a notebook without anything is an indicator of mastery. But, oh my god, I'm writing in Dreamweaver (or another editor) because it's faster !!! I do not need to search for the desired element in 1000 lines of code, when I can click on it in the display area and it will instantly be highlighted in the code. I use it in the same way as a text editor, like it would be in a notepad, except that I have a convenient opportunity to see at once what I am doing and quickly search for the necessary elements. I am comfortable when prompts pop up and I do not need to type "text-align: right" when this program can write for me. I hardly use the tools in the toolbox. Naturally, if I need to draw a table or a block, I do it with pens in the code. Therefore, I work faster than it would be in notepad. Nobody can convince me that even the coolest layout designer in the world will find a picture in the code faster than I can do it in a visual editor.
So why talk about ideology and coolness when there are programs that just help us work more productively. So from Total Commander I switched to other examples, but I think I got my point across.
It works faster in Total Commander. The quality of work does not depend on whether it is TC or a conductor, but the speed does. So maybe it's worth switching to it at least because of this?

in a series of articles to our readers on how to complete your favorite Total Commander with everything you need from scratch. This is the best option. You yourself install, configure and customize all those little things and the capabilities of Total Commander "a" for yourself.

But for the laziest there are ready-made, so-called "TC assemblies", which include a huge set of utilities and various sets of settings, collected in one installation package.

And there are a lot of such assemblies now on the Internet. And today we will consider only a few of them, because it is simply impossible to consider all of them. For yourself to be convinced of this, take a look at the list of assemblies "walking" on the Internet. Here are some of them, the most successful and demanded by users:

  • SamLab Pack;
  • PowerUser;
  • Power Pack;
  • ExtremePack;
  • LitePack;
  • Podarok Edition;
  • Ultima Prime;
  • Sanches Edition;
  • Immortal Knight Pack;
  • Voland Edition;
  • Gray Pack;
  • Extended;
  • Elch Edition;
  • Duero "s Edition;
  • Naben Preferences;
  • SysAdmin Pack;
  • ADM Edition Pack.

And this is by no means a complete list. Many assemblies from this list are no longer supported by the authors. In view of this, the additional functional set is outdated, but this is not at all an obstacle to their use. As the saying goes, "the new is the well-forgotten old."

Top in the list of assemblies, according to users, assembled on the Internet are occupied by the following: PowerUser, Ultima Prime, Podarok Edition, Extended and Power Pack.

Today we will consider only the "tip of the iceberg". PowerUser- the most popular assembly, which is rapidly developing and supported by the author, for which updates are available as new versions of additional software, utilities and plugins are released. Perhaps this particular assembly can rightfully be called the best.

So, let's begin! Total Commander PowerUser. The latest build option under version 60 from August. The kernel of this assembly is based on the Total Commander 8.01. The main direction of the assembly is the greatest functionality. PowerUser will be a powerful tool for system administrators and just advanced users. In it, the second thought through everything to the smallest detail. And this is a kind of uniqueness of the assembly. The main difference from the rest of the assemblies is that this is not a thoughtlessly assembled "soft-harvester", but only selected and tested programs, this also applies to plugins, utilities and even to fine-tuning the program. This assembly has great functionality and comfort.

All third-party software included in the assembly is correctly divided into groups and has a convenient navigation on the toolbar. Everything is thought out simply to the smallest detail. Up to tooltips when hovering over programs from the toolbar.

Another distinguishing feature is the build size. According to the author, a huge unoptimized set of software brought the real size closer to 3 GB. Thanks to the diligence of the author, the installation package is 190 MB, the installed TS is 700 MB. There are no junk files, logs. These 700 MB fit over 200 programs and 70 plug-ins. It makes no sense to list even some of the software and plugins. In this, all assemblies are somewhat similar.

The set of programs is simply huge, and can solve up to 90% of the user's tasks, from the most simple to narrow-profile ones. Believe me, no one will remain offended! Neither an experienced system administrator nor the average home PC user. Believe me, there is everything from archivers to server management programs.

There is another important feature of PowerUser - the ability to update. Other assemblies are deprived of this feature. If you want to expand the arsenal of programs or update existing programs or plugins, you do not have to manually update each program or download new ones. With one click "Update & Download Software" you will get the latest news!

Here, perhaps, these are all aspects that should be paid attention to when considering an assembly. The verdict is unambiguous - the author's efforts were not in vain, the assembly is really very easy to use and amazes with its arsenal of software, utilities, add-ons, plugins and all kinds of "convenience" that will not leave the user indifferent.


To manage files on a computer running Windows OS, Explorer or Total Commander is traditionally used. However, these programs are far from always convenient, in addition, excellent analogs with wider functionality have long been developed. Let's talk about them.

1.muCommander: Free Alternative to Total Commander

muCommander - universal file manager

Promises clear work simultaneously in two windows. You can easily match or move content using your mouse. The optional bookmark manager provides a good overview. However, one of the conditions for running the program on your computer is the installation of Java Runtimes.

MuCommander creates a virtual file system. It supports, among others, local partitions such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS or HTTP, and also allows you to create, view and pack directories such as ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO / NRG, AR / Deb and LST.

Price: Is free

2. Directory Opus: Alternative to Total Commander with many features

Directory Opus - Data Management with Many Advanced Features

If you decide to put your data in order, Directory Opus Client will become that universal assistant, which you cannot do without. After all, it combines the functions of Windows Explorer with an FTP client and music player, and also offers the ability to convert photos to many formats.

Directory Opus has a built-in FTP client, music player and file wrapper. You can also convert images to other formats.
Advanced functions such as duplicate file search, MP3 tag modification and a very convenient and powerful search function greatly diversify the manager's menu.

Cost: from 49 euros

3. FreeCommander: Progressive Explorer

FreeCommander - Progressive Explorer

This program allows you to manage data simultaneously in two windows, so you can move files by simply dragging and dropping them from directory to directory. Besides viewing images and videos, FreeCommander allows you to manage ZIP, RAR and CAP directories.

Cost: Free

4.Xplorer 2 Lite: simultaneous operation

Xplore2 Lite - synchronous operation

Xplorer2 Lite provides all the capabilities of Windows Explorer, but in addition offers the option of working in two windows, which greatly simplifies moving and copying files from one directory to another. With this, you can always view the entire root directory.

Cost: Free

5. Far Manager: easy to manage

Far Manager - simplicity without problems

With this retro style file manager, you get user-friendly data management software. Thanks to the simple design and management using Far Manager, you will quickly figure out what and where is on your computer, and the ability to view two directories at the same time will allow you to easily move your files.

Cost: Free

When working with a computer, most often you have to perform the same type of operations: creating files and folders, copying them, moving them, deleting them. For these purposes, you can use the best file manager Total Commander, but, as practice shows, most users use the ordinary built-in Windows Explorer for these purposes. Of course, the Explorer of modern Windows operating systems has great capabilities and a user-friendly interface, but, nevertheless, it is a basic program designed to perform only basic operations with files. If you want to optimize the work with files, make it more productive and faster, you should use special software. And here in the first place is the file manager Total Commander. It's not just a file management program, but, when used correctly, is a computer control center.

This article will not be a complete guide to the TC program, there are other sites for this, in particular, the official sites and

My task is to show the capabilities of the file manager to optimize work at the computer.

To work with the program, you need to download and install it. To download, go to the Russian-language site of the program and download the latest version.

Despite the fact that the program is paid, it continues to work even after the end of the test period.

Vehicle setup

Immediately after installation, you can work with the manager, but it is still better to perform some settings. Having mastered the program, everyone sets it up individually, "for themselves." I would like to suggest some "secrets" that will help you save time in the future.

To open the settings window, run the commands Configuration - Settings.

As you can see, there are quite a few items in the list of settings. Most of them can be left unchanged. I will write about those that I propose to change.

Customizing appearance

First of all, after installing Total Commander, I make small changes to the appearance of the program.

For example, I don't like the default bold font in the panels. To change it, go to the tab Fonts and choose the one you like.

I also remove the square brackets around the folder names. Customization - Panel Contents - Show square brackets around file names.

On the first tab View windows I put all the checkmarks.

You can change the appearance of the buttons on the toolbar Configuration - Toolbar.

Column Sets tab

In each panel of the vehicle information is presented in the form of columns (Name, Type, Size, Date ...). The program makes it possible to work with columns: add, remove, change, create ready-made sets of columns. For example, if a catalog contains photographs, we are interested in some data about files, and if text documents, then others. You can make several ready-made sets of speakers and easily, right-click, switch them.

Basic Operations Tab

Here I recommend checking the box When changing disks, always go to the root directory... It is also more convenient to put the selection with the mouse. Left-click (as is customary in Windows).

In the tab Quick search I choose an item Only a letter... Then, if there are many files in the directory, you can press the first letter of the file name on the keyboard and the transition to files starting with this letter will occur.

In the tab Miscellaneous I want to draw your attention to the first section Ask for confirmation when :.

If you uncheck all the boxes, the operations will be performed faster, without opening an additional window, but you can skip some errors. Therefore, think about which checkboxes to remove and which ones to leave.

File operations panel

As already mentioned, the main purpose of the file manager is to work with files, so the main commands are presented in the form of buttons and hotkeys are assigned to them. Let's go over these buttons.

Button F3 Browse launches a special program Lister to view files. I usually don't use this button. It is difficult to achieve correct display of different types of files by one program. You can configure the launch of the F3 button of an external program corresponding to the file type, for example, for psd-files run Photoshop, but it seemed to me inconvenient, I use another method.

The next two buttons are for file transfer operations. What's the feature here? Total Commander allows you to perform copy and move operations in turn. What is the advantage of this method? If you need to transfer several large files from a directory to a directory, for example, a video, then the usual Conductor performs these operations at the same time, and the process takes a long time. The speed drops dramatically, especially if the reading occurs from one physical medium. The TS performs them in turn, and the information transmission channels are not overloaded. You can perform other actions at this time.

Working with archives

Another advantage of TS is that it works with archives in the same way as with regular directories. You can go to the archive, see in the manager panel what files are in it, add new files to the archive, etc. Archiving and unzipping occurs automatically.

I like this "feature" of Total Commander the most. But first, an old joke about a lady with a purse.

In general, it was like this:
- Defendant, why did you kill the woman?
- I'm on the bus, the conductor comes up to the woman, demanding to buy a ticket. The woman opened her purse, took out her purse, closed her purse, opened the purse, took out the purse, closed the purse, opened the purse, put the purse there, closed the purse, opened the purse, took out the money, opened the purse, took out the purse, closed the purse, opened the purse, put the purse there , closed the purse, opened the purse, put the purse there.
- So what?
- The controller gave her a ticket. A woman opened her purse, took out a purse, closed her purse, opened a purse, took out a purse, closed a purse, opened a purse, put a purse there, closed a purse, opened a purse, put a ticket there, closed a purse, opened a purse, took out a purse, closed a purse, opened a purse, put the wallet in there, closed the wallet, opened the purse, put the purse there, closed the purse. “Take the change,” came the voice of the controller. The woman ... opened her purse ...
- Yes, killing her for that is not enough, - the prosecutor cannot withstand.
- So I did it :))).

This is approximately what we do when we need to open a folder using Windows Explorer... If the folder has to be opened often, but it is somewhere deep, then it is tiring and annoying.

In TS, such directories can be made favorites, similar to browsers. Click on the button with an asterisk (or Ctrl + D) - and here we have a list of the most visited directories.

And next to it is another interesting button (Alt + down arrow) that opens the history of recent visits.

This is exactly the element of the manager that makes him a computer control panel. There are various buttons on the panel that you can remove and add, that is, customize as you see fit.

For example, you can put the buttons of the most frequently used programs on it and launch them directly from the TS. This is done simply. Open the folder with the program and drag the program icon to the toolbar. Now the same file can be easily opened by different programs. Let's say files with the extension .jpg by default opened by the program FastStone Image Viewer, and by dragging it onto the icon Ps, you can open it for processing, or files .NEW opened by the program by default Adobe lightroom, and by dragging and dropping, you can open them in the viewer.

Can be added to command buttons from the manager's huge list. Let's look at the example of adding a button to display hidden and system files.

Open the settings window Configuration - Toolbar

Push the button Add and open the list of commands by clicking on the search button.

To find the command you need, go to the window we start to enter the keyword. It was enough for me to dial skr... The team we need has the number 2011. Click Ok, choose the appropriate icon, and again Ok.

Now the panel has a button that allows you to quickly turn on and off the display of hidden and system files and folders.

In this way, you can customize the toolbar in a way that suits you.

Another way to save time is by using hotkeys. In addition to the default ones, you can customize the keys for the commands you need. The settings window opens by the command Setting - Miscellaneous.

Another interesting feature of the manager is showing all files in folders, without the folders themselves. This is sometimes necessary when you need to select some files from a variety of directories. V Explorer to do this, you would have to open and close all directories (see the anecdote above), in Total Commandere just click on the button Show all files without subdirectories (Ctrl + B) and all files will be visible. They can be sorted as if they were in the same folder, copied, etc.

I use this function to rename photos. After shooting with a digital camera, the pictures have little-spoken names, for example, SDC13191.jpg... To quickly rename them, select all the necessary files and execute the commands File - Batch Rename (Ctrl + M).

A window for renaming opens, in which you can create a mask for the new name.

Image thumbnails

By default, all files in the manager are shown with icons, but for those who work with photographs or drawings, it is convenient to see thumbnails of images. In the file manager, this feature is enabled by the command View - Thumbnail View... I put this button on to switch faster. The dimensions of the thumbnails can be adjusted in the preferences window.

Another useful feature of the TS is the opening of several tabs in the panel. A new tab opens with a combination Ctrl + T. Using tabs, you can open multiple directories at once and easily navigate between them.

And one more useful tip: to open a folder in the adjacent panel, click Ctrl + left / right arrow.

How to learn how to effectively manage your time. To be able to distribute it so that first of all really important things are done that move us forward, and only then everything else?

You can take books on time management, but, unfortunately, most of these books were written a long time ago and do not take into account the modern rhythm of life and the availability of modern cloud-based task management tools with synchronization between all your devices.

I offer you a more interesting solution in the form of a new work by Evgeny Popov, which has received the title.

This concludes my review, which turned out to be quite long. I hope you found it useful, but in fact, this is only a small part of the useful functions of the program. Only by trying to work with Total Commander, you will be convinced that it is really the best file manager, and having mastered it, you will learn even more different "tricks".

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